Biographies Characteristics Analysis

characteristics of the description. Qualities that characterize a person's personality

“How many people - so many characters,” we often repeat. And this is true, there are no two identical people, and even twins, so indistinguishable at first glance, turn out to be completely different people at the second. People have different value systems, hobbies, principles and worldviews, they react differently to external stimuli. The nature of a person determines his actions, from which life is made up. MirSovetov invites you to trace together what character is made of and whether it is possible to change it.

Psychologists call character an individual combination of those personality traits that are manifested in a person’s actions and determine his attitude to the environment.
Translated from Greek, the word "character" - Charakter - means "imprint", "chasing". Already from the name itself it is clear that in all ages the character was considered as a stable system of personality traits of a person, such a kind of inner core, on which other properties are strung like rings.
Character is closely related to his abilities. To some extent, he is one of the constituent parts of the character, because. determines the form of manifestation of human reactions, the dynamics of his mental processes. The type of temperament cannot be changed, but a person with a strong will can control and correct its negative traits. The concept of abilities is also included in the definition of character. For example, while developing the ability to work, we simultaneously develop diligence as a character trait.
Types of temperament, as a rule, are inherited by a child from one of the parents. But temperament is only the basis for the education of various character traits. For example, you can cultivate perseverance in both the choleric and the phlegmatic, but it will manifest itself in vigorous activity in one and methodical work in the other. Character is not an innate and immutable property, it is formed under the influence of life experience, upbringing, environment.
There is a branch of psychology devoted to the study of human character. It's called characterology. Characterology emerged as a separate discipline not so long ago, but already in ancient times, attempts were made to study and predict the character of a person. So, for example, the study of the influence of a person's name on his character, the selection of favorable combinations of a name and patronymic. Physiognomy is the study of the connection between a person's appearance and his character. Even graphology, the science that establishes the connection between a person's handwriting and his character, can also be attributed to one of the forerunners of characterology.


In the character of each person, common groups of traits can be distinguished. Different scientists offer a different division of character traits into groups. There are many classifications, from highly specialized to popular science. One of the most obvious ways of dividing into groups is the system of B.M. Teplov.
In the first group, this scientist singled out common character traits, those that are the mental basis of the personality. These are such qualities as adherence to principles, honesty, courage and, of course, their antipodes: cowardice, insincerity.
The second group includes those character traits in which a person's attitude towards other people is manifested. Those. sociability and isolation, kindness and hostility, attentiveness and indifference.
The third group of character traits are those traits that express a person's attitude towards himself. It is this group that includes pride and conceit, vanity, arrogance and self-esteem, adequate pride.
The fourth large group of traits reflects a person's attitude to work. Diligence and laziness, fear of difficulties and perseverance in overcoming them, activity and lack of initiative are included in this group.
In the typologies of character traits of other scientists, it is worth highlighting two very important groups of character traits, normal and abnormal. Normal are those traits that are inherent in mentally healthy people, and abnormal - traits of people with mental illness.
Interestingly, the same character traits can apply to both normal and abnormal. It's all about the extent to which it is expressed in the character of a person. For example, suspiciousness can be absolutely healthy, but when it dominates, one can speak of paranoia.

Classification of human characters

Having dealt with the main distinguished groups of character traits, it would be reasonable to move on to the typology of characters. But here in modern psychology there is no general classification. And how can characters be classified given the richness of the compatibility of their traits in different people? However, such attempts have been made by scientists for a very long time.
For example, there is a division of characters according to their dominant volitional and emotional qualities. As a result, a volitional type of character is distinguished (active, with a dominant will), emotional (guided by an emotional background) and rational (sober-minded, based on the arguments of reason).
At one time, the German psychiatrist Kretschmer classified people according to their constitution and hypothesized that certain character traits are also inherent in people of a certain constitution.
So asthenics, people of thin build, with thin bones and weak muscles, are characterized by weak emotionality, love of philosophy and introspection, and a tendency to loneliness.
People of the athletic type (medium or tall, broad chest, excellent muscles) are characterized by a strong will, perseverance and even stubbornness.
The third type of constitution is picnic, it is distinguished by medium height, well-developed adipose tissue, weak muscles. People of this type are emotional, they strive to enjoy life.
And although later this typology of characters was not recognized as absolutely correct, there is a grain of truth in it. People with a certain body structure are more likely to suffer from similar ones. The type of human constitution is innate, it is influenced by a genetic factor, which also causes some ailments. Which makes the hypothesis about the general traits of character probable. MirSovetov once again emphasizes that we are talking only about some traits, and not about the character completely.

