Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to be fun and interesting in a company. How to be a cheerful person

We've all met people who seem to always be on their toes. In other words, those who radiate energy every time they meet, constantly smile, laugh. Most of us would like to be like that, but not all of us get it on our own. If you want to be fun and energetic, there are certain steps you can take to help you change your lifestyle and habits and become the person you want to be.


Part 1

How to become cheerful and energetic

    Be light on your feet. If someone asks you to go somewhere or do something, go do it! Your open-minded attitude will inspire those around you. If no one has any ideas, suggest yourself where to go and what to do to have fun.

    • Try to offer something fun and active, like playing mini golf, having an unplanned picnic in the park. If you offer to sit at home and watch TV, this is unlikely to demonstrate your energy.
  1. Don't lose your positivity. Energetic people often smile and are generally happy. This does not mean that they never have bad days, but they try to stay positive and can see something funny even in a bad situation. If you're depressed, just remind yourself that this whole situation will work out one way or another, so it's best to stay as positive as possible.

    • Try to project that positive vibe when you talk to people. Try to remind people of the positive aspects of life. There's nothing wrong with agreeing with people who complain about something bad that happened to them. But you can try to draw their attention to the positive side of their situation.
  2. Get out of your comfort zone. If you do the same thing day after day, it's easy to fall into a routine. And although it is simple and convenient to live this way, such stagnation causes boredom. To become more energized, try doing things that push you out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to do something new. This approach will cause a surge of cheerfulness and inspiration.

    • If you want to learn how to exude humor and fun, try something really challenging and fun, like signing up for an indoor fan performance at your local comedy club.
    • Try a new type of physical activity. Maybe you've been wanting to do jiu-jitsu or cross-fitness for a long time. Whatever it is, stop postponing it! You might really enjoy it and have a new hobby to keep you active. At worst, you'll just try something new and realize it's not for you.
    • Go to some social event, meet new people. Find some event that interests you and go there alone. This is a great way to test and develop your communication skills. Most likely, in this way you will make new acquaintances.
  3. Don't take yourself too seriously. If people around you feel that you are constrained and insecure, they will not be able to perceive you as an energetic and fun person. To do this, you, among other things, need to realize that it is quite normal to be stupid and foolish. Try to maintain a cheerful, childish frame of mind. Many people want to be like that, and if you manage to behave in this way, others will be drawn to you.

    • For example, feel free to dance, make faces, clownish (in appropriate situations). This will show that you can easily act frivolous, and also give others the courage to behave the same way.
  4. Jokes should reflect your personality. If you want to be seen as an energetic person, you should not make black, gloomy jokes. On the contrary, jokes should reflect your energy and optimistic outlook on life.

    • Do not joke about other people present or those who are known by the greeters. It always looks small and reflects self-doubt.
    • That doesn't mean you can never tell a dark joke. However, remember that people perceive your humor as a reflection of your personality, so try to keep a balance between different types of jokes.
  5. Maintain eye contact. Try to maintain eye contact while talking to people. Don't stare at people without looking away. Try to maintain eye contact most of the time, occasionally looking away. If you stare at the ceiling or the floor while talking to people, you will give the impression of a nervous and insecure person.

    • This is important to know, because the image of a cheerful and energetic person requires self-confidence.
  6. When you joke, gesture. If during a conversation you just stand at attention, then the interlocutors will get the impression that you are not interested in what you are talking about. But do not overdo it with gestures (for example, you should not accompany each phrase with a wide span of hands), as this will distract the listeners, but if you accompany every couple of phrases with a slight gesture, this will enliven your story.

    • It will also help you keep the conversation going. For many people, gesturing helps them think about the next thought to say.
  7. Smile. A smile is very important, it cannot be overestimated. If you smile, it makes others smile too. There is no need to smile every second, but when you are going about your normal business, smiling can lift your spirits and those around you.

    • Practice smiling in front of a mirror. It may seem silly to you, but practicing in front of a mirror will help you develop the best possible smile.

