Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The hope of the world is the Slavic peoples. Edgar Cayce - predictions by year (list) Cayce about the year

Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2017 Edgar Cayce had a completely atypical view of Russia for his time. He spoke of our country in an exceptionally constructive way and completely without biased negativity. Moreover, this American clairvoyant, in fact, saw in it the basis and means for humanity to achieve harmony in the future. As for 2017 specifically, Casey's predictions regarding events in the world in the most general case can be described as unusual, in some places frightening, however, undoubtedly interesting and deserving of our attention. Events in geopolitics Being an American, Casey knew how and had the opportunity to sensibly and impartially assess the situation in their own country even in the future. As for 2017, for the United States, the predictor saw problems related to the principles of conducting its foreign and domestic policy. The clairvoyant called his country a victim, against which everything that until now helped her to cheat and rob other territories and states will turn around. Moreover, the general context of his statements on this matter suggests that the problem of conflicts on religious grounds, as well as terrorist attacks, will become more relevant in America than ever before. However, Casey believed that the United States would not plunge into chaos. Peace in the souls of people and common sense in the heads of the leaders of this state will begin to come after some artifacts are raised from the bottom of the ocean not far from the American coastline. The predictor argued that these finds, in addition to historical significance, would also have a great spiritual meaning. Casey said that they would contain a unique source of energies capable of beneficially influencing the minds and souls of entire masses of people. And it is from this moment, the clairvoyant insisted, that Americans will begin to change for the better, becoming more peaceful, more humane, and their leaders more careful in their statements and decisions. In addition, for 2017, Casey predicted a decrease in world tension associated with the danger of using nuclear weapons. A very difficult Rubicon - events that took place in 2014-2015. and which created a lot of tension in relations between different countries - will be successfully passed during this period. And in the future, states will “swing” their nuclear potential less and less. In 2017, Casey saw political problems for Israel. He even pointed to the likelihood of a significant number of people leaving this country who will try to find refuge in various parts of the world from Australia to Russia. Many of their priorities and views of the world will have to begin to be revised by the leaders and residents of China. They will finally have a tendency to consider themselves not as an exclusive nation, but as part of a common human civilization. It is not a fact that this will be felt already in 2017, but the fact that these processes will acquire a certain dynamics in this particular time period, according to Casey, is beyond doubt. True, it is impossible not to notice that the clairvoyant was rather critical of the Chinese, considering their ideological position unacceptable, especially in the 21st century. So, maybe there is an element of subjectivity here, because it is difficult to imagine that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will suddenly consider themselves only part of the world and will not proceed from the fact that they are the most cunning, smart and far-sighted. Although it is possible that life will still force them to do this. Cataclysms and ecology In 2017, Casey saw quite large-scale natural problems for Europe. He mentioned the danger of earthquakes, which can make parts of the territories of France, the United Kingdom, and Spain go under water (that is, be flooded). Seismic activity (but without the danger of flooding) will also be relevant for the states of the Scandinavian Peninsula. By the way, the key word here is "may"; there are no predictions from which it would follow with absolute certainty that this will be the case for sure. At this time, the soothsayer also has an opinion about the ecological state of the planet as a whole. Based on the fact that our planet is a living organism that adequately responds to the attitude of humanity towards itself, he prophesied serious climate changes for people if they did not stop treating the Earth consumerly. In the coming years, because of this, changes in the climate may occur, which, having passed the point of no return, will put us all on the path of death. And in this sense, 2017 may turn out to be the time when something like this will happen (unless, of course, people come to their senses). For example, already today the movement of the earth's poles occurs at an unprecedented high speed. And if nothing changes in the minds of the powerful of this world, then there is a risk that the Aurora Borealis may no longer be seen by residents of areas close to the Arctic, but by ordinary Europeans. Casey's predictions for 2017 about Russia For our country, the soothsayer saw continued development and strengthening. Moreover, in this case we are talking about both the material and the spiritual side of life. It is very difficult to designate any specific events that fall specifically on 2017 here, because Casey did not leave a strict chronology of his visions by date. But in general, this year, according to his predictions, is entering a period when the role and power of Russia will increase. And he didn't say anything that could interfere with it. This means that everything will go, as they say, according to plan and to our advantage. An interesting forecast from Casey was also given about Russia's closest neighbor and partner. It must be assumed that in this case we should talk about Belarus. This state, according to Casey, will demonstrate striking political apathy in 2017. Moreover, 2017 in this case is only a moment in a fairly long period during which Belarusians will be practically indifferent to the ups and downs taking place in the world. And this, the clairvoyant argued, would be an exceptionally positive moment for them, because it would allow them to safely continue building their state, while learning mainly from the mistakes of others. And, first of all, this will affect the so-called "European values" that contribute to the corruption and permissiveness of people. This prediction is of great importance for Russia. It means that the "Western partners" will not be able to shake up security along the entire perimeter of our borders. On the issue of UkraineThe inhabitants of this country will have to - willy or not - decide on a choice. Those who live simply waiting or believing that the situation will somehow “dissolve” itself, or believing that abroad will help, will finally have to make a choice in favor of one or another side participating in the internal confrontation. For the West or for the Russian world - this dilemma in 2017 will require an unequivocal decision and awareness of one’s own place in one of these “camps.” By the way, Casey himself believed that Ukraine should not try to become part of European politics and economics, because in this case She will definitely lose. Meanwhile, she definitely needs to be friends with Russia, because from here there will be no trick, no desire to use her resources. But Ukrainians can count on the help of this neighbor with absolute certainty. Of course, all this cannot be achieved in one day, however, the turning point, which will determine the further direction of the development of the territory called Ukraine, will occur precisely in 2017. In one of the texts left by Edgar Cayce to posterity, he stated that he would reincarnate on Earth again in XXI century. Of course, he did not give the exact date of this event, however, he said more than affirmatively that he would be born again in Russia, choosing it as his new homeland. He explained his choice of birthplace by the fact that the most interesting and most important processes in the world will take place right here, and he certainly wants to be a living witness to this. And so we need to get through 2017 with honor, even if it seems to us a difficult period in our lives and history. If we succeed, then we will take one more step towards our bright future - without irony and sarcasm (!) -.

