Biographies Characteristics Analysis

There is no sadder story in the world .... “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet” (based on the tragedy of V

This day, September 8, is one of the best known days in the year, even if it’s just the same as in the church ka-len-da-re - pa-myat mu-che-ni-tsy Na-ta-lyi (Na-ta-lii) No-ko-mi-diy-sky. Until comparatively-no-tel-but recently, there was no other saint with this very ra-pro-country-name in the Saints, it’s almost all of his but-si-tel-ni-tsy one-nowre-men-but celebrate-well-yut their names-ni-na (Day of An-ge-la) and give the environment -y-y-husband-chi-we-pleas-yat-nye chlo-po-you. Give me my congratulations!

Is-to-riya Na-ta-lyi, secret hri-sti-an-ki, and her husband Adri-a-na, - tro-ga-tel-naya is-to-riya su-pru- female faith, honor and love “to the grave” (and even beyond the grave!) in the literal sense. According to the pre-da-niyu, they lived in the na-cha-le of the IV century, in the period of the next and the most-one-hundred-of-the-last do-va-niy christi-an, in the hundred-ke of the Roman em-pe-rii, in Ni-ko-mi-dia, the beautiful city-ro-de in azi-at- skom in-be-re-zhe Mr-mor-no-go sea (modern-men-naya Turkey). Su-pr-gi-would-were you-lo-dy and beauty-si-you, have you not had time to have children yet. Ka-za-elk, a long and happy life awaits them ahead.

Adri-an, sna-cha-la pagan, son of noble ro-di-te-lei, served in the city court, but so-ver-shen-but unexpectedly but for the collegues, they turned into christian-an-stvo, in the way of a wives-ny man, were-hundred-van-nyh and subjected to well-tortured kam hri-sti-an. Ordering his sec-re-ta-ryu outside and his name in the list of condemned-days, he held out incredibly-faithful tests and persuaded v-ry sa-mo-go im-pe-ra-to-ra Mak-si-mi-a-na Ga-le-ria (305-311), in-ra-women-no-go is crazy about this -ny with his point of view in steps. Pe-re-dress-thai in men's clothes and cut off your ros-kosh-nye-lo-sy, Na-ta-lya ear-zhi-va-la in the same no-tse for is -ka-le-chen-nym husband, comfort-sha-la and encourage-ra-la him to hope for a meeting in future life. She used her cup of suffering to the end, because she became a witness to the terrible death of Adri-a-na, who then-ro-mu pa-la-chi once-draw-bi-li on the-to-valne no-gi and from-sec-whether ru-ki.

Becoming a widow, Na-ta-lya for some time stayed home, and what’s with her on-stay-chi-wo-wa-tal-sya influence-I-tel- ny vo-e-na-chief-nick, fa-vo-rit im-pe-ra-to-ra, much more than-vos-ho-div-shiy with the richness of her in a way- but th husband. For "ordinary-but-vein-ny" (races-whether-whether and boring) women, the same-them is the dream of a lifetime (like a brave colonel-kov-nick Ser-gay Ser-ge-e-vich Ska-lo-tooth). But not for the b-go-rod-noy Na-ta-lya. But-whose did she cry-ka-la and turned with a prayer for help to her su-pr-gu, not wanting more without him live on earth. Soon she managed to run to the city of Wiz on a co-slave a ntii (bu-du-schie Kon-stan-ti-no-pol) with so-stored-nen-noy and on-bal-for-mi-ro-van-noy right hand Adri-a-na , having become for christi-an saint-you-mi mo-shcha-mi. Fulfilling the debt of love, she died after her husband appeared to her in a dream. How unfortunate - and at the same time - but tra-gi-che-ski happy, better than such a rare gift of love! - Romeo and Juliet-ta, they met in heaven, and now no one can separate them.

