Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How teleportation works. This is a complete shock! They hide from us that teleportation is possible! Reverend Mary and teleportation

Stories of instantaneous movement in time or space are practically not considered by official historical science, orthodox historians consider it unscientific, closing their eyes, but the fact that such cases are recorded in historical documents that do not raise doubts about their authenticity. And if historians still talk about movements in space (for example, about the sensational movement of the destroyer Eldridge in 1943), then they don’t want to hear about the movement of people in time.

There are a lot of such facts recorded, in some cases there is a suspicion of the mental inferiority of the participants in the movements, so we will only touch on those cases where the healthy psyche of the victims is beyond doubt.

For example, in the late 80s - early 90s. of the last century, the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wen Po wrote several times about the unusual fate of a boy named Yung Li Cheng. In 1987, a boy was brought to Hong Kong psychiatrists, claiming that he "came from another time", judging by his stories - from the past. The boy was examined in various ways: both on a lie detector and interrogated under hypnosis. The result of the study greatly confused a lot of people - the “newcomer” spoke excellently in ancient Chinese, knew the biographies of long-dead celebrities well, was well versed in the history of ancient China and Japan beyond his years, spoke in detail about many events that are currently or not at all remembered, or only a very limited number of historians, highly specialized in certain periods or events, knew about them.

When the boy was found, he was not dressed like modern children - the way the inhabitants of ancient China dressed. One would think that his appearance was either a well-planned provocation by some powerful organization (for example, a television company) seeking to get a sensation, or ... Or you had to admit that he was actually an alien, especially considering that he was wearing clothes not from modern fabrics, and in excellent condition. It was, of course, difficult to believe that he was an alien from the past, especially since the boy himself categorically did not understand how he got into the modern city of Hong Kong.

The historian Ying Ying Shao decided to check the boy's story and delved into the study of ancient books stored in various temples. In one of the manuscripts, his attention was drawn to stories that were almost identical to the oral retellings of Yung Lee. All dates, names of places and names of specific people coincided.

In another manuscript, the historian came across a record about the place and date of birth of a certain boy with the same name - Yung Li Cheng, who “... disappeared for ten years and reappeared crazy, claimed to have been in 1987 according to the Christian chronology, saw huge birds, big magic mirrors, boxes that reach the clouds, colorful lights that go on and off, wide streets adorned with marble that rode in a long snake that crawls with monstrous speed. Declared insane and died three weeks later ... "

Ying Ying Shao was almost sure that it was about "his boy", but in order to be fully convinced of the amazing discovery, it was necessary to talk with Yung Li Cheng again. However, the historian failed to do this - already in May 1988, having spent only a year in our time, the alien boy suddenly disappeared for everyone and no one saw him again. Incredibly upset and annoyed, Ying Ying Shao again sat down at the books - what if he again attacks some trail? Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything else. Probably, the story of "that" Jung Li Cheng, from the past, who went crazy, ends here. Although it may be different: he did not die "for real", but simply disappeared again for his contemporaries and ended up in some other time.

One Russian researcher who worked with the problems of time drew attention to this case, having read about it in No. 11 of the Centaur Crossing magazine for 1997. I read it, sensibly thought that it was very problematic to check this story without knowledge of the ancient Chinese language, but I thought about it. He was hooked in this story by the date - May 1998. The researcher looked up old records in laboratory journals and found that it was in May 1988, when experiments were actively carried out with devices that affect the course of subjective physical time, a strange malfunction was recorded, which neither then nor now Soviet scientists could explain. They could not find the cause of the failure - a sharp acceleration of the speed of time - at home, i.e. she did not hide in the operation of the instruments. Even then, it was suggested that the cause should be looked for somewhere on the side. But where? In addition, if such reasons exist, then there should have been many such “failures”, because there are not so few cases of loss and transfer in time in historical documents.

They began to record such events since antiquity. For example, in the writings of Plato (5-4 centuries BC) there is such a strange fragment: a certain warrior, dying on the battlefield at Plataea, felt an unusual clearing of memory. What is called, “everything that was not with me, I remember”: his thoughts suddenly turned half a century ago, when he was not yet in the world. But he seemed to remember that he had been killed in battle with the Persians. In his memory, in all details, it was as if the skirmish with the enemy, which had ended shortly before the battle, ended in victory for the Greeks, was resurrected. This warrior managed to kill the enemy leader, whose shield, decorated with the appropriate inscription, was, according to tradition, hung by him in a nearby temple.

