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How to learn how to properly and effectively manage a large team? Competent leadership of the women's team. Effective people management

Managing people is a real art. In order to subjugate people to yourself, to force them to do what you want, to direct them into your “channel”, you need to learn some psychological methods of influencing a person. Read this article about 10 ways to manage people and get things done.

How to manage people - 10 ways

Right Look

There is a special look that makes people reckon with you, recognize you as a strong opponent at the subconscious level.

This view can come in handy in any controversial situation, when you want to state that you are worth reckoning with and you make decisions here.

You need to look into the eyes, but not at the surface of the eye, but as if through it, looking into the soul. It turns out a piercing look that declares your decisive attitude. And people feel it.

Energy pause

To get what they want, people sometimes use the tactless questioning method around other people. In private, you would not hesitate to refuse to answer or answer in the negative, but in public you are confused and you can agree or answer so as not to appear greedy, secretive, and so on.

In order not to fall for this bait, you can use the energy pause method. You look into the person's eyes as if you were about to respond. He is preparing to accept your answer, but you do not answer.

You keep looking at him, but you don't say anything. He looks away in confusion, and then you start talking about something else. After such an incident, he will no longer try to force you to answer in public.

Pause and encouragement

Sometimes people try to demand something, relying solely on the intensity of their demand. That is, a person in principle understands that his demand is unfounded, and you understand this.

However, he actively and very emotionally demands something, hoping that you will give in, for fear of conflict. If you support his tone or start to object, the conflict will take place.

Instead, pause and friendly encourage the person to continue the conversation. Feeling support, a person will stop getting excited, will begin to speak more calmly.

But even after that, do not break the silence, nod and encourage him to continue talking. A person will begin to explain, then - to make excuses and, finally, to apologize.

Eye Protection

Of course, some techniques are used not only by you and not only consciously. It happens that people unconsciously feel how to act in order to achieve what they want, and behave that way.

If you notice the gaze of the interlocutor, he may apply some kind of psychological influence to you, whether consciously or not.

Remember: you do not have to play staring with him, accepting the rules of his game. Look into his eyes, smile, making it clear that you noticed his look and you don't care, and look at other objects.

Overcome dislike

Life often confronts us with unpleasant people with whom we simply have to communicate and maintain good relations.

To maintain normal communication or get something from this person, you have to really overcome the dislike for him. And not just pulling on a fake smile, but imbued with sympathy and kindness.

How to do this if you have a scandalous nasty type in front of you?

Imagine him as a small child. If a child behaves badly, then he is angry, unhappy or spoiled. Either way, the environment is to blame.

In principle, this is true, so you are not even fooling yourself. When you see this person as a child, you will not be able to be angry with him, and people always feel kindness and sympathy, and this disarms them.


Many people put pressure on their employees, relatives and friends to get what they want. How it looks from the outside: repeated repetition of the same requirements - sometimes soft, sometimes hard, sometimes persistent and emotional, sometimes unobtrusive.
The person makes you understand that you simply cannot do it differently, he will stand his ground until the very end.

What can be done about it? It helps to call a spade a spade. For example, you can immediately ask a person: “Are you putting pressure on me?”. As a rule, the person then gets lost. Equally important is the ability to firmly say “no”.

The ability to say "no"

You must learn to say "no", it will be very useful in the fight against all sorts of manipulators, among which there may be not only obsessive partners, but also your friends or relatives.

You must learn to say exactly that word - "no". Not “it won’t work,” or “I don’t know,” or “we’ll see,” but a firm “no.”

Don't explain your refusal

This is also a great skill that is acquired with experience. If you refused someone, said your firm “no”, be able to do without explanations and even more so without excuses.

At the same time, you can not feel guilty for the fact that you refuse without explanation. People feel the inner mood, and if you hesitate inside yourself, they will get comments from you and maybe even persuade you.

And again, it's not always worth refusing without explanation, but there are times when it is necessary.

Position without evidence

In negotiations, proof of innocence often plays a negative role. Righteousness is a state that is transmitted at the level of sensations. You feel right and other people agree with you.

If you begin to prove your position with arguments, this can destroy confidence in the rightness.

