Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is the current year according to the Slavic calendar. Coincidence or not, but in the Slavic calendar, the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dog in the eastern calendar

The Slavic calendar is a gift from our ancestors. When Christianity had not yet come to Russian land, the Slavs believed that every year there was a patron animal.

This knowledge is still relevant, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future. According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog. Coincidence or not, but in the Slavic calendar, the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dog in the eastern calendar.

Main characteristic of 2018

The Year of the Curled Hedgehog was considered to be a bit passive and devoid of dynamics. People did not expect global changes from such periods. The Slavs always met the year of the Hedgehog with a special bated breath, because they believed that the Hedgehog was able to heal internal wounds.

This is the year of fertility and hard work. This is a purely material year, but its spiritual calmness can work for the benefit of our general mood. This is a time of reconciliation and living hand in hand with those who are dear to us.

Finance and work in 2018

The curled up Hedgehog is a symbol of austerity. The ancient Slavs believed that in the year of the Hedgehog one should not spend a lot of money and give away one's savings. At the same time, it is better to be as generous as possible with those who deserve it. Helping colleagues will be very out of place now. By the end of the year, you can begin to reap the rewards of your generosity.

Callous people will be behind. If the consequences of selfishness do not come in 2018, they can be felt later, when the time comes. Saving with greed, however, has nothing to do. Try to look for profit everywhere and in everything. Sell ​​old things without bidding. In 2018, every penny will count.

Love and relationships in 2018

A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and inflexible. This year can make you the same. The only thing required of you is desire. Any problems you encounter should be seen as a way to increase wisdom. Life experience is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people, you need to be careful, because every new day you can meet with disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

Follow the signs of fate - they definitely will not be superfluous. A variety of little things that you might not have noticed before will lead you through thorns to the stars. Trust yourself and the Universe to be on your side in 2018. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

According to the Chinese calendar, this is the Yellow Dog. About why we the descendants of the Russians suddenly became adherents of the Eastern Chinese lunar calendar, which had absolutely nothing to do with us - the explanations are simple. They did not keep their calendar-yearbook and with joy and haste they picked up what the media easily imposed on us!

But according to the Slavic calendar, the coming 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog.

The Slavic calendar is a gift from our ancestors. When Christianity had not yet come to Russian soil, the Slavs believed that every year there was a patron animal. Since the time of Peter I, we celebrate the New Year in January, immediately jumping from September 7208 to January 1, 1700, introducing a new chronology according to the Julian calendar . 5508 years, remember this figure has been dropped from the age of our nation. So to say rejuvenated!!!

We will conditionally assume that the year of the Curled Hedgehog will come on the night of December 31 to January 1, along with the Chinese Yellow Dog. And there is also the most ancient Zoroastrian calendar, which, by the way, will also host the Hedgehog, oriental calendars - Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, and so on. Each of them has its own symbols. But I'm only talking about our Slavic, agree that it's closer to us.

What does 2018 or 7526 bring to us according to the Slavic chronology?

Hedgehog. Immediately, the first associations: thorns! But whoever met a hedgehog close up knows how a hand immediately reaches out to stroke this exotic “fur”! You understand that it will prick, but the animal is so cute and cute.

Yes, a prickly one will be able to defend himself, a peace-loving creature will not attack in vain, but he will not let himself be offended, in any dangerous situation he will curl up into a ball and "grass will not grow." Although, if necessary, “the bear from the lair will survive” and will come out of an unequal fight as a winner.

The hedgehog patronizes everything new, fresh, but he will not thoughtlessly discard what has been worked out before him, the beast is thrifty right up to stinginess.

Let's add to his qualities: noisy, restless - a night hunter, restless and fussy, clinging to trifles, to details.

People born in the year of the Curled Hedgehog are unpredictable, have a caustic character, a sharp disposition, are a little fussy and noisy. But there are a lot of pluses: they have an excellent memory, in a good sense, pedantry, economic, sometimes scrupulous and concentrated, as a rule, smart.

"Hedgehogs" are reliable friends, faithful spouses, good housewives and caring fathers. If someone close to them is in danger, they will readily sacrifice themselves for their safety.

And in friendship, hedgehogs are loyal, they won’t betray, they won’t let you down, they are reckless in love, outlining, as if “in a pool with their heads”, not calculating and not thinking about rationality, if their heart is on fire. Love for them is the goal of life, devoted to the last breath ....