character building

A person's character changes somewhat throughout his life. These changes occur most often unconsciously, but sometimes a person consciously changes some features. But the main, basic features are laid down in early childhood, and it can be said with confidence that by the age of 5-6 the child already has his own character. Already by the second year of life, the child demonstrates strong-willed character traits, and by the age of 3-4 business traits are formed. Obvious signs of communicative character traits appear by the age of 4-5, when the child begins to take an active part in group role-playing games.
During this age period, the character of the child is strongly influenced by adults, the way parents treat the baby. If parents pay attention to the child, talk to him and are interested in his desires, then such a child is most likely to develop trust in people, sociability and cheerfulness. Otherwise, the appearance of such traits as isolation, closeness is likely.
During the school years, the formation of the character of the child continues, but in the lower grades, the opinion of parents and teachers is a priority, and in the middle grades, peers have a greater influence on the character. In the upper grades, the picture changes again: the opinion of adults again becomes more significant. But the influence of elders becomes more indirect, the respect of a person as a person and the self-esteem of a young person. Also during this period, the mass media acquire a greater influence on the character of a person.
In the future, character changes will be made up of personal life events, meetings with bright charismatic personalities, and also under the influence of age-related changes. The most notable of the latter are changes in the character of the individual at an older age. At 50, a person finds himself, as it were, at the junction of the past and the future. He no longer has the habit of making plans and living in the future, but it is too early to indulge in memories. After 60 years, a new stage in a person's life begins, when the past and present acquire an extraordinary value. Such character traits as slowness, regularity are manifested. It also somewhat changes the character and beginning health problems.

How to change your character

As a rule, new character traits are most quickly and fully manifested in a person if they are similar to existing ones. After the age of thirty, cardinal changes in character occur extremely rarely. Yet it is never too late to change.
A person can always change character traits that he does not like. There are many methods for this, but they are all based on one thing: the desire to change must be internal and conscious.
A good helper in changing character will be a systematic approach. Write down on a separate sheet of character traits that you want to get rid of. Next to each trait, write how it manifests itself. Knowing this, it will be easier for you to control yourself and prevent actions that are unpleasant for you. The character of a person is created for a long time, it is difficult to get rid of unpleasant features, this requires painstaking and long work. But this is not impossible, and literally the first week is a particular difficulty. When control over the manifestation of the “dark” side of your character becomes a habit, it will become much easier to monitor your behavior. And very soon, what you did not like in your character will no longer complicate your life and communication with loved ones.
For example, your negative trait is anger. It manifests itself in the fact that you, without listening to the interlocutor, manage to be rude to him. You should start to control your actions: try to listen to the interlocutor to the end, count to five or ten before saying harshness.
Also good results in changing your character gives a role model. Having chosen some sample (it can be either a real or a fictional person), you begin to equal it. And ask yourself what he would do in your place. By copying the desired behavior, you will also develop the correct ones and minimize the manifestations of negative character traits. Here MirSovetov will make only such a remark: do not try to copy someone's behavior exactly as it is, superficially. Yes, and you probably won't. You need to understand that you are individual in your own way, and therefore some feature will appear with its own shade peculiar only to you.
For example, you want to be as firm in dealing with clients as your work colleague. This does not mean at all that you should copy his actions exactly. Those. if you see from the outside how your colleague calmly and confidently communicates with each of the clients, then, following him, it is somewhat wrong to put on a “mask of equanimity and confidence”, completely imitating his facial expressions and intonation. Rather, this alone will not be enough. It is better if you also try to figure out how he manages to be so. Surely, your colleague is well versed in his subject, has a great deal and this gives him confidence in the conversation. Perhaps he is more, sifting out personal, any unfounded claims and highlighting only really problematic points, thereby avoiding unnecessary disputes and conflicts. Those. you must sort out the character of the person who serves as a role model for you, and try to develop these qualities in yourself.
It doesn't matter which self-correction system you use. It is important that you sincerely want to change for the better, then nothing will be impossible for you. Remember that there is no limit to perfection, develop all the best in yourself, and MirSovetov wishes you good luck in this!