Let's say you give one argument, and your interlocutor refutes it. If after that you give the second argument, then you agree that the first was unsuccessful, and this is the loss of your positions and unshakable faith in your rightness.

Fix new role

If you enter into some new role - head of department, team captain or some other - you need to immediately fix it, indicating your authority. Do as soon as possible in your new role what you could not do in your old one.

Give some order, make a decision, ask for an answer from subordinates, and so on. The longer you delay entering a new role, the more your rights may be curtailed.

The art of managing people can be useful not only for those who occupy leadership positions at work, but also for everyone who is in contact with society on a daily basis. A simple set of psychological techniques and skills will help you, in case of a dispute, convince your opponent that you are right, avoid conflict, and not succumb to outside provocations.

Psychology is a full-fledged branch of science, in which there is a section that studies the direct and hidden impact on the consciousness of the collective and the individual. In other words, the tactics of controlling a person will give you the opportunity to find harmony with others. She works with almost everyone, regardless of gender, age, social status and views. If you want to learn how to learn how to manage people, then our article is especially for you.

What is manipulation?

Manipulation is the hidden control of the personality, that is, the motivation to make decisions, to perform any actions that are necessary for the manipulator to achieve their own goals (often selfish).

In no case should the victim understand that the thoughts and actions performed under the influence of the "puppeteer" are imposed by someone from the outside. This is the art of managing people. Such a skill provides quite serious opportunities that can be embodied as material or moral satisfaction.

On the one hand, the work of a manipulator is often perceived in the eyes of others as a negative impact, but the coin always has two sides: for example, the reverse in this matter is the manipulation of a teacher or parent in relation to a student or child for educational and educational purposes.

The main difference between manipulation and voluntary choice is the obvious lack of choice. A person does not act in accordance with his own interests, and after realizing the fact of influence, he feels used, which is very unpleasant. But not from birth a person has such a skill.

What you need to know

  1. The human psyche is very individual. If one technique works for one, there is no guarantee that it will work for another. Your skills should be used with care.
  2. Every skill needs to be honed. One should not be satisfied with one theory, practice is necessary in every business, no skill comes from nowhere.
  3. It is possible to influence a person only if he is located towards you.
  4. Before trying to convince the interlocutor of anything, find out as much as possible about him, whether it be his place of work or personal qualities.
  5. You must be sure of your words.

Impact points

  1. Influence on a person through his needs. Each person seeks to satisfy his needs or ambitions, whether it be the need for security, physiology, the desire to occupy a particular position, to receive a certain service. This is often the focus of the manipulator. Mostly this skill is used by the media. The most striking example is advertising on the Internet, on television. The tricks of marketers, the ability to present information correctly, inviting celebrities ... All this makes the masses buy up what is offered from the screens.
  2. Manipulation through weakness. This method implies the skill of playing on human weaknesses, which include self-doubt, stupidity, excitement, curiosity, suggestibility, superstition, fear, and so on.
  3. Guilt management. Often, having committed a small fault, the victim is looking for a way to atone for guilt, which is what the manipulator uses. This skill is most often used by inexperienced manipulators.
  4. Vanity game. Just like self-doubt, self-confidence can also be used: with flattery and approving speeches, the manager achieves his goal.

Masked manipulation

Psychology also shares several main methods of influence, which greatly simplify the achievement of goals in any area of ​​human life: work, social activities, family. The main ones are:

  1. The ability to interest the object of influence. Whether it is a promised service or providing the information a person needs, the main thing is that the motivation is strong enough to induce action. You don't need much skill here. A classic example, which is quite often used in families in relation to children: "let's do the work, and in return you will get candy." This also happens with adults, only a “candy” can be promotion, financial incentives. Psychology is one.
  2. Tricks - methods of manipulation, consisting in setting the controlled in an awkward position. Often this technique is used in disputes, debates.
  3. Managing people under stress. One of the simplest methods that does not require skills in the field of psychology. A person who is in a state of deep depression, fear or stress is easily suggestible. He doesn't care what he believes. The goal of such a person is to cling to at least something. This is often used by scammers. Remember the gypsy fortune-tellers who, seeing that a person is not in the best mood, take advantage of this.

