Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What qualities are inherent in choleric. Psychological characteristics of choleric temperament (choleric)

Temperament is a certain psychophysiological feature of the personality, which is based on the type of nervous system. It is always dynamic, is innate, and a person's character is built on its basis.

The first to define temperament and describe each of its types was Hippocrates. At present, people still use this classification, having brought a scientific base under it and modernizing it.

A person who is mobile, energetic, likes to be in the center of attention and show any of his emotions, belongs to choleric people.

Key Features

The most striking qualities that he possesses are:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • decisiveness, assertiveness;
  • active participation in disputes;
  • passion for leadership;
  • fast reaction;
  • sharpness in movements, lively facial expressions;
  • restlessness, sometimes inconsistency;
  • activity, striving for something new;
  • passion for risk;
  • in some cases aggressiveness, rudeness.

Choleric is very sociable and seeks the attention of others.. We can say that he is a typical extrovert (although rarely, but there is an introvert).

For the first time he divided people into two groups according to this principle K.G. Jung. Under introversion he meant a type of behavior that is aimed at internal activity (inside oneself), and extraversion - a behavioral type aimed at the outside world. G.Yu. Eysenck determined that these manifestations are based on congenital features of the nervous system. An extrovert is characterized by a predominance of the process of excitation over inhibition, and an introvert - by inhibition over excitation.

In childhood

A choleric child from early childhood is subject to mood swings: while still in infancy, he can laugh and cry at the same minute. He does not tolerate loneliness, prefers to be among people. A nursing baby is very tame, loves not only to be awake in the arms of adults, but also to sleep, which exhausts his parents.

Due to the prevailing processes of excitation of the nervous system, he sleeps poorly at night for a long time, even when he has already grown up. Demanding to meet his needs: cries, screams and is naughty until he gets what he wants.

However, this baby is very responsive to affection, able to love with all his heart, vividly express his feelings. His behavior is characterized not only by whims and scandals, but also by involvement in a joint game with adults, gratitude for communication, loud joy.

These are meteor children, they are everywhere at the same time - parents have to redouble their efforts to ensure complete safety. Cholerics early, in comparison with their peers, refuse daytime sleep, remaining alert until the evening.

In 2015, the journal Psychology and Law published an article describing the results of a study that examined the temperament of the subject and the type of criminal activity. So, it was found that most people convicted of murder, theft, fraud and hooliganism are choleric.

Parents face the difficult task of education - under adverse conditions and the lack of self-regulation skills, some of the features that characterize this type of temperament can be fixed and turn into a personality trait. This means that impulsiveness, incontinence of emotions run the risk of turning into aggression, rudeness, rudeness. The craving for everything new and the speed of the reaction of the nervous system can turn into an inability to bring things to the end.

The recommendation to parents raising choleric includes encouraging positive aspects (this child, for example, can be very kind - to people, animals, knows how to sympathize and express it) and redirecting negative manifestations in a constructive direction (playing sports for a splash of aggression). Since this is often a typical extrovert, it is worth carefully choosing friends to communicate with the child from early childhood: he may begin to maintain contacts indiscriminately.

At work

The type of temperament is only the basis for the development of character: a choleric person can manifest himself in different ways in work. Under favorable circumstances, he becomes a leader, able to lead people and take responsibility. He is not afraid to make decisions in complex controversial situations. With developed self-regulation, he can become an excellent leader. With an unfavorable previous upbringing, lack of restraint, inadequately high self-esteem, his behavior can become despotic, with exorbitant demands.

A choleric person feels good in any activity that is connected with people.. However, he may experience burnout due to the need for constant internal control over the expression of his emotions. In this case, the recommendations relate to the support of moral and mental health: timely rest (including in solitude), mastering relaxation techniques, redirecting negative energy into physical activity.

In politics and leadership, there were and are choleric people: Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Napoleon, V. Zhirinovsky. They call the name of V. Chapaev, but it is difficult to say whether this type of temperament was present in a real person, and not in a literary hero.

