Biographies Characteristics Analysis

General idea of ​​human abilities. Inclinations as the biological basis of abilities


The problem of identifying abilities, giftedness and talent is constantly put before a person by life. It is constantly being discovered that even under relatively identical conditions of life and activity, the mental properties of children are not the same and develop to different degrees. Therefore, in my opinion, the problem of identifying abilities, giftedness and talent, as well as the relationship and differences of these phenomena, are relevant in our time.

In different periods of mankind, depending on the ideas about the nature of people, abilities and giftedness were treated differently.

In our time, in the period of scientific and technological progress, modern children have to fit a lot into their memory. In addition, parents want to see their child comprehensively developed and try to enroll in several circles or sections at the same time. Sometimes their young unstable psyche cannot withstand such loads. Sometimes this causes emotional breakdowns and depression. And at school, it's a workload. There is no longer any need to talk about the development of creative potential, which requires a careful, thoughtful attitude, there is a continuous race for the quantity and quality of knowledge.

In my work, I want to review the literature devoted to the study of the structure of such phenomena as: abilities, giftedness and talent, both in psychology and in related fields.

Many psychologists both in our country and abroad have been studying abilities, talent, and giftedness. Among them are the works of the famous Soviet scientist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the field of psychology B.M. Teplov. It is also worth noting the work of a student and collaborator of Teplov, a well-known domestic psychologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences N.S. Leites. His works on the study of the psyche of gifted, talented children occupy a prominent place in Russian psychology. Also, such psychologists as V.N. Druzhinin, A.V. Petrovsky, A. Matyushkin were engaged in the study of this topic. The theoretical contribution was made by V.A. Molyako. He studied the problems of the psychology of creative abilities.


Basic concepts

When we try to understand and explain why different people, placed in approximately the same conditions by circumstances of life, achieve different successes, we turn to the concept of ability , believing that the difference in success can be quite satisfactorily explained by them. For example, when two students give approximately the same answers in a lesson, the teacher may treat their answers differently: he may be satisfied with one, and not with the other. The teacher can explain this by the different abilities these children have. Another example: two applicants are taking entrance exams. One copes with the tests, the other does not. Is it possible, therefore, to judge their abilities? This question cannot be answered until it is clarified how much time each applicant spent on preparation. Therefore, abilities cannot be determined by the mere fact of success (acquisition of knowledge). So what are abilities?

In my opinion, abilities are individual personality traits that are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain kind of activity. Thus, abilities are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity.

A.V. Petrovsky in his textbook on general psychology gave the following definition of "ability":

“Abilities are such psychological characteristics of a person on which the success of acquiring knowledge, skills, skills depends, but which themselves cannot be reduced to the presence of this knowledge, skills and abilities.”

× A significant contribution to the development of the general theory of abilities was made by our domestic scientist B.M. Teplov. He singled out “three signs of ability, which formed the basis of the definition most often used by specialists:

× abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another; only those features that are relevant to the success of an activity or several activities;

× abilities are not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed by a person ... ".

V.N. Druzhinin believed that the more developed a person’s ability, the faster and more successfully he masters any activity, and the learning process and the work itself, in the area in which he has no abilities, is given to him subjectively more difficult.

According to Teplov, abilities cannot exist otherwise than in a constant process of development. An ability that does not develop, which a person ceases to use in practice, is lost over time. Only through constant exercises associated with the systematic pursuit of such complex human activities as music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports, etc., we maintain and further develop the corresponding abilities.

K.K. Platonov in his book "On the System of Psychology" gives the following formulation of the concept of "ability":

“Abilities are a set of personality traits that are already included in its four main substructures, but only those that are needed to master a certain activity, perform it and improve in it. Abilities are the degree of compliance of a given personality as a whole with the requirements of a certain activity, revealed through the structure of this personality and the structure of requirements for the personality of this type of activity, taking into account the possible compensation of some personality qualities by others.

When we talk about a person's abilities, we mean his capabilities in a particular activity. These opportunities lead both to significant success in mastering activities and to high labor rates.

Under equal conditions (level of preparedness, knowledge, skills, abilities, time spent, mental and physical efforts), a capable person receives maximum results compared to less capable people, and the high achievements of a capable person are the result of a combination of his neuropsychic properties and the requirements of activity. .

Conditions for the formation of abilities

In his works, B.M. Teplov points out some conditions for the formation of abilities. Abilities themselves cannot be innate. According to the scientist, only inclinations can be innate. Under the makings, he understood some anatomical and physiological features. Inclinations underlie the development of abilities, and abilities are the result of development. If the ability itself is not innate, therefore, it is formed throughout life (it is important to pay attention to the fact that Teplov separates the terms "innate" and "hereditary"; "innate" - manifested from the moment of birth and formed under the influence of both hereditary , and environmental factors, "hereditary" - formed under the influence of heredity factors and manifested both immediately after birth and at any other time in a person's life). Abilities are formed in activity. Teplov writes that "... the ability cannot arise outside the corresponding specific objective activity." Thus, what arises in the activity corresponding to it can be attributed to the ability. The product of an activity influences the success of this activity. According to B.M. Teplov, the ability begins to exist only together with the activity, it cannot appear before the implementation of the activity corresponding to it has begun. Moreover, abilities are not only manifested in activity, they are created in it.

