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How to make your voice beautiful and pleasant for others? Voice exercises. We speak beautifully, confidently and freely

"I want to sing louder!", “I sing well, but too quietly…”, “They tell me that the voice is not bad, but weak”- the site receives a lot of similar messages. If you think that your voice sounds, though correct, but too quiet, you need to work on developing the volume, or rather, the strength of the voice. Loudness itself, as shown in the articles The Power of the Voice and How to Sing Louder? Vocal coordination" is PRODUCT interactions FUNCTIONS the main vocal organs in the process of their work. I will not repeat myself, you can read everything in the previous articles of the block.

You should already understand that just screaming is not productive, not right, it will not lead to the development of voice power, but will only provoke negative consequences, up to diseases of the vocal organs. And how then to be? I'll tell you...

When developing and “training” the volume, an important point is the exclusion from this process of the natural reaction of the body associated with raising the voice.

I explain. It is known that if a person wants (or asks him) to say or sing something louder than he just said (sang), OVERWHELMING MAJORITY people will repeat the same phrase (word) louder, but ... It will sound HIGHER! Even louder too!

Why? After all, they didn’t ask you to say / sing higher? And that's exactly what happened! Paradox?

In fact, this is not surprising, because the auditory system detects higher sounds as louder, such is nature. Accordingly, its (auditory system) influence (in INEXPERIENCED vocalist) also affects the reactions that are caused by the command: “Louder!” But not only the influence of the auditory system will play a role, but at the same time the subconscious, learned from childhood, the ability to create a more powerful exhalation will also work. Even if only for a fraction of a second. This is called "pushing air".

The fact is that there are a lot of functions in vocals that ... Yes, there are many, ALL functions appear SIMULTANEOUSLY by ear and by sight. This is one of the major obstacles to understanding the very mechanics of vocals. It is difficult to explain in words the processes that occur not only almost instantly, but even together and simultaneously! Even in rhyme...

Therefore, in order to learn how to sing well, you need to somewhat “expand” your consciousness, your view. Understand that a lot of things are happening in your body unconsciously and PARALLEL with the process that you now consciously control.

So it is with loudness - if you want to get a louder sound, he will definitely (I repeat, for an inexperienced singer!) “want” to become higher.

But music is a precision thing! It must be strictly observed INTONATION. It is in ordinary conversational speech that no one will pay attention to the fact that the louder sounds in your voice become higher. And in vocals - they will turn. Listeners. And they won't listen to "get along", no one likes false singing. How to be, after all, the power of the voice needs to be developed?

It is immediately necessary to say, firstly, that it is necessary to develop the power of the voice in the right way in order to prevent PUSH AIR and necessarily associated VOCAL CLAMP, difficult and long enough. Yes, and before that you need to get a lot of skills, without which you can’t get away from pushing.

Secondly, the “falsetto singing” so widespread in Russia (especially among women) will interfere with this work so much that nothing will simply work out. Here is an example of such a vocal:

And the whole problem is that falsetto is a voice with too much air flow. It simply cannot be strengthened, because the air will not allow the ligaments to close tightly and for a longer time (albeit in microseconds).

But it is the closure that is the key to amplifying the volume (strength) of the sound. In a professional voice, this is not entirely true, of course, there is still a lot of things that affect the volume and strength, but this is PROFESSIONAL! While we are talking about the voice of a beginner, not yet a very experienced vocalist.

That is, you need to use the proposed exercise only if you already sing with your voice FULL, without falsetto. Otherwise, get rid of the falsetto first.

So, there is an exercise to develop the power of the voice. It can be called "blowing" the note. The principle is quite simple. At the height of the same note, in one breath, it is necessary to increase and decrease the strength of your exhalation, striving for a clear retention of the note itself. Deviation from it, in this case, is unacceptable! And, at first, it is possible to do this with difficulty or not at all, the “thrust” for raising the sound is so great!

And he needs KEEP! And in the sense of "height", and in the sense of "quality"! At the same time, phoning vowel (!) sound.

Perhaps, after listening to the examples, you thought that all this is too primitive. It's strange even ... And that's it ?! Is it really possible to develop the volume of the voice, just by making such "inflation"? It is possible, but over time!

