Biographies Characteristics Analysis

And the Russian land will give birth to quick-witted Newtons. Analysis of the poem "The Ascension of Elizabeth

“Our literature begins with Lomonosov ... he was her father, her Peter the Great,” V.G. Belinsky place and significance of the work of the outstanding Russian educator, scientist, naturalist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov in the history of Russian literature. He became not only a reformer of Russian versification, but also the author of remarkable poetic works, which constituted a special page in Russian poetry.

Perhaps now we are not very interested in those statesmen to whom Lomonosov's poems are addressed, and for someone the name of Elizaveta Petrovna, to whom his ode, written in 1747, is dedicated, is completely unknown. But the thoughts and feelings of a great man, citizen and patriot, its tireless explorer and discoverer of the unknown in the natural world, are something that has not lost its value to this day and, probably, will remain so forever.

Why does Lomonosov write in his ode, called, as was customary in the poetry of the 18th century, very ornately: “Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, November 25, 1747”?

The composition of the ode, in accordance with the requirements of classicism, is distinguished by logical harmony. Each of the main themes receives its justification and detailed development, each new thought follows logically from the previous one.

Like any solemn ode, in accordance with the rules of classicism, this poem begins with a majestic glorification of the world:

The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,

Beloved silence,

The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,

If you are useful and red!

A natural continuation of this majestic picture is the praise of Elizabeth, who ensured the prosperity of the country, first of all, by bringing her peace - after all, during her reign, the wars that Russia had waged for a long time really stopped:

When she took the throne

As the Supreme gave her a crown,

I returned you to Russia

The war has ended.

Sent a Man to Russia

What has been unheard of for centuries.

Through all obstacles he ascended

Head, crowned with victories,

Russia, trampled by barbarism,

He lifted me up to the sky,

Lomonosov, like Pushkin later, considered Peter I a great reformer, an enlightened monarch and a brilliant military leader - a true national hero. Talking about him, the poet resorts to personifications associated with the images of ancient mythology. So, for example, Mars and Neptune serve as symbols for the concepts of war and the elements of the sea. Such figurativeness, along with the widespread use of Slavic words, rhetorical questions, exclamations and appeals, creates a particularly solemn "high" style of the ode, corresponding to the subject of its image. This is very clearly seen in the description of Peter 1, his military victories, which strengthened the power of Russia:

In the fields of bloody Mars was afraid,

Your sword in Petrov's hands in vain,

And Neptune wondered with trepidation.

Looking at the Russian flag.

For Lomonosov, as well as for Pushkin, Peter I is also the great builder of the northern capital, which opened up new ways of development for Russia:

In the walls suddenly fortified

And surrounded by buildings

Doubtful Neva ad:

"Or have I now forgotten

And leaned from the path,

Which before I flowed?

Quite logically, after this description, the idea develops that under Peter 1

... divine sciences Through mountains, rivers and seas,

They stretched out their hands to Russia...

Concluding the story about Peter 1 with a description of his tragic death, Lomonosov proceeds to the next part of the poem: he again turns to the present and expresses the hope that Elizabeth will follow the example of her father and begin to patronize the sciences, contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of Russia. He wants to see Elizabeth as an enlightened queen who cares about the welfare of the fatherland, and further in his ode he presents her with a kind of “program of action”, which should ensure the further development of the country.

Calling on Elizabeth to be the patroness of education, sciences and crafts, Lomonosov shows that the country where she reigns is amazingly beautiful and has inexhaustible natural wealth:

Look at the high mountains

Look into your wide fields,

Where is the Volga, the Dnieper, where the Ob flows;

Wealth, hidden in them,

Science will frankly

What blooms with your generosity.

The term "ode" (from the Greek, which means song) was established in Russian poetry, thanks to Trediakovsky, who, in turn, borrowed it from Boileau's treatise. In the article "Discourse on the Ode", Trediakovsky described this genre as follows: "The ode always and certainly describes noble, important matter, rarely tender and pleasant, in speeches very poignant and magnificent." Despite his dislike for his literary adversary, Trediakovsky defined genre essentially on the basis of Lomonosov's poetic experiments. This is precisely the Lomonosov ode. It is addressed thematically to "noble and important matter": peace and tranquility in the country, the wise rule of an enlightened monarch, the development of domestic sciences and education, the development of new lands and the prudent use of wealth in old lands.

