Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Which of the following events happened first? Which of the following events happened first

Foreign policy (1925-1939)
Part A

A18 Knowledge of dates

1. Which of the following events happened before all the others?

1) entry of the USSR into the League of Nations

2) the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact

3) establishment of diplomatic relations with the USA

4) participation of Soviet Russia in the Genoa Conference
A20 Correlation of individual facts and general phenomena; indication of the characteristic features of events and phenomena

1. About the forced refusal of the leadership of the USSR in the late 1930s. attempts to create a collective security system were evidenced by the signing of an agreement on

1) mutual assistance with France

2) non-aggression with China

3) non-aggression with Germany

4) neutrality with Japan
^ Task A21. Knowledge of cause and effect.

1. Which of the following was a consequence of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939?

1) entry of the USSR and Germany into the League of Nations

2) the holding of the Munich Conference and the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany

3) dissolution of the Comintern

4) the division between Germany and the USSR of spheres of interest in Eastern Europe

2. On the change in the foreign policy of the USSR in the late 1930s. evidenced by the signing of an agreement on

1) mutual assistance with France

2) non-aggression with China

3) non-aggression with Germany

4) neutrality with Japan

3. Which of the above was the reason for the final refusal of the leadership of the USSR in the summer of 1939 to continue the policy of creating a system of collective security in Europe?

1) the conclusion of the Franco-German agreement to counter the spread of communist ideology

2) the creation by Western countries of the NATO bloc directed against the USSR

3) the conclusion of the USSR and the USA of an alliance against Japan, the priority of the Far Eastern direction of foreign policy for the USSR

4) disruption of negotiations with England and France on the joint defense of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe

4. Which of these goals was pursued by the USSR when concluding the Soviet-German non-aggression pact of 1939?

1) ensuring the territorial integrity of Czechoslovakia

2) gaining time required to prepare for reflection


3) creation of a system of collective security in Europe

4) provision of international guarantees to Poland
^ A23 Ability to extract information from a source

1. Read an extract from a document and indicate the title of this document.

"one. In the event of a territorial and political reorganization of the regions that are part of the Baltic states (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern border of Lithuania is simultaneously the border

spheres of interest of Germany and the USSR ...

2. In the event of a territorial and political reorganization of the regions that are part of the Polish state, the border of the spheres of interests of Germany and the USSR will approximately run along the line of the Nareva, Vistula and San rivers ... "

1) Treaty of Rapallo

2) the final protocol of the Genoa Conference

3) Brest Peace Treaty

4) protocol to the Soviet-German non-aggression pact

2. Read an extract from the writings of historians and indicate in which year the described events took place.

“Received during the days of the powerful counter-offensive of the Soviet-Mongolian troops in the area of ​​the river. Khalkhin Gol, the news of the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact led the Japanese leadership into confusion. On August 24, the Charge d'Affaires of the USSR in Japan telegraphed to Moscow: "The news of the conclusion of the non-aggression pact between the USSR and Germany made a stunning impression here, especially the military and the fascist camp were confused."

  1. 1929 2) 1934 3) 1939 4) 1945
3. Read an excerpt from the verdict of the Tokyo Tribunal and determine the place of the hostilities described in the text.

“Both the USSR and Japan recognized the strategic importance of Outer Mongolia. ... The USSR, anticipating possible actions on the part of Japan ..., concluded in 1936 an agreement on mutual assistance with the Mongolian People's Republic. Hostilities began on May 11, 1939 with an attack by Japanese reconnaissance troops ... on Mongolian border guards. ... As in the incident in the area of ​​​​Lake Hasan, the Japanese troops were defeated.

2) Liaodong Peninsula

3) Yala river

4) Khalkhin-Gol river
^ Part B

B7 Systematization of facts and concepts

1. Match dates and events.

2. Establish a correspondence between the names of the people's commissars for foreign affairs and events from the history of our country's foreign policy related to their activities.

^ B8 Ability to extract information from a source

1. Read an excerpt from a historical essay and write the name of the country to which the USSR provided the described assistance.

“This assistance was of two kinds: the sending of higher commanders and commanders of a lower rank; deliveries of the most diverse military equipment ... As for military specialists, they began to arrive ... in organized groups in mid-October, having traveled in transit on foreign passports through French territory or by sea on Soviet transports ... Until mid-October 1936, only small groups of volunteers, bomber and fighter aces, received permission to go to the republican zone on an individual basis.
^ B15 Knowledge of chronology

1. Arrange the following international treaties in chronological order of their conclusion.

A) the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

B) Peace of Portsmouth

B) Treaty of Rapallo

D) Brest Peace
^ Part C

1. From the speech of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR.

“It is known that over the past few months such concepts as “aggression”, “aggressor” have received a new concrete content, acquired a new meaning. ... Now, if we talk about the great powers of Europe, Germany is in the position of a state striving for a speedy end to the war and for peace, while England and France, who yesterday opposed aggression, stand for the continuation of the war and against the conclusion of peace. The roles, as you can see, are changing.<...>

Lately the ruling circles of England and France have been trying to portray themselves as fighters for the democratic rights of the peoples against Hitlerism, and the British government has declared that for it the aim of the war against Germany is nothing more and nothing less than "the destruction of Hitlerism."<...>

But this kind of war has no justification for itself. The ideology of Hitlerism, like any other ideological system, can be recognized or denied, this is a matter of political views. But any person will understand that ideology cannot be destroyed by force, it cannot be ended by war.

The real reason for the Anglo-French war against Germany is not that England and France allegedly swore to restore the former Poland, and, of course, not that they decided to take it upon themselves to defend the struggle for democracy. The ruling circles of England and France have, of course, other, more real motives for the war against Germany. These motives belong ... to the sphere of their purely material interests, as powerful colonial powers ... Fears for the loss of world domination dictate the policy of fomenting war against Germany to the ruling circles of England and France. Thus, the imperialist nature of this war is obvious.”
C1 Determine the chronological framework of the period in the foreign policy of the USSR (indicating the years) to which this speech corresponds, the name of the speaker of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.
C2 On the basis of knowledge in the course of history, what position did the USSR take in relation to Germany earlier? Name at least two foreign policy events that forced the USSR to change its position.

