Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to properly organize your desktop. Arrange houseplants

It all starts at the workplace.

D. Carnegie

Work begins with the workplace and its organization. There are, of course, exceptions in the form of creative and unique individuals for whom this issue is not so important. But even they have their own system of creative confusion, even if they don't admit it. Most people work at ordinary desks in ordinary office spaces, and the following tips are intended for them.


The right work environment sets the mind to the right rhythm. You do not keep your house in a mess and you know exactly where and what is. It’s the same in the workplace: everything should be there, and nothing superfluous that could distract from the main tasks.

Where does it all start when you first arrive at work? From desktop. And there are usually piles of papers, scattered stationery, mugs, some kind of useless souvenir and dust on the computer. And what will be the internal state behind such a workplace? Unassembled. Of course, you won’t think so, but the subconscious mind has already decided everything. What is the reality around, so are you. And the consciousness picked up this idea, and your mood is gone.

Luke Chapman/

Always keep your desktop in order. Start the day by dusting, adjusting the lights, jotting down useful information on sticky notes, washing your coffee cup, filling yours - get yourself in the working mood. These simple actions will give energy for further work.

An ideal workplace is a tool for work, comfortable lighting, necessary stationery and simple furniture for the worker.

How to work: standing or sitting? You decide. I think that sitting is better, but you definitely need to take breaks: walk, do, breathe fresh air, climb 2-3 floors up the stairs. My work schedule: 45 minutes - task without interruption, 15 minutes break, then 1 hour of continuous work and 15 minutes of rest. This is how the day is structured.

Do not forget about your own locker or archive, as each employee always accumulates his own personal filing cabinet or paper archive. Also in the locker you can store personal items that you would not like to flaunt. Each shelf and cabinet must fulfill its function and not overlap with other elements. So it will be more convenient to work with documents and various accessories.

Electronic document management

Thirdly, do not overload the text of the letter with information that is understandable only to the sender himself. Try to answer briefly and succinctly, weighing every word. In our digital age, this is very important: no one is interested in wading through unique conclusions.

And finally, do not forget about network etiquette: addressing the recipient, writing style, information on the case, contact information. Learn to compose a letter, analyze what you wrote, and the rules of address.

Additional tool

Another thing that helps to make the work more efficient is a marker board. An indispensable tool, especially when the department is working or solving a serious problem with intermediate stages.


In my professional activity, the board has been an indispensable attribute of the working environment. It is also useful in terms of saving paper. You won't believe how many sheets are spent explaining your ideas and solutions.

Through visual thinking (we all have it), people can draw on the board together, explain their thoughts, and come up with better solutions to a problem. Everyone can see and understand everything.

From myself I will add that I am at work. It has a positive effect on my productivity, especially when I have to work with repetitive tasks on the computer or draw up a large package of documents. In general, it is good to start the morning with positive music. But you should not turn it on for everyone, remember: you are not working alone, music will only interfere with someone.

And what additional working tools do you use in your work?

So if your monitor is plastered with “don't forget to do this” reminders, you will absolutely forget to do it. If your desk is a mess, you get less done in a day and get more tired. Therefore, you need to disassemble the table first of all by yourself.

How to organize a workplace

Start with a clean slate

Make it a rule for yourself every time before the start of the working day to remove from the surface of the table all objects with which you do not work. If your work is paper documents, leave only them, and turn off the computer monitor. If a computer, leave only the keyboard, monitor and mouse on the table.

All papers, receipts, folders that you use, God forbid, once a day - remove from your eyes.

Your field of vision should be only what you are working with at the moment. Everything else will just steal your attention.


If you constantly do not have enough space on your desktop, think about how often you use what is on it? Elementary cupholders for pens and paper clips, as it turns out, are needed not on your desk, but near the office MFP. You, in most cases, need one ballpoint pen and then twice a day. Let it lie in the drawer of the nightstand.

Documentation? How often do you look at these tomes? So let them stay in the closet. Yes, they certainly create the look of a busy person. But if you are paid for what you do at work, then you will work more efficiently at a completely empty table.

A simple rule - what you often use, let it lie closer. What you rarely use - let it lie far away.

Speaking of cabinets

How to organize the workplace? If you have a lot of folders with documents, it makes sense for you to think about a normal storage system. Even if you work from home, investing in a small IKEA shelving unit will pay off very quickly in your efficiency.


