Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What are emotions? List of emotions. Positive emotions and heart

Sometimes it happens that we experience a strong emotional jolt that forms a stable emotional charge that affects our actions and reactions when faced with a similar situation. We are talking only about the negative charge, since we are interested in how to get rid of such a charge.

The existing charge (voltage) forces you to hold certain limiting beliefs, because the charge gives energy to these beliefs.

First, let's look at how we get these charges, and why we store them.

For example, such a variant of the occurrence of a charge is possible. The feelings we experience can be positive or negative. We want to experience only positive feelings and avoid negative ones. In addition, many of us tend to suppress negative emotions.

What happens when we keep inside us those emotions that we do not want to experience. Suppose you saw a person attractive to you and approached to get to know him or her. This person has nothing personally against you, but today he is not in the mood. So he replies something like: "Get off me!".

You feel rejected. You do not like this feeling, and you suppress it, not wanting to experience it. About yourself, you say something like: “Yes, I didn’t really want to.”

As a result, the feeling (energy charge) that you were rejected remained somewhere inside you. There was a certain installation, which consists in the fact that you will try not to experience such a feeling in the future.

A certain belief is formed in you based on such a negative charge.

After a while you meet another interesting person. At first you want to get to know him, but your memory tells you that not so long ago you were already in this situation and releases a small portion of the feeling of rejection. This new person hasn't done anything to you yet, and you already feel rejected. As a result, you may never again approach a person of interest to you, afraid of getting negative feelings. A close option is also possible, when you approach a person, setting yourself up for the fact that you will be rejected, and behave accordingly. The result, most likely, will also be appropriate - guaranteed rejection.

Negative charges can be based on a variety of feelings. You can name a few. And you can check if you have this:

  • feeling rejected
  • fear
  • guilt
  • loneliness
  • uncertainty
  • sense of isolation

Let's say you realize that you have one or more of these negative charges. There are different ways to get rid of them.

I know three exercises for releasing this or that feeling, which you can start right now:

  • accepting the feeling
  • getting rid of it
  • intense experience

Think about a belief you would like to get rid of. For example, this belief is charged with a feeling of rejection. Think about this belief, accept it, and then let it go. When you notice that the feeling of rejection resurfaces, accept it. Open wide towards him. This exercise can help many people. Feelings will seem to pass through you without lingering inside.

The second exercise is to let go of feelings as they arise. Just be aware of the feeling and let it go. Difficulties can arise if you resist this. Resistance can heighten the feeling. If your negative feeling is very strong, chances are you are resisting it. Take note of this fact and then accept it and resist without holding back. Once you do that, letting go of the feeling will be easier.

If the feeling is strong, a third method, experiencing the feeling, may be advised.

Let's say you broke up with a person you love very much, and you are in deep grief. Let's say 12 out of 24 hours you grieve your loss. In such a case, find a place where you can intensely indulge in your feeling. If you live with this feeling 12 hours a day, then one more hour of experience a day will not hurt you.

Pick a quiet spot, like a park bench. Sit down and begin to experience your feeling as intensely as possible for an hour. If you do this with sufficient concentration, it is safe to say that you will have enough for twenty minutes, and then your feeling will bore you and begin to dissipate. But you must keep doing this exercise for an hour. After the first day of practice, you will notice that you have begun to think less about your problem.

Do this exercise for 45 minutes the next day. You will be bored in fifteen minutes, but you must hold on to the end.

On the third day, set aside 30 minutes, then reduce the time to 20, 10 and 5 minutes. Soon you will see that the feeling goes away immediately, and during the day you do not experience it.

The freed space cannot be left empty. If you are freeing yourself from some belief-charges, try to replace them with others that are more useful to you.

A man bought himself a new house - a large, beautiful one, and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby, in an old house, lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things.

Once a man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of slop. The man took a bucket, poured out the slop, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected the largest, ripest and most delicious apples into it and went to a neighbor.

The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, gloatingly thought: “Finally, I got it!”. He opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said:

Whoever is rich, he shares it!

Everything in this world is interconnected. The health and longevity of any person directly depend on what emotions accompany him throughout his life. It has long been noted that the positive improves the condition of a sick person and even leads to the recovery of patients. Well, and the negative - worsens the state of health and lays out the road to serious diseases.

A person who does good in any of its manifestations not only improves the quality of his life, but also creates a positive aura around him. Imagine, scientists have proven it. We are all capable of radically changing our lives for the better. How? Yes, you need to stop seeing solid dirt around.

