Biographies Characteristics Analysis

An interactive poster for the lessons of the world around was prepared by Svetlana Anatolyevna Grevtsova, an elementary school teacher at the Krasnoye School of Education. Subject week on the world around us for elementary school students Wall newspaper topic the world around us

How to draw a poster on the theme "Save the air" in grade 3 around the world? A question that arises in children and their parents when studying the topic of air pollution and its protection.

We have collected a selection of posters, pictures, drawings for those who need to come up with and draw a poster on this topic on their own.

Additional information for creating a poster "Save the air" in grade 3 in the subject "World around"

The main sources of air pollution.

At present, the main contribution to air pollution in Russia is made by the following industries:

Thermal power engineering (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and municipal boiler houses, etc.),

Enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemistry,

Road transport (sources of such pollutants are cars, aircraft and ships, trains)

Enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and production of building materials.

How do people protect the air in cities?

People plant trees in the city. Have you noticed that poplars often grow along city streets and squares? These tall, slender trees release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition, poplars perfectly clean polluted air. Why are poplar trees so good at purifying the air? Due to the long thin petiole, poplar leaves are very mobile, they capture dust well, which is easily washed off by rain or flies off their smooth leaf surface. Poplars and other trees are planted along highways.

Factories and factories operate in large cities, from the pipes of which poisonous gases, soot and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. How to clean this air? Many enterprises install special filters, passing through which the air is purified. Particles of soot and dust are deposited on the filter, and toxic gases are captured by special installations.

They are switching to the production of environmentally friendly types of energy, using the power of the wind, the sun's rays, and water flows. And thermal power plants should be closed as an outdated type of production.

To save air, we need to stop deforestation and the mindless use of minerals.

Purposes of the event:

  1. To develop students' interest in the lessons of the "World Around"; raise the educational level; carry out environmental education.
  2. To form the ability of students to perceive a holistic picture of the world, respect for nature.
  3. To create conditions for the development and implementation of the cognitive and creative abilities of students in the study of nature.
  4. Create conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Develop the ability to work independently, present the result of individual activity.

Plan of the event:

  1. Opening of the week. Opening of the exhibition “Nature is a source of creative inspiration”.
  2. Olympiad "Connoisseurs of Nature" for grades 3-4.
  3. Protection of individual projects.
  4. Intellectual and ecological game “Forest is a priceless gift of nature”.
  5. Results of the week. Closing.

Before the opening of the subject week around the world, students received tasks:

  1. Prepare crafts from natural materials.
  2. Pupils in grades 1-2 make drawings, and students in grades 3-4 make posters on the topic “Take care of our common home”.
  3. Get ready to defend your projects “I am a researcher” in the nomination “Nature”.
  4. Answer the questions of the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”.


“About green forests and forest wonders”.

For students in grades 1-4.

  1. Why do pine lower branches die off, but spruce does not? (Pine is a light-loving tree)
  2. Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden - blooms in summer)
  3. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting)
  4. What is the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly, because in a day she eats several times more food than she weighs herself)
  5. What birds in the spring mutter "I'll buy a hoodie, I'll sell a fur coat"? (Kosachi, black grouse - males, words are similar in imitation of his song - muttering)
  6. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal to us? (Bird nests are clearly visible)
  7. Are bunnies born sighted or blind? (Sighted)
  8. Who cuckoos at the cuckoo, a female or a male? (Male)
  9. What animal grows teeth every day? (For all rodents)
  10. Do mosquitoes have teeth? (Yes - 22)
  11. Which animal has 2 monuments? (to the frog)
  12. Are there rhinos in our forests? (Yes, rhinoceros beetle)
  13. What animal runs like a wolf, climbs like a cat, and looks like a bear? (Wolverine)
  14. Grass for 99 diseases? (St. John's wort)
  15. Colored mushrooms? (Russula)
  16. Is the tree a symbol of our Motherland? (Birch)
  17. What is a squirrel's nest called? (Gaino)
  18. What cubs are born “naked”, and after a few hours they have a coat? (Ezhata)
  19. What kind of insects clap their hands? (Mosquitoes, moths)
  20. What plants are insect predators? (Sundew)
  21. The name of which plant says where it lives? (Plantain)

A week around the world.

