Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How meteorites pierce the dome above the flat earth. Girls who have been behind the dome of the flat earth - a shocking experiment! NASA, sponsors, government! we are fooled and powdered our brains

In the Historical Museum of the Southern Urals, an inexplicable incident occurred with the Chelyabinsk meteorite - a dome spontaneously opened over it, which is controlled by a remote control that was at that moment in a special storage under video surveillance.

Museum employee Aivar Valeev said on his Facebook page that the incident occurred on December 14. The showcase itself rose by 10 cm, after which the alarm went off, and a security guard came running. Then an electrician was invited, who brought the dome to its original position.

“A technical failure is possible, although this is the first time we have had such a case in the museum. We do not believe in mysticism. But remember that recently the twin brother of the Chelyabinsk meteorite flew near the Earth. We laugh: the brother of the Chelyabinsk meteorite sent some greetings to ours, and he decided to answer and exhaled, ”explained Valeev.

The fact that in 2043 a 15-meter meteorite similar to the one that fell in Chelyabinsk in 2013 could fall to Earth was reported by Igor Bakaras, head of the information and analytical center for ensuring the safety of space activities in near-Earth outer space of the Roscosmos head scientific institute.

According to the scientist, asteroids larger than 50 meters pose the greatest danger. Such giants collide with the Earth 1 time in 300 years, 15-meter ones - once in 30 years. The last example of such a phenomenon is the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

According to the scientist, 65 million years ago, dinosaurs died precisely because of such an asteroid or comet fall.

As evidence, the 300-kilometer crater Chicxulub remained on Earth at the bottom of the sea off the coast of southern Mexico. Bakaras noted that even small asteroids, one kilometer in diameter, can lead to a global tragedy. Such cases, according to him, occur once in a million years.

Even more often, once every three thousand years, regional destruction can occur if an asteroid with a diameter of about 100 meters falls.

Last month, Russian astronomers discovered a new asteroid the size of the Chelyabinsk meteorite approaching Earth. The discovery was made during planned work to monitor the geostationary region, according to Roskosmos.

Astronomers noticed the asteroid while working with the EOP-2-1 optoelectronic complex, which is part of the Complex of specialized optoelectronic means of the Automated System for Warning of Dangerous Situations in Near-Earth Space (ASPOS OKP) near the village of Peredovoye, Amur Region.

After analyzing the celestial body, the specialists of the Astronomical Research Center (ASC) found that the asteroid is approaching the Earth and is in a heliocentric orbit with a period of revolution of 2.89 years.

The researchers spotted the asteroid on November 6 in the interval of closest approach to the Earth, while the minimum distance between the center of the Earth was 139 thousand 410 km.

According to estimates, the discovered asteroid has a transverse size of 10-15 meters, which is comparable to the meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region.

After checking the database of the Center for Minor Planets of the International Astronomical Union, the researchers found that the discovered object had not been observed before - this is a new asteroid that periodically approaches the Earth.

Astronomers from the US and UK confirmed the find.

“A new asteroid was discovered on November 6 at 17:43 Moscow time by the optoelectronic complex of the Astronomical Research Center in the village of Peredovoe, Amur Region. It approached the Earth at a distance of just over 139,000 kilometers,” said Alexander Bloshenko, executive director of Roscosmos for advanced programs and science.

He clarified that the celestial object is in a heliocentric orbit with a period of revolution of 1055 days.

“Such an object has not been observed before and is periodically approaching the Earth, which determines our attention to its tracking and trajectory analysis,” Bloshenko said.

Last year, a bright fireball, comparable in power to the explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, exploded and went unnoticed off the coast of Russia. It became known about this thanks to the American military.

Information about the entry into the Earth's atmosphere of a large cosmic body was published by the Center for the Study of Near-Earth Objects, using data from American missile attack warning satellites, which notice such events in the infrared range from Earth's orbit.

A powerful explosion was recorded by military satellites over the Bering Sea at a point about 350 kilometers from the coast of Kamchatka. It is established that the destruction of the body occurred at an altitude of 26 kilometers.

Against the background of other frequently recorded fireballs, the power of this explosion is impressive - 173 kilotons, which is about 10 times more powerful than the explosion of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Thus, this fireball became the largest after the explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteorite with a capacity of 440 kilotons of TNT.

