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Historical Grammar of the Russian Language: A Handbook for Correspondence Students. The subject and objectives of the course of historical grammar of the Russian language

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1 BELARUSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Test work on the historical grammar of the Russian language For students of the Faculty of Philology of the correspondence department of the specialty D "Russian Philology" Minsk 2003

2 Author-compiler: V. E. Kvachek, Ph.D. philol. Sciences, Assoc. Recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Philology on March 28, 2003, protocol 7 .. Test work on the historical grammar of the Russian language / Author-comp. V. E. Kvachek. Minsk: BGU, p. This publication contains practical assignments for the course "Historical Grammar of the Russian Language". Designed for 3rd year students of the correspondence department of the philological faculty of the university. BGU, 2003

3 HISTORICAL GRAMMAR OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1. As a result of what processes did the sounds [zh], [sh], [h] arise? palatalization. g, k, ch before vowel anterior a number of palatalizations. g, k, ch before j kt, gt sj, slj tj dj zj soul 2. looking for 3. night 4. enmity 5. distort 6. leader 7. candle 8. puddle 9. burden 10. captivate 11. listen 12. infection 13. plant 14. decorate 15. mark 16. guard 17. sin 18. twisted 19. below 20. loss 21. I scream 22. be silent 23. help 24. richer 25. furious 2. At the place of what sound combinations did the sound [sh ] (sch)? stj skj tj kt, gt vengeance 2. looking for 3. vigil 4. meeting 5. mother-in-law 6. creature 7. square 8. prophetic 9. waxed 10. power 11. embody 12. thick 13. rotate 14. plank 15. thin 16 thickness 17. help 18. saturated 19. grove 20. real 21. roam 22. crack 23. cave 24. tame 25. baptized 3. By phonetic features, determine which of the given words is Old Russian in origin, which Old Slavonic. other Russian art. Slavic boat 3. night 5. captivity 2. middle 4. belly 6. city dweller 7. store 13. predatory 19. currant 3

4 8. mansions 14. turn 20. frying pan 9. bonds 15. nightingale 21. before 10. temple 16. boat 22. alliance 11. stench 17. promise 23. clothes 12. sober 18. ignorant 24. perverse 25. lamb 4 Indicate whether the underlined vowels ъ, ь were in strong or weak positions (give the modern spelling of Old Russian words). Strong position Weak position 17. pn 18. s't'nya 19. ouzka 20. rouskyi 21. b'chela 22. pisce 23. zl' 24. pod'shva 25. 'sdorov' 5. What changes have occurred in the phonetic composition of the given Old Russian words in connection with the fall of ъ, ь? (Give their modern spelling.) the appearance of monosyllabic words with a closed syllable the appearance of fluent vowels the simplification of consonant groups the dissimilation of neighboring sounds the assimilation of neighboring sounds fetus 2. terrible 3. someone 4. carried 5. bchela 6. boat 7. light 8. house 9. day 10. soft 11. carried 12 trishdy 13. wedding 14. late 15. sleep 16. psy 17. boring 18. zhugl 19. sew 20. carnal 21. to (dial. to > x) 22. kouptsa 23. on purpose 24. sun 25. burn 4

5 6. As you know, in the period from about the 12th to the 14th centuries, the Old Russian language had a phonetic law on the transition of e to o (e > o) in positions after soft consonants before hard ones under stress (sister sister, I led, etc.). ). Explain the reason for the absence of such a transition in the words given (if there are conditions for the transition). [e] goes back to Old Slavonic etymological. 2 borrowing addition services. and banners. words late hardening of subsequent consonants foreign borrowing dough 2. universe 3. first 4. reluctantly 5. newspaper 6. envelope 7. top 8. place 9. cave 10. female 11. stupid 12. pharmacy 13. moment 14. zemsky 15. hell 16. girl 17. father 18. abyss 19. document 20. topic 21. mirror 22. victim 23. Thursday 24. some 25. problem 7. Work with the Old Russian text: reading and interpretation; morphological characteristics of verbs, nouns, pronouns and other parts of speech; syntactic analysis of sentences (selectively); explanation of individual phonetic phenomena (characteristics of sounds, positions ъ, ь; Old Slavonicisms); And live Olga, peace im2 to all countries, prince of Kiev2. And spring 2 autumn, and I will remember Olga's horses, which I put on food and don't get on n. B2 for before, the vlhv and the sorcerer asked: from what do we have to die. And the only magician said to him: prince, horse, love him and 2zdish on him, die from that. Olga, on the other hand, I take it into my mind and say: if I sit on it, I don’t see it anymore. And he commanded2 karmiti and not to lead him to him, and having stayed for a long time not for him, until and on the road. And I’ll send him to Kiev and stay for 4 years on the fifth year, I’ll remember my horses, from him they told him to die, and called the elder as a stableman river: where my horse is, he put his horses and watch over him. He said: he died. Olga laughed and reproached the sorcerer river: it’s wrong to say you’re a lie, but there’s a lie: the horse is dead, but the tongue is alive. And he commanded2 to saddle the horse: let me see his bones. And I came to the m2sto, where the bones of his head were lying and his forehead was naked and he was laughing at the river from his horse: from this forehead to take death. And step with your foot on your forehead and, having pulled out the snake from your forehead, I will peck at your foot. And from that I fell ill and died. (The Tale of Bygone Years). 5

6 BASIC LITERATURE 1. Yanovich EI Historical grammar of the Russian language. Mn., Ivanov V.V. Historical grammar of the Russian language. M., ADDITIONAL LITERATURE 1. Khaburgaev GA Old Slavonic language. M., (As well as manuals on the Old Slavonic language of other authors). 2. Shansky N. M. et al. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1971 (and other publications). 3. Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M., T

7 Educational publication Kvachek Valentin Efimovich Examination on the historical grammar of the Russian language For students of the philological faculty of the correspondence department of the specialty D "Russian Philology" In the author's edition Responsible for the issue VE Kvachek Signed for printing Format 60 84/16. Offset paper. Offset printing. Conv. oven l. 0.23. Uch.-ed. l. 0.13. Circulation 100 copies. Zach. Belarusian State University. License LV 315 dated, Minsk, 4 F. Skorina ave.