1 day: Opening of the week.

Opening of the exhibition “Nature is a source of creative inspiration”

Scenario of the opening of the subject week around the world.


Look, my young friend, what is around:
The sky is light blue, the sun shines golden,
The wind plays with leaves, a cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage,

(Music sounds, Nature appears).


I am Nature. I am a great master. Eternal master of life.
I can, man, bestow you for complicity - everything is in my power.
You and I are rolling along the same road - not an hour apart, not a day.
And you cannot be above me, just as you cannot be outside of me!

Leading: You and I are part of nature. We study it in the lessons of the world around us, at extracurricular activities. Let's go with you to the forest.


The forest is not only for our fun,
He is the wealth of our country.
All the trees in it, berries, herbs
For our benefit, friends, raised.

Leading: Yes, in the forest wherever you look, miracles are everywhere. Even adults and those meet on forest paths with the unknown, mysterious, amazing. And guys! Every step is a new miracle for them.

I wonder if you met an old man in the forest?
There is an old man in the world, an old man - Lesovichok,
He wears a multicolored cap made of variegated leaves.
Birch-bark boots, painted bloomers
Himself in a green yarmyak, a staff in his hand.
Like narrow paths, he walks - wanders through the blades of grass,
Old man - Lesovichok, multi-colored cap.
Every day, both in rain and in heat, he guards the world of the forest.

(Music sounds, an old man appears - Lesovichok).

Old man - Lesovichok: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

Yes, I'm an old man - Lesovichok, but you won't immediately understand who I am,
On unknown paths you will find me in the forest.
My house is in the wilderness of the forest, I listen to the forest with you.
The sun pours down on the trees and flowers from above.
I guard the dense forest and my friends are with me:
Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles, be my friend and you!

(Music sounds, the Wise Owl appears).

Wise Owl: Hello guys. Did you recognize me? I am the Wise Owl.

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,
And there is also a temple of nature - with forests,
Stretching hands towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open for us in the heat and chill.
Come in here, be a sensitive heart,
Do not desecrate his shrines!

(Music sounds, the Forest Fairy appears).

Wood Fairy:

Hello guys, hello friends!
On this beautiful day, I'm glad to see you!
I am glad to welcome dear guests.
I want to get to know you as soon as possible.
Everyone calls me Forest Fairy.
I love jokes, laughter, and I recognize your names all at once.
Come on, together - 1 - 2 - 3 - tell me your name!
I'm very glad to meet you,
I want to invite you for a walk in the forest friends.
Noise, noise, green forest!
I know your majestic noise,
And your peace, and the brilliance of heaven
Above your curly head.
I used to understand since childhood
Your silence is dumb
And your mysterious tongue
Like something close, dear.

(Music sounds, Leshy and Kikimora appear).

Goblin: Hello, and here we are, did you know?


When you walk along the forest path,
Questions overtake you in a crowd.


One "why" rushes between the trees,
Flies on the heels of an unknown bird.
Another - a bee climbed into a flower,
And the third - a frog jump into a stream.


“What” snoops like a mouse under the leaves in holes.

Sits "Why" on a green leaf,
"Where" flew astride a beetle.
"Why" after the lizard climbed onto the stump ...
Question after question, every day.


Let's go - ka, friends, along the forest path
Look for answers under the green tent.

Leading: That's how many guests came to us for the subject week. They did not just come, but each with his own task. Now they will introduce us to them.
Goblin: I and Kikimora are waiting for you tomorrow at the subject Olympiad in the surrounding world “Connoisseurs of Nature”.
Wise Owl: On Wednesday you will come to visit me, where you will defend your research projects on the topic “Nature”.
Wood Fairy: On Thursday, we will have an intellectual-ecological game “Forest - a priceless gift of nature”, the participants of which will be the winners of the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”.