Not every beautiful desk is comfortable to work with. It should be spacious enough that you can sit behind it with your elbows comfortably apart. It should have enough space for all your materials that you are working with at any given time.

Finally, the table should have drawers for all the items that you use from time to time. The oak dining table and school desk, although they can be given to you for free, do not justify themselves as work tables.

Invest a little in a desk that's right for you.

Switch to digital planners

In the modern world, it is much more convenient to keep diaries and reminders on phones and tablets than to stick everything around with colored reminder sheets. The wonderful Evernote system allows you to store everything electronically - from documents to photos and videos. At the same time, searching by note tags makes all files available to you at any time.

Get everything personal off your desk

It is very touching to keep family photos on the desktop, but for our consciousness, to be honest, it doesn’t matter what we are distracted by - a ballpoint pen lying crookedly or a photo of your children. So while looking at photos of loved ones is important and helpful for work, it needs to be done during your break. Put the photo in a folder on your computer desktop and open it to admire when you have a lunch break.

Clean up your computer desktop

How to organize an effective workplace? Remove all shortcuts that you haven't opened in one week from your desktop. Make a neutral monochrome picture for your desktop. There is nothing worse than trying to type an important letter when your peripheral vision grabs a cat and a label "Farm Frenzy"

Close all social media

At the moment when you are working, you should not just minimize, but close the windows of all notifications and social networks. Otherwise, you will simply earn a neurosis imperceptibly for yourself, trying not to miss anything important.

Remove all plants from the table

Periodically it is useful to look at the ficus-cactus-geranium, if you do it consciously and for a break. While working, you should see the work and nothing else. This way you can get through it much faster.

Don't eat where you work

If you share your work desk and dining table, it will be easier for your brain to focus on work when you are working. And you will eat calmer and better if your lunch is not at a computer or tablet.

Sit comfortably

One last tip: your monitor should be just below your eye level. So that you, sitting with a straight back and a straight neck, see the monitor 10-15 centimeters below the level of your direct gaze

Regardless of where you work, at home or in the office, it is important that you feel comfortable in your workplace. After all, a cozy and attractive office increases productivity and work efficiency. Before we dive into the details, let's look at some things that can improve the working environment.


Ideally, the workplace should have plenty of windows and natural light. However, since this is not always possible, you should try to increase what you have with special lighting.

The lamp should be on a table, but you should also consider using artificial lighting. Chances are you've noticed that you feel less energetic during the winter months, and this is due to lack of sun exposure. The sun boosts your mood and makes you more productive at work. It is also important to get some artificial lighting in the work area, for example, to facilitate reading, writing and other activities.

Good storage solution

A neat and clean work environment is more inspiring than a dirty and sloppy one. So before you start your tasks at the beginning of the day, tidy up your desk, arrange everything the way it should be.

To do this, you need a good place to store your things. Open shelves are great because they store and display all the items that you can then easily get to.

Cabinets and nightstands are perfect for disguising the rest of the items you don't use as often. If you work with documents and files, or if you have a lot of books in the office, then a bookcase is the perfect storage space.

Occupy a separate area for work

Don't mix work with personal life. If you choose to work from home, you must select a space that will only be used for work! It would be great if you could find a separate room for this. Other additional goals will only distract you from work.

Also, having a certain workplace, you can decorate it however you want without worrying about anything else. A person must establish some boundaries between work and personal life. Therefore, when you are at work, you should only think about her, and not about the house.

Tidy up the wires

I think we can all agree that wires can sometimes be annoying with their clutter. We often try to ignore this problem, but this only makes things worse. So try to find a way to put them in order. This problem can be solved in many ways, for example, by tying the wires together.

Get rid of all the cables that get in your way while you work. Also, you can somehow mark, sign or find a creative way to organize them.

Set a comfortable temperature

One important factor is temperature. If you get too hot, you won't be able to focus properly, and if it's too cold, you won't be able to be productive. You must set the temperature to make you feel comfortable. To do this, you can use a fan, heater or air conditioner.

Style personalization

You can add a few details to your workspace to make you more inspired while you work. To do this, you can try to hang a poster. It will boost your mood and productivity. Choose something that can relax you for a while, that will give your brain a rest.

