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What is intelligence definition. What is social intelligence? Wednesday - measure your IQ

The theme of increasing the intellectual level. The most popular answer, with 1,600 upvotes, came from the holder of a degree in theoretical physics, Steve Denton. The editors of the CPU have selected key practical tips from this post.

The brain needs intellectual challenges

In the course of solving complex problems, such as learning a new language, a field of mathematics, or mastering an unfamiliar musical instrument, the brain becomes more plastic and flexible. According to Denton, one of the win-win options is to study various areas of mathematics - this science opens up great opportunities for brain development. Math classes allow you to train logical, numerical and visual abstract thinking, while improving the skills of concentration and "mental endurance".

Steve Denton

You should associate with well-educated people

Meetings and conversations with highly intelligent people can improve the functioning of your own brain. In the course of such conversations, you can learn a lot of new things, in addition, it is very useful to understand the train of thought of smart people.

Computer games can be used to train the intellect

Games are different - shooters and sports simulators allow you to have a good time and train your reaction, but in terms of developing intelligence, they are not particularly useful. Denton recommends choosing games that involve solving complex problems and making multiple decisions. The physicist himself is a fan of the EVE game - in his opinion, it is the most complex and versatile of all computer games (the game system runs on the most powerful gaming supercomputer called Tranquility).

Read at least one serious book a week

Brain training with special software

Denton advises using special software for brain development, with the only caveat - you need to use only services that have proven their effectiveness. Most of these projects in reality do not allow you to achieve the results that their creators promise - most often with their help you can only learn how to play a certain game well, which does not translate into an improvement in the general cognitive abilities of a person. However, the Dual N-Back project was able to prove its effectiveness. Another positive thing is that you can download it for free.

A healthy lifestyle is important

Playing sports has a positive effect on brain function, healthy and not too short sleep also increases productivity (however, “oversleeping” can be even more harmful than lack of sleep). It is important to use alcohol wisely - in small amounts it helps to relax and communicate more freely - as mentioned above, communication with other people is good for the brain. But excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (like smoking) causes obvious harm to the body. In addition, for the most effective work, the brain needs proper nutrition. The body can get the required amount of nutrients only with a balanced diet - a person should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

You need to get rid of limiting ideas about your own intellectual level.

Many people are actually smarter than they think they are. Often such a modest attitude to their mental abilities does not allow them to achieve more in life. This phenomenon is called the “Dunning-Kruger effect” - according to it, people with a level of intelligence below the average often overestimate their intelligence, while those with an intelligence level above the average often underestimate their abilities. You can get rid of such an attitude towards yourself with the help of a simple logical refutation of myths about your own insolvency.

Faculty of Rational Cognition

General information

Intelligence (from lat. intellectus - knowledge, understanding, reason) - the ability to think, rational knowledge. This is a Latin translation of the ancient Greek concept of nous (“mind”) and in its meaning it is identical to it.

Scientists of various specializations have long been studying the intellect and intellectual capabilities of a person. One of the main questions facing psychology is the question of whether intelligence is innate or is formed depending on the environment. This question, perhaps, concerns not only intelligence, but here it is especially relevant, because. intelligence and creativity (non-standard solutions) are of particular value in our age of universal high-speed computerization.

Now people are especially needed who are able to think outside the box and quickly, who have high intelligence in order to solve the most complex scientific and technical problems, and not only to maintain super-complex machines and automata, but also to create them.

Many definitions of intelligence have been given; philosophers, biologists and psychologists have tried their best here. I won't bring them. To define intelligence, one should indicate the degree of complexity of all interactions of cognitive structures, since intelligence includes almost all cognitive structures, and if we take any one cognitive structure, it turns out that we had to neglect their interaction.

Let's first try to figure out how intelligence is assessed, in what way it is done.

IQ and creativity

Since the end of the 19th century, various quantitative methods for assessing intelligence, the degree of mental development, have become widespread in experimental psychology - with the help of special tests and a certain system of their statistical processing in factor analysis.