Philosophers believe that the name is given not by chance, but by a mysterious way, connected with the name-well-e- we M. The Roman name Na-ta-lya means “natural”, “native”. Na-ta-lya Ni-ko-mi-diy-skaya with his “unmodern-men-noy” from the point of view of many lives completely justified him-yes-la, in a way that life without love, albeit in wealth, - not-ra-zi-mo-went and did not-stand-on respect-zha-yu-shchey-by women-schi-ny. I wish the modern Na-ta-lyam ho-te once a year to remember the ro-man-ti-che-s-th-th-ry with my own Heavenly way - vi-tel-ni-tsy.

Yuri Ru-ban,
cand. ist. on-uk, Ph.D. bo-go-word-via

Drama W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" I read only this year. I've watched a movie based on it much earlier. And the fact that “there is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet,” she knew from childhood. And I am sure that many, even before opening the volume of Shakespeare, already knew about the heroes of this drama, because all lovers, happy or unhappy, are the same Romeo and Juliet, capable of devotedly and passionately loving, and any love, as you know, tragic in its own way.

Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are children from warring families, so feuding that even the servants of the opposing sides cannot stand each other. Romeo is in love with a certain Rosaline. But now, having penetrated with friends to the ball in the house of the enemies of his family, he meets Juliet. Rosaline is forgotten... Romeo realizes that he is "caught in a net". Juliet also fell in love with the young Montague at first sight. Later in the Capulet garden, Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other. Soon they are secretly married. On the same day, Romeo kills Tybalt, Lady Capulet's nephew, in a duel. Punishment awaits him. “Romeo is banished,” Juliet repeats and repeats, unable to believe that she will never see her lover again. Meanwhile, Juliet is wooed by the young Count Paris, and her parents agree to this marriage, the unfortunate girl rushes for help to her brother Lorenzo, who married the lovers, and he comes up with the following plan: Juliet drinks a special drink and falls into a strange dream, similar to death, while he himself the monk calls Romeo. The plan succeeded. Relatives and friends sob over the "dead" Juliet and take her to the Capulet family crypt. Meanwhile, the messenger from Brother Lorenzo did not have time to deliver the letter to Romeo. The unfortunate young man believed that his bride had died. He buys poison and goes to the cemetery, where he kills Paris, who happened to be there. Then he enters the tomb, lies down next to Juliet and drinks the poison. His death was instant. Waking up and seeing a dead Romeo next to her, the girl stabs herself with a dagger. A huge grief brought together the Montagues and the Capulets. The families reconciled. But it's too late... material from the site

It often happens so “late” when people close to them suffer because of the stupidity of people. Often love is unhappy. And in the case of Romeo and Juliet, she is not just unhappy - she is tragic. If they were not fictional characters, then I'm sure they would have met somewhere out there, in a better life. The only pity is that during their lifetime they were so happy for a short time... No tearful love novels by modern authors will overshadow "the saddest story in the world", a kind of symbol of tragic love.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • romeo and juliet essay-review
  • romeo and juliet open literature lessons
  • why does Shakespeare call his story tragic
  • there is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo
  • There is no sadder story in the world than the story of...

