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What is the social interest of a social group. Social interests and forms of social interaction

Social interest

Gemeinschaftsgefuhl, or S. i., is one of the most original and unique concepts proposed by Alfred Adler in his theory of individual psychology. It refers to the innate potential ability of people. identify with other people and share their feelings. This concept covers not only the feelings of people. in relation to his immediate circle of loved ones and friends, but also to humanity as a whole, both present and future. It is assumed that this quality, although innate, develops only in the social. context, and especially through the infant's early interactions with mother and father.

S. i. manifests itself in various forms. One of them is the readiness of to cooperate and help even under adverse and difficult circumstances. The other is the inclination of people. give others more than they demand. Finally, it can manifest itself in the ability of one person. to an empathic understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of another. A. Adler considered the main task of the life of every person. be public in nature. Therefore, he believed that the successful response to the challenges that friendship, career, and intimacy throws at us depends on the ability of each to establish contacts with other people and cooperate with them.

See also Adlerian psychology, Altruism, Empathy, Prosocial behavior

F. D. Kelly

See what "Social interest" is in other dictionaries:

    - (from lat. socialis public and interest is important) an element of the motivational need sphere, author A. Adler. According to Adler, social interest is the basis for integration into society and the elimination of feelings of inferiority. Him… … Psychological Dictionary

    social interest- Etymology. Comes from lat. socialis public and interest is important. Author. A. Adler. Category. An element of the motivational need sphere. Specificity. According to Adler, social interest is the basis for integration into society and ... ...

    social interest- (Social interest). A sense of empathy for humanity, manifested in the form of cooperation and interaction with others, more for the sake of the public good than for the sake of personal goals. According to Adler, social interest is beneficial... ... Personality Theories: A Glossary

    Adler (Adler) Alfred- (02/07/1870, Vienna 05/28/1937, Aberdeen, Scotland) Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist, one of the leading figures in psychoanalysis, founder of individual psychology. Biography. In 1895 he defended his doctoral dissertation in medicine in Vienna. From 1902 to 1911 ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

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Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.
Social norm, justice, state coercion, good and evil, public opinion, conscience and duty, moral values.

3. Establish a correspondence between the forms of culture and the examples illustrating them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) a bestseller
B) computer game
B) jokes
D) classical music concert
D) harvest festival
E) epic stories

1) folk
2) mass
3) elite
4) screen

4. Find in the list the characteristics that distinguish science from art
1) reflects the world in images
2) involves a strict system of evidence
3) has an emotional impact
4) put forward hypotheses
5) individual facts are analyzed and summarized

5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.
(1) Modern science is involved in the process of social management. (2) It seems that today none of the social processes should be complete without scientific research and the recommendations of scientists. (3) The complexity of modern society and its inconsistency force scientists to study and calculate every step, every decision. (4) Other behavior is undoubtedly capable of leading to catastrophic and destructive consequences.
Determine which provisions of the text are worn
1) actual character
2) the nature of value judgments

6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
A feature of a person that distinguishes him from all other living beings is the ability to think, create in his brain _____ (A) of the world around us. We cognize this world, establish connections between objects and phenomena, and through this cognition we learn to live, to navigate in time and space. Some scientists even talk about curiosity, ________ (B) as an innate human need.
In science, knowledge is understood as a special _______
(B), as a result of which people acquire knowledge about various objects.
Cognition is
(D) the creative activity of a person, aimed at the formation of his knowledge about the world, on the basis of which images, ideas and motives for further behavior arise. In the process of cognition, reality is reproduced in the minds of people.
As a rule, only the process of searching is called cognition.
________ (D), and its result is called knowledge. Knowledge
- having received confirmation and justification ________ (E) of knowledge of reality, its correct reflection in human thinking.
Choose from the suggested list of words to be inserted into the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.
Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap.
1) need
2) true
3) cognitive instinct
4) process
5) activities
6) result
7) perfect images
8) objectivity
9) subject
Note that the spaces are numbered. The table below shows the numbers of spaces. Under each number, write down the number that represents the word you have chosen in the list.


