Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Where to look for the design of cool corners. Invite students to create a classroom corner by posting photos of interesting classroom events and posting the latest news from the class and school in the corner


First of all, choose the name of the corner. It should correspond to the age of children, their character.
If these are students, then their craving for animated films, favorite fairy tales should be taken into account. Therefore, the names "Smeshariki", "Gnomes", "Merry little men", "Fidgets" are suitable.
If these are students of the main school, then when naming the corner, it is necessary to take into account the passion for the world, the first novels and the Internet. As examples, the following options can be offered: “”, “Black Lightning”, “Electronic”, “Shkolyar”, “There is a contact!”.
High school students can be offered the names "Peers", "Romantics", "Youth", "Renaissance", "Flame", "Extreme", "Adrenaline", "Seven feet under the keel!". These names will reflect the inner desire for freedom, independence, the desire to declare oneself as a person.

Now, depending on the name, come up with a design. It should be colorful and bright. Let it be fairy-tale heroes and game heroes, appropriate paraphernalia, background picture. The main thing is that the guys themselves draw and paint the basis of the newspaper in bright colors. Tell them how best to do this.

In the class corner, information about birthdays with wishes and congratulations must regularly appear.

The design of the class corner should be appropriate and aesthetic.

The most joyful, bright and elegant holiday. It is remembered by children until the next New Year. To create a festive atmosphere, it is necessary not only to compose an interesting scenario, but also to decorate the school. Tinsel, snowflakes, fairy-tale characters will be a great addition to the celebration. A little fantasy, and strict school walls will turn into a New Year's fairy tale.

You will need

  • Tinsel, Christmas decorations, serpentine, white and colored material, narrow and wide satin ribbons, coniferous tree branches, cones, foam plastic, plywood and other improvised means.


There is still time before the New Year, and it is too early to decorate the lobby. Get classrooms. Let the kids show their imagination. White snowflakes will immediately make the windows elegant. Announce a competition for the most openwork snowflake. Bring a pine branch, decorate with toys. To do this, you can use not only traditional, but also chocolate ones. They can be hung according to the number of children in the class, and before the New Year, making a wish. Red silk bows look good on the Christmas tree. They can be crafted. Organize an exhibition of New Year's greetings in the classroom. Let the guys congratulate classmates. Evaluate the idea of ​​​​the guys and the technique of execution.

Announce a competition of New Year's posters and drawings at school. They can then decorate the walls of the lobby, corridors. Hold an exhibition of flags. Such flags were popular several decades ago. Complicate the work by developing requirements:

Use bright solid material of dense quality;
- fold the material in half to make a double-sided flag;
- for density, you can sew paper;
- sheet size A3;
- at the top leave a slot for the braid.

Such flags can be decorated at your discretion, decorating with a New Year theme appliqué. For this purpose, the themes “Snowmen Parade”, “Miss Snow Maiden”, “The Best Santa Claus in the World” are suitable. These flags can decorate the walls.

Now take hold of the lobby and corridors. Tinsel can be hung wherever there is a "". And Christmas tree cones wrapped in shiny foil or colored paper can be hung on cornices. All mirrors and glasses can be painted with gouache on a New Year's theme. If there are no artists, decorate the windows with toys. To do this, fasten suitable-sized Christmas decorations on long colored ribbons to the eaves. Additionally, strengthen the snowflakes on the tape. The length of the ribbons can be made the same or different depending on your desire. From plywood, other material, cut out figures of animals, fairy-tale characters. Paint them with enamel or oil paint. Such figures can decorate panels, stair railings.

If possible, make a three-dimensional picture. Details on it are either stuffed with cotton, or laid with foam rubber. Christmas trees, snowmen, little animals will look good. Make a wreath of pine, spruce or juniper branches. Use Christmas-tree beads, cones, satin bright colors for decoration. Work on the plafonds. To do this, fix the shiny New Year's rain or tinsel on all sides evenly with adhesive tape. Gather the dangling strands together and secure with a gold or silver ribbon.

