Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Who is a lamer and a noob, what is the difference.

Unable or fundamentally unwilling to master computer work well. When used in reference to a professional computer programmer, the word is offensive. Often this term is used to oppose the concepts of "hacker", "computer guru". In Russian, instead of the word "lamer", the word "teapot" is often used in the sense of "an inexperienced person".


  • Definition of "lamer" in Jargon File

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Lamer" is in other dictionaries:

    lamer- (inexperienced, novice user) An untrained or clueless user who claims to know everything, while not understanding anything normally. Not to be confused with the novice user (Newbie). Lamer himself refers to the category or ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Exist., number of synonyms: 15 stupid (181) botyar (1) amateur (9) ... Synonym dictionary

    lamer- neglected 1) a self-important teapot Lamer likes to open each new link in a different browser window. The presence of 50 open windows does not bother him. But when the browser crashes with a loud crash, the lamer is very unhappy with this. Syn: lamo 2) game.… … Computer slang dictionary

    lamer- 1. An illiterate user of a personal computer who does not want to improve his knowledge. (Sometimes impersonating an experienced user) Hey lamer, learn the materiel! Computer slang 2. Illiterate user ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    - (English lame crippled, lame) comp. jarg. inexperienced and inept computer user, vernacular. teapot New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009 … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    lamer- novice user... business slang dictionary

    lamer- (2 m); pl. la / measures, R. la / measures ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    lamer- rude, incomprehensible man ... Rechnik in Northwestern dialect

    lamer- sl. it's probably a noun. from lame lame 1) a teapot who thinks he's cool 2) a disparaging name for end users, newbies, and each other ... Hacker "s dictionary

    Antonio Lamer Antonio Lamer ... Wikipedia


  • Nick 2, Yasinsky, Andrzej. Part of the second, third and fourth novels of the Nick cycle. Everything is mixed up in the house... in the world of Lungria. And horses, and people, and elves with demons and gnomes! And everyone wants to take it by the gills, although they are missing in ...

Lamer is not only gaming slang. Now you will learn about lamers, wow, you will!

The word is derived from English. lame - "lame", "weakling". This means that it is a person who has become familiar with technology, and from this he believes that he understands everything.

Lamer is a teapot who fancies himself a hacker.

Lamer is the one who calls at first hour of the night, because he cannot access the Internet, but he urgently needs it.

A lamer is someone who asks about something, and to the answer “google it, everything is there”, asks a more knowledgeable person to google it and report the result.

Lamer is the one who has a computer at home, but they only run it on holidays, apparently ... not forgetting to report that he recently installed “xp” on his “computer”, or “twisted” something on it that already has been “cutting” itself for a long time ...

In general, this gaming-computer slang can be extended to any area of ​​human activity. Driving, building, relationships - people-lamers by nature (or, maybe, by their temperament?) are not inclined to seek information themselves, compare between A and B and make a choice.

By the way, only lamers are able to mess up where nothing, it would seem, can be spoiled. And talk about their successes much. That's why sysadmins don't like them. Where an ordinary user would make the prescribed number of mouse clicks in the right places, the admin has to come personally, and besides, to convince the lamer to give a place at the nuclear button control panel ...

Apparently, from this feature - "mow" and "spoil" without understanding, talking obvious nonsense with a smart look, people become lamer.

... Back in 1996, my parents bought me a computer. There was little in it - from memory to hard disk space. But there was no money for his service in a poor family (mom is a cleaner, dad is a tractor driver) for sure.

“Breaking” the computer due to my own stupidity (something went wrong, “clicked” in the wrong place, downloaded something wrong), every time I got a non-working “coffin on wheels”. So he stood for a week or two, while I dare to do something myself. And the father, who could not fight with the Coward, the Dunce and the Experienced, also teased: again the monument is standing?

And I called a programmer friend, or my mother asked casually at work, or returned to computer courses with a kind teacher.

When they gave me a pack of floppy disks and said “reinstall the operating system, and everything will be fine,” I “fed” floppy disk after diskette with trembling hands, pressed “Enter”, while not forgetting to read what I was generally asked to do in the next step.

And until now I'm sure: if not for this "school", I could become a lamer. Or, at best, a mere mortal user.

Much in life must be done with your own hands in order to:

a) learn how to do it

b) understand the logic of what is happening,

c) only after the first two points to discuss what has been done with other lovers of high technology.

The concept of "lamer" applies to lovers of computer toys. Only they don't spend hours figuring out the secrets of their favorite game. They find some obvious little thing, and then enthusiastically tell what they are, almost hackers.