Lesovichok: During the week, I will have an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Nature is a source of creative inspiration”, where you will see many interesting works and an exhibition of drawings and posters that you have prepared for this week. Come, choose the best works. And on Friday, at the end of the week, we will award the best of the best.

Leading: Very well. This concludes our meeting. We wish you success!

2 day: Olympiad "Connoisseurs of Nature" for grades 3-4.

Previously, the best students in the subject were selected in the classes, and they took part in the Olympiad.

Olympiad tasks:

1. Read the story and underline the mistakes.

Winter in the forest.

Beautiful in the winter in the forest. Fresh and frosty. The sun shines brightly high in the sky. The trees are dressed in fluffy white fur coats. Somewhere in the depths of the forest, a cuckoo chirped, a bat flew silently, and a woodpecker chirped. The fiery tail of a fox flashed in the bushes. She is in search of food: deep under the snow of a mouse hole. The fox, busy with mouseling, does not notice the hare, which, very close by, gnaws at the bark of a young Christmas tree. Quiet around. Only the chirping of a crow can be heard. She informs everyone about the approach of a person.

2. Underline the correct food chain.

A) plant litter - earthworms - foxes - moles;
B) earthworms - plant litter - moles - foxes;
C) plant litter - moles - earthworms - foxes;
D) plant litter - earthworms - moles - foxes.

3. Collect as many animal names as you can from the letters(letters can only be used once in a word): I V R E O Y N L S K L T A.

4. Answer the questions.

A) The name of which poisonous forest plant is associated with the name of a bird? the beast?
B) What does it mean “the feet feed the wolf”?
c) How many legs does a spider have?
D) What beetles are named after the month in which they were born?
D) What plant is called water beauty?

5. Connect with lines.

6. Write down the names of the trees (at least three in each group) that grow.

In deciduous forests _______
In coniferous forests______

7. Read the telegram, write down its text. Answer the question "Why?"

8. Put the letters in the cells so, including the letter “H”, so that you can read the names of the trees.

9. Read, write down and explain the meaning.

3 day: Protection of research projects.

Our city annually hosts the City competition of research projects for junior schoolchildren “I am a researcher”. Children can choose any topic and perform in different categories. In order to choose the best projects in our gymnasium, a school tour is held, which coincides with the subject week around the world, and we hear the children who have prepared works and projects in the “Nature” nomination.

Project topics guys choose different ones, for example:

How to tell a toad from a frog.
How does a rainbow appear?
Why is the earth round.
Where and when did dinosaurs live?
How is wind formed.
- The influence of plants in the house on the well-being and mood of a person.

The guys perform and defend their projects before the commission, which determines the winners, sending them to the regional competition.

Day 4: Intellectual and ecological game “Forest is a priceless gift of nature”.

The guys who won the quiz “About green forests and forest miracles” take part in this game.

Conduct form:"Star hour".

Goals and objectives:

  1. To develop the cognitive interests of young schoolchildren.
  2. To reveal the environmental problem, to educate children in respect for forestry.
  3. To promote the development of a sense of kindness, empathy, participation in all living and beautiful things that surround us.


The place where the game takes place turns into a forest (drawings of trees, herbs, flowers, birds, forest animals, insects, the sun, clouds, mushrooms are attached to the walls).

Posters: “Forest is our wealth!”, “Destiny of nature is our destiny”.

Job posters.

Signal cards-numbers.

Musical arrangement.

Game progress

Leading. Today we will hold an intellectual-ecological game “Star Hour”, but this game is not quite ordinary, it will be held on the edge of the forest.

1 student.

Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn, covered in dew, as in silver?
Who is lurking in your wilderness: what kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, do not hide it: you see - we are our own!

Leading. A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature Mikhail Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.” Our state cares about nature and does a lot to protect it: planting new forests, organizing reserves, preserving many species of animals and plants from complete destruction. Man owes much to nature, to the forest. What exactly is the forest dear to us? (Students' statements)

Leading. To summarize: Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?
2 student. The forest is our wealth!
3 student. The forest is the green dress of our Earth. Where there is a forest, there is always clean air.
4 student. The forest is a home for animals and birds.
5 student. The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps a person to grow a good crop.
6 student. The forest is a pantry that generously gives its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms.