Relationships with the opposite sex

These people, despite their love of communication, are conflicted: their intemperance prevents them from maintaining an even relationship. A choleric woman attracts men with her activity, a vivid expression of emotions, but at the same time, a person who has a weak type of nervous system (melancholic) can get tired of constant conflict situations, mood swings of a partner. A man with a choleric temperament in a relationship can become a manipulator or even an abuser. Such a characteristic arises in the absence of proper moral qualities. If they are present, then communication with a choleric person can become productive.

Usually a person with choleric manifestations is an extrovert, which becomes a problem for his partner if he is an introvert. There must be a balance of interests, but it is possible only if both of them go towards each other. And if an introvert can still do this, then an extroverted choleric person experiences great difficulties in this - because of stubbornness.

The recommendations that psychologists give to extroverts who have an introverted partner boil down to taking into account their possible slow reaction: do not interrupt during a conversation, listen calmly. Communicate more non-verbally, in writing. An introvert who wants to communicate with an extrovert must learn to express emotions openly. If this is difficult, they can be described and given to read.

Joint manifestation of individual traits of temperaments

A person who has one type of temperament in its purest form is a rarity. More often there is a dominant type or a combination of the two. So, not choleric, but choleric-sanguine or melancholic-choleric psychotypes are found (highlighted by G.V. Sukhodolsky). The first is a pronounced extrovert, active and sociable. It differs in the mobility of the nervous system, but, unlike the choleric, in greater balance. The second - often an introvert, is characterized by capriciousness, touchiness, restlessness, but is distinguished by great conscientiousness and the ability to bring things to the end. However, there is difficulty in determining where these psychotypes, which are innate, end, and where the manifestations of character begin.

Who is a choleric? This is a person who at birth has a set of such qualities, thanks to which he becomes a best friend, partner, parent, employee or boss. But these same properties can affect the fact that this type will become a headache for others. Any development option is possible, which depends on what kind of start the child received in childhood, and how he learned to cope with the processes of excitation of the nervous system.

- this is an individual property of a person, which to the greatest extent depends on his innate, natural psychophysiological qualities. Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person in terms of the characteristics of his mental activity, such as the intensity, speed, pace of mental processes.

Usually there are three areas of manifestation of temperament: the level of general activity, features of the motor sphere and the level of emotionality.

General activity is determined by the degree of intensity of human interaction with the environment - natural and social. There are two extremes here. One type of people is distinguished by its pronounced lethargy, passivity, and the other - by high activity, speed in action. Representatives of other temperaments are located between these two poles.

Movement or motor activity It is expressed in the speed and sharpness of movements, in the pace of speech, as well as in external mobility or, conversely, slowness, talkativeness or silence.

Emotionality- is expressed in the speed of changing emotional states, susceptibility to emotional influences, sensitivity.

Since antiquity, temperament has always been associated with the physiological characteristics of the human body. Hippocrates(5th century BC) described four types of temperament, determined by the fluid that supposedly predominates in the body: sanguine(from lat. sanguis - blood), choleric(from Greek. chole- bile) phlegmatic(from Greek. phlegma - slime) and melancholic(from Greek. melaina chole - black bile). Temperaments were understood by Hippocrates in a purely physiological sense.

In the XVIII century. four psychological types were compared with the Hippocratic types of temperament, which marked the beginning of a psychological line in the study of temperaments. General ideas about temperaments at the present time are not much different from the ideas of the 18th century: choleric temperament is associated with irritability, sanguine temperament with cheerfulness, phlegmatic temperament with calmness, and melancholic temperament with sadness and vulnerability.

In modern psychology, temperament is defined as permanent and stable natural personality traits that determine the dynamics of mental activity, regardless of its content.

As properties of temperament, extraversion and introversion, the rate of reactions, plasticity and rigidity are distinguished.

extraversion-introversion- temperament characteristics introduced K. Jung - determine the dependence of a person's reaction and activity on external impressions that arise at a given moment (extrovert), or on internal mental processes and human states (introvert). Extroverts include sanguine and choleric, introverts - phlegmatic and melancholic.

