Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What are the definitions of words. Viewing the contents of the document "Memo "Grammar" »

The purpose of this type of linguistic analysis of the word is to identify the sound composition of the latter. In this case, it is necessary:

- determine the number of syllables;

- establish a qualitative-quantitative relationship between letters and sounds in a word;

- describe each sound.

Syllable - the minimum pronunciation unit of speech, characterized by the maximum fusion of its components. The number of syllables in a word is determined by the number of vowels, because namely the vowel is the top of the syllable: o -go -r about d-nothing.

The accent is highlighting one of the syllables of a word using phonetic means. The stressed syllable is pronounced longer, stronger and more distinctly than the others. Word stress is a mandatory feature of a word. However, there are a number of words that are adjacent to other words and do not carry independent stress (particles, prepositions, and some others).

Since the stress determines the phonetic word, in some cases its boundaries may not coincide with the morphological word, for example, before ex a me, I would about flax, r a was not (two morphological words make up one phonetic).

stress in the word one, however, if the word is long, collateral stress may appear: el e ktrost a ntion.

Russian writing is not sound, because of this, in the Russian language there are certain letter-sound ratios. The most frequent and usually causing difficulty in writing a transcription of a word, or its sound composition, include the following:

  • the letter denotes several sounds (e, e, u, i at the beginning of the word, after the vowel, after the dividing b and b): yula - [yula]. In some cases, after b, two sounds can be denoted by the vowel and: streams - [brooks];
  • several letters denote one sound (sch, zhch, zch \u003d [u]; ds, ts, ts \u003d [c]): in about zchik - [voshchik], d e tsky - [d'etsk'y].

In Russian, as in many others, there are two types of sounds: vowels and consonants. Depending on the nature of the syllable in which they are located, vowel sounds - and there are six of them: [a, o, e, y, s, and] - are divided into stressed and unstressed. All vowels can be stressed and unstressed, but the unstressed vowel o is found only in certain borrowed words: radio - [r a d'io]. Consonant sounds (there are 36 of them) are characterized by hardness / softness and sonority / deafness.

30 consonants form pairs according to hardness / softness: [b - b ', c - c', g - g', e - d', s - s ', k - k ', l - l ', m - m ', n – n', p – p', p – p', s – s', t – t', f – f', x – x'].

Always hard, or hard unpaired, are [g, w, c], and always soft, or soft unpaired, - [d, h, u].

Always voiced, or voiced unpaired, are [d, l, m, n, p], and always deaf, or deaf unpaired, - [x, c, h, u].

It should also be taken into account that in the flow of speech, sounds influence each other. Compare, for example, the pronunciation of the preposition to in the position before the deaf and voiced (to you - [kt'eb ' uh], to the house - [where about mu]), initial and in isolated use and in the presence of a preposition (ideal - [id'e a l], ideally - [vyd'e a l'e]).

In some cases, several pronunciation options for a particular word are allowed: meat - [m'isn about y] and [m'esn about y], (about) patience - [t’erp’ uh n'ii], [t'erp' uh n’iye], [t’irp’ uh n'ii] and [t'irp' uh niye], chain - [tsep about chka] and [chick about chka].

Scheme of phonetic parsing of a word(according to school tradition).

1. Break the word into syllables, indicate the number of syllables.

2. Put the stress in the word,

indicate the stressed syllable.

3. Write down the phonetic

word transcription.

4. Describe the sounds of the word. Vowels: percussion - unstressed, which letter is indicated; consonants: hard, soft (paired, unpaired),

voiced, deaf (paired, not

paired), which letter is indicated.

5 Specify the number of sounds and letters.

Sample parsing


o-tbe-pour 3 syllables

The 3rd syllable is stressed [adb'il'yt']

[a] - vowel, unstressed; marked with the letter "o";

[d] - consonant, solid, double (pair [d ']); voiced, paired (pair [t]); marked with the letter "t";

[b '] - consonant, soft, paired (pair [b]); voiced, paired (pair [p ']); marked with the letter "b";

[and] - vowel, unstressed; marked with the letter "e";

[l '] - consonant, soft, double (pair [l]); voiced, unpaired (pair [-]); marked with the letter "l";

[and] - vowel, shock; marked with the letter "and";

[t ‘] - consonant, soft, double (pair [t]); deaf, double (pair [d ']); marked with the letters "t", "b".

7 sounds, 8 letters

Parsing a word by composition (morphemic analysis, from the word morpheme - a significant part of a word) - one of the types of linguistic analysis, the purpose of which is to determine the composition, or structure, of a word. It plays a significant role in the formation of spelling skills.

For example, when writing adjectives formed from nouns with the suffix -at, type boardwalk - cobbled, it is important to determine to which morpheme the letter q belongs to the generating noun: if to the root (board-a), then u is written in the corresponding adjective, if to the suffix (bar-ok), then - h (after the consonant root).

It must be remembered that the analysis of the word by composition should be carried out in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian language. So, in modern Russian the word rich does not have a suffix that was once distinguished and had the same meaning as in the adjective striped, namely: the presence of a corresponding feature, object. currently an adjective striped related to the word strip, i.e. motivated by it, and therefore contains the suffix -at, adjective rich lost the relation of derivativeness with the noun god, therefore its basis consists only of the root. When parsing a word by composition, one should adhere to a certain order in which its parts, or morphemes, are distinguished.