It is not clear from Plato's text whether the warrior was killed in that battle or somehow fell fifty years into the past, and that the battle mentioned at the very beginning is actually in the future for him. When the words of the dying man were checked for the second time, writes Plato, it turned out that in the place indicated by him, on one of the columns of the temple, there actually hangs a shield, on the reverse side of which was the inscription mentioned by the warrior. W. Bitner also wrote about this story in 1907 in his book “The Mysterious Region”, published in St. Petersburg. What is this? Paradoxes of reincarnation or time travel?

Another most mysterious case of possible time travel concerns the famous Kaspar Hauser, a mysterious young man discovered by the Nuremberg police in May 1828. He was strangely dressed, saw perfectly in the dark, had traces of vaccinations, a scent better than a dog's, but did not know what it was. milk, fire and distance to the object. The authorities conducted the most thorough investigation, sent portraits all over Europe, filed a file for 49 volumes, but did not establish the place where this young man came from. This man died very soon under very strange circumstances, it seems that he was killed. Only one thing can be said about him: before he came to Germany at the beginning of the 19th century, he lived in a world completely different from that era. In those same years, a version arose that he was the Crown Prince of Baden, forcibly removed from the throne and placed in prison as a child. However, a genetic examination carried out in our time showed that he was neither the son of a Baden margravine, nor even a relative of this family name.

Another incident with the appearance of a strange man occurred not so far from Baku, in the North Caucasus in 1942. The man was walking along the road and, seeing a column of Soviet troops, he rushed to run, but was caught. He looked, as we would now say, the result of the work of genetic engineers - his body was covered with abundant hair. They tried to interrogate him, but the detainee was more shocked by what was happening than the Soviet soldiers who detained him. The hairy man was shot on the spot as a German spy. The descendants learned about this case thanks to the memoirs of a military doctor who examined the body after the execution.

An even more curious case, described by A. Kuzovkin and N. Nepomnyashchiy in the Phenomenalnoye magazine for 1991, also occurred in Japan in 1954, when, after popular unrest, during the introduction of passport control, one strange citizen was detained. His passport aroused great interest, first among the police, then among journalists, because it was issued by ... a non-existent state called Tuared. On this occasion, a press conference was convened, at which the indignant "Tuared" claimed that his country was not non-existent at all, but was located in Africa between Mauritania and French Sudan (not to be confused with the more eastern Sudan). The man was shocked when he was shown a map where Algiers was located on the site of most of the Tuareda.

It is interesting that the Tuareg people live in the area that the unknown person was talking about - the name is almost similar, it differs by only one letter. A much bigger difference was that these same Tuareg never had state sovereignty. So where did that "Tuared" come from? From the future, where the name of the Tuareg changed a little and they created their own state, or from a parallel world in general, where everything was in order with their statehood from the very beginning?

The 1998 magazine The World of the Unknown describes the story of an Englishman, Peter Williams, who was struck by lightning in his own garden. Waking up in a completely different place, he found that he had been burned and his trousers were burned. After reaching the nearest hospital, he received medical attention. After lying in the hospital for two days, he asked one of the patients to lend him his trousers and went for a walk. Leaving the hospital grounds, Peter suddenly found himself ... in his own garden. Deciding that all these movements in space, which he did not realize, were the result of a shell shock after a lightning strike, he went to the hospital to give his pants and thank him for the medical help. Imagine his surprise when he was not recognized in the hospital, and the doctor who assisted him looked very old. The patient who had borrowed the trousers was not there either. The doctor, to whom he showed the trousers, replied that although they were new, they had long gone out of fashion, it was unlikely that anyone could lend them to him. It was something to go crazy! Peter went to the factory where, according to the label, these pants were made. There he was told that the factory had not made such trousers for a long time, for twenty years already. Then, not calming down, Peter turned to the scientists. The British parapsychologist Thomas S. Battersby, having become interested in this case and having conducted appropriate studies of the psyche of Williams, came to the conclusion that he did not lie.

It is worth mentioning one more case, documented and having several witnesses. It was described in the magazine "Anomaly" (No. 4) for 1998. In the summer of 1912, on an express train from London to Glasgow, a Scotland Yard inspector (!) And a young nurse rode in one of the compartments. Suddenly, out of thin air, a heart-rendingly screaming, frightened elderly man appeared on the seat by the window. His hair was braided into a short pigtail, on his feet were boots with large buckles, and on his head was an old cocked hat. In one hand he held a long whip, and in the other a bitten piece of bread. He seemed to speak English, but he used old words, long out of use. The inspector and the nurse began to reassure the man, asking him who he was and where he came from, although they themselves had to be reassured - not every one of the air suddenly appears people. The man, sobbing, shouted that he was from a local village, was riding in a wagon and did not understand where he was and, most importantly, how he got here. At that moment, he looked out the window and saw the locomotive, because the train was turning at that moment. This sight frightened the "alien" even more, and he tried to open the window to jump out. Fearing for his life, the inspector ran after the conductor, but while he was running, the man disappeared. In the compartment were only his cocked hat, whip and a nurse in a deep faint. The window was still closed. Having opened it, the inspector and the conductor looked out, but there was no one on the well-visible embankment.

