Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The gene pool is the main value of humanity. The human gene pool and aggressive environmental factors

An indicator of the genetic composition of the entire population is the gene pool.

The human gene pool is the totality of all genes in the general human population as a biological species (the genes of all people living on Earth). This concept was first introduced in 1928 by A.S. Serebrovsky “HUMAN GENE POOL, MECHANISMS OF PRESERVATION. MUTATIONS AND MUTAGENS. RESTORATION SYSTEMS OF THE CELL AND DNA REPAIR.

The total human population refers to the totality of all people on Earth.

The term - population was first introduced by W. Johansen in 1903 to denote a heterogeneous group of individuals of the same biological species.

The gene pool of a population is constantly changing under the influence of various factors. The gene pool or the demographic situation, the reproduction of the population, its condition and dynamics are assessed by the main indicators:

In terms of birth and death rates,

According to the difference between birth rate and death rate - the level of natural increase,

And also for two additional indicators (but no less important than the first two)

The level of marriage (divorce);

According to the state of the age and sex structure.

The sex and age structure shows an active influence both on the state of demographic processes and on the magnitude of most demographic indicators (in the latter case, the influence of the sex and age structure often has to be eliminated using special methods in order to see the true role of fertility and mortality) "HUMAN GENE POOL, MECHANISMS OF PRESERVATION . MUTATIONS AND MUTAGENS. RESTORATION SYSTEMS OF THE CELL AND DNA REPAIR. of access: 19.10.2011)..

Features of the human gene pool:

Deep differentiation or heterogeneity of genotypes while maintaining the total set of genes;

The dependence of the gene pool of modern man on the gene pool of his ancestors;

Genetic integrity of the gene pool;

Genetic cargo..

The first two features can be combined into one common feature and denote it as the quantitative and qualitative composition of the gene pool, which is the basis for characterizing human genomic health.

The third feature is related to the reproductive process, during which there is a constant exchange of hereditary material within the general population, and each new generation of people makes a greater or lesser contribution to the gene pool, depending on the adaptability of their genotypes to the environment.

Due to the fact that environmental conditions affect the viability and reproduction of organisms with different genotypes in different ways, the gene pool of a person (humanity) is gradually changing as a result of natural selection, and more adapted people (genotypes) more often than others survive and leave offspring in the same place ..

The biological meaning of the reproductive process is the ability of an individual to leave behind healthy offspring capable of new reproduction, and thereby preserving the integrity of the gene pool. MUTATIONS AND MUTAGENS. RESTORATION SYSTEMS OF THE CELL AND DNA REPAIR. of access: 19.10.2011)..

The fourth feature is associated with the presence in the general population of its smaller part - people with altered heredity, that is, with hereditary pathology Chapter 4. FACTORS AFFECTING HUMAN HEALTH: [Electronic resource] URL:

(date of access: 10/19/2011). Such people are less adapted to survival, they have increased morbidity and reduced life expectancy, in connection with which they are subject to selective death in the process of natural selection.

Thus, all 4 features of the gene pool are the basis for a person's genomic and reproductive health.

A condition for the preservation of the gene pool is a favorable effect of environmental factors on the human hereditary material. A healthy lifestyle is one of the positively influencing environmental factors on human health and heredity.

In defining the concept of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account two main factors - the genetic nature of a given person and its compliance with specific conditions of life “HUMAN GENE POOL, PRESERVATION MECHANISMS. MUTATIONS AND MUTAGENS. RESTORATION SYSTEMS OF THE CELL AND DNA REPAIR. of access: 19.10.2011)..

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life that corresponds to the genetically determined typological characteristics of a given person, the conditions of his life and is aimed at the formation, preservation and strengthening of health. Chapter 4. FACTORS AFFECTING HUMAN HEALTH: [Electronic resource] URL: of access: 10/19/2011). .

A healthy lifestyle can be called a system that consists of three interrelated elements, three: a culture of food, a culture of movement and a culture of emotions.

A healthy lifestyle is a complex and lengthy process that requires a lot of effort. The results from the changes occurring in the body appear gradually in the same place .. Therefore, quite often people, having not received a quick result, return to their previous way of life.

Thus, it seems to me that spiritually advanced people exist, and we scientists can take into account what they say. At the same time, one must be very careful and rely only on the knowledge of spiritually advanced people that is repeated in time and in different countries, and also fits into a coherent scientific logical chain. There must be a middle ground.

I am convinced that the golden mean must take place in the process of scientific analysis and presentation of material. The information that we received during the expedition is difficult to fit into the head of a person brought up in a purely materialistic position. But we can't dismiss them just because they don't fit well in our heads yet. Logic is the queen of the sciences, and we have no right to violate logical principles in favor of generally accepted ideas. On the other hand, we have no right to include unreliable and frivolous facts in logical analysis. You need to find the golden mean.

Religion, which turned out to be outside of science, now plays more the role of influencing the behavior and lifestyle of a person (compare, for example, the behavior of a Muslim and a Christian) than replenishes knowledge. I hope that the scientific substantiation of religion will go step by step and gradually religion will turn from an attribute of pure faith into a scientific religion and will replenish knowledge. But this takes time, we need studies like ours.

In this kind of research, when a scientist does not deal with specific facts, but with heterogeneous information from different sources, it is very difficult to find a middle ground between what can be believed and what cannot be believed. Nevertheless, we made an attempt to find this golden mean and built several hypotheses (about the Human Gene Pool, about Shambhala and Agharti, about the history of mankind on earth, about savagery as a regressive evolutionary factor, and about the structure of the Other World).

I believe in scientific logic, and therefore I believe in the veracity of these hypotheses in general terms. In the future, in these hypotheses, something will be rejected, something will change, but I am convinced that much of what will be discussed below is still real.