C3 How did the speaker explain the reasons for the negative attitude of the Soviet leadership towards the policies of Britain and France? What additional reasons can you name? List at least three reasons.

1. The English historian Stephen Howarth believes that the signing of the non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany and the secret protocol to it was a great diplomatic success for the USSR. What other point of view on the 1939 pact do you know? Which point of view do you find more convincing? Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

1. Review the historical situation and answer the questions.

In August 1939, negotiations were held in Moscow between the military missions of the USSR, Great Britain and France. The negotiations were of great importance for the future of Europe. But the contradictions between the parties led to the failure of the negotiations.

Name at least two reasons why negotiations failed. Give at least two consequences of the failure of negotiations for the international situation.

1. Compare the international position of the Soviet state in 1919–1920. and in 1924-1928. Indicate what was common (at least three common characteristics) and what was different (at least two differences).

Demo version.

(Answers at the end of the test)

1. Which of these events happened before the others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk war

3) Yermak's campaign in Siberia

4) Ivan III's campaign against Veliky Novgorod

2. Which of the princes went down in history under the name of the first "collector of Russian lands"?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Vladimir Monomakh

4) Dmitry Donskoy

3. In ancient Russia they called polyud

1) a meeting of male community members

2) a military formation in the service of the prince

3) collection by the prince of tribute from subject lands

4) the duty paid by the peasant when leaving his owner

4. Which of the above was the result of the military reform carried out by the Chosen Rada in the middle of the 16th century?

1) the creation of a streltsy army

2) the creation of a regular army

3) the creation of guards regiments

4) the formation of regiments of a foreign system

5. Which of the named persons was an architect?

1) Matvey Kazakov

2) Simeon of Polotsk

3) Fedor Volkov

4) Mikhail Shchepkin

6. The policy of "enlightened absolutism" is associated with kingship

1) Peter III

2) Anna Ioannovna

3) Catherine II

4) Alexei Mikhailovich

7. As a result of Nikon's church reforms in the 17th century. in Russia

1) the patriarchate was liquidated

2) the Holy Synod was established

3) secularization of church lands was carried out

4) a church schism arose

8. Read an excerpt from the Novgorod Chronicle and indicate what event is reflected in this passage.

“And then the great prince began to advance. Damascus swords rattle against Khin's helmets. The wicked covered their heads with their hands. And then the bastards rushed back. The wind is tearing at the banners of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, the filthy ones are fleeing, and the Russian sons have fenced off the wide fields with a click and lit up with gilded armor. Already got a round to fight! Then the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, the filthy regiments turned back and began to beat and flog them mercilessly, making them sad ... "

1) Battle on the Ice

2) Battle of Kulikovo

3) standing on the river Ugra

4) battle on the Kalka River

9. The activities of which representatives of the social movement of the XIX - early XX centuries. started earlier?

1) Petrashevites

2) populists

10. M.M. Speransky prepared the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire during the reign

1) Nicholas I

2) Alexander II

3) Alexander III

4) Nicholas II

11. What concept arose in connection with the process of democratization of culture in the 1870s - 1890s?

1) classicism

2) romanticism

3) academicism

4) Wanderers

12. Which of the following transformations refers to the domestic policy of Alexander II?

1) the abolition of serfdom

2) foundation of military settlements

3) conducting P.D. Kiselyov reforms in the management of state peasants

4) transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption

13. In 1812, as a result of being in Tarutino, the Russian army:

1) received fresh regular units, weapons

2) defeated the French army on the outskirts of Smolensk

3) achieved the appointment of M.I. Kutuzov commander in chief

4) delayed the capture of Moscow by Napoleon's army

14. Read an excerpt from N.K. Schilder and indicate the emperor whose reign is in question

“A new government has begun, lasting [almost] 25 years… The words of the Manifesto of 1801, which promised governance according to the law and according to Catherine’s heart, however, did not come true… Indeed, despite the novelty of the ideas proclaimed after March 12 and government principles, constant evil has borne fruit. Arakcheev appeared ... All this was joined by more difficult memories associated with March 11, under the burden of which the emperor was exhausted<…>throughout the rest of your life."

2) Alexander I

3) Nicholas I

4) Alexander III

15. The speech of the Czechoslovak Corps, which marked the beginning of the "front" period of the Civil War in Russia, began in

3) May 1918

16. What was the name of the body of representative power, the elections to which the Provisional Government was supposed to hold?

1) Congress of Soviets

2) Constituent Assembly

3) State meeting

4) State Duma

17. During the Stolypin agrarian reform

1) the growth of farms and cuts was encouraged

2) landed estates were forcibly alienated

3) communal land tenure developed

4) egalitarian land use was introduced “according to labor standards”

18. Which of the above refers to the results of the state policy in the USSR in the field of culture in the late 1930s?

1) the rise of avant-garde art

2) elimination of mass illiteracy

3) the abolition of state censorship of the media

4) ensuring and protecting ideological diversity in the field of culture

19. Read an excerpt from the report of the Pravda newspaper and indicate in which year it was published.

"The miner of the mine "Central-Irmino" comrade. Stakhanov, in commemoration of the 21st anniversary of the International Youth Day, set a new all-Union record of labor productivity on a jackhammer. For a 6-hour shift, Stakhanov produced 102 tons of coal, which is 10 percent. daily production of the mine.

20. Operation "Bagration" is an operation of the Soviet troops on

1) the assault on Koenigsberg

2) counteroffensive near Stalingrad

3) liberation of Belarus

4) the storming of Berlin

21. Read an excerpt from a statement by a Soviet composer and indicate his last name.

“I wanted to create a work about our days, about our life, about our people who become heroes, who fight for the sake of our triumph over the enemy ... While working on the symphony, I thought about the greatness of our people, about its heroism, about the best ideals of mankind, about the wonderful qualities of a person, about our beautiful nature, about humanism, about beauty ... Our fight against fascism, our future victory over the enemy, my hometown - Leningrad - I dedicate my 7th symphony.