The inspector was so excited about this event that he began an investigation. To begin with, I took the scourge and hat to the historians. They issued a conclusion that these things absolutely unequivocally belong to the second half of the 18th century. The archive staff confirmed that as early as the beginning of the 19th century. near the place where the stranger materialized out of thin air was indeed the village mentioned by the driver. Further, everything was even more surprising: in the church books, the venerable pastor found records of the dead 150 years ago. Next to the record of the death of a certain man was a marginal note that the deceased had experienced an implausible story in his time. One night, returning home, he saw right in front of his horse "a devilish carriage, huge and long, like a snake, bursting with fire and smoke." Then he inexplicably ended up inside the "devil's crew." There were people in strange clothes - none other than servants of the devil. After earnestly praying for salvation, the unfortunate man suddenly found himself in a roadside ditch, and the horses and carts disappeared. When he got home, the man learned that shortly before his return, a neighbor had brought his horse, which he had found a few miles from the village. According to the villagers, the man went crazy and constantly talked about the "devil's carriage", indignant that no one believed him. Evidence of this incredible incident is a cocked hat, which is still kept in the museum of the British Royal Metapsychic Society. Beach, however, was lost.

As you can see, there are many similar stories. Only in the archives of the mentioned British Royal Metapsychic Society, founded one hundred and fifty years ago, there is a description of almost two hundred documented cases of the penetration of the past and the future into the present. True, there are more visits from the past, because it is more difficult to fix the penetration of the future into the present. The following regularity is also deduced: almost all the "newcomers" from the past had a hard time enduring the "journey" incomprehensible to them and ended their lives in a psychiatric hospital or in prison. "Aliens" from the future were far more relaxed about time travel, apparently because knowledge about the properties of time was not sealed for them. Knowing what awaited them, they both adapted and disguised themselves more skillfully. We cannot exclude the possibility that the movements for them were not a surprise, but simply a sort of "tourism". Perhaps some of them returned. So one can only guess how many there were at all.

As for instantaneous movements in space, there is even a special term for such cases - teleportation. It was introduced by Charles Fort in order to characterize the movement of people and objects without the use of visible physical force. The facts describing teleportation have accumulated in history no less than cases of transition in time. We will touch again only those cases that are documented and have witnesses.

One of the most interesting occurred in the 16th century. in present-day Mexico. It is described in Spanish sources, and not just memoirs, but in legal ones. These records were found by astronomer and writer Maurice K. Jessup, one of the first to study UFOs. The records dealt with the trial of the Inquisition over a Spanish mercenary who unexpectedly appeared on October 25, 1593 in the city of Mexico City, although his regiment was quartered fourteen thousand kilometers from this city - in the Philippines. He denied the complicity of the devil and claimed that a few moments before his appearance in Mexico City he was on duty at the palace of the governor in Manila, who had just been treacherously murdered. How the soldier appeared in Mexico City, he had no idea. The soldier, of course, was burned - and how, apart from the intrigues of the devil, can such a wonderful movement be explained? When a ship from the Philippines arrived a few months later, the information about the assassination of the governor was confirmed. Other details of the soldier's story also coincided. After this incident, the Inquisition only became more convinced that the unfortunate man had sold his soul to the devil.

In 1962, in his book The Silent Road, the late Major Wellesley Tudor Pole, considered an expert in black magic, described a teleportation incident that occurred directly to him in 1952. He got off the train at a station about a mile and a half from his home in Sussex. The major was nervous: the train from London arrived late, the bus to Sussex had already left, it was pouring rain, and there was still no taxi. At six o'clock in the evening the Major was supposed to receive a call from abroad, it was a very important call, and the clock was already one minute to six. “The situation seemed hopeless,” Tudor wrote. - And it was quite bad that the telephone at the station did not work due to damage to the line. In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station clock. Considering that at the station the clocks always go a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, that is, there were still three minutes left until 18.00. What happened next, I can't explain. When I came to, I was standing in the hall of my house, which was a good twenty minutes' walk away. At this time, the clock began to strike six. A minute later, the telephone rang. After I finished my conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and my clothes were also completely dry.