Speaking about abilities, it is necessary to mention that they are different for each person. Each person has an individually unique combination of abilities, and his success is determined by the presence of one or another combination of abilities. Some abilities can be replaced by others that differ in their origin, but are similar in manifestations. The success of the same activity can be influenced by different abilities, therefore, the absence of one ability can be compensated by the presence of another.

Ability types

Abilities are divided into general and special. Scientists distinguish the following types of special abilities:

× educational and creative

× mental and special

× math

× constructive and technical

× musical

× literary

× artistic and visual.

Educational and creative abilities differ from each other in that the former determine the success of training and education, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, and the formation of personality traits by a person, while the latter determines the creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, the production of new ideas, discoveries and works. , in a word - individual creativity in various fields of human activity.

When we study the psychological characteristics of abilities, we can distinguish qualities that meet the requirements of not one but several types of activity at the same time, and special qualities that meet a narrower range of requirements for this activity. In the structure of abilities of some people, these general qualities can be very pronounced. This indicates that people have versatile abilities, as well as general abilities for a wide range of different activities, specialties and occupations.

Here are specific examples:

For a person doing mathematics, it is not enough to have only a good memory and attention. People who have the ability to do mathematics are distinguished by the ability to order the elements necessary for a mathematical proof. The presence of intuition of this category is the main element of mathematical creativity.

Musical skills include:

× technical (playing a given musical instrument or singing)

× auditory (musical ear).

Both groups are special, that is, those that are necessary for successful practice and are determined by the very nature of music as such.

Abilities are formed in the process of interaction of a person with certain natural qualities with the world. The results of human activity, being generalized and consolidated, are included as "building material" in the construction of his abilities. These latter form an alloy of the initial natural qualities of a person and the results of his activity. The true achievements of a person are deposited not only outside him, in certain objects generated by him, but also in himself. A person's abilities are equipment that is not forged without his participation. A person's abilities are determined by the range of those opportunities for mastering new knowledge, their application to creative development, which opens up the development of this knowledge. The development of any ability takes place in a spiral: the realization of the possibilities that the ability of a given level presents opens up new opportunities for the development of abilities of a higher level. The ability is most of all reflected in the ability to use knowledge as methods, the results of the previous work of thought - as a means of its active development.

All abilities in the process of development go through a series of stages, and in order for some ability to rise in its development to a higher level, it is necessary that they have already been sufficiently formed at the previous level. For the development of abilities, there must initially be a certain basis, which is made up of inclinations.

Natural anatomical and physiological inclinations form the physiological basis of abilities. But these natural inclinations are not yet the exhaustive conditions for successful activity. The inclinations must be developed, and this can only happen in the process of activity.

In addition, inclinations are multi-valued, that is, depending on the activity based on inclinations, under appropriate conditions, different abilities can develop. So, with a good ear and a sense of rhythm, one person can become a composer, another a good performer, a third a conductor, a fourth a music critic, etc.

The inclinations are only, as it were, “dormant” forces, the potential capabilities of a person that will never be able to “awaken”, reveal, use if a person does not engage in appropriate activities. And for such activities, social conditions are necessary: ​​financial situation, environment that encourages certain activities, the possibility of learning, etc.

The starting point for the development of a person's diverse abilities is the functional specificity of various modalities of sensitivity. So, on the basis of general auditory sensitivity in the process of human communication with other people, carried out through language, a person develops speech, phonetic hearing, determined by the phonemic structure of the native language. The most essential "mechanism" of the formation of speech (phonemic) hearing - as an ability fixed in individuals, and not just one or another auditory perception as a process - is a generalized system of certain phonetic ratios fixed in hearing. The generalization of the corresponding relations, which is always broader than the generalization of its members, makes it possible to separate the general properties of sensitivity from the data of specific perceptions and to fix these properties of sensitivity (in this case auditory) in the individual as his ability. The direction of the generalization and, accordingly, the differentiation of those and not other sounds (phonemes), characteristic of a particular language, determines the specific content or profile of this ability. Not only the generalization (and differentiation) of phonetic relations plays a significant role in the formation of abilities for language acquisition. Equally important is the generalization of grammatical relations; An essential component of the ability to master languages ​​is the ability to generalize the relationships underlying word formation and inflection. Able to master a language is one who easily and quickly, on the basis of a small number of trials, generalizes the relations underlying word formation and inflection, and as a result, these relations are transferred to other cases. The generalization of certain relations, of course, requires an appropriate analysis.

... Not a single ability is an actual ability for a certain activity until it has absorbed, incorporated a system of corresponding operations, but the ability is in no way reduced only to such a system of operations. Its necessary initial component is the processes of generalization of relations, which form the internal conditions for the effective development of operations. Actual capacity necessarily includes both of these components. Productivity directly depends on the availability of relevant operations, but the functioning of these operations themselves, in turn, depends on the above internal conditions; the effectiveness of the assimilation and functioning (application) of the operations that make up the composition or structure of the ability depends on the nature of these latter. This structure of abilities explains the difficulties encountered in life in judging people's abilities. A person's abilities are usually judged by his productivity. This latter directly depends on the presence in a person of a well-coordinated and properly functioning system of appropriate operations or methods of action in a given area. But, observing people in life, one cannot get rid of the impression that the productivity and giftedness of people do not directly, not mechanically coincide, that people, as if extremely gifted, sometimes turn out to be not very productive, give not as much as they promised, and, conversely, people , as if not very gifted, turn out to be very productive. These inconsistencies are explained by different correlations between the perfection with which a person carries out the processes of analysis and generalization of relations that are essential for a given sphere of activity, and the refinement, coherence of the operations built on this basis, mastered by the individual. In some cases, it happens that on the basis of generalized processes that open up great opportunities, a poorly processed and well-coordinated system of operations is built up and, due to the imperfection of this component of abilities, productivity turns out to be relatively insignificant; in other cases, on the contrary, on the basis of generalized (analytical-synthetic) processes of a low level, relatively high productivity is achieved due to the high sophistication of the operations based on this base. Productivity, of course, is important as such, in itself, but it does not directly, not unambiguously determine the internal capabilities of a person.

