Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Hitler and the Occult: The Black Jesuit and the Secrets of the Third Reich. Mystical secrets of the Third Reich Occult roots of Nazism

Today, in the Labyrinths of Truth series, a generalizing work by Hans-Ulrich von Krantz is published, dedicated to the most secret pages of the history of the Third Reich. His books, telling about individual Nazi secrets, were first translated into Russian by our publishing house and met with a grateful reception from the reader. Today we are pleased to present a kind of result of Krantz's many years of research - a work that brings together all the mysteries of Nazi Germany that he revealed.

Krantz's books are still little known to the Russian reader. And in the West, they are not too well known - both scientists and the media are trying in every possible way to hush up those sensational discoveries that Krantz describes in his works. There is a lot of pressure on publishers who try to publish them to drop their plans. And those few books that are still published, the scientific community is trying to present as cheap yellow press. But this is in the West... Whereas in the homeland of the researcher, in Argentina, these works made a splash, for a long time taking the first lines in the ratings of the most popular historical literature.

“Not a very typical surname for an Argentine,” the reader will say. And he will be absolutely right. Von Krantz is an ethnic German whose father, as an SS officer, left for Argentina after the war to avoid prosecution or, which was much more dangerous, summary execution. By the will of fate, he was involved in the most secret projects of the Third Reich, the secrets of which he kept all his life. And only after the death of his father, the son was able to find out which "skeletons" were kept in his family's closet. From that moment on, the respectable bourgeois turned into a tireless and talented researcher - a real stalker, a hunter for sensational secrets.

If you read Krantz's books and then look at his photograph, you get a very strange feeling. Flipping through the pages of “Heritage of the Ancestors”, “Swastikas in the Ice” or “Swastikas in Orbit”, you imagine the author as a young, fit man with strong-willed features and a steely look - every line of these books is filled with such tough dynamics, such an exciting intrigue. From the photograph, an ordinary fifty-year-old man is looking at us, a tanned blond with deep bald patches, inclined to be overweight, with a calm, serene face. This “split personality” is far from accidental. Von Krantz for many years, until he decided to publish his first book (which you, dear reader, are now holding in your hands), had to lead a virtual double life. And few could suspect that under the appearance of an exemplary bourgeois, a typical middle-class manager or a university professor, there is a person who is ready to destroy stereotypes and pull out into the light of God facts that were previously carefully hushed up or hidden.

We are publishing this book also because the theme of the secrets of the Third Reich has become very popular in our country. Unfortunately, the bookshelves today are mostly filled with unscrupulous fakes, mediocre inventions on this subject. In contrast to this book production, which the language does not dare to call otherwise than waste paper, Krantz's work, despite the lively and fascinating style of presentation, is a serious study based on rich factual material.

But enough words. Let us leave you, dear reader, alone with the brilliant work of Krantz, which, no doubt, will make you take a fresh look at many seemingly long-known facts.

Word to the reader

“Son of an SS man” - such a nickname stuck to me in my very early childhood. I didn’t understand then what it meant, but I didn’t feel any resentment – ​​it was said, as a rule, without any hatred or contempt. In quiet, serene Patagonia, the world war, like everything that happened in Europe, seemed something distant, almost unreal. In addition, most of those with whom I communicated in my childhood were residents of the settlement of German colonists from which my mother was born and where my father arrived in the now distant forty-fifth year.

Yes, he really was an SS man. But not those who stood on the watchtowers of numerous concentration camps. And not to those who fought at the front as part of the elite units. When the Nazis came to power, my father was a young but promising scholar of the history and traditions of the ancient Germans. Quite quickly, all these studies were taken under the patronage of the almighty SS Heinrich Himmler. My father faced a very simple choice: either become an SS man or refuse to study his favorite topic. He chose the first. History has shown that this was the wrong choice, but can we blame him today?

My father hardly talked about his scientific work. He rose to a fairly high rank - SS Obersturmbannführer, which, according to the Russian table of ranks, roughly corresponds to the army rank of major. When Germany was defeated, Heinrich von Krantz fled to Argentina, where he met my mother and where this author was born in 1950. Father did not like to talk about the details of his flight: he only said that he was fleeing from a possible reprisal that threatened all SS men, regardless of whether they were involved in war crimes or not.

Up to a point, I believed it. Only much later, in my student years, when I began to take a serious interest in the history of the Third Reich, I involuntarily thought about the veracity of my father's words. Hundreds of thousands of people served in the SS, of which tens of thousands were officers. The death penalty and imprisonment were the fate of a few: mostly those whose hands were up to the elbows in blood. It was these people who tried to hide in Latin America. Researchers like my father survived the first years after the defeat relatively calmly and were even able to return to their scientific research. What was he running from anyway? And the second mystery: after arriving in Argentina, my father completely abandoned science and began to engage in banal commerce. Why?

During my father's lifetime, I could not find answers to these questions. Moreover, I tried not to ask them either to him or to myself, fearing that the answer would be too terrible. It was only after my father's death in 1990, when I went through his papers, that I found the answer. To be honest, it turned out to be completely different from what I expected and was afraid to find out. And that made me even more shocked.

