Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to rid the school of students who do not want to learn. “Everyone shoots from him”: how to rid a class of a student with destructive behavior How to get rid of school forever to relax

Everyone has experienced heartburn at least once in their life. This is very annoying and causes a lot of inconvenience.
Heartburn is manifested by burning in the esophagus. This is due to the acidic contents of the stomach entering the upper part of the esophagus.

How to quickly get rid of heartburn at home

Most often, heartburn occurs in overweight people, smokers, due to the abuse of spicy and fatty foods. Coffee, alcohol, and many medications also trigger heartburn. Also, heartburn torments pregnant women.

If after eating it constantly burns in the esophagus, this may be a signal of diseases such as ulcers, duodenitis, esophageal hernia, cholecystitis, chronic gastritis.

Symptoms of heart disease, such as angina, can be mistaken for heartburn. Therefore, with a constant burning sensation, you should be examined by a cardiologist.

Heartburn is often accompanied by belching. Belching is sour due to the reflux of the contents of the stomach into the mouth, bitter - problems with the liver and gall, "rotten eggs" - low acidity.

Often heartburn can start at night if you sleep on your right side. It has to do with the anatomy of the stomach. In pregnant women, heartburn occurs due to the relaxation of the cardiac sphincter under the action of the hormone prostaglandin, and also due to the pressure of the growing fetus on the stomach.

Antacids (Phosphalugel, Almagel, Rennie), prokinetics (domperidone), ranitidine, famotidine, pantoprazole, omeprazole are good for heartburn. It is important to remember that antacids are taken for no more than two weeks, as they accumulate in the body.

Many people prefer to take soda, which instantly neutralizes hydrochloric acid and pepsin. But after using soda, an “acid rebound” inevitably occurs. When baking soda reacts with acid, carbon dioxide is produced, which irritates the cells of the stomach that secrete hydrochloric acid, and heartburn begins with renewed vigor. Also, soda leaves ulcers on the gastric mucosa.

Heartburn during pregnancy - how to get rid of it at home

Almost all medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. In this case, seeds, nuts, milk will help.

There are many popular ways to deal with heartburn. You can drink coal powder, a glass of warm mineral water, mumiyo with milk and honey. Seeds, viburnum jam, fresh potato juice, calamus root, chamomile infusion, mint tea also help.

Heartburn in a child

In children, heartburn most often occurs due to an immature cardiac sphincter that connects the stomach to the esophagus. The cardiac sphincter is responsible for preventing food from the stomach from entering the esophagus. When a child grows rapidly, the internal organs do not have time to form in time. Also, children should eat right and not overeat.

For the treatment of heartburn in children, it is best to use homeopathy (Iberogast), since many medicines are contraindicated for children.

Heartburn is not to be taken lightly. You definitely need to visit a doctor.

Constant worries about attending school is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it's good that you are so conscientious about your studies and worry about grades, but constant anxiety is a negative factor for physical and mental health. There are ways to help deal with this problem.


    Define your problem. When you start to worry about school, determine what or who exactly makes you feel this way - teachers, peers, school performance, or homework.

    Be open. After identifying the main problem, discuss it with the teacher. Tell him about this problem and share the possible ways you thought of solving it. Perhaps the teacher will help with something or offer his own options. If your problem is academic performance, then the teacher, as a rule, will try to find time to spend it with his students and pull them up in some subject, or give additional homework.

    Look at the bright side of the problem. If you've identified a problem, try to solve it alone, and if you can't, think about it with a friend.

    Find someone you trust. If the problem is with another student, talk to someone you trust who can help you. Together you will be able to discuss ways to solve this problem, and choose the best course of action.

    Now let's get away from school. Time outside of school is worth spending on homework and research. It is important to set aside a certain amount of time every day for studying outside of school - although this will make your work more routine, but at the same time, it will be easier for you to get used to it. If there is no homework, do something useful: search the Internet for information on the subjects you are studying. It is not as tiring as doing homework, but it will also help you understand the subject better.

    Be organized. One of the main factors in maintaining discipline when doing homework is self-organization. To do this, it is extremely important to have a plan of action, what, when and how you will do it. To do this, you can purchase a planner and several folders - one for each item, plus one extra. As soon as you have been given homework, you must immediately (not later! Do not wait!) Write it down in your diary. You can write abbreviated, but only so that you can then parse the task. If the teacher gives any specific instructions, be sure to write them down. Put all the papers on a particular subject in one folder (by the way, here you can resort to color coding - this is very convenient). Put all the materials you need to work on in a separate, free folder - tasks that need to be completed separately, and finished work - separately. When it's time to turn in your homework, you'll know where it is and you'll be sure it's done.