It can be assumed that the major somehow mysteriously transferred to his home, because. it was absolutely necessary for him to answer the call. However, he made no effort to do so. This begs the question: if in the case of Pole the teleportation was the result of his ardent desire to be home on time, then maybe in other cases it can be due to an effort of will? And such stories are known, especially in cases with spiritualists, mediums, etc., for example, with the medium Mrs. Guppy, who in his time caused a lot of ridicule. On June 3, 1871, she, weighing, by the way, about a centner, was instantly transferred from her London home, located in Highbury, to a house on Conduit Street, located three miles away. The ridicule was caused by the fact that she "landed" in a frank negligee right on the table at the time of the séance. As she later explained, she really wanted to be present at this session.

Another teleportation episode is literally a feat performed by a Christian mystic. It happened in the 17th century. Spain, in the monastery of Jesus in Agred, with the Reverend Mary, who never left her haven, but between 1620 and 1631, according to official data, made more than five hundred journeys to America, where she converted the Yuma Indians in the state of New to Christianity. -Mexico. The fact of these amazing journeys was not immediately recognized. The Catholic authorities, having repeatedly encountered people who were prone to religious hysteria and claimed that they had done something incredible, tried in every possible way to force Sister Mary to give up claims that she really made her transatlantic “flights”. However, they were forced to admit that the “flights” really took place - after in 1622 Father Alonso de Benavidez from the Isolito mission in New Mexico, in a letter to Pope Urban VIII and King Philip IV of Spain, asked to explain who managed to convert the Indians before him the Yuma tribe to the Christian faith? “The Indians claimed,” the missionary wrote, “that they owe their acquaintance with Christianity to a woman in blue—a European nun who left them crosses, a rosary, and a chalice that they used when they celebrated Mass.” Later it was found that this chalice belonged to the monastery in Agred. Father Benavidez learned about the Reverend Mary and her missionary exploits only in 1630, when he returned to Spain.

Having received permission to visit the monastery, he questioned Sister Mary with all diligence and received from her detailed accounts of visits to the Indians and a detailed description of their clothes and customs. Sister Maria even kept a diary of her travels, where she described everything, including her vision of the Earth in the form of a ball rotating on its axis, which in those days was considered heresy. She then burned the diary on the advice of her confessor.

In The Life of St. Mary of Agreda, James A. Carrico wrote: “The fact that Sister Mary did visit America many times is confirmed by the documents of the Spanish conquistadors, French explorers and absolutely identical stories of various Indian tribes living many miles apart from each other. In any fundamental book on the history of the southwestern part of the United States, one can find a mention of this mystical phenomenon, unprecedented in the history of the world.

Sudden teleportation very often turns out to be associated with UFO activity, about which a lot of evidence has appeared in recent decades. Many of these are given in John Keel's Our Visited Planet (1971). For example, the case of Geraldo Vidal is described, who in May 1968 in Argentina was driving with his wife in the Bahia Blanca region. Out of the blue, and with no idea how it happened, they ended up in Mexico, thousands of miles away. The only sign that something incomprehensible had happened to them was the scorched body of their car. Another case was described by Clarke and Coleman in the book Unidentified. It happened to José Antonio da Silva, who, on May 9, 1969, was in Bebedora, and four days later suddenly found himself at a distance of eight hundred kilometers near the city of Vitoria in Brazil, in a state of shock, in torn clothes. Da Silva said that he was captivated by beings 120 centimeters tall, transferred to another planet, and then, four days later, returned to Earth. The story sounded fantastic, but like so many other similar incidents, this case was thoroughly investigated, and there was no doubt that Da Silva believed what he said.

A characteristic feature of all cases of teleportation associated with UFOs is the return of the victim back, but in a state of shock, trance and partial amnesia, which completely coincides with the ancient stories about the abduction of people by fairies. In ancient times, no one doubted the existence of occult forces. If we analyze all these fabulous stories about witches, sorcerers and all-powerful magicians, who moved in time and space in the blink of an eye, about fairies kidnapping people, then we can conclude that they actually could have taken place, as they are taking place now .

And although these phenomena are not recognized by official science, they, nevertheless, happen every now and then, but instead of flying venerable virgins and carrying multi-ton stone columns through the air, we hear about flying cars or about a couple who do not understand anything, which ends up in Mexico at that time. the time when she was supposed to be in Argentina. On our planet, there are some phenomena incomprehensible to our mind, and it would be a great stupidity to dismiss them and pretend that nothing is happening, as modern scientists do. What forces control these phenomena - good or evil - we do not know. But in one of the notes of St. Mary there is a detail that can answer this question. Just as in folklore, where travelers to the realm of the fairies are warned not to accept gifts from them, not to eat their food and not desire their women, Mary was instructed by the Lord that she, without his will, “not in her thoughts , neither by word nor deed showed her desire and did not touch anything.