You should never begin the analysis of a word with a search for a root, no matter how "transparent" it may seem!

The main technique in parsing a word is the selection of its forms (to highlight the ending), single-structured words (to determine suffixes and prefixes) and single-root words (to find the root). It is advisable to determine its grammatical meaning when isolating a particular morpheme. At first, when mastering this type of linguistic analysis, it is even useful to write down the characteristics of each part of the word.

The ending- this is a changeable, meaningful part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to link words in a phrase and sentence. The meaning of the ending is purely grammatical: it indicates the number and case of nouns, numerals, and personal pronouns; case, number and - only in the singular - gender of adjectives, participles and some pronouns; person and number of verbs in present and future tenses; number and gender of verbs in the past tense and conditional mood.

In the Russian language, there are a significant number of words that do not have an ending due to the fact that they do not change. This is:

  1. adverbs,
  2. gerunds,
  3. comparative degree of adjective,
  4. some nouns ( coat, highway),
  5. some adjectives ( beige, mini),
  6. some possessive pronouns ( him, her, them).

Words that have no endings should not be confused with words that have a null ending. The zero ending is opposed to the materially expressed ending: home to home. Consequently, the zero ending is such a significant, not materially expressed part of the word, which stands out in the word when compared with other forms that have materially expressed morphemes.

The main forms and classes of words in which zero endings are distinguished:

  1. im.p. unit nouns m.r. - garden, snow;
  2. im.p. unit nouns f.r. - joy, mouse; im.p. unit m.r. short adjectives and participles: sad, offended, withdrawn;
  3. im.p. some numerals: twelve, six, one;
  4. genus.p. plural some nouns: stocking (stocking-i), families, (se [m ‘th]);
  5. im.p. unit m.r. possessive adjectives: Zeus (cf. Zeus), sisters (sisters), fish (fish [b ’th]).
  6. unit m.r. past verbs temp. and conditional mood: walked, talked, was, would come, would get lost.

It should be noted that the soft sign at the end of words is not included in the ending, since this is a letter that, having no grammatical meaning inherent in the ending, acts only as an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant (shadow) or a formal category identifier for the gender of nouns (cf. knife and rye).

The basis- part of a word without an ending. Therefore, inflected words consist of a stem and an ending (pain,bol[s]), and immutable - only from the base ( yesterday, highway). In personal and participle verb forms with a reflexive suffix -sya (-sya), the stem is interrupted by the ending: wanted.

Suffix- the significant part of the word, which is located after the root and usually serves to form words (the exception is the suffix -sya (-sya), which is after the end). Suffixes, as well as endings, can be materially expressed and zero.

The concept of a zero suffix is ​​not used in the school curriculum, however, in practice, when parsing words, students encounter phenomena that are difficult to explain without this concept. This is also important when interpreting such a phenomenon as non-suffix way of forming words .

The null suffix is ​​allocated in the following cases:

  1. past form temp. and the conditional mood of verbs: bank^ (cf. coast-l-a), brought^by (cf. brought-l-a would);
  2. zh.r. im.p. unit nouns formed from the corresponding adjectives: blue ^ (cf. blue => blue, blue => blue-ev-a);
  3. im.p. unit m.r. verbal nouns: run ^ (cf. run => run ^, run => run-relative).

Suffixes of different parts of speech have their own characteristics. In nouns, they are numerous, quite specific and diverse in the meaning that they bring to the word: for example, -tel- face suffix ( reader), -to- subject suffix ( grater), -awn- abstract feature suffix ( vitality), -ny- action suffix ( combustion), -ears- suffix of subjective evaluation (category of subjective evaluation - a category expressing the attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech) ( small head).

The suffixes of nouns are characterized by the phenomenon of homonymy, for example, the suffix -to- may have a subjective value ( river) and actions ( sawing firewood).

Adjective suffixes are more abstract in their semantics than noun suffixes. You can point to the property of suffixes to determine one or another category of adjectives, for example, -living- quality adjective suffix ( patient, obnoxious),-sk- relative adjective suffix ( Pushkin(style), nautical), -oh-, -in-, -th- possessive adjective suffixes: ( fathers, petin, bovine).

Verbal suffixes, as a rule, are devoid of ambiguity; they do not create heterogeneous semantic classes within the category of the verb. In a word, verbal suffixes are easily recognized and distinguished due to their grammatical meaning, for example:

  1. suffixes of temporary forms: -l-(past tense) - walking, drinking; -th-(present tense) - chita[yu]t, fly;
  2. suffixes of the stem of the infinitive, or the indefinite form of the verb: -a-, -e-, -and-: drive, darken, serve;
  3. aspectual suffixes -and-, -a-, -well-, -iva-, -iva-, -va-: decorate, decorate, shout, merge, read;
  4. participle suffixes -usch-, -ashch-, -v-, -vsh-, -n-, -en-, -t, -om-, -em-, -im-: drowning, bought, forgotten;
  5. suffixes of gerunds -a-, -learn-, -in-, -lice-: hurrying, flying, reading, crouching.

Prefix- a significant part of the word, located before the root and serving to form words. The prefix introduces an additional meaning into the word compared to the original ( move out, drive in, drive out, go around- an indication of the direction of movement). A word can have several prefixes ( re-disposition).