The article contains a description of the concept of "social interest". The authors define social interest as an integrative quality of a person, expressed in focusing attention on the needs and feelings of other people and creating conditions for their development and self-realization. Psychological correlates of social interest are revealed. Positive: social-perceptual attitude; emotional response, intuitive channel of empathy, emotional channel of empathy, identification, penetrating ability in empathy, altruism, help motivation. Negative: alienation, veiled rigidity towards people, justified negativism. Structural components of social interest and their content are proposed: cognitive, emotional-regulatory, communicative-behavioral, motivational-value. The authors have developed and implemented a program of socio-psychological training aimed at the formation of social interest among students - future psychologists. The results of the study indicate the need and possibility of forming social interest and the qualities that determine it among students - future psychologists in the process of specially organized classes.

social interest

social interest of a psychologist



1. Adler A. Understand the nature of man / trans. E.A. Tsypin. - St. Petersburg: Academic project, 1997. - 256 p.

2. Bondarenko O.R., Lukan U. Individual psychology and humanistic psychology. Consonances and discrepancies between the psychotherapeutic approaches of Alfred Adler and Carl Rogers // Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy. - M., 2010. - S. 175-190.

3. Molokanov M.B. Two-dimensional space of models of communicative interaction // Questions of psychology. - 1995. - No. 5. - S. 51–60.

4. Sidorenko E.V. Therapy and training in the concept of Alfred Adler. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002. - 347 p.

5. Personnel management. Vocabulary. Empathy [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

6. Adler A. Kurze Bemerkungenuber Vernunft, Intelligenz und Schwachsinn. Internationale Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie, 6, 1928, pp. 267–272.

The content of a person's life is largely determined by his relationship with other people, the quality of which, starting from a certain period, is determined by his psychological characteristics, including, among other things, his own attitude towards others, which can be both positive (benevolent, understanding, empathic, supporting ), and negative (unfriendly, aggressive, ignoring). Special attention is paid to the attitude towards other people in the work of a psychologist.

Successful provision of psychological assistance is impossible without a sincere interest in the personality of the client and his problem. The need to provide psychological comfort to the client, to develop his readiness and ability not to create problems for himself, and also, if necessary, to find an independent solution suggests a special type of attitude towards the client on the part of the psychologist, aimed at updating the resources and personal growth of the client.

In this regard, in our work, special attention is paid to the study of such a quality as "social interest".

The authorship of the term "social interest" belongs to the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler, who used the German concept "Gemeinschaftsgefuhl", which in translation into Russian means "spirit of solidarity, community"; "feeling of solidarity". Initially, the term was translated into English as "socialinterest", and then moved to Russian abstract journals.

Giving his own characterization of social interest, A. Adler notes the following: “When we say that this is a feeling, we, of course, have a right to it. But this is more than a feeling, it is a form of life ... I cannot give it a completely unambiguous definition, but I found a statement from one English author that accurately expresses what we could supplement our explanation with: “see through the eyes of another, hear through the ears of another feel with the heart of another. It seems to me that for the time being this is an acceptable definition of what we call a sense of community. Adler attached therapeutic importance to this feeling, noting that it is necessary to facilitate the patient's experience of contact with another person and thus give him the opportunity to transfer the awakened sense of community to others. He also called social interest a sign of mental health, acting as the basis for integrating a person into society and eliminating feelings of inferiority.

Many other authors also point to the importance of social interest in the work of a psychologist. So, according to M.B. Molokanov, interest in the other acts as a basic factor for assessing the effectiveness of a psychologist's communication and his professional success. With a high level of social interest, the psychologist's communication with the client is based on the internal state of the client, his subjective perception of himself and his condition. With unexpressed interest, communication is based on an external picture of the state, without taking into account the client's experiences.

In our work, social interest is understood as an integrative quality of a person, expressed in focusing attention on the needs and feelings of other people and creating conditions for their development and self-realization.

Accordingly, the social interest of a psychologist acts as an integrative quality of his personality, expressed in the focus on the needs and feelings of the client and the creation of psychological conditions for his development and self-realization.

Unlike empathy, which, in particular, is defined as “understanding the emotional state of another person through empathy, penetration into his subjective world”, social interest is considered by us as a form of personality orientation, as its life attitude, which determines a person’s readiness and desire for constructive and productive interaction with other people for the benefit of them and the whole society.

