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NLP in action. What can NLP give in everyday life? Right Question Technique

Quotes from NLP books that prioritize and show the right direction in learning and practice...

I went a long way before I started dancing in the spotlight

Muhammad Ali

The fact is that the meaning of any message, not only in hypnosis, but also in life, is not what you think it means: the meaning of it is in the reaction that it causes. If you are trying to compliment someone and they feel offended, then the point of your message is an insult. If you say that he was offended because he did not understand you, you are thus justifying your inability to communicate. But the message itself was still an insult. You can, of course, justify and explain what is happening, but you can also learn from it. If I communicate something and it is perceived as an insult, then next time I can change my way of communication. If I want to further offend this person, then I know exactly how to do it! Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

If you decide that you will not succeed, then perhaps it will. There are two ways to fail. I think you should know what they are in order to choose the way in which you will fail, once you have decided on it.
The first way is to be very tough. You can take a client through all the steps that we have shown you, but without the slightest experience of perception, without using feedback from the client. This guarantees you failure. This is the most common way to fail.
The second way to fail is to be completely inconsistent. If there is a part of you that doesn't really believe that a phobia can be cured in three minutes, but you decide to try the method anyway, then the inconsistency will show up in your non-verbal reactions and it will ruin everything. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is superior to all previous therapy and hypnosis only in the sense that it allows you to act formally and methodically, NLP allows you to determine exactly what changes in subjective experience you need to make in order to achieve a certain result., like language. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

I think that if you want to have an intuition like Erickson, Satir or Perls, you have to go through a training PERIOD to get it. If you go through such training, you can acquire the same intuition, as unconscious and systematic as language. Bandler, Grinder

Life is a game whose goal is to discover the rules and whose rules are always changing and never being discovered. Gregory Bateson


Despite the widespread myth, M. Erickson did not believe that it was enough for the therapist to rely on the spontaneous creativity of his own unconscious. Although he relied on his unconscious abilities, however, this was preceded by many years and very intensive training, during which he trained his unconscious. According to Erickson, unconscious processes are based on experience and learning. It doesn't matter if it's a skill like writing, reading or driving a car, or a limiting pattern of behavior - everything, in his opinion, was once learned. How else could we unconsciously use it? NLP Source Code

Use your brain for change

There is one thing that best determines whether a person knows what NLP is. This is not a set of techniques; this attitude. It is an attitude associated with curiosity, with the desire to know, the desire to be able to influence - and to influence in a worthwhile way. Everything can be changed. This was said by Virginia Satir when I first saw her teaching a seminar - and it's absolutely true by Richard Bandler

NLP volume 1

Learn more and more new in the old - now. The universe is as vast as your ability to perceive it is developed. Enjoy your journey. Bandler, Grinder


[Communication]…….learned just like any other skill. It takes practice to learn it. I guess most of you know how to drive a car. If you don't drive, think of some other perceptual-motor skill you have: cycling, rollerblading, or any athletic sport. ……
….. Here [training] you will do what any complex perceptual-motor skill requires: the task will be broken down into small chunks or chunks so that you can individually do each little chunk until you master it. Once you manage to turn each segment into an automatic, effective, unconsciously performed skill, in front of you
new opportunities open up - other components of the task. Then you bring the new segments into an unconscious, effective perceptual-motor template so that you don't have to pay conscious attention to them. Bandler, Grinder

Collected Papers 1954c, pp. 281-282

Conscious fantasies are not connected with reality, are self-sufficient and are, in fact, emotionally colored dreams about the desired.
However, unconscious fantasies belong to a different type of psychological functioning. They are not self-sufficient and are not separated from reality. Rather, they are psychological constructions formulated to varying degrees, which the unconscious, if given the opportunity, is ready to make part of reality. They are not dreams of what is desired, but real intentions that manifest themselves at the right time. M. Erickson

From frogs to princes

To achieve exceptional success in communication, you need only three things. We have discovered that there are three main stereotypes in the behavior of psychotherapeutic luminaries (and talented managers, salesmen):

1) They know what they want to achieve.
2) They are quite flexible in their behavior. You must be able to generate many behavioral responses in yourself in order to get the response that you need from a person.
3) They have enough sensory experience to notice if they got the answer they were looking for.
If you have these three abilities, you can vary your behavior until you get the right answer.

Bandler, Grinder

M. Erickson Patterns Volume II

It should be considered that some conglomerate of events or objects (for example, a sequence of phonemes, a picture, a frog or a culture) contains “redundancy” (“pattern”) if this conglomerate can be divided in some way by a “line” in such a way that an observer who perceives only what is on one side of the line can guess (with more than random success) what is on the other side of the line. We can say that what is on one side of the line contains the information (meaning) of what is on the other side. In engineering language, we can say that the conglomerate contains “redundancy”. From the point of view of a cybernetic observer, the information available on one side of the line will limit (i.e., reduce the likelihood of) wrong guessing. Bandler, Grinder

Ecology of mind

The process of creating programs that are useful to us - learning process- is continuous change process. We call this processmodeling . Modeling occurs both at the conscious and unconscious levels of behavior. The process of learning to understand and speak one's native language is an example of an unconscious modeling process. The process of learning to read and spell is, for most people, an example of conscious modeling. However, note that even in the case of conscious modeling, most of what we have learned is the sequencing and organization of lower level behavior patterns that are already available at the unconscious level of behavior. For example, children who are taught spelling are not taught to explicitly form mental images of the words being studied, that is, to use their visualization strategies, but those children who managed to learn how to write correctly apply this skill unconsciously. Gregory Bateson

From frogs to princes

The meta model is a really simplistic thing, but it is the one that underpins everything we do. Without it, and without systematic control over it, you will work sloppily. The difference between those people who do their job well and everyone else is that they have control over the meta model. It literally forms the basis of everything we do, you can be brilliantly witty and use the most complex metaphors perfectly, but if you are not good at gathering information, both external and internal, you will not know what to do. Meta model questions give you the information you need immediately. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