Any inclinations, before turning into abilities, must go a long way of development. For many human abilities, this development begins from the first days of life, and if a person continues to engage in those activities in which the corresponding abilities are developed, the end does not stop. A number of stages can be distinguished in the development of abilities. On some of them, the preparation of the anatomical and physical basis of future abilities takes place, on others, the makings of a non-biological plan are being formed, on the third, the necessary ability is formed and reaches the appropriate level. All these processes can proceed in parallel, to some extent overlap each other. Let's try to trace these stages on the example of the development of such abilities, which are based on clearly expressed anatomical and physiological inclinations, at least in an elementary form presented from birth.

The primary stage in the development of any such ability is associated with the maturation of the organic structures necessary for it or with the formation of the necessary functional organs on their basis. It usually refers to preschool childhood, covering the period of a child's life from birth to 6 or 7 years of age. Here there is an improvement in the work of all analyzers, the development and functional differentiation of individual sections of the cerebral cortex, the connections between them and the organs of movement, especially the hands. This creates favorable conditions for the beginning of the formation and development of the child's general abilities, a certain level of which acts as a prerequisite (inclinations) for the subsequent development of special abilities.

The formation of special abilities actively begins already in preschool childhood and continues at an accelerated pace at school, especially in the lower and middle grades. At first, the development of these abilities is helped by various kinds of children's games, then educational and labor activities begin to have a significant impact on them. In games, many motor, design, organizational, artistic, visual, and other creative abilities receive the initial impetus for development. Classes in various types of creative games in preschool childhood are of particular importance for the formation of special abilities in children.

An important point in the development of abilities in children is the complexity, i.e. simultaneous improvement of several mutually complementary abilities. Develop any one of the abilities, not worrying about raising the level of development of others where appropriate movements are required. The ability to use speech, perfect possession of it can also be considered as a relatively independent ability. But the same skill as an organic part enters the intellectual, interpersonal, many creative abilities, enriching them.

If the child's activity is creative, not routine, then it constantly makes him think and in itself becomes quite an attractive business as a means of testing and developing abilities. Such activity is always associated with the creation of something new, the discovery of new knowledge, the discovery of new opportunities in oneself. This in itself becomes a strong and effective incentive to engage in it, to make the necessary efforts aimed at overcoming the difficulties that arise. Such activity strengthens positive self-esteem, increases the level of aspirations, generates self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction from the successes achieved.

If the activity being performed is in the zone of optimal difficulty, i.e. not the limit of the child’s capabilities, then it leads to the development of his abilities, realizing what L.S. Vygotsky called the zone of potential development. Activities that are not within this zone lead to the development of abilities to a much lesser extent. If it is too simple, it provides only the realization of already existing abilities; if it is excessively complex, it becomes impossible and, therefore, also does not lead to the formation of new skills and abilities.

An important point in the development of human abilities is their compensability, and this applies even to those abilities for the successful development of which inborn physiological inclinations are necessary. A.N. Leontiev showed that a certain level of development of musical ear can be achieved in those people whose ear is not very well adapted to provide pitch hearing from birth, and can be achieved in those people whose ear is not very well adapted from birth to provide sound hearing (such hearing traditionally considered as a deposit to the development of musical abilities). If, with the help of special exercises, a person is taught to intotone sounds, i.e. reproduce their frequency with the help of consciously controlled work of the vocal cords, then as a result, the pitch sensitivity sharply increases and the person is able to distinguish sounds of different pitches much better than he did before. True, such a distinction does not occur on a tonal basis, but on a timbre basis, but the result turns out to be the same: hearing trained in such a way, which is typical for people who have an organ that is sensitive to sound pitch since birth.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Thus, in the theoretical part of our work, we considered various approaches to the concept of "ability" and settled on its various definitions. In our course work, we will use the following definition: “Abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another” (Teplov B.M.).

And also considered the types of abilities, such as general and special. We stopped at the levels of development of abilities: giftedness, talent and genius. They raised the question of the role of inclinations as an anatomical and physiological basis for the formation of abilities. Considered the stages of development of abilities and sensitive periods.

In the next chapter, we will consider an empirical study on the psychophysiological and psychological premises of pedagogical abilities.

Personal abilities are the features of the subject's psyche that affect the success of acquiring skills, knowledge, and skills. However, the abilities themselves are not limited to the presence of such skills, signs and habits. In other words, the ability of a person is a kind of opportunity for acquiring skills and knowledge. Abilities are manifested only in such activities, the implementation of which is impossible without their presence. They are found not in skills, knowledge and skills, but in the process of acquiring them and are included in the personality structure. Every person has abilities. They are formed in the process of the subject's life activity and change together with changes in objective life circumstances.