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Old Russian and Old Slavonic texts (their copies are made for practical exercises).

Test tasks

Options for short test papers.

SO, you need to be able to:

  1. answer a theoretical question.
  2. Complete practical tasks.
  3. Read and parse the text.

MAIN TOPICS OF THE COURSE OF HISTORICAL GRAMMAR (based on the textbook by V.V. Ivanov)

LECTURE 1. (This material can be studied independently).

  1. The subject and objectives of the course of historical grammar of the Russian language.
  2. The main sources of studying the history of the Russian language.
  3. Russian language and its place among the Slavic languages.
  1. The sound system of the Old Russian language (X century - XI century).
  2. The system of vowel phonemes of the Old Russian language (X-XI centuries).
  3. Origin of vowels.
  1. Alternations in the region of vowels.
  2. History of reduced sounds.
  3. Determination of reduced positions.
  4. History of tense reduced.
  1. The fate of combinations of reduced and smooth.
  2. The fate of combinations of smooth and reduced.
  3. Consequences of the fall of the reduced.
  4. Transition [e> 'o]
  5. Sound history [YAT-h]. Akanye.
  1. The system of consonant phonemes of the Old Russian language (X-XI centuries).
  2. The history of primordially soft consonants. History of hissing and [c]
  3. The fate of the combinations [ky], [gee], [hy]
  1. History of nouns
  2. History of pronouns
  1. History of the adjective
  2. History of the numeral
  1. History of the verb
  2. The history of the sacraments. General remarks about gerunds.

The study guide on the historical grammar of the Russian language is designed to help part-time students master the subject on their own during the intersessional period.

The theoretical part is a summary of the main issues addressed in the course of the historical grammar of the Russian language (for more detailed coverage of a particular issue, see the recommended educational literature). The presentation of the theoretical material is accompanied by examples and tables.

The manual contains verification tests on phonetics and morphology; the keys to the test tasks will allow part-time students to assess how fully and accurately the theoretical material is mastered. At the end of each section are exercises to help students prepare for the test and exam.

The manual provides a plan for the morphological analysis of different parts of speech and the order of text analysis, as well as a sample of the analysis of the Old Russian text, which allows students to correctly complete one of the homework assignments and prepare for the exam.

Language is in constant motion and development. In this regard, knowledge of the internal laws of language development makes it possible to understand the patterns of development of the modern system, both in the literary and in the dialectal forms of the existence of the language. Both a student-philologist and a teacher of Russian language and literature need to know the history of the development of their native language, since the explanation of many phenomena in the field of phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, morphemic and word formation cannot be given only on the basis of the current state of the language . In such cases, a historical commentary is needed, an explanation of linguistic facts, taking into account historical processes in the development of the Russian language.

The name of the course "Historical Grammar of the Russian Language" is conditional, because this scientific and academic discipline considers not only the history of parts of speech, the development of grammatical categories, but also the evolution of phonetic and phonological systems.

The historical grammar of the Russian language is the science of the development of the phonetic, morphological and syntactic systems of the Russian language according to their internal laws.

The course "Historical Grammar of the Russian Language" is closely connected with other linguistic disciplines - the Old Church Slavonic language, Russian dialectology, the history of the Russian literary language, and the modern Russian literary language. The historical grammar of the Russian language studies the gradual formation and development of the Russian language (the initial milestone - X - XI centuries: the time of the appearance of the first written monuments of the Eastern Slavs). Unlike the history of the Russian literary language, historical grammar does not study literary and linguistic traditions and the change of norms in chronological order, but the development of the phonetic system and the grammatical structure of a given language in its dialectal form. The main objectives of this course are to identify and explain the regularities operating in the Russian language as a result of a long historical development of the language, as a reflection of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical changes that occurred in different periods of the existence of the language. So, the grammar of the modern Russian language only states, but does not explain the alternation of vowels [‘a] // [u] in the suffixes of real participles of the present tense (cf. holding a shchy - carried at shchy). Only knowing the historical grammar of the Russian language, you can find out that in place of these sounds until the 10th century. there were nasal sounds - [e] and [o].

Knowing the main patterns of development of the phonetic, morphological, syntactic systems of the Russian language, many complex phenomena and facts of the modern Russian language can be explained.

Option 1.

e and about

3. Find in words nicknamed you (4), names (4), came(15) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

many hҍхъ, rҍ c h, dru h ii, che with and, re h wow, wte h et, me well yu, earth lѧ.

6. Find in the text a) Old Slavonic and b) Old Russian words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word, highlight these signs.

Option 2.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words flow (6), tribe (20), catch a word

ra, le in words brother and tribe

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words Variation well bskoe, rҍ sh ah, oh h il, mo well oh, it's midnight sch ye, wte h et.

6. Find in the text words of Old Russian origin with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word, highlight these signs.

7. Prove that in words oz e ro, sweat e h e t, l ҍ sa, by Dvin ҍ

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 3.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words burn out (10), take (12), finish off(13) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all the words with full vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words naw h and, re well ugh, ωby h ah, on h and, mu h them, hearing sch e, hvo sch yuts, div l Whoo.

7. Write out from the text the words in which the transition є to 'o will occur.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 4.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words sent(3), words(11), hearing(11) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words pow h al, prince h eat, Gre h bsk, books well naked, sly sh a, rh h and, damn sch ena.

5. Write out from the text all the words of non-Slavic origin and indicate their phonetic signs.

6. Find Old Slavonicisms in the text (with phonetic signs). Give them old Russian correspondences.

7. Write out from the text the words in which the transition є to 'o will occur.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 5.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words hearing(12), word(13), prilozhista(5) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if the combination is ra in the word rule a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words at sh ed sh ema, vili h ya, on h asta, prelo well sta, sly sh aw, n c ee, i h qi, ox c i, sv c a, h hell, rip sch ut, sting l iwachi.