A person's character is an important part of his life. The individual exists in society. Interacting with other people, we learn to understand each other, show our essence, develop our individuality. By the age of two or three, a child already has his own character and is ready to defend it. Just try to tell him something that does not match his ideas about himself, and you will see manifestations of a person who wants to be heard.

Often people, wondering what kind of characters there are, do not understand that each of us is unique, and therefore even the pronounced personality traits of each will be manifested in their own way. Character cannot be good or bad.

General character traits

We all have the ability to respond in a certain way to changing conditions. General traits of a person's character are the basis of the human psyche. These include courage, honesty, openness, secrecy, gullibility, isolation. If a person is open to interaction with other people, we can talk about his sociability, if he knows how to enjoy life, he is called cheerful, cheerful. The way a person acts in various situations, and shows his features of the psyche.

In relation to oneself

A person can treat his own person in different ways: love himself, consider himself a complete loser, ugly, critically look at his reflection in the mirror, try to change himself in every possible way. All these manifestations of personality can form an appropriate character: insecure, passive, closed, trusting, suspicious, purposeful, active.

Many people ask how to know the character of a person? The answer may be his unconscious attitude towards his personality. If a person does not love and respect himself, he simply cannot love others. In life, such a person will behave as discreetly as possible and not attempt to achieve a greater and better result.

In relation to other people

Depending on what personality traits prevail in a person, the following characters can be distinguished: sympathetic, noble, kind, generous, sensitive, attentive, devoted, independent, self-willed, selfish, cruel. By the way a person relates to other people, one can understand his attitude towards the world and himself.

Individual traits of a person's character are necessarily reflected in the interaction in the family, the team. A person who feels the need to suppress others ends up defeated, dissatisfied with her own life and actions taken to achieve a certain goal.

In relation to work and activity

Daily employment also leaves its mark on the character of a person. Being at the workplace, a person is forced to communicate with a large number of people, solve certain problems, overcome his own shortcomings, expressed in laziness, lack of awareness, competence, inability to do something.

in this case, they can be: lazy, hardworking, enthusiastic, indifferent, persistent, self-sufficient. The more and more effectively a person works on himself, the better his results. By studying this or that activity, each of us is able to reach the “ceiling” in it, reach the limit, become a real pro. The difference lies only in the fact that a person who is called lucky always strives forward and enthusiastically passes through obstacles, while an obvious loser is afraid to take risks, invents worthy excuses for himself in order not to act, but only to contemplate what is happening to him. . Often people who lack the strength to make their own decisions blame others for their own failures and losses.

How is character formed?

Modern psychological science claims that a person's character is laid in early childhood. Around the age of two or three, the child begins to show individual character traits. A person is formed both by social attitudes and the attitude of parents to his personality. If parents are attentive to his mood, take into account the needs and desires of the baby, take into account his personality, then the child grows open to the world around him, trusts the Universe and time, and treats people positively. When trust, for whatever reason, is lost, the little child is left with a disjointed sense of emptiness within. He can no longer blindly, unconditionally trust, as before, but begins to look for reasons, tricks, disappointments in everything.

Finally, the character completes its formation by the age of four or five. If the parents until this time have not paid enough attention to the child, have not understood his pressing problems, why he does this and not otherwise, then it will be more difficult to correct the situation further. A child who is constantly criticized becomes timid, insecure, indecisive. The one who is often scolded does not believe in himself, treats everything with suspicion. A child, surrounded by care and attention, becomes trusting and open, ready to learn about the surrounding reality. There are different types of people. The list is endless.

Character accentuations

Accentuations of character are pronounced manifestations of certain personality traits, on which a person gets hung up, before which he is too vulnerable. For example, a shy person may suffer if others do not pay attention to him, but he still does not dare to express himself in society. The merry fellow and the soul of the company may be offended by friends due to the fact that his ideas have not received due attention. In both cases, the person focuses on himself, his feelings about what others will say and think about him, needs the approval of his actions. What are the characters in general, so there are different accentuations.

Typology of characters

The Swedish psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung in the last century empirically deduced the types of human character. The essence of his concept is that he conditionally divided all people into introverts and extroverts, depending on the predominant mental functions.