Lomonosov developed in practice and approved for decades to come the formal features of the genre, or, in other words, its poetics. In the ode we meet large-scale images; majestic style, raising the described pictures above the ordinary; "magnificent" poetic language, saturated with Church Slavonicisms, rhetorical figures, colorful metaphors and hyperbole. And at the same time - the classical rigor of construction, the "harmony of the verse": a seasoned iambic tetrameter, a stanza of ten lines, an inviolable scheme of flexible rhyme ababvvgddg.

Let's start the analysis of the text from the first stanza:

Joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth, Beloved silence, Bliss of villages, fences of cities, If you are useful and red! Around you the flowers are dazzling And the classes in the fields turn yellow; Treasures full of ships Dare in the sea for you; With a generous hand You pour Your wealth over the earth.

As if from a bird's eye view, the poet surveys villages, cities, earing grain fields, ships plowing the seas. They are all fanned and protected by "blissful silence" - peace and tranquility in Russia. The ode is dedicated to the glorification of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, but even before her appearance in the ode, the poet manages to express his main and cherished idea: peace, not war, contributes to the prosperity of the country. The Empress, who enters the ode in the next stanza, turns out, according to artistic logic, to be derived from this all-encompassing peaceful silence (“His soul is quieter marshmallow”). Very interesting move! On the one hand, the poet maintains the parameters of a laudatory genre (“there can be nothing more beautiful than Elizabeth in the world”). But on the other hand, from the first lines of the work, he firmly outlined his author's position. And then the lyrical voice of the poet, and not the projection on the image of the empress, will more and more clearly lead the development of the narrative. The dominant role of the lyrical hero in the ode is Lomonosov's undoubted artistic achievement in this traditional classic genre.

Lomonosov strives to maintain the compositional norms of the genre, that is, the principle of constructing an odic poem. In the introductory part, the subject of chanting and the main idea of ​​the work are stated (although, as we have seen, the poet reversed them). This is the thesis. The main part substantiates, proves the stated thesis about the greatness and power of the glorified object. And, finally, the conclusion (or finale) gives a look into the future, into the further prosperity and power of the glorified phenomena. The norms of classicism are rationalistic, therefore one compositional part of the work strictly and consistently follows the prescribed other.

The introductory part, or, as it is also called, the exposition, occupies twelve stanzas in this Lomonosov ode. The poet glorifies Elizabeth against the background of her predecessors on the throne strictly following one after another. In the royal portrait gallery, the father of the current ruler, Peter I, is especially highlighted. This is the poet's idol. It is clear to the reader from the detailed and highly pathos characterization of Peter that it was from him that the daughter took over the baton of great deeds.

From the fourteenth stanza, the ode enters its main part. The idea is expanding, and its artistic implementation suddenly begins to show new, non-traditional features. The lyrical pathos passes from the dynasty of rulers to the majestic image of the Fatherland, to its inexhaustible natural resources, enormous spiritual and creative possibilities:

This glory to You alone, Monarchine, belongs, Your vast power, Oh, how it thanks You! Look at the high mountains, Look at your wide fields, Where is the Volga, the Dnieper, where the Ob flows; Wealth in them is hidden Science will be frank, What blooms with Your generosity.

That's where the scope for the inspiration of the lyrical hero! The virtues of the "beautiful Elizabeth" are gradually fading into the background. The poet's thoughts are now occupied with something else. The thematic direction of the ode itself is changing. And now the author himself is not just an ode writer. He is a patriotic scientist who draws the attention of readers to the burning problems for Russia. The development of sciences will help master the riches of the North, the Siberian taiga and the Far East. Russian sailors, with the help of cartographers, discover new lands, paving the way to "unknown peoples":

There, the wet fleet's path turns white, And the sea tries to give way: Columbus of Russia through the waters Hastens to announce Your bounties to unknown peoples.

Pluto itself, the mythical owner of underground riches, is forced to yield to the developers of the minerals of the Northern and Ural (Riphean) mountains. By the way, let us recall that Lomonosov perfectly studied the mining business:

And behold Minerva strikes Into the tops of the Riphean with a spear. Silver and gold run out In all your inheritance. Pluto in the clefts is restless, That the metal from the mountains is betrayed into the hands of the Rosses Draga, Which nature has hidden there; From the brilliance of the daylight, He averts his gloomy gaze.

