Biographies Characteristics Analysis

On earth at the time. Description of the catastrophe that led to the change of the old and new worlds and the emergence of modern humanity, in the legends of different peoples: the loss of the water-steam shell, the flood and glaciation - Earth before the Flood: Disappeared Continents and Civilizations

Since ancient times, people have believed that there are sea mythical creatures that inhabit the depths of the seas and oceans. Our ancestors tried to explain all supernatural events by the will of the gods who were in charge of the deep sea. Among the ancient Greeks, Poseidon was the ruler of the underwater world, among the pagans, the sea king, among the ancient Romans, Neptune. The disappearance of fishermen, shipwrecks, mutations of fish and animals - all this gave rise to myths and legends. The ocean has been explored by 3%, so no one has yet been able to refute the theory of the existence of monsters.

Myths of the pagans

Since many Slavs inhabited the plains and were not seafarers, their myths did not have sufficient knowledge about monsters. Those mythical creatures that live under water include:

  • mermaids;
  • miracle Yudo, water;
  • ommutnik;
  • lakes;
  • kikimoru.

This is an evil force that harmed people. And the history of the emergence of such creatures was not very partial than that of other peoples. Drowned girls or children strangled by their mothers turned into mermaids.

In some ways, these female creatures resembled sirens who lured sailors with their incredibly beautiful voice. Slavic folklore characters are very well characterized by artists, poets, writers, cinematographers, actors and directors.

Myths of the peoples of the world

The peoples who from the very beginning of their history were engaged in navigation had a more developed picture of the mythical sea creatures.

  1. The kraken, or sea monster, became the subject of Norwegian sailor legends as early as the 12th century. Danish Bishop Eric Pontoppidan described the monster as being 1.5 miles wide. The first sketches of the octopus arose much later - in the 18th century, when the French naturalist Pierre Denis de Montfort stumbled upon a giant monster. This was the giant octopus that terrorized the coast of Norway.
  2. Umibozu is a devil from the depths of the sea in Japanese folklore. Depicted as a serpentine creature with a humanoid head.
  3. In Mesopotamian mythology, Tiamat is the physical embodiment of the sea. As the god of salt water, Tiamat entered into sexual contact with Abzu, the goddess of fresh water, thereby giving birth to other gods. He is depicted as a dragon or sea hydra.
  4. Yermungandr - the monster of northern mythology, was settled in the ocean by Odin and grew there to such a size that he could encircle the Earth.
  5. Iku-Turso is a monster of Finnish mythology. It looked like a sea monster with the head of a bull, deer or walrus. According to another version, Iku-Turso is the god of war. This explains the name of the Finnish submarine of the Second World War in honor of the sea animal.
  6. Kalupalik (Inuit name) does not have such an impressive size as other marine life, but is endowed with a creepy appearance. Sloppy long hair, green skin and an ugly body with hooked fingers paints a picture of a witcher from the sea. According to mythology, Kalupalik was called upon to catch naughty children and hide them in amauti. He dragged the children into his domain, where they disappeared forever.
  7. Hydra had 9 snake heads, this is the largest sea creature.
  8. Charybdis is a Greek monster, the first mention of which was in Homer's Odyssey and Aesop's fables. The Greeks believed that this monster broke the Greek ships when they crossed the Strait of Messina. In late mythology, Charybdis became the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia and was at enmity with Zeus. Captured as a monster with numerous teeth and eyes, small processes on the skin. Its existence could be explained by a whirlpool in the sea.
  9. Leviathan is a sea creature, which is mentioned in the Book of Job, Tanakh, Christian and Jewish teachings. Book references to Leviathan are varied and vary by region, but one common description remains that of a serpentine monster that rules the seas. Until the 17th century, the word "leviathan" was a common noun for large marine life. This is the physical embodiment of the hellish mouth.
  10. Scylla terrorized sailors in the other half of the Strait of Messina. Killed by Hercules, Scylla was described by Homer as a monster 12 miles high and with 6 heads, a huge amount of teeth. The classic description was less terrifying: half-woman, half-snake, with a fish tail and girdling dog heads. Before turning into a freak, Scylla was a magnificent nymph who was adored by the god Glaucus, but the jealous witch Cersei turned her into a monster.


Monsters of our times

Many enthusiasts and zoologists believe in the existence of many extinct fish, sharks and mollusks. This is due to the fact that there is irrefutable evidence of a layer of thick silt instead of the bottom of the Mariana Trench. It is believed that the bottom of Lake Baikal is covered with thick silt, and there is a whole ecosystem under it. So far, scientists have not been able to penetrate further, and therefore there may be new species of animals or extinct species that once inhabited the deep sea, for example, megalodon.

The world knows almost existing sea monsters, which include the Loch Ness Monster.

For more than 200 years of history about this monster, there are 1081 sightings of the creature. The idea of ​​its existence was smashed to smithereens, but enterprising locals have already managed to acquire capital thanks only to the Nessie Museum.


With the development of science and technology, sea monsters of the depths are described and studied in detail, and the disappearance of sailors and ships were in most cases accidents. Many monsters went down in history forever, which was reflected in the language as an aphorism “between Scylla and Charybdis”, that is, they choose the lesser of two evils. Science is moving forward, and humanity will definitely learn new data about supposedly fictional sea creatures.