In an old safe in the attic of our house, there were documents relating to such aspects of the history of the Third Reich that I had not previously suspected. About the mysterious project "Ahnenerbe" ("Heritage of the Ancestors"), about the connections of the Nazi leadership with the occult forces, about the secret Antarctic base, about breakthrough scientific research, the results of which were not surpassed even twenty years after the end of the war. They were kept secret by both the defeated and the victors. Because these secrets were capable of completely blowing up our ideas about the Nazi empire. After all, for a long time, historians inspired us with the image of the Nazi regime as a complete bankrupt, which failed in all its undertakings. Maybe at some stage this statement was true, but you can’t feed people with the same fairy tale for decades in a row! Because in reality this monstrous, demonic, criminal regime has achieved in some areas such successes that the rest of mankind could not even dream of. This was clearly spoken about, the documents that I inherited literally shouted.

My first reaction was to publish my findings. However, the publishers I approached showed no interest in them. “I can cook up more interesting ones,” one of the editors said during a conversation with me. I realized that I was not being taken seriously, and this angered and surprised me in equal measure.

“The beast has no animal form. Sometimes he can even have a funny mustache.”
- Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, "A Brief Tale of the Antichrist"

About the messiah of dark forces and the occult secrets of the Third Reich

The theme of Hitler and the occult in relation to the ideology of the Third Reich was studied by more than one hundred scientists around the world from the moment the organization was founded and until its crushing fall. These and later studies show that Hitler, Nazism and the occult Reich are interconnected and complementary things.

For various reasons: starting from the reason “top secret”, and ending with the reason for the elementary absence of any scientific explanations, a lot of different kinds of facts, in one way or another intersecting with secret knowledge, remained some kind of gaps in history that could not be make up for and somehow convincingly comment so far.

Why are we talking about this today?.. The answer is simple: our task is to provide the reader with information about the most diverse: sometimes contradictory and not fitting into certain social settings, extreme phenomena that have taken place on our planet. For each such fact that has taken place in the world, along with one or another of its assessment, has both its deep root causes and its irreversible consequences.

And no matter how contemporaries relate to the events that took place, from the cosmic point of view of the universal history, all these events remain only certain facts that have occurred in human history ...

In addition, it is impossible, from our point of view, to somehow prevent the recurrence in the world of such a kind of global catastrophes, which was the Nazi invasion for mankind of the 20th century, without understanding and fully not realizing all its causes and origins.

Be that as it may, returning to the designated topic "Hitler and the occult", it is worth remembering that both the SS service, created by Adolf Hitler in Germany, and, in general, the top leadership of the Third Reich were adherents of secret occult teachings and practices. In the bowels of this Nazi organization, various kinds of secret meetings were repeatedly held, at which all sorts of mystical rituals were held.

How could all this - and could it - influence the events that were taking place at that time? How Hitler, the owner of a medical diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia" (which is also a proven fact), a man in many ways quite limited and essentially ignorant, managed to capture the consciousness of almost eighty million citizens of Germany - which for a long time the whole world was unable to resist ?.. In a word, there are many questions here, and this question, lying on the surface, also remains a mystery to this day ...

Dark Initiate

The childhood of the future messiah of the dark forces and the leader of Nazism cannot be said to be anything particularly unusual. On the contrary, it is known that young Adolf in his own family, especially after the death of his mother, had a hard time. Perhaps this is partly why he became interested in the occult early, spending many hours in the library reading mythological and occult literature: apparently, he felt much more comfortable in the ephemeral worlds than in the real world, where he felt a sense of loneliness and absolute helplessness.

Perhaps this situation would have continued in the future, if Adolf, already a nineteen-year-old boy, had not somehow ended up on the threshold of the Hofburg Museum in the historical center of Vienna. ... It was raining outside, and the future tyrant of Europe decided to wait it out under the roof of this gloomy mausoleum, which kept echoes of the great past of the degenerating German aristocracy, namely the Habsburg dynasty.

So, probably, he would have stood here in his somnambulistic thoughts - did not suddenly hear fragments of the words of the guide, which pointed out to a group of sightseers a certain prehistoric museum exhibit - the ancient tip of the Spear of Longinus ( Longinus): according to legend, Christ crucified on the cross was wounded by him ...

There was a belief that the person who could take possession of this Spear of Destiny,

"will hold in his hands the fate of the world, commanding Good and Evil."

“Being nearby,” Hitler later wrote, “at first vaguely, but with every moment, I felt more and more clearly some unknown powerful force emanating from the spear. I felt someone's unknown presence - I experienced something similar in those moments when I realized that a great destiny awaited me. ... In an instant, I realized - that I am experiencing one of the most important moments of my life.

Of course, we cannot judge today how much these words really belonged to the pen of this genius of evil. But at least that's how the historian Ronald Paul tells it.

