Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Not worth it on Monday. The funniest pictures to cheer up on Monday

Good Monday Wishes

1. If in life you, friend, are not a loafer,
You lead a healthy lifestyle
Remember, any Monday
Good for a backlog at work.
Good morning to you, happy day!
We all do good work.
Only a loafer groans and cries,
Fortune laughs at him.

2. Who said that Monday -
The biggest day in the world?
I'm certainly not a slacker
But I'm too lazy to get up in the morning!
I congratulate you today
Happy Monday friends
Though it's a tough Monday
You can't do without it!

3. Monday is not a slacker,
Monday first day
Our work week
Banishing all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which depends
All our finishing excitement,
So better friend don't sour.

And shake off the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - grass,
Selflessly and skillfully.

4. I wish this Monday,
Especially not to suffer from a hangover!
Don't meet the boss in the morning
And discontent not to notice!
All news to discuss faster,
Well, by lunchtime, start planning!
And cheer yourself up with coffee at lunchtime,
Continue to live in the working rhythm!

Beautiful congratulations on Monday

5. A keg of health mix with love!
And in the same potion add fun!
Season with success! Have a good time!
Good luck add more! Weld…
Boil a handful of humor a little!
And pour a huge-oh-ohm spoon of happiness!
Mix a bunch of smiles into the solution!
And treat your loved ones from the heart!

6. Here is the beginning, - Monday, -
Working path again
Weekend flew by
But you can't be sad!
Let the smile never leave your lips
You will be lucky in everything!
Optimists are always in fashion
We forge happiness ourselves!
Congratulations to everyone on the start
We are working weeks!
We wish you a shaft of bonuses,
And the salary is always great!

7. Have a nice day and a wonderful week!
Working days, so as not to get bored!
So that the morning invigorates with a wide smile
And gave you a sense of peace!

And the day lasted long and extremely well,
And everything worked out for you, for sure!
Glowing, with happiness we wish to bloom,
And have a good day!

Good Monday wishes in prose

8. My beloved and dear person, my happiness and my reward, I wish you a successful and bright day, a wonderful mood and a miracle, pleasant surprises and joyful moments. May the day be fruitful and bring a lot of impressions.

9. Monday is a hard day, and Monday morning is even worse. I wish you to wake up today with a wash! Good morning!

Cool statuses about Monday

P about statistics, 60% of people on Monday are bad at thinking ... Fortunately, I belong to the other 20%

And Sometimes on a Monday morning, all you have to do is open your eyes to realize that you shouldn't have done it.


With Part of it is waking up on Monday, grabbing your alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before you wake up.


AT Monday it is impossible to start a new life, and on Tuesday it is already too late.


AT Monday I want to go to work on Tuesday.


H eat well Monday morning? There won't be another one this week.


D In order to increase the number of happy people on the planet, it is enough to reduce the Monday working day to 4 hours.


H and nothing ruins a Sunday party like a gloomy Monday morning.


At Monday has one indisputable advantage - it ends at midnight.


H and even Monday is inserted in the week so that a person does not lose fear.


With it turns out weird! My biological clock accurately determines Friday, but completely wedges on Monday!?


At I have such a strong intuition that I try not to go to work on Mondays.


P Monday is World Masochist Day.


X A good Monday should start somewhere in the area after lunch - late in the evening.


To When your boss sets a task for you on Monday morning, it smells strongly of alcohol.


P onyal - Monday morning can be happy! Don't drink on a Friday night!

P In fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.


D For many people there are only two days of the week: not yet Friday and already Monday ...


P to be afraid of Mondays - do not look at the calendar.


H some defiantly grumble on Mondays. But this is only to hide his ardent love for work. And then they will also be suspected of rabid careerism.


L Better a good Monday than a bad Friday.


AT we are all Friday-philes and Monday-phobes.


M You can rest assured, Monday will come for you...


BUT On Mondays, I like my head to buzz a little: it helps me remember what day of the week it is.


AT Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays!


