Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is sociable definition briefly. Virtue Patterns

Sociability as a quality of a person is the ability to establish contact with almost any person, connect with his psyche, but at the same time, without losing himself, remaining with his views.

The undoubted genius of sociability was the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. One charming Gagarin smile was enough to melt the ice of isolation and alienation of any person. “We do not idealize him, he really was an extraordinary person,” Boris Volynov expressed his general position at the traditional meeting of “pioneers” in Star City. “Cheerful, resourceful, incredibly sociable, always aimed at winning.” Six applicants were preparing for the role of the first cosmonaut, but everyone was sure that Gagarin would fly. Cosmonaut Popovich was asked by Karpov: “As the head of the group, as the secretary of the party organization, whom do you recommend?” He replied: "Evgeny Anatolyevich, I don't know what you expect from me, but I'll tell you: Gagarin should be the first." He laughed, shook my hand and said: “Well done. I thought you'd say, "I'll fly."

When, after a triumphant flight, Yuri, at the age of 27, began traveling across countries and continents, no one doubted that he would disarm presidents, kings and ordinary workers with his sociability. There was such a case at a reception at the Queen of England. Yuri was invited to lunch. At the table they are two, opposite each other. Yura said: “There are so many cutlery on the right, on the left, in front, I don’t know what to take on, I decided to repeat everything, as the queen does.” And she, too, sits and looks at him. And then Yura could not stand it, smiled and said: “Your Royal Majesty, I am a simple pilot, of which you have hundreds. I was not taught how and what to do at the table. She laughed and said: “Mr. Gagarin, I was born and raised in Buckingham Palace, but I also don’t know how and what to do. Let's eat as we please."

A few years after the death of Yuri Alekseevich, one Air Force colonel decided to woo his widow. He arrived in Star City with a huge bouquet of roses, but on the way he met one of Yuri Gagarin's close friends and told him about his intentions. He put the “groom” in the car and sent him to the railway station, saying: “If you don’t want to become a laughingstock, get out of here as soon as possible! Valya will never marry again, because there is no second Gagarin in the world. And so it happened.

The reader, for sure, will be surprised to hear that on a subtle plane in the human psyche, the primary element of water manifests itself through sociability. The primary element of water cannot be associated with sea or tap water. This is a certain force that operates in the material universe and is responsible for the ability of one to connect with another. Water implies sociability, relationships. Without water, as the song says, "neither there nor here." Only it provides a connection between everything and everyone. Having broken a slice of plasticine into two parts, we can easily combine them into one whole for one simple reason: plasticine has the ability to connect, because it contains enough of the primary element of water.

There is subtle water associated with mental activity. Everything is fine with a sociable person with the primary element of water, so it is quite easy for him to establish contact with any person. That is, on a subtle plane, it connects with the mind of another person, with his psyche. In other words, the presence of such an ability is evidence that the contact of the subtle body of the mind of a sociable person with the primary element of water is good. If a person has difficulties in establishing contacts with others, it means that in his mind the contact with the primary element of water is broken.

A sociable person does not lose himself in communication, remains himself, but has the ability to accept the worldview of another person. This just says that the primary element of water in the mind works very well. Having met a closed, suspicious, unsociable and wary person, one can safely make a diagnosis of poor contact of his psyche with the primary element of water.

The question arises: if a person, for example, has little of the primary element of water from birth, can he change this by his own efforts? Certainly it can. Makhov A.V. very clearly answered this question: “... since the mind is responsible for the balance of the primary elements in the body, the whole problem comes down not to the primary element, but to the mind. It is enough for a person to start working on himself, and the inability to approach another person is associated with only two qualities of character: the first is a fairly strong selfishness, that is, it is very important for a person what the other person says about him - here. And the second is negativism towards other people. Basically, these two things do not allow a person to communicate openly, then it is enough for a person to understand that there are people around him who have dignity and it is enough to break away from his beloved and try to somehow tune in to make others feel good - that's it. Do you understand? As soon as a person adjusts his mind, contact with the primary element of water at that moment is restored. Everything is fine, a person has the opportunity to communicate as long as his mind is tuned in this way.