Root- the main significant part of the word, which contains the lexical meaning of the word, the common meaning of all related (single-root) words. Words with the same root are called cognate, and their relationship is established on the basis of the meaning expressed by the root (compare the homonymous root in two groups of words: water - submariner - waterman and driver - supply - drive). At the root, one can observe a phenomenon called alternation. Vowels can also alternate ( collect - I will collect, burn-burn), and consonants ( run - run, grow - grow), both at the same time ( grow - sprout, lay - lay).

As already mentioned, the root is the last morpheme that stands out in the word. This rule must be followed strictly, especially if we take into account the fact that the same root can appear in words in different forms, for example: lead, lead, lead; walked, walked, came. A word can contain one ( water, forest) and more roots ( water carrier, lumberjack).

Based on the materials of the book: Konkov V.I., Starovoitova O.A. Oral exam in the Russian language: Textbook on the Russian language for applicants to universities. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. -2001.

Parsing order

  1. Determine what part of speech the analyzed word is, in what form it is used.
  2. If the word changes, highlight the formative morphemes
  3. Select base.
  4. At the core, highlight the root, word-formation morphemes (if any).

Sample parsing


Urban is a masculine nominative singular adjective.

The ending - oh.

The basis urban-.

Root city-.

Derivational suffix - sk-.

A period is placed at the end of this declarative sentence.
2) At the end of January, fanned by the first thaw, cherry orchards smell good(Sholokhov).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate agreed definition, expressed by participial turnover. Grammar basis - gardens smell. The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb, expressed by the verb in the form of the indicative mood. The subject is the agreed definition cherry expressed by an adjective. The predicate refers to the circumstance of time in the end of January, expressed by the phrase (noun + noun) in the prepositional case with a preposition in, and the circumstance of the mode of action well expressed in an adverb.

A period is placed at the end of this declarative sentence; commas in the sentence highlight the participial turnover, which, although it stands before the word being defined, is isolated, since it is separated from it in the sentence by other words.

Between simple sentences before conjunction a a comma is put at the end of a declarative sentence - a period.

2) But then one day, on a thaw March day, when the airfield suddenly darkened in one morning, and the porous snow settled so that the planes left deep furrows on it, Alexei took off in his fighter(Field).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, complex, consists of four simple sentences, interconnected by intonation, allied word when and subordinating union what. In the sentence, one main and three subordinate clauses are distinguished: the first and second subordinate attributive clauses (refer to the word day in the main sentence and answer the question which one?), are interconnected by an adversarial union a; third clause of mode of action, measure and degree (refers to the combination of a verb-predicate with a demonstrative word So

Lexical analysis of a word involves the analysis of a word as a lexical unit of the Russian language, indicating: 1) the unambiguity-polysemy of the word; 2) the type of its lexical meaning in the given context; 3) synonyms; 4) antonyms; 5) the origin of the word; 6) belonging of the word to common vocabulary or vocabulary, limited in use; 7) phraseological connections of the word. Lexical analysis is an optional type of analysis for school practice. Usually it is not given as a control task.

Lexical analysis of a word should be carried out using linguistic dictionaries: an explanatory dictionary, a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; phraseological dictionary of the Russian language.

Scheme of lexical parsing of a word.

1. Determine the lexical meaning of the word in context.

2. If the word has many meanings, indicate its other meanings (if necessary, you can use the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

3. Set the type of lexical meaning in this context: a) direct; b) portable.

4. If the value is portable, describe the type of portable value.

5. Build a synonymic series for the word in this meaning.

6. Choose an antonymous pair for this word.

7. Determine whether this word is native Russian or borrowed from another language.

8. Establish whether the analyzed word belongs to common vocabulary or vocabulary limited in use.

9. Determine if the word is obsolete.

10. Indicate whether this word is included in phraseological units.

An example of lexical parsing of a word.

Having completed their operations, the fronts, one after another, stopped at the lines reached by the spring. (K. Simonov)

1. Operation - a series of strategic actions carried out during offensive or defensive battles (military, prof.).

2. The word has many meanings: a) a surgical operation; b) trading operation; c) a financial transaction; d) postage.

3. The meaning is direct.

4. Synonyms: operation, battle, battle, military operations.

5. The word is borrowed from Latin.

6. Word of professional vocabulary (military terminology).

7. The word is not obsolete, it is included in the active dictionary of the Russian language.

Spelling analysis involves oral or written analysis of spellings in a word. When performing spelling analysis, you need to correctly write down the word given with a missing letter, or open the brackets, underline the place of the spelling in the word, name the spelling and determine the conditions for its choice. If necessary, indicate the test word and give examples for this spelling.

Word spelling scheme

1. Write out the control word.

2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.

3. Underline the place of the spelling in the word.

4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.

5. Indicate a test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.

Sample spelling of a word

Skosh .. (n, nn) ​​th lies in even rivers..dams.

Beveled - spelling of participle suffixes.

  1. two letters "n" are written in the suffixes of the passive participles of the past tense, if the word is formed from a perfective verb (what to do? - bevel): painted, read;
  2. the suffix -enn- is written in participles formed from verbs in -it, -et or verbs with a stem in a consonant: paint - painted; see - seen, save - saved.