Development of personality abilities

Abilities in the structure of personality are its potential. The structural structure of abilities is dependent on the development of the individual. There are two degrees of ability formation: creative and reproductive. At the reproductive stage of development, the individual shows a significant ability to acquire knowledge, activity and implement it according to a clear pattern. At the creative stage, the individual is able to create something new, unique. The combination of outstanding abilities that cause a very successful, original and independent performance of various activities is called talent. Genius is the highest level of talent. Geniuses are those who can create something new in society, literature, science, art, etc. The abilities of subjects are inextricably linked with inclinations.

A person's abilities for rote memorization, sensation, emotional excitability, temperament, psychomotor skills are formed on the basis of inclinations. The possibilities for the development of the anatomical and physiological properties of the psyche, which are due to heredity, are called inclinations. The development of inclinations depends on close interaction with the surrounding circumstances, conditions and the environment as a whole.

There are no people who are completely incapable of anything. The main thing is to help the individual find his vocation, discover opportunities and develop abilities. Every healthy person has all the necessary general abilities for learning and those abilities that develop during certain activities are special. So, the main factor influencing the development of abilities is activity. But in order for abilities to develop, activity itself is not enough, certain conditions are also needed.

Skills need to be developed from childhood. In children, engaging in any particular type of activity should evoke positive, constant and strong emotions. Those. such activities should bring joy. Children should feel satisfaction from classes, which will lead to the formation of a desire to continue to study further without coercion from adults.

Important in the development of children's abilities is the creative manifestation of activity. So, for example, if a child is passionate about literature, then in order to develop his abilities, it is necessary that he constantly write essays, works, albeit small ones, with their subsequent analysis. A huge role in the development of the abilities of younger students is played by visiting various circles, sections. You should not force the child to do what was interesting to parents in their childhood.

The activity of the child should be organized so that it pursues goals, slightly exceeding its capabilities. If the children have already shown abilities for something, then the tasks given to him should gradually be complicated. It is imperative to develop in children along with abilities and exactingness towards oneself, purposefulness, perseverance in an effort to overcome difficulties and criticality in judging one's actions and oneself. At the same time, it is necessary to form in children the right attitude towards their abilities, achievements and successes.

The most important thing in developing abilities at an early age is a sincere interest in your baby. It is necessary to pay as much attention to your child as possible, to do some work with him.

The decisive criterion for the development of society is the embodiment of the abilities of individuals.

Each subject is individual, and his abilities reflect the character of the individual, passion and inclination towards something. However, the realization of abilities directly depends on desire, regular training and continuous improvement in any specific areas. If an individual does not have a passion for something or a desire, then it is impossible to develop abilities.

Creative abilities of the individual

Many mistakenly believe that only drawing, writing, and music are considered creative abilities. However, this is absolutely false. Since the development of the creative abilities of the individual is closely interconnected with the individual's perception of the world as a whole and the feeling of being in it.

The highest function of the psyche, reflecting reality, is creativity. With the help of such abilities, an image of an object that does not exist at that moment or has never existed at all is developed. At an early age, the foundations of creativity are laid in the child, which can manifest itself in the formation of abilities for a plan and its implementation, in the ability to combine one's ideas and knowledge, in the sincerity of conveying feelings. The development of children's creative abilities occurs in the process of various activities, for example, games, drawing, modeling, etc.

The individual characteristics of the subject, which determine the success of the individual in any creative activity, are called creative abilities. They are a combination of many qualities.

Many well-known scientists in psychology combine the ability to be creative with the peculiarities of thinking. Guilford (an American psychologist) believes that creative individuals are characterized by divergent thinking.

People with divergent thinking, when looking for a solution to a problem, do not focus all their efforts on establishing a single correct answer, but look for various solutions in accordance with all possible directions and consider many options. Creative thinking is based on divergent thinking. Creative thinking is characterized by speed, flexibility, originality and completeness.

A. Luk identifies several varieties of creative abilities: finding a problem where others do not notice it; curtailment of mental activity, while transforming several concepts into one; the use of skills that have been acquired in finding solutions from one problem to another; perception of reality as a whole, and not crushing it into parts; ease in finding associations with distant concepts, as well as the ability to give out the necessary information at a certain moment; choose one of the alternative solutions to the problem before checking it; show flexibility of thinking; introduce new information into an existing knowledge system; to see things, objects as they really are; highlight what is noticed from what the interpretation offers; creative imagination; easy to generate ideas; refinement of specific details to optimize and improve the original idea.

Sinelnikov and Kudryavtsev singled out two universal creative abilities that have developed in the process of the historical development of society: the realism of the imagination and the ability to see the integrity of the picture before its constituent parts. A figurative, objective grasp of some significant, general pattern or trend in the formation of an integral object, before the individual has a clear idea about it and can introduce it into the system of clear categories of logic, is called the realism of the imagination.

The creative abilities of a person are a set of traits and character traits that characterize the level of their compliance with certain requirements of any type of educational and creative activity, which determine the degree of effectiveness of such an activity.

Abilities must necessarily find support in the natural qualities of the individual (skills). They are present in the process of constant improvement of personality. Creativity alone cannot guarantee creative achievement. To achieve it, a kind of “engine” is needed, which is able to put mental mechanisms into operation. Creative success requires will, desire and motivation. Therefore, eight components of the creative abilities of subjects are distinguished: personality orientation and creative motivational activity; intellectual and logical abilities; intuitive abilities; ideological properties of the psyche, moral qualities that contribute to successful creative and educational activities; aesthetic qualities; communication skills; the ability of the individual to self-manage his educational and creative activities.