There aren't a few organizing positions that we use to get ourselves in the right state to engage in therapeutic activities.
First that it is better to have a choice than not to have one.
Second the position that it is better to have a subconscious choice.
Third– that people already have the resource they need to change if they are helped to access those resources in the right context.
And fourth- this is the position that any and every piece of behavior has its positive function in a certain context. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

If you decide ahead of time what a “good” response should be before you start communicating, then there is very little chance you will get one. If you do some maneuver, some intervention, and then just go into your experience and notice what kind of reaction you got, then you understand that all reactions are usable. There are no particularly good or particularly bad answers. Any answer is good as long as it is used and is the next step in the process of change. The only way to fail is to give up further attempts. Of course, you can repeat the same thing multiple times, but that means you will fail multiple times. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a step up from all previous therapy and hypnosis only in the sense that it allows you to act formally and methodically, NLP allows you to determine exactly what changes in subjective experience you need to make in order to achieve a certain result.
Hypnosis is in most cases a completely random process. If I make a suggestion to someone, he is faced with the problem of how to carry it out. And if I am a neuro-linguistic programmer, then even when I use hypnosis, I will describe exactly what I want the person to do to carry out my suggestion. This is the only important difference between what we are doing here and what people have been doing for centuries. But it is really very important, as it allows you to accurately predict the results and avoid side effects. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

We find geniuses in our field, we determine the usefulness of the subconscious programs they use, we introduce these programs to other people, checking whether they allow a person to do his job. Bandler, Grinder

From frogs to princes

We do not give this advice to any of you, but we will repeat it by all means. You see, what don Juan wanted to do for Carlos (we don't want to do it for you, of course) was to motivate moments in his life. He wanted to mobilize all the resources of Carlos so that any act that he performed would be the result of the realization of all his potential, all the personal power that is available to him at a given moment in time. Specifically, don Juan told Carlos the following:

“Every time you start to hesitate and put off until tomorrow something new that you could do today, or do something that you have done before, all you have to do is glance over your left shoulder. There you will see a fleeting shadow. This shadow is your death, and at any moment it can approach, put a hand on your shoulder and take yourself away. So act - what you are involved in now may be your last act, fully characterizing you as your last act on this planet.

Bandler, Grinder


Any behavior is carried out in a certain context, and the context is the anchor for a certain set of reactions. The frame is, in other words, the context, and the replacement of the frame - reshaping - is the placement in another context.
Sometimes you reframe by changing the actual external context. Much more often you change the internal context (the way in which a person understands events and puts them in a certain frame),
to get a different response. When you do this in a system, you are taking into account the way the entire system functions so that the change you introduce is green. Bandler, Grinder

It should be noted that hypnosis should not be used to directly suggest or demand from a person the desired changes in personality, emotions and behavior. Such an approach is usually useless or produces only short-term changes at best. Therefore, hypnosis should be used to stimulate the learning process and for the psychotherapeutic transformation necessary for the desired changes to occur naturally and be lasting. Any changes in personality structure, perceptions, emotions, or behavior must be the result of the learning that occurs during hypnosis, and not the direct result of a particular hypnotic suggestion. The wisdom of M. Erickson

Collection of articles 1980. Vol. I, 4, p. 114

When I intend to know something, I would like that knowledge not to be distorted by someone else's imperfect knowledge. M. Erickson

From frogs to princes

You need a solid basis for your choices. One way to acquire such a foundation is to consider the structure of your behavior. Collect choice points that repeat for you, make sure that for each point you have a choice of some set of reactions - and forget about all this. And add one more ingredient - the meta-rule: "If what you're doing doesn't work, try doing something else." Since your consciousness is limited, respect that and don't say, "I can now do everything that was discussed in our seminar." What you can really do is dedicate the first five minutes of every third conversation to the following: “Before we start our conversation today, I would like to know a few things about your cognitive functioning. Tell me, please, what color is the top light of the traffic light?” Assess the patient's representational systems to know what will happen next in a stressful conversation. Every Thursday, you can attach to the first client's predicates and detach from the second client's predicates. It is a way of systematically discovering the consequences of one's behavior. If you don't organize your behavior in this way, it remains random. If you organize your behavior and allow yourself to be limited by certain stereotypes, the consequences of which you know, and then change these stereotypes, you will create a reliable repertoire of reactions on a subconscious level. This is the only way we know of to achieve SYSTEMATIC behavior flexibility. Perhaps there are other ways. But it so happens that we now know only one of them. Bandler, Grinder

Eagle flight

There is a way of observing oneself in which there is no fear, no danger; it is to look without self-judgment, without self-justification, without interpretation or evaluation - just watch. In order for the mind to see in this way, it must strive to know through its observation what is really there. What danger lurks in "what is"? People tend to be violent; this is actually “what is”; and the danger they bring to this world is the result of violence, the result of fear. What is the danger of observing fear and trying to completely eradicate it? - that we will be able to create a new society, other values? There is an eternal beauty in observing, in seeing things as they are, psychologically, from within; this does not mean at all that a person should accept things as they are; it does not mean that the person rejects "what is" or wants to do something with it; it is the very perception of "what is" that brings about its own change. But a person must master the art of such observation, and the art of "seeing" has nothing to do with the techniques of introspection or psychoanalysis - it is observation without choice. Jiddu Krishnamurti

From frogs to princes

You can remove any limitation that appears to be a unique accomplishment for that person. If you understand what steps the process consists of, then you can change the order of the steps, change their content, introduce a new step, or express one of the existing ones. Bandler, Grinder

Many people have heard the phrase "Neuro Linguistic Programming". In simple terms, this is a way to influence a person with the help of words, prompting him to that or another action. Moreover, this does not have to be done by someone, a person can “program” himself. You just need to know the special methods of NLP. Their essence is simple: any person can change his life for the better if he starts doing something for this. And as a basis, take the experience of successful people who have achieved a lot - in business, politics, and the social sphere. Managed to become the best in their field. Why not try to do the same?

Nine rules that can improve our lives

Do not think that all this is very banal, and our life will flow as it needs to. No, it mostly depends on us. Of course, there is a share of luck, good luck, a happy occasion. Sometimes it's just enough to be in the right place at the right time.