Grass, in rows - unstressed checked vowel at the root of the word; checked by stress: grass - herbs, in rows - row; water - water, forests - forest.

Phonetic parsing
Select syllables, indicate how many of them are in the word.
Mark the possibility of transfer.
Show the point of emphasis.
Give a description of the vowel sounds (stressed or unstressed), what letters they are designated.
Give a description of consonant sounds (voiced - deaf, hard - soft), what letters they are designated.
Indicate the number of sounds and letters.
Word-building analysis
Based on the word change, highlight the ending.
Write down the word from which the given is formed.
Indicate the suffix or prefix with which the word is formed.
Give an example of word formation.
If the word from which the given word is derived has a suffix or prefix, disassemble one hundred by composition, find all spellings in it and explain them.
Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech
Find a word related to a given part of speech, indicate in it the signs of this part of speech, name its initial form (if the word changes). Then specify:
at a noun: proper or common noun; animate or inanimate; genus; declination; in what case it is used; singular or plural; what is in the sentence; how it was formed: from what word and with the help of what; spelling features: the presence of spellings in a word, what spelling principles they obey, if morphological, then what and how rules should be applied;
at the name of the adjective: qualitative, relative or possessive; degree of comparison (if any); full or short form; in what case, number, gender it is used; with what word and how it is connected (type of connection); what is in the sentence; how educated; spelling features;
at the name of the numerator: rank by value (quantitative, fractional, collective, ordinal), by composition (simple, complex, compound); in what form it is used; syntactic role; how educated; spelling features;
pronoun: rank by value; in what form it is used; what other part of speech does it correspond to; what is in the sentence; what is its role in the text; spelling features;
at the verb: view; transitive or intransitive; returnable or irrevocable; conjugation; in what form it is used (mood, tense, number, person or gender); what is in the sentence; how educated; spelling features;
at participle: real or passive; what type and time; full or short; in what case (if complete), number and gender is used; how educated; what is in the sentence; whether there are words dependent on it; spelling features;
at the gerund: on what verb-predicate does it depend (put a question); does it have dependent words; his role in the proposal; how it is formed; spelling features;
adverb: rank by value; does it have a degree of comparison; how educated; spelling features.
Morphological analysis of service parts of speech and interjections
Find a word related to the official parts of speech or interjections.
Name the part of speech, indicate its features in this word.
Determine the category (group) by value.
Reveal the syntactic (or semantic) role.
How is it formed (for derivatives, complex and constituent parts of speech)?
Spelling features.
Syntactic parsing of a phrase
Select a phrase from a sentence.
Tell about the structure of the phrase: find the main and dependent words and indicate what parts of speech they are expressed; determine the method of syntactic communication.
Indicate the grammatical meaning of the phrase.
Parsing a simple sentence
Find a simple sentence in the text, highlight the grammatical and logical basis in it.
Determine its type by the purpose of the statement, by intonation, by the presence - absence of secondary members (common or non-common), complete or incomplete sentence.
Determine its type by the nature of the grammatical basis (two-part or one-part; if it is one-part, then denominative or definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal).
Disassemble it by the members of the sentence: how the subject is expressed, determine the type of the predicate (simple verb, compound verb, compound nominal), how it is expressed; name the minor members, how they are expressed.
What is the complexity of the sentence (homogeneous members, isolated turnover, appeal, introductory word)?
Explain how punctuation marks are used and what they do.
Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence
Find a complex sentence in the text, determine its type according to the purpose of the statement, intonation, means of communication between its parts.
Highlight grammatical foundations, identify structural types.! simple sentences as part of a complex one (two-part, denominative, definitely personal, impersonal), complete or incomplete each of them, how they are complicated.
How are parts of a complex sentence connected? What are the semantic relationships between its parts?
If the sentence is complex, name the main and subordinate clause, which word (or words) explains the subordinate clause, to which group by meaning it belongs.
If there are several subordinate clauses in the sentence, determine the relationship between them (serial, parallel, homogeneous subordination).
Explain punctuation marks and their function.
Analysis of a sentence with direct speech
Highlight the body of the text of the sentence with direct speech.
Indicate the words of the author and direct speech.
Explain punctuation marks.

The manual is addressed to schoolchildren in grades 5-11 who study Russian in the educational complex, edited by V.V. Babaitseva.
The publication contains information about all types of analysis included in the secondary school curriculum.

A manual on the types of analysis is exactly the guide that will help the children systematize the knowledge gained in Russian language lessons and consolidate the ability to apply theory in practice.
The manual consists of seven sections.
1. Phonetic analysis.
2. Morphemic and word-formation analysis.
3. Morphological analysis.
4. Parsing.
5. Lexical analysis.
6. Spelling analysis.
7. Punctuation parsing.
The author of the manual is convinced that the types of analysis at school are practical, help the children become literate, and the "tasks with numbers" themselves do not make the educational material heavier, but help the formation of spelling and punctuation vigilance among schoolchildren.
All sections of the manual are built according to a single principle: an interpretation of the type of analysis, theoretical information, a plan for performing the analysis, samples, in addition, notes and applications (for example, how to work on errors) are given. All this is of unconditional value for students, as it relieves them of the need to maintain a reference notebook.