A sociable person is able and inclined to communicate with others. For him, communication is a creative process that makes it possible to find a common language with people of different faiths, nationalities, and beliefs. Knowing how to find common ground on the most difficult issues, sociability develops on their basis a compromise and a path to success. Sociability shows flexibility in contacts, knows how to actively listen to someone else's opinion, has the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in difficult situations, it frees from complexes, isolation and incomprehensibility, gives the "luxury of human communication" with different people.

Communication is persuasive. Beaumarchais - the famous French playwright, publicist was a witty and sociable young man. Thanks to his sociability, the doors to high society opened before him, he received an insignificant position at court, where he did not fail to acquire useful contacts. He managed to win the trust of the millionaire Duvernay and even become his junior business partner. In his life there were two fleeting marriages, and both times rich widows became his wives. All these circumstances helped Caron to acquire a solid fortune, from just Caron to turn into Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais (that was the name of his first wife's estate) and thereby open a new milestone in his biography. Beaumarchais showed amazing activity and sociability in Spain, where he went in 1764 to protect his sister, dishonored by a local writer. He managed to find a common language with high society in a foreign country, the king himself favorably treated him.

Petr Kovalev 201 3 years

Natalia Erofeevskaya

When describing personal qualities in a resume, it is customary to indicate standard traits. Sociability is found in every second questionnaire. At the same time, some people do not understand what a skill is or simply do not possess it. It is enough for the employer to ask a few questions to understand whether you have the ability to communicate. How important is this trait for professional growth and communication with friends? What is human communication? - we give a definition and consider the signs, find out whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage.

What does sociable person mean?

The basis of this concept is the answer to the question. Communication is the ability to get along with people, regardless of status and degree of acquaintance. The skill is valued at work, as such a person is sent to important negotiations. A sociable personality manifests itself in the company. Such a person is distinguished by interesting communication, gesticulation, the ability to choose a topic of conversation, stories are retold to them in an interesting, lively and vivid way - this is what communicative (communicative) means in simple words.

What does sociable person mean? Unlike the sociable personality, communicative people are not just good storytellers who are fun to chat with at lunchtime. It is educated and delivered speech. He does not just talk, but also pursues a specific goal: to calm a dissatisfied client, to persuade a partner to make a deal, to reduce the time for obtaining documents. The sociable person knows how to negotiate and get results.

How to understand whether your interlocutor is a communicative person or not? Sometimes even a few minutes are enough for this - such a person gets real pleasure from communication. He easily selects words, is self-confident, charismatic in his own way, easily finds topics for conversation, regardless of who he communicates with. The ability to communicate interestingly and vividly does not depend on age- it can be a sociable girl or a gray-haired old man: a conversation with both will be not only pleasant, but most often useful, since truly communicative people are far from empty chatter.

First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. A sociable person does not care with whom to communicate, he is interested in the process itself. Communicative people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, self-confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, are able to successfully negotiate, strive for initiative and leadership in the team.

Communicative vs Communicative: What's the Difference?

Often, both of these words are used interchangeably without a second thought: a sociable (communicative) person - able to communicate, "easy" in conversation, knowing what to say and what to ask. In fact, if you dig deeper into word formation, there is a very fundamental difference:

"communicable" always used in relation to a person and is his positive characteristic - this is the ability of a person to establish contacts, sociability, pleasant and easy conversation;
"communicative"- has a slightly different meaning of the word than that in which it is usually used, and means "related to the transmission of information using language." It is used in relation to skills, skills, games, exercises, even dances and music.

Communication is of two types:

Written. The skills of a person who owns this skill come down to writing letters, filling out official documents. At the same time, he does not allow spelling errors, expresses thoughts clearly and to the point. Written communication skills are a necessary quality for secretaries and senior positions.
Oral. The secret of a successful interlocutor is. A sociable person has this skill to perfection. Plus, he knows how to turn the conversation in the right direction and persuade the interlocutor to his point of view. The conversation takes place in a calm tone, increased notes and pressure on the opponent are unacceptable.