1) S.S. Prokofiev

2) A.V. Alexandrov

3) A.I. Khachaturian

4) D.D. Shostakovich

22. Which of these events happened later than all the others?

1) the entry of troops of the ATS countries into Czechoslovakia

2) deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba

3) the beginning of the Korean War

4) the entry of the USSR into the war with Japan

23. What event happened during the "thaw" in the USSR?

1) signing the Final Act of the Conference on Security in Europe

2) the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Germany

3) the first visit of the leader of the USSR to the USA

4) the conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

24. The main task of the domestic policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s. Stalin's leadership thought

1) softening censorship, pursuing a policy of publicity

2) accelerated recovery of heavy industry

3) the transition from sectoral to territorial administration of the people

4) rehabilitation of the victims of the repressions of the 1930s.

25. What was one of the consequences of the participation of Soviet troops in the Afghan war?

1) exclusion of the USSR from the UN

3) strengthening of contradictions between the USSR and many countries of the world

4) transition to a policy of "détente" in international relations

26. Read an excerpt from the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and indicate in what year this decree was issued.

“The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides:

Establish that joint ventures set up on the territory of the USSR with the participation of Soviet and foreign organizations, firms and governing bodies pay income tax in the amount and in the manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The tax is subject to transfer to the income of the Union budget. Joint ventures are exempt from income tax during the first two years of their activity.

27. The first years of market reforms in Russia (1992-1993) were marked by

1) macroeconomic stabilization

2) a drop in production volumes

3) growth of state revenues

4) an increase in the income of the majority of the population

28. Arrange the names of cultural figures in the chronological order of their lives:

1) Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov, Vasily Bazhenov, Andrei Rublev.

2) Andrei Rublev, Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov, Vasily Bazhenov.

3) Andrei Rublev, Vasily Bazhenov, Simon Ushakov, Aristotle Fioravanti.

4) Vasily Bazhenov, Andrei Rublev, Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov.

29. Which three of the names listed below are associated with the military triumphs of Russia in the 18th century?

1) G.A. Spiridov

2) M.D. Skobelev

3) S.I. Dezhnev

4) P.A. Rumyantsev

5) F.F. Ushakov

6) M.B. Shein

30. Establish a correspondence between the names of historical persons and their activities.

31. Read an extract from the work of a modern historian and indicate which dynasty is being referred to.

“So tragically and ingloriously ended the short reign of this dynasty ... on the Russian throne. The lot of this dynasty fell hard trials. They inherited a devastated, poor country. The systemic crisis that engulfed the entire country, aggravated by the famine of the first years of the 17th century, showed the fragility of power, which had departed from the methods of government of Ivan IV. The already inefficient and cumbersome system of government of the Russian state began to give serious failures. Robbery gangs flooded the country, the roads were unsafe. After the death of the king, the country went into the abyss of turmoil and timelessness.

32. Arrange the names of public authorities of the XIX century. in the chronological order of their occurrence.

1) Supreme Administrative Commission

2) III Department of the Imperial Chancellery

3) first ministries

4) State Council

33. Which three of the following facts relate to the history of Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century?

1) the creation of N.M. Karamzin "History of the Russian State"

2) creation of higher courses for women

3) foundation by Alexander I of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

4) the first screening of films in Russia

5) the foundation of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko of the Moscow Public Art Theater (MKhT)

6) the creation of M.I. Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar

34. Establish a correspondence between the names of Russian emperors and foreign policy events that occurred during their reign.

35. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and name the ruler in the 19th century. emperor, whose domestic policy is in question. “The days of the “black reaction” have come,” the inconsolable supporters of liberal reforms assured, but the biographies of the new ministers would seem to refute this preconceived notion.<…>Professor Vyshnegradsky, Minister of Finance, was widely known for his original economic theories. He managed to bring the finances of the Empire to a brilliant state and contributed a lot to the development of the country's industry.<…>Admiral Shestakov, expelled by Alexander II abroad for merciless criticism of our navy, was called<Императором>Petersburg and was appointed Minister of the Sea<…>S.Yu. Witte ... owed his dizzying career to the farsightedness of the Emperor<…>who, having appointed him a Deputy Minister, immediately recognized his talent.

36. Which three of the listed works of art belong to the first half of the 20th century?

1) film by S.M. Eisenstein "Battleship Potemkin"

2) novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor people"

3) a picture of V.I. Surikov "Morning of the Streltsy Execution"

4) novel by M.I. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

5) film by E.A. Ryazanov "Beware of the car!"

6) painting by K.S. Malevich "Black Square"

37. Establish a correspondence between the events of Soviet history and their dates. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

38. Read an excerpt from the manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II and write the name of the war in which Russia is entering.

“Following its historical precepts, Russia, united in faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special force, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs awakened in the last days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state.<...>Now we have to not only stand up for the unjustly offended kindred country, but protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the great powers.

39. Which three of the following events relate to the foreign policy of the USSR in 1945–1953?

1) formation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA)

2) Caribbean Crisis

3) rupture of relations with Yugoslavia

4) formation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (OVD)

5) the entry of troops into Hungary

6) formation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR)

40. Establish a correspondence between the reforms carried out in the USSR and the years of their implementation.

41. Read an excerpt from a book of modern historians and write the name of the leader of the USSR in question.
Gaining apparent strength a new cult of personality<…>The first becomes general. [He] holds another post - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. A document signed by Suslov on strengthening the authority of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee is sent to the regional party committees. But nothing helps: authority on paper, in speeches, in awards (Hero of Socialist Labor, four times Hero of the Soviet Union), but not among the workers.

42. Arrange the following events of the second half of the twentieth century. in chronological sequences:

1) the first elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation

2) elimination of the "anti-party group" G.M. Malenkova, L.M. Kaganovich, V.M. Molotov

3) adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia

4) adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism"

question number


question number



Alexander III

World War I

1) reign of Olga
2) unification of Novgorod and Kyiv
3) congress of princes in Lyubech
4) the reign of Yaroslav the Wise
2. Which of these events happened later than the others?
1) calling Rurik to Novgorod
2) Oleg's campaign against Constantinople
3) the reign of Svyatoslav
4) Igor's treaty with the Greeks
3. Which of the above referred to the reasons for the adoption of Christianity by Russia?
1) close ties with the Byzantine Empire
2) search for an ally in the fight against the Khazar Khaganate
3) the influence of Western Europe
4) princely strife

1. Which of the following events took place in the 15th century?

1) adoption of the first all-Russian Sudebnik

2) the establishment of the patriarchate

3) convocation of the Zemsky Sobor

4) transfer to Moscow of the residence of the metropolitan

2. Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita went down in history as
1) the winner of the Mongol-Tatars