Leading. Listen to the sounds of the forest (recording with the voices of birds, forest noises is included). Isn't it true, beautiful creations of nature! Let's think together, will it be worse for nature if, while collecting nuts, we break a few branches? Or pick 2-3 beautiful flowers? Or catch an unusual butterfly? (children's answers)

Leading. Yes, nature will be worse. Every twig broken in vain, every plucked flower, every butterfly caught is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if you inflict one wound, your friend inflicts another, 3, 4, 5 - someone else - will it become the same with her? Let's think: how to behave in nature? (children name the rules of behavior in nature)

Leading. You know how to behave in the temple of nature, but you also need to know nature itself.

7 student.

When you walk along a forest path, questions overtake you in a crowd.
One "Why" rushes between the trees, flies on the heels of an unknown bird,
Another - climbed into a flower like a bee, and the third - jumped into a stream like a frog.
"What" with a mouse snoops under the leaves in holes,
“Who” is looking for a hidden rustle in the bushes,
“Why” sits on a green sheet, “Where” - flew on a beetle,
"Why" after the lizard climbed onto the stump, question after question, and so the whole day.
Let's go, friends, along the forest path to look for answers under the green tent.

Leading. We start the game. Now let's have a qualifying round. Everyone participates in the qualifying round. For each correct answer, you get a token, 6 students who received the most tokens go to 1 round, i.e. become part of the game. Be careful.

Qualifying questions:

What time of day do beavers build their dwelling? (At night)
- Who can drink with their feet? (Frog)
- What mushrooms does the hedgehog eat? (Does not eat)
- What does it mean "Feet feed the wolf"? (The wolf catches up with the prey by running)
What bird can hiss like a snake? (Vertineck, vertigo head)
Who sees with their ears? (Bat)
Who can hear with their feet? (Grasshopper)
- What kind of cow do ants milk? (aphid ladybug)
What mushroom is called a predatory beast? (chanterelle)
- Grass that can be recognized by touch, even the blind? (Nettle)
What flower blooms without leaves? (Mother-stepmother)

Leading. Let's sum up the selection round. Count the tokens. Who has more tokens? We invite the winners of the qualifying round to continue the game (winners come out).

8 student.

Noise, noise, green forest! I know your majestic noise,
And your peace, and the brilliance of heaven above your curly head.
From childhood I used to understand your dumb silence,
And your mysterious language is like something close, dear.

Leading. The Russian forest is many-sided and beautiful! Almost 300 species of trees, shrubs, herbs can be found in the forest. The value of the forest is enormous, the more actively a person invades the forest environment, the more our green friend needs protection. Respect for the forest should become the norm of behavior for every person. Today, while playing, we will remember what plants are found in our area, and what role they play in our life. The first round of our game is called “Plants of our region”. The questions that will be asked are devoted to plants that grow in our region in the forest. After choosing the correct answer, raise the card with the correct number ( poster is up).


What wood is the piano made from? (From spruce)
What wood is used to make skis? (Birch)
- Which tree blooms first? (Alder)
What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)
What plant heals wounds? (Plantain)

Leading. Summing up the results of round 1 (the results are summed up, 1 participant who scored fewer points is eliminated from the game). We have 5 participants and we are starting round 2.

9 student.

What do we plant when we plant forests? A thicket where a badger and a fox roam,
A thicket where squirrels hide squirrels, a thicket where spotted woodpeckers knock.

Leading. We can meet many animals in the forest, but there would be even more of them if people did not interfere in their lives. Many species of animals are listed in the Red Book. Who knows what the Red Book is?

(Children's statements).