What will the year of the Curled Hedgehog be like for us? Like any and everyone, it will be different, for each its own.

Health and Wellness in the Year of the Curled Hedgehog

This year will be energetically calmer than the outgoing one. It is important to maintain self-control with all the problems that have arisen and prevent their impact on health. Caution will help to maintain balance and easily solve all problems in love, business and finances.

It is time for creativity and building up spiritual potential. You should spend more time with your family, find joy in communication and give each other not material gifts, but feelings and emotions.

It is equally important to remember to be honest with others and with yourself. The time has come for the spiritual rebirth of man. It is time to translate the relationship "man-nature" into the format of peaceful coexistence and prosperity. Not only take care of abandoned domestic animals, but also give up hunting, limit fishing, revive meadows, forests, clean them from dirt and waste. Each of us must become better this year!

Love and relationships

This year is a great time for the family, all doubts will be dispelled, and we, in anticipation of the symbol of the year, will open our doors to let the owner of the year into the house. This is especially true for newlyweds, parents with small children. If there were problems in the outgoing year - so that they are gone forever.

In love, the Hedgehog will help you survive difficult breakups, if they are inevitable, or merge with a new person, with your "soulmate".

For those who are still in search - wait for your finest hour and act more decisively, noticing "your" person on the horizon. If luck smiles at you, you can rest assured that the choice will be made correctly.

Trust is the ally of any relationship. And diplomacy will often help you in solving the difficulties that have arisen. But remember, kindness does not open all doors. If you suddenly feel a threat to your love and happiness from the outside, do not stop at nothing. Defend boldly and decisively, like hedgehogs! A little audacity will not be superfluous, especially at the beginning of the year.

Finance and career in 2018

The curled up Hedgehog will not only make everyone work hard, but also will not allow you to thoughtlessly spend the money you have earned. You can buy something necessary for the house, start making repairs, everything that is aimed at transforming and improving the Hedgehog does not welcome spenders and useless purchases. But what is vital is the green road. But austerity must be healthy so that it does not bring negativity into your emotional life.

Do not borrow, be very careful about loans, if only for serious purchases. This year will be good for savings and investments, by the middle of the year you will feel the return on this front of activity.

Energy in 2018 will be orderly, creative. Remember that thoughts are material, so it is important to do more planning, not allowing surprises and turmoil into your life.

A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and inflexible. This year can make you the same. The only thing that is required of you is desire. Any problems you encounter should be seen as a way to increase wisdom. Life experience is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people, you need to be careful, because every new day you can meet with disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

The Slavic calendar is a gift from our ancestors. When Christianity had not yet come to Russian land, the Slavs believed that every year there was a patron animal.

This knowledge is still relevant, because the Slavic calendar, like the eastern one, makes it possible to predict the future. According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Curled Hedgehog. Coincidence or not, but in the Slavic calendar, the characteristics of this patron animal are in many ways similar to the description of the Yellow Earth Dog in the eastern calendar.

Main characteristic of 2018

The Year of the Curled Hedgehog was considered to be a bit passive and devoid of dynamics. People did not expect global changes from such periods. The Slavs always met the year of the Hedgehog with a special bated breath, because they believed that the Hedgehog was able to heal internal wounds.

This is the year of fertility and hard work. This is a purely material year, but its spiritual calmness can work for the benefit of our general mood. This is a time of reconciliation and living hand in hand with those who are dear to us.

Finance and work in 2018

The curled up Hedgehog is a symbol of austerity. The ancient Slavs believed that in the year of the Hedgehog one should not spend a lot of money and give away one's savings. At the same time, it is better to be as generous as possible with those who deserve it. Helping colleagues will be very out of place now. By the end of the year, you can begin to reap the rewards of your generosity.

Callous people will be behind. If the consequences of selfishness do not come in 2018, they can be felt later, when the time comes. Saving with greed, however, has nothing to do. Try to look for profit everywhere and in everything. Sell ​​old things without bidding. In 2018, every penny will count.

Love and relationships in 2018

The Slavs believed that the Curled Hedgehog could change lives for the better. In love, this will be very tangible. People who want to know the greatest happiness will have to take relationships to the next level. This will be a very good year for weddings, weddings and marriage proposals. It is also a great time for conception and the birth of a child.