Look at the world with wide open eyes. And how he will surprise you! According to scientists, our emotions are an accurate reflection of the metabolic processes occurring in the body.

Positive and joyful - carry a positive attitude.

And the negative energy that arises in us during outbursts of rage, with an unfriendly attitude towards others, in a state of resentment, or simply in a bad mood, will sooner or later materialize into a disease. And all because resentment carries a deviation from the norm at all levels from the molecular to the system-functional. But we always have a chance.

Unlike animals, a person can be aware of his emotions and feelings, and, of course, the reasons that caused them. The leading role in the emergence of various feelings is played by the cerebral cortex.

The outstanding Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov once proved that it is the cortex that regulates the flow and expression of emotions. She keeps under her control all the phenomena occurring in the body, has an inhibitory effect on the subcortical centers and controls them. Arising in the cerebral cortex, the physiological process extends to the underlying subcortical centers. Although the whole brain is involved in the emergence of emotional states, electrophysiological studies have shown the great importance of special formations of the nervous system. They are also called the centers of emotions.

The most important of these brain structures is the hypothalamus. Many experiments have shown that by stimulating various parts of the hypothalamus with implanted electrodes, one can artificially evoke emotions of pleasure, fear, and anger. Can you imagine?! Sit in your mustache without blowing and suddenly you start to cry, then laugh, then fall into thought. All this is the hypothalamus. This substance is closely related to the cerebral cortex. And therefore, the influences of the environment experienced by a person are reflected in the cortex and have the same effect on the physiological centers of emotions as their direct stimulation.

On the other hand, the hypothalamus is closely related to the pituitary gland, other brain structures and endocrine organs. Excitation of the emotional centers causes changes throughout the body. Important data for revealing the essence of emotional reactions were obtained by studying the functional asymmetry of the brain. Namely: it was found that the left hemisphere is more associated with the emergence and maintenance of positive emotions, and the right - negative ones. Experiments show that positive emotions restore all physiological processes. They are able to suppress pain. During laughter, joy, happiness, catecholamine hormones are released. It is they that prevent inflammation, and endorphins generally act like morphine. In addition, a beneficial effect of positive emotions on changes in blood composition was noted.

With emotional experiences, blood circulation changes: the heartbeat quickens or slows down, the tone of blood vessels changes, blood pressure decreases or rises. As a result, during some experiences a person blushes, and during others - turns pale. With positive emotions, blood flow to the skin increases. She blushes and warms up.

In addition, the rhythm of breathing changes. With strong excitement, a person can suffocate. The functioning of the secretory glands is also disturbed - grief causes profuse lacrimation, excitement - drying out in the mouth, fear - cold sweat. The tone of the muscles of the body also changes. Well, despondency, depression, injustice, fear, uncertainty about the future deprive a person of strength, health, opportunities for self-affirmation, and even a man's sexual power.

A direct connection can be traced between a strong shock and, as a result, a stomach ulcer and myocardial infarction. In addition, the upper respiratory tract is exposed to infectious diseases more often in those people who constantly experience stressful situations or lack tenderness and attention in their lives.

A charge of positive emotions

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Positive emotions in children develop their creativity

Positive emotions in children develop their creativity

Positive emotions and laughter have a positive effect on human health at any age, and children also help develop creative abilities.

Children smile and laugh about 300 times per day, while adults do it only 15-20 times. Babies just need laughter in the early stages of development.

American scientists have found that laughter activates areas of the brain that are responsible for the development of creativity and creativity. The more positive emotions a child experiences, the more it develops more harmoniously .

Pay more attention entertainment for the child : take him to the circus, to children's events, watch cartoons together, be creative.

physical activity and positive emotions

We all have our favorite things to do and our least favorite ones. We almost always have time and energy for our favorite activities. Unloved activities - even if they are “tasty-healthy” - take a lot of energy, are gladly postponed, postponed, and canceled at any opportunity. It is clear that we get not only benefit from our favorite activities, but, above all, pleasure. Positive emotions. On the other hand, if something very useful, for example, morning exercises, does not give us enough positive emotions, such an activity does not have much chance to gain a foothold in our lives.

in order for training to become a habit, so that it does not cause negative emotions, you need to positively reinforce yourself with something immediately after training.

As a positive reinforcement, anything that leads to pleasant emotions will do. And each athlete intuitively looks for ways for himself - someone goes to the shower, someone lies down on the massage table, someone drinks a sweet protein shake, etc.