An introvert is a person immersed in himself, his own thoughts, feelings, experiences. The basis of his existence is his own personality. An introvert experiences failures for a long time, often accumulates resentment and fears, loves to be alone. Time spent with himself is as essential to him as air. Reflections can make up a whole world for him, full of mysteries and secrets. Among people of this category there are many thinkers, writers, poets. Some immersion in themselves, isolation from the outside world allows them to create their own reality. An introvert highly appreciates solitude, the opportunity to reflect, emotional support from other people (as he is often unsure of himself).

An extrovert is a person whose thoughts and energy are directed to the outside world. A person of this type loves the company of people and is extremely difficult to endure loneliness. If he is left alone for a long time, he may even become depressed. An extrovert needs self-expression in the outer space. This is a prerequisite for the development of his personality. An extrovert is in dire need of communication, emotional confirmation of his own rightness and significance.

Temperament types

Answering the question of what kind of characters there are, it is impossible not to touch on the theory of four types of temperament. This classification is known to every person from school. Mostly there are people with a mixed type of temperament, in which one type prevails.

Choleric is a person of mood, the frequent change of which is due to the mobility of the nervous system. He is easily carried away by anything, but cools down very quickly. Thus, energy resources are often wasted. Choleric does everything quickly, sometimes forgetting about quality. Often he does not have time to do the work before she ceases to interest him.

Sanguine is a person with a stable type of nervous activity. He quite easily releases failures and disappointments from himself, switching to external circumstances. Easy to get carried away, works productively. A lively interesting person who needs a community of like-minded people.

Phlegmatic - a person of a calm, balanced disposition. From the outside, it may seem that it is difficult to anger or hurt a phlegmatic person. However, he is quite vulnerable, but he knows how to hide it well. Under the outer "thick-skinned" is a sensitive and sincere person. Phlegmatic is responsible and a good performer. However, the organizer will not come out of it.

A melancholic is an extremely emotional, vulnerable, vulnerable person. He takes injustice hard, often looks too closed and distrustful.

It should be noted that there are no bad or good types of temperament. Each type carries its own personality and each has strengths and weaknesses.

Typology of Kretschmer's characters

A psychologist from Germany, Ernst Kretschmer, proposed a classification that allows you to determine the character by the face of a person, as well as by his physique. He called people of the thin type asthenics and characterized them as closed personalities, prone to serious feelings. He defined overweight people as picnics. Picnics are often obese, easily adapt to changing conditions, and are in great need of society. People of the athletic type are practical, purposeful, calm, unflappable character.

The science of graphology deals with the study of the characteristics of human behavior, its personality traits in the shape of letters. Everything matters here: the position of the letters on the line, their height and width, and how elegantly and beautifully they are written. For example, in a person with low self-esteem, the lines are directed downwards. The one who keeps himself confident, the lines go up. Large letters indicate the breadth of the soul and the desire to be a leader, small letters characterize a person who doubts everything. Currently, there is more than one test for the character of a person, which allows you to determine which group he belongs to.

Is it possible for a person to change his character on his own?

For those who dream of changing their character for objective reasons, I would like to say that nothing is impossible. Just consciously take the necessary steps, control yourself. Of course, it will not be possible to radically change oneself, but one should not strive for this, because each of us is unique and unrepeatable. It is better to improve your best qualities of character than to constantly think about the shortcomings and find out what kind of characters there are and why you do not fit them. Learn to love yourself the way you really are, and then your own shortcomings will stop worrying you. Everyone has them, believe me. Your task is to develop yourself, to reveal the fullness of your possibilities for self-realization.

Thus, there are many options for how to determine the character of a person. The main thing is that you accept your own personality and learn to live in harmony with it and the world around you.

You can often hear the assertion that character is given from birth. What if a person was born this way? Actually this is a myth. Character traits are formed throughout life from early childhood. The content and combination of these features are influenced by the social environment, life circumstances, culture and traditions of society.

Congenital features of the psyche or also affect the temperament, but this influence is not absolute, but is mediated by the interaction of man and society. Human nature is, as it were, polished by society. Therefore, with age, the character can change - some features become brighter, more distinct, while others seem to be muffled, go into the shadows.

About a person whose character traits are pronounced and leave an imprint on all his behavior, they say that he has a strong character. Weakness of character is manifested in inconstancy, instability of personal qualities that make up the warehouse of character. For example, when at home a person manifests himself as a narcissistic tyrant, and at work as a coward and sycophant.