She lived in the cultural city of St. Petersburg, not very far from the Udelnaya metro station, a beautiful, beautiful girl. Just incredibly beautiful. I have never seen such beautiful ones. This district, although it was not the outskirts of the city, could not be called a pleasant language - only Khrushchev and Brezhnevka. And the girl's two-story house was among these miserable boxes, like a crumpled garbage can at the entrance - small, shabby, rickety, without bathtubs and hot water. She lived only with her mother, she did not remember her father. Mom was poor and worked as a cleaner at the school where the girl studied. She loved her only daughter very much and tried to follow her at school, as if she didn’t contact bad company. The girl, of course, sometimes got angry with her mother for this. Well, she was a little ashamed of her.
The girl grew up, she turned 13 and she became friends with the boy. Just to be friends, very sublime and romantic. The boy was not bad, kind and he didn’t have a dad either. But the mother was, but such that it would be better if she were not there. She sold heroin directly from her apartment. She was not afraid of anything, she even supplied high school students from their school with dope, and then her son's classmates. But she didn't give it to him. But he did not ask - he was good, he loved the girl. So for a whole year she walked with him, secretly burying herself from her mother.
But the girl's mother found out about this friendship and did not approve. I began to read notations to my daughter, to teach the mind to reason. Is it possible to dissuade from the first love. And she couldn’t beat her beloved child with a belt on the pope, and there seemed to be nothing else for it. And once her heart could not stand it and she decided to go to the boy's mother, to talk heart to heart. Word for word, they quarreled tightly, even grappled by the hair. The cleaning lady forbade her daughter to meet with the boy, locked her at home for several days so that she would not do stupid things. And the boy's mother also did what she could - poured mud on his beloved, lied that she was walking with him out of pity, and she herself dreams of a rich husband.
The boy did not believe it, of course, ran home to the girl. And there they don’t wait for him, they don’t open the door, they send him back, they don’t let him talk to the girl. And she doesn't come out. We didn’t see each other for a day, a week ... The boy decided to show his beloved that he was not second-class either. Began to walk in the yard with her girlfriend. Even kissed her in front of everyone. The rumor about the betrayal of a loved one quickly reached the girl, and not just reached, but acquired such new details that the girl wanted to die from despair. But the girlfriends advised otherwise - go, they say, to a disco, meet an older guy there, bring him to the yard. Let the boy know.

Until then, the girl did not go to discos, did not drink wine. But she treated herself to her girlfriends for courage and went dancing with them. . The disco was fun. Everyone but her. Cats scratched at the soul. I didn't want to dance at all. So she huddled against the wall until she ran into another boy. He was a couple of years older than her, but he also did not dance and did not communicate with friends. So they stood side by side until she decided to leave. And as she left, so did he. He caught up with her and held out his hand. And they went side by side together.
He walked along and was silent. She was embarrassed to speak first, but curiosity overcame her and she asked why he was silent.
It turned out that he was deaf. What he did at the disco, she never found out. But she felt sorry for the guy. And that one, although he seemed to be like him, but acted as a seducer better than any talker ... Somehow it just so happened that she became a woman.
She ran home, did not say anything to her mother, but she blabbed to her friend - she could not keep everything in herself. Yes, and scary, all of a sudden. Who better to advise, if not a faithful friend. And she did not hold her tongue for a day. So this news spread across the courtyard to her Romeo.
He got sick, very sick. So bad that he didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t go to school. Sitting at home and crying. I wanted to jump from the fourth floor, let her find out ... But my mother dissuaded me. And to completely calm her down, she gave me one remedy. She gave it only once .... And then he himself knew where to get it. In their yard in those days there were more young drug addicts than normal teenagers. And even those are not visible - they hid at home. So, if you don’t leave the yard, it seemed that the whole world lives like that. Lives and does not grieve. And he is a boy, what's worse?
The remedy helped, it helped well to forget about the betrayal of a loved one, and about romantic relationships. He pricked himself and went to her to put up. And as soon as he reconciled, he took her right there on the stairs in the dress room, and then he told about heroin.
Until night, they sat on the concrete steps embracing and crying inconsolably.
And the next day, instead of school, the girl went to his mother and bought herself a dose. She went out into the yard to her friends drug addicts and they quickly taught her what and how to do. When the boy left the second lesson to look for his beloved, it was already too late. They got back together and cried again. But the right remedy quickly melted their sorrows and the boy's mother got two more clients.