It is necessary to subject to “inflation” not just one note, but ALL present in your TRAINING range, and even more so in the working range. This is AN EXERCISE! More precisely, its application to a particular note should be dictated by necessity. Not all notes you can sing with the “strength” you need, so apply it to those notes that are still “weak”.

They are rather weak precisely because they have not been developed SKILL their phonation with increasing volume! So you develop this skill with the help of such an exercise.

At the same time, this exercise also trains the “back side” of the power of the voice. After all, you need to be able to sing and QUIET, but at the same time it is supported, qualitatively, without going over to a whisper. And everything is known in comparison! You can understand how loud you can sing only by comparing it with how you sing softly!

In this exercise, the extreme points of volume will be “manifested”. To date. And as you practice, the dots will move apart on the volume ruler, you will sing quieter, but with the same sound quality, and louder, without losing vocal coordination and, as a result, the note itself.

WITHOUT LOSSING VOCAL COORDINATION! This is extremely important! The volume change should be ONLY SMOOTH! It is worth “turning on the heat” at some point, “pushing”, as a vocal clamp will become very likely, which can manifest itself after training with soreness, soreness in the larynx, or just a feeling of discomfort.

This means that you are not yet ready for this volume level, turn it down!

It (this exercise) is the initial and main step for mastering FILLING sound. What it is? Let's turn to "Vocal Dictionary" :

« FILTING, milling (from French Filer un son - to draw a sound) - the ability to smoothly change the dynamics of a drawn sound from forte to piano and vice versa; a spectacular technique that is widely used in vocal literature, more often in opera parts of ancient and classical operas. A well-executed thinning involves mastering the process of singing exhalation, allowing you to gradually increase (or weaken) the message of the breath so that the quality of the sound and its pitch remain unchanged. The presence of the skill of thinning is an indicator of the correctness and naturalness of sound formation.

The apparent "lightness" of this exercise is a chimera! It is difficult enough. Please note that you need to do it IN ONE BREATH! That once again will help to avoid a push of air. How many “inflation” will you get if you can’t take the breath? In examples - 3-4. And this is good! After all, at the maximum "points" you need to exhale to the maximum! BUT - GRADUALLY! Remember the crescendo and diminuendo! That's just the "transitions" from a quiet sound to a loud one and back, that's what they call in vocals!

The breath in this exercise is expended at the speed of an airliner. We didn’t have time to look back, but it (breathing) is already not enough ... In the previous paragraph, we are talking about 3-4 “swings”, but the more you can do in one breath, the better!

But how? Loudness is, first of all, the interaction of ligaments with air! Breathing power alone is not enough here, you need to be able to properly distribute it, maintaining optimal pressure in the subglottic region. Without a trained vocal exhalation, a vocalist will never achieve FORCE! Alas, but such is nature ...

Little hint. When performing the exercise, "help" yourself with your hand. Increasing the volume, “move” the sound forward by moving your hand away from you, smoothly, in accordance with the degree of increase in volume (that is, “crescendoing”), and vice versa, just as smoothly “return” the sound back, bringing your hand closer to the body, “accompanying” decreasing voice volume (performing the diminuendo technique).

And one more hint. It may well be that it is more convenient and familiar for you to sing a long vowel sound, starting it with a syllable, that is, you are used to putting a consonant in front of the vowel. Example: not BUT, a MA, not At, a RU... At the very beginning of the whole phrase, I emphasize that you need to continue to perform the exercise "in one breath."

What about those who have a naturally weak or uncertain voice? You can use powerful voice development exercises recommended by expert Felix Alekseevich Kuzmin, professor at the Moscow State Academy of Printing Arts.

You can develop your voice with these exercises in the same way that you develop muscles with physical education. Your voice will become deeper and more melodious as necessary, its range will expand, the pronunciation will become clearer, the modulations will be more expressive, and the expressiveness will be more convincing. It is best to do these exercises regularly, and in the morning, it will charge you with energy for the whole day.

As a result of this training, not only your voice becomes calmer and deeper, but also your thoughts. The deeper and lower the voice, the deeper it settles in the mind, the more the spoken words make an impression. This strengthens your personal authority.