Thus, the character is a multi-colored mosaic, from the individual elements of which a unique image of the personality is formed. Speaking about the formation and development of character, they mean its individual features, important, significant for the existence of a person in society. And in every society in different historical eras, these can be completely different qualities of a person.

Character traits and their classification

Any person has many qualities and properties, features of the nervous system, physiology, emotional and motor spheres. We are all very different, but not all manifestations of our nature are related to character.

What is a character trait

A character trait is not just one of the many qualities of a person, it is characterized by a number of features:

  • stability, constancy;
  • manifestation in various activities and spheres of life;
  • connection with the motives and values ​​of the individual;
  • influence on the formation of stereotypes of behavior and habits;
  • social conditioning, that is, the connection with the norms of behavior in society.

The presence of such stable traits makes it possible to predict human behavior. Knowing the character of your partner, you can say with confidence how he will act in this or that case. This greatly facilitates communication between people.

Trait classification

There are a huge number of personality traits that make up the warehouse of her character, and a simple enumeration of them would take too much time and space. Therefore, since the time of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, they have been trying to classify these qualities, highlighting the main ones.

For example, the Austrian physician and naturalist of the early 19th century F. Gall, developing phrenology (the science that allows describing the character of a person according to the structure of his skull), identified 27 basic properties that make up the personality warehouse. These included the instinct of reproduction, the need for self-defense, love for offspring, etc. At present, neither innate instincts nor the physiological characteristics of a person have anything to do with character, although they can to a certain extent influence his warehouse.

After Gall, attempts to compile a classification of character traits were made repeatedly, but all the time it turned out that some traits did not fit into this classification.

At present, it is customary to divide into types not character traits, but the spheres of their manifestation. Traditionally, 4 groups of such personality traits are distinguished:

  • Manifested in relation to other people: individualism and collectivism, indifference and sensitivity, politeness and rudeness, goodwill and, deceit and truthfulness, etc.
  • Manifested in relation to oneself: exactingness, self-criticism, self-respect, etc.
  • Manifested in relation to the case: initiative and passivity, laziness and diligence, organization and disorganization, perfectionism, etc.
  • : perseverance, perseverance, determination, independence, willingness to overcome obstacles and own weakness.

But this classification is also not complete, since it does not include such individual characteristics of a person that characterize his attitude to things: accuracy and carelessness, thrift, stinginess, etc.

Excessive emphasis on individual character traits

A variety of character traits, mixing, form that unique alloy, which is called a unique personality. If some features or a group of close qualities dominate excessively, as if they stick out to the fore, breaking the harmony of the image, then they talk about. For example, a pronounced need to be always in sight, love for "window dressing", obsessive sociability and the desire to openly violate generally accepted norms of behavior speak of a demonstrative type of accentuation. And excessive aggressiveness, incontinence, a tendency to scandals and tantrums are signs of an excitable type of accentuation.

Psychologists evaluate accentuation as a kind of "ugliness" of character. Even if positive traits are highlighted, a person's behavior often becomes unacceptable, inconvenient for others. So, it is difficult to coexist with an excessively accurate person, to the point of fanaticism, and exaggerated cheerfulness and sociability can be very tiring.

As already mentioned, each era leaves its mark on socially significant character traits. So, in a society focused on individual success, the most important positive qualities will be considered purposefulness, initiative, diligence, independence, self-sufficiency up to individualism. And in a society where collectivism and the ability to subordinate one's desires to the requirements of the collective are considered the main values, individualism is rejected and condemned. But nevertheless, undoubtedly, there are also common positive features associated with universal human values. These include the following:

For example, in certain situations, each person can experience, but this does not mean his cowardice, if he is able to overcome this fear and indecision. Everyone from time to time experiences a tendency to laziness, the question is how much laziness prevents a person from living and developing normally. The same can be said about misanthropy. It is impossible to love all people en masse and indiscriminately, but if this trait is strongly expressed, a person can turn into a real monster. Generosity is a good quality, but this does not mean that a person should give away all his possessions.

There are qualities that can be assessed as both positive and negative, depending on the degree of expression. And it is not always noticeable when, for example, perseverance turns into stubbornness, and the desire to protect oneself and loved ones turns into aggressiveness.

The main criterion that allows you to find out the ratio of negative and positive traits in your character is the attitude of the people around you. Society is a mirror that reflects your true appearance, and you should take a closer look at it.