The girl turned 15, when there was no longer a single guy in the surrounding courtyards who would not give her a dose in exchange for a body. She was very beautiful, she did not have to look for clients, they themselves carried charged button accordions to her ... She and her boy.
And then she dropped out of school, went out into the street at night and became the queen of the roadsides. Cars stood in line, waiting for her to be free. And in the morning, after 10-15 clients, she returned home and her tearful mother warmed a bowl of hot water on the stove so that she could wash herself off from the shame of the night and lustful greasy palms.
Money appeared in the house, they bought a new gas water heater and a TV. But there was no longer happiness and there was no more love either - Romeo stumbled and died of an overdose of heroin taken from his mother's hiding place when she was in the hospital ....

I met this "girl" when she was already 18 years old. She calmly stood on the very edge of the sidewalk, not hiding her face, as if waiting for a bus or a ride. She was so beautiful (fortunately, the unhurried movement of a dense auto-stream gave me a lot of time to make sure of this) that I stopped the car in front of her, not even thinking what I would do next and, of course, not realizing that she was “working”.

Don't want to have some fun? Only 150 re…
For the first time in my life I heard these words and my brain exploded from the realization of the imperfection of this world.

You….??? I mumbled, convulsively trying to put this unconnected puzzle in my head into one whole and logical image.

Why do you need that? You could have a boyfriend, husband, lover, whoever your heart desires - with or without money, right today. With your beauty it's not an issue.... Maybe you just don't know how huge and beautiful this world is? ... Let's go, I'll show you something much better than this spit stop!

I took her to a yacht (or rather, a yacht). And without wasting a second on a destructive passion, we went out into the Gulf of Finland and surrendered to the power of the sea. Peaceful waves gently splashed on board. She stood on the deck and looked with surprise either at the distant blue expanse, in which the crimson sunset sun was reflected, or at the sea lambs right under her feet. The wind blew her long golden hair, and a dreamy smile and admiring eyes betrayed a storm of emotions caused by new impressions for her. At that moment, she seemed to me the most perfect creature on this planet.

Can you quit your craft for this? Forever and ever!
- I don't know... No... That is, yes... But not now... I need to get back urgently, I need money.
- What for?
- On the dose!

That's how I found out she was a drug addict. For me it was the most taboo of all. I gave her a ride home and left the money as parting, which would have been enough for her to live a month of chastity.
"Dream. The earthly embodiment of unearthly beauty ... .. for 150 re - a bitter smile of fate. - in my picture of the world it did not fit in any way. I didn't want to eat, go to work, I couldn't sleep. I had to figure it out so I wouldn't rack my brains for the rest of my life. And a few days later I returned. I came to her house and while finding out the number of the apartment, I accidentally met her mother. She then told me, with tears in her eyes, this sad story. And all the missing moments were later revealed by the heroine herself.

Soon I met this man. He was head over heels in love with her. He sold everything he had and persuaded her to go abroad with him for treatment. I wished them good luck...

At the airport, customs officers found drugs and syringes in their luggage...

The next and last time I saw her was five or six years after these events. I was driving along Engels Street and about a hundred meters from the place of our first meeting, I saw a woman voting. My eyesight isn't perfect, I don't let voters down, but something made me stop again. The door of the car was opened by a tall woman with beautiful but sharp features, which were emphasized by bright lipstick and contrasting shadows on a thick layer of makeup. The outstretched hand, despite the long sleeve of the dress, betrayed an experienced drug addict.

I'm working," she said curtly, and I met her eyes. They were hard, cold, empty and terrible eyes of a she-wolf.

I involuntarily pulled away and slammed the door.
Only by pressing the gas pedal, I realized that it was She ....

After a couple of tens of meters, I hit the brakes sharply, stopped and hung for a few seconds. The brain easily defeated emotions and I hurried to take my foot off the pedal until she again approached the car ....
After all, it is only the beginning that is different for everyone, but the end is always the same... Do not condemn the fallen. If you haven't been in their shoes, you might just be lucky...

P.S. I didn’t plan to publish here, but maybe this sad story will be able to melt the harsh hearts of the Sharks… admirers and disperse the circles of verbal battles around this… calm pond? ... And, what the hell is not joking, maybe it is she who will start a series of sincere personal stories from new authors from among hereditary "only readers." After all, each of us (of you), for sure, had something similar in life.

