Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Geese swans short. Encyclopedia of Fairytale Heroes: Geese-Swans

With the onset of autumn, I want to bring more brightness, fun and tranquility into my life at the same time. - a great option for both a festive pastime and a regular Friday evening in the company of friends and acquaintances. About, how to organize a meeting of children of flowers, read on.


Traditional hippie party takes place outdoors. It is necessary to choose a spacious clearing and equip it. The main rule is less pretentiousness. Colorful tents and awnings made of simple, rough fabric, pillows and a bedspread - that's all you need! If desired, you can make posters and banners with various slogans of that time: "Make Love Not War", "Hell No, We Won't Go", "Love & Peace", as well as "fit" into the decor a few inexpensive bouquets or planters with flowers (asters, petunias, etc.).

If choose place "under the roof", then you should pay attention to the spacious hall or get somewhere an old, possibly non-working, bus. As an option - rent one of the capital's coffee buses. In this case, posters and various flower decorations, as well as paraphernalia in the form of records with music from the 60s, multi-colored light bulbs and a guitar are required.

Dress code

To feel the atmosphere of kindness and love, do not try to stand out. Wear something comfortable but in bright colors: flared jeans, a T-shirt, a bandana, baubles, glasses like John Lennon, and for girls - wide sundresses, skirts and beads or a pendant in the form of a "chicken foot", hairpins with flowers and headbands on the head.


The theme of the party sets the tone for the menu, where the main items should be cold snacks (sandwiches, fruit baskets), simple salads, pies and many, many whole fruits and vegetables. From drinks - carbonated waters and juices, mulled wine and alcoholic cocktails from two or three ingredients. A hookah will not be superfluous.


Light and unobtrusive compositions or something heavier, but always from the 60s and 70s. The hits of the legendary The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, Chaifa and the Time Machine are perfect, but the list is not limited to these performers.


You can start the party with active games like " twister" and " crocodile". The next step is table entertainment:

  • Changelings. The presenter prepares papers with famous phrases from films, sayings or hippie mottos, but “turns” them, that is, selects antagonist words. For example: "War, rivalry, bow!" instead of "Peace, friendship, chewing gum!". Next, the guests are divided into teams, and the leader in turn makes them changelings. A point is awarded for each correct answer. The team that scores the most points wins.
  • Compliment to a neighbor. The host says that each of those sitting at the table should name the part of the body that he likes the most in the neighbor on the left. After everyone has spoken, the host announces that now it is necessary to kiss the neighbor in the “place” he likes. If the player refuses, he grants the wish.
  • Chamomile predictions. The party organizer prepares one or two cardboard daisies, where wishes and predictions are written on each petal. And the guests pull out the petals throughout the evening and read out loud what is written there.

The finale of the evening can be a disco of the 60s or friendly gatherings around the fire with a guitar and favorite songs.

The main message of such a party- with every action, every thought, bring good to the Universe.

And what would you add to our approximate plan for holding a hippie party? Share your ideas in the comments below this post! Peace to you!

The fairy tale "Geese Swans" is a popular folk work, which in turn has several variations of the plot. One of the most popular retellings belongs to the folklorist Alexander Afanasiev. Based on the folk tale "Geese Swans", an animated film of the same name was released in 1949.

Fairy tales "Geese-swans" summary

The parents had two children: a little son and an older daughter. In the fairy tale "Swan Geese" we can read that once the parents had to go to work, and the girl was asked to look after her little brother until they were gone. For this they promised their daughter to bring a gift. The younger brother's sister put her on the grass in the yard, and she herself went to play a little. If you read the book "Geese Swans" , then we find out that she played too much, and she forgot that she should follow her brother. It comes back and it's gone. The girl saw that birds were circling in the sky, and along with these birds her little brother. Many people said that swan geese often take children away.

The girl ran after them, but she could not catch up. Then she met a large stove and asked her if she had seen where her brother's swan geese carried her. The stove said that she would tell everything she knew if the girl ate her pie, but she refused and ran on. If “Geese-Swans” read a fairy tale, then we will find out that she sees a big apple tree next and asks her if she saw big birds and a little boy with them. The tree replied that she would tell everything as soon as the girl ate one apple, but she again refused. She runs up to the milky river with jelly banks and asks the same question, but the river invites her to try jelly first. The girl refuses, and the river does not tell her where the birds carried her brother.

Then the girl runs to the hut of Baba Yaga and sees how her younger brother is playing in her yard. She went into the house and said that she had been out for the day and wanted to get some rest. Then the old woman gave her yarn to spin, and she left the house. A mouse runs out and says that now Baba Yaga will melt the stove, fry the children and eat them. The girl got scared, took her little brother and ran away. The swan geese also followed her. As soon as the sister and brother ran to the river, they asked to hide them for a while from the evil birds. She offered them to eat jelly in return, the girl agreed and received shelter. In the Russian fairy tale "Geese-Swans" we can read that it was the same with the apple tree and the stove, which hid children from evil birds. No matter how hard the swan geese tried, they could not find the children. And as soon as the girl and her brother returned home, their parents came home from work.