Let's say you're the first candidate to show up for an interview with an employer. I liked your resume, and they immediately accepted you, without even starting to listen to others. Luck? Yes, but not one hundred percent. After all, if there were no certain knowledge and education (and they were), they would not take you anywhere, but called other applicants for a conversation.

How to make sure that our whole life does not depend on chance, but only on us? Psychologists say: you just need to follow some simple rules. How do we follow the rules of the road to try to ensure our safety on the road.

So the rules are simple:

  • Do not consider etiquette a relic of the past. About 20-30 years ago, every house had a brochure on the rules of etiquette, today not everyone knows what it is. To become a successful person, etiquette should not be neglected. In order not to offend the interlocutor (and what if it is a business partner or employer), so as not to cause discontent of subordinates (no one likes boorish bosses). Program your brain to follow etiquette in any situation. And you will quickly realize that people are more willing to contact you, negotiations do not seem so complicated, and the goals set have begun to be realized much faster.
  • Carefully weigh what you are going to say, especially when it comes to business conversations. Remember, at school we were taught: first think, and then tell? This rule still works today, any successful person will confirm it. Sometimes an “unnecessary” and “wrong” phrase can quarrel people, alienate colleagues, break off business relations. Always watch what you say. And if you feel that you have blurted out too much, do not hesitate to immediately get better and even ask for forgiveness. Sometimes the ability to admit one's guilt saves friendships, marriages, and even business alliances.
  • Do not put yourself above everything around you. Sometimes we live in a created (usually noble, honest, “correct”) world, not noticing what is happening around us and what life dictates. And it is developing very dynamically, so try to go with it in parallel, and not in defiance. When applying NLP methods, convince yourself that phrases like "but in my time" are empty and unjustified. Time is always different, so keep up with it.
  • When talking to another person, always be aware of their reaction to what you are saying. Perhaps your monologue is not at all interesting to him, so why "download" the interlocutor? In communication, always listen carefully to the person, and then you will understand whether he wants to continue the conversation.
  • Never try to adjust another person for yourself - a spouse, friend, colleague. Usually it ends badly, because all people are completely different. And therefore - either accept any, or try not to go through life together. Only compromises can make an exception - sometimes we agree to endure someone's shortcoming, realizing that someone else also endures ours. Better yet, try to program yourself not to see these shortcomings. For those who do not notice them, life is much easier.
  • Try to do what you love, and then you can expect returns and income from it. Never force yourself to do something you don't feel like doing at all. For example, if you like to paint pictures since childhood, you should not devote your life to accounting. And if you have long dreamed of conquering Everest, you do not need to go on vacation to the sea. Most of our desires are quite feasible, we just need to correctly assess our capabilities, choose the most important ones and implement them correctly. By the way, it helps to constantly keep your goals in focus.
  • Try to think positively. Psychologists say that people who know how to do this are already halfway successful. Program yourself only for a positive result, and then it will be easier to achieve it. But it will take patience and hard work.
  • Deal with your internal contradictions. Many people have a lot of them, as if two different people are arguing inside. NLP will help you figure out what is important for you, and what is secondary and even superfluous. Drop it and move on without loading this "trash" into your inner world. It will bring nothing but suffering.
  • Some psychologists believe that you need to surround yourself only with successful people, otherwise the losers will “pull” you down, preventing you from developing. Not everyone agrees with this, because we do not choose our relatives, neighbors, colleagues. And you need to communicate with them. Just try not to focus too much on those who have not achieved anything. And if possible, even try to get them to start doing something to solve their problems.

How to program yourself

There are two ways: on your own or with the help of a specialist, a psychologist or a psychotherapist. For starters, try it yourself. Many of us have much more potential than we think or realize. Try to analyze your life, find the reasons for failures, and then start to overcome them. Most people get it. After all, the principle of NLP is in self-improvement, do not be afraid to entrust your destiny to yourself. Today there is a lot of literature on this topic, most of the books can be downloaded for free. They usually describe the experiences of successful people and how they achieve their goals.

If you can’t believe in yourself, don’t put off a visit to a specialist, because he exists for that. You may only need one or two sessions to understand how NLP methods work, and then move on on your own.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Who is it for?

Psychologists are sure that NLP can help anyone. It is only important to correctly determine your goal and correctly program yourself for it. It might not work the first time. But do not despair: this is just an excuse to once again “dig into” your inner world and analyze it again. After all, Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the study of our thoughts that shape our behavior and actions. Only by fully studying them, we can change anything.

To begin with, clearly set a goal, not abstract, but concrete. For example: don't try to just "get more money" and "be better". You need to know clearly what is important to do for this - to complete some professional courses, change jobs, get a second education. And immediately set a deadline for achieving the goal - a real, fully justified one. For example: learn a foreign language in six months and get a job where it is necessary. And thereby increase your previous salary at least 2 times.

For the sake of the desired goal, a person can sometimes move mountains. She always inspires and makes you move forward. This is very important, because only constant development gives a chance to become successful.

Turn to your inner energy (it is in each of us), it will help you go towards your goal, overcoming difficulties, without losing patience and without ceasing to be confident.

Steps to future success

Neuro-Linguistic Programming names several steps that help a person achieve a goal:

  • Understand what you want to achieve and clearly set a goal. Do not be afraid to reproach yourself for vanity and ambition. To a certain extent, they only help to move towards the goal. You just have to not forget about other people, not “step over” them, but move on your own and achieve everything only with your own work.
  • Start acting. Each person will have something different: stop arguing with loved ones, get an education, write a resume and send it to good companies. There is no need to fear whether the action will be fully justified. Probably no. But if you don't start, you'll never know. Therefore, try it. Neuro-linguistic programming exists for this.
  • Analyze your result - both good and bad, and even its absence. A good analysis of all the changes will help you understand if you are moving in the right direction and correct your actions. In order not to accidentally achieve a completely different goal.
  • Don't be afraid to change the way you achieve your goal. Learn to think creatively, look for alternate solutions to the problem and new ways to get the desired result. The main thing is not to stop thinking and acting.