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare that tells about forbidden love. The families of the Montagues and the Capulets were at enmity with each other, but fate decreed that their children fell in love with each other. We offer you a selection of beautiful romantic sayings of heroes. With their help, you can express your feelings in a poetic form and make sure that there are no prohibitions for love.

One day, fate put forward another test for them. Romeo, in a skirmish with Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, mortally wounded him. Because of this, Romeo was expelled from the city, they were separated from Juliet. In addition, they wanted to marry a young girl to a man she hated.

The greatest intensity of passions is described in the finale of the tragedy. Juliet literally faded away from the thought that she would not be married to Romeo. Brother Lorenzo advised her to drink a sleeping potion so that she would be buried, and when the potion stopped working, Romeo came to her and they left together. But by chance, Romeo did not receive a letter where it was said that death was not real. Near the sleeping beloved, he drinks poison. When Juliet woke up, she saw the dead Romeo and plunged a dagger into her chest. The deaths of the children put an end to the feud between the two families.

The tragedy of the work lies not only in the finale of the work, but also in the very enmity of the two kinds. The fact is that the enmity between the families of the Montagues and the Capulets passes from generation to generation, and no one remembers why these feuds are being waged, but everyone blindly supports them.

A feeling like love knows no barriers.

I've lost myself and I'm not here. Romeo is gone, Romeo will not be found.

When a person falls in love, he becomes not himself and loses his head.

Ready to accept separation, death, despair
For a gentle look, for the freshness of sweet lips.

Lovers are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of meeting their soul mates.

The one who was not wounded jokes about the wound.

Who knows what pain is, the cat will not joke about it.

How can you judge what
You do not know?..

To judge is the business of the Almighty, only he knows the whole truth.

I want what I lack.

Even if a person has everything that he lacked before, he will still find what he wants.

The better the target, the more accurately we aim.

If there is a goal and a desire to achieve it, then the sight will be as accurate as possible.

What evil we do with kindness!

People often use kindness thoughtlessly, and this does not lead to anything good ...

I'd rather die than suffer like this!

It is always difficult for people to come to terms with life's difficulties, so sometimes they simply choose death ...

In my despondency, the book is the same food.

You can learn more from a book than from a bowl of soup.

It's better to say goodbye to life at once,
Than to be exhausted, tormented by rejection.

Rejection is like a blow from the enemy, sometimes it is simply impossible to resist.

With you next to me is my dear home.

Lovers do not care where to live, as long as they are together.

Juliet Quotes

We are lips for prayer given by the gods.

Reading a prayer is a direct duty of the lips.

No, don't swear by the deceiving moon
In love to the grave of a young maiden!
Or you will be, like the moon, fickle ...

Feelings must be proved not by oaths, but by deeds.

They have no measure - the more I spend,
The more I have.

Feelings have no limits and boundaries.

I am so pleased with the pain of parting,
That until the morning I would repeat "Goodbye!"

Parting for lovers is the beginning of the countdown of minutes until a new meeting.

Cupid without wings is simply a freak ...

Love has wings, lovers have wings, Cupid has wings ... And if someone doesn’t have them, beware - you have false love in front of you.

But old people are like the dead -
Sick in appearance, pale in face ...

Despite their pitiful appearance, they are not devoid of feelings, which means that they are far from dead.

Beautiful does not require embellishment.
Only a beggar will set a price for himself.
My love is not looking for vain words -
She has grown so much.

Feelings do not require decoration, when they are naked, then they are real.

Trouble never walks alone
And it moves in a vicious circle.

A vicious circle, as you know, has no way out ...

My bed is empty and cold -
Let not the husband, so death will take me.

Death is sweeter than life without a loved one.

You can't be proud of what you hate.

Be proud of love, not hate. You just need to get rid of the latter, and as soon as possible.