You can also include other elements in the decor. For example, put some personal photos or choose a calendar that you really like to hang on the wall or put on the table. You can also choose a carpet that lifts your mood in the room. In general, there are an infinite number of possibilities to decorate your office!

Comfortable chair and desk

Of course, the most important thing is that the workplace has a comfortable chair and a comfortable table. There are a few details that you should consider before purchasing these.

Comfort seat

  • A comfortable office seat is a good investment. Make sure you know what you are looking for before making a purchase. An excellent chair should have a comfortable back, for example, not to spoil your posture, not to have back pain. It would be very nice if it had breathable fabric.
  • A good seat should also have armrests, although some people don't take this into account. The armrests should be low enough for your shoulders to keep your elbows relaxed and bent at 90 degrees.
  • Any good office seat should have an adjustable height. This allows you to adjust your position when you are sitting at your desk. Your feet should remain on the floor and your hands should be at table level.
  • Sometimes the adjustable back height is neglected. But it is important to have good posture when working (for this you need to adjust the height and angle of the backrest).
  • Speaking of posture, do you know how to sit properly while working? We will tell you. You should sit as close to the table as possible, with a straight posture, not hunched over, and with your hands on the work surface. Your legs should also be bent at the knees at a 90 degree angle. Try to sit in this way, and your back will not know about the pain.

Also, you'd better have a footrest, as this can reduce the pressure on your feet, and consequently the pain at the end of the working day.


  • The choice of table is just as important as the choice of seat. So when you're shopping for furniture for your new office, there are several factors you need to take into account.
  • The mouse and keyboard should be as close to each other as possible. If you have a keyboard shelf, then the mouse should be there too. Make sure the table is at the ideal height. Of course, you can adjust the height of your seat.
  • When placing the monitor on a table, you need to pay attention to a few things. First of all, after you have adjusted the chair, close your eyes. Open your eyes, your gaze should be directed to the center of the screen. If the computer screen is too low, then you can use a stack of books to raise it.
  • After all the important things are properly organized on the table, you need to take care of the little things. On the table should be the items that you really need and so that they can be easily reached. Do not clutter up your workspace with decorative items.

This will help you concentrate better and make your work more productive and efficient. Even if you work from home, then you should take a lunch break or find something that relaxes you from time to time.

Reduce eye strain

You must take care of your eyes, especially if you use your computer for more than 3 or 4 hours a day. Adjust monitor brightness. Do eye exercises!

Set a schedule

Try to be organized. Set an alarm clock with goals for every day.

Start the day with a pleasant activity

Start your day nice. So, when you wake up, do something fun that you enjoy. Have coffee with your partner or friend, listen to music or take your dog for a walk.

Nowadays imagine workplace quite difficult without a computer. Almost any activity in one way or another requires the use of modern gadgets and electronic devices. All of them look quite minimalistic and require a certain environment. It is not difficult to enter computer equipment into high-tech style.

Nowadays, work is closely intertwined with everyday life. Someone takes extracurricular tasks at home, someone is engaged in freelancing. There are people who are comfortable working in a cafe or at home, sitting on the couch. But still, many people prefer to have a stationary and permanent workplace, where all the arrangements are conducive to doing business.

All houses, like their owners, are very different both in style and in character. In this article, you will learn about how to organically arrange a work area in rooms of different stylistic directions . A few simple tips will help you make your own workplace brighter, more comfortable and more functional.

1. Use the walls

The desktop is most often placed near the wall. Use the space around your monitor. Get a pack of cute buttons, pencil glue, and double-sided tape.

Advice: With these simple office supplies, you can conveniently arrange notes, schedules, reminders, postcards and other things that are important to you on the wall. And don't worry about the condition of the wall. If the table with the computer has been standing in this place for 5 years and you have not thought about moving it in the near future, most likely it will remain here. Therefore, small holes from the buttons will be absolutely natural in this area.


2. Lace palette

In case you are still afraid of the first option, proceed as follows: find a piece of lace or other light fabric that matches the size of your work area above the table. Starch the fabric and dry it flat. Now you can attach it to the wall. You have a kind of board. Now, using sewing needles, attach all the leaflets and notes you need to it. The effect is the same, but the wall remains untouched. Plus, it will add a touch of femininity to a strict working atmosphere.


3. Slate board

Can also be hung above the desktop. You can either buy it or make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to have a sheet of plywood and a special paint with a slate effect - all this is sold in a hardware store.