Leading. Yes, the Red Book is a book that lists rare species of plants and animals. It is called so because red is a danger signal. The Red Book was established by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1966. It is stored in the Swiss city of Morges. It contains data on all plants and animals that urgently need human care and protection. Otherwise, they may disappear from the face of the Earth, as, for example, the sea cow disappeared. Animals from our country are also included in the International Red Book. For example, in the Amur Region, the Amur tiger, red wolf, cranes - white and black, Atlantic walrus and others are protected. However, it is impossible to record all types of rare animals and plants in this book, so many countries began to compile their own Red Books. In March 1974, the Red Book was established and in our country (poster is up).

Leading. Some animals have not yet been included in the Red Book, but they must be treated with care. The second round of our game is called “Wild Animals of Our Forests”. The questions that will be offered to you are devoted to wild animals. After choosing the correct answer, raise the card with the correct number.

Questions for round 2:

The cubs of which animal are called leaf fallers? (hare)
What predator's footprint is similar to a human's? (bear)
Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare)
- What kind of animal can easily run through the swamps? (Elk)
- A bloodthirsty predator of our forests? (Wolf)
- What cubs are born "naked"? (Ezhata)

Leading. Summing up round 2 After round 2 we have 4 participants left, for them - round 3 “Birds” (the phonogram of the song “By the Road Lapwing” sounds, a poster is hung on the board).

Questions for round 3:

Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (Starling)
What bird has the longest tongue? (Woodpecker - 15 cm)
- Which bird builds its nests in the cliffs above the river? (Martin)
Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift)

Leading. Summing up round 3 (the results are summed up, 1 participant leaves). After the 3rd round, we have 3 participants left, for them the 4th round is “Logical chains”.

10 student The forest is not only for our fun, it is the wealth of our country.
All the trees in it, berries, herbs, for our benefit, friends, have been grown.
Take care of each bush, guys, where you will see a simple sprout,
An oak can grow in three girths, a birch forest or a dense raspberry.

Leading. We know that many mushrooms grow in the forest. Some mushrooms prefer to grow in a deciduous forest, some in a coniferous forest. (a poster is posted on the board).

Leading. Which of these mushrooms grows in a deciduous forest? (Ginger)

Summing up the results of round 4, we see that we have 2 participants in the super game.

11 students.

Look my young friend, what is around?
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage.
Birds, animals and forests, thunder, fogs and dew,
Man and the season - it's all around nature!

Leading. We are part of nature. We study it in the lessons of the world around us. In the super game, you will make as many words as possible in 3 minutes using the letters of the word "natural history".

(The word is hung out, the guys write down the words on the pieces of paper).

Leading. Time is up, let's hear the participants (children take turns reading wordsa). We see the winner, we congratulate him (reward).

(Soundtrack of the song “Do not tease dogs” sounds).

Day 5: Results of the week. Closing.

All the guys gather in the assembly hall, which is decorated. Music sounds

Nature: Hello guys. So ended our subject week on the world around us. A lot of interesting things happened this week, a lot of discoveries, but how much is still ahead of the unknown, unexplored. Today we will sum up the results of our work. I give the floor to Kikimore and Leshem.

Goblin: The children took part in the Connoisseurs of Nature Olympiad. Here are the winners (awarding, presentation of gifts)


In parting, we would like to tell you.
Protect the green forest, do not offend anyone,
Do not destroy the trees, save the flowers in the forest!

Nature: Thank you. Let's listen to the Wise Owl.

Wise Owl: You know that we listened to the projects and work of the guys in research activities. How many interesting things we have learned, what wonderful researchers study at your gymnasium. I say to everyone: thank you! But as always, there are winners in competitions. (reward).

And I also wanted to tell everyone:
You, my friend, look do not let us down!
Promise to be truthful and kind!
Don't hurt a bird or a cricket,
Do not buy a net for a butterfly!
Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields -
Everything that is called your homeland.

Nature: Thank you. I give the floor to the Forest Fairy.

Wood Fairy: Almost all the children took part in the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”, the winners of this quiz took part in the intellectual and ecological game “Forest is a priceless gift of nature”. Here is the winner of this game (reward).