This technique will open a new world for you, where there are no usual laws of nature! You can learn how to teleport and be in different places instantly!

Our imagination speaks the truth!

The phenomenon of teleportation¹ has always lived in people, mostly like a fairy tale. In ancient legends, heroes were described who had the ability to move in one second over vast distances.

What is it: just fantasy or memory? The fact that these legends are found in completely different cultures, unrelated to each other, suggests that once people were able to teleport!

In the same way, there is now evidence that some masters, such as Indian yogis and Tibetan masters, can do it!

In fact, this ability to teleport is inherent in everyone, people just forgot about it. This was largely due to the fact that teleportation requires a very high level of internal energy² and a well-trained mind.

At the present time, old knowledge is beginning to wake up, and now you are reading an article that outlines one of the ways in which you will discover a unique technique for moving in space!

It must be said right away that teleportation is developed with long practice. Some people have been working on it for years. It is necessary to make your will³ pure, and your thought absolute. You can find the necessary practices on our website.

When you can learn how to teleport even over short distances, you will realize the real power!

How to learn teleportation? Technics

The bottom line is that our reality is made up of many different sub-realities.

Having learned to move between different realities at your own will, you will be able to dematerialize your material body and “collect” its original appearance in another place, without paying attention to the usual laws of physics!

You will discover physics of a new order!

1. The practitioner starts the session in a darkened room. He sits down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body and face.

2. Soon the person will feel an immersion in a relaxed state of consciousness. He focuses on the process of his breathing, his feeling: an even deeper trance will arise.

3. Now the practitioner visualizes a place that he knows well and that is not far away: for example, the next room.

4. It is necessary to create the effect of "full presence". For this, you need good development and.

A person is completely immersed in an imaginary picture, he feels the hardness of the wall, the smell, all the sensations. The mind must believe that it is there!

5. Then the practitioner makes himself want to be in this room. The desire must be very strong, complete, as if everything depends on it!

He creates the belief that his material body is dissolving here and now, becoming pure energy and taking shape in the right place.

Gradually, after a lot of training, you will be able to believe in your feelings, and they really will arise! You will begin to feel how the body begins to "dissolve" in space, to become incorporeal!

This can be accompanied by a feeling of great pleasure, the main thing here is to maintain awareness and “gather” in the intended place.

When you learn to move short distances, you need to gradually increase them: incarnate on another street, in another city.

You need to know the place to which you will move: the technique of moving in space is based on the exact detailing of the terrain. Gradually, the power of your superpower will increase, and you will be able to teleport to much more remote places - for example, the place of your past vacation in another country.

You need to do no more than 45 minutes a day. In order to learn teleportation, you need to perform the exercise every second day.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation - a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (

What is teleportation? The word is a mixture of the Greek tele (-far) and the Latin portare (-to carry).

I like the movie Teleport. Haven't reviewed it for a long time. Usually it is this spatial movement that is called teleportation. Is teleportation possible in this form?

In academic science, there is only one term associated with teleportation - this is quantum teleportation. Of course, scientists and philosophers consider theories about wormholes, parallel worlds and spaces, and so on. But I'm only interested in theories that have been confirmed by experience, or a good theoretical justification, which can become a real basis for technical implementation.

quantum teleportation

The essence of the phenomenon of quantum teleportation (briefly, further CT) in that we do not transmit energy or matter over a distance. There is only information transfer. And it does not contradict any hitherto known principles.

It remains to be seen how the possibility of information teleportation is combined with the principle of locality, according to which only its close environment can influence the state of an object.

The transfer of information using QD requires the transport of quantum objects (one of a pair of quantum-entangled particles) and additional transfer of information by conventional communication channels.

Therefore, CT does not even pretend to be an instantaneous communication channel (null transmitter).

Data transmission in space

There are well-known problems with communication with satellites remote in space. Signals propagate at the speed of light, therefore communication delays even with the Moon are several seconds (at least the signal must reach the Moon and then return some response).

And if we take Mars, for which various missions are now preparing, then the time of the signal from the Earth on the way will depend on the relative position of the planets and can reach tens of minutes.

In this regard, in our time, an autonomous spacecraft must itself make decisions on the spot.

Perhaps someday the use of CT for null communication will become a reality. Theoretically, the device can fly away with a "reserve" of bound particles, which it will use as needed. And there is some way to replenish them.

