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Grammatical meaning and grammatical category. Lexical and grammatical meaning

Words have lexical and grammatical meanings. Lexical meanings are studied by lexicology, grammatical meanings are studied by grammar - morphology and syntax.

The lexical meaning of a word is a reflection in the word of one or another phenomenon of reality (object, event, quality, action, relationship, etc.).

The grammatical meaning of a word is its characteristic as an element of a certain grammatical class (for example, table is a masculine noun), as an element of an inflectional series (table, table, table, etc.) and as an element of a phrase or sentence in which the word is associated with in other words (table leg, Put the book on the table).

The lexical meaning of a word is individual: it is inherent in a given word and thereby delimits a given word from others, each of which has its own, also individual meaning.

On the other hand, grammatical meaning characterizes entire categories and classes of words; it is categorical.

Compare the words table, house, knife. Each of them has its own lexical meaning, denoting different objects. At the same time, they are characterized by common, the same grammatical meanings: they all belong to the same part of speech - the noun, to the same grammatical gender - masculine and have the form of the same number - singular.

An important feature of grammatical meaning, which distinguishes it from lexical meaning, is the obligation of expression: we cannot use a word without expressing its grammatical meanings (with the help of endings, prepositions, etc.).

P.). So, pronouncing the word table, we not only name a certain object, but also express such features of this noun as gender (masculine), number (singular), case (nominative or accusative, cf.: There was a table in the corner. - I see a table) . All these signs of the table form are its grammatical meanings, expressed by the so-called zero inflection (for the concept of zero inflection, see the section "Morphology" // Russian language: In 2 hours / Edited by L. Yu. Maksimov .- Part II .- M., 1989).

Pronouncing the word form with a table (for example, in the sentence We blocked the passage with a table), we use the ending -om to express the grammatical meanings of the instrumental case (cf. endings that serve to express other case meanings: table-a, table-y, table-e), masculine gender (cf. the ending that feminine nouns have in the instrumental case: water-oh), singular (cf. table-ami). The lexical meaning of the word table - ‘a piece of home furniture, which is a surface of hard material, fixed on one or more legs, and serving to put or put something on it’ - remains unchanged in all case forms of this word. In addition to the root stem table-, which has the indicated lexical meaning, there are no other means of expressing this meaning, similar to the means of expressing the grammatical meanings of case, gender, number, etc.


  1. 7. The word as the main nominative unit of the language. Word signs. Grammatical and lexical meaning of the word. Connotation.
  2. A2. Lexical norms (use of a word in accordance with the exact lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility, paronyms).

Words are the building blocks of any language. Sentences and phrases are built from them, with their help we convey thoughts, communicate. The ability of this unit to name or designate objects, actions, etc. is called a function. The suitability of a word for communication, the transmission of thoughts is called its

Thus, the word is the main, main structural unit of the language.

Every word in Russian has a lexical and grammatical meaning.

Lexical is the ratio of the sound (phonetic) design of the word, its sound with the phenomena of reality, images, objects, actions, etc. To put it simply: it makes sense. From a lexical point of view, the words "barrel", "bump", "point" are different units, because they denote different objects.

The grammatical meaning of a word is the meaning of its forms: gender or number, case or conjugation. If the words "barrel", "point" are considered grammatically, then they will be exactly the same: creatures. feminine, standing in the nominative case and unity. number.

If we compare the lexical and grammatical meaning of a word, we can see that they are not the same, but are interconnected. The lexical meaning of each of them is universal, while the main one is fixed at the root. (For example: "son", "son", "son", "son").

The grammatical meaning of a word is conveyed with the help of word-forming morphemes: endings and formative suffixes. So, "forest", "forester", "forester" will be quite close: their meaning is determined by the root "forest". From a grammatical point of view, they are completely different: two nouns and an adjective.

On the contrary, the words "came", "arrived", "ran", "ran", "flew off", "shot down" will be similar in grammatical orientation. These are verbs in the past tense form, which are formed with the suffix "l".