6. Find in the text a) Old Russian and b) Old Slavonic in origin words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word; c) words that are not Slavic in origin, indicate their phonetic features.

7. Prove that in words rep ҍ cheer, excommunicate e uh, ouch e nya the highlighted letters the scribe used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 6.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words send(8), meeting(9), speech(16) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms.

liver h and, led c h, on h asta, me well stvo, vst well isha, re h e, rh cҍ, Pereyaslav c and, l h h, approx. well ischi, earth l Yu.

6. Find in the text a) Old Russian and b) Old Slavonic in origin words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word. Give them Old Russian/Old Slavonic equivalents.

7. Prove that in words howl ҍ sti, k r ҍ c ҍ the highlighted letters the scribe used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 7.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words Start(1), heard(9), moved(17) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted soft consonants in words on the h ati, bҍ well ah, dense c and, chrome c eat, hear sh ave, use h ive, dr well inu, sҍ h a, Novgorod c and.

6. Find native Russian words in the text. Give them Old Church Slavonic equivalents.

7. Prove that in words translation e h e mass, sv ҍ that, on m ҍ st ҍ , l e e the highlighted letters the scribe used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 8.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the annals according to the Laurentian list of 1377).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words perish(10), obediently(13), drive away

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted soft consonants in words book h b, ot c a, after sh ati, porow h go, at sh c'mon, help h i, Pereyaslav l b, ho sch go away well Yu.

6. Find in the text a) Old Russian and b) Old Slavonic in origin words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word.

7. Prove that in words St. ҍ ta, r e to the highlighted letters the scribe used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 9.

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words ouganival(3), ωtѧl(13), jumped(14) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Set whether the word is Old Russian or Old Slavonic rozbih.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words ot c bam, na ro hҍхъ, sko h il, tell well e, ru c h, but hҍ, sҍ with ti, tru well ahhs.

6. Find in the text words of Old Russian origin with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word.

7. Prove that in words with con e m, at count ҍ on, on b e dry the highlighted letters the scribe used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 10.

1. Copy and translate into modern Russian the text (Excerpt from the Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words despised(11), (14), glorious(18) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Set whether words can ugly, glorify with non-vowel combinations, consider Old Slavonic in origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words der well al, horse with hh, widow c h, slu well blah, grҍ sh well, literacy c yu, mo well et.

6. Find in the text words of Old Russian origin with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word, give them Saro-Slavic correspondences.

7. Prove that in words d ҍ la, its e m, gr ҍ shnago, sv ҍ ri the highlighted letters the scribe used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 11.

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words Start(1), ambassador(17), hearing(21) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all the words with full vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Write down the words in which the combinations ra, la, rҍ, lҍ

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words ot c yu, many well nature, friend well inu, sly sh aw, Polov c i, Pereyaslav l yu, help h b.

6. Find in the text words of Old Russian origin with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word, give them Old Slavonic correspondences.

Glҍb, vҍst, krҍpko.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 12.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words hear(7), name(11), vybysha(24) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Write down the words in which the combinations ra, la, rҍ, lҍ are not signs of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words well b c h, many well bless, hear sh ati, darkness sh a, otro c and but sch b, run well enym, city well Ana.

6. Write out the words from the text: a) Old Slavonic; b) Old Russian; c) foreign-speaking by origin - with phonetic signs of their origin.

7. Explain the absence of the transition є to ’o in words telҍg, sng, feathers.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 13.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words damn(13), sent(19), poimav(22) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

ra in the word brother a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words ti sh ina, prince h uh, peace c and son c b, led c h, d sch er, zem l b, damn with ty.

6. Write out the words from the text: a) Old Slavonic; b) Old Russian in origin - with the corresponding phonetic signs of their origin.

7. Explain which of the two spellings recorded in the text trip and kha - can be dated to the 11th century. Explain why in the word drink there was a transition є to 'o, and in the word place He was absent.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 14.

1. Copy and translate into modern Russian the text (Oleg's Treaty with the Greeks - an excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words class(2), collect(9-10), oumrem(23) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if the combination is ra in the word rights and in the word Greeks a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words iss h eni, poma sh lyu, prince h b, otvҍr well uh ho h Yu.

7. Explain the absence of the transition є in 'o, but in words centuries, Greeks.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 15.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words heard(2), died(2), isoimav

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if the combination is ra in the word brother a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words polov c uh, drow well ina, at sh eaten, heard sh ati, me h and, by h asha, re h and, vsa well a.

6. Write out from the text: a) Old Slavonic; b) Old Russian words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word.

7. Set in which words of the text the transition є to 'o is possible. Explain the absence of the transition є to ’o in the word time.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 16.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words sent(3), destroy(6), take(6-7) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all the words with full vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if combinations are ra, la in words brother and burst into tears a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words book well e, sly sh aw, ye c and, after sh ah, mo hҍte, Vsevolo well oh, ho h eat, me well yu, blu with ty.

6. Write out from the text: a) Old Slavonic; b) Old Russian words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word.

e, h in words d ҍ di, z e ml.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 17.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words ask(1), take off(11), life-giving(13-14) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all the words with full vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if combinations are ra, la in words brother and Mstislav a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words led c h, dru well others, h that, d h eri (daughters), zem l b, ve with ti (cf .: vedana).

6. Write out from the text: a) Old Slavonic; b) Old Russian words with phonetic signs.

7. Determine if the letters are used etymologically correctly in the text e, h in words to Kiev ҍ , in e R e.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 18.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words conception(1), where(7), ouzrҍshasѧ(21) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all the words with full vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if the combination is la in the word Yaroslav a sign of Old Slavonic origin.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words book well Enya, Polov c and, sly sh ah, for h alo, kr sch Eni, Pereslav l b, c with ty (cf .: sҍdѧshu).