P suck the Monday that falls on holidays.


E If the fork falls, then a woman will come. If the knife is a man. And if the mood falls, then Monday will come soon.

P Monday is a good excuse to do something...

P Monday is the egg from which Saturday will eventually hatch. It just needs to sit through.

M Many people don't stay at the same job for more than a couple of years - they just run out of good reasons not to leave on Monday.

T It’s not until you see Monday morning that you begin to realize that investing in alcohol-containing liquids has not brought any dividends, except for a hangover.

At trom on Monday you understand why in English Monday is Mandai ...

E If you are saddened by the onset of Monday, work seven days a week.

R let's make Monday not sober colors.

E If you're trying to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it's Friday...

To drank a book -How to make up your eyes on Monday morning if they do not open?

D eye! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit...

H why blame the mirror if the morning fell on a Monday.

P lan for monday:
1. Wait for Friday.

P Monday... God's punishment on us for what we did on weekends...

P Monday is set at the beginning of the week in order to knock out at once all the nonsense that has accumulated over the weekend.

And it's Monday again, and we have a special guest in the studio, aspirin...

P Monday is a day when instead of a badge you want to hang a sign: "Beware, angry dog!".

At trom on Monday, before school, what diseases just do not worsen.

O I will organize the collection of signatures for the abolition of Mondays ...

P Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. Immediately 3 pages of the calendar have to be torn off ...

C habitat on Monday is especially aggressive.

H Is it really possible to start a new life on Monday after my Sundays?

E If Monday had a face, I would punch him in the face.

AT Monday at work is not so scary: we just have to stand until the smoke break, and hold out until lunch.

H ace was dumb on Monday morning.

H why blame the mirror if the morning fell on a Monday.

B There are such Mondays that you can even pick up the status of horseradish for them.

P I think Mondays come too often and suddenly lately.

With The bed has the most gravity on a Monday morning.

D A home phone is needed only to find a mobile phone in the apartment on Monday morning!

E If, after two cold and rainy days, it gets warmer and the bright sun shines, it is most likely Monday.

R Yesil somehow start a new life on Monday. I liked it, imperceptibly got involved. Now every Monday I start a new life and have never regretted it.

H the arcologist sent me to a psychiatrist after I announced that I would stop drinking not from Monday, but on Friday evening ...

P It's easy to wake up on Monday morning, it's hard to not fall asleep again.

With The shortest day is Monday, I didn’t have time to wake up, and it’s already time to leave work.

P In fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it seems to be much more common.

P Monday - mental trauma amid waiting ...

1/7 Part of life is Monday.

G Deep at the bottom of every Monday, Friday evening lurks.

H Unfortunate Monday - no one likes him!

AT This week was Monday.

AT Our bed is never as soft as on a Monday morning.

At Three Monday began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

To Every Monday I am tormented by the question: were there any days off at all?

P Monday is the day of judgment, on which we pay for sinful weekends.

AT from and came the long-awaited Monday.
Signature. Club "Depression"

X It's good to be a guy that fell out of the closet on Monday morning - then put it on!

W Golden rule for Monday: "Cover yourself with a blanket and wait it out"

And why didn’t Nekrasov write a poem: “Who has a good life on Monday morning?”

E The only time when retirees feel better than young people is Monday morning.

AT I don’t want to go to work on Monday in two cases: if I didn’t have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if I managed to have a good rest over the weekend ...

B British scientists have found that lying on Monday morning in a warm bed and not going anywhere is awesome.

P Monday - time to pay the bills presented by the exhausted organism.

AT All the unexpected happens "once". All expected - on Monday.

L The best thing to know when you wake up on a Monday morning is that today is Sunday.

E it looks like I don’t do anything on Monday, but at the molecular level, believe me, my brain is very busy - it is trying to understand what is happening!

AT sho, from Monday I start a new life... Updated on Tuesday.

I- "Friday" and "Monday-phobe".

At Three Mondays ... And whispers: "Forget it!"