Advice: A slate board can serve as a base for pinning notes with pins, or as a timeless notebook - write on it with chalk, erase and write again. In addition to convenience, it also brings extraordinary pleasure.


4. Hang shelves

Above the desktop, you can also hang one or more shelves. It’s good if they are exactly the same color as the table, or vice versa - radically different. Shelves can have both internal fastening and external, decorative. Here the choice is yours, make it based on the style of your room.


5. Build shelving

With the help of typesetting modules, you can assemble an elementary, but very convenient design around the table. You can use open shelves and shelves with doors, as you wish. If your work area has a lot of storage space, make sure that important and necessary things are diluted with decor.

Advice: Place on each shelf a beautiful object, a figurine, a special box or a flower pot to match the color of the upholstery of the chair. This will bring brightness and enliven the corner.


6. Use furniture organizers

Many manufacturers offer a variety of variations of organizers. Identical cells look especially relevant now. Fill them in the same way as the shelving - diluting in some places with decorative elements.


7. Create a personal archive

If desired, and special pedantry, you can arrange a whole archive. All kinds of drawers, folders, boxes, made in the same color scheme, create a feeling of thoughtfulness and jewelry precision in the arrangement of the workplace. All these containers can be labeled and signed for convenience.


8. Surround yourself with flowers

If you love green plants, this method is for you. Organize a place for pots around the desktop. These can be shelves, a window sill, the surface of the table itself, hanging structures or floor holders. will make your corner cozy, and the air saturated with oxygen.

Advice: The main thing is to make sure that all green spaces have enough solar heat and light. And don't forget to water.


9. Office cabinet

If a free-standing table is not enough for you to store the necessary things, you can place an open closet nearby and place all the important items there.

Advice: Frame the table by the window with bright curtains, thereby separating the workplace from the storage area. Behind textiles, by the way, you can successfully hide not too aesthetic adapters and wires. A small bouquet of flowers will help you keep up your spirits, no matter how hard the work is.


10. Write here, read there

In a large room, two tables can be used for work at once. One, with a computer, can be placed against the wall. And the second, written - in the center of the room. So you delimit the space and be able to properly plan your time. In addition, now you will definitely not sit at the computer all day - get distracted by paperwork and change to another table. This is very convenient - everything is at hand and you will not need to constantly swap documents and keyboards.


11. Mirror reflection

When there is less space than we would like, combine two in one: a desktop and a dressing table. Designate specific drawers for matching items, and attach a beautifully framed mirror to the wall behind the monitor. Now you will have 1000 more opportunities to look in the mirror.


Here are some simple tricks. Almost all of them do not require large investments, and even with a modest budget, you always have the opportunity to change everything for the better. Work should be fun. And this is much easier to achieve if the atmosphere itself already contributes to this.

In order for people to work productively, it is necessary to create suitable working conditions. This should begin at the planning stage of office space, if this is not possible, then attention should be paid to the design of workplaces.

Organization of the workplace: important rules

To properly organize the workplace follow the advice:

    "Quality furniture is worth more than money". If it is not possible to completely update the furniture, do it at least for the departments that work with clients and, of course, for the manager. This will immediately raise the status of your enterprise in the eyes of people and increase your profits accordingly.

    "The table and chair create comfort". Proper selection of this furniture will reduce staff fatigue. Given that everyone is of different heights, it is better to choose chairs with rising seats.

    "Clean table". On the working surface there should not be objects that are not related to work.

    "Everything has its place". All documents, without exception, must have their permanent place. At the end of the working day, be sure to put everything on the shelves.

    "Use Organizers". In order not to clog the workspace, store all small items in a special stand.

    "Clean where they don't litter". The administration should introduce some restrictions in the office, for example, to ban smoking and eating in the offices.

    "Lighting". A sufficient amount of light is a factor that positively affects the comfortable work and health of the employee.

    "Fresh air". Fresh indoor air increases productivity and reduces employee fatigue.

    "Volume". You need to choose the best option for external noise that will not cause discomfort to employees.

    "Ambient temperature". The environment affects the work of the entire team. Try to optimize it so that everyone is happy.

For most of the population, work is an integral part of life.

People get different emotions from labor activity, some brings pleasure and prosperity, but there are those for which hard work. In any case, most of the time a person spends at work, so you need to know how to make your stay as comfortable and successful as possible.