Benefits of positive feelings and emotions

Benefits of positive feelings and emotions

Joy, love, peace, awe, pride - all these positive feelings and emotions can change our thoughts and actions for the better. For example, when we are under the influence of positive emotions and feelings, our level of awareness of what is happening around us increases. We literally see and notice more: the boundaries of the field of peripheral vision are expanding. Negative emotions, on the contrary, narrow the boundaries of our thinking.

People who try to find reasons to be happy more often and experience more positive emotions every day, compared to those who do nothing to experience such emotions more often, develop close relationships with other people more easily, their flexibility and optimism increase, and they become less depressed and more satisfied with their lives.

This does not mean that you need to strive for a constant experience of euphoria, even not very pronounced positive emotions can eventually affect the development and worldview of a person. Also, negative emotions do not need to get rid of: it can be harmful to health. A person needs both positive and negative emotions in a certain ratio, on average, we need at least 3 positive emotions for one negative one. Almost most of us have a quantitative ratio of experienced positive emotions to negative ones - 2 to 1, or even less. The good news is that you can increase the amount of positive emotions in your life, or reduce the amount of negative ones, or both. A lot can help in this, and everyone can determine for himself what causes positive emotions in him, what negative ones, and organize his life taking into account this knowledge.

Why do positive emotions slow down brain aging?

Why do positive emotions slow down brain aging?

I heard that positive emotions are very useful for the brain of older people - they slow down its aging. What mechanism is at work here?

– Positive emotions lead to the fact that in our body we produce endorphins, the so-called hormones of joy, which protect the brain from the damaging effects of stress. With age, receptors for stress hormones atrophy. If the stress level is high and there are a lot of stress hormones in the body, the brain becomes acidic, free radicals are formed - compounds that destroy any cells, including brain cells.

But you can’t stock up on endorphins for the future. That is why happiness does not last long. Positive emotions need to be fed constantly.

It’s good if you have a philosophical outlook on life that allows you to move away from small everyday troubles, not to take them to heart and quickly forget about troubles.

Laugh to your health!

So simple - I laughed for 5 minutes, as if I had slept for 30 minutes. In any case, such a state is experienced by a person. Laughter prolongs life. We noticed that cheerful people endure any stress painlessly. Easily go through life, even get sick less.

Western clinics have long adopted this simple method. The Birmingham International Society for the Study of Laughter has come to a startling conclusion - in a study of cancer patients, the recovery rate was an order of magnitude higher in those who underwent laughter therapy sessions.

Doctors claim that when laughing, endorphins, natural painkillers, are released into the bloodstream, which automatically leads to a decrease in pain threshold. Laughter perfectly helps patients suffering from neuralgic, cardiovascular diseases, prone to frequent mood swings. Laughter relaxes muscle tension. Laugh even when it's not funny.

Have you noticed how contagious someone's laughter is? As soon as one starts laughing heartily, everyone around him immediately picks up his laughter. Excellent therapy. My friends and I in our weekly bath procedures practice laughter therapy for ten to fifteen minutes. Such a spectacle deserves applause. Steamed, imposing bodies in towels, laughing effervescently over someone's prepared joke. After such a bath, you feel rejuvenated and healed for a few more days. Three in one.

Scientists have made another interesting conclusion - the babies of laughing mothers practically do not get colds. That is, dangerous viruses are replaced by healthy laughter. In fact, laughter is a certain breathing exercise. The deeper and richer the laughter, the more forward movements our organs make. The emotional background changes, the entire protective system of the body is regulated.

In different countries, laughter therapy is successfully used to treat a variety of diseases. In Japan, tuberculosis is treated with laughter, in India - the heart, lungs and blood vessels, in England - fears are cast out. Positive emotions change the composition of the blood, the human body itself regulates all internal processes and a person is cured of many ailments.

When my friend had her first stroke, she was only 40… They brought the best doctors to their feet, bought the most modern medicines, and she began to get better. But in our hospitals people get sick, but they should get well ... It was decided to hold a session of laughter therapy. There were several more sick women in the ward after suffering strokes. Everyone was on the mend, but full recovery was far away. For the first time, within 15 minutes, I told them funny stories from my life. Everyone showed interest, the mood improved, laughed, asked questions.