    Part 2

    How to know when it's time to calm down
    1. You need to learn to understand when you can have fun, and when it’s better to calm down. Sometimes the situation calls for a quieter display of energy and humor, and other times a more lively demeanor will be appropriate. Try to learn to recognize when and what behavior is appropriate. Listen to the mood in the air. You will have to practice this, and a conscious attitude to the condition of other people will help you learn this.

      • For example, a dinner party is not the right place for dancing and loud jokes. You can still be energetic and cheerful, but do it somewhat subduedly, laugh quietly, show interest in others with a smile.
      • If you are somewhere in nature on barbecue, you can behave more lively and energetically. Especially if you have children with you who will support your activity. People will see you having fun with the kids and might want to join you.
    2. Be attentive to the mood of others. Emotional maturity means that you are able to perceive the emotions and moods of the people around you. If you want to be a fun and energetic person, it's important to learn how to read other people's feelings so you don't overdo it with jokes.

      Don't try to compete with anyone. In some situations, you may find yourself around other people who are more humorous and energetic than you. In this case, you may want to compete for the place of the most cheerful and energetic person in the company. But it is better to give the palm to another person and just enjoy communicating with him.

      • If the other person's jokes are truly funny, then everything you say runs the risk of sounding forced and pathetic. In such a situation, it is better to be friendly and good-natured, and not try with all your might to become the soul of the company.
      • If you start a competition with another person, it may become obvious to others that you are puffing up your last strength. So it's better to just let it go.
    3. Don't make jokes out of yourself. Some people just crack jokes. If you are one of them, great! But most of us need to think of something funny first before speaking up. And that's not bad. If you're talking to someone and have something funny to say, do it. And if you can't, don't try and force yourself to be funny.

      • If people aren't laughing at your jokes, take a break. Don't try to make people laugh. It will only provoke an awkward situation. Remember that people are not always in the mood to laugh at funny jokes.

    Part 3

    Change your lifestyle
    1. Engage in physical education. At first glance, it is not entirely clear how physical education will help to be cheerful and energetic. But exercise is important for maintaining health. If you feel healthy and in good shape, it will be easier for you to overcome your passivity and laziness. Find exercises that you like, change them if you get bored.

      • For example, if you enjoy jogging, try to jog for 10-30 minutes every day. This will shake up your body and help you act more perky.
      • You can try activities such as yoga, swimming, or team games like volleyball, football, or basketball.
      • It is possible to hire a personal trainer who will not only help you get in shape but also encourage you to be more active in general.
    2. Watch your diet. If you're used to eating what's convenient (such as fast food, sugary soda, and other foods that don't need to be cooked), try changing your diet. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, avoid fast foods. Instead of sugary sodas, drink fruit-flavored water or tea.

Changing your habits and behavior is never easy. And if you are used to being a quiet, insecure and very shy girl, then is it worth changing for the better and trying yourself as a completely different, new, open, courageous, sociable and interesting lady? Costs! And know that if you really want it, you will succeed. If you still do not know how to become open and sociable, and doubt, be sure - you can do it.

How to become a sociable girl. Action plan

Search for motivation

Below are the top three reasons why you need to become outgoing and confident.

  1. success for all occasions
    To begin with, know that communication skills are one of the key success factors in absolutely any kind of your activity. And this means that the ability to communicate leads to career growth, beneficial cooperation with any person, to a successful marriage, finally;
  2. respect
    It is always difficult for insecure and shy people to defend their point of view and to command universal respect. The ability to communicate will arouse not only interest in you, but also respect for your opinion, you will be able to calmly and confidently get out of any conflict situations.
  3. anti stress and anti crisis
    Sociability will allow you to live easily and freely, to express yourself, not to fall into a bad mood, to part with stress and fears for a long time.

Eliminate interference

If you want to figure out how to become more sociable, look for reasons why you feel constrained in communication situations and cannot relax. Do you have any friends or acquaintances with whom you can feel relaxed, at ease, and discuss any topic with them? Surely there is! This means that embarrassment and fears cause communication only with strangers. The most important barriers to your sociability can be: self-doubt, lack of desire to communicate, inability to clearly, loudly and clearly express your point of view.

There is a contact!