I will return to this topic (zero connection) later.


So far, physicists do not see opportunities for teleportation. Why? At least for the simple reason that there are no prerequisites to make changes to the principle of conservation of energy. The principle was introduced empirically, therefore, perhaps, physicists still lose sight of something :), and the law may not be observed under some conditions. Who knows?

We cannot "delete" an object at one point in space and insert it elsewhere. All "transformations" of an object must be smoothly connected to each other. A transmission channel is required.


Let's see what the alternatives are. The first idea, which is also present in fiction, is copying.


The teleportation object is scanned at the point BUT, and at the point B a full copy is created. What to do with a prototype? Apparently, the prototype will have to be disposed of.

Imagine a kind of bio-printer with a shredder :).

The task of scanning and copying is very complex. It can be simplified, taking into account that some parts of the object require more accurate reproduction, and some do not. For example, copying the lunch that is digested inside your digestive tract is an unaffordable luxury. And copying pathologies, acquired mutations, defects is generally stupid. You need to copy the brain of the object, the rest needs only to be reconstructed.

Consciousness and container

What is our sense of presence at this point, here and now? This is just a set of impulses from our "biological sensors" to the processing center of these sensors - the brain.

Our consciousness is formed by the brain, the rest of the body is a container, a shell for our nerve center. If it is possible to separate the functioning brain from the shell, and then create a mechanism for remote “connection” to the synthetic shell, then switching between carriers will be perceived as “teleportation of consciousness”.

Coming back to earth

Returning from "heaven to earth", it is interesting to look at what stage the required technologies are for creating alternative teleportation.

Null bond

As for the null link, which is required for fast data transmission over cosmic distances, fundamental physics says that this is possible.

Bio scanner, printer, shredder

Subatomic scanning particle by particle with the creation of a copy is not yet a feasible task. In general, this is a subject for a separate flight of fancy.

There are several difficulties here, and not only technical ones. I have already mentioned at least one thing - the “prototype problem” - where to put it then? The second problem is the definition of scanning speed. How quickly do you need to analyze the prototype so that the vital activity of the object does not affect this process? Given the subatomic nature of this process, the times can be pico and even femtosecond ranges.

But compared to the subsequent task of creating a copy, scanning is child's play.

Perhaps I am overcomplicating the task, and it is enough just to scan the positions of the cells of the body. How the brain works is not entirely clear. How detailed should it be “photographed” in order to be able to copy the person imprinted in it?

Cyber ​​container

Imagine a bunker where the brain is stored. Nothing superfluous - only the brain, without the usual biological container. And the containers that are remotely controlled by the brain are somewhere far away.

We need at least two technologies - brain life support systems and an interface for connecting to living brain cells.

Elon Musk recently created Neuralink. He is going to create technology that will allow people to connect their brains to a computer.

The teleportation was confirmed, and it caused a lot of speculation. What types is it, what is its mechanics? Learn more about it!

Does teleportation exist?

Teleportation¹ is a general name for processes in which an object moves from one place to another, in a very short period of time (almost instantly), without existing at intermediate points in between, using technological methods or paranormal phenomena.

Teleportation is studied by science and described in science fiction; the possibility of overcoming a huge distance in an instant has always attracted people due to the strength and convenience, and the simultaneous mystery of the phenomenon.

This article describes several theoretical points of view on what teleportation is.

In fact, the possibility of teleportation has already been scientifically confirmed: quantum teleportation has been confirmed in the laboratory.

In 2004, single quanta were teleported². It would seem that this does not change much in material life, but it gives a great reserve for the future: all matter consists of quanta and other subatomic particles; if you find a way, you can also move more voluminous and complex things.

This idea captured the minds of many scientists, who began to create theoretical justifications for how material things and living beings (including humans) can move instantly.

The research of scientists has led to the fact that teleportation is of different types; a classification has been proposed.

In terms of speed:

  • instant teleportation;
  • instant teleportation.

According to the method of physical implementation:

  • quantum teleportation;
  • hole teleportation.

According to the simultaneity of moving parts:

  • sequential teleportation;
  • bulk teleportation.

What is sequential teleportation?

This method of teleportation is based on moving along a certain communication channel with the simultaneous "destruction" of an object on the transmitter side and recreating it on the receiver side.

This idea has created several fundamental questions among the scientific community:

1. The need for the most accurate detailing of the subject for its safe transportation up to the atomic structure.

Even the most superficial knowledge in the field of physics is enough to appreciate the complexity of the implementation of this engineering task. The transmission of such large amounts of information may be accompanied by errors. From the point of view of the law of thermodynamics, this method is practically not realizable.