The manifestation of social interest presupposes that the psychologist has certain qualities and properties of his personality. In this regard, we conducted an empirical study, during which the following diagnostic methods were used: “Diagnosis of the level of empathy” (author V.V. Boyko), “Determination of destructive attitudes in interpersonal relationships” (author V.V. Boyko), “Methodology diagnostics of socio-psychological attitudes of a person in the motivational-need sphere" (author O.F. Potemkina), "Method of diagnosing a socio-perceptual attitude of a personality in relation to other people" (authors T.D. Dubovitskaya, G.F. Tulitbaeva), Help Motivation (author S.K. Nartova-Bochaver), Emotional Response Scale (authors A. Megrabyan, N. Epshtein), Subjective Assessment of Interpersonal Relations (author S.V. Dukhnovsky).

To diagnose social interest, J. Krendell's "Social Interest Scale" technique was used. The methodology contains 24 pairs of personal qualities, 9 of which are buffer. According to the instructions, the subjects from each pair choose the quality that they would prefer to have as their own characteristic. Pairs are chosen in such a way that one quality corresponds to the individualistic aspirations of a person, and the other is socially oriented (for example, being "energetic" or "able to cooperate"; "trustworthy" or "wise experience").

The subjects were students of the second and third courses of the Faculty of Psychology of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla in the amount of 120 people (110 female and 10 male), aged 18 to 20 years.

The conducted correlation analysis showed that social interest positively correlates with the following scales: social-perceptual attitude (rxy = 0.485; р< 0,001); эмоциональный отклик (rxy = 0,542; р < 0,001), интуитивный канал эмпатии (rxy = 0,317; р < 0,001), эмоциональный канал эмпатии (rxy = 0,213; р < 0,02), идентификация (rxy = 0,373; р < 0,001), проникающая способность в эмпатии (rxy = 0,354; р < 0,001), альтруизм (rxy = 0,467; р < 0,001), мотивация помощи (rxy = 0,649; р < 0,001).

The results obtained indicate that the manifestation of social interest is characterized by the ability to empathize with another person, feel what another person feels, experience the same emotional states, identify oneself with him, focus on altruistic values ​​(possibly to the detriment of oneself), emotional support and help.

Negative correlations were identified on the following scales: alienation (rxy = -0.614; p< 0,001), завуалированная жесткость по отношению к людям (rxy = -0,334; р < 0,001), обоснованный негативизм (rxy = -0,216; р < 0,02).

That is, in the case of a low degree of social interest, the subject tends to strive to distance himself from others, in relations there is a lack of trust, understanding, closeness; a person is cautious in establishing trusting relationships, experiences of loneliness, isolation are possible; the readiness and desire to see, first of all, the negative in other people (envy, ingratitude, self-interest, etc.) is manifested.

The empirical study also revealed the following: 29.0% of the subjects have a low indicator of social interest, 36.6% have an average indicator, and 34.4% have a high indicator. Although the arithmetic mean indicators of social interest in females are slightly higher than in males (7.24 and 6.63 points, respectively), these differences are not statistically significant.

The results of the study testify, on the one hand, to the importance of social interest for the successful provision of psychological assistance to clients, and on the other hand, to the insufficient severity of this quality among students - future psychologists and the need for its purposeful formation in the course of specially organized classes.

In this regard, we have developed a special course, the purpose of which was the formation of social interest in psychology students and the corresponding qualities and personality traits. At the same time, we relied on the point of view of A. Adler, who noted that “the sense of community is not innate, but is only an innate possibility that needs to be developed consciously” [cit. according to 2, p. 185]. According to A. Adler, the development of social interest takes place in society. Education plays a special role in this process. Experiences and feelings during early childhood can contribute to or hinder the development of social interest, in the case of the latter, antisocial forms of human behavior are formed.

For the purposeful formation of social interest among students - future psychologists, we have developed its structure, which includes the following components:

1) cognitive - includes a positive social-perceptual attitude of the individual in relation to other people;

2) emotional-regulatory - the ability to empathize and self-regulate one's emotional state;

3) communicative-behavioral - communicative competence, assertiveness;

4) motivational-value - awareness and acceptance of the value of positive relationships, the desire to help other people, focus on the development of the client's personality.

Classes with students were conducted in the form of socio-psychological training of the declared personality traits and qualities and included: case analysis, business and role-playing games, discussions and special exercises. 54 students acted as an experimental group; as a control group - 66 students of the Faculty of Psychology of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla.

The psychological mechanisms of the formation of social interest were: awareness of the value of social interest both for society and for the individual, reflection, goal-setting, internalization-exteriorization, identification, imitation, attraction. Classes were held once a week for 2 hours (42 hours in total), students also did their homework and, if necessary, could seek individual advice from a psychologist who conducted the classes. The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to determine the significance of differences.