Got up early on Monday
Black coffee sipped
But I decided not to tear my eyes
And sank into bed.

Where is slacker Monday?
Tuesday asks.
-Monday is not a loafer,
He is no slacker
He is an excellent janitor.
He's for Wednesday's cook
He brought a bucket of water.
To the stoker Thursday
He made a poker.
But Friday came
Shy, shy.
He left all work
And rode with her on Saturday
Sunday for lunch.
handed over to you

Unhappy, tired, shabby look,
Well, what happened to you, individual?
I found my difficult path to nirvana,
But then, damn it, it's Monday again!!!"

Draws on mobile

You probably know yourself
What is the first day of the week?
(And those bags under my eyes
Well, just shocking nerves).

My mind is in great pain,
I would give it to the slaughter.
(And these bags under the eyes -
harsh reminder).

From anger I bite my elbows,
What to do with the mug - I do not know.
(And those bags under my eyes
Already frankly got it)!

These bags won't help
Love and hope and faith...
- "What to do?! Tell me, oh God!!!
- "And there is nothing to sour without measure."

Today is Monday again
Well, why am I not a bum?
In the morning I would not have seen sleepy faces ...
And day by day it would be like ...
He wrote poetry lying on the stove,
Or smoking on the porch...
Well, okay, enough lamenting,
It's high time to get up!

Picked up an egg on Monday
Crashed it on a Tuesday
It became younger so that the face
Changed cells in the root.

And on Wednesday I just divided
Yolk with protein in circles,
So that I walk with smooth skin
To young friends.

On Thursday I put everything to dry
Until Friday - Saturday
To walk from Monday
Like a boy, to work.

And on Sunday I ate
What you've been doing all week.
And the powder in me managed
It's still your job to do it.

But just here is what I noticed:
The face is rejuvenated
But 10 kilograms, blah,
Suddenly she lost her body.

I'm not lazy and I'm not a slacker
But I hate Monday.
I love, in fact, I'm Saturday,
When you don't have to go to work.

Although Sunday, a holiday,
Since Saturday pleases, prankster.
But Monday breaks everything
Makes people work.

I want an easy Monday
And not to be very long.
Came and went, and again Saturday,
Until Monday - freedom!

Monday is the day of "ceremonial",
- With bristles, with feathers,
And with bags under the eyes
It was like we didn't sleep at night.
And just walked around:
Friday we celebrated
And then back to work.
- Hands to feet, stomp, stomp ...

He came to work gloomy and angry,
And spread jam over the chair,
Totally incapacitated
At least go apply for disability
Oh, leave me alone, why can't you sleep,
I don't know how it got me?
I am not what to work today,
I can't deal with bullshit.
And you don't have to ask, they say, come in
I don't want to go anywhere.
You better thank me
That I sit quietly and keep silent.
What are you grazing in Monique, aren't you ashamed?
Yes, I read jokes all day
Really for me, damn it, you can’t see -
I won't work today.
I am a ready client of a mental hospital,
And don't piss me off, it's dangerous!
If suddenly something happens to the Internet,
I'll probably glue my flippers right here.
In general, if you are not a terminator,
If your nerves are not of steel,
Mondays are your pay
For a fun weekend.

Somehow sadly the coffee is getting cold,
In the air, a pattern drawing with aroma.
Imperceptibly Monday fades away,
Leaving the horizon with sunset.

Drum roll rain through the puddles
Drives this day away, loafer.
A tired groan escaped,
That's it, my Monday is gone.

And to me that week
Monday morning at 5
Positives arrived
And let's bite me!
Everyone laughed and flew
Over my head
And actively ate
My negative attitude.
For a long, long time they circled
And how it began to sink into sleep,
Wings motley folded,
I have left to live.
And since then my apartment
Forever bright, bright.
Pantry of positive
And the center of all warmth!

I wish this Monday
Especially not to suffer from a hangover!
Don't meet the boss in the morning
And discontent not to notice!
All news to discuss faster,
Well, by lunchtime, start planning!
And cheer yourself up with coffee at lunchtime,
Continue to live in the working rhythm!