« I had such a feeling, - R. Paul continues his story with the words of Adolf Hitler, - as if I had already held this spear in my hands once upon a time, in a past life, many centuries ago. It was as if I had long ago recognized him as my power-giving talisman and held the fate of the world in my hands.”

As a result of this accidental meeting with a historical symbol-artifact, Hitler plunged even deeper into the topic of mysticism, the occult and studied all the materials available in the Vienna Library related to the Spear of Destiny, which, from that moment, no longer gave rest to his imagination.

There is evidence that Hitler managed to get this mystical spear. And indeed, subsequently it protected him for many years, allowing him to survive even when, it would seem, there was no longer any hope for this.

Hitler's occult

Hitler's occult initiation was carried out by Dietrich Eckhart, a member of the Thule Order. Among those who studied the activities of the Order of Thule, there is an opinion that Hitler was chosen for his unsightly role as a kind of tool of the dark forces, as a kind of bridge-bundle in the face of a person who allowed occult structures to influence state policy.

The same community also took measures to train the new "Antichrist" in the methods of control and influence on the masses. The German Workers' Party is Adolf's first refuge as a politician. It was from her that he began to win the trust of the population.

Interest in Hitler on the part of the Thule Society manifested itself quickly enough. After his unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government of Bavaria, young Adolf was sent to prison. But this was not the most entertaining at that moment: it is interesting that the political criminal Rudolf Gez was planted in his cell, who, according to researchers, was ordered to specifically surrender to the authorities in order to continue the occult-Nazi training of the Fuhrer. And Gez is quite successful in this. One of the results of their communication was the notorious book "Mein Kampf" by Hitler, which was a kind of Nazi manifesto.

After leaving prison, Hitler, with the support of Thule, begins to persuade citizens to hold elections. But he failed to win them in 1932. However, a year later, having received the support of the country's aristocracy and business class, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Thus begins the history of the occult Third Reich.

The occult roots of Nazism

In 1934, Hitler implanted in Germany the occult ideology of a new religion, where he denied that Jesus the Savior belonged to the Jewish nation, and also proclaimed himself the new messiah.

After promoting his own supernatural destiny, starting in 1934, the Fuhrer creates his own black sect - the SS organization. This unit appeared with the sole purpose of protecting the leader Adolf Hitler. Those who wanted to join this community went through a tough selection process. They were trained in special schools, they eradicated attempts to act contrary to the order, in other words, they brought up ideal followers who are ready without a doubt to do everything that they will be entrusted with.

The oath of SS recruits was not easy. One of its strange conditions was that this action was carried out at midnight, by the light of torches. Such a ceremony of fire personified the symbol of life among the ancient Aryans, with the help of which they fought the forces of evil. For the SS, everything was exactly the opposite: they themselves became the force that brought only evil, destruction and suffering into the world.

The martial magic of the SS was displayed in the meetings of the thirteen members of the top leadership of the organization. Their gatherings were accompanied by occult rituals, as evidenced by their attributes (for example, each of the participants in the gatherings had their own occult dagger). This cult was created personally by Hitler, who thus apparently wanted to get rid of the influence of the Thule Order. But for complete world domination, he (as the leader of fascism and Nazism believed) needed nothing else, namely, the spear of Destiny.

But it was still in Austria, and in order to finally get it, Hitler in 1938 decided to invade this country. The Austrian soldiers were ordered not to resist, which made it easier for the Germans to capture Austria and marked the beginning of the reunification of the two states. Here, in the Hofburg Palace, Hitler, for the first time since his youth, was left alone with the coveted Spear: with the only difference that now it completely belonged only to him.

The mysticism of the Spear of Destiny suggested that there was a choice between the light and the dark side for the one who declared himself to be its owner. All night Adolf sat in the room where the spear was kept, forbidding anyone to enter him. Most likely, according to scientists, that very night in his sick imagination a sinister plan arose to take over the world: it was then, as it is believed, that he decided to unleash the Second World War.

Roots of Evil

The occultism of the Third Reich will end its existence in the face of this organization exactly 12 years after its creation. Oddly enough, just such a period - 12 years - is considered the completed cycle of the Tibetan calendar. It is known that the Nazis from the Order of Thule tried to make contact with magicians living in Tibet. It was here, according to legend, that the mysterious Shambhala was located, where the contact between the worlds takes place.

The scientific expeditions of the Germans to the Tibetan Mountains are authentically known from various archives and documents. And here, in the Order of Lucifer - the refuge of devil worshipers, there were supporters of Hitler's ideology.

During the next German expedition to Tibet in search of Shambhala, they were greeted with honor by members of a certain conspiracy order of the Green Dragon. During the same expedition, measures were taken to establish closer ties between Tibet and Berlin.

Personally, an important document was sent to Hitler from Tibet - Tantra, which, as he himself believed, would inform and provide him from now on with a strong connection with Shambhala, from where he intended to draw strength and power for his future world domination. Now occult Nazism with its banal symbols, as well as its leaders, Hitler was no longer interested. From now on, he was completely sure that the very long-awaited mystical, his time to implement his plan.