A sociable person has a sense of tact, subtle humor, the ability to dress in accordance with the situation. He carefully observes the interlocutor, reads gestures. Does not enter into arguments and does not allow indignation, anger or irritation to take over.

Advantages and disadvantages of communication

People with communication skills are happy to be hired and promoted up the career ladder. But, it is worthwhile to understand that sociability borders on other skills: leadership and initiative. Not all managers are ready for such active employee behavior. Therefore, conflicts are possible, up to dismissal. However, the advantages of communication are much greater. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of communication. Among the positives:

Ability to communicate. The concept includes not empty chatter, but listening to a person, maintaining a conversation. People cross paths with similar interests. A sociable person finds common ground, developing common interests. Thus, he disposes the interlocutor to himself, so that later he can easily persuade him to his side.
Calm. Despite the activity and playfulness, a sociable person has equanimity. From him, fussiness, fear to participate in negotiations. People are attracted by calmness, goodwill and openness coming from a communicative personality.
Attentiveness. Such a person will be the first to respond to the greeting, smooth out the conflict, and sum up the results of the meeting. There will be no awkward pauses and useless negotiations with him. After talking with a sociable person, there is a feeling that he was talking with a good friend.

You should not consider a sociable person as a nice kind person. In the right situation he can be aggressive, and this manifests itself in the form of evil or witty jokes. True, he rarely resorts to reserve weapons when he needs to state his decision in an authoritarian manner.

Development of communication skills

This skill saves in many situations and helps to prove yourself as a valuable employee, but how to develop sociability in yourself, develop and improve sociability at work? Communication is not given by nature. It is impossible from a gloomy person who does not like communication, avoiding meetings with familiar people, in one day will turn into a pleasant conversationalist. To develop communication skills, follow these recommendations:

Avoid communication. If you see a classmate or former colleague in transport, then come up first. Talk to him, remember how you studied and worked together, ask what he is doing today. Feel free to approach strangers and ask for directions. This is the first step towards the development of sociability.
Don't be a bore. When preparing for a meeting with a friend or partner, many people predict in advance how the conversation will proceed. They imagine that they will have to talk about topics that are not interesting. Do not fall into tediousness, how the meeting will go depends on you. Come in a good mood, start a conversation first, turn the conversation in the direction you need.
Connect optimism. People are drawn to those who express benevolence, smile and affability. It is unlikely that you want to communicate with a person who has a dull face and slumped shoulders. helps to win over people and build trust.

Avoid Formality. Diversify your speech. In addition to the banal phrases “how are you”, “what's new”, tell us about yourself. The interlocutor is interested to know what you live, do. Of course, it doesn't have to be an hour long speech. Bet on brevity and clarity - this will solve many communication problems. However, overly dry answers and phrases will make the interlocutor think that you are not interested in the conversation.
Books for developing communication skills(sociability) will also be useful. Playing in the head the situations described in the special literature and modeling them on their own environment, it is quite possible from a beech, about which they say “how uncommunicative!” to turn, well, if not into “your boyfriend”, but into a pleasant conversationalist at least.


Many would like to be sociable and sociable, but, alas, not everyone is given - in part it is the same quality of personality as temperament and character. But if desired or even necessary, even the most unsociable and gloomy person can develop the ability to communicate and disposition to the interlocutor. Sociability is a quality that helps out at work, helps to move up the career ladder. In its pure form, the skill is rare and much of a person's ability to communicate in society depends on his life experience, the process of becoming a person, and even childhood memories and impressions.

Sociability also has negative features: since a person is influenced by external circumstances and qualities of character, the so-called “ability to communicate” often results in obsession or empty talk. In order to reach the golden mean and “remove” the label of a non-sociable girl (or boy) from yourself, you have to work on yourself, and then this quality, necessary for the acquisition of confidence, will please not only you, but also your interlocutors.

March 31, 2014, 14:34

Everyone knows that being sociable is good and profitable. When compiling a resume, few people forget to mention that he is a sociable person. But what is this quality really and what is the real portrait of its owner?