Consider how to fill the space. You can, of course, put small ones, place toys near them.
And you can sew snowmen. Cut them out of white material, sew on a nose - a carrot, - buttons. Put a knitted hat on your head, wrap a scarf around your neck. Such a snowman does not need to be stuffed with foam rubber, it is enough to pull it onto some kind of support, for example, a bucket. Two or three of these snowmen of different sizes will make the room very cozy. And the younger students will love it.

Helpful advice

Do not use candles to decorate the school. Do not leave electric lights unattended. Do not use homemade garlands.

No matter how much adults say that modern children do not need anything, most often, they simply do not offer anything. And there are plenty of options, though. For example, designing a class newspaper is not only an interesting and exciting activity, but also an opportunity to rally the children, engage them in a common cause and develop their creative abilities.

You will need

  • Whatman paper, supplies for drawing and designing a newspaper, a printer.


Select the asset that will deal with the newspaper. Of course, this does not mean that the rest of the guys will not be able to take part in its creation. It's just that there will definitely be those who are not at all interested in it, and vice versa, those who really want to show their creative abilities. Traditionally, the school newspaper team is called the editorial board.

Distribute responsibilities among members of the editorial board. Let someone be responsible for the selection of material, someone for design, etc.

Think about the format of the newspaper and what it will contain in general. Perhaps these will be some events from the life of the class - even the most insignificant ones. Zapravsky loser got a five? Why not let the others know about it - after all, it's something to be proud of. Here you can also post congratulations on your birthday and other holidays, information about events from the life of the school, and more. As for the format, the ideal option would be familiar to everyone. Although, if there is a desire and material possibilities, why not

It is interesting!

Apprentice code of honor






6. THE WORST CHARACTER FEATURES - JEALY, EVIL, HATRED, ENVY, callousness, cruelty, lack of spirituality, hypocrisy.



9. Cultivate a sense of duty, camaraderie, responsibility for your actions.
















Starchenkov Ivan


26.03. Velichko Lyubov Petrovna










Our affairs.

1. Class hour “The future of Russia. What is it?

2. Conversations on the prevention of injuries on the roads.

3. Conversations about fire safety rules.

4. Participation in sports activities of the school and the district.

5. Class hour "Etiquette in public places."

6. Discussion "Honesty and Lies"

7. Dispute "By what criteria is a person's upbringing judged?".

8. Class hour "Me and my actions."

9. Class hour "Love for the motherland begins with love for the mother."

10. New Year's ball.

11.Competition "Come on, guys!"

12. Competition "Come on, girls!"

13. "Prevention of bad habits in schoolchildren."

14. Action "Say no to drugs"

15. Demonstration of the presentation "The most important profession in the countryside"

Commandments of the student.

* The main thing: try to make people around you feel good.

* Before turning to a person, smile at him, because good relationships begin with a smile.

* Learn to rejoice not only in your successes, but also in the successes of your classmates.

* Never envy or snitch on anyone: sneaking embitters people and destroys their relationship.

* Try to come to the aid of a friend, do not wait until you are asked about it.

* If you feel bad, do not rush to blame others. Learn to tolerate adversity.

* Treasure school friendship, value your class and your school.

* And one more thing: treat people the way you want to be treated.

* You are constantly growing, evolving, changing. Help yourself become a good person. Engage in self-education.

* Whether you like it or not, you need to study. Do not humiliate yourself with idleness, do not be lazy. Lazy people in our school are bad. Keep in mind that in Russia people are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds.

* If you happen to make a mistake, stumble - do not get out and do not lie. Be honest, first of all, with yourself.

* Protect the weak, come to the aid of your comrades without waiting to be asked. In general, strive to live for the benefit of people and for yourself.

* Treasure the school fellowship: it is for life. Don't forget and don't betray your school friends. Try to keep a good memory of yourself. In word and deed, by the example of your life, multiply the glory home school

* Everything important in the fate of a person begins with school.

* Your school the best because she Yours.

* There are many of us and we are all different - consider this, try to behave in such a way that people around you feel good. Treat them the way you want to be treated.

Making a classy corner

There are many challenges for teachers!