A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the arithmetic mean indicators of social interest showed that the level of social interest among the students of the experimental group significantly increased from 7.2 points (stating stage) to 9.1 points (control stage) (Uemp = 925, at p ≤ 0.01) . In the control group, this indicator even decreased, but only slightly (from 7.15 points to 7.03 points).

The students of the experimental group also significantly increased the arithmetic mean indicators on the following scales: social-perceptual attitude of the individual in relation to other people (Uemp = 823, at p ≤ 0.00), activity associated with disinterested care for others (Uemp = 739, at р ≤ 0.00), emotional response (Uemp = 924, at р ≤ 0.001), rational empathy channel (Uemp = 954, at р ≤ 0.002), emotional empathy channel (Uemp = 1067, at р ≤ 0.014), identification (Uemp = 951, at p ≤ 0.001), ability to control emotions (Uemp = 1114, at p ≤ 0.029), penetrating ability in empathy (Uemp = 767, at p ≤ 0.00), intuitive channel of empathy (Uemp = 898, at p ≤ 0.00). That is, the students of the experimental group began to show more interest and attention to other people, treat them positively, show responsiveness, provide emotional support, find an individual approach, strive to be useful; the number of students focused on creating an atmosphere of openness, trust, sincerity has increased.

Thus, our study showed the possibility of forming social interest and the qualities that determine it in students - future psychologists in the process of specially organized classes. Undoubtedly, this quality is significant for everyone who works with people, including teachers, educators, doctors, personnel managers, etc. The formation of social interest in this category of workers can serve as a prevention of professional burnout and professional deformation. Interest in people, responsiveness and the opportunity to provide them with psychological support are noticed by others, cause them to respond with a positive attitude, which they readily express. Purposeful development of this quality will allow, in our opinion, to form socially active, socially responsible and humanistically oriented citizens.


Kudashev A.R., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of Management, SBEE HPE "Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan", Ufa;

Fatykhova R.M., Ph.D., Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Psychology, Head. Department of Psychology, FSBEI HPE "Bashkir State University. M. Akmulla”, Ufa.

The work was received by the editors on November 18, 2014.

Bibliographic link

Dubovitskaya T.D., Tulitbaeva G.F. SOCIAL INTEREST: CONCEPT, STRUCTURE, DIAGNOSIS, DEVELOPMENT // Fundamental Research. - 2014. - No. 11-10. - S. 2276-2279;
URL: (accessed 03/30/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" Home > Lecture

Lecture No. 19 (4 hours)

Integrative personality traits

Personality formation is a philosophical understanding of this process as a self-movement due to internal causes.

In the interpretation of the term "personal quality", scientists emphasize its following characteristic features:

Sustainable education, the most typical features of human behavior;

An indicator of the completion of specific features and well-defined functionality;

Reflection of sustainable behavior - as a result of the manifestation of the "I" of the individual;

Reactive function in relationships with the world.

A.V. Petrovsky believes that "personal qualities exist in the form of the phenomenon of interpersonal relationships."

Quality is the main elementary particle of the personality substructure, which differs in its external expression, essence and leading function.

In its most general form, an integrative quality is understood as an element of a personality substructure that has a direction, the ability for self-development and functioning.

The quality of personality is an element of its structure, reflects the experience of life, manifests itself in behavior, consciousness and feelings.

In the system of integrative qualities, the leading role belongs to the basic qualities.

The essence and specificity are most fully manifested.

They give value to everyone, through them all other qualities are connected, they always appear in combination with others, they connect personal qualities from other groups around the orientation of the personality.

Through them, stability and high activity are maintained, the significance of positive qualities increases and the influence of negative qualities in the behavior of the individual decreases.

In general, the basic qualities provide the relationship of the general, typical and specific in the structure of the personality.

The basic qualities of a person, manifested simultaneously in activities and relationships, in self-regulation and self-development, the unity of content and form in the substructures of intellect, morality, will and feelings.

Formation of personality structure.

Initially, the structure of needs and their manifestation is of decisive importance in creating the personality structure.

All needs are included in certain personality traits, have external and internal sides.

The leading relationships that form personality traits are:

Attitude towards nature;

The relationship of the individual with society;

Attitude to history, culture, assimilation of the values ​​of civilization;

Attitude towards activity;

Self-attitude as a way of self-knowledge of the inner world;

Susceptibility to pedagogical influences.