From compiler 3
From author 3
Parsing sample 8
Morphemic Parsing Sample 10
Parsing Sample 13
noun 14
adjective 15
Name numeral 16
Pronoun 16
Verb 17
Communion 17
gerund 18
Adverb 18
Preposition 19
Soyuz 19
Particle 19
Interjection 20
Phrase Parsing Sample 24
Simple Sentence Parsing Sample 29
Samples of parsing complex sentences 31
Compound sentence 31
Complex sentence 32
Associative Compound Sentence 33
Types of subordinate clauses 34
Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses 36
Compound sentence with different types of allied and allied connection 41
Sample analysis of a sentence with direct speech 44
ORDER OF LEXICAL ANALYSIS (According to V. V. Babaitseva) 46
Parsing Sample 46
Sample spelling parsing 58
Working on spelling mistakes 59
Sample punctuation parsing 70
Working on punctuation errors
(possible option) 71

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Types of analysis in the lessons of the Russian language, grades 5-11, Eremina E.A., 2010 -, fast and free download.

  • Working with text in the Russian language lesson, Teacher's guide, grades 5-11, Aleksandrova O.M., Dobrotina I.N., Gosteva Yu.N., Vasiliev I.P., Uskova I.V., 2019
  • Russian language, 120 texts for school presentations, grades 5-11, Voilova K.A., Ledeneva V.V., Tikhonova V.V., Shapovalova T.E., 2000

    Speak the word. Divide the word into syllables and identify the stressed syllable.

    Transcribe the word, that is, indicate the sounds in sequence.

    Describe each sound

a) vowel - stressed or unstressed;

b) consonant - voiced or deaf, paired or unpaired;

soft or hard, paired or unpaired.

4. Indicate the number of sounds and letters. If the number of sounds and letters does not match, then indicate the reason.

Parsing sample:

hedgehog - 1 syllable

e - [th,] - acc., voiced, unpaired, soft, unpaired.

[o] - vowel, percussion.

Well - [w] - acc., deaf., par. [g], hard., unpaired.


2 letters, 3 sounds (the letter Yo at the beginning of a word means 2 sounds)

Lexical analysis of the word

    Determine the lexical meaning of the word (independently or with the help of a dictionary).

    Determine whether the word is used in a direct or figurative sense. If in a figurative sense, then indicate the type of trope (metaphor, personification, epithet).

    Determine if the word has synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

    Determine the stylistic coloring of the word (colloquial, neutral or bookish), the peculiarity of use in speech (for obsolete, dialect, professional words).

    Determine the origin of the word (independently or with the help of a dictionary) - native Russian or borrowed.

Parsing sample.

dozed off golden stars.

    To doze off - to fall into a drowsiness, to fall asleep lightly.

    Variable value - personification.

    To forget, to fall asleep, to fall asleep, to fall asleep, to forget by sleep are synonyms.

  1. Originally Russian.

Word-building analysis of the word.

    Determine what part of speech the word is.

    Highlight its stem and ending (if it is a variable part of speech); indicate the grammatical meaning of the ending.

    Set the meaning of the word and determine how it is formed (from which word and with the help of which morphemes)

    Make a word-building chain of the word.

Parsing sample:


    This word is an adjective, which means that the ending -y stands out in it.

    Coldish - "a little, slightly cold." The meaning of "a little, slightly" is conveyed using the suffix -ovat-. This adjective is formed from the word cold with the help of the named suffix: chilly ← cold.

Cold - "pertaining to the cold, associated with the cold." The adjective is formed from the noun cold with the suffix –n-:

cold ← cold

Cold is the root.

So: cold → cold → chilly.

Spelling analysis of the word.


1. time - I write a, because without accent; dissolution.

2. I write s, because before the voiced consonant l (raz- - grew-); scattered, painted.

3. -years - unstressed vowel at the root of the word, test word - pilot; flight, fly.

4. -s I write b to indicate the softness of the consonant sound.


1. is always signed in the same way, to dig, underground.

2. -enn- I write e, because the participle is formed from the verb to put.

3. -enn- I write nn, because this is a full communion, enclosed.

4. I hear -ova-, but I write -oh, the ending is singular, m.p. (cf.), r.p., green, welded.

Morphological analysis of the noun

I. General grammatical meaning (subject).

Initial form (nominative, singular)

II. Permanent signs:

own or common noun,

    animate or inanimate,


Irregular symptoms:


Study in school

I. Studying (where?) at school - noun, denotes a subject

Head f. - school

II. Fast. pr .: nat., inanimate, female, 1 cl.

Non-constant e.g.: in singular, p.p.

III. In the sentence is a circumstance - studies (where?) At school

Morphological analysis of the adjective

I . General grammatical meaning (feature of the subject).

Initial form (nominative, singular, masculine).

II . Permanent signs:

Qualitative, relative or possessive.

Irregular symptoms:

III . Which member of the sentence is (syntactic role).

Came to grandmother's house

I. House (whose?) grandmother's adjective, denotes a sign of an object

according to person

Head f. - whose? grandmother's

II. Constant e.g.: attraction

Non-constant ex.: degrees of comparison and kr. no form, in v.p., singular, cf.

III. The sentence is the agreed definition

Morphological analysis of the verb

I. General grammatical meaning (action, state)

Initial form (infinitive) - what to do? what to do?