The next day, the session (no one called him that, of course!) Increased to 30 minutes. At the end of the week - up to an hour. After 10 days, my friend was discharged. The time of rehabilitation and full recovery was noticeably reduced. All her other friends in the ward were also discharged, a week earlier than usual. She still believes that only laughter raised her to her feet. Now enjoys laughter therapy

Aristotle once uttered the great phrase: "Of all living beings, only man is capable of laughter." In ancient times, this automatically placed man above all other creatures and gave certain privileges. Today, hepotology, a science that studies the effect of laughter on a person, is developing at a tremendous pace. How convenient - no chemicals, no unpleasant procedures. You listen to jokes, comedians (that's who, it turns out, is the best doctor!) And you get healthier. You get pleasant emotions, laugh, have fun and look younger.

Humor is a friend of beauty, health and a beautiful figure. 10 minutes of loud laughter will help burn off the calories gained from eating an impressive chocolate bar. You want and lose weight!

Today in all countries of the world there are clubs of lovers of laughter. Is it not in your city yet? Why don't you personally organize this club? There is even such a direction as medical clowning. A group of specially trained clowns gives their performances in hospitals. Recovery rates in such medical institutions are many times higher than in conventional ones.

Laughing, really, is not a sin ... And what to laugh at - everyone will find for himself!

Positive and negative emotions

Emotion is the source out. It is a way of expressing yourself in life. This is a characteristic of a person's attitude to life.
The emotions people express can be divided into two broad categories. We can think of them as opposites of each other, or we can simply say that there is a dividing line where emotions of one type turn into emotions of another type.
We can call these two types of emotions "negative" and "positive". This is not so much a value judgment, but rather a description of the main action of each group. Ratings as "good" or "bad" are not particularly helpful.
Negative emotions express an attempt or intention to "exclude". Strengthening one's own position at the expense of others. Stay away from bad things, destroy what is perceived as a threat. Negative emotions are fueled by a deep fear of the unknown, a fear of the actions of others, a need to control and hold others so as not to be harmed by them.
Positive emotions express an attempt or intention to "turn on". Consider something in its entirety. Work on learning new points of view, interact more with others, enjoy being better at something. Positive emotions are fueled by a deep desire for enjoyment and unity.
Negative emotions are, for example: indifference, grief, fear, hatred, shame, guilt, regret, indignation, anger, hostility.
Positive emotions are, for example: interest, enthusiasm, boredom, laughter, sympathy, action, curiosity.
Each category has a range of different emotions. We can say that some of them are more positive or more negative than others. But they do not need to be placed on a linear scale for convenience, since each of them is a mixture of several elements.
Some emotions masquerade as positive or negative, but are actually something completely different. There is a kind of pity that seems like genuine concern for others, but is more of a consolation that someone else is worse off. There is an underlying hostility that masquerades as friendliness that may be difficult to recognize at first. Likewise, some types of anger or tears may look negative, but may actually be an expression of concern and concern for the whole. It is not the superficial appearance that matters, but the underlying mechanism and motives.
It may seem that you just need to get rid of negative emotions. But it's not that easy. They have an important purpose. In fact, they show that there is something that a person does not know and cannot cope with. If negative emotions become a stimulus for learning and dealing with something, they are very helpful. If a person is always joyful, he may not notice what is wrong.
Positive and negative emotions are opposites. It is impossible to get rid of one and leave only the other. Ultimately, they need to be combined into one whole.
The client's negative emotion usually directs us to areas that need to be worked on. It shows us that there is something here that the individual cannot cope with. We make it so that she can handle it and transform it into something more useful and joyful.
Negative emotions are useful as an incentive to get away from unwanted things. Positive emotions are useful as an incentive to move towards the desired.
Trouble comes when parts of this system get stuck. Especially when the functions of emotions are reversed and the person begins to move towards what she does not want. Therefore, stuck negative emotions are a prime target for processing.
People can express all sorts of combinations of these emotions. Some people remain stuck in a negative emotion almost all the time, such as grief. Others remain stuck in the positive, such as contentment, and are unable to experience negative emotions even when needed.
Some people in stressful situations react according to certain emotional patterns. For example, a person may have hidden grief or fear that is triggered by certain circumstances. A casual remark can push a button that releases pent-up anger.
The purpose of processing is to make people more fluid in their emotions, able to use any most suitable emotion, and able to use their full range if necessary. A flexible and mobile person is likely to prefer to live in a positive frame of mind. But in fact, the goal is to unite into one whole, to go beyond the scope of the positive/negative idea in general.