The rate of reactions characterizes the speed of mental processes and reactions (speed of mind, rate of speech, dynamics of gestures). The rate of reactions is increased in choleric, sanguine and well-rested melancholics and lowered in phlegmatic and tired melancholics. People with a fast rate of reactions and low sensitivity (sanguine and choleric) do not notice. that others (phlegmatic and melancholy) do not have time to follow the course of their thoughts, and on the basis of this they make completely unfounded conclusions about their mental abilities, which can cause direct damage to relationships between people, in particular business relationships.

Inactivity - the degree of involuntary reactions to external and internal influences and irritations (critical remark, offensive word, harsh tone, external influence). These are automated defense and orientation reactions. High reactivity in choleric and sanguine, low in phlegmatic.

Activity- characterizes the severity of the energy potential of the individual, with which a person overcomes obstacles and achieves a goal. Activity is expressed in perseverance, focus, concentration of attention and is the main quality of temperament that contributes to the achievement of the goal. The phlegmatic person has the highest activity, although, due to low reactivity, he is included in the work more slowly. The phlegmatic is highly active, he is not in danger of overwork. In choleric, high activity is combined with reactivity. Sanguine people are quite active, but if the activity is monotonous, they may lose interest in her. Melancholics are characterized by low activity.

The ratio of reactivity and activity determines what human activity depends to a greater extent: random external or internal circumstances - mood, random events, or goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity indicate how easily and flexibly a person adapts to external influences (plasticity) or how inert his behavior is (rigidity). The highest plasticity in sanguine people, rigidity characterizes phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Emotional excitability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact required for the occurrence of an emotional reaction and the rate of its development. Emotional excitability is increased in the sanguine, choleric and melancholic, and in the phlegmatic it is lowered.

A peculiar combination of activity, determined by the intensity and volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social, and the severity of emotional reactions, determine the individual characteristics of temperament, i.e. "dynamic aspects" of behavior. Researchers remain confident that the dynamic properties of behavior have a certain physiological basis, i.e. are determined by certain features of the functioning of physiological structures, but what these structures and features are currently unknown. One thing is clear that temperament, being innate, is the basis of most personality traits, including its character. Temperament is the sensual basis of character. Being transformed in the process of character formation, the properties of temperament turn into character traits, the content of which is associated with the direction of the individual's psyche.

Temperaments and their characteristics

Phlegmatic person unhurried, imperturbable, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy with the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in work, remaining calm and balanced. In work, he is productive, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Choleric - fast, passionate, impulsive, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. Choleric, carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and quickly depletes.

Sanguine - a lively, hot, mobile person, with frequent changes of mood, impressions, with a quick reaction to all events taking place around him, quite easily reconciled with his failures and troubles. Usually sanguine people have expressive facial expressions. He is very productive at work, when he is interested, getting very excited about this, if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored.

Melancholic - a person is easily vulnerable, prone to constant experience of various events, he reacts little to external factors. He cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by an effort of will, he is too impressionable, easily emotionally vulnerable.

Every temperament can be found both positive and negative properties. Good upbringing, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest: melancholic, as an impressionable person with deep feelings and emotions; phlegmatic, as a seasoned person without hasty decisions; sanguine, as a highly responsive person for any work; choleric, as a passionate, frantic and active person in work.

The negative properties of temperament can manifest themselves as follows: in a melancholic - isolation and shyness; phlegmatic - indifference to people, dryness; in a sanguine person - superficiality, dispersion. inconstancy; choleric - hasty decisions.

As already noted, there are four main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic (Fig. 1, Table 1).

Sanguine temperament

I. P. Pavlov gives the following description of the features of the sanguine temperament: “A sanguine person is a hot, very productive worker, but only when he has a lot of interesting things to do, that is, constant excitement. When there is no such thing, he becomes boring, lethargic.