Each person has different qualities - both positive and negative. Did you come here for the query “positive and negative qualities for a person for a resume?”, Or do you just need a list of positive and negative qualities? Then just rewind a little lower - there is a large and detailed list.

But the article will be a little about something else - about what our qualities really are, what advantages and disadvantages each of us has, and whether any qualities can be called unambiguously good or bad.

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List of positive and negative qualities of a person

Many qualities have a downside, and an excessive bias towards a positive quality can also become a negative quality for a person. Therefore, in the list below, I list pairs of both those and those characteristics. And below I will analyze in more detail why skew can be a very bad option.

There are also options when a person’s positive qualities can be dangerous for his character and lead to undesirable consequences (as an example, if a person is very handsome since childhood, this can lead him to excessive narcissism).

Mind, intellect / Physical underdevelopment
Confidence / Overconfidence, arrogance
Emotional Stability / Coldness
Honesty, openness / Straightforwardness, rudeness
Energetic, proactive / Restless, impatience
Selflessness / A person forgets about himself, and eventually "burns out"
Self-control / Lack of improvisation skills

Curiosity / “Curious Varavara’s nose was torn off at the market”, inability to see personal boundaries, interference in someone else’s personal life
Justice / Misunderstanding that everyone has their own truth
Education, erudition / Inability to think independently
Reaction speed / haste, fussiness
Beauty / Narcissism, inner emptiness
Accuracy / Excessive pedantry, stiffness

Cleanliness / Cleanliness, squeamishness
Purposefulness / Inability to enjoy life here and now
Willpower, inner core / Inability to rely on others, distrust
Kindness / Gentleness, not understanding the principle "kindness must be with fists"
Adequacy / Inability to go beyond the usual framework
Responsiveness, empathy / Weakness, inability to defend one's interests
Desire to learn and develop / Inability to take action, desire instead
action all the time to learn and learn again

Sense of tact / Falsity, closeness, insincerity
Intuition / Desire to rely on everything "at random" and feelings
Giftedness in any business / Laziness, unwillingness to develop and work on oneself
Courage / Recklessness, gambling and riskiness
Perseverance / Annoyance, importunity

List of positive qualities for a resume and interview

In addition to the general list, you may be interested in the qualities that can be listed in the description of your work experience (resume), or those qualities that you can mention when you are asked about them at an interview for a new job.

So, here is a list of qualities that can be mentioned as positive in an interview:

1. The desire to develop and learn in their profession, love for their work;
2. The ability to get along with people, while achieving the desired results from them;
3. Attention to detail, the desire for any business to be done as well as possible;
4. Professionalism, and great knowledge and experience;
5. Ability to work in stressful situations, emergency mode, and at the same time do a lot;
6. Diligence and perseverance, the ability to do the task exactly as asked, and not as I myself thought up;

etc. You can spend half an hour, or an hour of your time, and come up with own list of similar qualities. Just ask yourself the question: what are you strong in? What are your best qualities and benefits? What experience did you have and what did you learn?

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Here it is necessary to clarify that sometimes they ask not only about the good, but also about your shortcomings. It is important at this moment, on the one hand, to honestly admit your weaknesses, so that the one who interviews you understands that you are not cunning and not deceiving, on the other hand, you really don’t need to talk badly about yourself, because this can negatively affect the results interviews.

What qualities and situations can be listed so as not to get away from the answer, and not to show oneself from the negative side, and how to answer the HR question “list your shortcomings”:

1. Sometimes I can dig into the details very much, and lose the big picture and purpose;
2. Sometimes I am soft to people when it is necessary to show rigidity and directness;
3. From time to time I may have problems with discipline, but I compensate for this with more shock work at other times;

In any case, it must be said that you are well aware of your negative qualities and are trying to fight them.

Every quality has a downside

I'll start a little from afar. Have you watched the cartoon "Angry Birds Movie"?

There was a main character - a bird named Red. And this same Red was an outcast in his society. Because everything infuriated him, he never hid his emotions, and told everyone everything in person and directly. Such a freaking bird.

And the community of birds was so “highly cultured”, everyone was polite, polite, good-natured, and treated each other very well. Right mi-mi-mi.

But one day the pigs came and started behaving boorishly towards the bird community. And everyone is so kind and good, diplomatic - and began to please them. And those, of course, did not conceive anything good, but conceived to steal all the eggs.