Monday is a tough day.
And THIS is so doubly ...
And it happened, the right word ...
Due to APRIL'S fault...

Spent the weekend…
They danced, drank ...
Already set to work...
On the DAY OF LAUGHTER came across ...

We all joked boldly
To shake yourself up a little
Slowly, to the right, to the left,
To not break wood.

Everyone knows - Monday
It's a sin to work at full speed.
On Monday you have to SURVIVE
And keep healthy...

Well, here's a gift for you...
It's not too much and it's not too little...
Third HOHMA day off...

They say it's Monday
It is very difficult for everyone to get up.
Everyone dreams that the alarm clock
Gave me some more sleep.

It is not clear to the body ...
Too few rest days.
Everyone is calling for humanism.
Days of heels would be carefree!

Well, strangely, I'm happy with everything
I don't go to bed early though.
I smile freely.
Even if it's bad.

Beats of pain in the head
Hello my favorite day of the week
I whisper loudly to silence
Well hello Monday..

I love this day so much
I do not know why.
I love you like a sweet blizzard
When he caresses his forehead.

He gives me hope
My forest slum
Find me the way of the ignorant,
I keep my eyes on both.

And so hunting to smoke
From this rigmarole
But I drink tea, why smoke
Today is monday.

Oh, Monday ... so he took it and came,
You might think someone called him!
Brought a bunch of problems
He loaded everyone and got work!
But still we won't suffer
Without Monday - what kind of life ?!
How can we start the week without it?!
All Mondays you smile!

Monday is a hard day
Everyone around knows this.
After weekend festivities
Back to work all of a sudden.
I wish you now
To make your day easy.
Well, there it is until Saturday,
Reach not far.

The roofs are torn off by the wind of illusion,
And the navigator went astray,
Cry for help, hush and hush
Stupid lines, do you need someone?

Makes a diagnosis ruthlessly conscience,
Us, directing to the sixth ward,
Hiding in the fire a brilliant story,
We are again looking for the guilty without guilt,

First question: Why are you doing this?
Said there's nothing to do, loafer
Only all of us, at least a little "GREETINGS",
We are all born on a Monday...

Monday came, and with it worries:
You have to go to school and I have to go to work.
I congratulate you on physics, chemistry,
And it’s more difficult for me - believe and understand me.
So enjoy every day
And you get a deuce - well, I won’t kill you!
Only you will study all Sunday,
And Monday will come as salvation!

Monday is a hard day
That's what people say!
The weekend is over
Of course, everyone is happy with them!
The week has begun, so
It's time for everyone to work!
So we're on the move again
Let's shout to him - Hurray!

Deep at the bottom of every Monday lurks Friday night.

Monday. 10:00 am. 56 friends on the site. All work. Well done!

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. Immediately 3 pages of the calendar have to be torn off ...

The average person needs sleep... 10 minutes more, and on Monday for an hour.

If you have two phones and three SIM cards and you are still not a subscriber, then this is Monday morning.

If after two cold and rainy days it gets warmer and the bright sun shines, most likely Monday has come.

Cool status about Monday: Every Monday I am tormented by the question: were there any days off at all?

Monday is the day of judgment, on which we pay the price for sinful weekends.

There are such Mondays that you can even pick up the status of horseradish for them.

Mondays come too often and suddenly lately.

Docha! We all start a new life on Monday! I will quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can drop out of school...

The first rule of a sociologist is never to do an opinion poll on a Monday morning.

Nothing can kill a man like Monday.

Every Monday starts all over again - picked up, carried away, and shook for a week)

In order to increase the number of happy people on the planet, it is enough to reduce the Monday working day to 4 hours.

Do not powder my brains, today is Monday without you!

Cool status about Monday: On Monday it is better to come to work on Tuesday.

Monday is a tough day. On other working days, you have to read jokes only for the previous day, and only on Mondays - for the entire weekend.