Edgar Cayce had a completely atypical view of Russia for his time. He spoke of our country in an exceptionally constructive way and completely without biased negativity. Moreover, this American clairvoyant, in fact, saw in it the basis and means for humanity to achieve harmony in the future. As for 2017 specifically, Casey's predictions regarding events in the world in the most general case can be described as unusual, sometimes frightening, however, undoubtedly interesting and deserving of our attention.

As an American, Casey was able and able to assess the situation in his country in a sensible and impartial way, even in the future. As for 2017, for the United States, the predictor saw problems related to the principles of conducting its foreign and domestic policy. The clairvoyant called his country a victim, against which everything that until now helped her to cheat and rob other territories and states will turn around. Moreover, the general context of his statements on this matter suggests that the problem of religious conflicts, as well as terrorist attacks, will become more relevant in America than ever before.

However, the United States, Casey believed, would not plunge into chaos. Peace in the souls of people and common sense in the heads of the leaders of this state will begin to come after some artifacts are raised from the bottom of the ocean not far from the American coastline. The predictor argued that these finds, in addition to historical significance, would also have a great spiritual meaning. Casey said that they would contain a unique source of energies capable of beneficially influencing the minds and souls of entire masses of people. And it was from this moment, the clairvoyant insisted, that Americans would begin to change for the better, becoming more peaceful, more humane, and their leaders more careful in their statements and decisions.

In addition, for 2017, Casey predicted a decrease in the tension in the world associated with the danger of the use of nuclear weapons. A very difficult Rubicon - events that took place in 2014-2015. and created a lot of tension in relations between different countries - will be successfully passed during this period. And "waving" their nuclear potential of the state will become less and less in the future.

Political problems in 2017, Casey saw for Israel. He even pointed to the likelihood of a significant number of people leaving this country who will try to find refuge in various parts of the world from Australia to Russia.