1. Stand in front of a mirror. Exhale, then inhale, and repeat each sound until you have enough breath. So take a breath and get started:






This sequence is not random, you start with the sound of the highest frequency - "and". If you put your palm on your head, you will feel a slight vibration of the skin. This is evidence of more intensive blood circulation. Pronouncing the sound "e" activates the neck and throat area, you can feel it by putting your hands on your neck.

Pronouncing the sound "a" has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing the sound “o”, the blood supply to the heart increases, and the exercise with the sound “y” has a positive effect on the lower abdomen. Speak slowly one after the other all the sounds three times. Do you want your voice to be lower and deeper? Then say the sound “y” many times during the day.

2. Now you need to activate the chest and abdomen, for this you need to pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Do exercises for the sound "m" three times. Once very quietly, the second time - louder and the third time - as loud as possible, so that the vocal cords tighten. Putting your palm on your stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Particular attention should be paid to the "r" sound, as it improves pronunciation and gives the voice strength and energy. In order to relax the tongue, do a preliminary preparation: raise the tip of the tongue to the sky behind the front upper teeth and “growl” like a tractor.

So, exhale, then inhale and begin to "growl": "rrrr." After that, say the following words expressively and emotionally with an emphasized rolling “r”: role, steering wheel, ring, ruble, rhythm, rice, carpet, cook, fence, cheese, product, grass, wing, lilac, frost, etc.

3. In conclusion, do the "Tarzan exercise", which is the best prevention against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand up straight, exhale, then inhale deeply. Clench your hands into fists. Loudly pronounce the sounds from the first exercise, starting with the sound "and", at the same time pounding your chest with your fists, as Tarzan did in the famous movie. Then continue with the "e" sound, and so on.

At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronchi are cleared of mucus, how your breathing becomes free, how you are charged with energy. Clear your throat, get rid of everything you don't need! This exercise should be performed only in the morning, as it has an exciting and activating effect.

After several weeks of training, compare your current voice with the previous one, the best way to do this is to record your voice on a tape recorder before starting training. You will see that your voice has noticeably changed. Now he has gained more suggestive power, which means that the charismatic radiation emanating from you has become more intense, you have begun to speak more convincingly and have a stronger influence on others.

With the help of breathing exercises and voice development exercises, you change not only your voice, but also the energy emanating from you and, in general, your personality as a whole.

A beautiful voice, melodiously producing an amazing melody, and listeners who held their breath with delight - who has not dreamed of this? But not everyone succeeds in making the dream come true, despite the fact that scientists say that every person has singing talent to one degree or another, just not everyone develops it. How to make your voice stronger and more melodic? Here, perhaps, the advice of vocal teachers will come in handy.

How to improve your voice for singing? The simplest and most obvious solution is to study with a vocal teacher. Even if you plan to learn to sing on your own, one or two introductory lessons will not hurt, at least the specialist will hear your voice, point out mistakes and weaknesses, and you will already understand where you need to move.
But, as practice shows, there are a huge number of beautifully singing nuggets and self-taught, therefore, you can learn to sing yourself.

What needs to be done for this? To improve your voice, you need to sing. It is obvious.

Start with the simplest: sing along to your favorite artist, put on a record - and go! To get started, choose from among your favorite performers, at least one of the same gender as you, and preferably with a similar voice timbre. This "joint" singing, if practiced regularly, can significantly improve the voice.

The next stage will be karaoke - fortunately, this entertainment is now completely accessible: all the necessary equipment is inexpensive, and you can find “minuses” for almost any song. Start with songs you love and know well, and don't start with too complex ones.

Having mastered singing to the phonogram, you can move on to an even more difficult stage - singing a cappella (without musical accompaniment), so you will hear all your mistakes and shortcomings, you can work on the sound. Do not overstrain your vocal cords when you sing, it should be comfortable and easy for you to take each note, and in no case do not shout, such “exercises” will inevitably lead you to hoarseness and loss of voice. Sing as your voice allows - do not rush, from time to time they will increase. Begin each rehearsal by singing softly, gradually increasing the volume and range.