All methods of manipulation are revealed in one way or another through the above basics. Some of them are applicable to the crowd, others are quite suitable for domestic use.

A few more ways

  1. Influence through stereotypes. In this case, the influence is exerted through images rooted in the mind of a person, traditions, elements of mentality.
  2. Attraction is one of the methods that helps to control people even more imperceptibly. Attraction as such is not a method of manipulation. It is only the soil and is to attract the attention of a person, the creation of interest and proper disposition. The psychology of attraction is the desire and ability to achieve positive emotions.
  3. Suggestion. Simply interference in the human psyche. These methods include hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). The impact is mainly on emotions, but this method requires a special skill. This work should be done by a professional who knows exactly how to manage people without harm to mental health.

Otherwise, there are baits that allow the manipulator the opportunity to attract and hold the attention of the controlled or society to a certain part of the whole business, distracting from the main goal. This method can be called almost ideal, because a person, even after the manipulator has received his own, does not notice the influence.

The described techniques are diverse and are suitable for both domestic use and for managing people at work. Managing people is a very useful skill these days. However, it should be remembered that it is advisable to use these methods among the masses only if the points on which you intend to “pressure” are the same for most of the controlled, or at least close. Other methods are suitable only for personal influence at the everyday level, often carried out unconsciously.

In conclusion, it should be said that science does not stand still and develops quite quickly, new information, data, methods on the topic of people management appear, but the main points that exist at the moment and are given above will not lose their relevance over time.

In the process of detailed study of the topic of people management, the books of Paul Ekman are of particular importance. To improve your manipulation skill, start with them.

Only the leader who has certain business, professional, and personal qualities can be successful. All of them together make it possible to optimize business processes, improve productivity, and, if necessary, increase sales. However, knowing how to manage people is no less useful in everyday life. After all, the basic techniques work with every person, regardless of his social status, gender and age.

What should be the leader

A good specialist can only be a person who has a higher education and an expert level of knowledge. Thus, the key skills of a sales manager are, first of all, knowledge of advanced strategies for attracting the target audience and competence in their field of activity. Other qualities will be no less important:

  • erudition, desire for professional growth;
  • the ability to assess the situation critically;
  • search for new methods and forms of work that can improve the efficiency of management decisions;
  • planning, which involves not only managing your own time, but also setting priorities, coordinating work, scheduling for yourself and subordinates.

Creating an image

When shaping the personality of a leader, many aspects must be taken into account. One of them is the image of a business person. Its main components include:

  1. Health, the preservation of which many businessmen forget, and yet a sick person causes only compassion or pity in others.
  2. Appearance, as well as the ability to select high-quality and stylish clothes.
  3. Considering what every leader should be, one cannot but say about good manners. Without them, neither teamwork nor negotiation is complete.
  4. Ability to present information in an accessible and professional manner.
  5. The inner world also influences the effectiveness of managerial decisions. To achieve success, clear civic and moral positions are important, as well as the right attitude to one's place in the world.

Image is a combination of appearance, actions and manners. Emphasizing a respectful, correct attitude towards the interlocutor, you form a stable positive attitude towards yourself.

The personality of the manager is expressed in the ability to treat subordinates, neighbors or even saleswomen as if they were his best business partners. At the same time, it is very important to permanently remove slang words and common expressions from your speech. Accidentally escaping during a business conversation, such phrases can seriously damage the reputation and devalue other personal qualities of a manager.

Business qualities

When studying how to properly manage a team, special attention should be paid to the business features of a person’s character. Some of them are able to compensate for even a rather modest work experience or lack of specialized education. Important personal qualities of a leader, first of all, are the ability to organize the work of subordinates and quickly solve emerging difficulties.

At the same time, the effectiveness of management decisions depends on the systematic approach to work. Every successful leader must perceive the organization as a set of elements interconnected. Each component (people, technology, tasks, organizational structure) is aimed at achieving different goals. Therefore, the key skills of a manager involve the ability to organize work in such a way that all elements work smoothly.