All types of relationships are interconnected by the goals of the individual and activities to achieve them. Hence the presence of a substructure of personality orientation.

Forming a personality means bring up it has the ability to build promising lines of development based on value orientations and life goals.

Since the inner world of a person is the result of the interaction of her psyche with the surrounding reality, its change is always generated by two factors: the nature and content of external conditions and the level of development and state of the psyche.

Components (substructures) of the whole are interconnected by different types of life activity.

The very process of formation of the structure is based on the relationship, the mutual transition of the external into the internal, on the self-development of the latter.

Thus, the personality structure includes substructures based on needs, their interaction with each other, their external and internal development in the form of reactions, mental processes, states, activities, behavior, relationships.

Structure functions:

1. Fixes the essential results of the reflection in the psyche of the processes and phenomena occurring in the surrounding world.

2. Ensures the interaction of the innate and acquired, the formation of new mental processes and phenomena with previous experience, thereby creating continuity in the development of the individual.

3. Contributes to the accumulation of socially valuable experience of effective activity in relations with the surrounding reality,

4. Reflects the results of internal mental development, self-movement, self-development of the spiritual world of people, coordinates the interaction of individual elements and substructures into a single whole on the basis of hierarchy and self-movement.

All this determines the structure of the educational process, its substructures: the goals of education, diagnostics, pedagogical means and methods.


Socio-moral substructure, the generic nature of man.

A close relationship is established in the development of public morality and the moral self-awareness of the individual.

In the structure of morality, the main link is the relationship of moral consciousness, self-awareness and behavior.

The development of the individual's morality is inseparable from the development of his social being.

Collectivism is a condition of social responsibility and solidarity;

Diligence is the foundation of a person's working capacity and life experience;

Integrity is an intolerant attitude towards the immoral behavior of others.

Collectivism is the basis of friendship and camaraderie, solidarity, responsibility, civic duty, honor and dignity. It is a priority quality of a person.

Diligence ensures the active influence of activity and the team on the formation of the entire spiritual world of the individual.

Honesty also acts as a principle of behavior, one of the leading qualities of morality.

Responsibility and love of freedom perform an important function: they link together the integrative qualities of the individual and at the same time are integral elements in structure of will and feelings. The basic qualities are collectivism and humanity.

Substructure of intellectual qualities provides a person with orientation in the world and himself, high performance of his activities.

Emotional substructure provides interaction with the environment. The appearance of emotions was a qualitatively new level of development of susceptibility, feelings provide an adequate connection of a person with the world around him.

Morality is impossible without the unity of consciousness and feelings, the structure of the personality is connected into a single whole through feelings.

Feelings play an important role in the intellectual life of a person.

The emotional susceptibility of the psyche determines what information will be perceived in what volume and how qualitatively. The leading qualities of the mind - ingenuity, objectivity, are interconnected due to susceptibility.

The role of feelings and emotions in the formation of morality is enormous, as a source of life experience, as a stimulator of moral development.

The experience of the relationship to the surrounding reality depends on the worldview.

Optimism is a basic quality of the emotional sphere of a person. Expresses satisfaction with life in general. Aesthetics - a sense of harmony and beauty.

Will is a functional phenomenon. It is part of an integral system that performs the following function: the internal organization of the personality in its activity to change the surrounding reality and itself in accordance with the goals set. Her highest development is purposefulness, determination, self-control and exactingness.

Will functions:

Provides the necessary activity of the individual in its leading activities;

Coordination of the functions of consciousness and morality, and the intellect - the necessary organization, focus and motivation.

Will is a mental reflection of the physiological system of self-regulation, just as thinking is a mental manifestation of the activity of the cerebral cortex. Provides self-management of behavior by internal experiences, organizes and directs the forces and abilities of a person in accordance.

Personality qualities - and there are from 1700 to 2200 of them, are the constituent elements of integrative qualities, of which 90% are positive qualities.

In the structural analysis of each, the most complex, we will see at the base one or another integrative quality in combination with another that accompanies it in other substructures.