NLP Methods

Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a science defines a lot of them. Let's try to deal with only those that are understandable from a practical point of view and can help us achieve our goals in life.

We drop anchor. In the life of any person there are very joyful moments. Remember the emotions that you experienced at that moment, which you experienced a feeling of lightness and satisfaction. Now dream that all this has doubled or tripled. And at the top of your dream, "drop" the anchor - pinch your ear, snap your finger, nod your head. Any small action should develop a conditioned reflex. In a difficult moment, repeat it, and see that it immediately becomes much easier.

Wave your hand. Experts call this the swing technique. Its essence is to be able to quickly switch a negative image to a positive one. Mentally imagine your image in two pictures, let them be “depicted” on the palms. On the left, "draw" your current appearance - dull, lethargic, sad. And on the right - bright, contented, joyful. Raise your palms to eye level and mentally look from one picture to another. And then cover your left hand with your right hand - let your new, positive image remain on top. So you need to do it several times a day, all with the same purpose, developing a conditioned reflex.

Let's go to the cinema, mentally. Recall any sad event from the past that prevents you from living. Imagine that you are in a movie theater (or watching TV) and you see this event on the screen. But after all, you can not watch it, picking up the "remote" and removing the brightness. Let a bad event from the past become dim, then small, and then completely disappear. (Thanks to the creator of the remote).

Don't be afraid to fantasize. Learn to “destroy” an unpleasant situation or problem. Present it on the big screen, and then quickly turn it off with the same remote control. Or let it "appear" on the glass - it can be mentally smashed to smithereens. You can draw a sad moment in life on paper, and then burn it and scatter the ashes (or down the drain). There is a large selection of manifestations of fantasy, but the essence is the same: you must learn to destroy your problems.

Neuro-linguistic programming is an interesting and necessary thing. This science is worth being interested in if you want to change your life for the better. And everyone has it - we are imperfect, there is always something to strive for. But we don't always know how to do it. Or you can simply rely on the experience and advice of successful people (they are not afraid to share them) and become one yourself. You just need to find your inner energy, find new opportunities in yourself, set a goal and fulfill it. And sometimes it's not that hard.

What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)? This is a rather broadly interpreted way of influencing people, including behavior modeling, thought programming and mind control. And NLP is a specific branch of psychology. In general, a lot can be said about this, but now it is worth focusing on the most interesting aspects of this topic.

History and background of the method

Before going into detail about what NLP is, it is worth turning to history. The direction itself was developed in the 60-70s by American scientists - linguist John Grinder and psychologist Richard Bandler.

Experts clearly explain the principle of neurolinguistic programming. Scientists say that this method embodies the main idea of ​​Alfred Korzybski, an American researcher and founder of general semantics. It sounds like this: all our models of the world and cognitive maps (images of a familiar spatial environment) are representations distorted due to the peculiarities of neurological functioning, as well as due to the limitations that are associated with it.

Scientists assure that after the information enters the receptors of the five senses, it undergoes linguistic and neurological transformations. Moreover, before a person (more precisely, his brain, consciousness) himself gets access to it. This says only one thing - none of us ever experience objective reality. In any case, it is modified by neurology and language.

The basis of the method

Without studying it directly, it is rather difficult to understand what NLP is. The method itself implies, first of all, the study of the structure of subjective experience. That is, what only one or another specific person experienced.

Neuro-Linguistic Programmers are primarily interested in how people process reality and construct it. Scientists admit that, perhaps, the notorious objective reality (a world that exists independently of a person and his consciousness) exists. But it is not given to anyone to know what it is, except through perception and consistently formed beliefs about it.

All NLP books say that subjective experience has its own structure and organization. That is, for each person, his beliefs, ideas and perceptions are collected according to the relationship between them. They are structured and organized. And this manifests itself both at the micro and at the macro level.

Scientists argue that all behavioral acts and communication (both verbal and non-verbal) reflect how a person internally structures the concepts and beliefs inherent in him. And an experienced observer is able to work with these processes.

There is definitely some truth in this. The subjective nature of human experiences will never allow us to embrace the objective world. Humans do not have access to absolute knowledge of reality. All they have is a set of beliefs about her that is built up over the course of their lives.

Method principles

Having studied them at least briefly, you can roughly understand what NLP is. And one of the principles sounds like this - whatever a person does, he is driven by a positive intention, which is often not even realized. That is, the behavior demonstrated by him at one time or another is the best available or the most correct. Proponents of NLP believe that the search for new alternatives can be useful, as they help change behavior that is not desirable for other people.

Even in this topic there is such a thing as rapport. It denotes a qualitative connection established between two people. It is characterized by ease of communication, mutual trust, unhindered flow of speech. In the field of psychology and psychiatry, special attention is paid to rapport between doctors and patients. Since their presence affects the outcome of psychotherapy. Therefore, NLP specialists focus on what exactly constitutes rapport, as well as what factors allow it to be achieved and maintained in the future.

The third principle is: “There is no defeat. There is only feedback." In NLP, communication is never seen in terms of failure and success. Only in terms of efficiency. If the results turn out to be ineffective, then this is a reason for researchers not to be disappointed, but to seek feedback. It will determine the success of the actions performed. This principle, by the way, is borrowed from the information theory of the English psychiatrist William Ross Ashby.

Fourth principle: “Having a choice is better than not having a choice.” Here is what is important to learn for beginners - NLP is about recognizing "stagnation" and identifying new options for action in any situation. Proponents of the method say that an individual who is characterized not by strength, but by flexibility in the spectrum of reactions manifested, can more effectively influence something.

Fifth principle: "The meaning of communication is the response received." As mentioned at the beginning, NLP is manipulation of people in a sense. So, the main thing in communication is not the intention behind the message being sent, but the reaction caused by it in the opponent. If you begin to be guided by this principle, you can become more effective in communication. Indeed, by the visual reaction of the opponent, one can trace how this or that information reaches him.

Mind and body interact

This is one of the rules of NLP. And it's hard to argue with its truth. When a person dances to his favorite music, his mood improves. If he takes a sleeping pill, his brain shuts down. When a person is pushed in the back during rush hour in the subway, his central nervous system immediately reacts with irritation to this.