6. Why in words Kiev, regiments, Polovtsky the scribe wrote after to letter s, but in the word Kievand gee, gee, gee combinations appear gi, ki, hee?

7. Explain the reasons for the lack of transition є to ’o in words grandfather, sat down.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 19.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words calling a show(2), come show(13), die(20) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if combinations are la and in words Vladislav and oistrҍmisѧ signs of the Old Slavonic origin of the roots of words.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words re h e, Bo well yea, led cҍ, Mother of God c and, at sh edshow, pob well e, ho h uh, re h e, sb l hell, hell with ti (cf .: pognetshi).

6. Why in words Kiev, social, tysѧtsky, ugorsky the scribe wrote after to letter s, but not and? Since when in native Russian words in place of combinations gee, gee, gee combinations appear gi, ki, hee?

7. Determine if the letters are used etymologically correctly in the text e, h in words nev ҍ rni, k n e mou.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 20.

1. Copy and translate the text into modern Russian (Excerpt from the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1425).

2. Write out from the text 5 words with missing letters b and b in place of weak reduced ones. Determine if this passage contains spellings with letters e and about in place of the reduced in a strong position.

3. Find in words take it(2), folding(3), ambassador(6) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them Old Slavonic / Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Determine if the combination is ra in the word brother a sign of the Old Slavonic origin of the word.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words book h b, slo well ive, vҍn c uh, a lot well help, help h yu, wu with t (cf .: vҍdҍti).

6. Why in a word boyar the scribe wrote after to letter and? How could this word have been written in the 11th century? Since when in native Russian words in place of combinations gee, gee, gee combinations appear gi, ki, hee?

7. Prove that in words h b stu, to b de, c ҍ la, in ҍ n b ts, z e blah letters e, b, b, h used correctly.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 21.

1. Copy and translate into modern Russian the text (Afterword to the Ostromir Gospel).

2. Write out all the words from the text Write out all the words from the text a) with reduced b and b, tense reduced Y, AND in a strong position; b) with reduced b and b in a weak position.

3. Find in words zazreti (30), glory (1), memory(33) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all words with full-vowel and non-vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic and Old Russian correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms.

5. Explain the origin of highlighted consonants in words Explain the origin of highlighted consonants in words B well yu (5), nare h enou (5), kn h ou (9), stu well avshumou (15-16), d҃ sh am (17), prao҃ c b (20), cr҃ sch enii (6).

6. Find in the text Old Russian words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word. Write out words of non-Slavic origin from the text, indicate their phonetic signs.

7. Write out from the text the words in which the transition є to 'o will occur.

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

10. Write out all the pronouns from the passage. Indicate the initial form of each, rank, determine the gender, number, case.

11. Write out all the verbs from the passage. Indicate the initial form (infinitive), mood, tense, person, number. Define the class of the verb.

12. Write down all participles from the passage. Determine the pledge, tense, gender, number, case of each.

Option 22.

1. Copy and translate into modern Russian the text (Deed of Grand Duke Mstislav Vladimirovich and his son Vsevolod (circa 1130).

2. Write out from the text all the words a) with reduced b and b, tense reduced Y, AND in a strong position; b) with reduced b and b in a weak position.

3. Find in words beaty (17), keep (8), sleep(6) the root of the word, determine the historical alternations of vowels in it, indicate to which series of historical alternations they belong, the reason for their occurrence.

4. Find in the text all the words with full vowel combinations. Bring to them the Old Slavonic correspondences, restore the Proto-Slavic forms. Write out from the text the words in which the combinations ra, la, rҍ, lҍ are not a sign of the Old Slavonic origin of words.

5. Explain the origin of the highlighted consonants in words book well(2), according to h to eat (6), B҃ c a 79), dl well neither (11), with sh benefits (20), sale well ami (5), prince h b (5).

6. Find in the text Old Russian words with phonetic signs of the beginning of the word. Write out words of non-Slavic origin from the text, indicate their phonetic signs. Pick up the Old Slavonic correspondences to the words dzhrzha, dlzhnii, die.

7. Prove that the scribe used the letters correctly ѣ (yat) iє (is) in words earth (2), in my opinion (5), bury (6), on ωbed (18).

8. Write out all the nouns from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, identify the type of declension, determine the gender, number, case.

9. Write out all the adjectives from the passage (in the form in which they are given in the text). Indicate the initial form of each, rank by value (qualitative, relative, possessive), determine the gender, number, case.

Orel State University

Department of the Russian language

Grishanova V.N.




(teacher of Russian language and literature

with a specialization)

Eagle - 2010

Literature according to the course


Borkovsky V.I., Kuznetsov Ya.S. Historical grammar of the Russian language. 2nd ed. M., 1965.

Gorshkova KV., Khaburgaev G.A. Historical grammar of the Russian language. M., 1981. 2nd ed. m., 1996.

Ivanov V.V. Historical grammar of the Russian language. M., 1983.

Vasilenko I.A. Historical grammar of the Russian language. Collection of exercises. M., 1984.

Dementiev A.A. Collection of tasks and exercises on the historical grammar of the Russian language. M., 1964.


Avanesov R.I. Russian literary and dialectal phonetics. M., 1974.

Bulakhovsky L.A. Course of the Russian literary language. T. 2. Historical commentary. 4th ed. Kyiv, 1953.

Bernstein S.B. Essay on comparative grammar of Slavic languages. M., 1974.

Boskovic R. Fundamentals of comparative grammar of Slavic languages. M., 1984.

Budagov R.L. The history of words in the history of society. M., 1971.

Dankov V.I. Historical grammar of the Russian language. Expression of voice relations in a verb. M., 1981.

Old Russian literary language in its relation to Old Slavonic. M., 1987.

Zaliznyak A.A. To the study of the language of birch bark // Yanin V.L., Zaliznyak A.A. Novgorod letters on birch bark (From the excavations of 1884-1989) M., 1993. S.191-321.