Chapter 2
Human gene pool

So, based on the data obtained during the expedition, we came to the assumption that on earth there is a gene pool of humanity in the form of people of different civilizations in a state of samadhi, preserved for thousands and millions of years, but able to get out of this state and, in the event of a global catastrophe, give the continuation of life on earth or, in the case of a regression of human society, direct its development along the path of progress through the use of ancient knowledge.

The value of the human gene pool

Based on the data of religion and the Initiates, a person on earth arose by consolidating the spirit. The people of the first race were still angelic.

They gradually condensed and reached sufficient density in the third race (Lemurians), even greater density in the fourth race (Atlanteans) and the highest density - in the fifth race (our civilization). The creation of a human body in the physical world by condensing the Spirit was the result of a huge and long evolutionary work of nature.

But mankind, living on the surface of the earth, is not immune from geological and cosmic cataclysms, as well as from intrahuman conflicts, which, with sufficient development of science and technology, can lead to a global catastrophe with the self-destruction of mankind. In the event of the complete annihilation of mankind on earth, a huge evolutionary work of nature will again be required to recreate man by densifying the spirit.

Therefore, it was more logical to create an insurance system on earth - the Human Gene Pool, than to repeat the enormous evolutionary work of nature to create a physical human body in the event of the death of mankind.

According to literary data, precedents for the possibility of the death of mankind began to appear already at the stage of the civilization of the Lemurians. Was the Human Gene Pool created during the Lemurian civilization? We did not find direct indications of this either in religious or literary sources. But one gets the impression that the primary gene pool of mankind was created precisely at that time, because a lot of information has accumulated that Lemurians are also present in the modern gene pool of mankind. These people of enormous growth, in accordance with what the Initiates told, are not only in a state of samadhi in the caves, but also form the basis of the mysterious country of Shambhala, but more on that later.

During the civilization of the Atlanteans, the Gene Pool of Humanity was replenished by Atlanteans, and the people of our civilization were able to replenish the Gene Pool of Humanity, in our opinion, mainly only at the early stages of development, since the effect of the last message "SoHm" led to the gradual degradation of the "third eye", which is so necessary for entering into samadhi state.

Hence it follows that the Human Gene Pool, preserving the representatives of the last three races of mankind (Lemurians, Atlanteans and people of our civilization), is a very ancient phenomenon on earth, spanning several million years. Apparently, samadhi is such a perfect creation of nature that it allows you to save people for such a long time. None of the religious leaders of the East who told us about samadhi said that samadhi has a time limit.

In the literature one can find, in fact, direct indications of the creation of the Human Gene Pool on earth. According to H. P. Blavatsky, this was done by order of Ahura Mazda, the creator of the material world. Ahura Mazda ordered Yima, the spirit of the earth, symbolizing the three Races, to create Vara (or "enclosed place", or "receptacle", or Archha). Reading the book of H. P. Blavatsky, one can understand that the word "Vara" is used to designate places for samadhi, i.e. places of the human gene pool. The author points out that Ahura Mazda ordered to bring to Vara the seeds of husbands and wives chosen from the greatest and best families, as well as the seeds of all kinds of livestock, so that they would be preserved there until these people were in "Vara".

The expression "Gene Pool of Humanity" was proposed by us. Never and nowhere have we heard such an expression. Despite this, all the interviewed lamas, gurus, swamis and people who could be considered Initiates understood perfectly well what exactly we called the Human Gene Pool. One got the impression that they not only knew about the Human Gene Pool, but also used the same expression. To a direct question: "Does the Gene Pool of Humanity Exist?" In most cases, they answered in the affirmative. It seemed that for these people the existence of the Human Gene Pool was a matter of course. But the highest secrecy and holiness of this phenomenon was constantly emphasized.

In support of what has been said, I will cite an excerpt from my conversation with the above-mentioned Russian religious figure - the rector, who called the source of his vast knowledge "knowledge."

Dear abbot, we have come to the conclusion that there is a human gene pool on earth. What do you think about this? I asked.

Yes, the Human Gene Pool exists. This is an objective reality and a necessity,” the abbot replied.

How do you know this?

In their own words, they are not taken to the Gene Pool. I dare to suggest that basically only the ancient representatives of the people of our civilization could be part of the Human Gene Pool, since at an early stage spirituality was not yet lost. After all, the main condition for entering a state of deep samadhi is the purification of the soul from negative psychic energy through, in particular, compassion. It’s hard to imagine, for example, a “new Russian” who would cleanse his soul through compassion, at least for those old people from whose pockets he pulled money out of a 100-200 percent intermediary markup on the prices of basic products,” I said.

Our civilization, - the abbot said - is an unsuccessful experiment: a person could not resist self-interest, envy, greed, hatred even in the conditions of self-realization, when he is separated from ancient knowledge. Our civilization must perish as an unfortunate one...

Yes, a negative aura hangs over the world, and especially over Russia. There is a savoring of criminal cases, a cult of violence is implanted in militants, deceit and debauchery have become the norm. The lamas told me that a negative aura could bring about cosmic and geological cataclysms on earth. So. whether it? I asked.

The gene pool of a population is a general definition that describes the complex of all its data. The concept and the term itself were first formulated by the Soviet geneticist Serebryakov in 1928.

Coding and transmission of information

Each biological species has a certain set of chromosomes. So, in cats there are 19 pairs of chromosomes, in butterflies - 190, in clover - 7, and in humans - 23. In the latter case, there is one pair of sex chromosomes. The remaining 22 are directly responsible for the preservation of the gene pool, recombinant and reproductive functions. The sex chromosomes provide the direct process of evolution. They are responsible for changing the gene pool of a population.