All that is needed, from year to year, nature itself gives us,
And so we all cannot live without water,
Without plants and animals, without beautiful high mountains,
Man cannot live without forests, fields and rivers.
So let's save our earthly natural home!

Nature: Thank you. Let's listen to Lesovichka.

Lesovichok: How difficult was it for me and the members of the commission, who chose the best crafts, drawings, posters? But we did it and here are the winners (awarding in different nominations).


And so our meeting came to an end.
You, man, loving nature,
Feel sorry for her sometimes.
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields.
In the station hustle of the century
You hurry to evaluate it:
She is your old good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it down
And do not exhaust to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
We are many, but she is one!

"How does a person know the world" - Why? The science. Curious people. How does a person know about himself? -From other people -Self-esteem. Knowledge. What is truth? Heightened self-esteem. Art. Knows the world. What questions do people most often ask? Man knows the world. Know yourself. I am dynamic (What I want to be). I am real. Draw comparison lines in the comparison table.

"Basic subjects" - Geometry. Physics. Geography of the world Geography of Russia Geography of Europe Geography of Asia. Practical English Spelling Grammar. History of the World History of Russia History of Europe. Physics thermodynamics electrostatics. Russian language English language Geography Literature History. Literature of peoples Western Literature Foreign Literature.

"Man and the World" - Circle from heart to heart. Why the ability to see the world of art? What does the beauty of the world mean to you? Reading the text: "The Art of Seeing the World" Konstantin Paustovsky. Conversation: Reflection on the situation Reading the parable "The sky and the lake" "Look at the sky." “Beauty lives everywhere” - Yuri Antonov. Why isn't anyone in the world alone?

"Knowledge of the world around" - What is the perception? Perception -. What is your idea of ​​media? With the help of the senses, we cognize individual objects and phenomena of the world around us. Performance -. The possibilities of sensory knowledge are limited. You were treated to an apple. What did you imagine when you said the word "snow"?

"Science Day" - Literature The world around us Extra-curricular activities 25 projects in total! City Science Day. Biology. Projects of informational and illustrative type. Elementary School. Individual educational projects. Philology. Special thanks to teachers! City Subject Olympiads. Collective educational projects: Network games and Olympiads.

“How beautiful this world is” - Eat delicious berries that our nature itself has created. The forests are all covered with leaves. The trees are green. Sun, air and water, what else does a person need. Launch boats, play different games. Spring is coming. In the summer our family went to the village. Buds appeared on the trees. Warm outside. Children swim in the rivers.

Bad habits These are actions that people repeat over and over again, despite the fact that they are not useful or even harmful. When a person smokes, the tobacco slowly burns out and smoke is formed, which consists of many harmful substances, including 30 poisonous ones. These are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. Nicotine negatively affects the functioning of the heart, and carbon monoxide makes it difficult for oxygen to enter, and tobacco tar clogs the lungs. nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. When a person smokes, the tobacco slowly burns out and smoke is formed, which consists of many harmful substances, including 30 poisonous ones. These are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. Nicotine negatively affects the functioning of the heart, and carbon monoxide makes it difficult for oxygen to enter, and tobacco tar clogs the lungs. nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. Alcohol is a universal remedy that can turn a person into a reckless creature. Dependence on alcohol arises gradually and leads to the disease - alcoholism. The destruction of an adult's personality occurs after 10 years, and a child - after 3-4 years ... alcoholism Alcohol is a universal remedy that can turn a person into a reckless creature. Dependence on alcohol arises gradually and leads to the disease - alcoholism. The destruction of the personality of an adult occurs after 10 years, and a child - after 3-4 years ... alcoholism A drug is a drug that reduces physical and mental activity, dulls pain and has a calming and hypnotic effect. Having tried a drug, a person falls under drug addiction and subsequently dies ... drug addiction and subsequently dies ... A drug is a drug that reduces physical and mental activity, dulls pain and has a calming and hypnotic effect. Having tried a drug, a person falls under drug addiction and subsequently dies ... drug addiction and subsequently dies ...