II . Permanent signs:

    returnable or non-returnable

    view (inconsistent v. - what to do ?; sov.v. - what to do?)

    transitivity (transitive verb can have a direct object without a preposition)


Irregular symptoms:

Indicative, imperative or subjunctive (conditional) mood

For indicative:

    tense (present, past, future)

    person (for present and future simple tense)

    gender (for past tense)

For imperative:

For the subjunctive:

III . What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

The sun stood high.

I. The sun (what did it do?) stood - a verb, denotes the action of an object

Nach.f .: what to do? stand

II. Constant pr.: non-return, mismatch, non-transition, II question (worth)

Non-post. e.g.: in ex. inc., last time, singular, cf.

III. In a sentence, it is a simple verbal predicate.

Morphological analysis of the sacrament

I. General grammatical meaning (a sign of an object by action)

Initial form (masculine, singular, nominative) - which one?

doing what? what did he do? + from which verb it is formed

II. Permanent signs:

    real or passive

    returnable or irrevocable

    tense (present or past)

Irregular symptoms:

    full or short form (for passive participles)

    gender (singular only)

    case (for full participles)

III . What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

Fields already compressed.

I. Fields (what? what are they made?) are compressed - participle, denotes a sign of an object by action

Head.f .: what? compressed, derived from the verb - to squeeze

II. Constant pr.: suffering, non-returning, present-day, past-time

Non-constant ex.: in short form, plural.

III. In a sentence, it is the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate.

Morphological analysis of the participle

I. General grammatical meaning (additional action to the main action)

Initial form: from which verb is formed

II. Permanent signs:

Irregular symptoms:


I was walking down the road trying notice their tracks.

I. Went (what, doing? how?) trying - gerund, denotes an additional action

Nach.f .: formed from the verb - try

II. mismatched view

Non-constant e.g.: unchanged.

Morphological analysis of the name of the numeral

I. General grammatical meaning (number of objects, order in counting)

Initial form (nominative case) - how much? which?

II. Permanent signs:

    quantitative (whole, fractional, collective) or ordinal

    simple, complex or compound

Irregular symptoms:

Lives in the Black Sea one hundred and eighty fish species.

I. Species (how many?) One hundred and eighty - numeral, indicates the number of items

Beginning t.: one hundred and eighty

II. Constant e.g.: quantity, integer, compound

Non-constant ex.: in I.P., has no gender or number

III. In the sentence is the subject.

Morphological analysis of the pronoun

I. General grammatical meaning (indicates the subject, its attribute and quantity,

without naming them)

Initial form (nominative case)

II. Permanent signs:

    rank by value (for personal - face)

Irregular symptoms:

    number (if any)

    gender (if any)

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

to me Fifteen years.

I. Fifteen years old (to whom?) me - a pronoun, indicates a person

Chief.f.: who? I

II. Permanent pr.: personal, 1 person singular

Non-constant pr .: in d.p.

III. In a sentence, it is an indirect object.

Morphological analysis of the adverb

I. General grammatical meaning (sign of action or sign of another sign)

Initial form (if it is an adverb with degrees of comparison)

II. Permanent signs:

    group by value

Irregular symptoms:


    degree of comparison

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

Kolya jumped higher.

I. Jumped (how?) Higher - adverb, denotes a sign of action

Head: high

II. Const. ex.: mode of action

Non-constant ex.: unchanged, in a simple comparison. degrees

III. In a sentence, it is a circumstance.

Morphological analysis of words of the state category

I. General grammatical meaning (state)

The initial form is in homonymous adverbs that have degrees of comparison

II. Permanent signs:

    rank by value

Irregular symptoms:


    degree of comparison

III. What member of the sentence is (syntactic role)

Very outdoors light.

I. On the street (what?) is light - the word of the category of state, denotes the state

II. Constant pr.: the state of nature

Non-constant e.g.: unchanged

III. In a sentence it is a predicate.

Morphological analysis of the preposition

    rank by value

    simple or compound

    derivative or non-derivative

    with what case it is used

    immutable word

III. What member of the proposal is.

By alarmed jackdaws rushed about the sky.

I. By - a preposition, expresses the dependence of the noun sky on the verb rushed about

II. .: place value, simple, non-produced, used with d.p., unchanged. word

III. Not a member of the proposal.

Morphological analysis of the union

I. Grammatical role (what it serves for)

II. Morphological features:

    coordinative (connective, adversative, dividing) or subordinating (causal, target, temporal, conditional, comparative, explanatory, concessive)

    simple or compound

    derivative or non-derivative

    single or repeated


III. Which part of the proposal is

Stars fade and fade.

I. And - union, connects homogeneous members of the sentence

II. .: op., conjunct., simple., non-produc., single., unchanged.

III. Not a member of the proposal.

Morphological parsing of a particle

I. Grammatical role (what it serves for)

II. Morphological features:

    discharge (shaping, negative or modal)

    group by value (for modals)

    simple or compound

    derivative or non-derivative


III. What member of the proposal is.

Even the flowers at home smell differently.

I. Even - a particle, serves to give a special semantic connotation to the word flowers

II. modal., intensified-highlighted., simple.

III. Not a member of the proposal.

Morphological analysis of interjections

I. Grammatical role (what it serves for)

II. Morphological features:

    group by value

    derivative or non-derivative


III. What member of the proposal is.

Ba! All familiar faces.