Although, on this basis, 3d printers operate to “print” solid objects according to patterns stored in the computer’s memory.

2. The same applies to the movement of animate objects, in particular, people. In this case, the problems get worse.

Mankind has not fully understood what life, mind and consciousness are, has not resolved the question of what the soul is; how to teleport a person in this case? What will "get together" in the end? The same person or another with external identity? Or just a dead body?

Accordingly, with this method, questions of an ethical, philosophical and theological nature arise: the “destruction” of the body at the point of departure can be regarded as murder, and its re-creation in another - as resurrection.

Features of volumetric teleportation

The situation with volumetric teleportation is somewhat simpler compared to the previous paragraph. Its idea is reduced to a "puncture" of space-time with the transfer of matter through this puncture. Some researchers believe that black holes are needed for such teleportation.

1. This type of teleportation looks quite scientific and does not contradict the general theory of relativity: it allows the existence and artificial creation of such "punctures" (wormholes, wormholes).

2. But there is a serious obstacle, and it lies in the fact that teleportation occurs instantly, that is, faster than the speed of light, which is in conflict with the theory of relativity.

Combining space: the most understandable way

The combination of space is an intuitive form of teleportation. It can be thought of simply as a gate leading to another place. For all its ease of understanding, this type also comes into conflict with the theory of relativity.

They boil down to the fact that in this case a person or a physical object falls into completely different conditions, including atmospheric ones: a difference in pressure, the magnetic attraction of the planet, etc.

The body will not be able to reconfigure, which will lead to malfunctions in internal work.

Perhaps the creation of a kind of pressure chambers when moving can solve this dilemma.

It must also be said that scientists consider teleportation as a technological process, omitting the psychological aspect.

A person has an unrealized potential: his brain works at only 3-5 percent. Now civilization is going through a qualitatively new stage of development, in which the superpowers of people hidden in.

Teleportation can be carried out using the power of consciousness and psychic energy of a person. Of course, you need to train for this, but it's real!

On our site you can find the necessary techniques and materials that will help you master teleportation!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation - a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (Wikipedia).

² Quantum - an indivisible portion of any quantity in physics; the general name for certain portions of energy ( energy quantum), moment of momentum (angular momentum), its projection and other quantities that characterize the physical properties of micro- (quantum) systems (

Even in the first century BC, paranormal phenomena occurred with various people and objects. Many scientists have devoted their entire lives to studying these phenomena. The famous American researcher Charles Fort first coined the term "teleportation" in 1931 to describe certain paranormal events and phenomena. By this definition, he understood the movement of objects and people in time and space. Is it really possible? Has human teleportation been proven? How to learn to move in time? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

First teleportation

As mentioned earlier, as early as the first century BC, paranormal phenomena called teleportation were noticed. This happened, for example, with the famous scientific philosopher - Apollonius (1st century BC). Flavius ​​Domitian - the Roman emperor - tried him for sorcery and magic, when he at one moment evaporated from the courtroom and found himself on the other side of the world. And such disappearances were not uncommon. Prisoners disappeared in many prisons, with no signs of escape to be seen.

Experiments of Nikola Tesla

N. Tesla is a Serbian scientist and inventor in the field of radio and electrical engineering. Some of his discoveries were connected precisely with the movement of objects over a distance. He believed that teleportation was possible and conducted secret experiments with magnetic fields to prove it. The unit of measurement of magnetic field induction - Tesla (Tl) is even named in his honor. He devoted his whole life to devices operating on alternating current. In his circles, he was often called a genius of all times and peoples and a superman. Indeed, many claimed that he had the gift of foresight, could read minds and even draw information from space. There is a legend that N. Tesla conducted experiments on a military destroyer called the Eldridge, and he managed to move this warship 320 kilometers in a split second. At the same time, along with the vessel, there was a movement in space and the entire crew in it. There are rumors that almost all the people on the ship died due to exposure to strong radio-magnetic waves. Those who survived went mad.

There is another legend associated with the great scientist N. Tesla. Rumor has it that he created a time machine and could move any person or object in space. Based on these assumptions, the film "The Prestige" was filmed in 2006. Opponents of teleportation stories believe that this is impossible from the point of view of physics, since in order to move from one place to another, it is necessary to move at super speed, and with such movement the object is destroyed. Accordingly, the question arises: how then everything comes together again?