2) "collector of the Russian land"

3. Which of these events happened before the others?
1) standing on the river Ugra

2) accession to the throne of Ivan III

3) the creation of a streltsy army

4) annexation of Pskov to Moscow

4. The rise of the Moscow principality in the XIV century. associated with the name of the prince

1) Vladimir Monomakh

2) Vsevolod the Big Nest

3) Ivan Kalita

4) Vladimir the Red Sun

5. Receipt by the prince of a label for a great reign from the first half of the 14th century.
1) saved his principality from paying tribute to the Horde

2) gave him the right to collect tribute from Russian lands in favor of the Horde

3) secured for the prince the right to appoint a Russian metropolitan

4) allowed the prince to form an all-Russian army

6. Which of the named rulers was the first to take the title of "Sovereign of All Russia"?
1) Ivan Kalita

2) Dmitry Donskoy

3) Ivan III

4) Vasily II the Dark

7. One of the consequences of the adoption of the Sudebnik of 1497 was
1) the introduction of a period of investigation and return of fugitive peasants

2) the emergence of new central government bodies - orders

3) the introduction of a single term for the peasant transition from one landowner to another

4) the introduction of a monetary tax - poll tax

8. Which of the above was the result of an event that went down in history as “standing on the Ugra”?
1) the establishment of the independence of the Russian state from the Horde

2) accession to Moscow of the Tver principality

3) invasion of Russian lands by Polish-Lithuanian troops

4) the ruin of the Horde army of Ryazan

Which of these events Which of these events happened Which of these events happened before the others?

1) Creation of the Benevolent Union
2) Creation of the organization "Black redistribution"
3) Creation of the organization "Holy Squad"
4) Creation of the Cyril and Methodius Society

Which of the following events took place during the reign of Alexander III?
1) Creation of magistrates' courts
2) The publication of the censorship charter, called "cast iron" by contemporaries
3) Publication of the compass "about the cook's children"
4) Creation of military settlements

What were the names of the executive bodies, the creation during the Zemstvo reform?
1) Zemstvo district chiefs
2) World mediators
3) Zemstvo councils
4) Zemstvo meetings

What was the consequence of the Crimean War?
1) "Neutralization" of the Black Sea
2) Loss of Sevastopol by Russia
3) Independence of Serbia
4) Accession to Russia of part of the Polish lands

What provision did P. Pestel's Russkaya Pravda contain?
1) Preservation of all land in the hands of the landowners
2)Declaration of Russian federation
3) Proclamation of a constitutional monarchy in Russia
4) Proclamation of Russia as a republic

Lessons and graveyards were introduced

Princess Olga
Prince Yaroslav
Prince Dmitry Donskoy
Tsarina Elena Glinskaya

Which of the named princes transferred the right to a great reign to his son without the permission of the Golden Horde Khan?
Ivan Kalita
Dmitry Donskoy
Vasily II
Alexander Nevskiy

Read an excerpt from the chronicle and write the name of the prince that the chronicle tells about.

“When he came, he ordered to overthrow the idols, to chop some, and put others on fire. And Perun ordered to tie a horse to the tail and drag him off the mountain along the Borichev entrance to the Ruchei and ordered 12 men to push Perun with poles ... After that ... he sent all over the city with the words: “Who will not be on the river tomorrow, whether rich, poor, poor or slave, he goes against me"


Which of these events related to the transformations of Prince Yaroslav the Wise? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.
creation of a code of laws Russkaya Pravda
introduction of lessons and churchyards
defeat of the Khazar Khaganate
the final elimination of the threat from the Pechenegs

Legislative body of the 16th-17th centuries, in which representatives of service people and townspeople of the tsar took part
Zemsky Sobor
Boyar Duma
Elected Rada

Arrange the following events in chronological order

A) Neva battle

B) the introduction of oprichnina

C) standing on the river Ugra

D) the creation of a streltsy army

The wedding of the grand dukes to the kingdom took place in the cathedral
Sofia in Kyiv
Sofia in Novgorod
Uspensky in the Moscow Kremlin
Blagoveshchensky in the Moscow Kremlin

The termination of the Horde dominion in Russia occurred after
Battle of Kulikovo
Battle of the Neva
Standing on the river Ugra
Capture of Kazan

The farming system in which the land was cultivated for several years, and then, when it was depleted, left for 8-10 years and moved to a new site, is called

The first Russian metropolitan in Russia was
And she

Which of the following events relate to the period of state fragmentation? Indicate giving the correct positions from the four proposed.
adoption of Christianity
Battle of Kulikovo
wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom
Neva battle

Which of these events happened first?
St. George's Day introduction
creation of Russian Pravda
introduction of reserved years
the creation of the archery army

Which of the named names is associated with the Battle of Kulikovo?
Ivan Peresvet
Safony Ryazanets
Evpatiy Kolovrat
Afanasy Nikitin

Which of the above events relate to the transformations of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.
approval of the state emblem - a double-headed eagle
construction of the Church of the Tithes
creation of archery regiments
creation of signal towers on the borders of the state

Western Siberia was annexed to the Russian state
in the 15th century
in the 16th century
in the 17th century
in the 18th century

"Stoglav" is
central government system
collection of documents adopted at the church council of 1551
Sudebnik 1550.
The decision of the Zemsky Sobor in 1549.

Which of these events relate to the domestic policy of Ivan III? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.
creation of lip districts
joining the Moscow state of Pskov
introduction of restrictions on the transition of peasants from one landowner to another
removal of the veche bell from Novgorod to Moscow

Establish a correspondence between the names of historical figures and their activities. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table.

^ Historical Figures Activities
A) Aristotle Fioravanti 1) book publishing

B) Ivan Fedorov 2) literature

C) Nestor 3) architecture


Which of these events happened later than all the others?

1) Walking among the people

2) The emergence of a circle of Petrashevites

3) Creation of zemstvos

4) Creation of the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class"

In 1870-1880. The following territories were included in the Russian Empire:

1) North Caucasus and Transcaucasia

2) Central Asia

3) Western Ukraine and Crimea

4) Finland

The Berlin Congress that ended the Russian-Turkish war, at which
Russia managed to defend the independence of Montenegro, to achieve autonomy for
Northern Bulgaria, built in:

Which of the above was carried out during the reign of Alexander III?