In all cases, what happens to the body affects the mind. The principle also works in the opposite direction. A person is preparing to speak to the masses - his heartbeat quickens. He is complimented - his cheeks turn pink, a smile appears. They report bad news - there is a pressure drop, tears.

What's with NLP? In deciphering the abbreviation, there is the term "programming", which in this context means laying a certain function in the mind. So, in this case, a person must realize the power of his thoughts over the body. Lay it in your mind, program yourself for this principle. And then he will understand how great his possibilities are.

Of course, many are skeptical about this principle. But proponents of NLP believe that people living in accordance with it can give orders to their bodies. Force yourself to lose weight or recover without pills, improve your mood.

Skepticism dispelled the placebo effect. There was an experiment: the researchers gathered sick people and, dividing them into two groups, began to treat. One was given medication. Others - "pacifiers", placebo pills. But they didn't know about it. The doctors wanted to find out whether people were affected by the chemicals or their belief in the treatment they received. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that the “pacifiers” acted on a par with medicines, and in some cases even turned out to be more effective than them.

Inner resources are limitless

This is the next rule of NLP. Each person has fantastic resources, but practically does not use them to the full extent. Why? Due to natural laziness.

Why read and educate yourself when you can get your smartphone and quickly google what interests you? Why try to master the skill of controlling your body, pressure and temperature, when there are aspirins, antipyretics?

NLP is a field of knowledge and methods in which great attention is paid to the hidden potential. One of the main tasks is to find in the depths of the soul the necessary resources to achieve certain goals, find talents, and quickly master skills and knowledge. In general, everything that can make life easier.

And here is the NLP rule for every day: you need to train yourself to pay special attention to people whose abilities you admire. This is the easiest way to discover and develop your hidden talents. After all, a person notices in others those qualities that are characteristic of himself! He just doesn't realize it sometimes. Supporters of NLP are sure: if a person noted someone's talent or ability, rejoiced for its owner, it means that he has the same inclinations. He just didn't let them manifest before.

But this also applies to disadvantages. Does a person accuse someone of envy, meanness, anger, meanness? But are they not peculiar to him, too? Probably yes. Particularly annoying are those qualities that people subconsciously do not accept in themselves.

Who to be in this world is an individual decision

Probably everyone has heard phrases like: "Everything depends on ourselves" or "You are the master of your life." That's just, as it usually happens, few people think about such words, realize their meaning. And in NLP, one of the key rules sounds exactly like this: “Who a person will be - a winner or a loser - depends only on him.”

Everyone is the creator of their universe. Ruler of your own Destiny. The one who can "order" himself wealth or poverty, health or illness, good luck or failure. Sometimes "orders" are made unconsciously.

Some will smile skeptically, others will find hundreds of rebuttals and arguments against this statement, the rest will think. But we must remember that we are talking about NLP - a technique for manipulating people and one's own consciousness. Sometimes, some people begin to arrange their lives so recklessly and even aggressively that the phrase “I can!” becomes their daily motto. And they achieve truly amazing results.

Because these people believe in their own strengths and in themselves, take responsibility for their Destiny upon themselves (realizing that they do not create it, and not karma, bosses, higher powers, government or circumstances), and also are engaged in revealing their inner potential. They do a lot of work on themselves every day. NLP should not be viewed as a pseudo-scientific technique. These are motivations, attitudes, the study of one's consciousness, a constant process of self-improvement. This is where strength is needed.

Technique #1: Anchor Creation

Many people are addicted to NLP and the manipulation of their own consciousness. Mostly because they don't want to be...happy. People come to Neuro-Linguistic Programming with the hope that they will be able to “set themselves up” for a good life. And it's possible.

The vast majority of us have had/have moments when we are absolutely happy. The pinnacle of bliss, so to speak. Life goes like clockwork, everything works out, there are no barriers, desires come true. Too bad it's not always like that. But what prevents you from remembering this state and constantly returning to it mentally?

This is one of the key techniques of NLP. It is necessary to remember your blissful state, called “resource”, to imagine the range of feelings experienced at that moment. When they become as bright as possible, you need to put an "anchor". It can be anything - a snap of the fingers, a slight pull on the earlobe, a gentle squeezing of the shoulder with the palm of your hand. In general, the main thing is that it be a gesture that is available for implementation in any situation.

The exercise must be repeated. Remember your feelings and blissfully time and put the chosen “anchor” at the peak. Here the goal is simple - to form a kind of conditioned reflex. When it can be achieved, then a person with the help of his anchor will experience the whole gamut of those emotions and feelings. And this skill really improves the psychological state in dreary, sad, unfavorable life circumstances.

By the way, the "anchor" can be replaced by an object. The reflex will be additionally developed on the basis of associations. But then you will need to carry it with you constantly.

Tactic #2: Influencing Others

Many people want to master manipulation with the help of Neuro Linguistic Programming. There are many NLP techniques that help influence others. But all of them are based on the specifics of speech, construction of sentences, appeal, attitude towards a person. So, here are just some of the NLP techniques that help influence people:

  • Method of three consents. It is based on the inertia of the psyche. The principle is this: before voicing an important question to which you need to get a firm “yes” from the interlocutor, you need to ask him three minor, light ones that absolutely imply a positive answer. Having agreed several times, he will continue to do it inertially.
  • Illusion of choice. A clever NLP manipulation technique. On the one hand, a person offers a choice. On the other hand, it encourages the respondent to do what he needs. For example: “Will you buy the whole set or part of it?”.
  • Trap words. They tenaciously "catch" the consciousness of almost every person in the network. For example: "Do you feel confident after our classes?". And it doesn't matter that the person didn't notice it. His consciousness had already fallen into a trap, and he began to think, began to look for confirmation of the question.
  • The affirmation of positive reality, taken for granted. For example: “Well, you are a smart person, you will agree with this.” And the opponent is no longer interested in arguing, since by doing so he will cast doubt on the fact that he is smart.
  • Questions-teams. Something that few people reread. For example, not "Make the music quieter", but "Does it make it difficult for you to muffle the sound a little?". The first option sounds more honest, but looks like an order. When voicing the second, an illusion is created that the person takes into account the opinion of the opponent, since he asks him in a polite manner, and does not force him. This cannot be denied.
  • Turnover "than ... so ...". A bunch of what the manipulator himself needs. For example: “The longer you drive this car, the more you realize that you want to own it.”