Ahnenerbe project

However, before proceeding to the next stage of this brief historical digest, it is worth mentioning one more unambiguous organization of the occult Reich, namely, the Ahnenerbe, shrouded in mysterious conjectures, (“ heritage of the ancestors, - German.). Its essence and task was to apply the secret knowledge of European and Eastern mystical schools in order to glorify the Third Reich.

The roots of this phenomenon originate in the occult-mystical societies of Germanenorden, Thule and Vril: they were the basis of National Socialism, which professed the theory that once in antiquity there was the most enlightened state that died as a result of some huge catastrophe. But - it did not die completely: like humanity, saved by Noah's ark, some people from this disappeared state, nevertheless, remained. Later, mingling with representatives of the ancient Aryans, it was they who gave birth to the "supermen" - the Germanic ancestors ...

... And so, on the day of the summer solstice (which is symbolic in itself), these same "supermen", or rather, non-humans, led by Hitler, attacked the USSR, thereby signing the beginning of the end for both their leader and his fascist empire. Sacredly believing in the support of the forces allegedly granted to him by Shambhala and the Spear of Destiny, Hitler did not even bother to provide his own army with winter uniforms, hoping for a "concluded agreement with the cold."

Satanic sacrifice

The opening of the Second Front by America pushed Hitler to desperate measures. Fighting now on both fronts, the dictator eventually fell into despair. To appease Lucifer, the prince of darkness, he decided to sacrifice many people. It was planned to immediately kill 11 million people in all countries occupied by Nazi Germany. For sprinkling the occult banner with a swastika, on the eve of the Battle of Stalingrad, SS forces killed 12 thousand people. Thus, before the decisive battle, the Nazis tried to enlist the help of the devil himself. But nothing came of this, and after the defeat at Stalingrad, the German army again and again began to pursue failures.

The Fuhrer is a prophet?

Hitler's amazing feature of avoiding death, which has already been mentioned above, cannot but attract attention. So, in 1944, when discontent was ripening in the highest circles of the German leadership and, as a result, everything seemed to have been planned to the smallest detail: the briefcase with explosives was literally at the feet of the Fuhrer ... - pure chance (? ..) suddenly saved him from certain death.

The subsequent assassination attempts on him were also unsuccessful. Someone talked about his exceptional superpowers to avoid dangers, while others claimed that Satan himself was protecting him.

It is known that he was fascinated by everything mystical and otherworldly. It is no secret that the key role in the formation of the ideology of the Third Reich was given to mysticism, and in particular, the idea of ​​the origin of the Aryan race from the ancient Atlanteans and their descendants, the Hyperboreans. , the mythical homeland, beckoned Hitler with ancient secrets.

The German scientist Hans Gorbiger with his theory of cosmic ice had a very great influence on the formation of the Fuhrer's worldview. According to Gorbiger, our time was preceded by a civilization fabulous in scope and power, which existed for millennia. The giant people who lived in those days had many slaves. But civilization perished as a result of the flood. The scientist believed that someday humanity, having gone through colossal catastrophes and mutations, would become as powerful as their ancestors. To save humanity, Gorbiger proposed to give power to the Aryan race as the most powerful.

Hitler, before he came to power, often communicated with a Tibetan lama who lived in Berlin. The lama was called "the man in green gloves", and the initiates called him "the key holder of the kingdom of Agharti". Agharti in German sounds like Asgard - the legendary country of the northern aesir gods. A powerful spiritual organization, the Thule Society, which included Hitler, is associated with the mysterious kingdom of Agharti. Its founders, scientists Eckart and Haushofer, assured that a high civilization flourished in the Gobi desert region 30-40 centuries ago. During the global catastrophe, some of its representatives survived.

The survivors went to the Himalayan caves where they split into two parts. Some began to call their center Agarti (the center of good), indulged in contemplation and do not interfere in earthly affairs. According to legend, the inhabitants of Agharti still live in the caves to this day. The second was the country of Shambhala (the center of power and violence that rules the world), which is a repository of unknown forces, accessible only to the initiates. Some of the Gobis seem to have migrated to the north of Europe and the Caucasus and are the ancestors of the Aryan race. Therefore, only the Aryan race had the opportunity to make an alliance with Agharti and Shambhala and master the secrets of controlling subtle energy, which made it possible to learn, for example, to move multi-ton stone blocks with a glance.

From all these ideas, the Fuhrer formulated the theory of "magic socialism", according to which people rise to a new stage of development every 700 years. The harbinger of the transformation of the races is the appearance of giant mages. The Fuhrer considered the Aryans to be the true race, called to know the next cycle. Their destiny is an epic under the leadership of "higher unknowns." Other people, according to Hitler, are only superficially similar to humans, but are farther from the Aryans than animals. Therefore, he did not perceive the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, etc. as a crime against humanity. By order of the Fuhrer, a special institute "" was created, which organized expeditions to Tibet in search of legendary countries. Alas, several expeditions sent to Tibet were unsuccessful.