And the only one who spoke directly and openly to his face - "hey, look what they are doing!" Reid turned out.

But he was again rejected, until the whole truth was eventually revealed, and he became a hero. What am I all for? :)

What qualities are positive and what are negative?

Suppose there is straightforwardness and truthfulness. If they are more prevalent in a person, and he is very straightforward, then in certain situations this will be perceived negatively.

For example, the wife did not have a very good haircut, and she does not look very good. Or didn’t get enough sleep, and look tired. And the straightforward husband declares (absolutely sincerely and openly): “Honey, you look terrible, you are terrible today!” And what will such truthfulness lead to?

And now the situation is different. On the street, some rude person disrespectfully addresses his wife and says: “Hey, you are such a creature.” And the husband turns on politeness and diplomacy, declaring: “Young man, please be kind, be more polite.”

How will the wife react to this? Well, if she is at least a little bit in her mind, she will simply leave such a weakling who did not defend her honor in a critical situation, and did not attack the offender with his fists.

Every quality, positive or negative, has its downside. This is akin to a slider, a regulator - which is moved either to one or the other side to a greater extent. And there is no unequivocal answer that this quality is unambiguously positive or negative.

It all depends on the specific situation and case.

Harmony of positive and negative qualities

Is it possible to maintain harmony, and be good in everything? That is, in some situations to show one quality, in others - others?

Theoretically, this is possible. And well, that's how it should be. A person must be brave, and strong, and kind, and sympathetic, and smart, and so on and so forth. A real superman in the flesh.

Here the question is different - how deeply do you need to develop your weaknesses in yourself, and pay attention to this? After all, the development of any quality is the cost of your time, and time is a resource that each of us is very limited. And it must be spent wisely.

Should I develop my weaknesses? Or focus on the strong?

My opinion is (by the way, I do not think that it is the only true one): you need to focus on your strengths and strengths, and devote maximum time and attention to develop them even more.

After all, what do we do with great desire: what we do well, or what we fail over and over again, and we fail?

A person's qualities are a set of stable mental formations of a person, with the help of which he influences society, is active, interacts with other people. To describe a person as a person, it is necessary to characterize his qualities, how he reveals himself to others through actions and deeds.

Personal qualities of a person

Genetic predisposition in the development of personal qualities plays an important role, but the environment in which a person develops cannot be ruled out. Surrounded by other people, the child absorbs different patterns of behavior, learns to read the reactions to certain actions and to realize which qualities are welcomed in society and which are not. The personal qualities of a person develop throughout life and a person often has a choice to prove himself from a good or worse side.

Good qualities of a person

The qualities of a kind person always evoke a response in people and find approval in society. These qualities can be listed indefinitely, some are inherited from ancestors, others, if desired, need to be developed. Positive qualities of a person - a list:

  • sincerity;
  • cheerfulness;
  • altruism;
  • reliability;
  • tenderness;
  • charm;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • loyalty;
  • decency;
  • caring.

Bad qualities of a person

Negative traits or qualities are inherent in every person, even the ancient sages pointed to the duality of a person and compared “good” and “evil” in him with two wolves - good and evil, fighting among themselves, and the one whom the person feeds more wins. Bad qualities manifest themselves to the fullest if the child has not learned the moral values ​​of society, often such children grow up in dysfunctional families, but it happens that bad things are inherent in a person from the very beginning by nature.

Negative qualities of a person - a list:

  • envy;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance;
  • pride;
  • hypocrisy;
  • laziness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • cruelty;
  • greed;
  • vanity;
  • deceit;
  • indifference.

What is the relationship between activity and human qualities?

All human qualities stem from basic needs - to be accepted, respected, to live in safety, to fulfill oneself, so the connection is direct. Needs give rise to activity, and in order to satisfy needs, certain qualities of a person are needed, for example, professional ones, they are needed for recognition. Endurance, self-discipline and perseverance are essential to winning in sports. Choosing a direction of activity, a person cultivates in himself those qualities that are necessary for its implementation.

What are the qualities of a person?

The physical qualities of a person are determined by his endurance and natural data, other qualities of a higher order relate to character traits, disposition. Both are formed throughout life, many of them are important to develop for the formation of personality in childhood. Qualities are moral, volitional, professional - they all reflect the inner world of a person, what he is.