Organization of the workplace: the correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

Lately great meaning when organizing their living space, people give the rules of feng shui. It is this science that optimizes energy flows, which increases the chances of success and prosperity. There is nothing complicated in it, all that is needed is to determine the correct location of the desktop and the items that will be located on it.

Feng Shui Desktop Location: Tips

    Between table and wall the opposite should be enough free space- it denotes your plans for the future. The greater the distance, the higher you can move up the career ladder.

    The table should not stand under the ceiling beams.- they produce destructive energy. If this is not possible, put vases with fresh flowers, they will take away some of the negativity.

    It is forbidden organize workplace on the same line between the window and the door- You will simply be blown away by the flow of energy. Try to rotate the table as much as possible perpendicular to these objects.

    Give up table position to the door face or back the best option diagonally. You will see the door, and your back will be protected from an invisible threat.

    If in the room huge windows, it is better stay away from them. At the energy level, they cause unconscious danger. If there is no chance to change the place, close them with curtains or hang blinds. Additionally, you can decorate the window sills with flowers in pots.

    Don't sit under the air conditioner it can not only cause illness, but it will also blow all thoughts out of your head and interfere with work. If possible, move your desktop to a place that is safe in every way.

    For good and fruitful work there should be a lot of light above the table. An ideal option is a lamp with an ordinary light bulb in a honey or golden shade, it will become your symbol of good luck.

    The workplace should not be reflected in the mirror, it will absorb all your efforts. Even if you like to admire yourself while you work, try to give up this pleasure and sit back from the mirror.

    Chair near the desktop is also of great importance dimensions must be proportional to the table. It is better if there are armrests and a good back - this will give you a feeling of support and support. Do not skimp on a quality chair, it will even add self-confidence.

    For managers the best option would be to place your workplace how can further from the entrance to the office. A different location will negatively affect your career and even reduce your authority in the team. After all, according to the rules of the ancient world, the leader always chooses the best place.

    Subordinates are better off sitting in front of superiors, this will provide him with full protection and support.

When you get a job in a big office, then opportunity to choose a job, no. However, you can still help yourself setting up a personal workplace according to the recommendations of feng shui, which will help neutralize the negative impact from the outside and stabilize the situation.

To have prosperity and success in your career, feng shui rules:

    the best location will be the northern part of the room;

    in the southeastern part, put a "money tree";

    hang an image of a turtle behind your back;

    the table lamp should be red.

We figured out the arrangement of furniture, now we will add everything the correct position of objects in the workplace. This will become a certain talisman for achieving even greater success in work and harmony in relations with colleagues.

If your desk looks like a mini junkyard, don't count on a successful career. Feng Shui means perfect order, because without it, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely. To do this, you need to put everything in its place, select a drawer or cabinet for this. The first thing to do is use "bagua" - energy card, which divides any space into 9 parts, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​life. Ask yourself what is the most important thing in life for you and, based on the answer, organize your workplace in accordance with your preferences.

Arrangement of objects on the table according to Feng Shui:

    Place a lighting fixture in the far left corner. This place is responsible for financial well-being.

    Put a photo in the middle left your loved ones or a talisman that is associated with family happiness.

    Store books on the front left or other items to record. Add here some blue object to stimulate your cognition.

    The area at the back in the center is responsible for the reputation. Place a red lamp or your awards in this place.

    In the middle in the center - a place of health. Try to always keep it spotlessly clean, it is better if there are flowers here.

    Front in the center - a place of career. There must be a computer. A screensaver that shows the ocean or a waterfall symbolizes money.

    Rear right - relationship zone. Post a photo of your loved one here, if there is none, then a red flower to attract love.

    Middle right - creative zone. Place magazines or any metal objects made of iron in this place.

    Place front right customer phone lists.

    Crystal pyramid in the southern part will be your assistant in overcoming all difficulties on the way to promotion.

    Success in negotiations will provide four-armed Ganesha. Its best location is on your right hand, contact it from time to time and stroke it.

    There are others talismans appropriate on the table that are responsible for material abundance are the three-legged toad, the money tree and Chinese coins. The main thing to remember is that the last item should be hidden from prying eyes, put them under the keyboard.

Making it right soon you notice positive changes at work. Relationships with colleagues and superiors will change. The manager will begin to notice your merit and colleagues' knowledge.