Throughout his life, the Fuhrer was actively fond of fortune-telling and respectfully treated all kinds of seers and clairvoyants. Hearing that another person with paranormal abilities appeared in some city or country, he immediately hurried to organize a personal meeting - appealing to himself (and generously thanking him for the sessions), or arriving in person. There are eyewitness accounts that say that when communicating with them, the great dictator suddenly turned into an “obedient student”, who listened to their every word. He treated the representatives of the world of magic with honorable respect, and even if they were rude to him, he never allowed him to respond harshly or take aggressive measures.

A well-known fact: it was in Bulgaria, the Fuhrer, accompanied by guards, came to the famous Vanga and, leaving the guards outside the house, retired with her, and after some time literally ran out of her house, shouting loudly and swearing. Already from the story of Vanga herself, we know that he wanted to know the future - as she sees it. Vanga replied that she did not want to work with him, because he was not a good person, on whose account there were many deaths, and even more people would be killed because of him in the future.

The only prediction she made to Hitler related to the coming war. She said that he has two options for the future, in one case he will live long and gain money, but will lose power, and in the other case he will be in power, but for a short time, after which he will be killed, and his whole ideology will collapse, equally how everything that was created by him will disappear. And the starting point of the path on which the future depends is the war with Russia. The collapse of Hitler was waiting if he went to Russia with the war. It was this prophecy that enraged the dictator, it was he who disobeyed, and what all this led to - we know from world history.

Why didn’t the Fuhrer, who was trustworthy about the predictors, listen to Vanga, who, by the way, already had incredible authority at that time? Many of the researchers believe that the reason lies in the artifact, whose name is "" (other names: "Spear of Longinus", "Spear of Omnipotence", "Spear of Otto"). The Fuhrer believed (and perhaps he was convinced of this by the "court" fortune-tellers, astrologers whose advice he always listened to) that by possessing it, he would be able to change the course of history, subjugating the minds of people, control destinies and really work miracles. The “Spear of Destiny”, which for the ideologists of the “Thousand-Year Reich” was an invaluable magical attribute, but in fact it was a simple, nondescript iron tip of an ancient spear, which was considered one of the main shrines of the Christian world (the second most important attribute, according to the Western Christian scale of values ​​after) was kept in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna - the former palace of the Habsburgs, the Austrian emperors.

1909 - a young and unknown artist Adolf lived in Vienna, or rather lived in poverty. Small pictures with views of the city did not give much income, and there were no serious orders and could not be. But ambitious dreams haunted the future executioner of nations. One of Hitler's most cherished dreams was that same mystical spear, the legend of which he knew very well. In many ways, his friend Alfred Rosenberg, who in his youth, openly fascinated by the occult, could infect the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btaking possession of the spear of the unfortunate artist, who many times called various princes of Prussia, once fragmented into parts.

One of the frequently asked questions of this dubious company was about a spear that was kept in a museum. And at one of these sessions, at which, as the Fuhrer once admitted, Otto the Third himself, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who once owned the mysterious spear, was summoned, the spirit was told to the future Fuhrer who was watching the process that he would be the next owner of the spear with all the ensuing consequences. consequences.

Over time, having established himself at the head of the "New Germany", Hitler was already openly talking about his worship of the cherished spear. So, in the Center for Nazi Religion in Berlin, which he created in 1935, there was a certain “Spear Room” - a small room in which there was a copy of the driving object. But the copy could not satisfy his vanity, because it did not have any magical power, and therefore it was no coincidence that the first victim of world tyranny was Austria, the Alpine Republic that did not interfere with anyone. A secret operation was carried out to capture the "especially valuable" museum exhibits of the Hofburg Museum.

Before the armored German columns invaded sovereign Austrian territory, on the personal orders of the Führer, the local Viennese SS captured the Hofburg. Hitler personally arrived at the Vienna Museum immediately after the Anschluss and, as described in many sources, “his hands, trembling with excitement, removed the glass that had separated him from the long-awaited jewel for so long, after which numb fingers lightly touched the ancient iron, moreover, not with a glove - he I longed with my skin, with my flesh to feel the power of the magic tip.

Over time, the list of Hitler's artifacts was replenished with other magical acquisitions. The inventory list included: a tooth of John the Baptist, a flap of tablecloth from the table of the Last Supper, over which Jesus Christ once broke bread, St. Elmo's purse, the bible of the first Pope, a stone from the wall of the Jerusalem temple and much more.

1944, October - Anglo-American bombs turned ancient Nuremberg into ruins. The old fortress was also destroyed to the ground, in the underground galleries of which the Fuhrer kept his treasures. Neither the armored bunker nor the special spells of the occult agent unit could help.

At this time, the army of Marshal Zhukov approaches the German border. In Berlin, the Fuhrer holds an emergency meeting at which the fate of the treasure is decided, while the main goal is to save the spear - Hitler was ready to sacrifice everything else. They decided to hide the "Spear of Destiny" in the Alps, in a special rocky shelter.