Many of their priorities and views of the world will have to begin to be revised by the leaders and residents of China. They will finally have a tendency to consider themselves not as an exclusive nation, but as part of a common human civilization. It is not a fact that this will be felt already in 2017, but the fact that these processes will acquire a certain dynamics in this particular time period, according to Casey, is beyond doubt. True, it is impossible not to notice that the clairvoyant was rather critical of the Chinese, considering their ideological position unacceptable, especially in the 21st century. So, maybe there is an element of subjectivity here, because it is difficult to imagine that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will suddenly consider themselves only part of the world and will not proceed from the fact that they are the most cunning, smart and far-sighted. Although it is possible that life will still make them do it.

Cataclysms and ecology

For 2017, Casey saw quite large-scale natural problems for Europe. He mentioned the danger of earthquakes, which can make parts of the territories of France, the United Kingdom, and Spain go under water (that is, be flooded). Seismic activity (but without the danger of flooding) will also be relevant for the states of the Scandinavian Peninsula. By the way, the key word here is "may"; there are no predictions from which it would follow with absolute certainty that this will be the case for sure.

At this time, the soothsayer also has an opinion about the ecological state of the planet as a whole. Based on the fact that our planet is a living organism that adequately responds to the attitude of humanity towards itself, he prophesied serious climate changes for people if they did not stop treating the Earth consumerly. In the coming years, because of this, changes in the climate may occur, which, having passed the point of no return, will put us all on the path of death. And in this sense, 2017 may turn out to be the time when something like this will happen (unless, of course, people come to their senses). For example, already today the movement of the earth's poles occurs at an unprecedented high speed. And if nothing changes in the minds of the powerful of this world, then there is a risk that the Aurora Borealis may no longer be seen by residents of areas close to the Arctic, but by ordinary Europeans.

Casey Predictions for 2017 about Russia

For our country, the soothsayer saw the continuation of development and strengthening. Moreover, in this case we are talking about both the material and the spiritual side of life. It is very difficult to designate any specific events that fall specifically on 2017 here, because Casey did not leave a strict chronology of his visions by date. But in general, this year, according to his predictions, is entering a period when the role and power of Russia will increase. And he didn't say anything that could interfere with it. This means that everything will go, as they say, according to plan and for our benefit.

An interesting forecast from Casey is given about the nearest neighbor and partner of Russia. It must be assumed that in this case we should talk about Belarus. This state, according to Casey, will demonstrate striking political apathy in 2017. Moreover, 2017 in this case is only a moment in a fairly long period during which Belarusians will be practically indifferent to the ups and downs taking place in the world. And this, the clairvoyant argued, would be an exceptionally positive moment for them, because it would allow them to safely continue building their state, while learning mainly from the mistakes of others. And, first of all, this will affect the so-called "European values" that contribute to the corruption and permissiveness of people. This prediction is of great importance for Russia. It means that the “Western partners” will never be able to shake up security along the entire perimeter of our borders.

On the question of Ukraine

The inhabitants of this country will have to - willingly or unwillingly - to make a choice. Those who live simply waiting or believing that the situation will somehow “dissolve” itself, or believing that abroad will help, will finally have to make a choice in favor of one or another side participating in the internal confrontation. For the West or for the Russian world - this dilemma in 2017 will require an unequivocal decision and awareness of one's own place in one of these "camps".

By the way, Casey himself believed that Ukraine should not try to become a part of European politics and economics, because in this case it would definitely be a loser. Meanwhile, she definitely needs to be friends with Russia, because from here there will be no trick, no desire to use her resources. But Ukrainians can count on the help of this neighbor with absolute certainty. Of course, all this cannot be achieved in one day, however, the turning point, which will determine the further direction of the development of the territory called Ukraine, will occur in 2017.

In one of the texts left by Edgar Cayce to posterity, he stated that he would reincarnate on Earth again in the twenty-first century. Of course, he did not give the exact date of this event, however, he said more than affirmatively that he would be born again in Russia, choosing it as his new homeland. He explained his choice of birthplace by the fact that the most interesting and most important processes in the world will take place right here, and he certainly wants to be a living witness to this. And so we need to get through 2017 with honor, even if it seems to us a difficult period in our lives and history. If we succeed, then we will take one more step towards our bright future without irony and sarcasm (!)