A child born in the year of the Hedgehog will be strong in spirit and body, he will be healthy and inflexible. This year can make you the same. The only thing that is required of you is desire. Any problems you encounter should be seen as a way to increase wisdom. Life experience is the greatest value in 2018. In love and relationships with people, you need to be careful, because every new day you can meet with disagreements. A little diplomacy will help you stay afloat and maintain harmony.

Today we will talk about what the year of the Curled Hedgehog brings to each of us, depending on the date of birth.

The horoscope of the ancient Slavs was based on the solar cycle, called the Svarog circle or Svarog circle, divided into 20 far from equal periods of time. Each period of this circle was controlled by a certain deity, which acted as a conductor between a person and the heavenly forces of the Universe, protecting and patronizing each person on his life path, endowing with certain, both positive and negative features.

It is important to understand that not a single horoscope, whatever it may be: Egyptian, Slavic, Eastern, Western, can in no way decide everything for us, ensure success or interfere with our plans. The stars and forces of nature only offer us options for a possible reality, but the choice is always ours. Of course, it is not always in our power to completely create our reality, as enlightened men say, but a lot depends on our consciousness, will, character, perseverance.

And yet, let's look into tomorrow what the heavenly forces have prepared for us in 2018 according to the ancient Slavic horoscope by date of birth.

Slavic totem horoscope for 2018 by date of birth

The children of Yarilo, the god of the sun, are bright, like a gentle luminary, incredibly energetic, mobile and curious in a good sense of the word. They do not succumb to the vicissitudes of fate and easily overcome them.

In the coming year, representatives again, as before, have a lot of work to do, but all efforts will be fully rewarded. Time promises to be so successful that you will more than overcome many obstacles, jumping over them with one jump. However, impulsiveness should not be shown in serious decisions, a well-thought-out plan is important here, then success will not be long in coming!

And on the personal front, everything will be harmonious. But astrologers warn: be careful to waste the sexual energy generously released by your totem. Indiscriminate relationships will not lead to good, but to health problems - with ease.

People born on these days are under the auspices of the beautiful goddess of love and beauty Lada, who has generously endowed her children. They shine with external data, are rich in health, kind and excellent housewives / hosts, easily cope with any undertaking. "Ladushki" attract people like a magnet, thanks to their cheerful disposition and the radiance of their character.

This year for representatives is full of new acquaintances, travel, business trips. You should be wary of being deceived by dishonest individuals and muddy intriguers who peck at your openness and gullibility.

It is important to remember about rest, you, generously giving away your energy to others, should think about how to replenish it, otherwise an emotional breakdown is likely. If you take into account the recommendations, excellent financial success at the end of the year will be provided to you.

Charming Lelya - the wife of the god of storm and thunder Perun, awarded her children with ease of communication, enviable intelligence, the ability to maneuver in dangerous situations. Such individuals react sharply to any injustice, they are not a burden to participate in the fate of any offended person. And they will readily provide him with shelter and a table.

The coming year as a whole will be successful. True, some forces will decide to rein in your rich nature a little. Astrologers recommend that you slightly move away from the awareness of the importance of your career, in which success is already evident. It's time to devote more time to the personal sphere. This is especially true for those who are still free from the bonds of Hymen. And think about the continuation of the family, it's time.

The ability to calculate every step will bring success in finance, your money will multiply. Especially in the new direction that you are now considering. Do not lend to friends and family - or be prepared for the fact that the return of funds will have to wait a long time.

The god of "Span" - the beginning of summer and the foundations of the future harvest, endowed everyone born during this period with eloquence, sensitive nature and talents in the field of art. Rich intuition allows them to sometimes neglect logic, avoid not the best consequences, and always emerge victorious.

2018 is the time to start to overcome all the difficulties that have accumulated over the past years. Success is guaranteed if your friends and relatives are ready to support you if you don’t have enough strength. In creativity, it is best to combine all forces in a team project, which will increase not only your reputation, but also bring good money.

In matters of love and relationships, it is important to find a compromise and make concessions. Don't be frivolous. Be more attentive to your soulmate, because she really took everything upon herself. It's time to reward her for her dedication! Otherwise, there is a risk of being left with nothing and no one.