They are presented as a sequence of genes that are separated by space. It includes regulatory segments and DNA segments that do not contain encoded information. The arrangement of genes on chromosomes is uneven. Thus, zones rich and poor in these elements are found. Scientists have not yet been able to accurately determine the reasons for this strange arrangement. Today, the human gene pool is very large. In simple organisms, it is much smaller. So, the human gene pool has about 28,000 genes.

The nature of the information

Chromosomes carry a lot of data: skin type, eye color, limb length, nail shape, predisposition to pathologies, blood type, taste habits, and so on. These intrinsic or extrinsic characteristics may show up in present or future generations. It is believed that human temperament also belongs to hereditary information. But at the moment this assumption is highly controversial.

Under the influence of unfavorable conditions or over time, genes can be transformed - “breakdowns” occur in them, which cause chromosomal diseases. These, for example, include the syndromes of Kleinferter, Down, Shereshevsky-Turner and others. The older the parents, the greater the likelihood of such mutations. In this regard, at the present level of development of science, the question of how to protect the gene pool of a population has become relevant.

Key Concepts

In science, three definitions are used that are associated with coded information: genome, gene pool and genotype. Let's look at the differences between these concepts. The complex of data of an organism, inherent in it as a representative of Homo sapiens, is defined as a genome. The gene pool characterizes the totality of information of all kinds - all the people of the planet. Each individual also has a certain set of information. It's called the genotype. Scientists now have much more knowledge about DNA than they did a few decades ago. In this regard, the genome today means the total DNA of the haploid chromosome set and each extrachromosomal element contained in a separate germ cell of a complex organism. The original term was introduced into science in 1920 by Hans Winkler.

Distinctive features of the gene pool

This concept today describes more than 6 billion representatives of Homo sapiens. They are all divided into nationalities, nations, races, ethnic groups, nationalities. The gene pool is a special system of characteristics. She has the following features:

  1. Integrity.
  2. Dependence on previous generations.
  3. Heterogeneity of genotypes.

Among other things, people are characterized by a certain amount of hereditary diseases, which is associated with a high predisposition and a relatively short life. This, in fact, is based on natural selection within the population of the planet. The gene pool is one of the most important components of species transformations.


The frequency with which various alleles occur in a population is determined by the regularity of mutations, the influence of selection. In some cases, the indicator depends on the nature of information exchange during migration. With relatively constant conditions and a large population, the above processes lead to relative equilibrium. As a result, the gene pool of these populations is balanced. Within it, a constancy of the frequency with which different alleles occur, or equilibrium, is established.

Causes of imbalance

With natural selection, the change in the gene pool is directional. This means that the frequencies of "useful" data are increased. As a result, microevolutionary transformations take place. However, the transformations to which the gene pool is subjected are by no means always directed processes. Often they are random. As a rule, they are caused by fluctuations in the total number of all species or with the isolation of a certain part of organisms in space. The main causes of transformations that the gene pool undergoes are:

  1. Migrations.
  2. Separation of species.
  3. Natural disasters.


They represent the movement of some species of one population to a new habitat. If some small part of plants or animals settle in a new area, then their gene pools will inevitably be smaller than those of their parents. Under the influence of random causes, the allele frequency of the new population may not coincide with the indicators for the original one. Data that were rather rare before the moment of migration may begin to spread very intensively (due to sexual reproduction) among the migrated individuals. At the same time, genes that were previously present in large numbers may be completely absent. This situation, in particular, takes place if the founders of the new community did not have them.

Separation of species

A situation similar to the one described above can arise when two unequal parts are formed in the population or artificial barriers appear. For example, a dam was built on the river. She divided the fish population that lived in the reservoir into unequal parts. In a small community, again, due to random reasons, the data set may differ in its composition from the information inherent in the original population of species. In this case, the gene pool will carry only those genotypes that have been selected by chance among a small number of founders of the new group. At the same time, previously rare alleles in an educated community can become common.

Natural disasters

They have a significant impact on the composition of the gene pool. As a result of natural disasters, only a few representatives of a particular community manage to survive (for example, after a drought, fire, flood). In the population that survived the cataclysm, which consists of randomly surviving individuals, the composition of the gene pool will also be selected non-directionally. After a sharp decrease in the number, active reproduction of the remaining representatives will begin, forming even a small group. Its genetic composition will determine the structure of the population during its heyday. In such a situation, some mutations may completely cease to exist, and the intensity of other transformations will increase dramatically. The gene set that is present in a small surviving group may, to a certain extent, differ from that which was in the original population before the disaster.

Results of Numerical Fluctuations

A change in the quantitative composition of a population, regardless of the reasons that caused it, affects the frequency of alleles. With the formation of unfavorable conditions and a decrease in numbers due to the death of individuals, the loss of some, especially rare genes, may occur. In general terms, the smaller the quantitative composition, the higher the probability of loss and the greater the impact on the formation of the community will have random factors. Population fluctuations periodically occur in almost all organisms. They change the gene frequency in populations that replace the previous ones. Such phenomena are especially well seen among insects. Few of them can survive the winter. As a result, by the spring their population is significantly reduced. This small group gives rise to a new insect community. Often the gene pool of a new population has significant differences from the one that was a year ago.

Natural selection

It provides directed changes in the gene pool. Natural selection contributes to a consistent increase in the frequencies of some (useful under specific conditions) data and a reduction in others. As a result, those genes are fixed in the population that favor the survival of members of the community in a given habitat. Their share is increasing, and the overall composition of the data is also being transformed.

Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa), is the author of the bestseller “Where did we come from?”. The scientist's interest in the problem of the origin of mankind is not accidental. Being a scientist with a broad outlook, E.R. Muldashev began to comprehend the medical problem of human energy in the philosophical and universal terms, which ultimately resulted in a scientific study of the mysterious problem of the origin of mankind.

It all started with a simple question: why do we look into each other's eyes? Soon a computer program was created - ophthalmogeometry, capable of analyzing not only the geometric parameters of the eyes, but also identifying a person, determining nationality, diagnosing mental illness, etc. But the most interesting thing was that one day, taking photographs of people of all races of the world, they managed to calculate the “average eyes”. They belong to the representatives of the “Tibetan race”. Further, according to the proximity of the eyes to the “average”, the ways of human migration from Tibet were calculated, which surprisingly coincided with historical facts. Then the scientist learned that every temple in Tibet and Nepal has an image of huge and unusual eyes. Having subjected the image of these eyes to mathematical processing according to the principles of ophthalmogeometry, it was possible to determine the appearance of their owner, which turned out to be very unusual.

Who is it? The study of Eastern literature did not give an answer to this question, and a hypothesis was put forward that the temples depict the eyes of a person of a previous civilization - Atlanta. An analysis of these eyes showed that the alleged Atlanteans were powerfully built, of enormous growth, led a semi-submerged lifestyle and used the power of the “third eye” in their economic activities.

In 1995, in the Crimea, E.R. Muldashev met a Hindu master Ananta Krishna. The scientist showed him a drawing of a hypothetical Atlantean and asked if the man of the ancient race was depicted correctly. “Yes,” replied the Hindu, “but we call ancient people differently.” - "Whose eyes are these?" “These are HIS eyes. HE is the son of God.” HE recreated mankind, now living on earth, gave people knowledge and did not let them perish. It was this recreated humanity that spread throughout the world. A great tribe of the Sons of the Gods lived and lives on Earth.”

If the eyes of the Son of God are depicted on Tibetan temples, then the people of our civilization actually saw HIM and communicated with him. Where did he come from? Involuntarily, the question arose about the existence of a kind of repository of people from previous civilizations, from where these ancient people can come out and appear among us. What is this storage? Fenugreek?

To answer these questions, a trans-Himalayan expedition was organized, in which, in addition to E.R. Muldashev included representatives of India and Nepal.

The expedition was organized under the auspices of the UN International Academy of Sciences.

The main group, consisting of three people, flew to India, they were joined in Nepal by two more Russians sent earlier for preliminary surveys, one Indian and two Nepalese members of the expedition.

Meetings with the abbots of temples, gurus, swamis, lamas gradually began to acquire a confidential character. In the process of communication, the knowledge of the expedition members about the functions of the third eye, meditations, samadhi, previous civilizations, religion and its role in human self-realization, Shambhala, Agharti and much more was replenished. A drawing of a hypothetical atlas presented by Professor E.R. Muldashev, made an impression on religious figures, and everyone unanimously claimed that this was HE. Who is he"? Gradually this issue became clearer. HE is a representative of a previous civilization, more ancient than the Atlanteans - LEMURO-ATLANT in a state of samadhi. In the state of samadhi, the body becomes stone-still, unnaturally hard and cold. Human flesh, of course, does not turn into natural stone, hardening of the body is achieved by reducing metabolism as much as possible. The biofield and water in the body are conjugated. A person who knows how to meditate effectively can, through his biofield, influence the water of the body and through it - on metabolic processes. Nowadays, not every person through meditation can reach the state of samadhi, and even more so deep samadhi, when the body can be preserved for many years. Somati is the highest form of meditation. With samadhi, the Soul, as part of the energy of the Universe, is located in a specially delineated space and is connected with the body by the “Silver Thread”. The soul of a person continues to live in the subtle world, leaving his body in a kind of conserved state. All souls are part of the Information Field, which is simply called differently due to the difference in cultural level and religions: Higher Mind, Higher Civilization, etc.

It is impossible to belittle the role of the body, as many religions do, because the body was created in the process of long evolution and is a very complex “tool”. Why recreate the body? It is much easier to keep it in a state of samadhi, and the soul, returning to the body, will revive it. A body in a state of samadhi can be preserved for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years. Such a deep state of samadhi can only be entered by cleansing the Soul from negative psychic energy; the body must be healthy and strong. But the abandoned body also needs certain conditions: a clean place with a small number of microorganisms, a constant temperature of about +4 degrees, solitude, limited access to the body of other people (an alien biofield violates the state of samadhi). Such conditions are quite consistent with the caves of the hard-to-reach Himalayas and Tibet.

Those people who have entered the state of samadhi and have been in it for thousands and millions of years dedicate themselves to the highest goals, the main of which is the survival of mankind in the event of global catastrophes or self-destruction as a result of their own stupidity. E.R. Muldashev called them the gene pool of humanity.

The expedition continued, the amount of information received accumulated. It was already clear that the Gene Pool exists, just as there are caves in which people of both previous civilizations (lemurs, lemuro-Atlanteans, Atlanteans) and ours, the Aryans, are in a state of samadhi. Access to these caves is reliably protected by a psycho-energetic barrier. The most "hard" it is in the caves, where there are representatives of more ancient civilizations, and caves with representatives of our civilization are practically not protected.

“Special people” are selected to care for the lying; in this case, the compatibility of biofields is necessarily taken into account. It is impossible to bribe ministers with any benefits and money, because they all know that human life is nothing compared to the greatness of God, and they cannot reveal the secret of the cave to anyone, because the curious will be doomed to death if they try to enter there. Only samadhi people give access to the cave. Their souls, having analyzed the intentions of a person entering the cave, decide for themselves whether to let the alien in or not. Mere curiosity without evil thoughts is also not enough to get a pass. Even “special people” visit the cave 1-2 times a month, before visiting they enter into meditation and ask for a pass. The location of the samadhi caves is kept in the deepest secrecy.