The sanguine person is distinguished by easy adaptability to changing living conditions, increased contact with people around him, and sociability. Feelings of a sanguine person easily arise and quickly change, his stereotypes are quite mobile, conditioned reflexes are quickly fixed. In a new environment, he does not feel constraint, is capable of quickly switching attention and changing activities, and is emotionally stable. People with a sanguine temperament are most suitable for activities that require quick reactions, significant efforts, and distribution of attention.

choleric temperament

“The choleric type,” I. P. Pavlov notes, “is clearly a fighting type, provocative, easily and quickly irritated.” “Carried away by some business, he puts too much effort on his means and forces, and in the end he is torn, exhausted more than he should, he is being worked out to the point that everything is unbearable for him.”

Choleric is characterized by increased emotional reactivity, fast pace and sharpness in movements. The increased excitability of a choleric person under adverse conditions can become the basis of irascibility and even aggressiveness.

Rice. 1. Reactions of people with different temperaments in the same situation (Figure X. Bidstrup)

Table 1. Types of temperament and their corresponding mental properties of a person

Mental properties

Pitchfork of temperament and the properties of higher nervous activity corresponding to them






Very high


Very big

extraversion / introversion




















Very stable

Very unstable

With appropriate motivation, the choleric is able to overcome significant difficulties, devoting himself to business with great passion. It is characterized by a sharp change of mood. A person with a choleric temperament achieves the greatest effectiveness in activities that require increased reactivity and a significant one-time effort.

Phlegmatic temperament

"The phlegmatic is a calm, always even, persistent and stubborn worker of life."

The reactions of the phlegmatic are somewhat slow, the mood is stable. The emotional sphere is outwardly little expressed. In difficult life situations, the phlegmatic person remains quite calm and self-possessed, he does not allow impulsive, jerky movements, since the processes of inhibition in him always balance the processes of excitation. Correctly calculating his strength, the phlegmatic shows great perseverance in bringing the matter to the end. Switching attention and activity is somewhat slow. His stereotypes are inactive, and in some cases his behavior is not flexible enough. The phlegmatic achieves the greatest success in those activities that require a uniform exertion of strength, perseverance, stability of attention and great patience.

Melancholic temperament

The melancholic temperament is clearly an inhibitory type of the nervous system. For a melancholic, obviously, every phenomenon of life becomes an agent that slows him down, since he does not believe in anything, does not hope for anything, sees and expects only the bad, the dangerous in everything.

The melancholic is characterized by increased vulnerability, a tendency to deep feelings (sometimes even for minor reasons). His feelings arise easily, are poorly restrained, outwardly distinctly expressed. Strong external influences hinder its activity. He is introverted - busy with his experiences, closed, refrains from contact with strangers, avoids new surroundings. Under certain conditions of life, shyness, timidity, indecision and even cowardice are easily formed in him. In a favorable stable environment, a melancholic can achieve significant success in activities that require increased sensitivity, reactivity, quick learning, and observation.

Impulsive, passionate, hot, unbalanced, reacting to the situation rapidly - this is how you can characterize a person whose temperament type is choleric. Despite the fact that such people often have to “blow off steam”, they can be restrained and reasonable.

Character features

Choleric is an unbalanced, but strong type, he can cope with significant mental stress, but such a person has an increased level of irritability and instability. Representatives of this type are easy to turn on, they are aggressive, often splash out emotions on others, but if you meet them halfway, they can quickly calm down and cool down. Inborn leadership qualities contribute to the fact that choleric people strive to be winners in everything, it is important for them to attract attention to themselves, they are in constant motion. You can notice a choleric person by expressive facial expressions and sharp, feverish gestures, they often chatter and consider attack to be the best defense.

simple test

There is a simple procedure for determining the type of temperament of a choleric, just mark the qualities inherent in you from the following.