Intelligence quotient (eng. Intellectual quote, abbreviated as IQ), an indicator of mental development, the level of existing knowledge and awareness, established on the basis of various test methods. The coefficient of intelligence is attractive because it allows you to quantify the level of intellectual development in numbers.

The idea of ​​quantifying the level of intellectual development of children using a system of tests was first developed by the French psychologist A. Binet in 1903, and the term was introduced by the Austrian psychologist W. Stern in 1911.

Most intelligence tests mainly measured verbal abilities and, to some extent, the ability to operate with numerical, abstract and other symbolic relationships, it became clear that they have limitations in determining abilities for various types of activities.

At present, tests for determining abilities are of a complex nature, among them the Amthauer intelligence structure test has become most famous. The benefit of the practical application of this test, more precisely, the knowledge of the degree of development of certain intellectual abilities of a person, makes it possible to optimize the interaction between the manager and the performer in the process of work.

Criticism of test results from the point of view of cognitive psychology is more than fair, because IQ does not take into account cognitive components, but only takes into account specific types of behavior. Although cognitive psychologists still use the psychometric method in assessing intelligence as a criterion for the accuracy of cognitive tests.

A high IQ (above 120 IQs) does not necessarily accompany creative thinking, which is very difficult to assess. Creative people are able to act by non-standard methods, sometimes contrary to generally accepted laws, and get good results, make discoveries.

The ability to get such extraordinary results in unconventional ways is called creativity. Not only do creative people with creativity solve problems in non-standard ways, but they also generate them themselves, fight over them and, as a result, solve them, i.e. find the lever that is able to "turn the globe."

However, non-standard thinking is not always creative, it is often just original, so it is really difficult to define creative thinking, and even more so to give it some kind of quantitative assessment.

Intelligence Development

From the point of view of cognitive psychology, the development of intelligence is a change in cognitive structures, processes and abilities throughout life. It is possible to define intellect by the direction in which its development is oriented, and not to think about the limits of intellect.

But the intellect cannot be such a ball from Russian fairy tales, which runs ahead of Ivanushka, showing him the way, and nothing changes either in the ball itself or in Ivanushka’s life, who only receives the “prize” destined for him, without making any effort, only and that which runs in the direction given to it.

Rather, intelligence can be compared with a snowball that rolls in the right direction and at the same time becomes a snowball, and even then it changes the direction of rolling to become round (full), and its trouble is that it loses speed, gaining mass. And the intellect must, gaining mass, gain speed.

If we compare with a computer, then, say, the more data is in the computer's memory, the faster it should produce the result of the task. Nevertheless, as program developers are well aware, with an increase in the amount of data, the question of the correct organization of data and the processes involved in their processing becomes of the greatest importance in the efficiency of the entire system. But we will turn to artificial intelligence later in a separate article.

Ivanushka's behavior will be the more intellectual, the more complex and diverse the paths along which his influences on objects pass, and only then will he come to real victories.

Piaget's stage theory

The main theory of the development of intelligence in cognitive psychology can be called the theory of stages by Piaget, who made his conclusions by observing children of different ages. The child was born, and he has no choice but to adapt to this world. Assimilation (interpretation of an event in terms of existing knowledge) and accommodation (adaptation to new information) are two processes of adaptation.

The first stage is the sensorimotor stage. The first reflexes and the first skills appear. Then the child, older than 12 months, begins to look around in search of an object that has disappeared from his field of vision, before that he did not make such attempts. He is an egocentric and judges the world from his "bell tower", but now he is beginning to understand that the objects around him really exist, and they do not disappear when he does not see them. Thus, the child develops the constancy of the object, the first ideas about the external world appear. He has a goal that he is trying to achieve, are these not the first signs of intelligence.

The second stage is the preoperative one. Until the age of 7, children develop intuitive symbolic thinking, but they remain self-centered. They can already design solutions to some problems without putting them into practice. The world around them is expanding, including, for the time being, simple concepts of the external environment.