This deity patronizes young girls and young guys, who are distinguished by naivety and romance. It is about them in old age that they are young at heart and full of youthful enthusiasm. At the same time, the children of Dodola are not reputed to be too active in everyday life and prefer a measured course of life, often neglecting the cranes in the sky, having a titmouse in their hands.

In 2018, you will have to shed a little romantic networks and show true performance. For which you will be rewarded with career growth or success in your own business. Fortune is clearly on your side here.

But in the personal children of Dodola, a period of stagnation awaits. Family relationships will not bring outbursts and passions, a certain inertia will be traced throughout the year. Lonely representatives do not shine with new bright acquaintances, therefore you should take a closer look at those who are close to you and have long had romantic feelings.

Kolyada rightfully owns one of the most significant places, because it is he who is responsible for the movement of the whole world and ensures the appearance of the Sun and Moon in the sky. The children of Veles are so characteristic of mysticism in character, they are attracted by astrology and predictions, philosophy and literature. Lacking sociability, they prefer to live in their cozy comfortable little world, protected from the hustle and bustle.

This year, representatives of the sign will be lucky, especially writers, scientists and engineers. The painful research of previous years will finally give way to a triumph of ideas, bold thoughts and brilliant solutions. So take advantage of this time and try to put ideas into practice without delay.

Perhaps the year will bring several disappointments in the closest people, but a person should not be discounted, even if he stumbled. After all, we are all capable of momentary weakness. Try to understand the soul close to you, accept, remembering that you yourself are far from ideal.

Those born during this period are distinguished by their uniqueness and versatility. These people are rich in their inner world, attracting their own kind. Despite their "value", the children of Kupala are easy to communicate, soft, gentle, subtly feel nature and gravitate towards everything that causes ambiguity and unusualness. The only thing that prevents them from enjoying this life is frequent mood swings and a penchant for adventure.

In 2018, you should be more careful with this, calculate a little and not take risks in vain, especially in terms of a career. This time you may have a misfire. Astrologers advise to be measured, analytically weigh decisions and act gently.

Well, do not forget that your mood swings bring negativity into personal relationships. You are sometimes very withdrawn into yourself, into your problems, not taking into account the needs of your soul mate. Do not bring the matter to a conflict, turn to face your loved one.

This god was responsible among the Slavs for fertility in the field and in the family. The children of Dazhdbog are internally strong, hardened by everyday hardships, proud, self-sufficient and smart. Clear leaders in life, both in the family and at work. Weaknesses are alien to them and from all troubles they come out victorious.

But even such minions of fate can sometimes show short-sightedness and be wrong, slightly forgetting that not everyone is able to work hard. It is important to remember that when striving to quickly achieve the goal, not all means are good and this often turns into complete discord. You may be offered to change jobs, while asking you to close the door from the back.

But personal life and relationships will bring the expected triumph. Lonely awaits reciprocity. Married couples have a new stage in relationships, and through everyday aspects: you can increase the comfort of your home and this will result in a surge of feelings.

Maya and Seva are the creators and rulers of the weather, sending rains, solar heat, it is they who fill the fruits with ripeness. People born under the auspices of Maya are pure, honest, good-looking, with good manners and impeccable tact. To this we can add their golden hands and the ability to needlework.

From every year you do not have to expect calmness and regularity in life. The pace of events will still be the one that requires maximum calculation from you if you want to have the most rosy fruits. New acquaintances, unexpectedly for you, will give you good patrons, and interesting offers - recognition and material gain.

In personal life, things are a little different. The family boat will sail on a smooth lake, without the slightest ripple, you only need to have time to enjoy the period of harmony. In the meantime, for free representatives who are in search of a person tuned in to the same wave, most likely, the year will not bring the expected surprises. Until it's your time.

The woman in labor rules for only 3 days and people born at this time are distinguished by unusual behavior, which is what attracts attention to themselves. The deities of this period were responsible for birds, fish and animals, and therefore people born on these days are passionate lovers of our smaller brothers. Modest and shy, they prefer to remain in the world of illusions and contemplation, not at all striving for action. And only those things that give them real pleasure can induce them to action.

To achieve success in 2018, to feel the blessings of the time for yourself, you will have to change your attitude to business, and if you succeed, you will be able to climb the next step of the career ladder. Moreover, your other half is ready to give you his shoulder.