In addition to training and education, teachers are always concerned about the conditions in which children would learn with pleasure and joy. To do this, he is engaged in the arrangement and design of the office. The quality of training of students, their psychological attitude to study depends on many factors, including the conditions, environment, atmosphere in which they will be formed.

The office should be comfortable, logical in terms of design, concise in execution and extremely simple. The teacher arranges the classroom so that the student always had a desire to come into it and feel comfortable. Making a classroom corner is a significant and important matter, requiring a special approach and painstaking work. After all, a properly designed classroom corner carries versatile, and, therefore, useful information for the student.

Previously, there were certain standards for classroom corners, but now there are no such standards, so the teacher can show his imagination and decorate the corner for good. So that it always arouses interest among the guys, you need to consult with them, discuss those materials that you would like to place in a corner. Very often, the theme of the design depends on the students themselves. But the main headings should come from the teacher himself.

The selection of topics and material for the elementary school corner differs from those of the senior classes. First, the design takes place in a playful way so that it is accessible and understandable to children, and then more serious, more difficult headings appear, containing cognitive material necessary to expand the horizons of the child.

When designing a classroom corner, it is important to adhere to the same requirements:

  • design aesthetically;
  • do not adhere to uniform standards, but be creative;
  • materials should reflect the full interests of the child;
  • think about each item in terms of whether the selected material is needed by the student at the moment and whether it will arouse interest;
  • the selected topic should be a “guideline” not only in extracurricular life, but also be an “assistant” in learning.
Proceeding from this, both study and extra-curricular life of children are reflected in the "Classroom Corner".

Stand decoration- another form of application of talents and abilities. One and the same stand can be completely devoted to one direction of educational work at the right time (for example, for holidays, sports competitions, the arrival of a commission, etc.).

It is very important when designing a cool corner such a heading as “Our creativity”. Its purpose is to reflect the creativity of children. They strive to ensure that their work (they can be the best applications from labor lessons, essays on various topics, drawings, even poems of their own composition) can appear on this site. It is noticeable that this inspires students, they are proud of their achievements. They are followed by those who have not yet succeeded.

Interest in a classy corner is maintained even when the materials of the corner are improved, supplemented, changed. Therefore, design work must be done regularly. Students can prepare and post information on their own. By changing the decoration on the stand, you can present a completely new theme in the design of the cool corner.

The results of the correct approach to the design of the corner:

  • children are proud of their achievements, successes;
  • striving to be better, more efficient;
  • they try to be useful, showing their creativity and initiative in the design of the corner.

If you apply your creativity and imagination, you can decorate the "Cool Corner" on a variety of topics. But this must be done with soul, interest, then the guys will also have a passion for its design and existence.

(Website "Parents meeting"

Rules of internal order in the school. You can download and print the A4 file to use when designing a classroom stand.

  • Cool corner template

Sooner or later, in the first class, the question arises of designing a stand for a classroom corner.

The filling of this stand can be anything. It depends on the requirements and imagination of the teacher, the traditions of the school and the wishes of parents and students.

Most likely there will be a schedule of lessons, rules of conduct at school, congratulations on holidays, honoring talents and excellent students, etc.

I suggest you download the layout of the booth for the cool corner. It can be printed in any size. The original size is 170x100 cm, but the file can be fearlessly scaled in any direction.

The concept of the stand is such that there are 6 stationary sections at the bottom: “This is important”, “Schedule”, “Holidays”, “We are growing”, “Our talents”. And in the upper part of the stand any materials can be placed: the best work of students, photographs, memos, etc.

You can also take photos of each student, arrange (cut) them in the form of sheets of wood, and attach to the stand with pins on the apple tree. This approach will allow you to add new photos as new students enter the class, and not reprint the entire poster.

You can print this template on both A3 and A4 format (regular landscape sheet). The template provides a schedule of school classes and additional circles after school. To save the template, right-click on the link, and select "Save As" from the context menu that appears.

  • Classroom Templates (site

The design of the classroom is an integral part of the work of the teacher. Each teacher strives to give his corner individuality, to emphasize in it his creative potential and talent as a designer.