HardeningWater Air Sun Hardening is a system of special body training. To begin with, wash your hands in warm, then in cool water, then the legs. Then general douche: during rinsing after the bath, gradually reduce the temperature of the water. The main thing - do not rush! Stay in the sun only in a hat. Sunbathe gradually: start with 4 minutes, gradually increasing the time to minutes. Protect your skin from burns - use a protective cream. Alternate exposure to the sun and shade is very beneficial. Stay in the sun only in a hat. Sunbathe gradually: start with 4 minutes, gradually increasing the time to minutes. Protect your skin from burns - use a protective cream. Alternate exposure to the sun and shade is very beneficial. Do exercises with the window open, play more often in the fresh air, go skating and skiing in winter, dress according to the weather - do not wrap yourself up.

Personal Hygiene Rules 1. Keep your body, clothes and home clean. 2. Wash with soap and washcloth, brush your teeth 2 times a day, take a shower daily. 3. Ventilate the room. 4. Regularly clean the apartment. 5. Keep your yard clean. 6. Never throw garbage on the street. A healthy lifestyle starts with cleanliness! A healthy lifestyle starts with cleanliness!

Proper nutrition Proper nutrition should be moderate and varied Try to eat a variety of foods so that the body receives all the nutrients it needs. Eat less buns and sweets. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, the excess of which the body turns into fat and stores under the skin. And who needs such a stock? No need to eat a lot of fried, smoked, salty, spicy. Such food can be tasty, but not very healthy, and in some cases harmful. You should try to eat at the same time. The body gets used to a certain regime, and then the food is better absorbed. Breakfast is a must in the morning before school. Some guys are in such a hurry in the morning that they don't eat anything. And then their head hurts, their attention is lost, their efficiency decreases. Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Eating right before bed is very unhealthy.

Ten commandments of good mood 1. Smile! Remember that smiling makes you more beautiful. 2. Give people more than they expect and do it with joy. 3. Smile when you answer the phone, you can hear the smile! 4. In times of adversity, console yourself with the thought that there were times that were even more difficult, and those have passed ... 5. There is always a reason to smile. 6. A smile has a mirror effect! Smile... and you will see a smile! 7. Smile even when you are sad, because it can bring joy to someone! 8. Look for someone who can make you smile, because only a smile can brighten the darkest day! 9. Look at all things from the positive side, because even failure can turn into a victory! 10. Remember! A smile is a curve that straightens everything!

(senior preschool age)

I present to your attention the issue of the monthly developing wall newspaper "Lyuboznayka" - both for kindergarten children and for home creativity.

The theme of the issue is OCTOBER.

(Attention! There is a typo in the newspaper issue, it should be No. 2)

A curiosity is a little girl who seeks to learn more about the world around her, she is interested in everything and she will definitely tell everything that she herself has learned.

The wall newspaper is placed on 8 sheets, which must be printed and glued together or glued on paper. The wall newspaper is presented in black and white for children to color in on their own, and after coloring, it will look like it is shown in the color sample.

Curiosity will show you all his knowledge and skills in several sections:

Section 1 "For the guys about the animals." In this section, the Curiosity will tell you about the animals of our planet, which she managed to meet when she traveled around the world. In this issue you will get acquainted with wild dogs, namely the polar fox, the fox and the wolf.

Section 2 "Riddles". In this section, riddles will be waiting for you, and you can color the answers yourself.

Section 3. In this section, you will learn that drawing letters is very easy and even entertaining!

Section 4 "Our fairy tale". In this issue you can create your own fairy tale. To do this, it will be enough for you to answer a few questions.

Section 5 "Fun Math". In this section Curiosity has prepared wonderful math tasks for you.

Section 6 "An obedient pencil". This time we will draw leaf fall. Let's see which way the leaves fall.

Section 7 "Labyrinth". This time you are waiting for two different exciting labyrinths.

Section 8 "Masterilka". Pochemuchka invites you to the forest for mushrooms. Try to collect a basket of mushrooms yourself!

When you color the entire wall newspaper, it will be very beautiful.

Good luck to you and your kids!