And your natural shyness in personal relationships needs a little adjustment. After all, she is the reason that you are still alone. All you have to do is be a little more active.

Mokosh is the only female deity of its kind in the ancient Slavic pantheon, responsible for nature and its phenomena. She also patronizes women's crafts. Mokosh's children are amazingly talented in music, singing, and painting. Natural data is easily linked in them with purposefulness, and therefore everything always argues with them!

You have earned yourself an easy rest over the past years, so a time-out at work is quite acceptable. You can devote a little more time to your hobby, study a foreign language, travel more, soaking up new sensations.

In relationships, it is worth giving more freedom to partners, without keeping them in constant pressure, and without imposing your opinion. First of all, make sure that they want to hear your opinion. And do not reproach your loved ones for their mistakes. Otherwise, there is a risk of disagreement.

God, personifying the fire that fell from heaven, endowed his wards with indomitable internal energy. Valiant warriors, all their lives in struggle and battles, victory is their eternal cherished dream.

The new 2018 is unlikely to repeat the same past valiant results, however, luck will not be lost at all. The children of Svarozhich should not lose fortune and complete the work they have begun with honor. And then the career will please with the ease of taking the next degree up. People of jurisprudence will be especially successful, your dizzying rise will cause respect even among competitors.

And the personal side of the relationship will bring pleasant moments in communication with the opposite sex. Your natural artistry and sense of humor will not leave indifferent any heart. For people who are not connected by family ties, it is important to remember: in order not to alienate a loved one, it is worth moderating your narcissism, you may prefer a less dazzling, but more sensitive personality.

The gloomy goddess of withering and death - Mara, affects all living things. Mara's children stand well on their feet, are very strong physically and have a rare uncompromising attitude. They go through life confidently, clearly realizing the goal, avoiding zigzags and squiggles. Their life cycle is accompanied by success, but excessive straightforwardness often scares away the people around them. Loneliness is the lot of people of this period.

In the year of the Curled Hedgehog, the patrons of Mary should calculate the real danger. Their usual tactic of pushing forward can be a losing one. You can be taken advantage of by dishonest people, drawn into behind-the-scenes games that are completely alien to your nature. Don't give rise to any conflict.

Jealousy in your personal relationships, harms you, it is worth tempering it. Otherwise, everything will turn out great. And even a recently started relationship can easily turn to the doors of the registry office. And the weddings that happened in 2018 will be productive and strong marriages! Don't miss your tit.

In the coming year, you should not take risks with finances, especially for those who professionally work on the stock exchange with securities, carefully weigh everything before making a deal. Settle for small things to avoid big losses. And especially don't chase the easy money of the Internet.

An idyll awaits on the personal front. Lonely will have a chance to travel abroad, do not refuse. There are prerequisites for a very fateful meeting with the opposite sex, which may end not only in family ties, but also in a change of residence. Spouses should seriously think about offspring, which will only benefit the family union from this.

Skipper - the beast-deity rules together with Semargl. All reptiles and dark forces are subject to him. That is why those born under this sign are very sensitive to danger and subtly react to the dark thoughts of people. Most often, people of this period are characterized by traditionalism in their minds, respect for their history, family, traditions and values ​​of the clan.

The year is clearly not for you, after experienced take-off successes, it's time for calm. You are advised to wait so as not to incur dangers. So you can protect against losses accumulated over the past years. The work cannot be stopped, and therefore participate only in joint projects, even if there are small rewards, they are guaranteed.

Depression caused by your temporary setbacks can be bad for personal relationships. No need to take out the discontent on the second half. If you manage to restrain yourself, the family idyll will not collapse, otherwise ... everything is possible. Astrologers advise you to spend your vacation in a quiet romantic corner of the earth. This will save your family harmony from decline and give it a new color.

During the reign of Winter, truly great people are born - inquisitive, with a huge craving for knowledge and high intelligence. They often and successfully realize their talents in scientific discoveries, becoming famous scientists. For the children of winter, material means little in life, they are ready to work just for an idea, for results, sometimes without claiming a reward.

The year will again demonstrate an important postulate for you: do not be so naive, unfortunately, there are still enough dishonest people in our world who are not averse to living at your expense. Do not fall for the sweet assurances of swindlers - this may end badly for you financially.