The following conclusion follows from the examples: the grammatical meaning of a word is its belonging to a part of speech, the general meaning of a number of similar units, not tied to their specific material (semantic) content. "Mom", "dad", "Motherland" - creatures. 1 declensions, standing in the form of I.p., units. numbers. "Owl", "mice", "youth" - female nouns. kind, 3 declensions, standing in R.p. The grammatical meaning of the words "red", "huge", "wooden" indicates that these are adjectives in the form of a husband. kind, unique. numbers, I.p. It is clear that the lexical meaning of these words is different.

The grammatical meaning of a word is expressed in a certain form, corresponding to the position of words in a sentence (or phrase), expressed using grammatical means. Most often these are affixes, but often the grammatical form is formed with the help of auxiliary words, stress, word order or intonation.

From how the form is formed, its appearance (name) directly depends.

Simple (they are also called synthetic) grammatical forms are formed within the unit (with the help of endings or formative suffixes). The case forms (no) of mother, daughter, son, Motherland are formed with the help of endings. the verbs "wrote", "jumped" - using the suffix and and the verb "jumped" - using the suffix "l" and the ending "a".

Some forms are formed outside the lexeme, and not inside it. In this case, there is a need for service words. For example, the verbs "I will sing" and "let's sing" are formed using function words (verbs). The words "I will" and "let's" in this case have no lexical meaning. They are needed to create In the first case - the future tense, and in the second - the incentive mood. Such forms are called complex or analytical.

Grammatical meanings are defined into systems or clusters of gender, number, and the like.

The words act as the building blocks of language. To convey thoughts, we use sentences that consist of combinations of words. In order to be linked into combinations and sentences, many words change their form.

The section of linguistics that studies the forms of words, types of phrases and sentences is called grammar.

Grammar has two parts: morphology and syntax.

Morphology- a section of grammar that studies the word and its change.

Syntax- a section of grammar that studies word combinations and sentences.

Thus, word is an object of study in lexicology and grammar. Lexicology is more interested in the lexical meaning of the word - its correlation with certain phenomena of reality, that is, when defining a concept, we try to find its distinctive feature.

Grammar, on the other hand, studies the word from the point of view of generalizing its features and properties. If the difference between words is important for vocabulary house and smoke, table and chair, then for grammar, all these four words are absolutely the same: they form the same forms of cases and numbers, have the same grammatical meanings.

Grammatical meaning e is a characteristic of a word from the point of view of belonging to a certain part of speech, the most general meaning inherent in a number of words, independent of their real material content.

For example, words smoke and house have different lexical meanings: house- this is a residential building, as well as (collected) people living in it; smoke- aerosol formed by products of incomplete combustion of substances (materials). And the grammatical meanings of these words are the same: noun, common noun, inanimate, masculine, II declension, each of these words can be determined by an adjective, change by cases and numbers, act as a member of a sentence.

Grammatical meanings are characteristic not only of words, but also of larger grammatical units: phrases, components of a complex sentence.

Material expression of grammatical meaning is an grammatical tool. Most often, grammatical meaning is expressed in affixes. It can be expressed with the help of function words, alternation of sounds, changes in the place of stress and word order, intonation.

Each grammatical meaning finds its expression in the corresponding grammatical form.

Grammatical forms words can be simple (synthetic) and complex (analytical).

Simple (synthetic) grammatical form involves the expression of lexical and grammatical meanings in the same word, within a word (consists of one word): was reading- the verb is in the past tense.

When the grammatical meaning is expressed outside the lexeme, complex (analytical) form(combination of a significant word with an official): I will read, let's read! In Russian, the analytical forms include the form of the future tense from imperfective verbs: I will write.

Individual grammatical meanings are combined into systems. For example, singular and plural values ​​are combined into a system of number values. In such cases, we are talking about grammatical category numbers. Thus, we can talk about the grammatical category of tense, the grammatical category of gender, the grammatical category of mood, the grammatical category of aspect, etc.

Each grammatical category has a number of grammatical forms. The set of all possible forms of a given word is called the paradigm of the word. For example, the paradigm of nouns usually consists of 12 forms, for adjectives - of 24.

The paradigm is:

universal– all forms (full);

incomplete- there are no forms;

private according to a certain grammatical category: declension paradigm, mood paradigm.