About how E.R. himself received Muldashev from the Bonpo Lama gave the exact address of one of these caves, the professor said: “I won’t even tell God that!”

The members of the expedition first reached the samadhi cave by plane, then on foot, through mountain passes to a small Tibetan village located at an altitude of 3000 meters. All members of the expedition are experienced tourists, and the leader himself is a master of sports in sports tourism. The camp was set up not far from the village. The first days we established contact with local residents. Found two "special people" aged 95 and 60. Both looked much younger than their years. The conversations at first were of an introductory nature, but the “special people” perfectly understood that the expedition did not come to them for the sake of idle curiosity and the subject of interest was the samadhi cave, which they guarded. Tensions in relations smoothed out, mutual trust appeared, “special people” knew that the Bonpo Lama would not entrust the secret of the samadhi cave to rogues.

Here's what we managed to learn from the younger "special person".

After a trial meditation, the assembly of lamas approved his candidacy, and for many years he has been going to the samadhi cave once a month, on a full moon or 11 or 12 days after it. Entrance is allowed only in certain cave halls. He takes only weak flashlights with him, which, again, are not allowed to be used everywhere. He begins to enter into a state of meditation a week before visiting the samadhi cave. If meditation fails, then you can’t go into the cave - you can die.

There are people in samadhi halls. Sometimes they even talk, but the “special person” does not have the right to speak for himself. People sit in the lotus position more often on tiger skins, whether they are dressed or not, the body is yellowish, cold and very dense.

The meeting with the senior "special person" added to the information received the following. There are many people in the cave, but not all of them look like the picture presented. Some are big, others are like ordinary people. Skulls are of different types. Some have a very large skull, some are elongated, in the form of a tower, some are ordinary. All of them have long hair. In all the years spent at this “work”, he did not see a person come out of the state of samadhi. There are similar samadhi caves in Nepal, Tibet, China, and India.

It is deadly dangerous for unprepared people to go to the samadhi cave. But... the next day E.R. Muldashev asked "special people" to take him with them. Apparently, the “special people” decided this: the pass is given by HE, so let HE decide to let in a person from distant Russia.

On the morning of the next day, four people left the village and walked for several kilometers along the mountain road along the gorge, then turned onto an inconspicuous path, which began to climb up the slope. Having passed the zone of scree, we entered the realm of rocks and finally came to a small depression in the rock. "We're there," the younger "special person" said. “This is the samadhi cave.”

In the surrounding rocks on a deserted mountainside, one could find many similar cave depressions, and this did not stand out in any way. This is how E.R. himself describes his attempt to enter the cave. Muldashev: “Everyone stayed at the entrance to the samadhi cave. I went deeper. The manhole turned into a narrow passage 2-3 meters wide, having passed through it 25-30 meters, already in complete darkness I found an iron door locked in the narrowest place. I stopped in bewilderment and heard the footsteps of the younger Special Person who opened the lock and left silently. In the dim light of the flashlight, he examined the door, which was made of iron, built into the rocks and held together with cement. The streaks of red, brown and yellow paint vaguely resembled eyes. Bending down, I went through the door, after a few meters I found myself in a spacious hall. He passed the hall, stopped and listened to his feelings. There was no fear.
I went further. Soon, on the opposite side of the hall, I saw another hole, about two meters wide. For 1-2 meters from the hole, I felt a slight sense of anxiety and tried to drown it out. At the entrance to the hole I felt fear, after a while the fear gave way to a feeling of indignation. After a few dozen steps, a headache began. I clearly felt that both fear and indignation were somehow induced, that is, the reason was not in me.
The headache came in pulsating waves at regular intervals, it seemed that the head was about to burst. But the most difficult to bear was the feeling of incomprehensible indignation. I resented that I was going there - deep into the mysterious samadhi cave. It was precisely those parts of my soul that were responsible for the feeling opposite to satisfaction - indignation - that were exposed to the induced influence. I turned on the flashlight and, gathering the last remnants of my will, took a few more steps forward. There was a sharp weakness, a wild headache, an indignant soul did not give rest. I realized that it was impossible to go further, otherwise death would come, and directed the light of the flashlight forward. For some reason, I stopped feeling my hand with a flashlight. Sweat dimmed his eyes, coming from nowhere in the cave cold.
The dim beam of a flashlight illuminated some stones and figures of people sitting in a lotus position. They seemed huge to me. I turned around and, with difficulty moving my legs, walked back. I understood that if I had gone forward a little more, I could have died.
“Lemurians, Atlanteans! They are alive, have been alive for millions of years! They save themselves for the sake of humanity on Earth! Who am I compared to them? A little grain of sand with his scientific curiosity!” I thought. Once again I remembered all my feelings inside the hole leading to the samadhi-hall of the cave. I remembered the words of one initiate that there is no need to protect Shambhala - it is much stronger than people on the surface of the earth. Only now, having felt the power of psychic energy, have I begun to understand its power.”
The data received from the Special People made it possible to reconstruct the appearances of Lemuro-Atlanteans and Atlanteans. What do they look like? These are the questions that E.R. Muldashev and his group, returning from their trans-Himalayan expedition to their homeland.
Here are the summary findings of this study. There were 5 races of people on Earth, our race is the fifth. Life on Earth arose by compaction of matter several million years ago. Man, animals and plants arose simultaneously. each race arose from the previous one.
First race people, which was called “self-born”, arose on Earth in the form of ethereal beings by compacting the subtle world, i.e. world of psychic energy. They were angel-like creatures that could freely pass through walls and other solid objects. They looked like luminous, incorporeal forms of moonlight and were up to 40-50 meters tall. The protoplastic body of the people of the first race was not built from physical matter, but was more of a wave character. They were Cyclopes, i.e. one-eyed; moreover, the similarity of the “third eye” they had carried out a telepathic connection with the outside world and the Higher Mind. People of the first race multiplied by fission and budding, communicated through the transmission of thoughts. Could live at any temperature re.
Second race, called “then born” or “boneless”, appeared on Earth after the first. These people were also ghost-like, but denser than the first race. Their growth was less, reaching 30-40 meters. They were also cyclops and communicated with each other through thought transmission. They reproduced by budding and sporulation. But at the end of the period of life of the second race, intermediate hermaphrodites appeared, i.e. man and woman in one body. The people of the second race were golden yellow in color.
third race, called the Lemurian and which replaced the second, is divided into early and late Lemurians.
The early Lemurians were up to 20 meters tall and had a denser body that could no longer be called ghostly. They have bones. The bisexual hermaphrodite began to accumulate male characteristics in one case, and female characteristics in the other, as a result of which the sexes were separated and sexual reproduction appeared. The early Lemurians had two eyes in front, a "third eye" in the back. Two hands "served" the front part of the body, the other two - the back. The front eyes performed the function of physical vision, the rear - mainly spiritual. They were golden in color. Communication with each other was carried out by the transmission of thoughts.