Well, let it be what it should be.

No one can escape what is destined by fate.

A rose smells like a rose
Call her a rose
at least not.

Everything has its own color, aroma, character, at least a hundred times call things differently, they will not lose their properties.

Quotes from other heroes

How soon an evil thought
Is unfortunate to help.

In moments of despair, a person is ready for even the most heinous deeds.

Blind passion does not reach the goal.

Even when feelings cover with the head, do not forget about the mind.

Stone fences cannot stop love.

True love knows no barriers.

Whether love is blind, it is so apt
Wouldn't hit the target.

Although sometimes it seems that it would be better if love was blind.

Why love
What is so beautiful and gentle in appearance,
Really so cruel and harsh?

Love is severe only when it is forbidden, in other cases it brings pleasure.

Love is wise madness: it
And full of bitterness and sweetness.

Sometimes the concepts of lover and mad are absolutely identical.

There is no sicker love than sickness.

There is no cure for love, and there never will be, any cure., in this, in fact, her anger.

Search in vain
Who doesn't want to be found.

You don’t have to look for the right people, fate brings them.

What's in a name? What we call a rose
And under a different name kept b
Your sweet scent!

The name of a loved one is like an amulet, it is always in thoughts and in the heart.

Page 2 of 18

And creates an artificial night.
Until the gloomy despair of Romeo
Despondency will bring such
If someone does not save him with advice,
Will not eliminate his anguish cause.

Do you know her, my dear uncle?

I don't know and I can't find out
From Romeo himself.

you tried
Persistently question him?

I asked myself and through friends,
But in feelings here he is his own adviser;
Is it good - I won’t say
But only he is so secretive, inaccessible,
Like a kidney where a worm is already sitting,
When she hasn't unwrapped yet
In the air of beautiful petals
And she did not devote beauty to the sun.
When we only know why
He yearns, if only we could save him.

Romeo appears in the distance.

Ah, here he is. Go away; - will try
Learn his sadness, but I can not vouch.

Oh if you achieved - than she
It called! Let's go, wife.

(Montagues and his wife leave.)

My cousin, good morning!

Is it early?

Only nine.

Ah, sad hours
So stretch! Isn't it my father
Hastily left here?

Yes, that was him. What kind of sadness lasts so long
What are your hours?

The lack of
What gives them a fast flow.

In love?

Not that...

Deprived of love?


Love like this
Beautiful in appearance, must be
So hard, so painful.

Alas, love, though it is blind,
Without eyes, she will find in what ways
Reach us and rule over us.
Where will we have lunch? - Woe to me!
What was the fight here? However, no
Don't say: I heard everything; with enmity
There are so many worries here,
But more of them with love... Oh love
Cruel! O loving malice!
Something created from nothing!
Oh sad fun, vanity
Serious, shapeless chaos
Beautiful forms, lead pen,
Brilliant smoke, freezing flame,
Aching health, sleepless sleep,
Which cannot even be called a dream!
This is how I feel love
Feeling no joy in such love.
Are you not laughing?

No, I'm crying.

What is it, kind soul?

O grief that oppresses your soul.

The reason for this sorrow is love.
It's hard for me from my own sorrows,
And you want to add yours to them,
Strengthen their excess with compassion.
Love is smoke rising from sighs;
She is the fire that sparkles in her eyes
Lovers; in alarm, this is the sea,
Which feed their tears.
What's next? That is clever madness
The bitter bile that chokes us,
And the sweetness that sustains us.

Stay, and I'll go with you -
It hurts me when you leave like this.

I lost myself, I'm not Romeo
He's not here, he's somewhere...

Seriously to me: who is the one you love?

Demand that a sick person
In suffering, he made a will:
How the word will amaze the patient!
But, my cousin, I'll tell you seriously:
I love a woman.

With your hunch
I hit the target.

Oh, you are a skilled shooter! -
The beautiful one I love so much.