But in the resulting confusion, the “Sword of Saint Mauritius” was mistakenly sent to the Alps, and the spear was forgotten in Nuremberg. 1945, April 30 - the dungeons of Nuremberg were examined by American troops, who did not find anything interesting, and the unsightly rags of the military simply did not interest them. It could have been buried under the ruins, but the spear was taken as a souvenir by the American General Patton, who after the war, having learned about its value, handed it over to the authorities of the newly liberated Austria. It is still kept in the Hofburg Palace ...

On April 20 of this year, the main fascist of Germany, Adolf Hitler, would have turned 112 years old. Much can be argued about the significance of this figure in world history, but we will refrain from blaming or approving his wars of conquest and racist beliefs. Let's better try to understand why the mystically minded Hitler, contrary to the prophecies of the "court soothsayers" and common sense, nevertheless attacked Russia.

Mysticism and, in particular, the idea of ​​the origin of the Aryan race from the ancient powerful Atlanteans and their descendants, the Hyperboreans, played a huge role in the FORMATION of the ideology of the Third Reich. Mysterious Tibet, the mythical homeland of the legendary Shambhala, beckoned the Fuhrer with ancient secrets.

We asked Professor Ernst Muldashev, a researcher of this mysterious country, to comment on Hitler's interest in Tibet:

Hitler would not have attacked "dense", as he believed, Russia. However, our country was for him only a way to Tibet. The German scientist Hans Gorbiger with his theory of cosmic ice had a very great influence on the formation of Hitler's worldview. According to Gorbiger, our time was preceded by a civilization of fabulous scope and power that existed for thousands of years. The giant people who lived in those days had many slaves. But civilization perished as a result of the flood. The scientist believed that someday people, having gone through colossal catastrophes and mutations, would become as powerful as their ancestors. To save humanity, Gorbiger proposed to give power to the Aryan race as the most powerful.

Hitler, before coming to power, often communicated with a Tibetan lama who lived in Berlin. The lama was called "the man in the green gloves" and the initiates called him "the holder of the keys to the kingdom of Agharti". Agharti in German sounds like Asgard - the legendary country of the northern aesir gods. A powerful spiritual organization, the Thule Society, is associated with the mysterious kingdom of Agharti, of which Hitler was also a member. Its founders, scientists Eckart and Haushofer, argued that a high civilization flourished in the Gobi desert region 30-40 centuries ago. During the global catastrophe, not all of its representatives died. The rest went into the Himalayan caves and split into two parts. Some called their center Agarti (the center of good), indulged in contemplation and do not interfere in earthly affairs. According to legend, the inhabitants of Agharti are still living in the caves. The second founded the country of Shambhala (the center of power and violence that rules the world), which is a repository of unknown forces, accessible only to the initiates. Some of the Gobis allegedly migrated to the north of Europe and the Caucasus and are the ancestors of the Aryan race. Therefore, only the Aryan race could enter into an alliance with Agharti and Shambhala and master the secrets of controlling subtle energy, allowing them to learn, for example, to move multi-ton stone blocks with their eyes.

From all these ideas, Hitler formulated the theory of "magic socialism", according to which people rise to a new stage of development every 700 years. The harbinger of the transformation of the races is the appearance of giant mages. The true race, called to know the next cycle, Hitler considered the Aryans. Their destiny is an epic under the leadership of "higher unknowns". Other people, according to the Fuhrer, only outwardly resemble a person, but are farther from the Aryans than animals. Therefore, he did not consider the extermination of Jews, Gypsies, etc. a crime against humanity. By order of Hitler, a special institute "Ahnenerbe" was organized, which organized expeditions to Tibet in search of legendary countries.

During the last expedition to Tibet, we ended up in the town of Titarapari - the legendary Tibetan Babylon, where, according to the lamas, the entrance to the mysterious Shambhala is located. Now one can understand why several expeditions organized by Hitler failed in Tibet. This place is very strong, mystical. Things are going on there inexplicable, and a person runs the risk of dying in "cursed Babylon." So, even if the Nazi envoys found the door to the world of the mighty Hyperboreans, they were overtaken by death.

In Berlin, an agreement was found between Adolf Hitler and Satan.
The contract is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood on both sides. According to which, the devil gives Hitler almost unlimited power, provided that he uses it for evil. In exchange, Hitler promised to give his soul in exactly 13 years...
Four independent experts studied the document and agreed that the Fuhrer's signature is indeed genuine, characteristic of documents signed by him in the 30s and 40s.
According to Portal Credo, the diabolical signature also coincides with the one that stands on other similar agreements with the lord of hell. A lot of such documents are known to historians.

I am sure that the document is genuine, - said Dr. Greta Leiber, who studies various kinds of agreements with evil spirits. - It provides an opportunity to solve the mystery of how Hitler managed to become the ruler of Germany. Judge for yourself: before 1932, he was a simple loser. He was expelled from high school, he failed twice in the exams at the Academy of Arts, even went to prison. Everyone who knew him at that time considered him incapable of anything. But since 1932, his fate has changed dramatically - he literally "catapulted" into the chair of power and in January 1933 he already ruled Germany. In my opinion, this can only be explained by an alliance with Satan. And on April 30, 1945 - exactly 13 years later - Adolf Hitler committed suicide, hated by all mankind.