Individual abilities of a person

Individual abilities of a person are general abilities that ensure the success of the assimilation of general knowledge and the implementation of various activities.

Each individual has a different "set" of individual abilities. Their combination is formed throughout life and determines the originality and uniqueness of the individual. Also, the success of any type of activity is ensured by the presence of various combinations of individual abilities that work for the result of such activity.

In the process of activity, some abilities can be replaced by others, similar in properties and manifestations, but having differences in their origin. The success of similar activities can be provided by different abilities, so the absence of any ability is compensated by another or a set of such abilities. Therefore, the subjectivity of a complex or a combination of certain abilities that ensure the successful performance of work is called an individual style of activity.

Now modern psychologists distinguish such a concept as competence, which means integrative abilities aimed at achieving results. In other words, this is a necessary set of qualities that employers need.

Today, the individual abilities of a person are considered in 2 aspects. One is based on the unity of activity and consciousness, which was formulated by Rubinstein. The second considers individual properties as the genesis of natural abilities that are associated with the inclinations and typological and individual characteristics of the subject. Despite the existing differences in these approaches, they are connected by the fact that individual characteristics are detected and formed in the real, practical social activity of the individual. Such skills are manifested in the performance of the subject, in activity, self-regulation of the activity of the psyche.

Activity is a parameter of individual characteristics, it is based on the speed of prognostic processes and the variability of the speed of mental processes. So, in turn, self-regulation is described by the influence of a combination of three circumstances: sensitivity, a specific rhythm of the set, and plasticity.

Golubeva connects various types of activity with the predominance of one of the cerebral hemispheres. People with a dominant right hemisphere are characterized by high lability and activity of the nervous system, the formation of non-verbal cognitive processes. Such individuals learn more successfully, solve tasks well in conditions of lack of time, and prefer intensive forms of education. People with a predominant left hemisphere are characterized by weakness and inertia of the nervous system, they more successfully master humanitarian subjects, can plan activities more successfully, and have a more developed self-regulating arbitrary sphere. From this it should be concluded that the individual abilities of a person are interconnected with his temperament. In addition to temperament, there is a certain relationship between the abilities and orientation of the personality, its character.

Shadrikov believed that ability is a functional feature that manifests itself in the process of interaction and functioning of systems. For example, a knife is capable of cutting. It follows that the abilities themselves as properties of an object are determined by its structure and the properties of individual elements of the structure. In other words, an individual mental ability is a property of the nervous system in which the function of reflecting the objective world is carried out. These include: the ability to perceive, feel, think, etc.

This approach of Shadrikov made it possible to find the right balance between abilities and inclinations. Since abilities are some properties of functional systems, therefore, the elements of such systems will be neural circuits and individual neurons that specialize according to their purpose. Those. properties of circuits and individual neurons and are special inclinations.

Social abilities of the individual

The social abilities of an individual are those properties of an individual that are acquired in the process of his development and meet the requirements of significant social activity. They change in the process of education and in accordance with existing social norms.

In the process of social communication, social properties are more expressed in conjunction with the cultural environment. One cannot be excluded from the other. Since it is the socio-cultural qualities that play the main role in the formation of the subject as a person.

In the processes of interpersonal interaction, socio-cultural value is lost, and social abilities cannot be fully manifested. The use of social abilities by an individual allows you to enrich your socio-cultural development, improve the culture of communication. Also, their use significantly affects the socialization of the subject.

So, the social abilities of the individual are the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, which can allow him to live in society, among people and are the subjective circumstances of successful communicative interaction and relationships with them in any kind of activity. They have a complex structure. The basis of such a structure is: communicative, social-moral, social-perceptual properties and ways of their manifestation in society.

Socio-perceptual abilities are the individual psychological properties of an individual that arise in the process of his interaction and relationships with other individuals, providing an adequate reflection of their characteristics, behavior, states and relationships. This type of ability also includes emotional-perceptual abilities.

Socio-perceptual abilities constitute a complex set of communicative abilities of an individual. Because it is the communication properties that allow the subjects to understand and feel the other, to establish relationships and contacts, without which effective and full interaction, communication and joint work is impossible.

Personal professional abilities

The main psychological resource that invests a person in the process of work and activity is professional abilities.

So, the professional abilities of the individual are the individual psychological properties of the individual, which distinguish him from others and meet the requirements of labor and professional activities, and are also the main condition for the implementation of such activities. Such abilities are not limited to specific skills, knowledge, techniques and skills. They are formed in the subject on the basis of his anatomical and physiological features and inclinations, but in most specialties they are not strictly determined by them. More successful performance of a particular type of activity is often associated not with one specific ability, but with a certain combination of them. That is why professional skills are conditioned by successful specialized activity and are formed in it, however, they also depend on the maturity of the individual, the systems of his relations.

Activities, abilities of the individual throughout the life of the individual regularly change places, being either a consequence or a cause. In the process of carrying out any type of activity, mental neoplasms are formed in the personality and abilities, which stimulate the further development of abilities. With the tightening of the circumstances of the activity or with changes in the conditions of the tasks, the tasks themselves, the inclusion of various systems of abilities in such activities can happen. Probable (potential) abilities are the basis of the newest types of activity. Since the activity is always pulled up to the level of abilities. So, professional abilities are both the result and the condition for successful work activity.