In addition, you need to remember the need to develop the following qualities:

  • the desire to maintain a leadership position in all situations;
  • ambition and the ability to defend one's opinion;
  • also, the effectiveness of managerial decisions largely depends on the ability to win over and convince interlocutors;
  • enterprise;
  • flexibility in solving work problems;
  • strict self-control and restraint;
  • the personality of the leader requires the ability to properly distribute work processes between subordinates;
  • lack of fear of innovation.

Psychological stability and thinking

One of the key characteristics of good managers is mental stability and positive thinking. How to learn to manage people is understood by the person who is not embarrassed by doubts or fears and is not burdened by negative emotions. He is confident in himself, as well as in those goods or services that he needs to sell. The ability to control emotions and a positive mood will help such a leader very quickly convince customers and gain their trust.

An equally important aspect for the effectiveness of management decisions is customer focus and the use of the right strategies when working with them. After all, the number of profitable agreements for the company directly depends on the number of satisfied customers. A good leader is very attentive to people, knows how to listen to them, and also has a subtle instinct.

In addition, it is important that the leader be able to show patience and perseverance in relation to subordinates, partners or clients. However, at the same time, he must be extremely careful so that his actions do not look too intrusive.

The effectiveness of managerial decisions is also not complete without the ability to convince. A good specialist needs to constantly develop this practice, supplementing it with new tools. Understanding the psychological characteristics of a person is of great importance in the implementation of persuasion skills.

Manager's view

There are many techniques that suggest how to manage a team or protect yourself from the manipulation of others. The most useful techniques include:

  • If someone around other people asks a tactless question, you need to look into the eyes of this person as if you want to answer, but at the same time remain silent.
  • The personality of the leader obliges to learn a piercing, decisive look, which makes you reckon with you and, on a subconscious level, see you as a strong person. You need to look into the interlocutor's eyes, but not at their surface, but as if through them, looking straight into the soul.
  • Of course, the methods of how to manage people can be consciously or not also mastered by those around them, wanting to achieve their goals. For example, if a person is staring at you, you do not need to accept his rules of the game. You just need to look him straight in the eyes, and then smile so that he understands that his gaze has been noticed. After that, demonstrate that you don't care by looking away at other objects.

Skills useful in the art of management

  1. If a person actively and emotionally demands something, hoping that you will not want to enter into conflict with him, you do not need to maintain his tone or object. It is enough to pause, kindly encouraging the interlocutor to continue the conversation. Even when he starts to speak more calmly, keep quiet and just nod.
  2. Another technique that improves the effectiveness of managerial decisions is to overcome the negative attitude towards unpleasant people. Even if you have a vile, scandalous person in front of you, then imagine her as a child. Children misbehave when they are spoiled, angry, or unhappy. This will help to feel sympathy for the interlocutor and disarm him.
  3. If a person is pressuring you to understand that it is impossible to avoid his demands, ask directly: “Are you pressuring me?”. After such questions, most opponents become confused.
  4. It is useful for the leader's personality to be able to refuse when subordinates or relatives try to manipulate them. Moreover, in most cases it is necessary to do this without explanations and justifications.
  5. Do not destroy confidence in your rightness with a large number of arguments. For example, if you give an argument, defend it.

And the main thing to remember when entering a leadership position is to fix your new position. For example, do what only leaders are allowed to do: make an important decision, issue an order, or invite subordinates to report. After all, the longer the entry into a new role is delayed, the greater the likelihood that your rights will be limited.

  • Unfair criticism. A person criticizes another for trifles, not for the purpose of resentment, but for the simplest switching of attention. This technique is then used when something “unfavorable” for a person is discussed - criticism.
  • Mirroring. A person evokes sympathy from another. That “other”, in turn, imperceptibly begins to copy every gesture and every movement of the one to whom he has become sympathetic.
  • Self-presentation. A person praises himself, talking about his every positive quality, about his every skill and achievement. He does this in order to achieve the result he aspired to. A good example is an interview.
  • Suggestion. Everything is very simple: a person inspires another, for example, that he is right. When he sees that the other begins to believe in her, he “flares up” with a vocabulary, facts that can strengthen the power of suggestion. The goal that is pursued during suggestion is to dissuade from action or “lead” to the performance of some action.
  • Request. The simplest of management techniques. Its simplicity lies in the fact that it does not require special efforts. A person asks another to do something. In response, he receives either consent or refusal. Purpose: to obtain consent to the execution of the request.