I. Ba - interjection, expresses a feeling

II. .: expresses delight, non-production, immutability.

III. Not a member of the proposal.

Syntactic parsing of a phrase

    Extract the phrase from the sentence.

    Specify the main and dependent word.

    Determine what the words are.

    Determine the type of phrase (nominal, verbal, adverbial)

    Determine the type of syntactic connection (coordination, control, adjacency).

    Indicate the means of connecting words in the phrase (ending, preposition)

It stands alone (verb, adjunct, connection in meaning)

vb. nar.

Parsing a simple sentence

    Find the grammatical basis of the sentence.

    Parse the sentence by members and indicate how they are expressed.

    The type of sentence according to the purpose of the utterance (narrative, interrogative or incentive).

    Type of sentence by intonation (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

    Type of sentence by the presence of main members (two-part or one-part) if one-part, indicate the type (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal, denominative).

    Type of proposal by the presence or absence of secondary members (common or non-common).

    Type of proposal by the presence or absence of the necessary members of the proposal (complete or incomplete).

    Determine whether the sentence is complicated by homogeneous members, inversion, introductory constructions, isolated or clarifying members.

Countless clouds of midges circled over our bivouac.

Syntactic analysis of a sentence with direct speech

    Make up a sentence with direct speech.

    Explain punctuation marks.

Then the prince said to them: "Good journey to you, gentlemen." (a sentence with direct speech, A: "P", after the words of the author a colon is put, direct speech is in quotation marks with a capital letter, after direct speech a period is put, then the words of the author and direct speech are sorted out by the members of the sentence).

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence

    Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement and according to the emotional coloring.

    Highlight grammatical foundations and determine whether a sentence is simple or complex. Indicate the number and nature of the bases (two-part, one-part).

    Determine the means of communication and decide which sentence: compound (CSP), complex (CSP), unionless (BSP), a complex sentence with different types of connection.

    Draw up a proposal.

    Explain punctuation marks.

    It is possible (as an additional task) to analyze the constituent parts of a complex sentence according to a simple scheme.

In winter, the winds blew in the bare tops, and the forest hummed. (hanging, non-exclamatory, complex, 2 gram. bases, two-part bases, connection composed with the help of the union and, SSP, the union and indicates a connecting relationship, the simultaneity of what is happening, a comma before and separates the parts of the SSP.)

Members of the proposal

The order of linguistic parsing of the text

    Indicate the means of communication between parts of the text;

    Determine the topic, main idea, title the text;

    Select micro topics, draw up a plan;

    Determine the type of speech, style, genre;

    Identify style features: lexical, morphological, syntactic, compositional.

The order of literary analysis of a literary text

    Comment on the connection of this passage with the composition of the work, its ideological and figurative content;

    Reveal the signs of the genre, literary style, features of the individual author's style;

    Identify and comment on artistic details, figurative and expressive means.

The order of literary analysis of a lyrical text

(poems, lyrical digression in a poem or epic work of large form, lyrical miniature in prose, poems in prose)

    To convey the feelings and thoughts of the lyrical hero, attitude to life, people;

    Characterize artistic and linguistic originality (use of epithets, comparisons, metaphors, stylistic figures, etc.);

    Comment on the features of the construction of the text, its composition in connection with its ideological and figurative content;

    Determine the rhythmic organization and sound design of the text;

    Specify the features of rhymes;

    Reveal the unity, interaction of different components of the text;

    Expressively read the text, followed by a description of its emotional and aesthetic content, conveyed by intonation, with the rationale for logical and emotional pauses and stresses, rises and falls in the voice, and the preferred timbre of the voice.

>> Types of parsing

Parsing types

1. Phonetic analysis of the word

1. Say the word, name the syllables and mark the stressed syllable.
2. How many vowels and consonants are there in a word? What letters are they?
3. Tell us about each of the consonants: is it hard or soft, voiced or deaf, name the letter (or letters) with which it is designated, name the paired sound by hardness / softness, by sonority / deafness.
4. Indicate all word wrapping options and all spellings in the word. Which spellings in it obey the morphological principle of Russian spelling, which - phonetic, which - traditional?

2. Derivational analysis of the word (by composition)

1. Change the word and highlight the ending.
2. Find the word from which this word is derived, and select the morpheme (or morphemes) with which (or which) it is formed.
3. Determine the way the word is formed. What is its basis: derivative or non-derivative?
4. If the stem is a derivative, continue the selection of related words and the selection of service morphemes until only the main part of the word remains - the root.
5. Are there words with alternating vowels and consonants? If yes, confirm the presence of alternating sounds.
6. What are the features of the spelling of the word? Having marked spellings, determine what principles of Russian spelling they obey. If morphological, then what rules should be applied and how?
7. Are there morphemes in the word that are stylistically colored (Old Slavic or foreign origin, characteristic of folk colloquial, folk poetic, colloquial, professional, book vocabulary)?

3. Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

Find the word related to this part of speech, indicate in it the signs of this part of speech, name its initial form (if the word changes).