What is a sociable person

A sociable person is one who has the ability to establish contact with others, quickly adapting to a new environment. “Communicable, communicateable” is what the word communicable means when translated from the Latin “communicabilis”.

There is a misconception that a sociable person is an extrovert who loves to chat and talk about himself. But is it? In fact, unlike a sociable talker and a good storyteller, a sociable person is distinguished by incredible tact, well-delivered speech, education and intelligence, tolerance, and many other positive qualities.

How to recognize a sociable person?

  • He does not speak for the sake of just talking, but pursues a specific goal: to convince a partner, find a compromise with a dissatisfied client, increase trust, and so on.
  • Such a person knows exactly how to conduct a dialogue in order to achieve a result.
  • He is easily given the transition from one style of conversation to another, he confidently holds himself, has charisma, and finds topics for communication without any problems.
  • People of any age, class, nationality can communicate with such an interlocutor. It is interesting for a troubled teenager and an elderly professor with him.
  • A conversation with a sociable person is always useful and interesting to both parties, because it is qualitatively different from the empty chatter of a talker.
  • Flexibility of character, restraint, quick adaptation to new conditions, initiative, leadership - these are the natural features of a sociable personality.
  • For him, any conversation is a dialogue, not an intoxicated monologue. Feedback is always important to him.
  • Perceives communication as a creative process, improvises.
  • Ready to speak to a large audience without preparation, finds the tone and style of speech in accordance with the audience.
  • Tolerant, cosmopolitan, avoids radicalism.
  • Controls the attention of listeners, creates comfortable conditions for conversation.

What does it mean to be communicative?

This question was once asked during a lesson on the culture of communication. The teacher asked the audience in the audience: Who is an example of a sociable person?". He allowed to name both a real person and a literary character. The main thing is to remember someone who has the ability to communicate and easily contact others.

There were many who wanted to answer. Some called the names of their friends, citing facts from their biography as an example. Others recalled examples of lack of communication skills, offering to go from the opposite.

But the most interesting was the answer of a determined student: “ Dersu Uzala. Sociable is a quality that perfectly characterizes a hero».

Those present were stunned, after all, how can the hero of Arseniev's book "Dersu Uzala" be called sociable if, being a Nanai and having lived all his life in the remote taiga, he practically did not see people? And what to say about his speech skills?

Peers thought that their classmate was joking, and the lecturer asked in puzzlement: “ Why do you think so? Explain to us».

The girl replied that this literary hero had learned to "read the taiga", that is, he knew how to recognize the tracks of animals and predict the weather, he knew the properties of all plants. He was sure that all living beings, including plants and animals, can talk.

She went on, citing arguments from his life: He managed to measure the song of the quarreling servicemen, he was respected wherever he appeared. The old Nanai managed to win over without saying a single word. And who among us can boast of such an achievement?»

The listeners silently agreed with the arguments. And the lecturer realized that his students mastered this topic perfectly.

Benefits of communication

Communication builds self-confidence. A person with characteristic skills is ready to control the situation and become a leader in a new team. These same skills help to read a partner, seeing his explicit and hidden motives for behavior.

With this feature, we can draw the attention of the audience and convey the necessary information to it, which is a tool to achieve our own goals.

A sociable person easily establishes cooperation between the two parties. In this case, skills are used not to defend one's own, but to create a mutually beneficial dialogue, to find a compromise. The art is to skillfully and competently combine personal goals with the goals of a partner.

Effective communication skills are invaluable during negotiations - both commercial and diplomatic. The main task of such meetings is to find a compromise, while remaining in one's own interests and goals.

Ability to quickly resolve conflict- another advantage of the master of effective communication. It is important to accurately pose the question, formulate the problem, and offer options for resolving it. It was this skill that was lacking for two peoples - blunt-pointed and pointed-pointed, whom Gulliver met during his adventures in the work of Jonathan Swift.

How to become a sociable person

To hold balance

Calm, self-confident and friendly people always win you over. You should avoid fawning, haste, trembling in your voice, and also pay attention to non-verbal ways of communication that give out excitement or, conversely, convince of strength and stamina. Relaxed posture, eye contact, even tone and voice not only attract the attention of the audience, but also make them respect the speaker.