Unexpectedly, your personal life can change for the better if it has not suited you so far. Singles will have the happiness of a fateful meeting: there is a chance to meet exactly the person you need. Those who are married will have to change their attitude to life: at least sometimes get involved in family affairs, because your soul mate still selflessly solves all problems alone.

A formidable deity that inspires fear, outwardly resembling the Gorgon Medusa. Children of Vyrgoni are famous for their love of freedom, independence, they do not recognize the slightest pressure on themselves. Therefore, they are often alone. They are not very eager to work, but the love of pleasure drives them, and therefore they are often with money. Dexterity, ingenuity and cunning are their weapons in earning money.

Crouching Hedgehog will require you to change your attitude to the financial side of life. It's time to balance income with expenses, it is important not to get entangled in lies and credit fraud, which can lead not only to the loss of friends, but also threatens personal freedom. Change tactics and style of work, think about opening your own business. In this field, the stars promise you true wealth.

On the personal front, there will also be no bright flashes of joy. The pleasures that you indulged in all the time, not paying attention to your loved ones, played a negative role. If you don’t change, don’t shorten your festivities - expect complications in your relationship.

The year brings you - the favorites of fate - true luck and the joy of accomplishments in work. As never before, freelancers will be lucky this year. You will be able to find the source of a full-flowing river that will take you to considerable funds, for this it is only important to be able to consider the most profitable ones in a series of small orders. And you'll be fine with that.

However, don't get carried away with 100% work. Health is the most precious thing in the world, it requires attention. Go in for sports, preferably with the whole family, which will be greeted with a bang by your spouse. All this will strengthen your family even better, bring warmth, comfort and an atmosphere of kindness into it.

One of the most revered deities of the pantheon generously endowed his wards with the mind, strength and courage - men, the special charm of the fairer sex. These are true examples of philanthropy, justice, honor and perseverance in goals. However, among the representatives there are diametrically opposed: lovers of dubious pleasures, instigators of scandals and even fights.

In the coming year, the children of Perun will have a difficult but interesting period. Sharp cardinal changes in work, in personal life are possible, up to departure abroad and thoughts to stay there forever. If your determination does not leave you, the stars will even more favor you.

In personal relationships with a partner, it is worth establishing a softer relationship and being responsible for your actions and words. Remember that harsh, thoughtless statements hurt the person you love. It is worth discarding the causticity and obvious dominance in communication. Tolerance for other people's shortcomings and the ability to empathize will help you improve your life, turning it into a harmonious and happy environment.

The terrible god of storms and winds did not forget to endow the representatives of this sign with flexibility of mind, intelligence, and all-round talents. They easily come up with those decisions where others have been racking their brains for years. A plus to their merits include sociability, the ability to win over people and build relationships.

In the new 2018, you will take on the role of a leader, which will immediately serve as a springboard to a new stage in your career. In business, you will have to slightly deviate from the habit of doing only work that gives you pleasure and harness yourself to the one that is expected of you.

In personal terms, the year does not bring any special changes. It will only require participation in the fate of close relatives.

The genus is the progenitor of all life on earth. Children of the genus very subtly and keenly feel both small changes in natural cycles and in people's relationships. These are wonderful, surprisingly light and tolerant of other people's shortcomings of personality, always finding wise compromises and solutions.

The long-awaited peace and tranquility will finally be established around. The time has come to dedicate it to yourself, although sitting idle is not your lot. Maybe you will take up what you call your hobby more closely, and at the same time think about how to make money on it. You will succeed!

Personally, everything will be fine, but it is worth dulling the attacks of unjustified jealousy. Otherwise, this will be a reason for your partner to reject you and a slight crisis is possible. Your children will unite you and everything will be fine again.

And what awaits everyone depending on the year of birth or, more correctly, from the SUMMER of birth, where another Slavic totem rules the elements - I recommend reading the animal on the site "City Lights"

Everything. Tired of spinning the mouse wheel? These are the predictions for the new year 2018 brought to us by the horoscope of the Slavs. How did you find yourself in something? Even if it’s not about you at all, you must admit, it was still interesting, otherwise you wouldn’t read it ... 🙂 . Of course, today no one will take such things seriously. And yet, let the best of these predictions come true, and let's try to prevent the worst together). After all, everything is in our power, in any case, we will strive to decide our own destiny.