The theories "under the dome" are gaining great popularity on the Internet, that we were settled here, we live under the dome. After watching a huge number of videos on the Internet, I can believe that, indeed, the Earth has planes, the rays of the sun spread around the entire circumference of the Planet. Our earth is motionless, otherwise, on one edge, people would walk upside down. Theories that Antarctica is located around us, and we live inside a giant glacier. These and many other theories simply shock our eyes and our consciousness. Everything that we were so diligently told about at school in the lesson now looks absurd and ridiculous! But the first flat earth society originated in the 19th century in England, Samuel Rowbotham.

The scientist, in his book "Zethetic Astronomy", thoroughly explained and laid out his experiments and their results, that the Planet does not have the shape of a ball, and the surface of the ocean is a flat plane! Yes, minds fried? I will give you a few postulates of a flat earth! All of them are taken from the Internet:

Imagine a disk in the center of which is the north pole, the diameter of the disk is a little more than forty thousand kilometers - this is our planet.

The earth is covered with a transparent dome, above which the sun and moon rotate like spotlights, this provides a change of day and night, gravity, in its usual representation, does not exist.

There is no Antarctica, and instead of the South Pole, the edge of the earth, it is surrounded by an ice wall around its entire circumference.

All photographs from space are processed in

Photoshop or other programs, fakes.

Spaceships and other contraptions are made of cardboard and plywood, all space travels are filmed from fictional scenarios on earth.

The dominant point of view about the sphericity of the earth is just a conspiracy sponsored by the Masons to hide the truth from the entire population of the planet.

Everyone who knows the truth: scientists, NASA employees, astronauts are funded by Freemasons and are also participants in the conspiracy.

NASA, sponsors, government! They fool us and powder our brains!

All the photos that are so kindly provided to us from NASA, the Internet, they are all carefully processed in Photoshop! ISS and not at all! Real installation and falsification. We are shown the work of astronauts, but they carry out all this work under water! On numerous video evidences, we can observe drops that are reflected from the cameras! And in fact, we live under a dome, we have not flown into space, we are simply not allowed to do so.

My guesses are as follows: We live on a very small Planet, there are a huge number of planets like ours and they are all located on the Giant Planet in the likeness of Jupiter. All the planets are under the dome, we are like guinea pigs! Experiments are being made on us, and if the experiment fails, as with dinosaurs, then we are exterminated and a new subspecies of life is created. Perhaps there are other creatures that are not like us.

We are puppets on the planet. No one will ever tell us the truth, because this truth can shock the inhabitants of the Earth. Or, the inexplicable and not real may arise, which will ultimately destroy us, like dinosaurs.

You can watch videos on the Internet for real proof that we live under a dome. A group of scientists fired rockets at right angles with a PRO camera. In the video, we can hear how the rocket, having reached the peak point, seems to hit the glass. Incredible?

Believe it or not! But the proof is in the face! What do you think? Are we living under a dome? Are we guinea pigs? Who are we really?

How is the dome of the Earth

In some of my past publications, information about the structure of the Earth's dome has already been highlighted. In this topic, we will continue to consider the structure of the dome and the reason why rockets and planes often crash in the air. As already known, the dome has a certain shell through which no living creature can pass. This is similar to how a person covers a home terrarium with a lid, and in order for the inhabitants of the terrarium to receive air, the lid remains ajar. The same analogue of the celestial cover works on Earth. Since it was the night of Svarog outside, and Svarog decided to take a nap for 25,000 years, it is natural that the Earth terrarium is covered with a dome on which various holograms are broadcast: night illumination and daytime sun.

In the video on YouTube, rocket flights to the edge of the Earth's dome were filmed on camera. When the rocket goes beyond the dome, the camera broadcasts solid darkness, and only once was an object resembling a light bulb such as the sun recorded. Thus, behind the dome there is a kind of analogue of the sun, that is, a kind of night illumination of the Earth terrarium. In turn, the inhabitants of the Earth see the sun, which moves across the sky. Thus, Svarog installed one sun above his terrarium as a backlight, and the second sun is broadcast on the dome of earthlings as the sun.

If the dome of the Earth does not have a hard shell like glass, then how is it generally arranged and what keeps it up?