And these are just some of the NLP techniques that have an impact on a person. But they can all be resisted by a person who understands this topic and knows that manipulators are everywhere. It is enough to ask yourself the question: “Do I really need this?”. Consciousness will immediately react by bringing arguments.

Sphere of advertising

It contains many examples of NLP. Good commercials, slogans, billboards evoke such a reaction from the consumer: I see à I want à I buy. They can be based on values ​​- what represents holiness for the target audience. Images of elderly parents, grandparents, family, lovers, home comforts… it all weighs on the consumer's sensuality.

Submodalities are also one of the foundations of NLP advertising techniques. The emphasis is on kinesthetic, auditory and visual perception. Everyone knows these videos. Well-chosen angles, the effect of moving away and approaching, the dynamic development of the plot, the music that excites the mind ... everything is used so that the consumer feels like a part of advertising. Such a context easily awakens the appetite, calls to action, makes you feel like the owner of the advertised thing in reality.

Another effective technique is truism. What is taken from authoritative sources can be said. Something that won't inspire distrust. For example: “Approved by the worldwide association…”, “Doctors recommend…”, “Made in Germany”, etc.

SMART goal setting

This method is also directly related to NLP. The abbreviation SMART reflects the criteria that a person's goal must meet to achieve. So this is:

  • S - specific (specifics).
  • M - measurable (measurability).
  • A - attainable (reachability).
  • R - relevant (significance).
  • T - time-bounded (correlation with specific terms).

A person, writing a goal according to SMART, programs himself in the most direct way. Here is an example of what a thoughtful attitude might look like: “What do I want? Own business, open your own institution. What is needed for this? Earn start-up capital, draw up a plan, perhaps take a loan for development. What are my options for this? Ambition, promising work and early success means that you can set a goal above the limit of possibilities. Why do I need my own business? This is an old dream, and wishes must come true, plus, I will work for myself and have the prospect of developing the sphere in the future. How much time do I have to prepare? 2 years".

This is just one example. In any case, meeting the goal with these criteria will increase the likelihood of its implementation. In simple terms, in order to change something in life, you must have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want specifically.

By the way, it will not be superfluous to read some books on NLP. In particular, those that were written by the founders of the method. Recommended reading is their work entitled "The Structure of Magic" in two volumes (1975 and 1976). You can also read the book "Changes in the Family", written jointly with the American psychologist Virginia Satir.

Also worthwhile is the NLP Practitioner. Written by Bob Bodenhamer and Michael Hall. This book is of interest to both beginners in the field of NLP, and people with skills in this area who want to improve them.

Neurolinguistic programming in modern psychotherapy is one of the most popular methods of influencing the human psyche. It is used in almost all aspects of life.

Effective NLP techniques in love can be applied by both women and men. They help create new or improve existing relationships. According to E. Berger, the author of the famous book “NLP for Happy Love”, how the novel ends and how it develops depends directly on the person himself, his aspirations and desires.

Crazy love passes quickly, the love of two crazy people never!
Angelina Jolie

Effective NLP Methods

In NLP, there are general techniques designed for use in various areas of life. They are also suitable for improving your personal life.


Among the most popular techniques are "Tuning". This method is effective for establishing closer contact with the interlocutor. The reception involves copying the behavior of a partner, his gestures, facial expressions and even the rhythm of breathing. This is the so-called "external" adjustment, which should be done as naturally as possible.

After establishing contact, you can proceed to the "lead". To do this, you need to smile, and the interlocutor will repeat the action. If you become serious, then after a while the partner to whom you have adjusted will also go into this state. Adjustment to values ​​is no less effective. To find a common language with a partner of the opposite sex, you should try to look at the world through his eyes, through his belief system.


Almost all seduction techniques in NLP involve "Anchoring". This technique is based on the positive emotions and feelings experienced by the partner at a certain moment. In order to direct them to yourself, you should create an environment similar to that which surrounded him at the moment of pleasure.
Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the atmosphere is fully consistent with the memories of a person. Sometimes smells, music, touch act as anchors. They are associated with previous relationships or just having a good time. "Anchors" can be made independently. One of the algorithms for their installation is as follows:
  • It is necessary to position the partner towards you, for which the techniques of mirroring, joining, adjusting, etc. are used.
  • When a man is in a relaxed state, he can be asked about his favorite holidays. You should be asked to describe in detail how the event went, what he felt.
    Important! With the holiday that the partner remembered, he should not have any negative emotions associated with him.
  • When the man's condition reaches its climax, which can be traced by external signs (breathing, skin color, facial muscle movement, etc.), you need to gently touch any part of his body (back of the head, neck, shoulder, etc.). This action will set the tactile anchor.
  • After that, you will need to change the topic of conversation and return the man to his normal state.
Next, you need to check how the anchor works. To do this, you need to repeat the touch and look at the condition of the man. If everything was done correctly, then after the unconditional signal, the joyful mood and euphoria associated with the feeling of the holiday that he described will return to him.

"Mirror", "Join"

"Mirror" and "Accession", in fact, are similar to "Adjustment". This is the adoption of a pose, the repetition of facial expressions, gestures of the interlocutor, which contributes to the emergence of trust and sympathy on the part of the interlocutor.

"Positive Reinforcement"

A person experiences various emotions that reflect his attitude to any event. Reinforcement is a kind of encouragement of behavior. This method is used in animal training, but it is also effective for humans. As a positive reinforcement of someone else's behavior are used:
  • smile;
  • Attention;
  • agreement;
  • praise;
  • positive "anchor", etc.
"Positive Reinforcement" can also be attributed to the technique of manipulation. This technique helps to teach a person some skills, to correct his behavior. For example, if a partner talks about something too emotionally, then at this moment you should frown and shake your head slightly. Once he returns to a calm tone, show your approval by smiling and showing positivity. After a while, a person will intuitively guess what style of communication to follow.