The functions of the sphere of consciousness and self-consciousness provide:

Cognitive activity in the assimilation of concepts, laws, theory of science, which are essential for understanding nature, society, thinking;

Depth of thinking, i.e. adherence to principles in assessing the essence of social processes and phenomena on the basis of leading ideas and science, ideology, morality;

Ideological position in philosophical approaches to the phenomena of modernity (conviction);

Independence in the assimilation of the spiritual values ​​of society;

The stability of the position of the individual in relation to the humanistic ideology, morality;

Tolerant attitude to a different philosophy, ideology, morality (tolerance, tolerance, compromise).

Each integrative quality acts as a result of the interaction of natural (internal) and social (external) prerequisites (factors).

Opposites exist in the very essence of quality (freedom-self-restraint, courage-caution). The contradiction in the core of the quality gives rise to the contradictions of consciousness and behavior.

So, all integrative qualities are the main qualities of the personality that make up its integral structure.

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Social interest (from Latin socialis - public and interest - important) is the interest of any social subject (individual, social group, class, nation) associated with its position in a certain system of social relations.

These are conscious needs, the real causes of actions, events, accomplishments, behind the immediate internal motives (motives, thoughts, ideas, etc.) of individuals, social groups, classes participating in these actions. According to A. Adler's definition, social interest is an element of the motivational-requirement sphere, it acts as the basis for integration into society and the elimination of feelings of inferiority. It is characterized by a willingness to be imperfect, to contribute to the general welfare, to show trust, care, compassion, a willingness to make responsible choices, to be creative, close, collaborative and inclusive.

Of paramount importance are class interests, which are determined by the position of classes in the system of production relations. However, any social interests, incl. and class, are not limited to the sphere of production relations. They cover the entire system of social relations and are associated with various aspects of the position of their subject. The generalized expression of all the interests of the social subject becomes his political interest, which expresses the attitude of this subject to political power in society. A social group seeking to realize

interests may come into conflict with other groups. Therefore, often private interest takes the form of public or even universal. Then it takes the form of a legitimate, legitimate interest and is not subject to discussion. Any social transformation of society is accompanied by a sharp change in the balance of interests. The conflict of class, national, state interests underlies social revolutions, wars and other upheavals in world history.

Socio-economic interests - a system of socio-economic needs of the subject (individual, team, social group, society, state). Interest expresses the integrity of the system of socio-economic needs and in this capacity is a stimulus for the activity of the subject, determining his behavior. Awareness of one's own socio-economic interests by the subject is a historical process. Thus, the awareness of commodity producers of their interests leads to their implementation and, accordingly, is the basis of the mechanism of a market economy. The realization of socio-economic interests by the working class contributes to the creation of a system of social guarantees for the entire society.

In society, there is a complex dialectic of interaction between private, collective and common interests. Thus, private socio-economic interests, being an incentive to the action of individuals, thereby ensure the realization of the general interest.

The interdependence and interdependence of interests is even more evident in the dialectic of collective and common interests, the interests of social groups and the national interest. However, in such a complex social organism as society as a whole, by no means always and not in everything the collective, and even more so, private interest coincides with the general interest. The state, in the interests of all social groups and strata, as well as individuals, regulates and controls both private and group (collective) interests, forming and protecting state interests.

The purpose of any legal norm comes from the social interest. In this sense, it is the main component of the state will. Social interest belongs to the fundamental categories of sociology. It can be represented as a concept that characterizes the objectively significant, necessary for the individual, family, team, class, nation, society as a whole. Interest and need are not the same. Objective socio-economic needs act as incentives for people's volitional activity, but they determine it only when they manifest themselves in social interests.

Society is characterized by a meaningful nature of all the actions of its members. Interest is what binds members of civil society together. Social interests determine the goals of people's activities. As a result, certain relations are established, a certain social system, political and legal organization of society, culture, morality, etc., which ultimately correspond to the economic conditions of society. Consequently, social interest is the starting point for the purposeful activity of people and the determinant of its social significance. This property of the category of interest determines its role in the formation of law as the main criterion for identifying the objective basis of the content of law, its social essence.

Social interest, being conscious and enshrined in the rules of law, predetermines the operation of law. The ratio between social interests as an objective reality and interest in law is explained by the ratio of the objective and the subjective in the interest itself. There are three points of view on this issue in the legal literature. Some authors consider interest to be an objective phenomenon; others - subjective; the third - the unity of the objective and the subjective. Depending on the bases of classification, economic, political, spiritual, class, national, group, personal interests are distinguished. In its turn

Each sphere of the life of society has its own subgroups of the most important social interests.

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