  • do not catch a cold;
  • do not "give concerts" in the cold;
  • not to shout (combining a vocal career and the lifestyle of a football fan is quite difficult);
  • Do not smoke;
  • don't talk much. The voice needs rest, at least for an hour twice a day you need to be in complete silence.
You should not sing in the same way, having taken a portion of alcohol - under its influence, the ligaments warm up and the voice sounds better, but later alcohol dries the ligaments, which in the long run will worsen the voice. Not the best friend for your voice and coffee, it is better to exclude it altogether.
  • seeds, chips and crackers;
  • chocolate;
  • cold ice cream;
  • spicy and hot dishes (too high and low temperatures reduce the elasticity of the vocal cords);
  • products with dyes;
  • fatty and sweet foods (sugar and fat will settle on the ligaments).
But you can drink water and even a lot. Juicy fruits with a high water content - peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, etc. will also benefit.

Before you start singing, be sure to do breathing exercises. But when you sing, don't think about breathing.

No need to stretch or strain the neck while singing, the tension will be transferred to the larynx, and the sound will be compressed. The shoulders should also be completely free - this is the only way to get deep and voluminous low notes.

To hear you sing, record your voice and listen to the recording so you can work on your mistakes.

Try doing exercises to improve your singing voice.

  1. Take a breath, and as you exhale, say each of the sounds - as long as the breath is enough "and", "e", "a", "o", "u" - in that order. The sequence is important - we start with the sound of the highest frequency. It is enough to do the exercise three times - three deep exhalations for each sound.
  2. To activate the chest and abdomen area, we pronounce the sound “m” three times (as long as possible). The first time - quite quietly, the second - already louder, the third - as loud as possible.
For the development of musicality and hearing, it is important not only what you sing, but also what you listen to. Try to listen to as much music as possible. In order to catch shades and semitones, it is better to replace rather unpretentious (albeit cute) pop music in the player with classical works.

In this article you will find exercises, after which you will start.

To open the voice

Your voice may not actually be yours. The reason is in the clamps or the wrong way of speaking (for example, on the same ligaments). The exercises below will help you deal with these issues and unleash your true natural voice.

sound engineer

First, understand how others hear you. To do this, you can simulate a recording studio. Your left palm will be an earpiece - press it with a "shell" to your left ear; the right one will be a microphone - hold it near your mouth at a distance of a few centimeters. Start the test: count, say different words, play with sound. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes for nine days. During this time, you will understand how it really sounds, and you can improve it.


To open the voice, you need to free the throat and transfer the main work to the lips and diaphragm. To do this, pronounce the syllables "Q-X". Round your lips on Q, stretch them in a wide smile on X. After 30 repetitions, try giving a short speech. You will feel that the ligaments are less tense, and the lips are better at following your commands.


The easiest way to relax the muscles of the larynx is to yawn well. Do this simple exercise for 5 minutes a day and you will notice how the blocks and clamps in your voice disappear.


This exercise will help bring out the natural sound of your voice. Its essence boils down to voicing your exhalation.

Position: feet on the floor, jaw open and relaxed. Begin to inhale the air, and as you exhale, make any sound. Do this without any effort - if everything is correct, you should get a groan.

When performed correctly, the sound comes from the solar plexus. It is from there that you need to speak so that the voice is voluminous and expressive.

To make the voice pleasant

Three smiles

This exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one, but with the rule of three smiles. Smile with your mouth, forehead and imagine a smile in the solar plexus area. After that, start exhaling with a sound. Just 5 minutes a day - and your voice will start to sound more pleasant and trusting.

Yogi exercise

This training is practiced by Indian yogis to achieve a deep and beautiful voice.

Position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. First, take a few calm breaths and exhalations, then - and a sharp exhalation with the sound "ha-a". The exhalation should be as full and loud as possible. In this case, the body can be slightly moved forward.

drawling syllables

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, say a long “bom-m”, “bim-m”, “bon-n”. Drag the last sounds as long as possible. Ideally, vibration should occur in the region of the upper lip and nose.

A similar exercise can be done with the syllables "mo-mo", "mi-mi", "mu-mu", "me-me". But in this case, first pronounce them briefly, and only then drawl.