The third stage - concrete operations. At the age of 7-12 years, children can operate with their internal representations of some objects, they form specific operations, i.e. operational groupings of thought relating to objects that can be manipulated or grasped in intuition.

The fourth stage - formal operations. After 12 years, abstract thinking appears in children, and during the entire youthful period formal thinking is developed, the groupings of which characterize a mature reflective intellect, an internal model of the external world is formed, and information is enriched. It is only important that the impoverishment of the soul does not occur when enriched with information, as A.N. Leontiev.

Piaget noted that since a person is surrounded by a social environment from birth, it is natural that it affects him in the same way as the physical environment. Society not only affects a person, but also transforms his structure, changes his thinking, imposes other values ​​and responsibilities. The social sphere transforms intelligence with the help of language (signs), content of interactions (intellectual values) and rules of thought.

Piaget's theory is certainly interesting, although not entirely flawless, because the absence of abstract thinking for some type of activity is also found in adults, and otherwise these people do not differ at all from others. In Piaget's theory, the development of intelligence proceeds as if by leaps and bounds, but there is an approach based on continuous changes - this is the approach of information processing.

Data processing

Information that enters the human brain through special analyzers is processed, stored and converted into knowledge. At the same time, if rivers of information pour on an adult, then entire waterfalls fall on a child, and children are not prepared for these waterfalls, how do they manage to swim out from under a raging stream, keep something in memory and gain knowledge at the same time.

Obviously, a small child is saved by the impossibility of being distracted from what they are doing at the moment, i.e. high concentration of attention on current activities.

A child cannot perform several tasks at once, for example, like Julius Caesar, or simply most adults, which indicates that attention shifting develops at later stages of ontogenesis. And the older the child, the more accessible it is for him to perform abstract tasks along with the performance of complex sensorimotor actions.

With the development of the child, cognitive strategies are refined, so if a small child memorizes poetry, often not even understanding the meaning of many words, using mechanical repetition, then a teenager can already use special memorization technologies.

People who watch their weight or want to lose weight usually know many different diets, and they probably often come across diets scheduled for a week. Such a diet offers a person a separate dietary menu for each day of the week: from Monday to Sunday.

Why not take advantage of this weekly training principle to boost your IQ without getting bored with repetitive tasks? For each day of the week, you can choose your own way to develop intelligence. And try to do it, for example, like this.

Monday - slightly open the window to science

Any psychophysiologist will confidently prove to you that Monday is a difficult day in terms of the psychophysiological state of a person. Experimental scientists try not to take any measurements of a person's psychophysiological activity on this day, because on Monday, as a rule, all processes go at a slow pace. Therefore, on Monday it makes sense to plan an activity that requires not active productive activity, but rather contemplative and assimilating.

Choose a scientific article as your nightly reading. Let it be devoted to historical, astronomical, medical, philosophical or any other topic. The main condition is that the article should be from a scientific field that would be completely opposite to the direction of your professional activity or your hobby.

An increase in the level of intelligence is provided, among other things, by new tasks for the brain. Reading and understanding texts written in a special scientific language refers to just such a type of task.

Let on Monday, while you read, your brain trains, mastering:

  • new question,
  • A New Look,
  • problem vision,
  • new terms,
  • unobvious causal relationships,
  • interesting predictions.

Tuesday - mark the time

Prepare some mental work for Tuesday. This may well be one of your professional tasks:

  • preparation of a report or presentation,
  • article writing,
  • translation of text from a foreign language,
  • drawing up a report or, conversely, a work plan and program for the year,
  • performing calculations for the project,
  • analysis of the problem, search for a solution and its justification
  • etc.

Before you begin, consider and write down the minimum amount of time you will need for each stage of this mental work. For example, how long will it take you to:

  • carefully read all the necessary papers and documents,
  • get additional information you need
  • think about the content
  • generate solutions, compare them with each other and choose the best one,
  • write everything down and make it right.

Set yourself the minimum possible time intervals. So that you would have to work at a fast and unusual pace for you.

Record the start time of work and proceed to its implementation. Try to stick to the set time schedule.