And yet, the main thing that will bring Russia into the ranks of world powers is, according to the poet, new generations of people: educated, enlightened, Russian youth devoted to science:

O you, whom the Fatherland expects from its bowels, And desires to see such, Which it calls from foreign countries, Oh, your days are blessed! Dare, now you are encouraged, To show by your zeal, That the Russian land can give birth to its own Platos And quick-witted Newtons. Science nourishes young men, Gives joy to the old, Decorates in a happy life, Protects in an accident; There is joy in domestic difficulties And in distant wanderings is not a hindrance, Science is used everywhere: Among the peoples and in the desert, In the city garden and alone, In sweet peace and work.

The topic of the decisive role of science and education in the development of the country was stated, as we remember, by Cantemir. Trediakovsky served science with his work and throughout his life. And now Lomonosov perpetuates this theme, puts it on a poetic pedestal. Exactly so, because the two stanzas just quoted are the climax of the ode, its highest lyrical peak, the pinnacle of emotional animation.

But here the poet, as it were, catches on, remembering that the ode is dedicated to an official event: the annually celebrated date of the accession to the throne of the empress. The final stanza is again directly addressed to Elizabeth. This stanza is obligatory, ceremonial, and therefore, I think, not the most expressive. The poet rhymes with an effort the boring word "unstumbling" with the epithet "blessed":

To you, O Mercy Source, O Angel of our peaceful years! The Almighty is an assistant to him, Who dares with his pride, Seeing our peace, Rise up against you with war; The Builder will keep you unstumbling in all ways And your blessed life He will compare with the number of Your bounties.

Obviously not the best line! Let's try to put the question as follows: if the genre of the classic ode is an expression of certain political and state views, then in the Lomonosov ode whose views are these views to a greater extent, the empress or the poet himself? In answering this question, the third stanza is especially important. In it, Elizabeth is presented as a peacemaker who stopped all wars for the sake of peace and happiness of the Russians:

When She ascended the throne, As the Most High gave her a crown, She returned You to Russia, She put an end to the war; Having accepted you, she kissed you: - I am full of those victories, - she said, - For which blood is flowing. I delight in Ross's happiness, I do not change with their calmness For the whole West and East.

But in reality, Elizabeth was not a peacemaker at all! The militant ruler conceived new and new campaigns on the borders of the Russian state. Military battles were a heavy burden on the families of Russian working people. How little the real Elizaveta Petrovna corresponded to the ideal of the ruler of the country, which is recreated in the work! And what a brave, but daring person one had to be to praise the empress for a foreign policy that was opposite to that which she had established in relation to military operations! With his ode, Lomonosov told Elizaveta Petrovna that Russia needs peace and does not need war. The pathos and style of the work are peacemaking, not invocative-aggressive. The stanzas become beautiful and magnificent in terms of the abundance of expressive means when the poet enters the theme of the world together with the sciences and demands that the “fiery”, that is, military, sounds be silenced:

Be silent, fiery sounds, And cease to waver the light: Here in the world, Elizabeth deigned to expand science. You impudent whirlwinds, do not dare Roar, but humbly divulge Our names are beautiful. In silence, listen, O universe: Behold, Lyra is admiring, To pronounce great names.

Lomonosov's metaphors are especially colorful. Metaphor (in Greek metaphora´ means transfer) is an artistic technique that combines different phenomena or objects into one image, transferring the properties of these different objects to each other. Because phenomena or objects are compared within the image, it receives additional emotional and semantic meanings, its boundaries are moved apart, the image becomes voluminous, bright and original. Lomonosov loved metaphors precisely for their ability to combine dissimilar details into a coherent grandiose picture, to bring to the main idea of ​​the work. "Metaphor," he noted in his "Rhetoric" (1748), "ideas appear much more lively and magnificent than simply." Artistic thinking of Lomonosov was essentially, as they would say now, synthesizing.

Here is one example of Lomonosov's metaphor. The fifth stanza from the ode "On the day of the ascension ...":

In order for a word to be equal to them, The abundance of our strength is small; But we can't help singing Your praises; Your bounty encourages Our spirit and urges us to run, Like a capable wind in a swimmer's bluff Breaks through the waves, It leaves the shore with joy; Feed flies between the water depths.