Then specify:

at the name noun : own or common noun; animate or inanimate; genus; declination; in what case it is used, in singular or plural; what is in the sentence; how it was formed: from what word and with the help of what; spelling features: the presence of spellings in the word, what spelling principles they obey, if morphological, then what rules and how should be applied;

at the name adjective : qualitative, relative or possessive; degree of comparison (if any); full or short form; in what case, number, gender it is used; with what word and how it is connected (type of connection); what is in the sentence; how educated; spelling features;

at the name numeral : category by value (quantitative, fractional, collective, ordinal), by composition (simple, complex, composite); in what form it is used; syntactic role; how educated; spelling features;

at pronouns : rank by value; in what form it is used; what other part of speech does it correspond to; what is in the sentence; what is its role in the text; spelling features;

at verb : view; transitive or intransitive; returnable or irrevocable; conjugation; in what form it is used (mood, tense, number, person or gender); what is in the sentence; how educated; spelling features;

at communion : real or passive; what type and time; full or short; in what case (if complete), number and gender is used; how educated; what is in the sentence; whether there are words dependent on it; spelling features;

at gerunds : what verb-predicate does it depend on (put a question); does it have dependent words;
his role in the proposal; how it is formed; spelling features;

at adverbs: rank by value; does it have a degree of comparison; connection with other words in the sentence and syntactic role; how educated; spelling features.

The morphological analysis of the word is completed by analyzing the features of its use in this text: its meaning, compatibility with other words, text-forming role and stylistic features.

Behind. Morphological analysis of service parts of speech and interjections

1. Find a word related to service parts of speech or interjections.
2. Name the part of speech, indicate its features in this word.
3. Determine the category (group) by value.
4. Identify the syntactic (or semantic) role.
5. How is the part of speech formed (for derivatives, complex and compound parts of speech)?
6. Features of spelling.

4. Phrase parsing

1. Select all phrases in the sentence.
2. In each of them, indicate the main word (or words), put a question to the dependent word.
3. Determine the phrases according to the belonging of the main word to parts of speech (nominal, verbal, adverbial), according to the method of syntactic connection between the main and dependent words (coordination, control, adjunction).
4. Determine the grammatical meaning of phrases.
5. Describe the word order in phrases, its text-forming and stylistic role.

4a. Parsing a simple sentence

1. Find a simple sentence in the text, highlight the grammatical basis in it.
2. Determine its type by the purpose of the statement, by intonation, by the presence / absence of secondary members (common or non-common); complete or incomplete.
3. Determine its type according to the nature of the grammatical basis (two-part or one-part; if it is one-part, then denominative or definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal).
4. Disassemble it by the members of the sentence: how is the subject expressed, what is the type of predicate (simple verb, compound verb, compound nominal), how is it expressed; name the minor members, how they are expressed.
5. What is the complexity of the sentence (homogeneous members, isolated turnover, appeal, introductory word)?
6. Explain the punctuation marks. What function do they perform (excretory, dividing)?
7. What are the means of linking this sentence with the preceding and following sentences? What is its role in revealing the theme and developing the main idea of ​​the text?
8. Does it have means of artistic expression, stylistic figures? What are its intonation features?

4b. Parsing a complex sentence

1. Find a complex sentence in the text, determine its type according to the purpose of the statement, intonation, means of communication between its parts.
2. Highlight the grammatical foundations, determine the structural types of simple sentences as part of a complex one (two-part, denominative, definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal), complete or incomplete each of them, what makes them complicated.
3. How are the parts of a complex sentence connected? What are the semantic relationships between its parts?
4. If the sentence is complex, name the main and subordinate (subordinate) clauses in it. Does the subordinate clause refer to the word(s) in the main clause or to the main clause as a whole? Determine the type of subordinate clause.
5. If there are several subordinate clauses in the sentence, determine the relationship between them (serial, or homogeneous, or parallel subordination).
6. Explain the punctuation marks. What is their function in this sentence?
7. Describe the sentence as an integral part of this text.
8. Identify artistic and expressive means, stylistic figures (if any), intonation features of the sentence.

4c. Analysis of a sentence with direct speech

1. Select from the text a sentence with direct speech, dialogue and read it in compliance with the desired intonation.
2. Name the words of the author and direct speech.
3. Explain the punctuation marks.
4. If possible, replace the sentence with direct speech with a synonymous construction - a sentence with indirect speech, with an addition that replaces direct speech, with introductory words instead of the words of the author, with the omission of some words, etc.
5. What is the text-forming and stylistic role of the analyzed sentence with direct speech, dialogue?

5. Lexico-phraseological analysis of the text

1. Give an interpretation of the highlighted words.
2. Indicate polysemantic words, give an interpretation (with examples) of all the meanings of one or two words.
3. Indicate the words used in a figurative sense, give an interpretation of the direct and figurative meanings of one or two words.
4. Give synonyms and antonyms for the highlighted words.
5. Find archaisms, neologisms, borrowed words, dialectisms, professionalisms in the text, give their interpretation.
6. Indicate stylistically colored words: bookish, high, official, colloquial, vernacular; comment on their purpose in the text, the features of the morphemic composition.
7. Identify phraseological units, determine their meaning and stylistic coloring, select synonyms and antonyms for them.

Vlasenkov A. I. Russian language. Grades 10-11: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level / A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkov. - M. : Education, 2009. - 287 p.

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