The better the target, the easier it is to hit it.

Well, here, cousin, you made a mistake: in it
You can't hit Cupid's arrow, -
Diana's mind is given to her, innocence is in her
Protected by indestructible armor,
Her children's bow of love will not hurt.
She is indifferent to love speeches,
Can't stand cheeky eyes
Sometimes saints, she can not be seduced.
Oh, she is rich in beauty - together
She is poor in that when she dies,
Wealth is wasted.

Or did she vow to remain a virgin?

Yes; and lead to great loss
Such a fruitless abstinence:
After all, the whole offspring in it will die,
Losing existence beforehand.
She is pure, beautiful and smart, -
But for that, is all these perfections,
So that, plunging me into despair,
That in heaven she deserve bliss?
She made a vow of celibacy;
I am mortified by that harsh vow,
Although I live and talk about it.

Listen, friend, forget about it and think.

Oh, teach me how to do it!

Give free rein to your eyes, on other beauties
Pay attention.

Here is the remedy - more often
I remember her beauty!
So masks that the faces of beautiful women
Touch, make us think
About the beauty that lies beneath them.
He who is blind cannot forget
Treasures of Lost Vision.
Oh, show me the beauty you are -
Out of the ordinary - and her beauty
Will serve me only as a memory book,
Where will I read the features of another,
That beauty so surpasses her.
Goodbye; you can't teach me
Forget you.

I will teach or I will
I am indebted to you to the grave.

(They leave.)


(The street.
Enter CAPULET, PARIS, and Servant.)

The same fine was imposed on the Montagues,
How about me; and us, two old men,
I think it would not be difficult to live in the world.

Both of you are deeply respected,
And it's a pity that your strife continues.
But what are you doing for my matchmaking
Will you tell me?

What I said before:
That my daughter had barely entered the world,
She is not yet fourteen;
When the beauty of two more years will fade -
It's time for her to be a bride.

There are mothers younger than her.

That's why they fade too early.
I buried all my hopes
She is my only hope in the world.
But, my dear Paris, please her,
Try to achieve her love:
My consent is
In agreement and choice of Juliet.
Today I give an evening feast,
According to the old custom of the family,
And I invited many guests
Of those whom I love; including
You will be my welcome guest.
And I'm waiting for you; come this night
To my humble house, to the earthly stars
There to see which bright shine
The radiance of the heavenly stars overshadows.
I have that pleasure waiting for you,
That young men feel so in the spring,
When she, blooming, goes
For a boring slow winter.
There in the flower garden of young buds
You will enjoy their beautiful view;
Listen to everyone and take a closer look -
And choose the best one.
And my daughter will be there among others
For the account only: she is nothing before them.
Come, Count;
and you hurry up
In the city; seek and invite
Everyone who is here written on this list;
(Handing over the note.)
Say that I'm waiting for them with kindness and greetings.

(Exit with Paris.)

Find those whose names are written here? And here it is written that the shoemaker
taken for a arshin, and the tailor for an awl; so that the fisherman wields a brush, and
the painter is a net. I was sent to find those whose names are written here; but
I can not find - who exactly is recorded here. I must turn to the scientists
people. Oh, and here they are!

(Enter Romeo and Benvolio.)

One fire is lost in another
Suffering by suffering will decrease;
When your head is spinning
Make her spin back;
One sorrow will be healed by another:
Let the new poison enter your eyes -
And the old infection will disappear.

Your plantain is useful here.

Where? for what?

For damaged bone
your leg.

Have you lost your mind?

No, he didn’t come down, but worse than he came down:
I am imprisoned, I am deprived of food,
I'm worn out, exhausted.
(To a suitable servant.)
Hello, sweetie.

Hello sir. Can you please tell me how to read?

My fate in my misfortune.

You could learn this without books, and I ask if you can read
what is written.

Yes, if I know the letters and the language.

You answer honestly. Happy to stay. (Wants to leave).