Edgar Cayce is an amazing clairvoyant from America, who is considered one of the best soothsayers on planet Earth. Edgar made unique predictions and predictions in a state of trance, while he was asked various questions and he gave an answer. At the same time, the words of the clairvoyant were recorded by his personal stenographer, which is interesting, Casey himself could not even remember what he was saying in a trance state.

Today there are many editions of these shorthand general notes, the very first of which saw the light of day in the 1930s. Of his predictions, many have already come true and today continue to come true, all of humanity has repeatedly been convinced of this.

What awaits humanity

This legendary mystic was born back in 1877 and passed away in 1945, many of his predictions continue to come true to this day. His unique prophecies concerning the whole world are quite terrible, in particular, he said that most of Japan and a number of European countries would be flooded.

But America, as the clairvoyant said, can literally disappear from the map of our planet, since cataclysms, floods and tsunamis will begin there, there will be volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters. Whether Casey's 2020 predictions about Russia will come true, we will see very soon. Edgar Cayce spoke a lot about Russia in his interviews, in particular, he argued that this particular country would be the hope of Christianity. Vanga also predicted the enormous power of Russia, it was she who said that this country would prosper in the 21st century.

Unique prophecies about Russia

During his life, this wonderful person made more than 25 thousand predictions on a wide variety of topics. A large number of predictions have already come true, in particular, much has been said about the 21st century and about Russia as a whole. Predictions for 2020 from Edgar Cayce about Russia are surprisingly positive, he said that this country would become the stronghold of the world of the future. Surprisingly, the clairvoyant said that this particular country would literally become the kingdom of God on Earth. Edgar made many unique prophecies regarding Russia, including by 2020, many of the predictions are simply amazing.

This wonderful person had a special attitude towards the entire Slavic amazing nation as a whole. He argued that the Mission of Russia is a complete change in the essence of the general relationship of mankind. It is from the East that a general liberation from rudeness, passions and cruelty in general will come into the world. After possible clashes between states, thanks to Russia, relations between different peoples will be restored on the basis of wisdom and common trust.

Literally all Casey's forecasts about Russia say that this state will experience many troubles and there will be victims. However, Russia will be cleansed of problems in the fire of a bloody and demonic age, after which it will rise washed with tears and blood, but not humiliated, but surprisingly powerful. It is Russia that will become a unique place for the salvation of literally all modern humanity. Interestingly, there are approximately the same predictions in the Bible; the prophets who lived from the time of the Old Testament spoke about this. Casey made the same predictions for 2019 and 2020.

Russia is the future of the Earth 2020, the revival of the Empire

Edgar Cayce said many times that Russia and the entire nation of Slavs as a whole have a special unique mission. The Bolsheviks did not like his amazing prophecies, and Casey himself did not accept this rigid system. Nevertheless, he predicted the collapse of the USSR a long time ago and said that it would be the fall of the Unique Colossus with feet of clay, this prediction came true exactly. The clairvoyant claims that by 2020 Russia will throw off the burdensome yoke and the spirit of freedom will come with it. Further, Casey's predictions for 2020 indicate that a common hope and freedom will come from Russia to the world, without the old cruel Bolshevism.

Edgar said that by 2020 people will live for their brothers, this principle has already begun to emerge. It will take many years for Russia to crystallize, but it is from this country that hope will emerge for the whole world. This state is led by the friendship of all the people and on the money of this country it will be written that: In God we believe. And the religious free development of all of Russia will give this hope. Russia will become an amazing ark for a destroyed world, the country will become the head of a resurgent civilization, and Western Siberia will be its center. It will be a country of righteous Christians and salvation will come from them, based on faith in God.

And those states that will be on friendly terms with Russia in 2020 will be lucky. Many terrible things will happen in the world, but after these hardships and disasters, the superpower Russia will rise. Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2020 are positive for Russia, and for other Slavic states, the desire to unite the Slavic peoples and the revival of the old union was predicted. In general, there were predictions that countries and continents would go under water, but Russia would hardly suffer at the same time. Edgar also saw a unique union of Orthodox peoples, it is Orthodoxy that will be the bulwark of humanity. By 2010-2020, Casey is talking about the revival of the Union, that is, Eastern Ukraine and Belarus, as well as Kazakhstan and Armenia, will be drawn to Russia. Some of these predictions have already begun to come true, and Vanga made the same prophecies earlier.