fourth race
Fifth, our race Aryan

So, life on Earth arose millions of years ago, and human races (civilizations) were born from one another, gradually becoming more complex.
The late Lemurians, or Lemuro-Atlanteans, were the most highly developed people on Earth, with the highest level of technology. The growth of the late Lemurians reached 7-8 meters. They were two-eyed and two-armed. "Third eye" went deep into the skull. Skin color was yellow or red. They had a monosyllabic speech, which is still preserved among modern people of the South-Eastern region of the Earth. E. Blavatsky considers the descendants of the late Lemurians to be the natives of Australia, who survived and ran wild on the Australian mainland, isolated since ancient times.
fourth race- Atlanteans, who had two physical eyes. Their "third eye" was buried deep inside the skull, but functioned well. They had two hands. Growth reached 3-4 meters, but at the end of their period, the Atlanteans began to grow smaller. Some of the Atlanteans were yellow, others were black or red. In the last period of the existence of Atlantis, it was inhabited mainly by yellow and black Atlanteans, who fought among themselves. At first, the Atlanteans used agglutinative speech, which is now retained by some native tribes of South America. Later, inflectional speech developed, i.e. highly developed, which is the basis of modern languages. The inflectional speech of the Atlanteans is the root of Sanskrit, which is the secret language of the Initiates. The civilization of the Atlanteans was also quite developed. She gained knowledge by connecting to the Universal Information Field, mastered remote hypnosis, thought transmission at a distance, could influence gravity, had her own flying machines (vimanas), built stone idols on Easter Island, Egyptian pyramids and many other mysterious monuments of antiquity.
Fifth, our race, called in esoteric literature Aryan, arose during the late Atlanteans. Most of the people of the fifth race went wild and could not use the knowledge of the Atlanteans for their development. At first, the people of the fifth race were large (up to 2-3 meters), then they gradually began to grow smaller. The function of the “third eye” has almost completely disappeared, in connection with which the constant connection with the general information field was interrupted and it became impossible to use the knowledge received from there.
The "third eye" remained in the form of a rudiment, which is called the epiphysis.
Gradually, the appearance of a man of the fifth race acquired the features of a modern man.
It is believed that there will be only 7 races on Earth. Each of the races had and will have 7 sub-races.
So, life on Earth arose millions of years ago, and human races (civilizations) were born from one another, gradually becoming more complex.

Based on the data of religion and the Initiates, a person on earth arose by consolidating the spirit. The people of the first race were still angelic.

They gradually condensed and reached sufficient density in the third race (Lemurians), even greater density in the fourth race (Atlanteans) and the highest density - in the fifth race (our civilization). The creation of a human body in the physical world by condensing the Spirit was the result of a huge and long evolutionary work of nature.

But mankind, living on the surface of the earth, is not immune from geological and cosmic cataclysms, as well as from intrahuman conflicts, which, with sufficient development of science and technology, can lead to a global catastrophe with the self-destruction of mankind. In the event of the complete annihilation of mankind on earth, a huge evolutionary work of nature will again be required to recreate man by densifying the spirit.

Therefore, it was more logical to create an insurance system on earth - the Human Gene Pool, than to repeat the enormous evolutionary work of nature to create a physical human body in the event of the death of mankind.

According to literary data, precedents for the possibility of the death of mankind began to appear already at the stage of the civilization of the Lemurians. Was the Human Gene Pool created during the Lemurian civilization? We did not find direct indications of this either in religious or literary sources. But one gets the impression that the primary gene pool of mankind was created precisely at that time, because a lot of information has accumulated that Lemurians are also present in the modern gene pool of mankind. These people of enormous growth, in accordance with what the Initiates told, are not only in a state of samadhi in the caves, but also form the basis of the mysterious country of Shambhala, but more on that later.

During the civilization of the Atlanteans, the Gene Pool of Humanity was replenished by the Atlanteans, and the people of our civilization were able to replenish the Gene Pool of Humanity, in our opinion, mainly only at the early stages of development, since the effect of the last message “SoHm” led to the gradual degradation of the “third eye”, which is so necessary for entering into samadhi state.