In recent years, there has been a growing body of research demonstrating the relationship between positive emotions and human health. Their results convincingly prove that overall good physical condition is closely related to life satisfaction and positive emotions, normal self-esteem. Overall, these findings are in line with long-standing observations and intuitions that positive emotions “fuel” good health. Today, scientists around the world are trying to understand the mechanism of this “feeding” and answer the question: how do positive emotions manifest themselves at the physical level.

Positive emotions and heart

Numerous studies have shown that people who suffer from depression and anxiety are at greater risk of heart disease.

The same study showed that positive emotions can protect against coronary disease (ischemic or coronary heart disease - a violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle due to damage to the coronary arteries of the heart) and reduce the risk of premature death by 50%.

A large-scale study on this topic was conducted at the Center for Cardiovascular Health at the Columbia University Medical Center. For ten years, the specialists of the center observed the participants in the experiment. The group of 1739 people included men (862) and women (877), whose average age was 46.2 years. All participants were healthy at the start of the experiment, no one had previously had problems with the heart and blood vessels. Participants were also tested for emotional condition. Ratings ranged from 1 (no positive emotions expressed) to 5 (very strong positive emotions).

During ten years of observation, 145 cases of coronary heart disease were registered in the group, of which 9 were fatal.

Next, the experts involved statistical methods and conducted a regression analysis linking the level positive emotions and the risk of coronary heart disease. It turned out that the proportion of diseases decreases by 22% with an increase in the level positive emotions for every unit. That is, those who received 1 point (zero positive emotions) are 22% more likely to get sick than those who get 2, and those who get 22% more than those who get 3, and so on.

Scientists explain the results obtained by several mechanisms.

  • First, high level positive emotions provides better functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system (it reduces the frequency and strength of heart contractions at rest).
  • Secondly, such individuals cope with stress faster, without bringing the body to physical exhaustion.
  • Thirdly, positive emotions provide healthy sleep.

Based on the data obtained, scientists advise those who want to maintain health to saturate their lives positive emotions. To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations: do something that brings joy more often, whether it's an interesting hobby, chatting with friends, reading, traveling, sports, even a little good alcohol will not hurt.

How it works

The leading role in the emergence of various feelings belongs to the cerebral cortex. This discovery belongs to the outstanding Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who once proved that it is the cortex that regulates the flow and expression of emotions. She keeps under her control all the phenomena occurring in the body, has an inhibitory effect on the subcortical centers and controls them. Arising in the cerebral cortex, the physiological process extends to the underlying subcortical centers. Although the whole brain is involved in the emergence of emotional states, electrophysiological studies have shown the great importance of special formations of the nervous system. They are also called the centers of emotions. The most important of these brain structures is the hypothalamus.

On the other hand, the hypothalamus is closely related to the pituitary gland, other brain structures and endocrine organs. Therefore, the excitation of the emotional centers causes changes throughout the body.

As the experiments show, positive emotions restore all physiological processes. During laughter, joy, happiness, the so-called "hormones of happiness" - catecholamines - are released. It is they that prevent inflammation, and other hormones, endorphins, generally act like morphine and are able to suppress pain.

With emotional experiences, blood circulation changes: the heartbeat quickens or slows down, the tone of blood vessels changes, blood pressure decreases or rises. As a result, during some experiences a person blushes, and during others - turns pale. At positive emotions blood flow to the skin is increased. She blushes and warms up. Besides, positive emotions are beneficial on the composition of the blood.

Under the influence of emotions, the rhythm of breathing also changes. With strong excitement, a person can suffocate. In addition, the upper respiratory tract is exposed to infectious diseases more often in those people who constantly experience stressful situations or lack tenderness and attention in their lives. Conversely, with positive emotions, breathing becomes more frequent, deep and light, which activates the work of the heart.

Under the influence of stress, the functioning of the secretory glands is also disrupted - grief causes profuse lacrimation, excitement - drying out in the mouth, fear - cold sweat. The tone of the muscles of the body also changes.

Positive emotions reduce stress and its consequences, while reducing the concentration of stress hormones - norepinephrine, cortisol and dopamine, trigger processes that strengthen the immune system and increase our resistance to various diseases. It is known, for example, that optimistic people are less likely to get colds, and, conversely, those people who are deprived of emotional balance are more at risk of catching a cold. American scientists who studied the relationship between stress and colds found that a period of severe stress often coincides exactly with the incubation period of a cold.

All these facts indicate that our emotions, both positive and negative, speak the language of the body, and there is no such tissue, organ or system in the body that would remain unaffected by emotions.

Positive emotions

Positive emotions are an extremely common concept, but its content, which seems to be extremely understandable, is not quite obvious.