Remember that there are no uninteresting people, learn to look closely at people and look for zest in them. Teach yourself not to go away from communication, but rather to make contact. If difficult, start with indirect contacts: phone calls, social networks, blogs, forums. Then move on to conversations with those whom you see quite often, but do not talk. For starters, you can come up with and write down in a notebook a few universal phrases for a conversation, and learn them by heart, so it will be easier to start any conversation.

How to become a sociable girl. Difficult to study...

People are also not perfect, someone is shy, someone is afraid, someone is embarrassed and feels insecure, so stop being afraid of them, maybe they don’t know how to deal with their complexes, but you already know!

Are you a pessimistic person and want to change this situation? It is impossible to live in a bad mood. How to become cheerful and cheerful? You need to reconsider your habits, learn to see many pleasant moments in life, and also let go of the past. See below for detailed instructions on soul transformation.

Rejoice more often

Man comes to this earth to have fun. It was in the Middle Ages that people thought that the earth is hell, and paradise awaits people in the next life. Today, this assertion is highly questioned. How to become cheerful and cheerful? Take a closer look at your life and learn to appreciate it. The average healthy person every day can find reasons for joy. For example, good health, the ability to do what you want, your favorite job, wonderful friends, your loved one is nearby. All this becomes so habitual that a person takes the pleasant aspects of life for granted. Learn to appreciate every moment and understand that tomorrow you may lose what you do not appreciate today. Therefore, thank fate every evening for giving you a happy fate, and for giving you wonderful gifts that you accept with joy and a smile.

Don't wind yourself up

Problems that may haunt you today will soon be resolved. Nothing is permanent in this world. So don't beat yourself up. Do you want to become cheerful and cheerful? How to achieve the desired result with the least effort? Stop beating yourself up. From the fact that you play all sorts of options for the situation in your head, life will not change. Many people are accustomed to imagining the worst scenarios that the event could go through before an important event. This is not worth doing. Let go of the problem. If you can not influence the outcome of events in any way, then do not take them to heart. If you can change something, then change it. A person who does not worry over trifles, does not loosen his nervous system and, as a result, lives much happier than people who cannot take control of their raging feelings and calm down in time.

Let go of the past

How to become cheerful and cheerful? Many people cannot accept their past. Mistakes made a few years ago have left a feeling of guilt that haunts a person on an ongoing basis. Try to understand that the past cannot be changed. To live happily, you need to accept all your mistakes. In the future, you will try to avoid them and will no longer make rash actions. But it is impossible to change something in your past. So stop mentally replaying situations in which you do things differently. Watch any time travel movie. For example, the Butterfly Effect. On the example of the main character, it is well shown that no matter how you change the events, the result will be the same. Realize that if you hadn't done what you did, you wouldn't be the person you are. Mistakes teach people and make them stronger, wiser, more experienced and nobler.

Start scheduling

Good mood is the key to success. There are many ways to improve your mood. One of them is planning. A person who keeps a diary lives productively and rationally. If you want to improve your life, start writing to-do lists today. How can they help you be happier? A person who keeps everything in his head cannot enjoy life to the fullest. A person walking down the street is accompanied by thoughts that they need to cook dinner, do laundry, and check the children's lessons. A person does not have time to enjoy the excellent weather and flowers in the flower beds. If all your tasks are entered in the diary and are tied to specific hours at which tasks need to be completed, you will not be burdened with unnecessary thoughts. What is written on paper can be safely forgotten. It makes no sense for you to keep all your affairs in your head, they will look great on paper. And you will be able to see the world around you in all its glory.

Pay no attention to the opinions of others

Do you want to live happily? Significantly cheer up help things to which you have a soul. But many people do not dare to do what they love for the reason that they do not find the approval of others. For example, a person wants to draw and enjoys sketching. But parents and friends do not approve of the desire for creativity. They say you can't earn much from drawing. Want to be in a good mood all the time? Don't listen to the opinions of others. If you have a desire for creativity, do it. A person lives once, and he does not have the opportunity to try several scenarios of life in order to understand which one is correct. In order not to regret the time wasted in retirement, do not be afraid to think with your own head. In this case, you will have to take responsibility for your actions, but you will not have to share the joy of victory with anyone. Your success will be well deserved.