1) Redemption payments have been reduced

2) Universities are granted independence of self-government

3) Zemstvos were established

4) a decree was issued on the return of runaway peasants to landlords

One of the leaders of the organization "Land and Freedom" in 1876 - 1879. was:

1) K.S. Aksakov

2) B.N. Chicherin

3) A.I. Herzen

4) G.V. Plekhanov

A.I. Zhelyabov, S.L. Perovskaya, V.N. Figner headed

1) "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class"

2) Narodnaya Volya Organization

3) Society of Petrashevists

4) organization Black Mayhem

The founders of the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class" were:

1) V.I. Ulyanov, L.O. Martov

2) P.I. Pestel, K.F. Ryleev

3) A.I. Herzen, N.G. Chernyshevsky

4) N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev

Al. Which of these events happened first? 1. Battle of Grunwald 2. Battle on the Ice 3. Capture of Kazan 4. Standing on the Ugra A2. Which of these princes invited Svyatoslav Olgovich "to the city of Moscow" for a feast? 1. Vladimir Monomakh 2. Andrey Bogolyubsky 3. Yuri Dolgoruky 4. Ivan Kalita A3. What of the above did the nobles receive for their service? 1. elderly 2. patrimony 3. estate 4. inheritance А4. Which of the above did Russia lose as a result of the Livonian War (gg.)? 1. Smolensk lands 2. Chernigov and Seversk lands 3. fortresses of Yam, Narva, Koporye, Ivan-gorod 4. Novgorod and Pskov A5. Which of the following events refers to the years 1700, 1709, 1721? 1. urban uprisings 2. Northern War 3. Seven Years' War 4. palace coups

A6. Which of these territories became part of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century? 1. Western Ukraine 2. Finland 3. Eastern Siberia 4. Estonia A7. Which of the named persons belonged to the contemporaries of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich? A) Ivan Bolotnikov B) Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky C) Patriarch Nikon D) Archpriest Avvakum E) Bogdan Khmelnitsky F) Emelyan Pugachev Choose the correct answer. 1) ABG2) AVG3) VGD4) BDE A8. Which of the following refers to the features of the socio-economic development of Russia in the second half of the 18th century? 1. the emergence of the first manufactories 2. the growth of new forms of economy based on market relations 3. the emergence of the first fairs 4. the development of factory production A9. Which of the following was the result of the uprising in Moscow in 1662? 1. the introduction of the poll tax 2. the abolition of recruitment 3. the abolition of copper money 4. the elimination of "white settlements"

A10. Read an excerpt from the writings of the historian SM. Solovyov and name the war with which the described events are connected. “In September, Karl turned to Ukraine; On September 28, the tsar himself intercepted Levengaupt, who was hurrying towards him, at the village of Lesnoy, not far from Propoisk, and struck him down, took all the artillery and the convoy, which Charles hoped so much for. “This victory we have, according to Peter, may be the first to be called, because this has never happened over a regular army, and besides, the number is much smaller than the enemy: here was the first sample of a soldier.” Karl entered Ukraine. The Little Russian hetman Mazepa went over to his side, the Zaporozhye Cossacks went over to his side; but the mass of the people in Little Russia remained faithful to the Russian tsar. 1. Livonian 2. Smolensk 3. Northern 4. Seven-year-old All. The establishment of the State Council in Russia dates back to the 1. second half of the 18th century. 2. the first half of the XIX century. 3. the second half of the XIX century. 4. the first half of the XX century. A12. Which of the named persons of the XIX century. was the author of the "Notes on the Liberation of the Peasants", a well-known Russian liberal? 1.K.D. Cavelin 2.K.P. Pobedonostsev 3.A.M. Gorchakov 4.M.A. Bakunin A13. What is the name of the elected bodies of local self-government, created during the Great Reforms of the 1990s? 19th century? 1. volosts 2. magistrates 3. zemstvos 4. assemblies

A14. Which of the following is typical for the reign of Nicholas I? 1. Creation of the theory of official nationality 2. The emergence of revolutionary populism 3. The beginning of the spread of Marxism in Russia 4. The emergence of the "theory of small deeds" A15. What was the purpose of the convocation in the years. Congress of Vienna? 1. restore the overthrown dynasties to their thrones 2. revise the terms of the Treaty of Paris 3. make peace with Napoleon 4. resolve the eastern question A16. Which of the cultural figures listed below belonged to the Wanderers? A) I.N. Kramskoy B) A.M. Opekushin V) A.K. Savrasov, G) K.P. Bryullov D) V.M. Vasnetsov E) O.A. Kiprensky Indicate the correct answer. 1) AVD2) BGE3) ABG4) WHERE

A17. Read an excerpt from the work of a historian and indicate which of the leaders of the social movement of the 19th century. is being discussed. “His life, like his ideas, is full of paradoxes. Who would have thought that this offspring of a well-born noble family, who spent his childhood and youth in the quiet and idyll of a landowner's estate among numerous brothers and sisters, would then call on the peasants to riots and arson, to destroy noble nests? Who would have thought that this modest, God-fearing young man would become an ardent subverter of God and religion? Who would have thought that he, inclined to deep philosophical reflections, an admirer of Fichte and Hegel, would soon decisively break with "philosophical absurdity" and become a man of action, decisive and recklessly bold deeds, a theoretician of anarchism? That Hegel's formula "everything that is real is reasonable", which he interpreted literally and conservatively, would prefer the Mephistopheles formula "everything that is real is worthy of perishing"? 1.P.L. Lavrov 2.M.A. Bakunin 3.G.V. Plekhanov 4.N.K. Mikhailovsky A18. Which of the following events happened in the 1930s? 1. adoption of the first five-year plan 2. grain procurement crisis 3. beginning of mass collectivization 4. formation of the Union of Soviet Writers A19. The defensive line, which was stormed by Soviet troops in the war with Finland in 1939, was called 1. "Maginot Line" - 2. "Mannerheim Line" 3. "Curzon Line" 4. "Iron Wall" A20. For the position of I.V. Stalin on the issue of creating a union state is characterized by 1. the proposal to limit membership in the union state to peoples of Slavic origin 2. the desire for unification on the basis of a confederation 3. the denial of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bunification as such 4. the desire to ensure the priority of Russia (RSFSR)