Both exercises are best done every morning for 10 minutes. They will not only make your voice more pleasant, but will also help strengthen your vocal cords.

Long tongue

Stick out your tongue. First, point it down as far as possible, trying to reach the chin. Keeping this position, tilt your head down. Then stretch your tongue up, trying to reach the tip of your nose. At the same time, raise your head as high as possible.

To make your voice stronger

Sounds "i", "e", "a", "o", "y"

Exhale, then take a deep breath and on the second exhale, say a long “and” sound. Do it freely, as long as there is enough air. Do not force air out of your lungs. In the same way, pronounce the remaining sounds: "e", "a", "o", "u". Do three reps.

The sequence of these sounds is not random: they are distributed along the pitch. Accordingly, “and” is the highest (activates the upper region of the head), “y” is the lowest (activates the lower abdomen). If you want to make your voice lower and deeper, practice the “y” sound more often.

Tarzan exercise

Follow the previous task, only now beat yourself in the chest with your fists, like Tarzan. The exercise is designed to fill the voice and clear the bronchi, so if you feel like clearing your throat, don't stop yourself.


This exercise activates the work of the chest and abdomen. Exhale and inhale. On the next exhale, begin to pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Perform three approaches: first, low low, then - at a medium volume, and finally - very loudly.


Raise your relaxed tongue to the palate and begin to pronounce the sound “r”. It should turn out “rrrr”, like a tractor. Repeat the exercise three times, and then expressively read a dozen words that have the sound "r". Be sure to accompany the reading with a rolling "r".

Chaliapin's exercise for tuning the voice

The great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin also began every morning with a growl. But he did not do it alone, but together with his bulldog. After training the sound “r”, Fedor Ivanovich began to bark at his pet: “av-av-av”.

You can repeat Chaliapin's exercise or, if you can't relax your larynx, replace it with villainous theatrical laughter. This is done simply. With your mouth open on the exhale, you laugh angrily: "ah-ah-ah-ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ah-ah-ah-ah." The sound should come out easily and freely. At the same time, you can jump and beat yourself in the chest with your hands. This exercise will instantly clear the voice and prepare it for work.

Important to remember

When performing all exercises, you need to maintain the correct one. The stomach should be relaxed, and the chest should protrude forward. However, if you keep your back straight, these areas of the body will automatically take the correct position.

As you know, the power of the voice is an excellent help in those who earn their living by using their voice in their work. However, the strength and confidence in the voice can serve well not only for creative people, but also for completely ordinary people who are engaged in ordinary worldly affairs, developing their own business, advancing their careers, and just those who are used to and love to interact with other people. .

It's not a secret for anyone that through competent placement of accents in the voice, setting stresses and other similar manipulations, one can achieve a truly amazing effect, for example, to provide what is necessary during negotiations, create a first-class impression of oneself, or influence a person so that he does what you need.

How to make your voice stronger?

First, it should be said that the method of increasing the strength of the voice consists of three important components:

  • The first and most important is the training of the parts of the body that take part in the process of forming the voice: the vocal cords, the muscles of the larynx, the chest, etc.
  • The second component can be called the work on training the competent and correct pronunciation of the strongest sounds available in human speech.
  • And the third factor is the observance of a special diet, i.e. eating certain foods

Let's consider each of these points in more detail.

Muscle training to enhance your voice

Exercise #1

You need to go to the mirror, open your mouth wide and try to see your larynx and tonsils. If you try to tighten your throat or say something, you will see that the muscles of the throat go into a tense state, and then relax again. Try to feel these muscles. This will not take much time.

Once this result is achieved, begin to purposefully tighten and relax the muscles of the larynx. Try to do this procedure without making much effort and controlling the rate of contraction.

After a certain amount of training, it will be possible to perform this exercise without using a mirror, because you will already acquire the skill of controlling the tension in your throat.

Exercise #2

Similarly, other components of the voice-forming system need to be trained. These include resonators that control the sounds you make. These resonators are sources of sound and there are three types - chest, throat and nasal resonators.

Approach the training of the resonators like this: again stand in front of the mirror and start making long sounds “and”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”, trying to change their sound. Try changing the tone from low to high and vice versa.