Hitler's contract with Satan was found in an old chest in the ruins of a burnt house on the outskirts of Berlin. How he got there is unclear. Now the document is in the city historical institute. The text is badly damaged, but still readable.
"That's exactly how Satan works," adds Dr. Leiber. - Chooses a loser, tormented by ambition and a thirst for worldly pleasures, and promises to fulfill his desires. As a result - a lot of trouble for others and a complete disaster for someone who "bought" his promises. And the Fuhrer fully fits into this scheme ...

Sacrifice of the Third Reich

Sacrifice. The one who makes a deal must always be ready for it, because the infernal legions traditionally demand just such a price. And of course, the more a person wants, the more significant sacrifice is required for him. Since we are dealing directly with the "Forces of Chaos", it implies destruction, ruin and, if possible, human lives. “Losses are never too high! - the Fuhrer once yelled to Field Marshal Walter Reichenau - They are the key to future greatness! These were the words of a true magician, convinced that sacrificing to Satan would eventually restore balance! If only not one but, Satan himself supported Hitler until 1941 ... When the devil met his equal in his mystical power - the Mother of God!

She was the one who stopped Satan. Many say that even if these deals were real, the devil ultimately deceived the main victim who subscribed to his promises, nothing like that! Satan would have fulfilled his mission if he had not met his equal “Higher Powers”. Look for deals with the devil, and there you will read many stories of how Satan fulfilled their request to the end, because the request of the other person was not as high as Hitler dreamed of! Hitler wanted a lot, but even the devil went too far! That the Divine forces of good intervened, stopping him, during the Great Patriotic War. Of course, this may still not be clear to many, but the fact remains, this is the truth, maybe not as detailed as I write, but the essence remains the same. Hitler attacked the Soviet Union on the day of the summer solstice. In truth, the Holy War against the Antichrist began, this was the beginning of his end.

Hitler did not believe in this, despite the failure of the Blitzkrieg, he was convinced that Shambhala would provide the so-called agreement with the Cold, that is, power over the climate. Therefore, the army was not provided with winter uniforms, but nature sided with the Soviet army. In December 1941, the Germans froze in overcoats with fish fur, frostbitten their feet in light boots. General Guderian, at the risk of being demoted, arrived in Berlin to the Fuhrer with a report. Hitler flared up "attack!" he shouted, "and the cold is my business." But instead of eternal ice, the abode of Satan, the Nazis received Russian frosts. And on December 7, Hitler's former mentor Karl Haushofer made a new attempt to stop the superman. Many believe that it was he who inspired the Japanese to eliminate the American base at Pearl Harbor. Germany was at war with the United States, now she had to fight on two fronts.

The Fuhrer was furious to appease the devil, he organized monstrous human sacrifices. In 1942, the Wannsee Conference was convened, the leadership of the Reich discussed the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”, the easiest way to kill 11 million people, it was precisely this number of peaceful Jews that the Nazis intended to destroy in the occupied countries. From the point of view of military logic, this plan for the destruction of people did not make any sense, thousands of soldiers, equipment, hundreds of trains had to be diverted to it, but the Fuhrer's "Final Solution" defied logic. Blinded by the diabolical idea, he no longer saw living people behind it. On the eve of the Battle of Stalingrad, a new bloody ritual was performed. There is evidence that SS units killed about 12,000 people in mineral waters in order to sprinkle the blood of the killed swastika banners. Three German climbers hoisted a banner on the peak of the sacred mountain of the Aryans, Elbrus. The peak was called eloquently - friends of Lucifer.

Assassination attempt on the Fuhrer

1944, July 20 - Soviet troops crossed the border of Poland. On the same day, another event occurred at the Wolfschanze headquarters, an assassination attempt was made on Hitler. The conspiracy matured among the senior officers, the head of the conspirators, Colonel von Stauffenberg, put the briefcase with the bomb under Hitler's table, but one of the officers of the General Staff decided that the briefcase was not in place and moved it to the far corner of the room. The Fuhrer was shell-shocked by the explosion, for some time he lost his hearing, his arm was paralyzed. One of the conspirators was Karl Haushofer's son Albrecht. It was another desperate attempt by Haushofer to stop a former student by physically eliminating him. The conspirators were dealt with to the fullest extent of wartime - interrogations, torture, show trials.

Albrecht Haushofer was thrown into prison on Larter Strasse, and then shot. After the execution, a piece of paper was found in the pocket of Albrecht’s tunic with the following lines: “Once again the devil must be expelled, and again thrown into prison, but my father broke the seal, he did not feel the breath of the evil one and released the devil into the world“ Let the attempt on the Antichrist seem useless, but his empire was already in agony. The Fuhrer suffered not only military, but also mystical defeats. March 30, 1945 - the operation to remove the Spear of Fate from the Nyurba Church of St. Catherine failed.