Two strangers agree on a meeting: - I propose to meet at the Park Kultury metro station at 8 am on Monday. How will you look? - Badly…

As soon as I finally immerse myself in the atmosphere of a fun weekend, the alarm clock, bastard, reminds me that it's Monday!

It's Monday again, and we have a special guest in the studio, aspirin...

Leaving on a Friday night - you never know what Monday you'll be back home...

If on Monday morning angry, sleepy people come towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very satisfied with life, then your night shift is finally over!

If I say that Monday is very easy and positive, there are those who will believe? And probably those who will laugh! =)

Every Sunday I fill up at night, thinking that on Monday I will go on a diet.

Cool status about Monday: On Monday morning, before school, what diseases just do not worsen ..,

On Monday, you don’t want to go to work in two cases: if you didn’t have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if you managed to have a good rest over the weekend ...

Even on Monday it is sometimes pleasant to get up and go to work... If on this Monday the salary is given, which has been delayed for three months already...

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream ...

The bed has the greatest gravity on Monday morning.

Saturday comes so quickly.. Sunday flies by so quickly.. Monday comes. The rest of the days go unnoticed. This is how I live from day to day...

There is a common misconception that Monday is a hard day. And the morning is even more so, especially if you didn’t go to bed early the day before, remembering that tomorrow you have to work, but had fun until you drop with friends in a club or even at someone’s dacha.

Or maybe you just stayed up late at home, watching an insanely interesting movie, forgetting that tomorrow is a working day, and now the morning has taken you by surprise? Of course, a huge cup of coffee and an invigorating shower will help you wake up and get your body working. But what to do to cheer up and light morning?

To do this, we picked up about working Monday - funny, with funny inscriptions and instantly uplifting. They seem to say “Good morning, worker!”, Lightly, kindly, charging with positive.

And the day already seems not so hard, when before your eyes there is no, no, and cool photos with the wishes of a successful working week flash by. How can you be sad and rub your sleepy, red eyes?

Laughter is the same doping, and doping is much better than caffeine. Having cheered up in this way, you will literally doom yourself to a smooth flow of a sluggish and boring morning into the beginning of a successful working day.

The selection is full of sparkling humor, so try not to laugh too loudly when you enjoy funny captions, and do not attract the attention of colleagues. Although, you can send them cool pictures about a difficult Monday, but slowly, so that the authorities do not notice. Laugh together, and don't let your good morning turn into a hard, exhausting day at work, after which you want to stretch your legs on the couch at home and not go anywhere.

After all, everyone knows that moment when you come to work a little earlier than you should. At least for half an hour, when even your colleagues have not yet arrived, when there are no clients in the building, when there are still no documents to work with. What do we usually do at this time? We drink tea, perhaps with sweets, in preparation for a productive day.

But try to spice up this short morning respite with funny photos about Monday morning, and life will definitely sparkle with brighter colors. Do you know why?

A positive attitude to life shapes your perception of certain situations at work or at home. And for easy perception, you need to be charged with humor, and the easiest way is to look at funny and cool pictures about a difficult Monday. Then the week will be more successful - after all, you will easily solve important issues at work, being charged only to win.

Failure will simply bounce off you! After all, it is difficult to break a person with one or another minor nuisance if he is outrageously cheerful, collected and cheerful.

You can download our cool photos with the wishes of a successful and, most importantly, easy Monday, quickly and absolutely free - just by clicking a couple of times on the image you like and save it to your gadget, whether it's a work computer or your own phone.

Or you can even print it out and hang it on the wall in the office so that every morning you can see the pleasant words “Have a good week, friend!”. Such a small thing, but still can significantly affect your working mood, and hence your ability to storm your career heights!

So why take the time? We choose the coolest and funniest pictures, or maybe the entire selection (and it’s worth it), and save it to our page on the social network so as not to forget.

After all, you will still look through it from time to time during working hours, of course, carefully and accurately, and only when there is no work. Here, let's relax together. Have a nice day, friends!