At the same time, the connoisseurs sit in a corner and smile mysteriously, listening to the narration “Yesterday I “dunked” the coolest boss with a penknife! And then I installed a fi-wi and connected for free to the neighbor's Internet!

Bottom line: it is not given to become a virtuoso user who understands what is happening on the monitor - pick up a manual, smoke forums and improve "google-fu". And don’t pretend that you understand everything, everything, that’s just “something doesn’t work here ...”

Have you heard of such a person as a lamer? Well, if you often sit on the Internet, then you have heard, of course. But for people who are ignorant of computer terminology, I will explain the meaning of this word.

So who is a lamer?

The word "lamer" (from the English lamer - lame) in the jargon of computer scientists means a stupid and ignorant user in technology. In my opinion, a special definition of "lamerness" is not even the "advancement" of such a person, but his unwillingness to learn and comprehend the basics of computer skills. By the way, often those who like to attract attention to themselves, for example, on forums, are called lamers, because lamers are very easy to find by a huge number of incoherent words and sentences borrowed from various books, magazines, or maybe just heard from professionals. Throwing words of this kind is in the style of lamers, but how it breaks is not our fault (the psychology of a lamer).

So where did the notorious nickname come from?

I have two answers to this question.

  1. Some naively believe that the word came to us from the lexicon of skaters. Remember, because at the beginning of the article I mentioned about (from the English lamer - “lame”). Not for long, however, this word was delayed by skaters, but went straight to BBS users.
  2. Linuxoids also often have complexes about the crooked hands of their associates. Therefore, the Internet community has put forward a sound idea about the origin of the word from the title of the book "Linux Administration Made Easy" (LAME). It's no secret that nature put their hands in the wrong place for some system administrators. And maybe that's why I don't like sysadmins so much? However, more on that later... The version with LAME is quite plausible, and it has the right to life, because we are still faced with crooked comrades in the Linux environment.

Who can call himself a lamer, and who is a lamer really?

Oh, well, not the easiest! Each author of an anti-lamer post talks about who a lamer is, describing the different features of a person who could call himself that. Answering this question for myself, I would say otherwise. In my opinion, a lamer is a person called a “whistling teapot”: he “whistles” about his abilities, and other people do everything for him. And also, probably, because when the lamer gets annoyed, it looks like a boiling kettle (and whistles besides). The picture, in a word, is unpleasant and gloomy.

What is a lamer like?

An ordinary lamer is restless: he is in a hurry, he needs to finish the report, correct the statistics, and his Excel has gone wrong. I would now remember the notorious joke: “In what code do I have an error? In the genetic!

Lamers are also noobs at the same time. Noob (English "newbie" - newbie) - a person who wants to teach everyone, that is, to poison someone else's brain with his "cockroaches". Sometimes noobs are too stubborn in their beliefs.

And of course, lamers are “dummies”. They are everywhere. People who have to explain, tell, show everything, but in return you will receive a lot of gratitude.

As a small conclusion

I hope you now understand who a lamer is, and you will no longer confuse them with advanced users, and even more so with hackers (hard to confuse with hackers). Don't be lamer!

I delete aphorisms, it has nothing to do with it at all. --Shockvvave 05:21, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

I propose to delete this article after the "original research" template. To some extent, what is written there is an example of lamerism in the interpretation of the word lamer :-))). For the one who wrote this, I note that a lamer is a person who, without fully understanding the subject, gives instructions, "expert" assessments and other "important" information that is complete nonsense. That is, when a person teaches you something, while he himself does not understand this issue at all. This is what is denoted by the word "lamer". The incorrect information spread by the lamer is not the result of his mistake (or his sincere delusions), but the result of the fact that the lamer, instead of trying to study the issue, simply begins to fantasize on this topic, inspiring other people with his fantasies. Very often you come across bosses-lamers who, not understanding the subject, begin to "teach" simply because they are bosses. At the same time, they put forward their own crazy theories, and other "knowledge" that has zero value. This is a classic example of lamerism. When a person tries to attribute his mistakes to something, this cannot be called the word "lamer". Denying one's own mistakes and the problems they engender, an attempt to shift the blame to another - this is not lamerism at all, it is simply a characteristic of a dishonest person and a bad worker. If this employee is not able to master some simple things, then such a person should be called in Russian - dumbass, and not use this special jargon. That's when this person, in order to hide his own incompetence, mistakes, and shift the blame, for example, to a "computer engineer", begins to put forward all kinds of fantastic and delusional (for a specialist) theories "why it doesn't work for him", and teach these theories to others (including bosses) - only then such a person can be described as a lamer. So the tactics of lamers does not at all boil down to shifting their blame onto others. And if the lamer and shifts his guilt to something, then it is necessary - with the promotion of delusional fantasy theories. On the other hand, a lamer may well put forward crazy-fantastic theories and not in order to shift his blame to others, but simply to look like a "specialist". So everything that is written after the template is completely wrong.