Keep in mind that the presented sequence of sounds is not chosen randomly, because. each of them affects the body in a certain way: the sound “and” improves blood circulation, the sound “e” activates the muscles of the throat and neck, the sound “a” has a positive effect on the chest area, the sound “o” increases the blood supply to the heart, and the sound “u” makes the voice deeper and deeper.

We should not forget about several important components of the second exercise:

  • The muscles of the face during the pronunciation of the strongest sounds must be relaxed as much as possible, because. this greatly facilitates voice control;
  • Breathing must be correct, i.e. measured and even. Restricted and erratic breathing will not allow your voice to be strong and firm. In addition, when you inhale through your nose, you activate the nasal resonator;
  • You need to control your posture - the straight and even position of the spine affects the timbre and quality of the voice. Strive to ensure that the spine is not clamped, and you yourself are comfortable when you are standing or walking - it will be much easier to develop the correct pronunciation.

In conclusion of this section, it can be noted that training should be subjected not only to individual muscles, but to the entire body in general. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a good result in staging the voice.

Practicing the correct pronunciation of sounds

Practicing the correct pronunciation of sounds also involves performing a series of exercises.

Exercise #1

To begin with, it is worth starting to master the sound "r". To work out the sound "r", it is recommended to do the exercise in three stages:

  • At the first stage, we pronounce "r" quite quietly
  • At the second stage, we pronounce "p" with an average volume
  • In the third stage, pronounce "r" as loudly as possible

Try to make the sound you pronounce as correct, sonorous and clear as possible - this will allow you to make your voice stronger by adding a somewhat “metallic” sound to it.

But before you train in the sweeping pronunciation of the sound "p", you need to prepare the muscles for work using the methods that we discussed above, as well as by pulling the tip of the tongue to the upper palate in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper teeth. With the tongue in this position, pronounce any words where the letter “r” is present, or make a loud growl, imagining yourself, for example, as a ferocious tiger.

Exercise #2

The second exercise is a rather original technique for increasing the power of the voice through unusual behavior. Sounds a little unusual, but you have to start acting like Tarzan from the famous movie.

To do this, stand up straight, tightly clench your hands into fists and begin to pronounce in turn all the sounds that we talked about earlier, or some others.

But remember that you need to pronounce the sounds as loudly as possible and on the exhale, and with your hands you should beat yourself on the chest from time to time, imitating the behavior of the aforementioned hero. If Tarzan is not associated with you in this way, you can imagine yourself as a gorilla - then you will definitely succeed.

The "tarzan" or "monkey" exercise will not only help you make your voice stronger, but it will also clear your diaphragm of dirt, mucus and moisture. So don't be surprised. And after you clear your throat, stay "Tarzan" a little longer to consolidate the result.

It is also interesting that voice experts advise resorting to this exercise in the morning, indicating that it will serve the body as a whole. And given that, this can bring you a double result.

Voice Amplification Diet

In addition to what can be found today that have a beneficial effect on physical and even mental health, there is also a special diet that has a targeted effect on the strength of the voice. But if you thought that now you will need to radically change your diet, then we hasten to reassure you: you won’t have to change much.

To date, it is known for certain that the egg yolk, if consumed raw, has a great effect on the surface of the vocal cords and throat, making them softer and more elastic. For this reason, nutritionists of professional artists insist that one raw egg should be eaten every morning.

In addition to eggs, there are other foods that can help in amplifying your voice. First of all, speaking of such products, it must be said about milk - it, like eggs, makes the vocal cords elastic and soft. But milk should not be consumed cold, but not hot either. It should be warm, i.e. its temperature should be lower than the temperature of the milk that many of us drink for colds, otherwise you will simply burn your ligaments.

If you do not like milk or you, God forbid, are allergic to it, you can replace this product with sweet warm tea. Sugar is not mentioned here by chance, because it contains glucose, which also affects the elasticity of the ligaments.

That, in fact, is all. Do the exercises presented by us at least once a day, and in a week your voice will become stronger and velvety. And having entered these exercises into the system, after a while you will no longer remember that your voice was once weak, because. the body adapts and gets used to new loads.