There are videos on YouTube of the rocket successfully entering the dome's portal to the outside and disappearing from view. At the same time, it is noticeable how the dome opens the portal and lets the rocket through. In other cases, the wine passes through the dome like a rocket, bypassing the portals. Videos have also been recorded where the rocket crashes into something and explodes.

Thus, the dome of the Earth is a complex technological solution that we have to explore and unravel.

Technologies of Svarog

I remind you that everything that has been created in our world, by its analogy, resembles the technologies of the upper world, that is, the external one.

How do terrestrial image translators to the outer shell work?

All image translators have a physical basis. Now such translators of holograms have been developed that the translator itself can be anywhere, and the hologram, for example, of jumping sea dolphins, is broadcast indoors. Celestial holograms depicting stars, blue skies and even the sun also work using a similar technology. But, in the mystery of the earth's sun, there are more complex technologies.

sun device

A lot of videos have been posted on YouTube, where round-shaped objects that have fallen from the sky, resembling a lamp of extraterrestrial origin, have been filmed. We have already considered the size of Svarog and who Svarog is. And they also learned that Svarog has assistants who look after the Earth while God sleeps. Knowing the size of Svarog and the size of the Atlanteans, it is not difficult to guess the size of the creature that follows the heavenly bodies. Imagine the height of an Atlantean at 15 meters. So the light bulbs that fall from heaven are quite comparable in size.

The sun has a triple device. The outer illumination of the dome of the Earth is the first sun. The second sun is a hologram that is broadcast in the sky. The third sun is a light bulb that is connected to the place where the hologram of the sun is lit. Now we understand why people sometimes photograph two suns in the sky. I repeat, any technology sooner or later fails in its work, so sometimes people observe two suns, where one is a hologram, and the second is a burning light bulb.

Now you understand why sometimes there is unbearable heat in the summer? We remember the book of the Apocalypse. God gave the angels of the apocalypse to independently decide the fate of sinners on Earth. Thus, looking at the Earth, the angel responsible for the operation of the sun's bulb simply increases the burning of the lamp over the area where the angel sees the sinners and thus roasts them. After such an angelic treatment of the Earth's surface, low-frequency people, that is, sinners, die.

Why do some lamps closely resemble the shape of stars?

The principle of operation of some stars is similar to the work of the sun. In the night sky in the summer, a hologram of a certain star burns, respectively, so that the summer nights are warm, a light bulb is connected to the hologram of the star, which both shines like a star and warms the Earth.

Now understand the nature of the seasons? The fact that the teachers trained by the Masons are peddling you at school is a complete deception! If you don't want your kids to grow up to be circus trained Masonic dogs, take your kids out of school!

Sky Skeleton

And so, dear reader, I learned that holograms of stars and the sun are broadcast in the sky, and also light bulbs of heavenly bodies are attached to something. That's it to something and there is a skeleton of the Sky.

Why is Sky's skeleton invisible?

This point is important to study and know, because, as people will be able to go beyond the dome of the earth, they will have to face more advanced and incomprehensible things than those that exist on Earth.

The fact is that many technologies of Svarog and the archangels have a high-frequency vibration of their body. That is, the atoms move so fast that the body becomes invisible. This is the secret of the invisibility of the archangels.

There are intermediate technologies that are made from the materials of the Earth, which is why sometimes people fix flying saucers that have lost their invisible protection. Let's just say the invisibility device is broken and people are taking pictures of saucers in the sky.

These facts indicate that the technologies of Svarog and earthly technologies are quite compatible!

Accordingly, if there are light bulbs in the sky, then they must be attached to something. Of course, Heaven has a frame (skeleton). Sky's skeleton has a mesh structure resembling a web. That is, there are points of density and places of emptiness. Of course, the skeleton of the Sky is very limited and does not occupy the entire Sky, otherwise it would be impossible to fly at all. However, the places where rockets and planes crashed are best recorded on a map of the Sky. This will determine the areas where part of the celestial skeleton is possibly located.

If the Sky is a technological development, then it must have repairmen. This is another reason why airships crash. Simply, if a saucer the size of a third of Moscow hovered on the route of the aircraft, this will certainly cause the death of the aircraft.

Therefore, in order to travel safely in the sky, people need appropriate tracking technologies that will help them see invisible objects like a radar.