General human abilities are such psychological properties that are necessary for the involvement of an individual in any professional and labor activity: vitality; ability to work; the ability for self-regulation and activity, which includes forecasting, anticipating the outcome, goal setting; the ability to, spiritual enrichment, cooperation and communication; the ability to be responsible for the social outcome of labor and for professional ethics; ability to overcome obstacles, noise immunity, resistance to unpleasant circumstances and conditions.

Against the background of the above abilities, special ones are also formed: humanitarian, technical, musical, artistic, etc. These are individual psychological characteristics that ensure the success of an individual performing certain types of activities.

The professional abilities of an individual are formed based on universal human abilities, but later than them. They also rely on special abilities, if they arose simultaneously with professional ones or earlier.

Professional skills, in turn, are divided into general, which are determined by the subject of activity in the profession (technology, man, nature) and special, which are determined by specific working conditions (lack of time, overload).

Also abilities can be potential and actual. Potential - appear when new tasks arise before the individual, which require new approaches to solving, and also subject to the support of the individual from the outside, which creates an incentive to actualize the potential. Actual - already today carried out in a procession of activity.

Personal communication skills

In the success of the individual, the determining factor is the relationship and interaction with the surrounding subjects. Namely, communication skills. The success of the subject in professional activity and in other areas of life depends on the degree of their development. The development of such abilities in an individual begins almost from birth. The sooner the baby can learn to speak, the easier it will be for him to interact with others. The communicative abilities of subjects are formed individually for each. The determining factor in the early development of these abilities are parents and relationships with them, later peers become an influencing factor, and even later - colleagues and one's own role in society.

If in early childhood the individual does not receive the necessary support from parents and other relatives, then he will not be able to acquire the necessary communication skill in the future. Such a child may grow up insecure and withdrawn. Consequently, his communication skills will be at a low level of development. The way out of this situation can be the development of communication skills in society.

Communication skills have a certain structure. They include the following abilities: information-communicative, affective-communicative and regulatory-communicative.

The ability to start and maintain a conversation, complete it competently, attract the interest of the interlocutor, use non-verbal and verbal means for communication are called information and communication skills.

The ability to capture the emotional state of a communication partner, the correct response to such a state, the manifestation of responsiveness and respect for the interlocutor is an affective-communicative ability.

The ability to help the interlocutor in the process of communication and accept support and help from others, the ability to resolve conflicts using adequate methods, is called regulatory and communicative abilities.

Intellectual abilities of the individual

In psychology, there are two opinions about the nature of intelligence. One of them claims that there are general conditions of intellectual abilities by which intelligence in general is judged. The object of study in this case will be the mental mechanisms that determine the intellectual behavior of the individual, his ability to adapt to the environment, the interaction of his external and internal worlds. Another suggests the presence of many structural components of intelligence that are independent of each other.

G. Gardner proposed his theory of the plurality of intellectual abilities. These include linguistic; logico-mathematical; creation in the mind of a model of the location of an object in space and its application; naturalistic; corpus-kinesthetic; musical; the ability to understand the motivation of the actions of other subjects, the ability to form the correct model of oneself and the application of such a model for a more successful realization of oneself in everyday life.

So, intelligence is the level of development of the individual's thought processes, which provide the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and apply them optimally throughout life and in the process of life.

According to most modern scientists, general intelligence is realized as a universal ability of the psyche.

Intellectual abilities are features that distinguish one individual from another, arising on the basis of inclinations.

Intellectual abilities are grouped into broader areas and can manifest themselves in various spheres of an individual's life, his social role and status, moral and moral qualities.

Thus, it should be concluded that intellectual abilities have a rather complex structure. The intelligence of the individual is manifested in the individual's ability to think, make decisions, the expediency of their application and use for the successful implementation of a particular type of activity.

The intellectual abilities of an individual contain a huge number of different components that are closely interconnected. They are realized by subjects in the process of playing various social roles.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational Establishment “Mogilev State University named after A.I. A.A. Kuleshov"

Psychology test

on the topic "Factors of ability formation"


student Homenkova Olga Nikolaevna

Faculty of PiPD OZO (3 years of study)

1 course group "B"

Address: st. Ilyushchenko, 39, apt. 12

g.p. Korma Gomel region

tel. 80233722493


The psychology of abilities is one of the branches of the psychology of individual differences (differential psychology). Abilities are associated with the productive implementation of a particular business, the achievement of a high result in painting, sports, politics or another field. Self-realization of a person, which implies the disclosure of his potential in life, is unthinkable without the development of abilities. Many scientists turned to the study of the problem under consideration.

The famous Soviet psychologist S.L. Rubinstein described ability as a complex synthetic feature of a personality, "which determines its suitability for activity." Its basis, according to the scientist, is "specific qualities that are required for a certain activity and through it can be formed on the basis of certain inclinations."

N.V. Kuzmina believed that abilities are "individually stable properties of a person, consisting in a specific sensitivity to the object, means, conditions of activity and finding (i.e. creating) the most productive ways to obtain the desired results in it."

Ability Researcher N.S. Leites defined abilities as "features of the psyche that distinguish people from each other by the pace of advancement, by the significance and originality of the results achieved with a relatively equal stock of knowledge, skills and the same attitude towards activity."

A great contribution to understanding the psychological nature of abilities was made by B.M. Teplov. In his opinion, abilities are “individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another, related to the success of an activity or many types of activity, but not limited to the knowledge, skills or abilities that this person has already developed. ".