It seems closest to understand "positive" emotions (as well as positive feelings and states) as those that have a pleasant emotional background, are experienced as one or another pleasure. Usually these are emotions that a person experiences when achieving a goal, when he gets what he wanted - emotions of joy, satisfaction.

In fact, everything is more complicated here, and when reaching the goal, when getting what a person wanted, both spiritual emptiness and disappointment can be an experience - due to the fact, the experience is determined not so much by the situation as by the personal characteristics of a person.

Positive emotions, apparently, should be distinguished from "positive" emotions and feelings. Positive emotions and states are those that receive a positive assessment from the person himself and / or others. Most positive emotions are quite the same as positive ones, and "joy at meeting" is usually both a positive and a positive emotion. However, sometimes there is an obvious discrepancy between positive and positive emotions.

The pleasure of eating is a positive emotion, but the pleasure of eating can irritate someone who wants to lose weight, and a person can consider food pleasure as a negative, harmful experience for himself.

On the other hand, if self-dissatisfaction prompts a person to get up off the couch and start doing something, he will evaluate the negative experience of "self-dissatisfaction" as a positive state for himself.

It is difficult to give a list of positive emotions. It can be joy, enthusiasm, fun, interest, daydreaming, pleasure, etc., but children also often like to be afraid, like to suffer and feel sorry for themselves. There are people who take special pleasure in inflicting pain on themselves ...

The benefits and harms of positive emotions

Oddly enough, the question of the benefits and harms of positive emotions is very difficult. We recommend reading serious articles both about the benefits of positive emotions and their harm, more precisely about the greater benefits of negative emotions. Speaking about the meaning of positive emotions, in any case, it is worth highlighting the following points.

  • This is the feeding of others: I charge the others with my joy, I buy them with my joy.
  • It's a way to get attention. I help solve their problems with my energy, my confidence and cheerfulness.
  • This is normal trading, when I solve other people's problems with my positive emotions, show them joy. Therefore, positive (positive) emotions are welcome in every possible way, if it is not only attracting attention, taking away and diverting attention from what is important to you.

Why do you, as an Internet entrepreneur, need to become a better writer, you ask?

Have you ever noticed the amazing ability of some writers to play with the reader's emotions?

Not? But in vain. That's it for you, as an Internet entrepreneur, you should pay attention to this because the client ( Attention secret secret =)) buys ONLY emotions. Neither the product nor the solution to the problem, but the emotions that he receives from the work of the seller during the sale, the absence of stress due to your product that prevented the problem, the positive emotions that the service can give, etc.

Just a few pages for real can make you experience the whole gamut of feelings: from excitement and tears to rage and the desire to throw a book across the room. This is sign of great writing, proof of excellence in the craft and the yardstick by which aspiring writers evaluate their work.

Of course, the ability to take the reader on an emotional rollercoaster is important for novels and short stories. but what to do with letters, blogs, resumes, commercial offers? All of them, one way or another, are designed to influence the addressee. Their purpose to convey information, but you, as the author, are also interested so that these emotions are close to the reader and he makes the target action.

Maybe you need to impress them; make you worry or vice versa, alert; to anger or push to continue the path you have begun - here the goal can be any kind of emotion. The more feelings you evoke in the reader, the greater your influence on him and, therefore, the higher the chances of achieving your goals.

Remember: it is emotion that leads to the target action (purchase, for example), you just need not to miscalculate what emotions to evoke in the reader for a certain target action and actually become this brilliant writer who can evoke the necessary emotions.

Do you want to know how to do it?

We have good news for you: you can achieve it too. There is an easy way. Read on for what to do.

How to become a better writer in an instant? It's simple. Use powerful words.

Instead of explaining what I mean, I bring you quote great Winston Churchill:

“We are on the verge of a severe test, one of the most difficult. We have many, many long months of struggle and suffering ahead of us. What is our policy, you ask? I can answer: wage war. Land, sea and air, with all our strength and with all the strength that God can give us; a war against a monstrous tyranny that nothing in the dark, mournful history of human crimes has hitherto surpassed. Here is our policy. What is our goal, you ask? I can answer in one word: this is a victory. Victory at any cost; victory despite all the terror; victory, no matter how long and stubborn the path to it is; for without victory we cannot survive.”

Inspiring, right?

Yes, there was ground for inspiration. Under the threat of a German strike, Britain was fighting for its survival, and somehow Churchill had to find a way to inspire his countrymen and call them to the fight.