Lexical and grammatical meanings are in interaction: a change in the lexical meaning of a word leads to a change in both its grammatical meaning and form. For example, the adjective voiced in the phrase ringing voice is qualitative (has forms of degrees of comparison: voiced, louder, most voiced). It's the same adjective in the phrase media is a relative adjective (voiced, i.e. formed with the participation of the voice). In this case, this adjective has no degrees of comparison.

And vice versa grammatical meaning some words may directly depend on their lexical meaning. For example, the verb run away in the meaning of "move quickly" is used only as an imperfective verb: He ran for quite some time until he collapsed completely exhausted. The lexical meaning (“to escape”) also determines another grammatical meaning - the meaning of the perfect form: The prisoner escaped from prison.

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grammatical meaning

(formal) meaning. A meaning that acts as an additive to the lexical meaning of a word and expresses various relations (relation to other words in a phrase or sentence, relation to a linden performing an action or other persons, relation of a reported fact to reality and time, a speaker’s attitude to the reported, etc. .). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. So, the word country has the meaning of the feminine, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains the grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine, perfective. Grammatical meanings find their morphological or syntactic expression in the language. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

a) affixation. Book, book, book, etc. (case values);

b) internal inflection. Collect - collect (values ​​​​of imperfect and perfect form);

c) accent. Houses. (genus. falling singular) - at home (named after falling. plural);

d) suppletivism. Take - take (values ​​of the form). Good - better (values ​​of the degree of comparison);

f) mixed (synthetic and analytical methods). To the house (the meaning of the dative case is expressed by a preposition and a case form).

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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GRAMMATIC MEANING, a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic constructions and finding its regular (standard) expression in the language (see Grammatical form). In the field of morphology, these are the general meanings of words as parts of speech (for example, the meaning of objectivity for nouns, the procedural meaning for verbs), as well as the particular meanings of word forms and words in general, opposed to each other within the framework of morphological categories (see Grammatical category) (for example, the meanings of or another tense, person, number, gender). In the field of syntax, this is the meaning of predicativity (inherent in a sentence, the relation of what is communicated to one or another temporal and objective-modal plan), as well as various relationships between the components of phrases and sentences as abstract grammatical patterns (in abstraction from their lexical content): the meaning of a semantic subject, one or another another circumstantial qualifier (local, temporal, causal, target, etc.); components of the thematic-rhematic structure of the sentence formalized in certain language means (see Actual division of the sentence); relations of parts of a complex sentence expressed by an allied connection. The grammatical meanings can also include derivational meanings as generalized meanings expressed by intra-word means in part of the motivated words of a particular part of speech. These are mutational values ​​(for example, a carrier of a trait, a producer of an action), transpositional (for example, an objectified action or a trait), modification (for example, gradational - indicating a particular degree of manifestation of a trait). Grammatical meanings are opposed to lexical meanings that are devoid of a regular (standard) expression and do not necessarily have an abstract character, but are closely related to them, sometimes limited in their manifestation to certain lexical groups of words.

In the system of grammatical meanings, knowledge about objects and phenomena of reality, their connections and relations is objectified (through the level of concepts): for example, the concept of action (in the broad sense - as a procedural feature) is abstractly revealed in the general meaning of the verb and in the system of more particular categorical meanings inherent in verb (time, aspect, pledge, etc.); the concept of quantity - in the grammatical meaning of a number (category of number, numeral as a special part of speech, etc.); different relation of objects to other objects, actions, properties - in the system of grammatical meanings expressed by case forms and prepositions.

Lit .: Studies in the general theory of grammar. M., 1968; Invariant syntactic meanings and sentence structure. M., 1969; Principles and methods of semantic research. M., 1976; Bondarko A. V. Grammatical meaning and meaning. L., 1978; he is. Theory of meaning in the system of functional grammar. M., 2002; Kubryakova E. S. Types of language meanings. Semantics of the derived word. M., 1981; Maslov Yu. S. Introduction to linguistics. 2nd ed. M., 1987; Wierzbicka A. The semantics of grammar. Amst., 1988; Bulygina T. V., Shmelev A. D. Language conceptualization of the world: (On the material of Russian grammar). M., 1997; Melchuk I. A. Course of general morphology. M., 1998. T. 2. Part 2.