  • Instead of thinking about bad things, try to keep only positive thoughts in your mind. You will find that it is not so difficult.
  • It is extremely important not to lag behind in any subject. If this happens, it will be extremely difficult for you to catch up - you will constantly be behind.
  • Most importantly, stay calm!
  • Teachers really want to help you - they don't want to see you fail (which in turn also affects their success as teachers). Therefore, if you are willing to put in the effort, they will only be happy to give you advice and help.
  • Reward yourself for a job well done! This will give you motivation to keep working.
  • If you have 8 lessons in a row, then just take it for granted. Don't take it too pessimistic, look at the bright side! You will see friends at breaks, in the cafeteria and after school, this will help you!
  • If it’s hard for you, just try to slow down and relax, figure out what exactly you should be doing and what needs your attention in the first place. If you feel that you have so many tasks that you simply cannot do them all, do not panic, calm down and approach this problem with a cold mind. You shouldn't have any reason to be afraid to go to school because of homework, bad teachers/classmates. It shouldn't hurt you in the long run. Don't worry and enjoy your school years.


  • If you are looking for information about school subjects on the Internet, be sure to check that the sources you are using are reliable. Remember that blogs and similar electronic pages can be written by anyone, and not the fact that he really knows this subject. Therefore, the best way out is to look for such information on several sites. If the information you found is on other electronic resources, then it is probably true.
  • If you continue to experience chronic anxiety, see your doctor. Such a condition may not be related to school - a chemical imbalance in the brain can lead to an escalation of common problems. The doctor will help determine the cause of this condition and prescribe treatment.
  • Don't try to solve the underlying problem yourself. Many adults or teachers will be happy to help you and share their experiences.

In accordance with clinical observations of recent years, children's and juvenile depression have become an important part of child psychopathology. Depression in children directly affects their sensitivity and its manifestations, is associated with the psychosomatic sphere and the world of childhood psychoses.

In addition, it accompanies many physical illnesses, hiding under various behavioral disorders, and is accompanied by learning problems and school failures.

School in a child's life

Excessive frequency or repetition of unpleasant experiences that accumulate in fear can lead the child to depressive behavior, exacerbating the situation of helplessness and insecurity.

In the context of a child's functioning or teenager at school these experiences are an important element in the development of a growing person. For already from the first minutes he can see the quality of his functioning, the ability to motivate or lack it, relationships with peers, teachers, etc.

Keep in mind that the school is the second most important place for the development of the child after the family environment. There he spends a significant part of his time during the day, establishes contacts, gains experience, studies, learns the world, etc. School is a very important element in a young person's life. that is why the atmosphere in this place and providing children with a sense of security is so important.

Difficulties arise in a person's life from early childhood. Overcoming them helps development. Already in early youth, personality traits characteristic of each child develop. Some children are more sociable and dependent on others. This allows them to quickly acclimatize in the group.

Others develop such character traits as shyness, lack of communication, secrecy, avoidance of conflicts. Such qualities interfere with establishing new contacts and adapting to a new situation.

How school affects the risk of developing depression

The school, like the family, is a significant "pathogenic" factor. After all, small children spend most of the day at their desks. And getting into the kindergarten, first of all, for children aged 6-8 months, is a big emotional shock for many of them.

From year to year...

Later, when they get to school, they experience insecurity, stress with negative consequences that cause learning difficulties and in relationships with some colleagues, a lack of motivation and self-confidence. A drop in school results after the first three or four years is one of the best indicators of the possible onset of depressive disorders.

In a sense, school failure is comparable to adult unemployment. It has long been proven that school failures can cause depressive behavior in childhood. The school is a natural environment in which the child asserts himself through science, a place where he integrates with people like himself and the community in which he tries to gain approval from teachers and classmates. And school failures block many of these functions, and, in addition, cause adverse effects on his health.

According to experts, the school, with its obsession with increasing academic performance, greatly enhances fear of failure, which is considered the main cause of helplessness, problems with socialization and some depressive symptoms. A large number of extracurricular activities take too much free time from children and young people.

Causes of depression in a child

Among the many causes of depression associated with a child's functioning in a school environment are the following:

  • teacher-student relationships (rejection, rejection by the teacher of the child, lack of reinforcement of positive results with the simultaneous presence of negative reinforcements, etc.);
  • failures at school (lack of interest in lessons at school, deterioration of results);
  • the demands of the parents that exceed the capabilities of the child, the expectations from the child of the realization of their unfulfilled dreams, the imposition of their will;
  • poor peer relationships (peer disapproval, feelings of loneliness, aggressive behavior);
  • low self-esteem of the child (lack of faith in their own abilities);
  • traumatic experiences (although affecting the overall functioning of the child will certainly affect his functioning in the school environment);
  • overload with an excessive number of lessons at school.