It was encoded in the registry as the spear of Saint Mauritius. Among the relics was also the sword of St. Mauritius, probably Divine guidance intervened and the employees packed the sword into containers for withdrawal, the spear remained in the Church, but Hitler did not know anything about it. The Americans began the Battle of Nuremberg on 16 April. The Führer ordered “Defend Nuremberg to the last drop of blood”, and the Germans fought fiercely, but still the city fell. It happened on April 20, the day of Hitler's 56th birthday. The First US Army - a special unit was formed to search for relics of the German Empire.

The Allies got closer and closer to the Spear of Destiny, not realizing what paramount value it represents for Hitler. Apparently the Fuhrer felt something was wrong, he retired to talk with Himmler, and he again began to convince that the Spear was safely taken out of the Church of St. Catherine. Usually Hitler's birthday was celebrated magnificently, but in 1945 everything was different. Soviet troops moved to Berlin, the Americans entered Leipzig, and the birthday boy was hiding underground, like a wounded animal in a hole. The Reich Chancellery where Hitler's headquarters was located was already torn apart by bombs, but at the very bottom, at a depth of about 15 meters, there was a bunker, a fortified command center.

There were two tiers in the bunker: the first, consisting of 12 rooms, was intended for servants, the second lower tier of 18 rooms, was the Fuhrer's personal dwelling. There were also military conferences. The Fuhrer made his last foray out of the dungeon into the world to meet with teenagers from the Hitler Youth. He thanked for the military prowess of the children whom he himself deprived of childhood. Hitler looked bad, his face was rumpled, his eyes absent-minded, like a dead man rising from the grave, his hand trembled more than usual as a result of Parkinson's disease. Hitler's associates suggested that he move the headquarters from Berlin to a safer place, but he hesitated. The Fuhrer still hoped for good news from Nuremberg, the city where the . There was one more magical relic that Hitler could hope to help.


The Tibetan tantra Kalachakra was stored in a safe in the bunker. If you believe her texts, the rituals of Buddhist tantra allowed a great person to be reborn after death, but the believer honors the enlightened, and the Fuhrer was the embodiment of darkness. Hitler no longer spared even his fellow citizens. He gave the order to flood the Berlin underground. The death of almost 200,000 Berliners is difficult to justify by military arguments. It's more like a sacrifice. The chronicle of the last days of the Fuhrer gives a clinical picture.
On April 22, Hitler constantly called the front with the same question: “When will the decisive offensive of all the forces of the Berlin group begin?” What kind of decisive offensive could there be when the Soviet troops captured another underground citadel, the command post of the German ground forces in Zossen.

Hitler became hysterical, he could no longer control himself. He shouted that around him was treason and betrayal. And he threatened to hang or shoot everyone. Perhaps in this way he tried to achieve intoxication of the blood with adrenaline and cheer himself up, but it was all to no avail. Tantrums were replaced by apathy. The Fuehrer then revived again trying to use the magical visualization technique. He was interested in the movement of troops, trying to see them with an inner eye and thereby intervene in the course of hostilities, but Satan stopped helping him ....
The former superhuman behaved like a simple alarmist. Hitler could no longer influence even Himmler, his high priest and closest assistant, with whom he had previously had an almost mediumistic connection ...

April 26, 1945 - Himmler entered into separate peace negotiations. The owner was shocked by the betrayal of the servant, he apparently forgot that black service rests only on fear of the strong and those in power, but he lost his former strength and power ... On April 29, Hitler commits an act that is not logical for the faith of an apostate. Marries Eva Braun, most likely participation in the Christian sacrament of the wedding was a momentary weakness, because after Hitler killed himself and his wife.

“My wife and I choose death to avoid the shame of defeat or surrender. We wish that our bodies would immediately be put on fire in the place where I did most of my daily work during the 12 years of service to my people. It can be seen that there is still a decent amount of vanity in Hitler's will. At night, the Fuhrer went out to say goodbye to the ladies who were in the bunker. When he retired, everyone felt that Hitler no longer had power over them. It was April 30th, Walpurgis Night, the most important date in the Satanist calendar. And the date when Hitler, having passed away, went straight into the arms of the devil ...

In the war against Nazism, not only the Soviet Union and the Coalition of Allies won, but also divine intervention from the Russian Icon of the Mother of God, which was able to calm the devil, and the devil lost the power of good and evil in the mystical world against God ...
In Moscow, a fragment of the frontal lobe with a bullet hole is still kept in the Historical Museum in Moscow, this is all that remains of the superman. Unfortunately, to this day there are madmen eager to revive the diabolical idea of ​​Nazism. But it is said in the book of the Prophet Isaiah: “The trampling populist broke on the ground, and said in his heart, I will go to heaven above the stars of God, I will exalt my throne and sit on the mountain in the Soma of the Gods. I will be like the Almighty, but you are not thrown into hell, into the depths of hell.”
And let those who are now again trying to use esotericism and the occult to subjugate the masses do not forget about this.