He chose words. Or, to be more precise, powerful words.

Let's look at that quote again, and this time highlight the powerful words:

“We are on the verge of a severe test, one of the most difficult. We have many, many long months of struggle and suffering ahead of us. What is our policy, you ask? I can answer: wage war. Land, sea and air, with all our strength and with all the strength that God can give us; a war against a monstrous tyranny that nothing in the dark, mournful history of human crimes has hitherto surpassed. Here is our policy. What is our goal, you ask? I can answer in one word: this is a victory. Victory at any cost; victory despite any terror; victory, no matter how long and stubborn the path to it is; for without victory we cannot survive.”

Each underlined word evokes some feeling in the audience. In this case, Churchill mixes fear-inducing words("struggle", "tyranny", "terror") with words that give hope("strength", "God", "victory"). Especially the last, positive words are repeated over and over again, causing almost a storm of emotions in the minds of the audience.

This is no coincidence. , like their speechwriters, saturate their public speeches with carefully chosen powerful words, skillfully leading the audience from one emotion to another - just like any writer or screenwriter, in fact.

Of course, they use not only this. The best authors use many tools to evoke emotions in the recipient, and words are just one of them.

But for aspiring authors, powerful words - it is one of the easiest tools to master. Instead of many techniques that require years of writing practice, you can start using powerful words in your writing, and you will soon notice a significant increase in the quality of your writing.

All you need is a list of such words, and of course, I prepared it for you.

257 Powerful Words You Can Start Using Right Now:


1. Panic provocation

Let's do a little experiment. Take a break from this article and find a news channel. Watch it for about five minutes, listening to the words. You will most likely hear dozens of words that I list below. And that's why:

is undoubtedly the most powerful emotion for capturing and holding an audience's attention. To prevent you from changing the channel, news broadcasts overload your mind with fear-inducing words, making you worry that you will miss something important.

And it works. Of course, there is a danger of overdoing it, but in my opinion, most authors do not use these words sufficiently in their work. And they really help to find .

Here's a list to get you started:

















out of place









laughing stock


A warning
















2. Encouraging conversation

Let's face it. Most people don't exude energy or enthusiasm when they read. They may feel bored, maybe a little overwhelmed, and almost certainly tired. They are subconsciously looking for something that could cheer up and make them feel a little better.

Good news: your can do it. Use the following words to write an encouraging copy and give your readers some positivity:




















Strength of will









3. Take a page from any men's magazine (I'm serious)

Whether we like it or not, passion is one of the basic human emotions. Just take a look at the men's and women's magazines on the stalls and you'll see what I mean. Almost every cover hints directly or indirectly at sex.

And this applies not only to men's and women's magazines - it can be used everywhere. As a writer, you can use passion-driven words to make just about any text compelling.

Here is a list of words for this topic:

















4. Playing on greed

Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert once said, “If you want people to buy something, irritate their greed glands until they bleed.” figuratively? Yes, but still true.

Read and you will find many such powerful words. Many of them are already so beaten up that they have long turned into clichés, but this does not negate their effectiveness.

The bottom line is that almost every one of us is interested in how to make or save money. To stimulate these desires, use the following words:

For free


blow up













hidden treasures






5. Give a sense of security

Greed is not the only emotion your readers should feel. You should also give them a sense of security.

They need to trust you and your product or service to be sure that you deliver it/her. They must believe in the result.

Of course, the creation of such trust begins with the quality of the product/service and reputation, but the words with which you are also very important. To help customers feel safe, try using these words whenever possible:



No questions

Without obligations

free of charge











No risk


Cancel at any time




Try before you buy




Life time

6. Offer Forbidden Fruit

Remember, as a child, you were probably forbidden to do something, and from that moment on you could not think of anything else? It was so?

Beckons us all – such is our nature. So why not use this fact to your advantage?

Whenever you need to arouse curiosity, use the following words in your texts and your readers will not be able to resist the temptation:


Behind the scenes










Illegal distribution





cover up


Back door


Yes, this is a huge list, but not all. Of course, there are a lot of powerful words, and it’s hard to fit them all in one article. But what you have read is a base, a foundation that will help you immediately evoke the emotions of your readers and / , subscription, etc.

What other words are there that carry an emotional charge?

Got 5 minutes? Read another very helpful article:

Tags: Meditation exercises and techniques, Emotion management, Psychotechnics and exercises

Hello dear reader. In order to show the relevance of our conversation today, I want you to stop reading the article for a few moments and answer the question: “What emotions are you currently experiencing?”
Thought? Answered?