Such an intense load on the brain under conditions of little stress will help raise the level of intelligence..

Wednesday - measure your IQ

Let Wednesday's brain simulator be intelligence tests for assessing IQ. After all, they can be performed not only in order to measure the level of their mental development and intelligence quotient, but also for the purpose of intellectual training.

But these tests, as a rule, are solved in a set time. Therefore, you first need to look at how much time you are allocated to solve the battery of proposed tasks. Then note the time and proceed to the test.

By the way, marking the time, you thereby set yourself a certain bar for the future. Keep a record of your time so that next time you can compare old results with new ones and track your progress.

With Wikium you can increase your intellectual level online

Thursday - Be Vegetarian

It may seem strange, but today, instead of training the brain, it makes sense to clean it up. To be more precise, the cleansing of your body. Neuroscientists have found that moderate vegetarianism not only stimulates brain activity, but also speeds up mental processes.

When in the seventies there were shortages in the USSR with meat products, the so-called "fish day" was introduced. In all canteens, cafes and even restaurants, only fish dishes were offered on Thursday, and meat dishes were not cooked at all that day. So you on Thursday give up all meat dishes.

You can enhance the effect by taking some useful dietary supplements on this day or saturating your menu with products that are useful for brain function as much as possible:

  • Fish and seafood,
  • bitter (dark) chocolate
  • citrus.

Friday - try on a new role

Researching how to increase intelligence, psychologists pay attention to the fact that general intelligence develops in mental activity, and social in social interaction.

An important condition for the development of social intelligence is the ability of a person to act in the process of communication in different social roles. Friday is a very good day for communication and social contacts. Pick a role for Friday that you don't have to "play" as often as the rest. And stay in it.

For example, let your child be your teacher and you be his student. Only everything should be “fair”: he teaches, and you study.

Or, on the contrary, arrange a meeting with an old and wise person. Ask him or her to tell you some life story from his past.

Following the story, try to present the whole plot in vivid images, and for this:

  • ask for details
  • follow the logic of the plot development,
  • "see" the participants in the story,
  • "hear" their voices,
  • delve into the non-obvious, hidden meanings of this story.

In a word, stay in the role of a writer studying the past, history, life, folklore.

Having done such an entertaining exercise, you will not only “surprise” your brain with your new role, but also add new colors to your vision of the world by looking at the world from a different, unusual position for yourself.

Saturday - be left-handed

...or, conversely, right-handed if you are left-handed.

Saturday is a day when you can afford to do everything a little slower than on weekdays. So, choosing the answer to the question of how to increase the intellectual level, you can afford something completely non-trivial. For example, everything that you usually do with your right hand, try to do with your left.

Start right in the morning and, with the other hand:

  • fasten the buttons
  • brush your teeth,
  • eat breakfast.

Sunday - do computer training

And at the end of the week's training, devote 40 minutes of Sunday time to doing mental exercises on one of the computer sites. For example, it could be the Wikium website.

If you liked this “Brain Training Week”, you can do it regularly, if not monthly, then at least once every three months.

The concept of human intelligence includes the ability of an individual to the process of cognition, learning, understanding, solving various problems, gaining experience and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Today, Piaget's theory is recognized as the leading theory explaining the formation of intelligence. He identified several stages in this process depending on age.

stage 1 sensorimotor- when the child has the first reflexes and skills. At the age of over 12 months, children begin to realize the reality of the world around them, they have their first concepts of their own. Goal setting and striving to achieve it. This behavior indicates that the first signs of intelligence appear.

Stage 2 is called "pre-operation". A child under the age of 7 already shows symbolic intuitive thinking, can build a solution to a specific problem without putting it into practice. Obvious concepts are formed about the surrounding world.

3 is the stage of concrete operations. Reaching the age of 7-12 years, the child begins to use his own knowledge about the world around him, develops the ability to perform clear operations with certain objects.

Stage 4 - the stage of formal operations. Children after 12 years of age form the ability to think abstractly and then formally, which is characteristic of a mature intellect. One's own image of the surrounding world is formed, information is accumulated.