Hence it follows that the Human Gene Pool, preserving the representatives of the last three races of mankind (Lemurians, Atlanteans and people of our civilization), is a very ancient phenomenon on earth, spanning several million years. Apparently, samadhi is such a perfect creation of nature that it allows you to save people for such a long time. None of the religious leaders of the East who told us about samadhi said that samadhi has a time limit.

In the literature one can find, in fact, direct indications of the creation of the Human Gene Pool on earth. According to H. P. Blavatsky, this was done by order of Ahura Mazda, the creator of the material world. Ahura Mazda ordered Iima, the spirit of the earth, symbolizing the three Races, to create Vara (or "enclosed place", or "receptacle", or Archha). Reading the book of H. P. Blavatsky, one can understand that the word “Vara” is used to designate places for samadhi, i.e. places of the human gene pool. The author points out that Ahura Mazda ordered to bring to Vara the seeds of husbands and wives chosen from the greatest and best families, as well as the seeds of all kinds of livestock, so that they would be preserved there until these people were in "Vara".

The expression "Gene Pool of Humanity" was proposed by us. Never and nowhere have we heard such an expression. Despite this, all the interviewed lamas, gurus, swamis and people who could be considered Initiates understood perfectly well what exactly we called the Human Gene Pool. One got the impression that they not only knew about the Human Gene Pool, but also used the same expression. To a direct question: “Does the Gene Pool of Humanity Exist?” In most cases, they answered in the affirmative. It seemed that for these people the existence of the Human Gene Pool was a matter of course. But the highest secrecy and holiness of this phenomenon was constantly emphasized.

In support of what has been said, I will cite an excerpt from my conversation with the above-mentioned Russian religious figure - the rector, who called the source of his vast knowledge "knowledge."

Dear abbot, we have come to the conclusion that there is a human gene pool on earth. What do you think about this? I asked.

Yes, the Human Gene Pool exists. This is an objective reality and a necessity,” the abbot replied.

How do you know this?

I have guidance.

Have you ever told anyone about the Human Gene Pool?

Why do people need to know this? It's too holy. People are not mature enough to understand the role of the human gene pool.

And what is the role of the human gene pool? I asked.

What is the composition of the human gene pool?

The basis of it is the Lemurians. There are many Atlanteans. But the role of the Atlanteans, although there are more of them, is much less than the role of the Lemurians. If the Gene pool of humanity is in demand, then it is the Lemurians who will save humanity, because they are the most highly developed people on earth.

But what about the people of our civilization?

They are also partly part of the Human Gene Pool, but their role is small. Our civilization is a blind branch, it is the failure of anthropogenesis. The people of our civilization are soulless, evil, they are not for the gene pool of humanity.

In their own words, they are not taken to the Gene Pool. I dare to suggest that basically only the ancient representatives of the people of our civilization could be part of the Human Gene Pool, since at an early stage spirituality was not yet lost. After all, the main condition for entering a state of deep samadhi is the purification of the soul from negative psychic energy through, in particular, compassion. It is hard to imagine, for example, a “new Russian” who would cleanse his soul through compassion, at least for those old people from whose pockets he pulled money through a 100-200 percent intermediary markup on the prices of basic products,” I said.

Our civilization, - the abbot said - is an unsuccessful experiment: a person could not resist self-interest, envy, greed, hatred even in the conditions of self-realization, when he is separated from ancient knowledge. Our civilization must perish as an unfortunate one...

Yes, a negative aura hangs over the world, and especially over Russia. There is a savoring of criminal cases, a cult of violence is implanted in militants, deceit and debauchery have become the norm. The lamas told me that a negative aura could bring about cosmic and geological cataclysms on earth. So. whether it? I asked.

There are many such examples. Take, for example, the earthquake in Armenia that occurred during the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The negative aura above the Earth will either lead to a cataclysm that is detrimental to humanity or to the fact that someone will press the button of nuclear war. I think that our civilization will soon perish; it is unfortunate,” said the abbot.

And then... the Human Gene Pool will be in demand, - I said.

Yes… when conditions on earth become habitable.

But the significance of the Human Gene Pool comes down not only to insuring life on earth, but also to using it to guide the development of mankind along the path of progress at the expense of the prophets. Who can say that the role of Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses is insignificant in the history of mankind? None. Each of the prophets had such a huge impact on people that humanity was even divided according to the principle of the nature of the influence of the prophets - the Muslim world, the Buddhist countries ...

I have practically no doubts that the prophets were people who came from the Human Gene Pool and emerged from the state of samadhi. As we wrote above, the Buddha, whose appearance is unusual and similar to hypothetical ideas about the Atlanteans, appeared on earth 2044 years ago, while the main continents of Atlantis sank 850,000 years ago. Bonpo-Buddha (or Rama), whose appearance is even more unusual and corresponds to hypothetical ideas about the later Lemurians, appeared on earth 18013 years ago, while Lemuria died several million years ago. There is evidence that Jesus Christ was born in a cave, and then studied for a long time in Tibet, etc.

One gets the impression that representatives of various civilizations appeared on Earth as prophets: Lemuro-Atlanteans (Bonpo-Buddha), Atlanteans (Buddha) and people of our civilization (Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Moses). Yes, we probably do not know all the people who came out of the Human Gene Pool, because, apparently, not all of them were able to have such a clear impact on the development of mankind as the noted prophets.