Most of the space in this stanza is occupied by a complex and ornate metaphor. More often metaphors are in several words or in one sentence. Here you are amazed at the scale of the metaphorical image. To isolate it, you have to think carefully about the text. Before us is an exquisite compliment to the Empress. The poet complains that he does not have lofty words equal to the virtues of Elizabeth, and yet he decides to sing these virtues. At the same time, he feels like an inexperienced swimmer who has ventured alone "through the ravines of the wave" to cross the "Pont" (that is, the Black Sea). The swimmer is guided and supported along the way by a "capable", that is, fair, wind. In a similar way, the author's poetic spirit is kindled and directed by the remarkable deeds of Elizabeth, her "bounties."

To communicate the grandeur and scope of thought to the ode, Lomonosov had to resort to difficult turns of speech. In his "Rhetoric" he theoretically substantiated the legitimacy of the "decoration" of the poetic style. Each phrase, obeying the high odic style, should give rise to a feeling of pomp and splendor. And here, in his opinion, even inventions are commendable: for example, such "sentences in which the subject and predicate are conjugated in some strange, unusual or miraculous way, and thus constitute something important and pleasant." G.A. Gukovsky figuratively and accurately spoke about this poet’s desire for both colorful splendor and harmonious harmony: “Lomonosov builds whole colossal verbal buildings that resemble the huge palaces of Rastrelli; his periods, by their very volume, by their very rhythm, give the impression of a gigantic upsurge of thought and pathos. The groups of words and sentences symmetrically located in them, as it were, subordinate the immense element of the present and the future to human thought and the human plan.

The splendor and splendor of the poetic style help Lomonosov to recreate the powerful energy and colorful visualization of the paintings described. Here, for example, in the ode of 1742 is a surprisingly vivid picture of a military battle, in the center of which is a personified image of Death. From the contemplation of this image goosebumps run on the skin:

There the horses with their stormy feet Lift thick dust to the sky, There Death between the Goth regiments Runs, furious, from rank to rank, And opens its jaw to greed, And stretches out its cold hands, Their proud expulsion of the spirit.

And what wonderful horses with "stormy legs"! In ordinary speech it is impossible to express it this way, in poetic speech it is possible. Moreover, the "stormy legs" of the horses, raising thick dust to the sky, are almost a cosmic image. Held at the same time on a very thin poetic blade. A little to the side, and everything will fall into absurdity.

Half a century later, the poet-innovator, the founder of Russian romanticism V.A. Zhukovsky, describing a special state of mind inspired by twilight descending in rural silence, writes: "The soul is full of cool silence." He will amaze his contemporaries with an unprecedentedly bold combination of words. "Can silence be cool!" - severe critics will reproach the poet. But after all, Lomonosov was the first in Russian poetry to resort to bold combinations of words and concepts in his metaphorical style!

The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,
Beloved silence,
The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,
If you are useful and red!
Flowers bloom around you
And the classes in the fields turn yellow;
Treasure ships are full
Dare in the sea for you;
You pour with a generous hand
Your wealth on earth.

Great light of the world
Shining from the eternal height
For beads, gold and purple,
To all earthly beauties,
He raises his gaze to all countries,
But more beautiful in the world does not find
Elizabeth and you.
You, besides that, are above everything;
The soul of her marshmallow is quieter,
And the sight is more beautiful than paradise.

When she took the throne
As the highest gave her a crown,
I returned you to Russia
She put an end to the war;
I kissed you when I accepted you:
I'm full of those victories, she said
For whom blood is flowing.
I enjoy Russian happiness,
I do not change their calmness
To the west and east.

Befitting to divine lips,
Monarchine, this meek voice:
Oh how worthily exalted
This day and that blessed hour
When from a joyful change
Petrovs raised walls
Up to the stars splash and click!
When you carried the cross with your hand
And brought with her to the throne
The kindness of your beautiful face!

To equal the word with them,
The abundance of our strength is small;
But we can't resist
From singing your praises.
Your bounties are encouraging
Our spirit is directed to run,
Like a capable wind in a swimmer's pont
Through the ravines breaks the waves;
He leaves the beach with joy;
Feed flies between the water depths.