Given the meager budget and the monotony of templates, it is only possible to realize your idea creatively - by making cool corners with your own hands.

How to arrange a corner

First you need to remember the uniform requirements for the design of corners in the classroom. Also, one should not forget about the differences in the presentation of information, its distinctive features in elementary school, middle and senior levels.

Here are a few basic requirements for how to decorate a cool corner with your own hands. This is:

  • aesthetics;
  • creativity;
  • reflection of the maximum number of areas of interest of students;
  • careful selection and preparation of information, taking into account its relevance and significance;
  • availability of educational information.

From the above, it is clear that not just some drawings and articles, but the necessary and useful information should contain a cool corner. Photos of do-it-yourself stands made are presented in this article below.

The purpose of the design of the corner

The classroom corner is designed to become an assistant for the teacher in organizing the educational process. To do this, the information posted on it should contribute to the achievement of certain goals:

  • the maximum expansion of the horizons of students;
  • efficient and high quality;
  • improving the results of educational and extracurricular activities;
  • development of creative inclinations, realization of the creative potential of students;
  • unity of the class, education of collectivism;
  • the formation of the aesthetic taste of students.

How to make a cool corner with your own hands

The stand manufacturing process includes several successive stages:

  • choice of subject;
  • selection of the necessary sections, determination of their total number;
  • creation of a sample of the future stand on paper;
  • selection of materials for the manufacture of the stand;
  • work on the manufacture of the corner;
  • installation or assembly of the stand;
  • filling the classroom with information.

First you need to start creating a sample of the future stand on paper. You need to draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints what a cool corner will look like. Do-it-yourself design makes it possible to involve children in this process. Joint creativity will only bring students together, help to reveal their creative inclinations and will contribute to the development of aesthetic taste and imagination.

Subject selection

The choice of topics should be taken with all responsibility. At the same time, one should be guided by the age characteristics of children, their interests, wishes, and the size of the area on which the class corner will be located. Do-it-yourself decoration allows you to choose all kinds of themes and styles of performance.

The theme of the corner for can be associated with fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters and more. The main condition is the brightness of colors and ease of execution.

So, for example, you can decorate a corner in the form of a sun with rays, a train with trailers, a tree, a flower meadow, a rainbow, and the like. It all depends on the imagination of the teacher and his creative abilities.

The theme for the booth of middle and senior students is more strict. Do-it-yourself cool corners can be designed in the form of a book, mathematical, language, literary, sports or artistic symbols.

Also, the students themselves can suggest a topic for the stand, based on their preferences and interests. Here the main thing for the teacher is to listen to the opinion of everyone and choose the topic that will be acceptable to the majority.

Selection of necessary materials

Having decided on the topic, it is necessary to calculate the total number of windows in which information will be placed, and also to title each section in accordance with the generally accepted requirements for what a classroom corner should be in a school. Do-it-yourself design of such a stand gives room for imagination and creativity.

The choice of raw materials for the manufacture of the stand depends on the state of the financial aspect and the potential of the teacher.

With a meager budget and a great creative potential of the teacher, you can make the perfect stand from simple improvised materials. Perfectly amenable to processing cardboard, plywood, fabric, thick paper.

Below is one of the examples of how you can decorate classroom corners with your own hands for elementary school.

Class corner theme: "Ant Family"

The cool corner consists of three stands and is a forest clearing where ants are hard at work. Grass, flowers and other necessary decorations can be made from fabric. The tree and the anthill with its inhabitants are made of thick paper or cardboard.

There is a large anthill on the central stand of the corner. Above it, you can fix a sheet with the inscription "Our friendly team" or "Our class."

The number of ants should correspond to the total number of students in the class. You can put a photo of each student on the corner stand, and mark the ant girls and boys with pink and blue ribbon, respectively.

Also, students' photographs can be arranged in the form of a tree, the crown of which is formed by photographs with the addition of foliage. Leaves can also be made from paper or fabric. The composition is completed by a powerful trunk cut out of cardboard or made of paper using the appliqué or origami technique. Under the tree, you can put the schedule of lessons and calls.