Edgar Cayce is an American clairvoyant who had visions in a trance.
Casey predicted that Russia would become a superpower in 2020.
Orthodox countries form a union.

Made an ominous prediction for the whole world for 2017.

If you believe the prophecy of a very famous astrologer, then very soon a wave of the strongest cataclysms will sweep the world. For example, Japan, Northern Europe and America will go under water and the ocean will swallow San Francisco and New York, as well as most of Greenland. The planet will change dramatically due to natural anomalies.

“Areas with a cold or subtropical climate will become more tropical and ferns will grow there. New York, Connecticut and other areas on the East Coast will shake so that they disappear from the face of the earth. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico. Volcanoes will wake up in Hawaii, and such a strong wave will sweep that the southern coast of California will disappear under water in three months. Open waters will appear in the northern regions of Greenland, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea. South America will shake from top to bottom, and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, the earth will rise from the bottom and a strait with raging waters will appear, ”the medium warned.

The sleeping prophet also predicted the emergence of a super-hardy race with improved DNA. These people will be able to self-repair and will be very hardy. The prophecy says that representatives of such a race will have: more developed DNA with unique self-healing properties; higher level of vital energy; higher phosphorus content in the body. By the word "phosphorus" Cayce meant "light-bearing" or "carrying light."

China will be the most majestic country.

Read also:

“More and more adherents of the Christian faith will come into politics. One day China will be the cradle of Christianity. By human standards, a lot of time will pass, but it is only one day in the heart of the Lord. For tomorrow China will awaken,” wrote the great prophet.

For Russia, Casey saw a confident path towards the development and strengthening of not only material, but also spiritual development. In this she should be helped by a great people, on whose banknotes it will be written "We believe in God." The unification of the two powerful powers of Russia and America will save the world.

“Out of this country, hope will come to the world. From free Russia! It is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope. And then, those people who will be in close relations with Russia will begin to live better, gradually changing and in the end, finally establishing the conditions for organizing life throughout the world. The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, to free them from selfishness and gross material passions, to restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom," Casey wrote.

Even Edgar Cayce during his lifetime declared that he would be reborn again in 2100 in the city of Nebraska and personally verify the truth of his prophecies.

The prophecies of this famous American thinker have not lost their great significance even now. They are often quoted by various astrologers and esoteric specialists.

Edgar Cayce had extraordinary abilities since childhood. It all started with the appearance of stigmata on his body. Shortly thereafter, he felt a true connection with the Cosmos and used it to be able to see into the future. The seer dictated his predictions to the stenographer, who then retyped them.

These prophecies are of undoubted interest even now. They are of particular importance because not only the secretary was present at their birth, but a number of people who are ready to testify that Edgar Cayce does not use any additional means.

The predictor was born in 1877 and, having lived a short but eventful life, died in 1945. He became famous as one of the leaders of prophecies for the future, made not only about individuals, but also about the whole world.

While receiving information about the future, he fell into a transcendental state and made his predictions without realizing them, because he was communicating with higher powers. He was asked leading questions, which he then covered in the most detailed way.

Edgar Cayce left to posterity about fourteen thousand different predictions received over more than forty years of reflection.

For the first time they saw the light at the beginning of the twentieth century. Even then, the soothsayer predicted wars that engulfed the entire European continent. Moreover, the exact years of their beginning and end were named.

Edgar Cayce predicted certain major battles in World War II, the defeat of Hitler, and Russia's triumphal march across Europe.

He also foresaw the Great Depression in the United States, which was replaced by the heyday of the country in the early thirties.

Subsequently, even skeptics had to admit the obvious correctness of his words. The American predictor made prophecies about the war unleashed by Hitler, about the collapse of the Soviet Union, about the emergence of China on the world stage as a key figure, and about other major events in history.

Therefore, it is very important to highlight the most basic issues of what the deep prophecies of Edgar Cayce are talking about. They are truly of great importance in light of the fact that the vast majority of them have already been fulfilled. Therefore, it is very important to understand the key points of his reasoning.