Ivanov V.V. Historical phonology of the Russian language. M., 1968.

Ivanov I.V. Potikha Z.A. Historical commentary on Russian language classes in secondary school. M., 1985.

Studies in historical morphology. M., 1978.

Historical grammar of the Russian language. Morphology. Verb. / Ed. Avanesova R.I. and Ivanova V.V. M., 1982.

Kozhin A.I. Literary language of Kievan Rus. M., 1981.

Kolesov V.V.

Kholesov V.V. Historical phonetics of the Russian language. M., 1980.

Kotkov S.I. South Great Russian Dialect in the 17th Century (Phonetics and Morphology). M., 1963.

Kukushkina O.V., Remneva M.L. Type and tense of the Russian verb. M., 1984.

Markov V.M. Historical grammar. Nominal declension. Izhevsk, 1992.

Mozheiko N.S., Ignatenko A.P. Old Russian language. Minsk, 1988.

Obnorsky SL. Essays on the morphology of the Russian verb. M., 1953.

Popov R.N. Phraseological units of the modern Russian language with archaic meanings and word forms. - M., 1976.

Problems of the evolution of linguistic units in the history of the Russian language (XI-XVIII centuries). M., 1981.

Rusinov N.D. Old Russian language. - M., 1977.

Samsonov N.G., Introduction to the history of the Russian language. Yakutsk, 1986.

Samsonov I.G. Historical morphology of the Russian language. Yakutsk, 1985.

Sreznevsky I.I. Russian word. Selected works. M., 1986.

Stetsenko A.I. Historical syntax of the Russian language. M., 1972.

Khaburgaev G.A. The formation of the Russian language. M., 1980.

Chernykh P.Ya. Essay on historical lexicology. Old Russian period. M., 1956.

Shakhmatov A.A. Historical morphology of the Russian language. M., 1957.

The functioning of archaic and new elements in the system of the Russian language. M., 1986.

Shchepkin V.N. Russian paleography. M., 1967.


Preobrazhensky A.G. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M.,

Russian DictionaryXI- XVIIcenturies. Issue. 1-25. M., 1975-2000.

Sreznevsky I.I. Dictionary of the Old Russian language. T. I-IV. M., 1989.

Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. T. I-IV. M., 1964-1973.

Chernykh P.Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language T. 1-2. M., 1994.

Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1994.

    TASK #1

Topic: The phonetic system of the Old Russian language in the 10th century.

Questions for self-examination:

    What are the main patterns that determined the structure of the syllable in the Old Russian and Old Slavonic languages?

    What are the differences in the structure of the syllable in Old Russian and modern Russian?

    How did the system of vowel phonemes of the Old Russian language of the 10th century differ from the system of vowel phonemes of the Old Slavonic language?

    Give a description of the system of vowel phonemes of the Old Russian language of the 10th century in comparison with the system of vowel phonemes of the modern Russian language.

    Describe the system of consonant phonemes of the Old Russian language of the 10th century in comparison with the system of consonant phonemes of the modern Russian language.

Practical tasks:

    Describe the sounds in the words of the first two lines of the diploma of the Grand Duke Mstislav (see the previous task).

    Transcribe 5 lines of text from the 10th century.

    Transcribe the words below, note where in the Old Russian language of the 10th century there were Ы, And full education, and where - Ы, And reduced; indicate the strong and weak positions of all the reduced ones.

Rpat, keep, tst, grain, lb, forehead, lbm, die, cht, volka, hlhbts, wedding, love, dungeon, shpat, shpatati, military, denmark, fun ~, be, vyyu, such.

    Write the following words in Old Russian, transcribe them: bottom, flatterer, princely, from above, apple, blind man, rural, brotherhood, inhabitant, death.


    1. Ivanov V.V. Historical grammar of the Russian language. - M., 1983. - S.77-103.

    2. Gorshkova K.V., Khaburgaev G.A. Historical grammar of the Russian language. - M., I981. - C. 57-65.


Topic: Common Slavic phonetic processes in the field of vowel sounds and their reflection in modern Russian.

Questions for self-examination:

    What alternations arose in the Proto-Slavic language as a result of the loss of ancient quantitative differences by vowels?

    With the action of what law were the changes in diphthongs and diphthongic combinations with nasal H, M associated?

    What alternations of sounds appeared as a result of monophthongization of diphthongs?

(From the course of the Old Slavonic language, remember what the process of monophthongization of diphthongs was like: a) what diphthongs were in the Proto-Slavic language? b) how did they change in position before consonants and at the end of a word? c) how did they change before vowels?).

    What alternations of sounds appeared as a result of a change in diphthongic combinations of vowels with nasals?

(Remember how the diphthong combinations of vowels with nasals M, N have changed: a) what diphthong combinations of vowels with nasals were in the Proto-Slavic language? b) in what positions and how did they transform into nasal vowels? c) when and how did nasal vowels change in Old Russian?).


Practical tasks:

    1. Explain what changes the following common Slavic forms have undergone: *plŏdoi, *poitei, *poiĕsi, *koujon, *kouatei, *gŏreuatei, *gŏreujon, *mĕntei, *sǔminatei, *imĕn, *imĕnĕ.

    2. Write the words in Old Russian and reconstruct their Proto-Slavic appearance: VIT, SING, I DRAW, TRIBE.

    In the words given, restore the oldest form of the root and explain how, in the process of monophthongization of diphthongs, the alternations in the examples arose.

Forge - forges - a blacksmith, sing - sings, spit - spits, swimmer - scum (other Russian) - swim, word - glory - slut (other Russian) - be known, tour - brand, grieve - grieves, twist - a wreath - a warrior, a shadow - a secret, pour - pours.

    In the above words, restore the oldest form of the root and explain how historical alternations arose in the process of changing diphthongic combinations of vowels with nasal consonants.

Call - sound, name - names, reap - press - squeeze, comma - stutter, end - from time immemorial - start - start, memory - remember - remember, haughty - puffed up, harvest - reaps, crumpled - crumples - knead.