Society undoubtedly has a significant impact on human intelligence through language, interpersonal relationships, and so on.

In addition to Piaget's theory, the concept of information processing was proposed. Any information after entering the human brain is processed, stored, converted. As they grow older, the ability to switch attention and solve abstract problems improves.

At the beginning of the 20th century, various tests were developed to assess intelligence. For children under 13 years old, the Simon-Binet test was used, later improved into the Stanford-Binet scale.

The German psychologist Stern proposed a method for determining the level of intelligence through the ratio of the child's intellectual age to his real age (IQ). One of the popular methods remains the method using Raven's progressive matrices.

These techniques have not lost their relevance today. It must be said that according to research, it is quite rare for people with high intelligence, determined with the help of tests, to be fully realized in life.

Structure of the intellect

Modern psychologists put forward different theories regarding the fact that mental abilities can be of different structures: some consider intelligence to be a complex of individual abilities of the brain, others adhere to the view that the basis of intelligence is a single general ability of the brain to mental activity.

An intermediate position is occupied by the theory of "fluid" and "crystallized intelligence", based on the fact that when solving various problems, one must either adapt to new conditions (fluid intelligence), or use skills and past experience (crystallized intelligence).

The first type of intelligence is genetically determined and decreases after 40 years, the second is formed under the influence of the environment and does not depend on age.

Research proves that the intelligence of an individual is not only genetically programmed, but also depends on many factors - the intellectual climate in the family, the profession of parents, race, gender, the vastness of social interactions in childhood, health and nutrition, methods of raising a child. Since the intellect is closely related to memory, the development of the latter forms the intellect.

Eysenck defined the following structure of intelligence: how intense are the intellectual operations performed by the individual, how much he seeks to find a mistake and his persistence in this process. These elements form the basis of the IQ assessment test.

Spearman believed that intelligence consists of a general factor (G), other group qualities - mechanical, verbal, computational and special abilities (S), which are determined by the profession. And Gardner put forward the theory of the plurality of intelligence, according to which it can have various manifestations (verbal, musical, logical, spatial, mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal).

Types of intelligence

The human intellect has many types, each of which can be trained and developed throughout life.

The types of intelligence are logical, physical, verbal, creative spatial, emotional, musical, social, spiritual. Each of them is responsible for different processes and develops with the help of appropriate classes. The higher the intellect, the longer the working capacity and vitality are preserved.

Intelligence levels

As you know, the level of intellectual development of an individual is assessed using special IQ tests on a scale that has a maximum score of 160 points.

Approximately half of the world's population has an average intelligence, that is, the IQ coefficient is in the range from 90 to 110 points.

But with constant exercise, it can be raised by about 10 points. About a quarter of earthlings have a high intellectual level, that is, an IQ of more than 110 points, and the remaining 25% have a low intellectual level with an IQ of less than 90.

Of people with a high level of intelligence, about 14.5% score 110-120 points, 10% score 140 points, and only 0.5% of people are owners of intelligence above 140 points.

Since assessment tests are designed for different ages, an adult with a college education and a child can show the same IQ. The level of intelligence and its activity, according to the conclusions of psychologists, remains unchanged throughout life.

The intellectual development of children up to the age of 5 is identical, then spatial intelligence begins to predominate in boys, and verbal abilities in girls.

For example, there are many more famous male mathematicians than female mathematicians. The level of intelligence differs in different races. For representatives of the African American race, it averages 85, for Europeans 103, for Jews 113.

Thinking and intelligence

The concepts of thinking and intelligence are very close. Simply put, the concept of intelligence means "mind", that is, the property and abilities of a person, but the process of thinking is "understanding".

So, these determinants correspond to different aspects of a single phenomenon. Possessing intellect, you have a mental potential, and intellect is realized in the process of thinking. No wonder the human species is called "Homo sapiens" - reasonable man. And the loss of reason leads to the loss of the essence of man.