A21. The dissolution of the Constituent Assembly resulted in 1. Western recognition of the legitimacy of the Bolshevik government 2. Establishment of the military dictatorship of General Kornilov 3. Participation of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks in the Civil War on the side of the Whites 4. Establishment of a regime of dual power A22. Which of the events listed below are related to the activities of P.A. Stolypin? A) transfer of peasants to compulsory ransom B) introduction of military field courts over civilians C) construction of the Siberian railway D) change in the electoral law for the election of deputies of the State Duma E) adoption of a program for the creation of workers' organizations under the control of the police E) granting the peasants the right freely leave the community with an allotment Indicate the correct answer. 1) ABG2) BVD3) BGE4) VGE A23. Read an excerpt from a book by Russian historians and determine which of the Soviet statesmen it is talking about. “It was not for nothing that his party comrades called him the “Iron Knight of the Revolution”. At the most intense moment of the struggle, he stood at the head of an organ for combating counter-revolution and sabotage, and for several years he fought in the most resolute and cruel way against those whom he considered enemies of the Soviet regime. Personal disinterestedness was combined with ideological uncompromisingness, and under his leadership the Cheka earned its bloody glory.” 1.I.V. Stalin 2.I.I. Bukharin Z.L.D. Trotsky 4.F.E. Dzerzhinsky

A24. According to the decisions of the Potsdam Conference 1. the territory of East Prussia was divided between Poland and the USSR 2. The German state was divided into two state formations of West and East Germany 3. the German capital Berlin belonged to the zone of exclusive responsibility of the Soviet troops 4. Poland was restored within the pre-war borders A25. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a Soviet military leader and determine the beginning of which battle it refers to. “From the early morning of April 1, fierce battles flared up in all sectors of the front, the enemy desperately resisted. However, by evening, unable to withstand the blow of the tank armies brought in the day before, which, in cooperation with the combined arms armies, broke through the defenses on the Seelow Heights in a number of sectors, the enemy began to retreat. On the morning of April 18, the Seelow Heights were taken ... "1. Battle of Kursk 2. Breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad 3. Battle of the Dnieper 4. Battle of Berlin A26. Which of the events mentioned occurred later than the others? "acceleration" 3. election of MS Gorbachev as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU 4. withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

A27. One of the rivals of N.S. Khrushchev in the struggle for power in the years. was 1.Yu.V. Andropov 2.G.M. Malenkov Z.L.I. Brezhnev 4.A.A. Zhdanov A28. The position of the Russian leadership in 1991 is characterized by the desire to 1. preserve the union state at all costs 2. reduce the rights of the national republics that are part of the RSFSR 3. embark on radical market reforms 4. restore the one-party system A29. Which of the following refers to the causes of the crisis in the management system in the USSR in the late 1970s and early 1980s? 1. excessive decentralization of management 2. low salaries of officials 3. lack of rotation of party and government personnel 4. low level of education of top and middle management A30. Which of these provisions characterize Stalin's policy after the war? A) the fight against cosmopolitanism B) the weakening of pressure on the countryside, the reduction of taxes from collective farms C) the anti-Semitic campaign, the restriction of opportunities for the creative and career self-realization of Jews D) the repression of local party leaders and economists E) the encouragement of the development of independence of national entities within the USSR F ) rejection of party control over science Indicate the correct answer. 1) AVG2) AGE3) BGD4) BDE

A31. Read an excerpt from a historical essay and identify one and: those scientists to whose work our country owes the achievement mentioned in the text. “After the creation of the atomic bomb in the USSR, Western propaganda changed its record: messages about the mysterious hydrogen bomb flashed everywhere ... The Pentagon again confused, again provoked, and instilled fear. The Soviet Union responded to the "hydrogen challenge" ... Several years of hard work have passed. And then a new government message appeared in Soviet newspapers: in August 1953, the Soviet Union successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. Soviet scientists won the competition imposed on them. The Americans were able to test their hydrogen bomb only in 1954. 1.N.I.Vavilov 2.D.S. Likhachev 3.SP. Korolev 4.A.D. Sakharov A, 1995, 1999 are the dates associated with 1. the adoption of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation 2. monetary reforms in Russia 3. elections to the State Duma 4. financial crises

IN 1. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table. A) the abolition of parochialism B) the elimination of feeding C) the abolition of school years D) the introduction of reserved years C2. A) Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom d. B) "Uglich affair" d. C) Peace of Stolbov d. D) Truce of Deulino d. ABVG

VZ. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian S.F. Platonov and name the sovereign in question. “Becoming a national sovereign, he acquired a new direction in the external relations of Russia. He threw off the last remnants of dependence on the Golden Horde Khan. He began offensive operations against Lithuania, from which Moscow until then had only defended itself. He even made claims to all those Russian regions that the Lithuanian princes had owned since the time of Gediminas: calling himself the sovereign of "all Russia." He also pursued a firm offensive policy regarding the Livonian Order. He skillfully and decisively used the forces that his ancestors had accumulated and which he created in the united state. Answer: STAFF REFORM PROJECTS A) M.M. Speransky 1. development of a project on the convocation of elected zemstvos B) A.A. Arakcheev 2. preparation for the abolition of serfdom in the late 1850s. C) N.A. Milyutin 3. foundation of military settlements D) M.T. Loris-Melikov 4. project of convening a representative body of the State Duma abolishing the "temporarily liable" state of peasants ABVG

AT 5. Read an extract from a modern historian's work and write the name of the emperor in question. “The personality of the emperor is tragic. In the act of March 1, 1881, the tragedy of human destiny, the monarchy and the country were intricately intertwined. From here stretches a bloody trail to the tragic denouement of Russian history already in the 20th century. Here, the course taken by the reforms for the peaceful construction of the rule of law ends. By his character, temperament, outlook, vocation, he was not a reformer. He became one by force of circumstances; in his character, in his personality, the unbridled, repulsive autocratic "I" coexisted with attractive human traits, and in state activity it often suppressed them. He remained in fact a prisoner of that system, the foundation of which he began to abolish with his reforms. In his sympathies and predilections, in his inclinations and orientation, the “military at heart” prevailed over the legislator.” Answer:; AT 6. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of A. Benois and write the name of the period in the history of Russian culture to which the memoirs belong. “First of all, it is necessary to establish what exactly will be discussed: whether it is about the magazine that bore the name “World of Art”, about exhibitions or about society. I believe that the "World of Art" should mean not one or the other separately, but all of this together, or rather, a certain team that lived a peculiar life, special interests and tasks, tried by various means to influence society, to awaken in it the desired attitude to art, understanding it in the broadest sense, that is, with the inclusion of literature and music. Answer:.