Human Quantum Teleportation

A quantum is a very small indivisible particle in physics. Recently, many scientists have been experimenting with the movement of these particles in time and space. If you manage to move a small particle, then everything else will work too. Recently, Chinese and Canadian scientists have succeeded in teleporting encoded information into particles of light. Of course, quantum channels for data transmission were used for this, however, in the future, such experiments may lead to the transmission of information without the use of any transmitters.

Sufi miracles

The followers of the esoteric trend in Islam - the Sufis - also pay a lot of attention to such a concept as "human teleportation". Almost every famous Sufi teacher knew how to learn to move in space and time. They used this knowledge, as a rule, for the purpose of self-improvement, self-knowledge. Going back to the past allowed them to “learn” from certain situations, while they traveled to the future to see what events needed to be changed in the present. There are a huge number of records of how experienced Sufis traveled hundreds of kilometers in order to convey certain knowledge to people.

Reverend Mary and teleportation

It sounds incredible, but the Soviet historian writer A. Gorbovsky in his works describes that in the 17th century, the Reverend Mary, who never left the monastery in which she lived, at certain points in time was not far from the Indian settlements in America and told them about Christianity . Later, one of the priests, who went to these tribes for the same purpose, found out that someone was ahead of him. In addition, it became known that the Reverend Mary not only told the Indians about her faith, but also presented them with a rosary, crosses and a bowl for communion. The inhabitants of these lands themselves later clearly described a woman from Europe as two drops similar to the Monk Mary. Can there be so many coincidences, one can only guess.

Spontaneous teleportation

If you believe everything that is written above, it actually turns out that cases of human teleportation occurred with different people, in different countries and at completely different times. Of course, there are a lot of opponents of this phenomenon, they are trying to explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, they refute certain events and, of course, they have every right to do so.

Supporters, on the contrary, are looking for evidence and trying to learn how to move in time. There is an opinion that the first practice of human teleportation, as a rule, occurs absolutely unexpectedly and spontaneously. Of course, before that, you need to study a lot of literature, learn how to enter a certain state. It also happens vice versa, when a person teleports completely consciously and understands exactly what is happening to him. For the first time, this phenomenon is accompanied by dizziness and nausea. In any case, an unprepared person is unlikely to be able to learn how to move.

What is needed for teleportation

Most likely, many who want to learn this are wondering where to start after all. On the Internet, there is a huge amount of different information, something is presented for a fee, something is free. Let's try to structure it and choose the most important moments for such an event as teleportation. Learning these techniques is very important to achieve the best results.

First of all, in order to learn teleportation, you must be able to concentrate on a certain thought.

It sounds very simple, but in fact, when a person closes his eyes and tries to think about only one thing, a variety of plots and problems pop up in his head every now and then. Therefore, first you need to master the technique of complete relaxation and turning off absolutely all thoughts. When the “blank slate in front of your eyes” (which means no thoughts) can be held for at least 10 minutes, then the first step is already behind you.

Transferring the astral body

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to start small, which means that time travel is not worth it yet. It is necessary to focus your thoughts on When completely relaxed, you must figuratively try to move "your double" to a very close distance. If, for example, you are meditating on a sofa, then imagine that the astral body gets up from the sofa and stands next to you. You should see the room with “different eyes”, look around: here is a chair, a wardrobe, here you are lying on the sofa, etc. When such an exercise is completely successful and you clearly see all the objects in the room, you can start changing the distance - first kitchen, then to your street and so on.

Conscious human teleportation

Only a few know how to learn this technique, but if a person believes in his abilities, he can succeed. If the teleportation of the physical body turns out to be insurmountable, it is necessary to continue to train and not retreat. Even the time travel of the astral body is already a great success. When a person fully masters this skill, he can be with his thoughts anywhere on the planet and “see through” any situation. Teleportation in time is, of course, more difficult than movement in space, but a huge number of stories on the Internet on this topic still indicate that it is possible. Many practitioners - magicians, Sufis, shamans - claim that the first experience, as a rule, occurs in a dream. On the one hand, a person is already quite trained, but with a high concentration of attention, his body is so tense that he cannot teleport. The situation in a dream radically changes the matter. A person who has enough knowledge is in complete relaxation, which means that his body is ready to move for a fraction of a second to another place.

A lot of scientists and esotericists dealt in detail with such an issue as human teleportation. How to learn this technique has always been a closely guarded secret, and for good reason. Of course, everyone would like to be able to move, but is it really necessary for each of us? How, for example, to deal with criminals in prisons, who could teleport from there at any moment. In addition, if everyone could be transported to wherever they wanted at any moment, how much theft would become more frequent in the world, and how would murders be investigated? There are no answers to these and many other questions yet. Of course, teleportation is very interesting and exciting, but we should not forget about real life.