  1. Active.
  2. Angry.
  3. Initiator.
  4. Stubborn.
  5. Leader.
  6. Noisy.
  7. Dominant.
  8. Hardy.
  9. Rival.
  10. Forgetful.
  11. Vigorous.
  12. Active.
  13. Intolerant.
  14. Excitable.
  15. Impulsive.
  16. Impatient.
  17. Hot-tempered.
  18. Restless.
  19. Aggressive.

Do not expect a complete match, because often in one person there are traits from at least two temperaments. If more than half of these qualities are inherent in you, then the choleric temperament type is predominant.


By nature, choleric people are sociable and make contact easily, but at the same time they want to remain leaders.

Choleric child

The choleric child is often naughty, trying to get what he wants, often he becomes the center of the family, and the rest of its members revolve around him. Despite this, such children become grateful for the slightest attention, they are responsive and affectionate when they are happy with everything. Such a baby tends to violently express any reactions to surrounding events, he will be delighted with going to the circus, and screaming and crying will become a reaction to any ban. In collective games, he prefers to be the leader. In adolescence, hyperactive expression of emotions will take over, so an aggressive teenager-bully can be considered a typical choleric.

Choleric woman

Ambitious, strong, strong-willed, this is how you can describe a choleric woman. She is not afraid of everything new, which she easily learns, loves to lead, regardless of whether she is in the family or at work. An ideal housewife will not come out of her, such women rarely sit at home, they strive to conquer peaks and are ready to take on any interesting job. A supple, calm, patient and softer man should be next to a choleric woman, a phlegmatic type of temperament will be an ideal option for a husband, since only he can withstand such high activity.

Choleric man

A choleric man in the family will dominate and will not allow his wife to command him. He is a representative of the stronger sex and behaves accordingly, takes care of the welfare and safety of the family. A choleric father can become a despot, he will demand unquestioning obedience from children, but he is also characterized by a manifestation of sensitivity, love and care.

A choleric man can become a tyrant in the family, then the child will suffer the most. You won't be able to change the character, but you can try to correct it.

A representative of this type needs followers whom he can command, therefore, at school, such individuals often gather a large company around them, which is ready to follow and obey. They do not tend to be alone, so they are sociable and often have many friends. Thanks to the organization and speed of reaction, choleric men quickly move up the career ladder and often become successful in business.

Choleric extrovert

An extrovert can be characterized by a predominant process of excitation over inhibition. And choleric people are typical unstable extroverts, since they are aimed at the outside world, they always strive to be in the spotlight, therefore they are extremely sociable, but at the same time uncompromising and often splash out their negative emotions on others.

Choleric introvert

An introvert is a secretive person, he is not inclined to share experiences and thoughts with others, he does not openly show emotions. Such people avoid large and noisy companies, they never make contact first. Based on this characteristic, it can be assumed that an introvert and a choleric person are something so incompatible that it is extremely rare to meet such a person.

Advantages of temperament

Choleric always pre-analyzes the situation before inserting his “five cents” and this can be attributed to the pluses of this type. This type of temperament is punchy, it can even be called an innovator, because excessive activity makes you strive for more. Such individuals are able to quickly make important decisions due to their high concentration of attention. A creative approach to work makes it possible to expand activities.

Cons of temperament

As for the disadvantages of this type, such people often do not complete the work they have begun, since it is difficult for them to deal with one thing for a long time, and the range of interests is wide. Choleric is active, but being in constant motion, he often gets tired and sometimes does not understand this, because of this, emotional breakdowns occur.

The type of temperament of a choleric person can be characterized by such qualities as impulsiveness, rapid reactions to what is happening, passion, imbalance, irascibility. Cholerics are energetic and impatient natures, with an increased level of mental activity, in some cases showing aggression.

general description

Choleric - the characteristic of this type of temperament is as follows: this person will never sit still, will be able to overcome various difficulties on his way. This person is subject to sudden mood swings, as well as emotional outbursts of various strengths, is in constant motion, always in a hurry somewhere, trying to do several things at once, but is not always able to complete them. Despite the emotionality and vitality, the choleric differs from the sanguine in that in his case, energy can turn into aggression or conflict. As Hippocrates determined the type of temperament of the choleric, there is yellow bile in his body, which endows the person with emotional incontinence, hysteria and, in some ways, unbridledness.