ABCD TERRITORIES DATA A) Armenia 1) 1922 B) Bessarabia 2) 1930 C) Koenigsberg region. 3) 1939 D) Western Ukraine 4) 1940 5) 1945 B7 NAMES OF PARTY LEADERS A) "Yabloko" 1.E.T. Gaidar B) LDPR 2.B.C. Chernomyrdin V) Communist Party of the Russian Federation 3.V.V. Zhirinovsky G) "Russia's Choice" 4.G.A. Zyuganov 5.G.A. Yavlinsky V8 ABVG

AT 9. Read an excerpt from the TASS statement and write the name of the period in international relations to which it refers. “As with the creation of the Western Union, the inspirers of the North Atlantic Pact from the very beginning ruled out the possibility of participation in this pact of all the countries of the people's democracies of the Soviet Union, making it clear that these states not only could not become parties to the treaty, but that the North Atlantic Pact was precisely directed against the USSR and new democracies...” Answer: Q10. Which three of the events listed below relate to the second half of the 19th century? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table. 1. uprising of the Chernigov regiment 2. defense of Shipka 3. establishment of the Peasants' Bank 4. reform of the state peasants 5. Berlin Congress 6. creation of the "Union of Salvation" В11. Arrange the events related to the foreign policy of the USSR in the years in chronological order. Write down the letters that indicate the events in the correct sequence in the table A) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan B) the signing of the Final Act in Helsinki C) the Caribbean crisis D) the break in relations with Yugoslavia

From a letter of the German Emperor Wilhelm II to the Russian Tsar. “I followed every movement of the squadron of Admiral Rozhdestvensky. It was a big bet on your part, honorably lost. He (Rozhdestvensky) did everything in his power to fulfill your desires, but providence judged otherwise, and he bravely met defeat, remaining faithful to his master to the end. I deeply sympathize with him and you. From a purely military-strategic point of view, defeat ... takes away all hope that happiness will turn in your direction; the Japanese can now freely transfer to Manchuria as many reserves, fresh troops, military supplies, etc., for the siege of Vladivostok, which will hardly be able to resist for a long time without the support of the fleet. In order to restore the [land] army to its former fighting strength, at least 3 or 4 fresh army corps are needed, but even under this condition it would be difficult to predict what the result will be and whether a new major battle will be more successful than the previous ones. Of course, it is formally possible even under such unfavorable circumstances to continue the war for some time, but we must not lose sight of the human side of the matter. Your country sent thousands of its sons to the front, where they died or fell ill and remained crippled for life. As I wrote to you in my last letter of February 6th, the war is very unpopular, and the people see their sons and fathers leave their homes against their will to go fight for a cause they ... do not sympathize with.

C1. Indicate the name of the Russian tsar to whom the letter is addressed, the name of the naval battle mentioned in the letter, and in what year it took place. C2. What were the causes of the war, the course of which is mentioned in the letter? (Give at least three reasons.) C3. Based on the text and knowledge of history, give at least three reasons why Russia was forced to negotiate peace. C4. What are the main directions (at least three directions) of Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century. Give examples (at least three) of foreign policy events related to the implementation of these areas. C5. Below are two points of view on the main reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War: 1. The victory was achieved only due to the negligent attitude towards human lives on the part of the Soviet command (“the Germans were filled with corpses”), and the Soviet army was lower until the end of the war in terms of their fighting qualities than the German one. 2. Victory in the war was achieved due to the superiority of the Soviet system, the patriotic upsurge and the high military potential of the Soviet army. Please indicate which of these points of view you prefer. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view. C6. Review the historical situation and answer the questions. In November 1982 Yu.V. Andropov. With the new leader, many in the country pinned their hopes on changing, reforming the existing system, overcoming stagnation. What actions of the new leader were aimed at the implementation of these tasks? List at least two actions. Give at least three reasons why hopes for a radical change in the situation did not come true.

C7. Compare the structure of state bodies in Russia in the first half of the 18th century. and the first half of the 19th century. List at least two common characteristics and at least two differences. GENERAL DIFFERENCES
The following reasons can be named: - economic rivalry between Russia and Japan in North China and Korea - claims of Russia and Japan to establish political dominance in the Pacific region - the desire of tsarism to solve internal problems through a "small victorious war" and increase the authority of the monarchy in the country - politics England, the USA and Germany, aimed at clashing Russia and Japan C2 The following reasons can be named: - loss of all major battles in the war - large human and material losses in the war - unpopularity of the war among the Russian population, misunderstanding of its goals - remoteness of the theater of operations from the center of the empire, which made it difficult to transfer troops and supply them -revolutionary events in Russia C3 The following directions can be named: Russia's exit from international isolation and the restoration of the status of a great power; the struggle to increase Russia's influence in the Balkans; the expansion of Russia's political space in Asia; examples: -lo Dong Convention: Revision of the Peace of Paris Elements of the answer and instructions for evaluation (other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning) - the conclusion of the "Union of the Three Emperors": Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary - the Russian-Turkish war. - accession to Russia of Central Asia С4

The student can choose one of the above points of view, but at the same time he must give arguments confirming it, for example: When choosing the first point of view: 1. The USSR suffered huge casualties during the war 2. The Soviet army was much larger in number than the German one, however, a radical change in the war it was possible to achieve only in the second year of the war 3. at first, Soviet soldiers had to fight with little or no support from equipment and could only survive due to heavy losses 4. by the beginning of the war with the USSR, the German army had extensive military experience and did not suffer a single defeat, and the Soviet troops showed their low combat readiness during the war with Finland. could not fight without heavy losses in personnel When choosing the second point of view: 1 during the war, Soviet soldiers and officers, like the entire population of the country, showed mass heroism, a patriotic upsurge played a big role in the victory 2. Soviet industry was able to very quickly establish the production of military equipment and surpass the German one in all respects, which ensured a radical turning point in the war 3. the best examples of Soviet military equipment were not inferior to German ones, and often surpassed them 4. the art of Soviet generals (G.K. Zhukova, K.K. Rokossovsky and others) was even recognized as an adversary 5. the huge losses of the USSR were caused by the unsuccessful start of the war by the suddenness and perfidy of the attack of fascist Germany С5