Silence, fiery sounds,
And stop wavering the light;
Here in the world to expand science
Elizabeth did.
You impudent whirlwinds, do not dare
Roar, but meekly divulge
Our times are wonderful.
In silence, listen, universe:
Se wants the lyre admiring
Say great names.

Terrible strange deeds
The creator of the world from the beginning
With his own destinies
Glorify yourself in our day;
Sent a Man to Russia
What has been unheard of for centuries.
Through all obstacles he lifted
Head, crowned with victories,
I will trample Russia with rudeness,
He lifted him up to heaven.

Mars feared in the bloody fields
Your sword in Petrov's hands in vain,
And Neptune wondered with trepidation,
Looking at the Russian flag.
In the walls suddenly fortified
And surrounded by buildings
Doubtful Neva ad:
"Or have I now forgotten
And leaned from that path
Which before I flowed?

Then divine sciences
Through mountains, rivers and seas
They stretched out their hands to Russia,
To this monarch, saying:
"We are prepared with the utmost care
File in the Russian genus new
The fruits of the purest mind."
The monarch calls them to himself,
Russia is already waiting
It's good to see their work.

But oh, cruel fate!
Immortality worthy husband,
Our happiness is the reason
To the unbearable sorrow of our souls
Jealously rejected by fate,
He plunged us into deep weeping!
Inspiring our sobs to our ears,
The tops of Parnassus groaned,
And the muses cried out
Into the heavenly door is the most radiant spirit.

In a lot of righteous sadness
Doubtful their confused way;
And just marching wished
Look at the coffin and the deeds.
But meek Catherine,
Joy for Petra is one,
He accepts them with a generous hand.
Ah, if only her life had lasted,
Long ago Sequana would be ashamed
With your art before the Neva!

What lightness surrounds
In much grief Parnassus?
Oh, if according to there rattling
Pleasant strings, sweetest voice!
All hills are covered with faces;
Cliques are heard in the valleys:
Great Peter's daughter
Father's generosity exceeds,
The contentment of the Muses exacerbates
And luckily he opens the door.

Worthy of great praise
When the number of their victories
A warrior can compare battles
And in the field he lives all his life;
But the warriors are subject to him,
His praises are always involved,
And the noise in the shelves from all sides
Sounding glory drowns out
And the thunder of the pipes interferes with it
The lamentable groan of the vanquished.

This is the only glory to you,
monarch, belongs,
Your spacious state
Oh how thank you!
Look at the high mountains
Look into your wide fields,
Where is the Volga, the Dnieper, where the Ob flows;
Wealth, hidden in them,
Science will frankly
What blooms with your generosity.

So much land space
When the Almighty ordered
To you in a happy allegiance,
Then the treasures opened
Of what India boasts;
But Russia demands
By the art of approved hands.
This gold will cleanse the vein;
Stones will also feel the power
the sciences restored by you.

Although the everlasting snows
The northern country is covered,
Where the frozen winds of the wings
Your banners fly;
But God is between the icy mountains
Great for its miracles:
There Lena is a pure rapid,
Like the Nile, the nations will get drunk
And bregi finally loses
As wide as the sea.

Kohl many mortals are unknown
Nature works wonders
Where the animals are crowded with density
There are deep forests
Where in the luxury of cool shadows
In the flock of galloping deer
Catch the cry did not disperse;
Where the hunter did not mark with a bow;
With the ax farmer's thud
Singing birds did not frighten.

Wide open field
Where muses stretch their way!
Your generous will
What can we give for this?
We will glorify your gift to heaven
And we will put a sign of your generosity,
Where is the sun rising and where is Cupid
Spinning in the green shores
Wishing to come back
To your state from Manzhur.

Behold the gloomy eternity
Hope opens up to us!
Where there are no rules, no law,
Wisdom tamo builds the temple;
Ignorance pales before her.
There, the wet fleet's path turns white,
And the sea tries to yield:
Russian Columbus through the waters
Hurries to unknown peoples
To proclaim your bounties.

There, the darkness of the islands is sown,
The river is like the ocean;
Heavenly blue robes
The peacock is put to shame by the Raven.
There are clouds of different birds flying,
What is variegated exceed
Tender spring clothes;
Eating in fragrant groves
And swimming in pleasant jets,
They do not know the severity of winter.