Since Arkhangelsk technologies are of the nature of high-frequency vibrations, accordingly, radars should be able to determine the nature of high-frequency bodies.

Let me explain with the words of the lad Vyacheslav: As long as scientists study the world without faith in God, they will always come to a standstill and remain a laughingstock, not only with God, but also with people!

All prosperity!

The theory of a dome over the Earth is gaining more and more adherents every day, since if our planet is flat, then it cannot exist without any upper cover. In ancient Greece and Rome, they said that there is an upper lid of the world. In mythology, it is called ether. And many modern researchers are convinced that this surface is a thin gas. Julie Poe, a famous metaphysician, is sure that the dome really exists, and it consists of very dense carbon.

Dome of the Earth from oxygen?

This raises many questions: what is the dome based on, how was it formed, why was it created? Of course, this is not taught in school. Former NASA employees, retired UN specialists, independent researchers who have come to terms with the fact that they are not recognized by the government are talking about the dome over the Earth. Julie Poe is one of them. She is sure that all the answers are in the Old Testament. It says that the Almighty created the sky - it is the firmament. There is water above and below it. Naturally, this is perceived as a metaphor, but what if not? Another myth comes to mind, in which our planet is held by three titans. Here is a metaphor, and Julie believes that three oxygen molecules are powerful deities. This chemical element is the most unique. One hydrogen molecule forms water, two oxygen molecules form gas, and three form ozone.

Julie Poe: four oxygen molecules

Even from the school curriculum, we know that ozone in a state of -90 degrees is at an altitude of 1000 km above sea level. Julie Poe's Earth Dome Hypothesis first made people wonder how many oxygen compounds could be above! Indeed, with the formation of four oxygen molecules, a solid body is already formed. This is the basis, that is, the protection of our planet.

Now let's talk about the industry that is constantly converting the essential chemical element for our existence into carbon dioxide. What happens in this case? It looks like the sky is falling. As a result, glaciers are melting, because this is the only way to restore the balance of oxygen in the world ...

The experiment of reproductive hypnosis, carried out by supporters of the theory of the Flat Earth, at one time, shocked the whole world! Hundreds of thousands of people intuitively believed in the hypothesis that our planet is not spherical, but is covered with a dome, behind which unexplored expanses await us. It says that the government program is a deliberate deception of humanity. The NASA conspiracy is beginning to be confirmed by former employees. There is a sharp increase in interest in the research of the Flat Earth Association. Scientific justifications and facts are called into question. What is the secret of the experiment, and who are these girls who have been behind the dome of the flat Earth? Given the fact that today even many stars are beginning to invest in the development of the hypothesis, we need to go back to 1991 and start all over again ...

What is beyond the dome of the flat earth?

After plunging into a trance, several girls who found themselves behind the dome of the Earth in the world of images (the subconscious) began to share impressions that even a brilliant screenwriter cannot come up with. Oddly enough, they tell about the existence of a certain connection between the lower form of life and the higher one. The following participants complete the story by discussing some of the creators of the alien race. It follows that man is not the final link in the food chain, and people are created by UFOs. As part of the same experiment, they talk about the ability to communicate, about the ether. We have already heard this term from outstanding scientists, modern inventors. For a long time, various discoverers have pointed out that clues come from outer space. Mendeleev had a dream about the table of chemical elements, Einstein found a connection with the ether after an injury, the ancient Egyptians created one of the wonders of the world. How does it all work, and who closed our connection with the creators?

Girls beyond the objective world

Based on the experiment, we can conclude that there really is a dome, and the theory that the planet is spherical was created so that we do not know the truth about our origin and the meaning of life. Apparently, this is not an idea of ​​a UFO, but just people who know more than mere mortals. With the help of hypnosis, the girls who had been above the dome were able to get to the ether and found out that the creator of this communication is not people. That is, they try to contact us, but only a select few manage to do this. Those who do not believe in the scientific facts that they are offered. Recall that Mendeleev in chemistry was a deuce, and Einstein was considered narrow-minded. Surprisingly, a negative attitude towards special people is also the very barrier that does not allow society to get to the truth. Those who have been behind the dome manage to turn the world upside down. Is it worth it to continue to consider that you and I are your form of existence, or is it worth paying more attention to the knowledge that is not being imposed on us, passing off as scientific facts?