Choleric and aggressiveness are inseparable concepts, you can start them in a matter of seconds. They immediately begin to splash out all their emotions on people, but in the same way they can calm down very easily and quickly, especially in those cases when they notice that people are beginning to give in and go towards them. Choleric people have a very strong character, so they always easily solve problems that have arisen. Determining the temperament of a choleric person is usually very simple. First of all, these people are individualists. They always have their own opinion. Often there is a leadership trait in the character of the choleric.

He always strives to be the first in everything, he likes to be in the center of attention and attract it. People with this temperament often take an active part in various disputes, the instigators of which are themselves. You can recognize a choleric person visually by expressive gestures and facial expressions, sudden movements, impetuous and dynamic behavior, confident, fast and swift gait. A person with this type usually speaks very quickly, uses exaggerations and maximally colored epithets in his speech.

They prefer to sleep little, but eat a lot and with appetite. According to the characteristics of a choleric, this is clearly the person who can bang his fist on the table and always choose an attack as an ideal defense for himself.

What are the features of the type

By temperament, the choleric is the right type, who only needs to learn to control his own emotions, aggression, restrain himself and be patient. It is very easy to recognize him not only by his demeanor, but also by his appearance. Choleric - a characteristic of external factors and distinctive features:

  • fast and abrupt movements and movements;
  • do not like to wait for anyone;
  • tendency to thinness;
  • long limbs without muscles;
  • narrow chest, back, pelvis;
  • elongated skull bones;
  • pronounced facial features, usually with prominent cheekbones.

The peculiarity of people with such a type of character as choleric lies in pride and determination. It is very difficult for them to realize themselves in a position where it is necessary to be subordinate or dependent on others. Cholerics are ideal for independent work, which does not require following the rules of other people. The temperament of an energetic choleric allows him to take on many tasks to which he will devote all his free time. It is able to withstand heavy workloads, fast pace, as well as a change of various activities. In work, they show initiative, constant activity and a desire for action. However, if something does not go according to the plan of the choleric, he can abruptly lose his temper. Then his work is much more difficult.

Choleric people are often excellent leaders, entrepreneurs and businessmen according to their temperament characteristics. They work well with the team, they are able to clearly, clearly, informatively express their own thoughts, they have a punchy character, good speed of thinking and purposefulness. Therefore, they are guaranteed success in any chosen field. What are the distinctive features in the description of the temperament of the choleric:

  • very amorous natures, love comes to them at first sight, they instantly plunge headlong into a new feeling;
  • ambitious and proud, love to be set as an example, respected or honored;
  • they are distinguished by frequent and very quick mood swings, any nuances can bring them out of balance, turning them into an aggressive and angry person;
  • quick-tempered, it is difficult for them to learn self-control;
  • people with this type usually show their emotions openly and vividly, without being embarrassed or hiding them.

Pros and cons of temperament type

The type of temperament of a strong choleric person includes such strengths:

  • are an inexhaustible source of energy;
  • the ability to adhere to the ideals chosen for oneself, to fight desperately for them;
  • a tendency to make quick decisions, as well as to take impulsive actions, often this approach turns out to be the most correct;
  • self-confidence, optimistic attitude;
  • initiative;
  • truth-seekers, they will always tell the truth in person, they will not be hypocritical and whisper behind their backs;
  • striving for continuous development, do not like to stay in one place;
  • stress tolerance;
  • the ability to quickly complete tasks and solve problems;
  • characterized by high loyalty.