And now Minerva strikes
At the top of the Riphean copy;
Silver and gold run out
In all your inheritance.
Pluto in the clefts is restless,
What is handed over to the Russians
Its precious metal from the pores,
Which nature has hidden there;
From the brilliance of daylight
He gloomy averts his gaze.

Oh you who are waiting
Fatherland from its bowels
And wants to see them
Which calls from foreign countries,
Oh, your days are blessed!
Be emboldened now
Show with your care
What can own Platos
And quick-witted Newtons
Russian land to give birth.

The sciences feed young men,
They give joy to the old,
Decorate in a happy life
In an accident, take care;
Joy in domestic difficulties
And in distant wanderings is not a hindrance.
Science is everywhere
Among the nations and in the wilderness,
In the city noise and alone,
At rest they are sweet and in work.

To you, O source of mercy,
O angel of our peaceful years!
The Almighty is on that assistant,
Who dares with his pride,
Seeing our peace
Rise up against you in war;
The builder will keep you
In all ways flawless
And your life is blessed
Compare with the number of your generosity.

Jul 21

Analysis of the ode by M. Lomonosov "On the day of the accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747"

Let us turn to the analysis of one of the best odes of Lomonosov "On the day of the accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747".

Lomonosov developed in practice and approved for decades to come the formal features of the genre (poetics). In the ode we meet large-scale images; majestic style, raising the described pictures above the ordinary; "magnificent" poetic language, saturated with Church Slavonicisms, rhetorical figures, colorful metaphors and hyperbole. And at the same time - the classicist rigor of construction, the "harmony of the verse": a seasoned iambic tetrameter, a stanza of ten lines, an inviolable scheme of flexible rhyme ababvvgddg.

Let's start the analysis of the text from the first stanza:

The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,

Beloved silence,

The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,

If you are useful and red!

Flowers bloom around you

And the classes in the fields turn yellow;

Treasure ships are full

Dare in the sea for you;

You pour with a generous hand

Your wealth on earth.

As if from a bird's eye view, the poet surveys villages, cities, earing grain fields, ships plowing the seas. They are all fanned and protected by "blissful silence" - in Russia there is peace and tranquility.

The ode is dedicated to the glorification of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. In the ode, the poet expresses his main and cherished idea: peace, not war, contributes to the prosperity of the country. The empress, who enters the ode in the next stanza, turns out, according to artistic logic, to be derived from this all-encompassing peaceful silence (“His soul is quieter marshmallow”). The poet maintains the parameters of the laudatory genre (“there is nothing more beautiful than Elizabeth in the world”).

Lomonosov strives to maintain the compositional norms of the genre, that is, the principle of constructing an odic poem. In the introductory part, the subject of chanting and the main idea of ​​the work are stated (the poet changed their places). The main part substantiates, proves the stated thesis about the greatness and power of the glorified object. And, finally, the conclusion (final) gives a look into the future, into the further prosperity and power of the glorified phenomena.

The introductory part, or, as it is also called, the exposition, occupies twelve stanzas in this Lomonosov ode. The poet glorifies Elizabeth against the background of her predecessors on the throne strictly following one after another. In the royal portrait gallery, the father of the current ruler, Peter I, is especially highlighted. This is the poet's idol. It is clear to the reader from the detailed and pathos characterization of Peter that it was from him that the daughter took over the baton of great deeds.

From the fourteenth stanza, the ode enters its main part. The idea is expanding, and its artistic implementation suddenly begins to show new, non-traditional features. The lyrical pathos passes from the dynasty of rulers to the majestic image of the Fatherland, to its inexhaustible natural resources, enormous spiritual and creative possibilities:

This is the only glory to you,

monarch, belongs,

Vast is your realm,

Oh, how thank you!

Look at the high mountains

Look into your wide fields,

Where is the Volga, the Dnieper, where the Ob flows;

Wealth in them is hidden

Science will frankly

That blooms with Your generosity.