    Ivanov V.V. Historical grammar of the Russian language…, pp.112-113, 114-122.

To explain the alternation of sounds, it is necessary:

1) isolate morphemes in related words or word forms; 2) write out alternating sounds, indicating in which morpheme the alternation is observed; 3) determine the source of interleaving; 4) put the source of alternation in place of alternating sounds in the word; 5) determine the position in which the alternation source was located (before a vowel, before a consonant, at the end of a word), explain what changes occurred and why.

Let's follow the course of the analysis on the example of words:


1) In related words and word forms, we isolate morphemes: ZHA-TH, S-ZHIM-A-TH, SU-J-U, COV-A-TH, PE-SN-I, POJ-U

2) The sounds a / im, y / s, e / oj in the roots alternate.

3) Determine the source of interleaving. At the same time, we pay attention to the part where there are two sounds. In this case, on im ov,oj.

If the combination of sounds includes the consonant M, H, then the source of the alternation is the diphthong combination en, em, on, om, in, im. In our example, the source of the A/IM alternation was the diphthongic combination *im.

If the consonant B or J is included in the combination of sounds, then the source of the alternation is the diphthong (because B appeared in place of U, and J in place of I). In our examples, the source of the U/OB alternation was the diphthong *ou, the source of the E/OJ alternation was the diphthong *oi.

4) We put the source of alternation in words in place of alternating sounds:

*im *im *ou *ou *oi *oi

In the words REAP, SUY, SONG, the sources of alternation were in front of the consonants and closed the syllable. In the common Slavic period, according to the law of an open syllable, they underwent monophthongization. In the word ZHAT, the diphthongic combination * im was transformed into a nasal sound, denoted by the letter yus small #, in Old Russian it began to sound like [ä] (a front), then like [’a] (and after a soft consonant).

The diphthong ou was monophthongized in [y], oi - in [æ], denoted by the letter yat h , this sound was pronounced in Old Russian as [ê], later it coincides with the sound [e].

In writing, this can be depicted as follows, remembering that the analysis proceeds from modern to early forms, i.e. from right to left.

* gimteiwell# tireap,*soujoncoy\sooyuSuyu,* poisnĭ P h sleepsong.

In the words COMPRESS, POV, SING, the sources of alternation stood before the vowels. According to the law of an open syllable, a change in the syllable division occurred in this position. As a result, the components of the diphthong and the diphthong combination broke up into two independent sounds, which went to different syllables. At the same time, the sound [U] changed to [B], the sound [I] changed to [J]:

* souateicoinatipoke* poionon\sing.

In the words AMBASSADOR - SEND - SEND there is a three-term alternation of sounds O//zero sound//S in the roots. This alternation goes back to the binomial Old Russian alternation Kommersant/S. The zero of the sound arose in place of the reduced one in a weak position (send), O arose in place of the reduced in a strong position (message). In turn, the two-member Old Russian qualitative alternation goes back to the Indo-European quantitative alternation of sounds * Ū/ /Ŭ . From * Ŭ in the Proto-Slavic language arose Kommersant, from * Ū arose S.