What needs to be done to ensure that the process of managing a person is win-win and successful?

Several tests must be passed:

  • Collect the maximum of any (significant and not significant) information about those people to whom you want to apply management techniques.
  • Arrange "traps" invented for manipulation. A “trap” can only be something that will interest a person very much and will not leave him unattended.
  • Do everything possible and seemingly impossible to make a positive impression on the people who are “expected” by management from you.
  • Prepare yourself for the challenging but rewarding role of a manager. Either unfortunately, or fortunately, the role of the manipulator will not have to be played. You have to get used to it, get used to it, live it.
  • Turn into reality what you have been preparing yourself for a long time. Don't be afraid of the result! You can scare him with your fear. And this is a chance of failure. Don't give the negative a chance!
  • If the negative nevertheless crept in, defeat it by correcting what exactly you were wrong about. Do not forget that many geniuses have learned from their own mistakes.
  • The case that has not been completed (in manipulation), bring it to the end of the logical, so that there are no even the slightest gaps.
  • Beware of the "star" disease: any victory is getting what you want, and not a reason to be conceited. Be yourself, rejoice in victory!
  • Share with your close friends what you have achieved. Share without boasting, from the bottom of your heart.

Keep in mind that not everyone is manipulated.

Those people meet whom it is impossible to control (because of their some characterological features). The easiest way to manage is very insecure people, notorious, who do not love themselves at all. Why? Firstly, such people believe in anything. Secondly, people are the most accommodating. Thirdly, their character is calmer. Such people usually do not contradict, do not object, quickly agree with the opinions of others.

If not only life itself obliges you to manage people, but also a work position, please consider managerial styles, information about which will be useful to you, will become an assistant:

People Management Styles

Liberal management style

Style pros:

  • The team belongs to itself, that is, it can easily disobey its leader.
  • The team has the right to draw up their own plans and rules, and to correct them.

Style cons:

  • The team lacks any organization. It is simply - simply not needed by people.
  • With this style, the team can completely "dissolve" without fear of consequences or punishment.
  • There is absolutely no discipline, because the leader relies on the responsibility of his subordinates.

style with authority

  • There is a lot of discipline. Although it is superfluous, it is better with it than without it.
  • The leader plays the main role. He always helps his subordinates, if something happens, he always tells them how to solve various issues.
  • No idleness at work. Each employee does his job, carefully monitoring the quality of its performance.
  • Everything is “captured” by the leader with such rigor that subordinates shun him, fear him, avoid unnecessary contacts with him.
  • Subordinates do not have the right to their word, to express their personal opinion. If they do, nothing will change.
  • The leader is often unfair with his subordinates, because he feels power over all of them.

Management style with collectivity

Style pros:

  • Colleagues (regardless of their position) are aware of what is happening at work.
  • All questions (even the most insignificant ones) are submitted for general discussion. The decision is also made by the whole team.
  • No subordination is observed, although everyone addresses each other by name and patronymic. And that is out of respect.

Style cons:

  • The significance of the chain "boss - subordinate" is "erased". She just loses all importance.
  • Both bosses and subordinates forget their rights, get confused in them. They all begin to work in a way that is beneficial and convenient for them.
  • Many subordinates, the boss and his instructions, are no longer taken seriously.

People management techniques these are solid tricks of psychology that change everyone who has mastered them (someone for the better, and someone for the opposite). But in any case, these techniques teach a lot (even to those who learn and did not "plan").

Everyone wants to control people, but does not want to be a prisoner of submission. Anyone who has unraveled the secrets of managerial psychology will understand at a glance that attempts were made to manipulate him.