1. The following actions of Yu.V. Andropov: 1. persecution of abuses among the party nomenklatura 2. struggle for the establishment of labor discipline 2. The following reasons can be named for which the expectations were not justified: Andropov's illness and early death. Elements of the answer and instructions for evaluation (other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning) -Andropov's conservative political views did not allow hope for fundamental changes -due to the new aggravation of relations with the United States, the arms race increased, which did not allow to get out of the beginning economic C6 crisis The following general characteristics can be given: -Russia is an absolute monarchy -the whole system of power in the country was headed by the emperor -lack of democratic rights and freedoms -absence of elected authorities -governing Senate, the Holy Synod as one of the leading bodies of C7 Named: First half of the 18th century. - collegiums - magistrates - Transfiguration Order First half of the 19th century. -ministries -city dumas -State Council

Test No. 1

Option number 1

1.Which of the following events happened before all the others?

      Russia's entry into World War I

      beginning of the first Russian revolution

      start of the Russo-Japanese War

2.First State Duma in Russia in the XX century. was created:

      during the crisis at the beginning of the century

      during the revolution of 1905-1907.

      during the First World War

      in February 1917

3.Arrange in chronological order the events of the revolution of 1905-1907:

A) the beginning of the All-Russian political strike

B) "Bloody Sunday"

C) armed uprising in Moscow

4.Which of the following events took place during the revolution of 1905-1907?

      Kornilov rebellion

      armed uprising in Moscow

      uprising of peasants under the leadership of A.S. Antonova

5. Russia's allies in World War I were:

      France, Austria-Hungary

      France, Turkey

      UK, France

      Bulgaria, France

6.Which of the following happened in the first decade of the 20th century?

A) Russo-Japanese War

B) accession to the throne of Nicholas II

C) Russian sale of Alaska to the United States

D) the formation of the first Russian State Duma

D) Russia's entry into World War I

E) creation of the Entente (triple alliance)

7.Establish a correspondence between events (actions) and the names of their participants:

A) signing in Portsmouth 1) V.M. Purishkevich

peace treaty 2) K.S. Stanislavsky

with Japan 3) P.N. Milyukov

B) conducting agrarian 4) P.A. Stolypin

reforms 5) S.Yu. Witte

C) management of the Moscow Art Theater

D) the creation of a monarchy

"Union of the Russian people"

8.One of the forms of monopolies in Russia in the early twentieth century. were:


    1. syndicates


9.Which of the following was characteristic of Russia's economic development in the early 20th century?

      isolation from the penetration of foreign capital

      emergence of monopoly associations

      egalitarian distribution of land

      the beginning of the formation of a single all-Russian market

10.Which of the following associations is known in Russian culture of the early 20th century? the publication of an art magazine of the same name, the implementation of international art projects, the promotion of Russian art abroad?

      Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions

      Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR)

      "Blue Rose"

      "World of Art"

11.What event, according to historians, marked the end of the first Russian revolution?

      dissolution of the second State Duma

      execution of workers at the Lena mines

      end of the Russo-Japanese War

12.The split of the Russian Social Democrats into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks in 1903 was caused by disagreements on the following issues:

      about the program and the charter of the party

      on participation in the activities of the State Duma

      about the overthrow of the autocracy

      on participation in the Congress of the Second International

13.Read the passage from the historian's article and write the name of the war it refers to:

“War… Liaoyang, Port Arthur, Mukden, Tsushima and thousands of dead and wounded Russian soldiers and sailors who did not understand why they shed their blood here.

The news of the defeat of the Russian army and navy made an impression in Russia, aroused public inquiries about the causes of the disaster ... ".

14.Read an excerpt from the police department's certificate of events in Moscow (1905) and write the name of the month when they took place:

“From 7 pm on Tverskaya and Sadovaya, the fighting squad made a number of armed attacks on the troops and police, set fire to the horse-drawn railway station and set up barricades. On the same day, the troops bombarded the Fiedler school, where the fighting squads sat down. A bomb was thrown at the troops from the balcony. 12 cannon shots and several rifle salvos were fired, after which the revolutionaries surrendered among 118 people, losing 3 killed and 15 wounded.

15.Read the excerpts from the international treaty and write the missing word in the name of the year when this treaty was signed:

“H[th] Majesty the All-Russian Emperor, on the one hand, and Ye[go] Majesty the Emperor of Japan, on the other, being inspired by the desire to restore the enjoyment of the blessings of the world for their countries and peoples, decided to conclude a peace treaty ...

This Agreement shall be signed in duplicate in French and English...

In witness whereof the mutual plenipotentiaries have signed the present treaty of peace, and have affixed their seals thereto.

Committed at Portsmouth on the twenty-third of August (fifth of September), one thousand nine hundred _________, which corresponds to the fifth day of the ninth month of the eighth year of Meiji.

Signed by: Yutaro Komura Sergei Witte

K. Takahara Rosen.”

16.Read an excerpt from a historical essay and write the name of a scientist missing in the text:

“The revolution in ideas about rockets and their usefulness began with the publication of the article ____________ “Investigation of world spaces by jet devices” (1903). The idea of ​​creating a space rocket for interplanetary flights has since received a solid foundation. The subsequent works of _________ also touched upon the theory of rocket flights (especially “Reactive Instrument as a Means of Flight in the Void and Atmosphere” 1910, three works on space flights 1911-1914)”.

17..Read an excerpt from the manifesto of Emperor NicholasIIand write the name of the war, about the entry of Russia into which we are talking:

“Following its historical precepts, Russia, united in faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special force, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs have awakened in recent days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that are obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state ...

Now we have to not only stand up for the unjustly offended kindred country, but protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the great powers.

7- A5B4V2 G1

13- Russo-Japanese War

15th - 5th (Ports. world)

16 - K.E. Tsialkovsky

17- World War I