pic O L - SEND - POS S LAT

Modern OØ S

10th century KommersantKommersantS

II millennium BC e. * Ŭ * Ŭ * Ū

So, the Indo-European quantitative alternation was transformed into the Old Russian two-term qualitative alternation, and it - into a three-term one.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Pskov State Pedagogical Institute. CM. Kirova Historical grammar of the Russian language: a manual for students of the correspondence department Pskov 2003 1 LBC 81.2 Rus-03 T 858 CM. Kirova Historical grammar of the Russian language: a manual for students of the correspondence department. Pskov, PSPI, 2003. - 100 p. Reviewers: L.Ya. Kostyuchuk, Doctor of Philology, Professor; M.Yu. Kotova, Associate Professor, Head. Chair of Slavic Philology, St. Petersburg State University. ISBN 5-87854-237-4 © Department of the Russian language, PSPI named after. CM. Kirov © Pskov State Pedagogical Institute named after S.M. Kirov (PSPI named after S.M. Kirov), 2002 2 Educational and methodological manual on the historical grammar of the Russian language is designed to help part-time students to independently master the subject during the intersessional period. The theoretical part is a summary of the main issues considered in the course of the historical grammar of the Russian language (for more detailed coverage of a particular issue, see the recommended educational literature). The presentation of the theoretical material is accompanied by examples and tables. The manual contains verification tests on phonetics and morphology; Keys to test tasks will allow part-time students to assess how fully and accurately the theoretical material is mastered. At the end of each section are exercises to help students prepare for the test and exam. The manual provides a plan for the morphological analysis of different parts of speech and the procedure for analyzing the text, as well as a sample of the analysis of the Old Russian text, which allows students to correctly complete one of the homework assignments and prepare for the exam. 3 The subject and objectives of the course of historical grammar of the Russian language The language is in constant motion, development. In this regard, knowledge of the internal laws of language development makes it possible to understand the patterns of development of the modern system, both in the literary and in the dialectal forms of the existence of the language. Both a student-philologist and a teacher of Russian language and literature need to know the history of the development of their native language, since the explanation of many phenomena in the field of phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, morphemic and word formation cannot be given only on the basis of the current state of the language. In such cases, a historical commentary is needed, an explanation of linguistic facts, taking into account historical processes in the development of the Russian language. The name of the course “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language” is conditional, because this scientific and academic discipline considers not only the history of parts of speech, the development of grammatical categories, but also the evolution of phonetic and phonological systems. Historical grammar of the Russian language is the science of the development of the phonetic, morphological and syntactic systems of the Russian language according to their internal laws. The course "Historical Grammar of the Russian Language" is closely connected with other linguistic disciplines - the Old Church Slavonic language, Russian dialectology, the history of the Russian literary language, and the modern Russian literary language. The historical grammar of the Russian language studies the gradual formation and development of the Russian language (the initial boundary is the 10th-11th centuries: the time of the appearance of the first written monuments of the Eastern Slavs). Unlike the history of the Russian literary language, historical grammar does not study literary and linguistic traditions and the change of norms in chronological order, but the development of the phonetic system and the grammatical structure of a given language in its dialectal form. The main objectives of this course are to identify and explain the regularities operating in the Russian language as a result of a long historical development of the language, as a reflection of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical changes that occurred in different periods of the existence of the language. So, the grammar of the modern Russian language only states, but does not explain the alternation of vowels [‘a] // [u] in the suffixes of real participles of the present tense (cf. holding - bearing). Only knowing the historical grammar of the Russian language, one can find out that in place of these sounds until the 10th century. there were nasal sounds - [e] and [o]. Knowing the main patterns of development of the phonetic, morphological, syntactic systems of the Russian language, it is possible to explain many complex phenomena and facts of the modern Russian language. The main sources for studying the history of the Russian language The main sources for studying the history of the Russian language are the written monuments of the Eastern Slavs and dialects. Written monuments of the Old Russian language do not always allow using them to a sufficient extent for studying the living Russian language. Thus, monuments of a church, liturgical nature can be used to a lesser extent for restoring the history of the Russian language, because strong traditions of church writing prevented the penetration of living Russian features into these monuments. Written monuments include 1) inscriptions (for example, the inscription on the Tmutarakan stone (1068)) and graffiti (inscriptions preserved on the walls of cathedrals, on bells, crosses, seals, coins, decorations (for example, inscriptions XI - XIV centuries on the walls of the cathedrals of Kyiv, Novgorod, Smolensk, on coins of the era of the Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, etc.) 2) materials of private correspondence (for example, Novgorod birch bark charters of the 11th century, private letters on paper, preserved in large numbers since the 17th century), which provide the richest material for the study of living folk speech, since they were written by ordinary people, and not by scribes; 3) business monuments - official documents (gift of the Grand Duke Mstislav to the Novgorod Yuriev Monastery (c. 1130), "Russian Truth" - a code of laws of Ancient Russia (XIII century)), which also reflect the features of living speech; 4) handwritten books (most Old Russian handwritten books are church works, lists of texts of Old Slavonic origin: gospels, Psalter (collection of spiritual verses), minions (collections of church readings), kondakari (collections of church hymns), teachings Church Fathers and Lives of Saints; 5) original works of a secular nature, including those created no later than the 11th century, were preserved in the lists of a later time - not earlier than the end of the 13th - 14th centuries. (for example, the Synodal List of the Novgorod Chronicle I of the XIII - XIV centuries, “The Tale of Bygone Years” according to the Laurentian list of 1377, the works of Vladimir Monomakh according to the same list, the works of the Kyiv Metropolitan Hilarion of the XI century, preserved in the list of the XV century, “Word about Igor's regiment" of the 12th century, which became known from the list of the 16th century); 6) from the 16th century. printed books appear, which represent mainly liturgical literature. Written monuments reflect in writing, on the one hand, already obsolete elements of the phonetic and grammatical system, sounds and forms that have disappeared in the language, but continue to be preserved in writing according to tradition, on the other hand, the sounds and forms of living speech. Modern dialects are one of the most important sources. The study of modern dialects makes it possible to identify and explain many patterns of language development. So, in the modern Russian literary language, the pronunciation of [o] in place of [e] is observed only in the stressed syllable, however, in the era of the change of [e] into ['o], this process was carried out after soft consonants before hard consonants independently. from the stress of the syllable, as evidenced by modern Northern Great Russian yoking dialects with pronunciation like [n'osu], [v'osna], [b'oru], [v'ozu]. In addition, when studying the history of the Russian language, the records of foreigners are used, who recorded live speech in Latin letters (“Paris Dictionary of Muscovites” (1586), “Russian-English Dictionary-Diary” by Richard James (1618 – 1619) with written samples of the Kholmogory (Arkhangelsk) dialect, published