Problems related to starting school

The training period is a very important time for a young person. The school becomes a place where the child learns, makes new social contacts, discovers his abilities and develops his inner interests.

While studying at school, children are exposed to a number of difficulties. school problems can cause a lot of internal problems, which, in turn, can cause depression in children.

First visits to school are a major stress in a student's life. Even if the kid still went to kindergarten, then this change in the place and the policy of the environment becomes a difficult task. The stress caused by this event can affect the deterioration of the child's mood and cause reluctance to attend school. The role of parents is very important at this time. They provide the child with support and a sense of security.

Conversations with the child, understanding of his difficulties and help, give a chance to improve the situation. Leaving a child alone with their problems can cause problems to deepen. Children suffering from mental disorders have emotional problems.

The position of the parents in relation to these first difficulties is of great importance in shaping the child's self-confidence and shaping his views. A child who has support from parents will cope with difficulties more effectively in later life than a child who does not receive this support.

depression in children caused primarily by external factors and has a different basis than depression in adults. Depressive disorders have their cause in the child's contacts with the environment and family problems. Often parents do not pay attention to such changes in the child's mood, linking them with age.

School problems of adolescents and the development of depression

Problems at school are very difficult for a young person. Whether they are caused by pressure from teachers, problems in science, lack of acceptance from classmates, or excessive demands from parents, they all lead to many difficult emotions.

Changes associated with the action of hormones, body growth and change deepen the negative feelings of a young person and raise every difficulty to the rank of an insoluble problem.

One should not, however, underestimate the signals given by the child. For adults, such difficulties may seem banal, but for a teenager it is really a hopeless situation. The appearance of problems at school can cause a deterioration in mood and the appearance of new difficulties.

The young person may not see the solution to this situation and try to reduce the internal tension. A common way to deal with difficulties is to hurt yourself. Its terrible manifestation is self-mutilation. It aims to reduce inner pain through physical suffering.

Misunderstanding on the part of parents and the deepening of school-related problems can lead to serious mental disorders. Depression in adolescents often has a difficult process. The omission of changes in the child's behavior convinces them of the lack of support from the family. Also, ignoring his signals and ridiculing problems can lead to the formation of severe mood disorders. A very disturbing symptom of depression in young people is suicidal thoughts. The psyche of a young man is not yet fully formed and is not able to cope with all the difficulties.

Increasing school difficulties and ignoring this condition by parents or misunderstanding of the problem can cause depression in a young person. The child should be entitled to the help of specialists in order to be able to return to health.

The school itself will not solve all the difficulties and problems associated with upbringing for parents. The interest of parents in the affairs of the child and his needs helps to avoid difficult situations and, as a result, a mental disorder.

Symptoms of depression in children

If you notice changes in your child's functioning, you should look out for symptoms that may indicate the onset of depression:

  • dreary mood- manifestations of sadness, loneliness and pessimism, bad mood, the child is easily angry, often cries, it is difficult to console him;
  • auto-depressive ideas- feelings of worthlessness, guilt, desire for death;
  • aggressive behavior- difficulties in interpersonal relationships, quarrels, hostility, little respect for authority;
  • sleep disorders- anxious dream, moments insomnia, difficulty waking up in the morning;
  • deterioration in school performance- constant complaints from teachers, poor concentration, weak memory, loss of habitual interest in classes;
  • reduced socialization– isolation, less participation in the life of the group, withdrawal from the community;
  • somatic diseases– headaches, abdominal pain, muscle pain, other diseases and health concerns, loss of appetite and/or changes in existing weight;
  • loss of normal energy- loss of interest in sports and entertainment, decreased physical and / or mental energy.

These signs should not be underestimated. Steps should be taken as soon as possible to help overcome emerging or existing symptoms of depression and help the child.

The article will focus on legal alternatives. don't go to public schools at all! And at the same time get a certificate.

Student's opinion:

If in modern school much does not suit you, there is a way out - family education.

Family education is common in 45 countries of the world and every year it becomes more and more popular. In the US, 2.5 million children are homeschooled and this number is increasing by 5-12% annually.

Family education in Russia was the norm until the middle of the 19th century. The upbringing and education of children in noble and merchant families was also carried out by tutors (often foreign).