Symbol The New Year is not just a sign, it is an image that carries the essence and character of the coming year. Each animal represents something of its own. Therefore, today we decided to touch on the long-awaited theme of the New Year 2018 and talk about the symbol.

The main thing in the article

What animal symbolizes 2018?

  • In 2018, a faithful four-legged friend is waiting for us - dog. This year symbolizes Earth Dog. In the character of the symbol one can observe male firmness and stability, as well as female compassion, intelligence and practicality.
  • From time immemorial, a dog has been considered a devoted friend of man; it is endowed with such positive qualities as kindness, honesty, intelligence, cordiality, devotion. But she also has the other side of the coin - this is cynicism and a small amount of laziness.
  • It is also worth mentioning the nature of the symbolizing sign, which is not simple, as it seems at first glance. The dog will rush into battle without hesitation if the situation requires it. This sign symbolizes protection and strength.

The color of the animal - the symbol of 2018 according to the horoscope

The coming year is the year Yellow Earth Dog, so warm colors prevail:

  • yellow,
  • brown,
  • terracotta,
  • orange,
  • tangerine,
  • citric,
  • mustard,
  • saffron,
  • golden,
  • chocolate.

The color scheme of the earth is very multifaceted, as it carries dozens of different combinations and shades. In 2018, the symbolic color will inspire confidence, give warmth and comfort. All shades of the coming year bring warmth and confidence.

What is the year of 2018 according to the Chinese calendar?

  • 2018 is symbolized by a yellow dog with the element of earth. She is the eleventh in the animal cycle of the Chinese chronology. This animal carries the energy of Yang, as evidenced by its activity in new affairs and the desire to move up.
  • Yang energy implies a masculine human principle. It manifests itself in activity, activity, productivity and dynamism. Yang represents light and sun, sky and day. It is characterized by a creative approach and a budding beginning.

2018 is the year of which animal according to the Slavic calendar?

  • Slavic, or as it is also called the Aryan horoscope, has a different interpretation of the chronology. According to the Slavic calendar, 2018 is the year curled up hedgehog.
  • The symbol reflects devotion, fidelity and reliability. However, in positive features there are neutral and negative nuances - unpredictability, fussiness and pedantry.
  • This animal, although prickly, is quite homely. People born in the year of this symbol have a stubborn character, stability, and the ability to defend their own.

2018 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar?

Oriental calendars are in many ways similar to Chinese, but have some differences. They consist in renaming some animal symbols. But the symbol of the Yellow Earth Dog according to the eastern calendar for 2018 remains inviolable. The characteristic of the symbol also does not change.

Characteristics of the symbol of the new 2018

  • The dog is characterized as a generous, honest and simple symbol. She is quite a smart animal, with a sense of justice and fair play. She is characterized by unpretentiousness, attractiveness and a friendly attitude.
  • The symbol represents friendly relations, openness, idealism and practicality. She is full of moral qualities, affection and kindness. The symbol can be described as affectionate, gentle and sensitive.
  • The nature of the dog is calm, balanced and gentle. But among other things, she is endowed with charismatic features, a romantic disposition with a bit of sentimentality.

2018: what to expect from the symbol of the year?

  • 2018 will be quite calm, but fruitful. For many, it will serve as the final stage in important matters. The element of the symbol reflects fertility, which in turn symbolizes activity in promoting affairs for the year.
  • The symbol of the coming year is a faithful animal, which cannot but affect family life. Peace and prosperity will come to families. This year will be a great time for creating new cells of society and for replenishment.
  • Success awaits many in their careers, especially for those who have been waiting for this for a long time and carefully prepared. The symbol will bring promotion to all who honestly deserve it and work hard. The characteristic of the elements of the next year suggests that many are waiting for the gathering of grown fruits.

To whom will the Yellow Dog bring good luck?

First of all, luck will turn to face those who were born in the year of the symbol of the New Year 2018. It doesn’t matter what element the year of your birth was, the main thing is the symbol.