The moral qualities of a person

Morality and morality are closely related and these qualities stem from one another. The qualities of a cultured person such as courtesy, tact, respect for one's heritage and nature are the basis of well-being in society. Among the moral qualities, the following can be distinguished:

  • philanthropy - kindness to people, help to the weak and disadvantaged;
  • respect for others - understanding that everyone is different and each person has something to respect;
  • fidelity - a quality that relates both to oneself (to be true to one's principles), and a more global concept - loyalty to the Motherland;
  • selflessness - the performance of actions from good intentions, without seeking benefits for oneself;
  • spirituality is a quality that includes all moral aspects and religiosity that exalt the human spirit.

Moral qualities of a person

The qualities of a disciplined person are important for the existence of society. The norms and values ​​of society form a kind of common framework or basis that people are guided by and pass on to their children. A person expresses his inner "I" through behavior and manners - these are the moral qualities that are formed through the intellect, emotions and will. Conventionally, the moral qualities of a person can be divided into 3 categories "necessary", "possible", "impossible".

Moral qualities from the “need” category are the ability to act for the common good:

  • duty;
  • responsibility;

Qualities from the category of “possible” are all those manifestations of a personality that do not conflict with internal beliefs and principles:

  • honour;
  • dignity;
  • conscience;
  • sense of justice.
  • envy;
  • shamelessness;
  • cunning;
  • propensity to lie.

Volitional qualities of a person

The strong qualities of a person are stable mental formations that define a person as mature with a high level of conscious self-regulation of behavior, controlling himself in different situations. Doctor of Psychology V.K. Kalin, exploring the emotional-volitional qualities of a person, divided them into 2 large groups: basal and systemic.

Basal (primary) volitional qualities:

  • patience - the ability not to force events and pursue a quick result, but to support work with additional effort, to go at a given pace, even if circumstances do not develop properly (obstacles, delays, internal fatigue);
  • courage - confronting fear, the ability to take risks, maintaining calm in stressful situations;
  • energy - a quality that allows you to raise activity to the desired level by an effort of will;
  • self-control and endurance - the ability not to go beyond feelings, impulsive actions, self-control, emotions, behavior.

Systemic volitional qualities:

  • purposefulness- striving for the goal, supporting the "internal compass" leading to the result;
  • persistence- the ability to overcome difficulties;
  • subsequence- following a single guiding principle, not exchanging for a secondary one;
  • initiative– the ability to embody the ideas that have arisen;
  • adherence to principles- the quality of a person that allows you to be guided by certain moral principles and not change them.

Social qualities of a person

A person cannot exist outside of society, as individuals are revealed in society by interacting with each other. A person influences society, and society influences a person - this process is always two-way. Each person performs several social roles, and for each role there is a set of qualities that reveal it. The positive qualities of a person help him to reveal himself in society from the best side and bring harmony.

Social qualities of people:

  • self-awareness is an important ability that allows a person to be aware of himself in the social system;
  • social identification - the ability of a person to self-identify with other people consciously or emotionally;
  • self-esteem - the ability to adequately evaluate oneself without exceeding or belittling one's own merits, is an important component of the self-concept;
  • social activity - skills and abilities to perform socially significant actions for the development of society;
  • worldview - a set of views, values, norms and attitudes that determines a person's attitude to society and the world as a whole.

Business qualities of a person

The professional qualities of a person show his competence and are defined as a specialist; they are formed on the basis of existing qualities and abilities. When applying for a job, the employer without fail looks at what qualities and skills the applicant possesses. Qualities important for a person’s business activities (each type of profession may have its own requirements):

  • fast learner;
  • organizational skills;
  • sociability;
  • independence in work;
  • initiative;
  • ability to work within multitasking;
  • the ability to speak in front of an audience;
  • experience in business negotiations;
  • accuracy;
  • ability to plan a working day;
  • high stress resistance;
  • tact and courtesy in interpersonal relationships;
  • Analytical mind;
  • literacy;
  • organizational skills.

What qualities are necessary for a person to achieve the goal?

If you ask any person what helps him achieve his goals and objectives, everyone will have different answers - this is such an individual process and depends on a number of circumstances and character traits, values ​​laid down in childhood. The qualities of a creative person are inspiration and creativity, while a “mundane” person needs self-discipline and diligence. What advances some towards the goal is not even a help to others, everyone has their own way to success and yet there is a standard idea of ​​​​people about what these qualities should be.