NLP techniques for women

Women who want to arrange a personal life can turn to the book written by Eva Berger "NLP for happy love." The author not only describes techniques and techniques, but also gives practical exercises aimed at realizing one's problems in search of the ideal man. In her book, several effective techniques can be noted with which girls can start new relationships or improve existing ones:

  1. "Perfect Date". At the first meeting with a guy, almost any girl experiences awkwardness and tension. These emotions lead to the fact that the date leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, and on both sides. To exclude such a development of events, psychological preparation for the meeting is necessary. The girl is recommended to visualize the image of an ideal date, think it over to the smallest detail, foresee possible troubles and ways to overcome them.
  2. "Rule of three yeses" can be used with anyone. At the same time, men are more prone to stereotypical actions, which is what this technique relies on. A person who answered yes to three questions in a row will do so for the fourth time. The technique can be used to push a man to a new stage in a relationship (cohabitation, marriage, etc.). The most important phrase should be spoken not in an interrogative, but in an affirmative tone with confidence in your voice.
  3. "The Right Motivation" is a method that will allow relationships to exist and develop. If a woman can give a positive attitude, then a man will be interested in continuing the romance.
  4. Among other methods, "Disarmament" A that represents the preemptive action. This technique is effective if the relationship is on the verge of a break. The technique is to anticipate the partner's actions. A phrase such as “I understand that our relationship is not perfect and we can break up, but I would really like to try to correct previous mistakes and get a second chance” may well help to avoid a breakup.

    When using Disarm, the woman says what her partner wanted to say. Accordingly, the meaning of repeating her words is lost, and there is a high probability that the relationship will continue. But their duration will depend only on the further actions of the couple.

  5. Something NLP offers in a variety of techniques. Among the effective methods are "Breaking the Stereotype". This method is suitable for attracting the attention of a desired object, standing out from other fans.

NLP techniques for men

Not only girls, but also men can use techniques that allow you to quickly conquer your chosen one. Effective techniques for manipulating consciousness are used in practice and have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness. Men who want to master the initial skills of seducing the opposite sex can pay attention to the following methods:

  • "Illusion of choice";
  • "Plus or minus";
  • "Rule of one consent";
  • "Choice without choice."
Let's take a look at each of these methods:
  1. "Illusion of Choice": Thanks to NLP techniques, it is possible to create the girl's illusion that she herself chooses one or another scenario. The essence of the methodology is quite simple: it uses questions of a "closed type". In other words, the question itself already contains the answer to it. For example: "Where do you prefer to go, to the cinema or to a cafe?". In this case, not every lady will decide to offer the third option.

    The main thing to remember when applying this method is that both choices should be beneficial for the man. Another option for using the technique is that in the question one of the answers must be initially negative so that the girl does not choose it. So, the phrase can be constructed as follows: “Today is wonderful weather. Do you want to sit in this stuffy cafe, or would we rather take a walk in the fresh air?

  2. Reception "Plus-minus" based on the contrast of experienced emotions. A positive response will be more powerful if you first provoke a negative one (but do not exacerbate it too much). For example, on a date, you can compliment another girl, which will be a “minus”. But then the miss is corrected by pleasant words to his partner, which counts as a “plus”. Moreover, the latter should cause a stronger emotional reaction.
  3. "One Consent Rule" can be included not only in the techniques of seducing men, but also women. This technique is similar to the similar "Three" yes. However, it can be difficult to get several positive answers from a girl at once, so sometimes it’s enough to stop at one. The essence of the technique is that a proposal is made, after which a question is asked. If the lady answers it positively, then most likely she will agree with the first statement.

    For example, an invitation to a date might sound like this: “Let's meet and go to the movies. Do you like comedies? Regardless of whether the partner answers positively or negatively, she subconsciously already managed to agree with the first sentence. Phrases can be swapped, first a question, then a statement. But this is typical for men who are not completely confident in themselves and prefer to adapt to the desires of their partners.

  4. "Choice Without Choice" operates on a similar principle. A woman is offered a free choice from the only possible option. For example, when making an appointment, the phrase is formulated as follows: “When are you free, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?”. So, initially it is assumed that the meeting will take place. But the partner creates the illusion that the choice is hers.

    Using an inferiority complex in a relationship between a woman and a man can bring good benefits to the latter. But this method should be used as carefully as possible so as not to achieve the opposite effect. The essence of the game with complexes is as follows. In the presence of a lady, one should begin to admire another girl:
    At the same time, if the lady is short, then it must be said about how good women of high stature look. If the girl is thin, then you can admire the fair sex, who are inclined to be overweight. This awakens in women the desire to prove otherwise. They are ready to show a man that they are no worse than their rivals, who have opposite qualities.

    As an example, we can cite the story of a bachelor whose apartment was always clean, and he himself did not put any effort into it. When he brought women to visit, he did not ask them to do anything. He just started talking about the fact that one of the purposes of girls is to create cleanliness and comfort. At the same time, he noted that a real woman could never endure a mess. After that, his guests themselves picked up cleaning products to show their best side, not suspecting that they were only being manipulated.

Receptions for everyone

In NLP, there are techniques for women and men, and there are techniques that are successfully used by both sexes. Do not assume that manipulation techniques are very simple. In order to master them perfectly, you will need to make a lot of effort. However, the result will not be long in coming. After all, to become happy, to be successful with the opposite sex, to improve existing relationships - this is what most of those who want to master NLP techniques in love strive for.

