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How to strengthen voice. Exercises to strengthen the vocal cords

Today, the success and future of a person often depend on the quality of articulation, therefore it is necessary to regularly train the speech muscles, to conduct classes to develop the correct pronunciation and diction become fundamental. As a rule, such exercises are carried out by children, starting from the smallest age. From infancy, experienced teachers and educators train the children's speech apparatus. Later, the speech therapist corrects the difference between deviation and complexity, but they arise due to insufficient training and muscle development.

Is it necessary for adults?

Speech muscles are the basis of our speech, the guarantee of its quality, attractiveness, the basis of the ability to render. Few people want to listen to a person who lisps, burrs or stutters. All these problems are in our mouths, and let such a literal statement scare no one. After all, a person who cannot fully and beautifully speak suffers from poor muscle development. For adults, this problem will become especially acute if the choice of profession falls on a teacher, announcer, actor, marketer.

Dreams of becoming a successful leader will sink into oblivion if the speech is incoherent and unattractive.

What to do?

Numerous special programs and exercises have been developed for the development of speech muscles. But the most important thing in this process is the regularity of training and the desire to achieve real results. Therefore, tongue twisters will only be the beginning of important exercises, because the course should begin with classes for the development of certain muscle groups. For example, stretching the lips with a tube and pronouncing the lip "O" or "U" will help in training the lower muscles, but if you pronounce poems and special phrases with the letter "E" and "E", the muscle tone will be provided to the cheeks.

Therefore, it is important that the exercises please. They need to be held in front of a mirror, and before starting, be sure to wash your hands to ensure hygiene. Then you should start with a little warm-up, like pulling and stretching the lips, stretching the tongue and others. It is enough to show your tongue in the mirror, smile, so that the speech muscles stretch a little.

To consolidate the result, do not forget about speech training, and therefore singing, pronunciation of complex words, tongue twisters and other exercises should become indispensable elements of classes.

It is advisable to work with professionals, but even self-training of the speech apparatus and muscles will help get rid of many problems. Do not forget that such training is incredibly useful for women, because with constant exercises, the skin of the face remains young longer.

Not only opera singers, but also many public people whose activities are related to lecturing, teaching people, must perform special exercises daily to develop the vocal cords. This is breathing exercises, and acupressure, and chanting, aimed at warming up the vocal cords. An indispensable condition for the qualitative strengthening of the vocal cords is the systematic training. After all, training the vocal cords, like training the muscles of the body, is a very responsible event.

So, gymnastics for the vocal cords begins with the respiratory complex. First of all, it is worth learning that it is useful for the vocal cords to learn how to breathe in the stomach. This will help to save the throat in the future. Each exercise is performed while sitting, at least 12 times.

1. Deep breath in through the nose, exhale through the nose in three approaches.
2. Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth. At the same time, we rub our hands as if we are trying warm them up.
3. Deep breath in through the nose, exhalation is like trying cool with breath hot tea.
4. Deep breath through the nose hissing breath.
5. Deep breath through the nose wheezing.

Hello dear friends!

Many of us love to sing or would like to learn this skill of sirens. A correctly delivered voice is fascinating, the notes are intoxicating and have a colossal radiation of the charisma and temperament of the owner.

Of course, not everyone has enough self-confidence to go to a vocal teacher. Many are held back by a lack of time, a thought that often occurs to men: “what will people think?” and of course the biting, financial component of this issue.

That is why we hone our skills wherever necessary: ​​in the bathroom, in karaoke, at a corporate party, duet with a cat or with friends in the kitchen. But how to train vocal cords at home? Without harm to health and getting at the same time not a small profit?

Exercises for warming up and pumping "voice muscles" can and should be performed at home, having previously decided on the mission. Do you want to become a professional performer and devote all your free time to this craft? This is one path vector.

In the case when you want to shine at parties, performing famous hits, noticing the audience's jaws dropping with delight, this is a completely different way of development. But what unites these similar ways of becoming is an approach to the upcoming work, desire, self-confidence and systematic exercise.

People who did not understand the essence of how it works?» initially may experience discomfort or unusual sensations in the throat area. There is no need to be afraid of this, but it is necessary to approach the beginning of your experience as an expert in the field of theory and, directly, practice immediately.

Learning to sing beautifully instantly is impossible. I'm not talking now about innate talents and inhuman abilities. I would like to give an example of an average person taking vocal lessons.

First, most likely as a child, he personally or his parents noticed a tendency to sing along to cartoon songs and hit the notes well. Then followed the path to the teacher, checking the child for hearing, "introductory" test for suitability and the beginning of education with a perspective.

Secondly, many people who are already listening to the finished product on the radio, the file posted on the Internet, forget about the preliminary work. And also about the efforts made by the performer and the methods that made it possible to understand the basics of mastery and put them into practice.

The benefits of training

How to put a vote? - You ask. I will answer this way: even if you do not see yourself as an opera singer in five years or a superstar on a big stage, rehearsals can improve your speech technique. Organically pure speech, without clearly expressed flaws and the habit of muttering under your breath, is extremely important, both in the working field and in everyday, everyday affairs.