Intelligence Development

Since ancient times, people have come up with ways to develop intelligence. These are various games: puzzles, chess, puzzles, backgammon. In the 20th century, they became computer intellectual games that train memory and increase concentration.

Mathematics and exact sciences contribute significantly to the development of intelligence, helping to improve logical and abstract thinking, deductive and analytical abilities. Classes in the exact sciences accustom the brain to order, have a positive effect on the structuring of thinking. Enrichment with new knowledge, increasing erudition also stimulate the development of human intelligence.

How can intelligence be developed? There are several options. For example, according to the Japanese system, you need to solve simple mathematical problems for a while, read aloud. It is also very useful to participate in trainings, education, various group games.

In the modern world, the development of emotional intelligence is very important - the ability of a person to recognize and comprehend his emotions and the ability to generate them in such a way as to increase the intensity of thinking and intellectual growth.

These data are developed to improve the regulation of one's own emotional state, as well as the ability to influence the environment, which regulates the emotions of other people. This, in turn, is the key to success in human activity.

The level of intellectual development, or IQ, is characterized by indicators of the brain. In order to calculate the value, you must pass a scientific test. It can be found on the Internet or in the relevant sections of books on increasing intelligence. IQ includes memory, logical thinking, perception (visual, auditory, olfactory) and so on. The modern world leaves its mark on society. More and more people want to increase the coefficient, despite the possible difficulties. Let's take a look at the effective methods one by one.

Method number 1. Expand your horizons

  1. It is known that sedentary work has a negative effect on the activity of internal organs and the spine. So the presence of the brain at the same level affects intellectual development.
  2. In no case do not allow stagnation, strive to develop in every possible way. Set a goal, which is to constantly strive for more. Have you been dreaming about a new car? Well, make a plan and start implementing your plan.
  3. Learn new information every day, visit literary and art exhibitions, museums, theaters. Start studying history or painting, become a specialist in one of the areas.
  4. Sign up for a drawing section or a music school, learn cutting and sewing courses. Hairdressing, nail or eyelash extensions are suitable for fashionistas. Men can focus on automotive or electronics.
  5. The more knowledge you gain, the higher your IQ score will rise. A foreign language is considered an excellent option for self-development. New letters and sounds are quickly deposited in the brain, sending impulses for quick perception. As a result, logical thinking increases, memory and perception of reality improve.

Method number 2. Watch

  1. A smart person is distinguished not only by understanding what is happening, but also by the ability to observe. As a result of such manipulations, logic develops. You find connections between random objects and draw conclusions based on what you see. Observation allows you to put together or, on the contrary, put random and intentional events on the sides.
  2. Let's give a simple example: while walking along the sidewalk, you noticed how a car drove into the oncoming lane, as a result of which a head-on collision occurred. A typical person will pass by, writing off what happened as a coincidence. The wise will do otherwise.
  3. If you stand aside and observe, you can identify the factors that triggered the accident. Perhaps there is an open hatch on the road, or one of the drivers fell asleep at the wheel.
  4. Such aspects help to solve complex problems that may appear in the future. By developing mindfulness, you increase the level of intelligence. It is worth focusing on art, music, astronomy, architecture, business, law, history and other "smart" sciences.

Method number 3. Strive for more

  1. Always strive to be better than yesterday. The recommendation applies not only to the spiritual and material sphere. People who want to get rich are constantly looking for additional income.
  2. If you're in college or working in a low-paying position, change things up. Believe in yourself, take refresher courses, take a prestigious post. In the case of students, in addition to the institute scholarship, start working as a waiter or salesman.
  3. It is important to involve yourself in different areas. If you work on a 2 * 2 schedule, you get about 15 days off per month. For the average person, this is quite a lot, consider part-time vacancies. At the same time, it is important that the two positions are opposite in type of activity.
  4. It is known that mental work is more tiring than physical work. If you spend 5 days a week in the office, make it a habit to hit the gym after work. Such a move will allow the brain to work 25% more efficiently, as a result of which important points will pop up in your memory, whether it is a book you have read or clippings from scientific literature.
  5. Set big goals, they are easier to hit. Many believe that dreamers cannot achieve heights in their careers or personal lives. However, the situation is different. The dreamer does not set limits for himself, he always strives for more. Therefore, he regularly takes risks, after which he reaps the fruits of his own success.