Do charity work

A happy person does not save money in a chest under the bed. He is not afraid to give away what he has and believes that fate will bring him good dividends for such good deeds. Do not be afraid to be an altruist, do charity work. Helping people is fun and rewarding. When you help someone who is in a difficult situation, you become a better person. Each person came into this world in order to make it better. So you have to justify your existence. Charity is one of the ways to increase your karma and at the same time not make titanic efforts to improve the world.

go in for sports

How to become cheerful and cheerful? A useful tip that will help any girl to become better is to immediately go in for sports. The modern rhythm of life does not leave many people time for the gym. But you can do it not only in the gym, but also at home or in the yard. Exercising improves your body, rids it of extra pounds and cellulite, improves stamina and makes you happier. During sports, the human brain is filled with oxygen, and as a result, the person begins to think faster and better. No wonder our ancestors believed that a healthy mind in a healthy body. The outer shell is a direct reflection of the inner world of a person. If a person is happy, he will be beautiful, and if his face is distorted by grief and longing, no cosmetics will make the person more attractive.

Please loved ones

How to cheer yourself up? Surprise your friends more often. Presenting pleasant presents or creating a festive atmosphere for no reason will cheer up your loved ones. And as you know, people treat you the same way you treat them. The more often you delight your surroundings with pleasant surprises, the more you will feel the gratitude of loved ones. Don't be afraid to run out of imagination. When a person does good, the imagination works flawlessly. Remember, the more positive you bring into this world, the more it returns to you.

Take care of your education

And a cheerful woman? Start filling in the gaps in your education. How does IQ affect happiness? A person who knows a lot will never get bored in his company. He can always find something to his liking. Reading a book, watching an educational program or a simple conversation with yourself will be of interest to a person. A poorly educated person cannot be alone with himself. She needs someone to entertain her. Television, social media, or friends help a person feel fulfilled. But such a person will not be happy. Why? Every person has his own happiness. Someone wants to start a family, someone wants to realize themselves in a career. And the joy of a poorly educated person will be consumption. For many years, marketers have been selling not a product, but emotions. And a stupid person buys them, and then is surprised at another deception.

Find a hobby

To live happily, you need something to burn. Not all people have hobbies and work are synonymous. Work should be loved, but it does not have to be a passion. For example, a person may enjoy working as a hairdresser, and breed dogs in her free time. Animals and their care will be a huge part of a girl's life. Psychologists say that you need to smile more often. Cute doggies will help the lady's smile never leave her face.

How does a person live without hobbies? Boring. And if a person also has an unloved job, then life can become unbearable. You need to find your own outlet. Find an activity that inspires you and practice it as often as possible. And remember that watching TV and series, as well as sleeping, are not hobbies.

communicate more

Do you dream of becoming joyful and positive? How to achieve this? Connect with people more. Books are a good teacher, but face-to-face communication will teach you more. People are an endless source of knowledge. Learning from a person is much easier and faster than learning the basics of some science on your own. By communicating with people, you expand your horizons, learn other points of view on problems that did not seem so obvious to you. The wider your social circle, the richer you are. Today, you can make friends anywhere in the world. You can learn about many cultures from native speakers without leaving your home. Learn languages ​​and talk more with foreigners. So you will be able to know the world, which, it turns out, is not as simple as you thought about it.

love yourself

A person who wants to be happy must love himself. A self-confident person who knows his strengths and accepts his shortcomings makes a good impression. If a person loves himself, then he will look good, speak well and be satisfied with his own life. A person who lives for himself and does not save money to meet his own needs, according to statistics, is more cheerful. And to make others happier is easier for those who themselves experience true pleasure from every day.

How to become a fun and interesting girl? Don't skimp on yourself. Dress nicely, eat from the ceremonial service and do what you want. Do not prove anything to anyone and do not accuse anyone of anything. Plan for the future and don't cling to the past. Try to see something good in every day. Living in such a rhythm, it is very easy to understand that life is actually beautiful.

If the ability to joke is not your natural quality, do not despair. You can master the humorous craft on your own, turning learning into an exciting adventure. We will tell you how to become a funny, cheerful and positive person without much time and effort.

think over the image

The appearance of a person determines how others will treat him. If the eyebrows are furrowed, the movements are constrained or simulated, then, despite the smile, it will become clear that the person does not know how to become funny, but really wants to seem like that.