The only correct definition from the entire article is: "A lamer is a teapot that thinks it's cool brewed." those. "Lamer is a teapot who presents himself as a hacker among dummies, but at the same time does not even reach the level of a hacker and coolhacker." Correct someone article, why mislead people. Kettle is a teapot name that came from the 60s when "skiers", i.e. amateurs, who were not professionals in skiing, liked to be photographed with one hand resting on skis and sticks, like a staff, and the other hand was bent and rested on the side, i.e. looked like a teapot with a spout in the photo. Then this word appeared in our region as a translation of a series of books "... for dummies" (for dummies), which we translated "... for dummies". The word Kettle is not offensive, the word Lamer is an insult to a professional and a reason for a holivar for a real lamer. In life, the analogue of Lamer is Dude. (c) BOBO P.S. - right.

There is a rather poisonous, but very accurate definition of a lamer: "A lamer is a teapot that thinks it's cool brewed." 02:49 PM June 19, 2008 (UTC)nobodyxp

I agree with the funny definition: "A lamer is a teapot that thinks it's cool brewed." For clarification, I will add that a lamer is an ambitious PC user who has gotten a little used to computers, in many respects overestimating his real knowledge (theoretical and practical), capabilities and skills. In practice, the lamer tries to show off his so-called "skills" in front of himself and in society. The result of the lamer's activity - unlike ordinary users (dummies), who are simply stupid and cannot do anything, after the lamer's intervention, a lot of things have to be corrected, repaired and even restored from scratch. Lamer is characterized as the most dangerous user for the life of a computer system and programs. 05:16, January 27, 2011 (UTC)SysAdmin.

Often a lamer is called a person who simply does not know the most basic computer skills.

It seems to me that a lamer is a person who wishful thinking. 0z0n

I would add that, as a rule, lamerieux masks his ignorance with an abundance of terms. IMHO, any problem can be explained without resorting to a heap of special terms. Lamer overloads his speech with terms that are not clear to most users and, thus, looks like a knowledgeable person in their eyes. 12:28 February 26, 2009 (UTC)

> In Russian, instead of the word "lamer" often use the word "teapot" in the meaning of "an inexperienced person."

And not vice versa? --AVRS (obs) 20:07, March 24, 2014 (UTC)

Although both of these terms are widely used among Internet users, they themselves are older than the Internet itself and have been in use since the era of FidoNet and BBS.
In those days, few even then owners of personal computers communicated with each other through electronic bulletin boards (BBS), connecting to them using modems over dial-up telephone lines. The users of each electronic board were a rather closed community, with their own system of relationships, peculiar etiquette and jargon, so any new person who appeared there immediately became noticeable. He unwittingly, out of ignorance, violated the unwritten rules and therefore stood out against the general background. Such beginners were called “newbie”, which later became the word “noob”.

Approximately the same meaning and for the same reasons is given to this word now. A person can be very competent in many matters, but once in a new community for himself, he will be a noob. These can be regular visitors to a thematic forum, or an established team of gamers on a game server (by the way, you can read why games slow down) - every newcomer will be a noob for them until they get used to the new situation and prove their viability.

Who is a noob?

A noob is a beginner who does not yet understand all the intricacies and details of any activity. He does not hide this and, if possible, tries to gain experience and knowledge in order to correct the situation.

Thus, the word noob does not carry any offensive meaning. This is a temporary title that everyone goes through. And every noob, sooner or later, having gained experience, ceases to be one.
But lamer is an offensive word, and it’s better not to deserve such a name for yourself. It comes from the English "lame", which means: lame, crippled. Newcomers were also called this word, but those who diligently concealed it, trying to look experienced and competent. Such people often and inappropriately abused jargon. Met in the discussion with stupid questions and suggestions. In words, they knew and were able to do everything, but in reality they could not adequately complete a single project.

Who is a lamer?

Lamer is a person who does not understand the topic and at the same time, instead of learning, gaining experience, he tries in every possible way to hide his incompetence and, moreover, tries to seem smarter than he really is. This is immediately noticed by other people and, of course, they do not like it.

And today the word lamer is called a militant ignoramus who does not recognize his incompetence. These people are unwilling (or unable) to learn, but for some reason believe that everyone around is obliged to spend their time explaining elementary things to them or writing detailed step-by-step instructions. And they are offended if someone is not in a hurry to do it. They are usually advised to learn materiel, but this does not help them. Unlike a noob, a lamer is for a long time!