But information about such "failed" prophets is still found in the literature. So, in the book of Ahmed ibn Fadlan about his journey to the Volga in 921-922 (A.P. Kovalevsky. “The Book of Ahmed ibn Fadlan”, 1956, p. The author writes the following: “... and here there are twelve cubits in it (more than 5 meters - E. M.), his head is like the largest of the cauldrons, his nose is more than a quarter, his eyes are huge, and each fingers are more than a quarter ... he swam on the water ... and it happened, as the boy looked at him, he would die, and the pregnant woman would look and throw out her fetus, and sometimes he squeezes a person with both hands until he kills him ... we killed him ”

Obviously, there are a large number of people of different civilizations in the Human Gene Pool (as we already wrote, there are many samadhi caves on earth, and in each of them there are many people in a state of samadhi). Even despite the fact that the best people of different civilizations (pure soul, full health) were selected for the Human Gene Pool, obviously, not every one of them could fully fulfill the great function entrusted to him - this mission was too difficult and the conditions for earth when reappearing in physical life (there is no familiar climate, familiar apparatus, familiar environment, etc.). Therefore, not all of them could endure this, much less overcome the resistance of mercenary and ambitious people, for the sake of whose direction they reappeared on earth along the path of progress.

It is clear that to become a representative of the Human Gene Pool is the greatest mission of a person, since in this case a person dooms himself in advance to hardships and life in conditions difficult for survival. One has only to imagine one's own appearance in thousands or millions of years in an unaccustomed climate in a society of semi-savage tribes, when you are alone and when your knowledge and ability to use psychic energy are your only weapons. In particular, it will be very difficult for an Atlantean who left the Human Gene Pool during the life of our civilization: the structure of the eyes is not adapted for vision in the blue sky, the membranes are injured on hard rocky soil, the food is hard and tasteless, there are only ugly, short people around. Probably, the Atlantean will yearn for his native red sky, soft and humid earth, warm seas in which he planted his underwater plantations, for the familiar environment of tall and beautiful people, etc.

Why did Lemuro-Atlanteans appear as prophets in some cases, Atlanteans in others, and representatives of our civilization in still others? It is difficult for us to answer this question. Only the Supreme Intelligence can know this. But many factors were undoubtedly taken into account: which of them is more adapted to the conditions existing on earth at a given time period, who will be able to have the greatest impact on people, whose nature of knowledge is more suitable for this period, etc. Fortunately, there is a choice, since The human gene pool contains representatives of three Root races - Lemurians, Atlanteans and people of our civilization, which differ from each other in many respects. The variability of changes in the conditions of life on earth is unpredictable, so there must be variability in choosing the fittest people to continue or adjust life on earth.

A representative of whatever civilization appears on earth as a prophet, the essence of his mission remains the same - to influence people with the help of ancient knowledge and teach them this knowledge. They say that in the year 2000 Kali Yuga (11 thousand years) will be replaced by Satya Yuga and the “golden age” will come when people begin to discover ancient knowledge. What is the essence of ancient knowledge? Analyzing the information about the Life of the Lemurians and Atlanteans, we can say that the main essence of Ancient knowledge is the mastery of psychic energy. The human soul as a product of the subtle world has enormous unrealized possibilities. It can be asserted with a certain degree of certainty that ancient people, to a greater extent than we, possessed the energy of the subtle world, i.e., psychic energy. The energy of the subtle world is not only telepathic and hypnotic effects, it is also new methods of treating diseases, influencing gravity (weight transfer), new principles of aeronautics, etc., etc.

But the essence of mastering psychic energy has one fundamental nuance - it requires a bright soul and pure thoughts. Such, I think, is the basic regularity of the form of life in the subtle world.

In support of this, I will give an example from the book by V. Megre (“Anastasia”, 1997, pp. 17-43), in which the author describes an unusually beautiful Siberian girl Anastasia, who lives alone in the forest. This girl has many telepathic and hypnotic effects, understands the language of animals, can do without clothes in cold weather, sees the past and the future. When asked about the origins of her unusual abilities, she replied that every person has the same abilities, but their realization requires purity of thoughts, and a person’s mental strength depends on bright feelings.

The words "bright feelings", "pure soul" seem, at first glance, something vaguely romantic. But let's remember that in order to enter into deep samadhi, one must again "purify the soul", i.e., get rid of negatively twisted torsion fields. The result of the purification of the soul is incredible - the human body acquires the ability to remain alive for thousands and millions of years.

The prophets who emerged from the Gene Pool of Humanity, quite understandably, had a pure soul and were in complete control of psychic energy (otherwise they would not be able to enter the state of samadhi). Showing poorly educated and semi-savage people the power of psychic energy, they tried to pass on to them the ancient knowledge, primarily of the psychic energy order, because this is the path of harmonious progress. So, apparently, religions appeared. Of course, religious books, be it the Bible, the Koran or the Talmud, are written for a dark person in a fabulously allegorical form, but much that is written in them can already be explained from the point of view of psycho-energetic approaches.

So, finishing our reasoning about the significance of the Human Gene Pool, we can say that it performs a dual role, namely:

The human gene pool is an insurance link for the continuation of life on earth;

The gene pool of mankind is a storehouse of knowledge of different earthly civilizations, from which representatives of this or that civilization periodically come out for the purpose of prophecy.

Taking into account the dual role of the Human Gene Pool, it should be noted that the large number of people in samadhi in it is apparently dictated primarily by the role of life insurance on earth, since for the reproduction of mankind according to genetic laws, it is necessary to have a sufficiently large number of people of different sexes. But the analysis of the literature available to us showed that in the history of different civilizations on earth there has not yet been a precedent for the complete death of people living on the surface of the earth. Therefore, most likely, the gene pool of mankind has never been in demand for the reproduction of all mankind on earth. So far, the Human Gene Pool has been used only as a source for the appearance of prophets on earth to correct the direction of human development and, possibly, for partial reproduction of humankind.

But who knows, maybe the time will come when it will be possible to completely reproduce humanity on earth only at the expense of the Human Gene Pool.