by B.A. Larin, Russian-German phrasebook by T. Fenne (1607), containing a recording of Pskov live speech); testimonies of foreigners (Composition of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus). Sources for studying the history of the Russian language are also the modern Russian language (cf. variant forms in the forest - in the forest, workshops - workshops); onomastics (names of reservoirs, historical regions, cities, etc., names of people, names of tribes and peoples, etc.); 6 Old Russian borrowings in other languages ​​are interesting for the history of the language primarily because they can reflect the appearance of borrowed words that was characteristic of them in the era of borrowing (for example, the Finnish words kuontalo 'kudel' and suntia 'judge' testify to the fact that during the period of the spread of Slavic speech in the Eastern European North, the speakers of local dialects still retained nasal vowels); borrowings into Russian from other languages ​​(for example, the borrowed proper name of one of the Frankish kings - Karl changed among the Eastern Slavs into the king). Exercises recommended for independent work: Collection of exercises on the history of the Russian language / E. N. Ivanitskaya et al.: No. 12 - 16. The Russian language and its place among the Slavic languages ​​The Russian language belongs to the Slavic languages. All Slavic languages, based on certain similarities or differences, are divided into three large groups: East Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian languages), South Slavic (Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovene, Old Slavonic / dead /), West Slavic (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Upper Lusatian and Lower Lusatian) languages. All Slavic languages ​​are so close in vocabulary, grammatical patterns, syntactic structure that there is not the slightest doubt about their common origin from the same base language: common linguistic elements in all Slavic languages ​​arose during the period of common Slavic unity, during the period of existence knowledge of the Proto-Slavic language. The time frame for the existence of the Proto-Slavic language: the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC - the middle of the 1st millennium AD. The main periods of development of the Old Russian language: VI - IX centuries. - East Slavic tribal dialects, IX - XIV centuries. - the language of the Old Russian people a) IX - the first half of the XII century - the unity of the Old Russian language and the presence of dialects, 7 b) the second half of the XII century. – XIV century. - allocation of dialects in the Old Russian language, XIV - XVII centuries. - the collapse of the Old Russian language and the formation of the Russian language along with the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages, the middle of the 17th century. – 18th century - the initial period of the formation of the national Russian language, XIX - XX centuries. - the period of development of the national Russian language. Old Russian is the language of the East Slavic population of Ancient Russia; it has similarities and differences with other Slavic languages. It is possible to single out features of the East Slavic languages ​​in contrast to other Slavic languages ​​at various linguistic levels. In the field of phonetics: 1. Full-vowel combinations *-oro-, *-ere-, *-olo-, * elo- with non-vowel combinations *-ra-, -*re-, *-la-, *-le- in South Slavic and *-ro-, *-re-, *-lo-, *-le- in West Slavic languages ​​in place of common Indo-European combinations *-tort-, *-tolt-, *-tert-, *-telt- inside words between consonants (Russian coast, Bulgarian bryag, Polish brzeg); 2. the presence of the initial [o] in a number of words that have a combination at the beginning of the word in the South Slavic and West Slavic languages ​​(Russian autumn, Bulgarian esen, Czech jesen); 3. the presence of vowels [o] and [e] in place of reduced [ъ] and [ь] in a strong position when pronouncing other vowels in other Slavic languages ​​(Russian son, Serbian san, Czech sen); 4. combinations *-ro-, *-lo-, *-re-, *-le- in place of common Slavic combinations *-trъt-, *-tlъt-, *-trьt-, *-tlt- in the position inside words between consonants (common Slavonic *blаcha, Russian flea, Bulgarian bolkha, Czech blecha); 5. combinations *-or-, *-er-, *-ol- in place of the Common Slavic combinations *-türt-, *-türt-, *-türt-, *-türt- in a position within the word between consonants (Common Slavic *tаrgъ, Russian torg, Bulgarian tаrg, Polish targ); 6. the pronunciation of [zh] in place of the common Slavic combination *dj, while in other Slavic languages ​​we find other alternations (common Slavonic *nudja, Russian need (lost in the language), Bulgarian need, Polish nudza); 7. pronunciation [h'] in place of common Slavic combinations *tj, *kt and 8 *gt before front vowels, while in other Slavic languages ​​we find other sounds (common Slavonic *swetja, Russian candle, Bulgarian candle, candle, Polish њwieca, Common Slavic * mogti, Russian be able, Bulgarian noun power, Czech. mose); 8. All East Slavic languages, in place of common Slavic combinations of vowels with nasal consonants, which later turned into o and e, have the sounds [u] and [‘a], respectively. Other Slavic languages ​​have other nasal vowel substitutions, and Polish still retains nasal vowels (in Czech, the same substitution is observed as in the East Slavic languages). In the field of morphology: 1. The use of a common form for m., f. and cf. childbirth in Im. - V. pad. pl. h. for adjectives and pronouns with full or partial preservation of gender differences in other Slavic languages ​​(Russian m., f. and cf. gender young, these; Czech m. p. mladi, ti, f. p. mlade , ty, cf. mlada, ta); 2. the use of forms with the endings -am, -ami, -ah in the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases pl. including all types of declension of nouns (cf. D. falling. plural - tables, steppes, calves - there instead of tables, steppes, calves, etc.) with full or partial preservation of the old differences of these forms in others Slavic languages; 3. the absence of short forms of personal and reflexive pronouns, known in some cases in other Slavic languages ​​(cf. Czech. me (V. pad.), mi (D. pad.)); 4. the use of the ancient participle in –l without an auxiliary linking verb as the past tense, while maintaining the old form of the perfect (sometimes in a slightly modified form) in other Slavic languages ​​(Russian plel, Czech pletl jsem, pletl jsi etc.); 5. unlike the West Slavic and South Slavic languages, the East Slavic languages ​​have lost the change in persons in the subjunctive mood (Russian would give, would give, Bulgarian bih dal, bi dal, bi dal, bihme dali, bihte dali, biha dali , Czech dal bych, dal bys, dal by, dali bychom, dali byste, dali by). 9 6. the presence of the ending [t] or [t’] in the 3rd person of the verbs of the present and simple future tenses in the absence of these sounds in other Slavic languages ​​(Russian wears, Serbian wears); However, there are features that bring East Slavic languages ​​closer to South Slavic or West Slavic. I. Features that bring East Slavic languages ​​closer to South Slavic languages, in contrast to West Slavic languages: 1. The pronunciation of combinations [tsv] and [sv] at the beginning of the roots color- and stars- among the Eastern and Southern Slavs, while preserving the more ancient combinations [*kv ] and [*gv] among the Western Slavs (Russian color, star, Bulgarian color, star, Polish kwiat, gwiazda); 2. the loss of [t] and [d] in the ancient combinations [*tl], [*dl] among the Eastern and Southern Slavs, while retaining them among the Western ones (Russian fat, Bulgarian fat, Czech sadlo); 3. the use of l - epentheticum in place of combinations of labial consonants with *[j] among the Eastern and Southern Slavs, in the absence of this phenomenon, not at the beginning of the word among the Western (Russian land, Serbian land, Polish ziemia). II. Features that bring East Slavic languages ​​closer to West Slavic, in contrast to South Slavic: 1. The initial combination *ro-, *lо- in Eastern and Western Slavs with the corresponding combinations *ra-, *la- in the South Slavs (Russian boat, Polish lodka , Bulgarian ladia); 2. in East Slavic and West Slavic languages ​​there was an ending h in a number of case forms of nouns m. and g. gender corresponding to the sound k in the language of the South Slavs (Old Russian zemlh, konh (Eastern pad. plural), Polish ziemie, konie, Old Slavic land, kona); 3. in Old Russian and West Slavic languages ​​in the form of D. and M. pad. units h. in the pronouns tobh, sobh the base was [o], and in the South Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200b- [e] (Old Russian. tobh, sobh, Czech. tobe, sobe, Old Slavic. tebh, sebh). ten