Method number 4. Change the way you see things

  1. Images and habits are firmly rooted in the human brain, as a result of which new ways are perceived “skeptically”. Simply put, if you are used to peeling potatoes in a certain way, there is no point in changing anything, but in vain.
  2. The new is the well-forgotten old. Instead of driving to work / school on the usual road, cut the route in half or bypass the traffic jam in another way. As a result of such manipulations, the brain will literally begin to think, building logical conclusions.
  3. If you go the usual route, you will not pay attention to all the potholes. The brain will not work because the actions are performed on a subconscious level. Such manipulations significantly reduce intelligence (IQ).
  4. If you take notes in a notebook, transfer everything to electronic media. From now on, create notes in a text editor or the Notepad application. Seemingly simple things, but so effective. In addition to increasing IQ, manipulation helps to get rid of the routine.

Method number 5. go in for sports

  1. Scientists have repeatedly proven the relationship between active physical activity and mental activity. Sport increases blood flow, as a result of which metabolic processes are significantly accelerated.
  2. If you perform simple exercises daily, after a month, memory and perception will improve, logical thinking and IQ will increase.
  3. It is not necessary to visit the gym and work with "iron", aerobic exercise is better suited for these purposes. Do 20-minute daily runs in the park or work on the track (about 40 minutes), jump rope, pump the press, squat, lunge, twist the hoop.
  4. Take a closer look at popular areas such as yoga (even tantra will do), swimming, Pilates (gymnastics through breathing exercises), stretching (stretching all muscle groups), water aerobics. Play basketball or football with your kids, go skiing/skating.

Method number 6. Read

  1. Perhaps reading is the most common way to increase the level of intellectual development. However, it is important to understand that only the “correct” books are considered effective.
  2. Scientific literature is considered the best option. If you do not feel cravings for such works, give preference to art books. On the network, you can download any work absolutely free on your tablet or smartphone.
  3. Thus, you will improve not only IQ, but also visual memory. Reading also helps to increase vocabulary, improves literacy, develops logic. Whenever possible, read books of all genres to become a versatile person.
  4. Before choosing literature, it is important to make sure that a particular book suits your level of intelligence. Too light works will act disastrously. You must draw information from every page you read.

Method number 7. Learn the art of self-expression

  1. Multifaceted personalities have a higher level of intellectual development than those who spend all day on the couch. If you belong to the latter type, it's time to correct the situation.
  2. Express yourself in any convenient way. Sign up for acting classes or learn to play the piano. Speak in public, toast at every opportunity, become the soul of the company. Interact with a large number of people, it is not necessary to call everyone friends.
  3. The human brain draws information not only from electronic media, books or reference books. In the process of communication, you take away a particle of the opponent for yourself, starting to express yourself or think like an interlocutor.
  4. If you choose the right audience (environment), you can achieve heights, as they say, through other people's thoughts, views, ideas. In this way, your horizons expand much faster, you grow mentally and increase your IQ.

Method number 8. Control your IQ

  1. To understand if you are moving in the right direction, you need to take an IQ test with frequent intervals. The best option is to carry out manipulations 1 time in 7-10 days, more often.
  2. In this case, you need to write down the indicators in a notebook, and then analyze the results. Weekly changes of 5-10 points are considered normal. Well, if you can achieve a greater effect.
  3. When choosing a test, pay attention to whether the site has a license. Pirated versions ask for confirmation by e-mail, this is not correct. Beware of scammers, they offer to pay a fee in exchange for results.

It is difficult to increase the level of intellectual development, but the procedure cannot be called impossible. Expand your horizons, learn something new every day. Always strive for more, do not stand still. Learn to express yourself, play sports, regularly check your IQ.

Video: how to increase a child's IQ