In the image of a joker, everything is important - gait, clothing, manner of greeting, timbre of voice, facial expressions.

Our success depends on how we speak, gesticulate and look at the interlocutor. Making people laugh is an art in which every detail is important.

Refresh your vocabulary

They pay more attention to jokes with special, unusual words. For example, the word "zenoyam", which should be read backwards, sounds funnier than "mayonnaise". You can say the usual phrase: "I'm going to sleep," but it's funnier: "I'm going to listen to the noise of submarines."

American comedian Gilbert Gottfried joked on one of the comedy shows: “If a girl has a hairy back, you don’t need to be upset. You can close your eyes and imagine that she is wearing an alpaca sweater.” In this joke, the word "alpaca" played a climactic role, showing the absurdity of the situation.

Comedy stories add specific sounds. For example, showman Eddie Driscoll, speaking on intimate topics, creates a sound that imitates the opening of a zipper on his fly.

Joking with purpose

How to become funny and be the soul of the company? The answer is simple - to comprehend your jokes, to fill them with purpose. The audience needs a victim, a specific object of humor. It can be an absent person, an internal enemy, a famous ruler, or some generally recognized vice. The most popular objects for humorous attacks:

  • Geographic: city, country, people
  • Related: lovers, mother-in-law or mother-in-law, neighbors
  • Celebrities: loud personalities or current news about them
  • Sports: football team, coach

To risk

There is no formula that unequivocally answers the question "How to become funny." Some may reach the humorous pinnacle in a week, while others may take a month or more. The main thing is not to lose the opportunity to practice. And nothing happens without risk. If there is the slightest chance to joke, you need to take risks.

The worst thing that can happen is that the joke turns out to be unsuccessful, but after all, everyone will forget it over time. Even the most famous comedians admit that they never know which joke will work. Deep down, they are afraid to hear dead silence in response to their miniatures. But they know that there is no risk in this matter.

Use the surprise trick

Everything that is said unexpectedly and to the point remains the brightest and funniest moment. No one expects a joke and there will be no bias towards its meaning.

Here's how to learn to joke spontaneously:

  • Recall a joke during a serious conversation
  • Give a jocular answer to a stern question
  • Say something both funny and shocking with a neutral facial expression

Supplement and develop someone else's joke

In KVN, the “Warm-up” contest is built in this way, where teams come up with a funny ending or the beginning of a pre-prepared phrase.

The answer to the question "How to learn to joke" is stored in the jokes of friends or acquaintances. Let them think for us what is interesting to say, and we will come up with our own based on their phrase.

for example:

He gives her the last shirt.

“What do you think she should do with an old sweaty size 52 shirt?”

Be brief

Many anecdotes are laughed at only out of politeness towards the narrator. Not because the jokes are not funny, but because they are long, too figurative, not always clear. Sometimes 2 words are enough to blow up the audience, and lyrical inserts tire the listener. Pungent witty phrases are ideal for those who want to learn how to learn to joke so that jokes are understandable to everyone.

Use self-irony, exaggeration, sarcasm

self-mockery Comedians' secret weapon. She makes it clear that the author of humor is not arrogant, does not fantasize himself above others.

Psychologists have long noticed that people who know how to laugh at themselves dispose others, inspire confidence, and make communication comfortable. Self-irony is better than introspection, pompous modesty, or boring self-talk. She is in the company of braggarts, makes the comedian taller, wittier and nobler than the rest.

The famous American speaker Terry Bradshaw starts his speech with jokes about his own hairstyle or character. This is how he connects with the audience. Arnold Schwarzenegger, knowing the secret of how to learn to joke, more than once began his speech with “jokes” over his accents.

The main thing is not to overdo it. 2-3 jokes in this style are enough to get the desired effect.

exaggeration d makes the joke bright and funny. “Hungry enough to eat two servings” is a common phrase. But if you confess that you would have eaten a hippo ham, a smile appears on your face.

Sarcasm - a good comic tool, but you better be careful with it.