What predictions came true

One can give an example of the most famous predictions of the thinker, which have already come true:

Edgar Cayce's predictions by year

If we structure his prophecies by individual years, we get the following picture:

Edgar Cayce turned out to be surprisingly insightful, somewhat shifting only the time frame of his predictions. However, their general direction, guessed by him, is striking in its amazing accuracy.

It is very important that the predictor saw the danger posed by environmental disasters. He was sure that there would be few corners on Earth that would not be covered by them, and our country would suffer less than the rest.

He even foresaw a decrease in the ice cover in the Arctic and Antarctic, an increased danger of earthquakes and huge volcanic activity.

He also predicted the absence of the danger of a new world war, which, however, will be replaced by an even more terrible threat of the consequences of people's careless attitude towards nature.

He saw the threat of climate warming as quite real, moreover, bearing an undoubted danger to all life on Earth, since it would lead to an increase in seismic activity and serious consequences for humanity.

People also expect difficulties with fresh water, the transformation of the southern territories into non-residential areas, as well as the emergence of new continents and islands.

E. Casey's prophecies about Russia

He made many predictions about our country. Even during his lifetime, he considered the Russians the people chosen by God. He was of the opinion that they embody the light of Christian civilization. Therefore, the seer believed that the achievement of prosperity by Russia is a boon for all countries of the world.

Edgar Cayce, in his rather distant time from our time, already predicted the collapse of the socialist system before the new millennium.

He also foresaw protracted economic difficulties for Russia. He saw a way out of them only in a sincere appeal to God. He provided a sufficiently long period to achieve such a goal, but considered it unequivocally achievable both for our country individually and for the whole world as a whole.

Of great interest is what he predicted about the new unification of the former Soviet republics. He believed that the United States should provide tremendous assistance.

Edgar Cayce predicted the emergence of a new leader of our country. He foresaw that a person with a rare mind and a genuine diplomatic gift would eventually come to power in it. He will actively develop the technical component of Russia and push it to the center of the world stage.

The seer predicted the events in the Crimea and the aggravation of the confrontation with the United States. However, he predicted that the difficulties would only be temporary.

Even then, Edgar Cayce spoke about the coming year as follows:

  • The political and economic relations of our country with China will gain new strength;
  • the role of Russia in the East will be strengthened;
  • relations with Europe will become more complicated;
  • economic cooperation with the West will worsen;
  • the eastern part of the country will flourish;
  • the cultural role of Russia in the world will increase;
  • there will be an opportunity for fateful accomplishments in relation to other powers.

E. Casey foresaw a great danger of natural disasters on all continents, which, however, would bypass Russia. The most favorable for the life of people, in his opinion, will be the west of Siberia


Predictions about the future of the USA

He also made predictions about the USA. At home, the thinker was not highly appreciated because of the many negative prophecies about her fate. The mere vision of the death of two presidents being fulfilled has already made him not a very popular figure.

American historians believe that he gave predictions about the coming of Obama and his coming rule.

He also predicted that the forty-fourth head of state would also be the last in his position.

E. Casey thought that the future of the Americans lies only in cooperation with Russia and will become inevitable. Moreover, a large number of them will move to permanent residence in our country and Siberia will become their stronghold.

His native country is facing difficult trials, which it is able to withstand only under the condition of the closest cooperation with Russia.

In the mid-thirties, Edgar Cayce made unequivocal predictions about such events. He foresaw popular unrest in the United States, the fall of the role of individual leaders in world politics and the disappearance of individual states from the face of the Earth.

He was of the opinion that in relation to America, these trends would have a very painful effect, up to the cessation of the existence of entire states.

The predictor foresaw severe natural disasters for the entire western continent, which in many ways would make life on it unacceptable for everyday existence. Such catastrophes will become a heavy retribution for the multiple sins of the inhabitants of the country. If Americans do not remember God, they will face severe shocks.

He saw the role of the messiah only for Russia.

Today, E. Casey's predictions have not lost their sharpness at all, despite the fact that most of them are not strictly tied to certain time frames. They can be fulfilled even for a hundred or more years.

His greatest merit lies in drawing the attention of world leaders to environmental problems that require urgent solutions.

Many of them have already become a reality. The number of natural disasters around the world is increasing, which speaks of the amazing insight of E. Casey.

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