In order for you to be able to speak clearly and distinctly, as well as to have a sonorous and pleasant voice, you need to resort to articulation training. What does it mean?

There are a large number of muscles in the oral cavity that provide high-quality sound extraction from the upper and lower registers with the help of ligaments and messages. And since these are muscles, they certainly need development and load!

In order to warm up your speech apparatus in a short time, I will advise you to apply these proven exercises. The time that should be allocated for working through each of them should not be less than 2-3 minutes. Remember an important rule. Your body position should always be vertical! Sitting, lying, upside down is a bad option, due to blocking access to the diaphragm and poor air intake.

And one more feature. Strive to take air in the lower part of the abdomen, and at the time of its supply, strain the muscles of the process, following the example of “pushing out”.


  1. Before you begin to extract the sound from your throat, I will mention the need to do it alone in the beginning, so that no one interferes with you to fully surrender to the process.
    So, imagine the process of rinsing your mouth. Only instead of tilting your head up and taking a mouthful of water, you need to slowly turn your head from left to right with a characteristic, resonating sound.
  2. Deep breath-pause-breath-hold. With closed lips, you need to open your jaws and slightly round your mouth, as if you are going to say the letter "o and m."
    As a result, you should have a lowing sound and at the same time, you need to do a slight palpation of the nostrils and the maxillary sinus zone (barely perceptible tapping)
  3. Similar to the second, but instead of tapping on the nostrils, perform a manipulation on the nasolabial wrinkles (facial).
  4. Pronounce the sound “would-would-would-be”, as you exhale. With the second time, add a palpation of the upper lip.
  5. Pronouncing the sound "we-we-we-we-we" or "se-se-se-se-se". With the second approach, add the palpation of the lower lip.
  6. Take a deep breath through your mouth. Prepare the fist for light tapping of the chest from left to right, while chanting the sound “aaa-oooh-uuu” in the lower register.
    The sound should be even, slightly quieter than usual, since the lower notes are used. Don't be in a hurry to run out of air. Do the exercise smoothly.

What to exclude?

For singing, it is very helpful to use food taboos before starting a rehearsal, working through exercises, or performing in public.

Namely, it is worth refusing:

Instead, I recommend chilled, unsweetened herbal teas, as well as clean water at room temperature. Sometimes adding a teaspoon of honey to it is helpful.

In our modern world, it is not necessary to have a live instrument at home, you just need to download the application or install a program with ready-made blanks for playing.

As for what's important. The music industry is full of obscure terms and names that you have to deal with.

In the human body, there are 3 types of resonators with which we extract sound:

  • chest (lungs, bronchi and trachea);
  • head (mouth and nasopharynx);
  • central (larynx).

The main problem for people who have just started working with sound is that they use only the head resonator.

Try to sing and speak using your sternum. The sound will turn out to be more voluminous and holistic.

Again, without preheating, it is absolutely impossible to perform these manipulations. Since nodules can form on the ligaments, which are dangerous for further activities. Not a frugal approach to the voice will provide you with a trip to the phoniatrist.

Friends, be healthy and explore new horizons and fields.

I sincerely wish you victories! Subscribe to update my blog and recommend it to your friends for reading. In the comments, tell us about your proven ways to train your vocal cords.

See you on the blog, bye bye!

So, what is needed for the development of the vocal cords? First, you need to get your breath in order. Breathe through the diaphragm. The first time will be difficult, however, when you learn, you will be able to hit the highest notes. To practice breathing, try to breathe deeply and slowly. Frequent and intermittent breathing will not give the desired result, moreover, it leads to oxygen deficiency, which negatively affects the human condition. Therefore, even if you are not going to become a pop star, remember that deep breathing is the key to cheerfulness and well-being. Breathing can be practiced in a variety of ways. The next one is the best. Finding acceptable breathing exercises is not difficult. As a rule, all exercises are based on a bunch of inhalation-exhalation. Perform exercises lying or standing. It is best to spend them outdoors. After a few days of training, you can check the condition of the diaphragm. To do this, try to reach the tips of your toes while singing a verse of your favorite song. If the quality of singing suits you, and pain in the abdomen does not follow, then you did everything right, and your diaphragm is sufficiently developed.

How to prepare vocal cords for singing?

When you begin to practice singing, try not to overload your chords. Especially at first. When choosing a repertoire, try to correlate it with your abilities. Do not take too high and low notes, this can be fraught with ligaments. Experiment with your mind, remembering that it is not difficult to lose your voice. Always warm up before singing. This will warm up the ligaments and allow you to easily hit the highest notes. You can also warm up the ligaments with a massage. To do this, massage the throat with gentle movements, first in one direction and then in the other. Massage should be done very carefully, since the carotid artery is located on the neck, which cannot be touched. Some pop figures have a special tool for relaxing ligaments. As strange as it sounds, but for this you need to eat something spicy. If for some reason this is not possible, you can drink mint tea. As for dairy products, on the contrary, they are able to paralyze the action of the ligaments. Therefore, you need to eat them at least five hours before the performance.