Any activity requires from a person not one ability, but a number of interrelated abilities. A shortcoming, a weak development of any one particular ability can be compensated (compensated for by the enhanced development of others, as well as by hard work, perseverance, exertion of strength.

Abilities are formed, and therefore, are revealed only in the course of the corresponding activity. Abilities, B.M. Teplov, cannot exist otherwise than in a constant process of development. An ability that does not develop, which a person ceases to use in practice, is lost over time.

Despite the fact that abilities are not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities, this does not mean that they are not related to them in any way. The ease and speed of acquiring knowledge, the depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of the corresponding activity depend on the abilities. The acquisition of all this contributes to the further development of abilities, while the lack of appropriate skills and knowledge is a brake on the development of abilities.

The properties of the individual (development of cognitive, emotional and volitional activity) and the relationship of the individual (enthusiasm, consciousness of duty, interest, i.e. the orientation of the personality) can act as abilities. Abilities are also characterized by the originality of individual techniques or individual style of activity.

What are the abilities? What is their nature? The answers to these questions have not only theoretical, but also practical significance, because if we admit that abilities are completely determined by the "divine gift", then there is no need to try especially hard, creating conditions for children - who is destined, he will "punch" his own way. Another extreme position, according to which all people have an equal potential and, if desired, any ability can be developed, is often refuted by life itself.

Origin of abilities

One of the most difficult questions in psychology is the question of the origin of abilities. In psychology, there are several points of view on this problem.

1. The theory of the genetic nature of abilities. From the point of view of this theory, abilities are innate individual psychological characteristics of a person that are inherited from parents to a child. The proof of innate abilities is their early manifestation in a child. In this case, reference is made to well-known examples of famous people of art and science. For example, Mozart showed musical abilities at the age of three, Haydn at four, Raphael showed himself as an artist at eight, Gauss showed his extraordinary abilities in mathematics at four, etc. As proof of the innate abilities, the facts of their repetition are given. the descendants of prominent people, for example, have gifted families or entire dynasties: Bachs, Darwins, etc.

2. The theory of acquired abilities. The social environment, the atmosphere in which a child grows and is brought up, can have a significant impact on the development of his abilities. Among the favorable environmental factors influencing the development of abilities, one should name the activities of experienced, outstanding teachers; features of a particular culture; features of education.

At the same time, an impoverished environment that creates a deficit of impressions has a negative impact on the development of abilities.

Based on the considered points of view, we can conclude that environmental factors and heredity factors play an important role in the formation and development of abilities. Sometimes environmental factors can completely compensate or, conversely, neutralize the effect of hereditary factors.

2 Ability building factors

The development of abilities is associated with heredity factors and environmental factors. The influence of the factor of heredity is manifested in the initial form of the emergence of abilities - in the makings.

Makings - congenital anatomical and physiological features of the nervous system, which constitute the biological basis for the development of abilities. They are natural prerequisites.

The inclinations can be such properties of the nervous system as the degree of general activity, increased sensitivity of nervous structures, or a special predisposition to perceive sounds, colors, spatial forms, to establish connections and relationships, to generalize, etc.

However, science has not yet established what kind of abilities the inclinations will be embodied in. The inclinations are non-specific in relation to the specific content and specific forms of activity. This means that on the basis of the same inclinations, different abilities may arise depending on the nature of the relevant activity. For example, acute powers of observation and a good visual memory can enter into the structure of the abilities of an artist, investigator, geologist, and others. At the same time, one cannot assume that inclinations are completely neutral in relation to future abilities. Thus, the features of the visual analyzer will affect the abilities that require this particular analyzer, and the features of the speech centers of the brain will manifest themselves in the types of activities associated with the speech centers, etc.

Thus, individual inclinations are to some extent selective, not the same in relation to different types of activity. Inclinations create opportunities for the development of abilities.

The environmental factor is manifested in specially organized purposeful processes of education and upbringing. , as well as cultural characteristics.

Training and education play a special role in the development and formation of abilities. Abilities can develop spontaneously in the process of activity, but this requires more time and more effort. Training and education accelerate this process, as they eliminate the formation of unnecessary links in the mechanism of activity.

In the process of learning, the child acquires knowledge of two types: about the events of natural and social reality and about methods for solving theoretical and practical problems. Knowledge of the laws of reality and the historical experience of cognition accumulated by mankind provide a person with readiness for activity and the formation of abilities. For the formation of abilities, the mastery of rational ways of solving problems is of particular importance. These methods, being generalized and stereotyped, become links of abilities.

The influence of culture on the development of abilities is also of no small importance. The well-known Soviet psychologist Ya. L. Kolomensky, considering the problem of developing abilities, cites the following imaginary situation: “Somewhere on a distant island in the Pacific Ocean, a boy with outstanding musical inclinations was born. What can he become, given that the people of his tribe do not know any music other than unanimous singing, and no other musical instrument except the drum? At best, this boy will go down in the history of the island as the most wonderful drummer. In other words, he will reach such a level of development of his musical talent that is possible under certain social conditions. His fate would have been completely different if he had ended up in a country with a highly developed musical culture and got to good teachers.


Why do twins who are brought up in the same social environment, receive the same upbringing and education, choose different paths in life? They realize themselves in opposite spheres of activity. What explains the difference between plans, desires and? It depends on the talents, desires, inclinations and abilities of a person, laid in him in the womb of his mother. Abilities are the individual characteristics of each person. They have nothing to do with knowledge and skills, but define and explain the ability of a person to learn in a particular form of self-expression.