A strongly developed sense of justice causes a sharp reaction in choleric people, prompting them to defend the truth desperately to the very end. The character of the choleric is arranged in such a way that this person can never stay away, especially when he sees injustice. However, another personality trait is associated with this trait - the desire for dominance. Sometimes such desires go beyond all permissible boundaries, choleric people begin to demand unquestioning obedience from loved ones. They simply explode with emotions due to the fact that something is not being done the way they ordered, or if a person does not understand them the first time. At the same time, they understand that they can often go too far. In fact, they have sensitivity, and tenderness, and care for their loved ones. The temperament of the choleric does not allow other people to relax in his company.

Negative personality traits of a choleric person:

  • can work very hard just to hear praise;
  • obsessed with earning income;
  • excessive activity leads to irritability;
  • dislike indecisive, shy, slow people;
  • can do long-term work superficially, without going into details;
  • a sense of compassion is poorly developed, they believe that people themselves are to blame for what happens to them;
  • show a propensity for violence;
  • do not know how to forgive insults, are vengeful;
  • irritability, rudeness, conflict, aggression;
  • know how to manipulate people, are cunning personalities.

The enthusiasm of choleric people can quickly dry up, not allowing the work begun to be completed. Sometimes, in order to achieve a certain goal, a person needs a so-called "kick" or a call from the outside, which will warm up his interest.

In comparison with melancholics, choleric people are not vindictive personalities, although at first glance they look very malicious or rude.

For woman

A choleric woman is usually a strong-willed and strong person, whose energy is felt at a distance. It is not a problem for her to learn something new, to know a different area, she is easily trained at any age. By nature, a woman with the type of choleric likes to take a leadership position not only at work, but also at home, among friends, in any suitable situation. It is very important for her to dominate under any conditions, this brings her real satisfaction. It is difficult to call this woman a good housewife, she is not one of those people who will sit at home and do household chores with pleasure. The life goal of such women is the conquest of new heights. It is important for her to find a job that will be really interesting. A quiet, calm, balanced man with a huge supply of patience and suppleness is ideal for such a woman.

For a man

The choleric man in the family will always rule, his woman will not have the right to vote. He will always strive to financially provide for his family, give her maximum care and reliability, and is pragmatic. Children treat a man in the person of their choleric dad, as well as a despot and tyrant, who forces them to obedience by force, they demand unhindered and unquestioning fulfillment of orders. But such a father will be distinguished by special sensitivity, attention and care. Surrounded by a man of this type, there are always many friends who agree to put up with character traits, are ready to listen to him, follow him, and fulfill various requests.

This is the brightest of temperaments - choleric people never remain in the shadows, they are very active. Life force splashes over the edge, they violently experience any emotions - anger, joy, unhappiness, delight. A lot of action and little thought, but full dedication and dedication.

The main feature of choleric people is energy. If a person of this temperament has a goal, he immediately proceeds to achieve it, and it is almost impossible to stop him. While the melancholic thinks about a plan of action, and tells what he will do, the choleric manages to achieve what was planned and looks out for new tasks.

Choleric child

The first "victim" of the imperious choleric becomes his mother, whom the baby completely subjugates. The peanut can cry for hours, be naughty and angry until he gets what he wants. Cholerics have an innate need for a dominant position, sooner or later they, as a rule, manage to take command positions, in “particularly successful” cases they become domestic dictators and tyrants. The child refuses to obey his parents and forces him to play on his terms. But at the same time, the little choleric is joyful and agile, enthusiastically accepting gifts, loving with all his heart, with an infectious laugh and sparkling eyes. The attention of the whole family is focused on him, firstly, because the fidget cannot be left unattended, and secondly, he radiates energy and joy, which is very attractive.

Choleric at work

People of this warehouse have innate leadership qualities. They clearly see the goal, captivate everyone with their idea, and strive for dominance in all situations. This set of qualities allows choleric people to become good leaders. Explicit leadership qualities inherent in almost all choleric people:

  • A clear vision of the goal and the ability to clearly state the tasks.
  • Sincere and emotional manner of communication.
  • The ability to quickly navigate the situation.
  • Ability to motivate subordinates, control their actions.
  • Tendency to manipulate people.