That's where the scope for the inspiration of the lyrical hero! The virtues of the “beautiful Elizabeth” are gradually fading into the background. The poet's thoughts are now occupied with something else. The thematic direction of the ode itself is changing. And now the author himself is not just an ode writer. He is a patriotic scientist who draws the attention of readers to the burning problems for Russia. The development of sciences will help master the riches of the North, the Siberian taiga and the Far East. Russian sailors, with the help of cartographers, discover new lands, paving the way to "unknown peoples":

There, the wet fleet's path turns white,

And the sea tries to yield:

Columbus Russian across the waters

Hurries to unknown peoples

To proclaim your bounties.

Pluto itself, the mythical owner of underground riches, is forced to yield to the developers of the minerals of the Northern and Ural (Riphean) mountains.

And now Minerva strikes

In the tops of the Riphean copy.

Silver and gold run out

In all your inheritance.

Pluto in the clefts is restless,

What is given into the hands of the Rosses

Its precious metal from the mountains,

Which nature has hidden there;

From the brilliance of daylight

He gloomy averts his gaze.

And yet, the main thing that will bring Russia into the ranks of world powers is, according to the poet, new generations of people: educated, enlightened, Russian youth devoted to science:

Oh you who are waiting

Fatherland from its bowels,

And wants to see them

Which calls from foreign countries,

Oh, your days are blessed!

Be brave, now you are encouraged,

Show with your care

What can own Platos

And quick-witted Newtons

Russian land to give birth.

The sciences feed young men,

They give joy to the old,

Decorate in a happy life

In an accident, take care;

Joy in domestic difficulties

And in distant wanderings is not a hindrance,

Science is used everywhere:

Among the nations and in the wilderness,

In the city garden and alone,

In peace sweet and in work.

The topic of the decisive role of science and education in the development of the country was stated, as we remember, by Cantemir. Trediakovsky served science with his work and throughout his life. And now Lomonosov perpetuates this theme, puts it on a poetic pedestal. Exactly so, because the two stanzas just quoted are the climax of the ode, its highest lyrical peak, the pinnacle of emotional animation.

But here the poet, as it were, catches on, remembering that the ode is dedicated to an official event: the annually celebrated date of the accession to the throne of the empress. The final stanza is again directly addressed to Elizabeth. This stanza is obligatory, ceremonial:

To you, O mercy Source,

O Angel of our peaceful years!

The Almighty is on that assistant,

Who dares with his pride,

Seeing our peace

Rise up against you in war;

The Creator will keep you

In all ways flawless

And your life is blessed

Compare with the number of Your bounties.

In the ode, Elizabeth is represented as a peacemaker who stopped all wars for the sake of the peace and happiness of the Russians: When She entered the throne,

As the Most High gave her a crown,

I returned you to Russia

She put an end to the war;

Having accepted you, kissed you:

“I am full of those victories,” she said, “

For whom blood is flowing.

I delight Ross with happiness,

I do not change their calmness

To the whole West and East.

With his ode, Lomonosov told Elizaveta Petrovna that Russia needs peace and does not need war. The pathos and style of the work are peacemaking, not invocative-aggressive. The stanzas become beautiful and magnificent in terms of the abundance of expressive means when the poet enters the theme of the world together with the sciences and demands that the “fiery”, that is, military, sounds be silenced:

Silence, fiery sounds,

And stop shaking the light:

Here in the world to expand science

Elizabeth did.

You impudent whirlwinds, do not dare

Roar, but meekly divulge

Our names are beautiful.

In silence, listen, universe:

Se wants Lyra admiring

Say great names.

Lomonosov's metaphors are especially colorful. Lomonosov loved metaphors precisely for their ability to combine dissimilar details into a coherent grandiose picture, to bring to the main idea of ​​the work. “Metaphor,” he noted in his “Rhetoric” (1748), “ideas seem much more lively and magnificent than simply.”

Here is one example of Lomonosov's metaphor. The fifth stanza from the ode "On the day of the ascension ...": In order for the word to be equal to them,

The abundance of our strength is small;

But we can't resist

From singing Your praises;

Your bounties are encouraging

Our spirit is directed to run,

Like a capable wind in a swimmer's pont

Waves break through the ravines,

He leaves the beach with joy;

Feed flies between the water depths.