When is sarcasm appropriate?: Comedian Jay Leno commented on the decision of the authorities of Los Angeles to open the Center for Abandoned Children, in which young mothers can leave their child with impunity for 72 hours. Using sarcasm, the speaker said: “That's why I love my country! I have more than 2 days to give away an unwanted child, but there is no way to get rid of a car that I did not like.

It is important to remember that sarcasm is inappropriate when all is well. A sharp sarcastic joke in a favorable situation looks like sour grapes on a sweet cake.

How to learn to joke? Regularly use self-irony and exaggeration. Sarcasm can be reserved for special occasions.


Without experience, it is difficult even to cook dumplings. And if we talk about how to become funny, then with a few attempts to joke, you definitely won’t get off.

Trying to appear in a new role, training is needed in the company and in front of a mirror, attempts to joke in different forms must be crowned with success and fail. Only by trial and error can a good result be achieved.

Practical tasks for training:

  • Compose a sarcastic commentary on current news.
  • Come up with a story to make it look funny.
  • Come up with a joke “with a trinity”: somehow a wolf, a boar and a fox gathered ...
  • Make up a few jokes about yourself, built on well-known traits. Make a loved one laugh by coming up with an interesting joke about him.

How to be funny: cheat sheet

  • Use both spontaneous humor and phrases prepared in advance.
  • Laugh at yourself in awkward situations.
  • To joke about what is known to a wide range of people.
  • Don't laugh at your own jokes.
  • Use different intonations and timbre of the voice (high, low, hoarse).
  • Do not rely on obscene language: a scandalous statement sounds better than a swear word.
  • Do not humiliate others by trying to be funny.
  • Be original, don't take the jokes of famous comedians.
  • Laugh at the jokes of others.
  • Do not try, by all means, to make the audience laugh. More importantly, be yourself.

We told you how to be funny and original. It remains only to follow our advice. Don't be afraid to come up with your own jokes, take risks, practice and they will definitely say about you: “This person is incredibly funny! You need to learn from him."

Many people find it very difficult to make friends. And in this case there is no universal recipe. It all depends on the individual and his ability to build relationships with others. sociable person? Use the tips in this article.

1. Be yourself.

If you are thinking about how to be more sociable, then first of all learn how to openly express your position. Be yourself and don't be afraid of the reactions of others. If your opinion causes aggression and misunderstanding in someone, try to just ignore it.

2. Improve.

It is necessary to develop and self-improve in all spheres of life. This approach will add self-confidence and help get rid of constraint when conducting dialogues with other people.

3. Remember to smile.

How to be more sociable? More often tells the interlocutor about your favor and showing interest. But you need to use a smile with caution, because if you smile in any situation, then you may be misunderstood. It will only alienate those around you.

Sociability is also trained through social media. There you can find new friends all over the world. It is enough to join a group of common interests. Well, without eye contact, communication becomes simpler and more relaxed. Over time, this is projected into real life.

5. Develop a sense of humor.

Not only men should have a sense of humor. If a girl is thinking about how to become sociable and cheerful, you can recommend her to develop her own. But here it is important not to overdo it. Rude and inappropriate jokes repel people.

6. Listen.

Show interest in the interlocutor. Everyone loves to talk more than to listen. If you listen carefully to your opponent, he will certainly appreciate it.

7. Remember self-respect.

It is important to respect not only others, but also yourself. After all, how to be more sociable if others do not feel either respect or love for your person? Having learned to love yourself and knowing your own worth (while self-esteem must be adequate), you can raise your own rating in the eyes of others.

8. Say hello to others.

Do not be afraid to do this, even if they are unfamiliar to you. Make an effort and make it a goal to say hello regularly and occasionally strike up conversations. It will be great if you say hello to a complete stranger.

9. Learn beautiful speech.

In order not to think about how to be more sociable, you need to develop your own speech. After all, a correctly and clearly formulated speech always makes a good impression. Just as important is intonation. For her training, it is worth reading interesting and competent literature. The best option is the classic. This will broaden your horizons and subconsciously transfer the acquired skills into everyday speech.

10. Take action!

Make a plan to develop such a quality as sociability, and take some action every day. This is the only way to become sociable, make friends and get rid of loneliness.