How to build phrases correctly? NLP experience. 👌 "Speak not so that you can be understood, but speak so that you cannot be misunderstood." At the end, we will give specific examples from practice: 👉 Method 1. Banal phrase - "Friend, arrange a break for yourself and make me coffee." No matter how annoying your interlocutors are from such impudence, he will still go to the kitchen and make coffee, just as the phrase you said consists of two theses, namely "... arrange a break for yourself" and "... make me coffee." You first said what he needed, and then what you needed. The brain of your interlocutor perceives the phrase you constructed as follows: "If I want to relax, I need to make coffee." Therefore, in order to achieve your goal in a conversation with an interlocutor, when building a phrase at the beginning of a sentence, give what the interlocutor needs, for example: "Vladimir, I want to offer you to earn some money by changing the pipes in my apartment." Thus, you offer the interlocutor to earn money and at the same time let him know that this needs to be done very cheaply. You can use this technique of constructing phrases in advertisements. 👉Method 2. You need to get the phone number of the girl you like. How to do this so that there is no "misfire"? The option is this: You can go up to her and say the following phrase: "Girl, can I ask my friend to come to you tomorrow in the middle of the day in order to ask for your phone number so that I can call you" Frightened by such a difficult scenario for tomorrow day You, in most cases, will immediately receive a phone number. In this situation, the following principle applies: the young man deliberately created a very complicated scenario for the girl, for tomorrow, to get a number. The girl, after what she heard, immediately imagined how some young man would come to her work tomorrow, and even at lunchtime, to ask for a phone number. ... "how difficult it is" - she will present and in most cases she will give the phone right away to avoid all the complexity. 👉 Method 3. There are words such as: always, again, constantly, every time, etc. Hearing these and similar words in relation to oneself, a person, in most cases, tries to quickly do as he is told. For example, a dialogue between a husband and wife - "Dear, your dirty socks are again in the hall, and not in dirty linen, you always leave them here, you always try to piss me off, do you constantly forget about it?" With this technique, the girl tries to "heat-complicate" the situation in order to quickly get her desired result. After listening to a large number of such words addressed to him, the young man will try to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. Using such words in a conversation, in most cases, will help you quickly resolve the issues you need in the way you need. 👉 Method 4: The next example to achieve the desired result in a conversation with an interlocutor is a partial repetition of the end of his phrase, i.e. to achieve the result you need, try repeating the end of his phrase with the addition of your own. The interlocutor will perceive your phrase as his own, since part of the sentence he said was used in it. 👉 Method 5: All sentences and phrases starting with the words: Please, be kind, dear, etc. will certainly help to achieve the desired result in the dialogue. 👉 Method 6: Another example that can be used in communication is the voice stress on the word you need. For example: "How many animals of each pair did Moses take with him to the ark?" the answerer will give the correct answer, but Moses was never in the ark, Noah took the animals into the ark and it is called Noah's ark.Most people who are asked this question know that Noah's ark, but they were deliberately knocked off the target by emphasizing another phrase.👉Example 7: In a conversation, when it comes to something very pleasant for the interlocutor, and his reaction to this is “smile” and “fun emotions”, try to touch him at that moment. ), which will mean that only pleasant memories are associated with you. #general_psychology@psychology_freid | #psychology

How to build phrases correctly? NLP experience.👌

“Speak not in such a way that you can be understood, but speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.” In the end, we give specific examples from practice:

👉 Method 1.
Banal phrase - "Friend, arrange a break for yourself and make me coffee." No matter how annoying your interlocutors are from such impudence, he will still go to the kitchen and make coffee, just as the phrase you said consists of two theses, namely "... arrange a break for yourself" and "... make me coffee." You first said what he needed, and then what you needed. The brain of your interlocutor perceives the phrase you constructed as follows: "If I want to relax, I need to make coffee."
Therefore, in order to achieve your goal in a conversation with an interlocutor, when building a phrase at the beginning of a sentence, give what the interlocutor needs, for example: "Vladimir, I want to offer you to earn some money by changing the pipes in my apartment." Thus, you offer the interlocutor to earn money and at the same time let him know that this needs to be done very cheaply. You can use this technique of constructing phrases in advertisements.

👉 Method 2.
You need to get the phone number of the girl you like. How to do this so that there is no "misfire"? The option is this: You can go up to her and say the following phrase: "Girl, can I ask my friend to come to you tomorrow in the middle of the day in order to ask for your phone number so that I can call you" Frightened by such a difficult scenario for tomorrow day You, in most cases, will immediately receive a phone number.

In this situation, the following principle applies: the young man deliberately created a very complicated scenario for the girl, for tomorrow, to get a number. The girl, after what she heard, immediately imagined how some young man would come to her work tomorrow, and even at lunchtime, to ask for a phone number. ... "how difficult it is" - she will present and in most cases she will give the phone right away to avoid all the complexity.

👉 Method 3.
There are words such as: always, again, constantly, every time, etc.
Hearing these and similar words in relation to oneself, a person, in most cases, tries to quickly do as he is told.
For example, a dialogue between a husband and wife - "Dear, your dirty socks are again in the hall, and not in dirty linen, you always leave them here, you always try to piss me off, do you constantly forget about it?" With this technique, the girl tries to "heat-complicate" the situation in order to quickly get her desired result. After listening to a large number of such words addressed to him, the young man will try to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. Using such words in a conversation, in most cases, will help you quickly resolve the issues you need in the way you need.

👉 Method 4:
The next example to achieve the desired result in a conversation with an interlocutor is a partial repetition of the end of his phrase, that is, to achieve the result you need, try repeating the end of his phrase with the addition of your own. The interlocutor will perceive your phrase as his own, since part of the sentence he said was used in it.

👉 Method 5:
All sentences and phrases starting with the words: Please, be kind, dear, etc. will certainly help to achieve the desired result in the dialogue.

👉 Method 6:
Another example that can be used in communication is the voice stress on the word you need. For example: "How many animals of each pair did Moses take with him to the ark?" the answerer will give the correct answer, but Moses was never in the ark, Noah took the animals into the ark and it is called Noah's ark.Most people who are asked this question know that Noah's ark, but they were deliberately knocked off the target by emphasizing another phrase.

👉Example 7:
In a conversation, when it comes to something very pleasant for the interlocutor, and his reaction to this is “smile” and “fun emotions”, try to touch him at that moment. The touch sensations of the interlocutor will remain in the memory (in a good moment), which will mean that only pleasant memories are associated with you.

#general_psychology@psychology_freid | #psychology