Many world politicians belong to this psychotype, but in order to achieve such heights, a choleric person needs to learn how to control bursts of energy. With excellent strategic abilities, choleric people often lack a sense of tact.

In critical situations, people of this temperament do not hesitate to take responsibility, and people usually follow them, even if they understand that the path ahead is not easy. Cholerics are not familiar with compromises and doubts, considering them the lot of weak and insecure people. Qualities that often turn away from a choleric leader:

  • Overconfidence.
  • Heightened self-esteem.
  • Rejection of other people's opinions.
  • Unreasonable demands.

Over time and with experience, the choleric learns to curb his indefatigable temper and becomes a charismatic and authoritative leader.

The nature of the choleric

It is impossible to imagine a moping or indifferent choleric person. He always knows what he is striving for and tirelessly moves towards the goal. If you see that a customer in a store begins to straighten a crookedly hanging mirror or a restaurant visitor rubs cutlery to a shine while waiting for an order, you should know that this is a choleric person. These people do not know peace.

Choleric people sharply do not accept manifestations of injustice, so they actively participate in charity events, rescue operations, protect animals and birds, speak at rallies and picket government agencies. Any battlefield is the best habitat for a choleric, here he feels at home and can throw out an inexhaustible charge of energy.

The speed of choleric reactions is the highest, so they do not understand how others can not understand the essence of the problem for so long and not take action. He himself without hesitation gets down to business, often brushing aside conventions and losing like-minded people. The choleric person often comes to the top alone, because those who started the ascent with him could not stand the tension and pace. The choleric is absolutely sure that he can act as efficiently as possible if no one interferes with him. But for advancement, it is not enough just to see the goal and not see the obstacles, you also need to organize coordinated actions of the whole team. If a person of this type understands in time that it is necessary to take into account not only his desires and possibilities, loneliness will not threaten him.

Working with people, the choleric leader distributes responsibilities quite accurately, but none of the team has a single chance to be on the highest foot - he will take on the most important part of the work and receive all the laurels. Obstacles do not stop the choleric, but incite him and make him obsessed with achieving the goal. Representatives of other types of temperament behave under such conditions in a completely different way: balanced sanguine people leave an impossible task, do not take on its solution, but are looking for an opportunity to bypass difficult moments.

Sanguine and melancholy people usually have friends. The first needs an audience, and the second needs support. Choleric, on the other hand, does not need anyone - he is busy looking for a goal and achieving it. He is completely independent of other people's opinions and does not need understanding and support. He agrees to work in a team only if he can be the first.

How to coexist with a choleric person?

To withstand close contact with an explosive and despotic choleric is not for everyone. But, knowing the features of his difficult disposition, you can adapt to him and recharge with his energy.

  • Cholerics are highly active - they quickly get to work. At the same time, they are direct and persistent.
  • Unrestrained in feelings, impatient, quick-tempered and unbridled. But their goals and interests persist for a long time, attention does not switch until the task is completed.
  • Classic choleric people are extroverts.
  • They tend to make decisions on their own.
  • Optimistic, self-confident, bold and determined.

The negative qualities inherent in many choleric people are determined by the speed of his mental reactions. Impetuous choleric, not knowing obstacles:

  • They do not forgive people for ordinary weaknesses.
  • They can't really empathize.
  • Can't bear tears.
  • In a relationship, they don't pay attention to the little things.
  • They can't stand those who can't keep up with them.
  • Irritable, especially when they see indecision.

At the same time, choleric people have qualities that make partnership with him favorable. For example, they never dump their responsibilities on others, do not change their decisions and are not afraid of obstacles. When dealing with a choleric person, one must remember that people of this temperament never forgive insults and are vengeful.

Famous choleric people

Among the famous choleric people who have achieved the greatest success in life, the following people can be distinguished: Alexander Suvorov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Alexander Pushkin, Peter the Great.