  • For those born in the year Dogs the future symbol of the year brings energy for career, love and family. In all your endeavors, you will succeed if you prioritize correctly.
  • People born in the year Rats, will receive laurels for hard and honest work. Thanks to positive qualities, they will be victorious in any endeavors.
  • For those who appeared in the year Bull this year will be at least stable and fruitful. Especially it concerns the love front, where you need to act purposefully.
  • Tigers they will feel a surge of new energy, they will have a second wind for the realization of all their intended goals.
  • rabbits you need to reduce your ardor, because in any case, victory will be in your pocket. In love, you need to trust your partner.
  • For those who appeared in the year dragon the dog has laid up a triple reward, the only condition is to give what you have. It can be love, care, time or even material means.
  • Serpent This year will please with a lot of pleasant surprises. Even when the fiasco approaches you, the symbol of the year will give you a nice gift.
  • born per year horses the horoscope assures you to stop doing everything yourself. Concentrate on yourself, and then everything will be in perfect order, things will go uphill, and you will ascend to the pedestal.
  • For those who were born in the year goats the dog has in store for changes, but they are only positive. Thanks to them, your life will change for the better.
  • Monkeys will be waiting for important life lessons that they will endure with long-term success for themselves. These lessons will bear the character of further benefits in life.
  • For those who appeared in the year Rooster the symbol of the coming year has in store a gift of fate. Your task is not to miss your unusual and magical chance.
  • At Kabanov in the new year, an idyll will come in family relationships. Enjoy the comfort and warmth you have created.

2018: from what date does the animal-symbol of the year come into force?

  • According to the Chinese calendar, the symbol of the New Year comes into full force on February 16, 2018. The reign of the dog lasts until February 4, 2019. The entire period of her good and faithful reign, she will give confidence, energy and warmth.
  • According to the Slavic calendar, the symbol-totem comes into its own from March 22- New Year's Day. The board lasts until the beginning of Christmas time and ends on the night of March 15-16 of the next year 2019.

Meeting rules 2018 to appease the symbol of the new year

To make your year fruitful and successful in all aspects of your life, you need to correctly meet the symbol of the New Year. Thanks to some rules, you will literally appease the dog. She, in turn, will bring harmony and prosperity into your life in all your endeavors.

How to welcome 2018?

  • The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a particular outfit is the color. It must necessarily reflect the element of the symbol of the coming year. In this case, it is yellow and all shades adjacent to it.
  • Secondly, men need to choose courageous outfits that will more than emphasize their courageous and brutal image.
  • Thirdly, it is better for women to give preference to feminine, romantic outfits. The whole image should convey all the beauty of your soul and femininity.

What to cook for the New Year's table?

  • To win over the symbol of the coming New Year, it is not necessary to create a crowded table that will burst with artsy food.
  • It is enough to create one or two tasty and satisfying. They should be easy to prepare and beautiful in design. In terms of the choice of meat, the dog is almost omnivorous, so it is allowed to cook dishes from pork, beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey - what your soul does.
  • Depending on the invitees, and varies. You can afford as many types as you want. The only thing is that they should be from simple and affordable products. And over the design, you can fantasize and invent.
  • Not a single table can do without delicious ones that complement it with their appetizing smell and unusual design.

How to set the table in the New Year 2018?

  • Table setting should reflect the personifying symbols of the New Year. To do this, you need to observe not only the color scheme, but other nuances.
  • When decorating the table and the room, do not forget about the paraphernalia of the symbolizing animal. Perhaps these will be dishes in the form of an animal or napkins with its image.

If we talk about colors, they can be present not only in fabrics and on paper, but also in products. Place cinnamon cookies, tangerines, bananas, or fruit salad on the table. Roast chicken until golden brown or garnish with saffron leaves.

  • For serving, you can use not only standard tools and decorations, but also dilute them with small golden beads, ribbons, cones or stars.

What to give on New Year's Eve 2018?

  • do not have to be in the shape and form of a symbolic animal. The main thing is that they should reflect the nature of this symbol.
  • Give preference to warm, rainbow, cozy, family gifts.
  • Gifts should be calm, peaceful and pure, reflect love and care, give joy and a sense of security in the heart of the person receiving them.
  • And most importantly, you should give gifts from the bottom of your heart.

Video: in honor of which animal will 2018 be?

Celebrating the New Year 2018 with a light hand is very simple, using our instructions and advice. After all, the New Year is always a time for miracles, so let this magic touch each of you and remain throughout the year. May the Yellow Dog favor you in the coming, and not only, year.