After the revolution, education fell under the strict control of the state. study at home only children with disabilities were allowed.

In the 1990s, legislation reappeared family education. But it is only now that it is becoming truly in demand in Russia. More 100 thousand families annually prefer to receive education outside the organization. More than 1.5 million people.

What is family education

On the Web, the out-of-school form of education is called differently: family education, homeschooling, unschooling, homeschooling. These terms do not always mean the same thing. So let's first define the terminology.

According to Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation", in Russia there are two forms of education:

  • in organizations engaged in educational activities (full-time, part-time or part-time education in public and private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);
  • outside of these organizations.

In the latter case, it stands out two forms of education: family education and self-education (for children over 15 years old).

Family education is learning outside of school. Parents independently organize the educational process, and children master the curriculum.

From English-language sites, the term came to us and took root "homeschooling" (from English homeschooling). The essence is the same, so further in the article the terms "family/home schooling" and "family education" will be used as equivalent.

What not to be confused with family education, so it is with home education, external study and unschooling . Children with disabilities study at home, while de jure they are assigned to an educational institution. Teachers just come home or teach lessons via Skype (in the office, this is called "with the involvement of distance learning technologies").

External study is a form of certification for those who study outside of any institutions, a unschooling(from English unschooling) - just not limited by the school curriculum without intermediate certifications.

Disadvantages of the school system:

  • In ordinary schools, teachers devote little time to an individual student. If a child understands the material faster, no one will allow him to get up and leave in class or read a book in the back of the class. He is forced to repeat what he already knows, because someone in the class does not understand the material. His motivation drops, and he gradually becomes an “average” so as not to stand out. Studying is good if there are 4-5 students in the class and high-class teachers in all subjects, if there is an opportunity to study at your own pace, ask questions. But to provide a place in such a school for every child, the country would need 3.5 million teachers in each subject. This is, of course, impossible.
  • The situation is reversed: the class follows the program, but the child does not have time to write down the teacher in the lesson, he understands the subject more slowly, and asks again. There are more and more gaps in subjects.
  • The excellent attitude of the teacher towards you will depend on your academic performance and love for the subject as a whole.
  • You are constantly evaluated as a thing.
  • You are forced to study, even if your purpose has nothing to do with this subject. This leads to laziness, apathy and psychological problems in the future.
  • You are obliged to be surrounded by people who are not close in spirit to you and sometimes become a victim of violence and bullying.
  • A total lie. Nobody needs certificates and diplomas. Morally and physically obsolete programs and books.
  • Stereotypes and programs are laid in you that are beneficial only to your state and system.
  • Low learning efficiency. There is nothing worse than a classroom system.
  • You are not allowed to solve problems in your original way.
  • They make you into slaves.

Why Parents Choose Homeschooling

In accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, basic general education in our country is compulsory.

The same is enshrined in Article 44 of the Federal Law "On Education".

Parents are obliged to give education, as well as “to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child”. Not the state, not the school - the parents. That is why, by law, they have the right to choose the form of education and the form of education.

Family education is usually chosen for the following reasons:

  1. Rejection of the state education system. Many parents are convinced that the general education program does not give children real knowledge, dulls them and stifles creativity. They believe that the school is mired in bureaucracy and corruption, and they take children out of there because of extortions and conflicts with the director, head teacher or teachers.
  2. Features of the child. Some kids are just not compatible with school. They cannot sit from bell to bell in class. They do tasks too quickly or, conversely, too slowly. They are bored with teachers and classmates. Family learning allows you to adjust the curriculum and study at a comfortable pace with a comfortable load.
  3. Health problems. Home schooling at school is possible only if the child is recognized as a disabled person by a medical and social examination. If he's just in poor health, gets sick often, and misses school, home schooling might be a good fit for him.
  4. Family needs. Life is different for everyone, and family education is often not a whim, but a necessity. For example, if the family lives abroad, but plans to return to their homeland, or simply wants the child to have a Russian certificate, or if the father is in the military and the family often moves.
  5. Professional sports or music. When you spend 5–8 hours on the court or at the piano, when there are gatherings or tours every month, there is no time to go to school. For children who are professionally involved in sports or music, family education allows them to receive high-quality knowledge “on the job”.
  6. Religious views. The school is a secular institution, with all the ensuing consequences. Parents who live according to religious norms prefer family education.

What are the benefits of the school system?

  • Most will make a herd that will just float. Which will extract resources, WORK and not ask unnecessary questions and not strive to change something.
  • It is cheap. Even for free. Your education is paid by the state.
  • No need to strain and think for yourself. Neither your parents nor you.