On the second side stand, you can make a "flower of success" with small tips for students and berries with mushrooms, on which you can put the names of class attendants, children who do not have sick passes, etc.

In addition, space should be left on the stand for placement of educational information, birthday greetings, student achievements and recommendations for parents. An excellent incentive for the presence of the block "Our creativity" or "Creative success of students" will be.

In this case, you don’t have to waste your time and do absolutely everything with your own hands, it will be enough just to choose the right contractor, explain to him all the nuances of the order, then submit an application and pick up a completely finished product after a set period of time.

Installation or installation of the stand

If there is enough money, the stand can be ordered from a specialized company that manufactures stands, both template and custom-made.

The installation of a finished classroom corner can be carried out independently, with the involvement of the parents of students, by the staff of the school or other organizations.

The main requirement for the installation of stands is the unconditional observance of safety regulations and the compliance of the corner with all the rules for safe operation. Stands must be firmly attached to the wall, not have sharp corners, and contain materials that may cause injury to children or cause harm to their health.

Cool corner at school, decorated with your own hands

When filling a class corner with information, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements for data of this kind, as well as the age characteristics and interests of children.

It should also be remembered that the messages on the stands are subject to mandatory systematic updating. To implement this requirement, students can be involved by distributing responsibilities and assigning their section of the stand to them.

Responsibility for updating educational information, class schedules, and data for parents rests entirely with the teacher.

The stand can contain not only drawings and texts, but also thematic photographs, which will make a do-it-yourself classroom made at school quite original. Students themselves can also offer photos for the stand, which will significantly increase the coefficient of their participation in the overall work.

Timely and high-quality updating, competent presentation of the text help to maintain the interest of students and parents in the life of the class, and also greatly simplifies the work of the teacher, making it more efficient and fruitful.

Compliance with all the above requirements is a guarantee of successful and high-quality work. Made cool corners with your own hands will bring joy and satisfaction. There is no need to be afraid to create and fantasize, because the success of the work begun depends on the abilities and talent of the teacher.

The class teacher has a lot of very different tasks that he must perform. So, he definitely needs to do extracurricular work. What can be done here? One of the main tasks in this case is the design of a cool corner. How to do everything right and what you need to take care of - this will be discussed further.

The main things to know

It will not be a secret to anyone that the cool corner will be different for children of different age groups. So, in elementary school it will be one stand, in middle and senior - completely different. But what can such a corner be filled with?

  • There can be placed various normative documents.
  • Often in the school corner there are rules for the behavior of a student in different situations: in a lesson, at a break, at an exam.
  • There may also be pedagogical and psychological recommendations for homework preparation.
  • Teachers can also post a schedule of consultations for different subjects (this is especially important when preparing for exams).
  • Designing a classroom corner also involves placing the lesson schedule, upcoming exams, etc. there.

That is, there should be the most important information about what the student may need.

Rules for decorating a classroom

The design of the classroom corner in the school should be carried out according to certain rules. What, then, should be known and remembered?

  • This stand must be up to date. In other words, the information there needs to be changed periodically.
  • Information should relate to various aspects of class life: educational, sports, entertainment.
  • Children, for whom it is created, must necessarily take part in the design of a classroom corner.

Class Activity Information

Thinking over the design of the class corner, be sure to place there information about the activities of the class, about what the students will be doing during the quarter (month). So, there is a list of excursions, shifts, holidays. That is, everything important that can happen in the life of students.

It should also be noted that the results should be posted here. If, for example, there was an excursion, then you need to post a general photo. If we are talking about duty - assessments for the work done.

Nice and useful information

What else does the design of a classy corner involve? So, be sure to post a list of birthdays of all students there. It is also good to place various certificates, thanks and other prizes there, which are received either by the whole class or by individual students. Positive results and achievements must be given a separate place.

For the little ones

Making a classroom corner in an elementary school should be as simple as possible. If information content is important for older children, then it should be interesting for young students to look at this stand first of all. Therefore, it must first of all be beautiful and eye-catching. But that is why it is better to place it behind the backs of the students, on the back wall, so that such a corner in the classroom does not distract the attention of the children from the blackboard.