Most of the space in this stanza is occupied by a complex and ornate metaphor. More often metaphors are in several words or in one sentence. Here you are amazed at the scale of the metaphorical image. To isolate it, you have to think carefully about the text. Before us is an exquisite compliment to the Empress. The poet complains that he does not have lofty words equal to the virtues of Elizabeth, and yet he decides to sing these virtues. At the same time, he feels like an inexperienced swimmer who ventured alone “through the ravines of the wave” to cross the “Pont” (that is, the Black Sea). The swimmer is guided and supported along the way by a “capable”, that is, fair, wind. In a similar way, the poetic spirit of the author is ignited and directed by the wonderful deeds of Elizabeth, her "bounties."

Lomonosov resorted to bold combinations of words and concepts in his metaphorical style.

The work that we will consider has a longer and more meaningful title: “Ode on the day of the accession to the All-Russian Throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in 1747.” It was written in honor of the most important holiday for the whole country. In this article, we will consider what I wanted to say in my - "Ode on the day of the ascension." The summary and analysis of this work will help us understand the message of the scientist. So let's get started.

Lomonosov, "Ode on the Day of Ascension". Summary

In his work, the author sings of the greatness of Russia, the wealth of its lands and seas, happy villages, strong cities, crops. Then he moves on to the image of Elizabeth. Lomonosov describes her as beautiful, kind, generous, calm, who ended the wars on Russian soil. He says that science is developing in peaceful Russia, and good times have come. All this is described using various metaphors and others with which Lomonosov's ode "On the Day of Ascension" is full.

In the last part, he returns to the "source of mercy" - Elizabeth. Lomonosov calls her the angel of peaceful years. He says that the Almighty protects and blesses her.

Analysis of the ode by M. V. Lomonosov on the day of the accession of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna

As readers have probably noticed, the author praises the empress for peacetime. However, it was not. He only in this way tried to convey to the empress his opinion that Russia had enough to fight, a lot of blood had been shed, it was time to enjoy peace.

Why is he writing about it? At that time, the question arose of whether Russia would participate in the war along with the countries that fought France and Prussia. The author, like many others, is against this. He wants Russia to develop. Therefore, it can be said that his laudatory ode is political in nature, his own peace program.

Nevertheless, the empress had merit. She began to negotiate peace with Sweden. Lomonosov did not forget to note this moment in the laudatory song ("Ode on the day of the ascension"). The summary shows us how a scientist and writer praises Elizabeth for the development of science. This is due to the fact that in 1747 the Empress increased the amount of funds for the needs of the Academy. After this act, his famous ode was written by the scientist.

Techniques used in the work

The main literary tool used in the ode is a metaphor. Thanks to her, Lomonosov manages to beautifully glorify his country, its ruler, to call for peace and development. Peacetime he calls beloved silence, war - fiery sounds.

Comparisons are also found in the work: "the soul of her marshmallow is quieter", "the sight is more beautiful than paradise."

Thanks to the personification, Lomonosov animates various phenomena: “be silent ... sounds”, “whirlwinds, do not dare to roar”, “Mars was afraid”, “Neptune seemed to be”.

Why did the author choose such a genre as ode for his work

Lomonosov was a true patriot of his country. He praised her in every possible way, supported her with all his heart. Many works were written by him in such a genre as ode. This is due to the fact that this genre allowed him to sing everything that seemed significant to him. After all, "ode" is translated from Greek as "song". This genre helped Lomonosov to use the majestic style, artistic techniques. Thanks to him, he was able to convey his view on the development of Russia. At the same time, he withstood the classicistic severity of the language in his - "Ode on the day of the ascension." The summary shows us how important topics the author managed to touch on in his ode. Another genre would hardly have given him the opportunity to convey his ideas and views to the ruler so eloquently.


We have considered one of the best literary works written by Lomonosov M.V. - "Ode on the day of the accession to the throne of Elizabeth Petrovna." A brief summary and showed what topics the author touched on, how he conveyed them, what significance they had. We learned that Lomonosov was a patriot. He wanted the ruler Elizabeth to continue the work of her father: she was engaged in education, science.

We learned that the scientist and writer was against the war and the shedding of blood. By writing an ode, he managed to convey his views on the desired future of Russia to the Empress herself. Thus, this work was written by him not just in honor of the annual celebration of the accession of the empress to the throne. Lomonosov conveyed to the ruler his vision of the country's development.