Do not hurry

When meeting a person “by clothes”, you should not form your own opinion about him. It happens that the conclusions made about the interlocutor in the first hours of communication are completely untrue. Having created an image of a person in our head, we intuitively develop communication tactics and a model of behavior with him. A mistake can be costly. It is better to try to look for only positive aspects in any person.

Listen without losing touch

It is important that the interlocutor feels attention to himself, feels that he is being listened to. You can convince of this if you look into the eyes for most of the conversation, express emotions from what you hear, ask logical questions, do not interrupt.

Not to judge

Critical evaluation of other people's remarks should be avoided. When we doubt the competence of a person or the veracity of his words, the addresser closes and becomes unavailable for a quality dialogue. As a result, both lose, since effective communication did not happen.

Take the initiative

A sociable person should develop the habit of smiling at the interlocutor, starting a conversation and greeting first. Becoming the initiator of the conversation, he has the right to conduct it and be responsible for the outcome of the dialogue. The interlocutor subconsciously understands this and shows compliance.

work on yourself

In order not to stand still, you need to replenish your vocabulary and expand your horizons. This happens when we are engaged in self-development, reading literature, studying trends in different industries. The information that we will draw up will help to conduct a conversation naturally and naturally.

We talked in detail about who a sociable person is and what qualities he possesses. Communication has many benefits. But in order to master the art of high-quality communication with the outside world, it is worth making an effort. Our advice will tell you in which direction to move.

Sociability in our time is a very important and necessary personal quality, since the ability to quickly find a common language with people and establish contacts is necessary both in personal life and work. It is not uncommon to see such a requirement in job advertisements, especially if the company is looking for a sales manager, HR manager, public relations manager, etc.

Communication - what does it mean?

For those who want to know what communication means, it is worth remembering the people who are probably in the life of each of us. Friends of youth or work colleagues who can find the right words for everyone and tune in to the wave of a small child, as well as an adult elderly person. They always have some kind of story or bike to the place, they can easily direct the thread of the conversation in a positive direction if they feel that it is brewing. A sociable person is open to the world, he is friendly and pleasant in communication.

  1. Sociability can be called sociability or contact, when it comes to informal conversation. "The soul of the company" - so they say about such people.
  2. In business negotiations, the very term “sociability” is already used, which helps a person to find compromises and negotiate with the right people.
  3. In diplomacy, this is simply an indispensable quality, because without it success in this field is impossible.
  4. Television and radio hosts, entertainers, DJs and others are sociable people who can captivate and ignite the audience.
  5. Social networks open up huge opportunities for such sociable people, especially if they have a creative potential.

How to develop communication skills?

It must be said right away that not every person who is thirsty for communication can be called sociable. Can a tiresome bore be considered sociable? And the brawler, just looking for a reason to squabble? Some are so talkative that they simply do not allow a word to be inserted. She is so absorbed in useless chatter that they themselves do not notice how they are wasting their interlocutor's time. It also happens that a laconic and reserved person reveals himself in a certain situation, when he feels that he has entered his “field”, and the topic of conversation is extremely interesting and familiar to him. It is possible and necessary to form communication skills in oneself, and above all, one should try to be open-minded in relation to other people's views.

Showing interest in people, trying to understand their desires, feelings and, it is necessary to understand that they have the right to freely express their views and be ready to accept their concept. It is very important to expand your horizons, read a lot and engage in self-education. This will increase self-confidence, because a person savvy in many issues will no longer be afraid of communication, he will be able to answer questions and, if necessary, ask or clarify something. If you want to know how you can improve your communication skills, try to enjoy communication. Express interest in the topic under discussion, not only speak, but also listen.

It is unacceptable to agree absentmindedly, because by doing so you can offend the interlocutor, but when entering into an argument with him, defending your point of view, also spare the feelings of your opponent. And humor will become your faithful assistant: it will always help to defuse the situation and win over the interlocutors. Set a positive example of friendliness and openness for your children, and they will follow in your footsteps by becoming sociable people.