From children's fairy tales and zoology lessons, each of us knows that almost all animals that live and feed in packs have their own leaders. There is always a clear hierarchy in the pack, according to which the leader sets the direction of movement of the entire group, the leader and the strongest individuals receive the best food, while the weaker individuals are content with the remnants. In animals, everything is quite simple - strength and dexterity are the main tools for influencing other individuals from the pack and for moving up the hierarchy ladder. Human society also, in some way, lives according to the laws of the pack - in society there are leaders (leaders) and there are followers. However, the times when the strongest member of the community became the leader are long gone, and now they use mainly psychological methods of management.

Psychology of people management: goals and methods

The psychology of managing people is a full-fledged branch of science that studies the types and methods of psychological influence of a person, methods of direct and covert control of society and individuals, as well as the innate abilities of some people to psychologically influence others. Having mastered the techniques of the psychology of managing people, almost every person will be able to learn how to persuade others to certain actions using psychological methods. Naturally born leaders, who are fluent in the techniques of covert management, can force a large number of people to voluntarily act in their interests.

Depending on the moral qualities and motives of the leader, he uses various methods of people management psychology, which can be figuratively divided into two groups: constructive and destructive. The first group of covert control methods includes all methods of influencing a person that involve mutual benefit for both the leader and the followers, and the second group includes methods of influence used by the leader to achieve only his own selfish goals.

Methods of covert management of people

There are a lot of methods of psychological influence and management, but the following are considered the most commonly used, effective and at the same time quite simple to use:

1. Motivation. A leader who has an idea and ideas about how to bring it to life motivates others to help him in the implementation of this project in exchange for any benefit: material or spiritual. A vivid example of motivation as a psychological method of managing people is the positive experience of entrepreneurs who have achieved success from scratch, inventors who have managed to convince the whole world of the benefits of their inventions, and whose subordinates are always ready to support the leader and are completely devoted to the ideas of the company.

2. Inspiration. This method is similar to the previous one, but its peculiarity lies in the fact that not random people whom the leader managed to motivate become followers, but like-minded people who have views and ideas similar to the leader, but could not bring them to life due to the lack of certain personal qualities or opportunities. This method of management is quite simple, since the leader only needs to inspire followers to work with their own ideas under his leadership.

3. Recognition. This method of people management psychology is based on the need of each person to recognize his indispensability and the importance of the results of his activities. Thanks to others for their support, expressing their sincere appreciation for their help and recognizing their significant achievements in any area, the leader makes the group of others feel like irreplaceable members of the team. Such a technique of hidden psychological control of others can also be called "playing on vanity", because most people are not indifferent to praise and recognition of their achievements, which means that by appreciating the actions of a person, you can thereby stimulate him to further achievements.

4. Manipulation. The psychology of managing people highlights a huge number of methods of manipulation through a variety of emotions and human needs. The simplest and most common methods of manipulation are:

  • Manipulation based on physiological needs - often used in advertising of any goods
  • Manipulation of guilt or duty. The essence of this technique is to convince the opponent that he owes something to the manipulator or harmed him in the past, and now, in order to atone for guilt or repay the debt, the opponent must provide some kind of service
  • Manipulation of love - as a rule, this method of psychological control is used by the closest, and its essence can be described as follows: "if you love me, then you will do me a favor" or "do me this favor, because I love you"
  • Manipulation of resentment, anger, crying - a vivid example of this method of hidden psychological control is the behavior of a child in a store - and act up in the department of toys or sweets and, in order to calm the child, the mother buys him the desired toy
  • Manipulation of hope is a technique that dishonest managers and leaders often use when they convince an employee to do more tasks, work overtime, etc., promising a salary increase, bonus, career advancement, etc. in the future. Briefly, the essence of this people management technique can be described phrase from the famous novel by Ilf and Petrov: "chairs in the morning, and money in the evening", but you can never wait for the promised money.

In addition to relatively simple methods of psychological control of people, there are more complex methods of covert influence developed by experienced psychologists and NLP specialists. These methods involve the use of various techniques, but they all have one thing in common: the beginning of the hidden control of people is the moment when the signals of the manipulator find an emotional and psychological response from the objects of manipulation. Therefore, in order not to succumb to the manipulation of an unscrupulous leader pursuing selfish goals, it is necessary to evaluate all incoming information from the standpoint of common sense, and give it a rational, not an emotional assessment.