Now let's see what problems often arise when answering this question.

  • Many people answer such a question as follows: “Yes, I don’t feel any particular emotions now, everything is fine.” Does this mean that there really are no emotions? Or does it just mean that a person is poorly aware of his emotional state? The fact is that a person always experiences emotions, every moment of his life. Sometime they reach a high intensity, and sometime their intensity is low. Many people pay attention only to strong emotional experiences, and do not attach any importance to low-intensity emotions, and even do not notice them at all. However, if emotions are not very strong, this does not mean that they are absent.
  • Another possible answer to the question posed is: “Somehow I feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable." We see that a person is aware that there are unpleasant emotions inside, but he cannot name which ones. Maybe it's irritation, or maybe disappointment or guilt, or maybe something else.
  • Often our question is answered in a similar way: "I feel like it's time for me to get up from the computer and get down to business" or "I feel that this article can be useful to me." Many people confuse their emotions with thoughts and desire to do something. When trying to describe their emotional state, they describe anything but emotions.

Meditation exercise for understanding emotions

In my work with clients, I often use a meditation exercise to help me better understand my own emotions. It is so effective that I decided to make an audio recording so that anyone can use this technique. The mechanism of action of the exercise is based on the connection of emotions and bodily reactions. Any, even the most insignificant, emotion has its reflection in the body (read more about this). By learning to listen to your own bodily reactions, you can become more familiar with your emotions.

You can do the exercise right now. Here is the entry:

Once you have learned what emotions are and how to describe your inner state with ease, you may be interested in a deeper exploration of yourself. For example, you may want to figure out what positive meaning can carry emotions that, at first glance, are absolutely meaningless and even harmful. Read about it in the next


Meet old friends. Memories of childhood or early youth are sure to bring a smile to your face. Modern means of communication allow you to find classmates or friends at the university. Take advantage of social media and host a reunion or have a friendly date with people from your childhood. Broken knees, the first deuce, cheating in exams - all these little things will please you and give you a lot of pleasant emotions.

Take a trip. There is nothing better than a change of scenery. Of course, the ideal option would be a trip to the sea or ocean, but such trips always require money. Meanwhile, you can do without a solid account on the card. Get to the nearest park, forest or suburban museum areas and spend the whole day there. Guess with the weather, and this day will give you real pleasure.

Choose a hobby. If you still haven't figured out how to get creative, now is the time to do it. Think you. You can take up embroidery, volleyball, fishing, floriculture or snake breeding - the degree of extreme is up to you. The release of energy through creativity will not only get rid of negativity, but also give you the most positive emotions.

Go rollerblading, skating or cycling. Remember the childhood fun that you liked so much before! Rent any kind of sports equipment that can take you for a ride with the breeze. Call your friends - many will support you. Joy, similar to children's delight, is provided to you.

Have a beauty day. It guarantees positive emotions if you do all the procedures slowly and with pleasure. Take warm water into the bath, add sea salt to it, whip up fragrant foam, place it around the candle. Make a mask. If you can afford to go to a salon, great! Massage, spa treatments and other joys will undoubtedly charge you with a positive attitude for a long time.

Surely each of you have had moments in your life when nothing pleased you. And life itself seemed boring, insipid, somehow meaningless, passing in vain. And I really wanted to somehow change it, to get at least some positive emotions. The stupidest thing you can do in such a situation is to try to achieve these emotions with the help of alcohol, or, even worse, drugs. Believe me, this is not an option! Momentary “sharpness of sensations” will then turn into at least ruined health.


Try to find yourself some hobby. Depending on their habits, temperament, temperament, conditions. Remember, you must have been fond of something in childhood! Can't an adult find something to his liking? As they say, for every taste and budget? Surely it can! And it will bring him a lot of positive emotions.

If finances allow, try to travel the world. Believe me, this is an incomparable pleasure - different countries and sights. Bright emotions surely you will be guaranteed. There are so many beautiful places in the world! And in Europe, and in Africa, and in Asia. Even the most gloomy, "closed" person will be delighted to see the Old Town Square in Prague, the majestic ruins of the Roman Forum, the stunning beauty of the underwater reefs of the Red Sea.

If you don’t have the material to travel abroad, get out into nature more often. This is especially true for residents of large cities. A few hours spent in the forest or on the banks of the river, in the fresh air, away from the roar, crowds and gasoline exhausts - they will give you so much! Surely you will feel that your soul has become easier, and life seems better.