Only by using the inclinations with which a person was born, he can develop abilities. Makings are usually called anatomical and physiological features that develop in the direction chosen by the person. Initially, the child has a number of abilities that, having lost their need, are gradually forgotten.

Categories of human abilities

The concept that unites abilities is giftedness or talent. It is understood as a favorable combination in a person of character traits, personal qualities and inclinations that make it possible to assimilate information, process it in order to obtain the desired result.

Abilities fall into the following categories:

General (characteristic for each child);
Special (determine the priority choice of activities);
Practical (applicable in work);
Theoretical (determine the knowledge that is obtained by a person);
Creative (art, etc.);
Educational, etc.

It is necessary to dwell on each of them in more detail.

General abilities.

This category of abilities helps in a separate activity. This category includes phenomenal memory, the ability to exact sciences, clear speech, etc. The development of general abilities in children helps them become successful in life, no matter what profession they choose.

Special and practical abilities.

These are the inclinations developed in a particular area - the ability for mathematical calculations or unthinkable success in sports. This also includes linguistic, technical and other abilities.

Educational and theoretical abilities.

Creativity abilities.

Creative abilities differ from educational ones in that a person, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, creates new technologies, objects of culture and art.

Hidden abilities (inclinations, talents) of each person are extensive. Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to identify and cultivate them in a child.

Ways and means for the formation of abilities

As mentioned above, traits go a long way before becoming abilities. Many abilities are born with us, and if we emphasize their development from early childhood, they do not disappear until death. The process of formation and improvement of abilities is divided into stages:


At this stage, the development of organic structures necessary for the development of specific abilities takes place. This stage takes the period from birth to 6-7 years. At this time, the child's perception of reality as a whole is formed, the brain divides the information received, forming zones, each of which is responsible for the development of a certain ability. This is fertile ground for the formation of special abilities.


This stage refers to schooling. During the study, the formation of special abilities takes place. This is especially true for elementary grades. At first, the child's abilities manifest themselves in, then they are observed and developed in study and work. It should be noted here that the nature of training or the type of game matters for the development of a particular type of ability. Creativity is considered the best stimulus for the development of abilities. This is a process that makes the child think about his actions, create something new, understand the language of beauty. During this process, the child realizes himself as a part of an important and great process, he discovers new talents and skills in himself. Creativity is a process that generates the desire to do it. It helps the child learn to overcome difficulties. Being creative makes you strive for new heights, gives rise to a feeling of pleasure from what has been achieved.

That is, the child will develop his skills and strive to do it better if his abilities are on the verge of optimal difficulties. The process will stop as soon as the difficulty level of the task decreases. This also applies to unbearably difficult tasks set before the child. His, without having sufficient knowledge and skills, will not be able to develop his abilities.

Development of the child's abilities in the family and the macrocosm

Initially, the development of a child's abilities is formed in the family. He realizes this opportunity, relying on the inclinations that are laid in him from birth. Therefore, upbringing in the family is the first factor influencing the development of abilities. If parents are attentive to the child, his aspirations and manifestations of talent, this has a positive effect on the discovery of a particular type of ability and further development. In the event that the child is left to himself, his abilities may not be revealed, and may not be revealed.

One of the most important factors in the development of a child's ability is the macroenvironment. If the microenvironment is the family in which the child was born and grows, then the macroenvironment is the surrounding world in which the child himself and his family exist. The most positive factor that the macroenvironment has on a person is concern for the development of abilities in him. This includes reforming the education system, developing a network of interest clubs, vocational guidance for children, and so on.

Abilities are born, develop and perish in each person, driven by motives and actions. Each person has a certain hierarchical ladder of abilities, in the structure of which there are special formations characteristic of an individual. They are called giftedness.

This quality is a kind of ability that differs from the latter quality. In our state, talent is not measured by quantitative indicators. A person is either gifted or not. In Europe and America, the concept of "intelligence quotient" is used. This is an indicator that calculates not the quality, but the quantity of giftedness.

There are two types of talent:

General. It is possessed by people whose mental and intellectual development is an order of magnitude higher than that of other people. However, according to psychologists, giftedness is applicable only to one area of ​​human activity;
Special. This type of giftedness is specifically aimed at the implementation of a specific type of activity. However, this concept is not as narrow as it seems at first glance. If we consider artistic activity as a talent, then it extends to such types of art: graphics, painting, sculpture, perception, imagination, etc.

The culmination of giftedness is talent. This is perfection, a passionate desire to do what you love, maximum efficiency, etc. Talented people are talented not only in one thing, they show abilities in many areas of human life.

There are not as many talented people in the world as it seems. Extreme.

He demonstrates the highest art of managing the unknown. He is the only one who is able to open the veil of mystery where most people see nothing but a blank wall. It is impossible to unequivocally determine a genius among gifted people. This becomes noticeable if a person has the opportunity to develop, realize his talents and support relatives and others. Therefore, the combination of circumstances in which people become unrecognized and forgotten determines that geniuses cannot express themselves.

Diagnosing the abilities of preschoolers is a specific direction in improving the education system. Today, specialized institutions for gifted children are being created, which have the goal of educating talented children from the younger generation, the scientific elite of the country.

Many believe that initially children are all brilliant and gifted. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the development of the education system in ordinary schools. The very concept of "ability" carries a controversial meaning. Why is one person capable of painting and the other of mathematics? What determines the presence of a particular talent? Is it right that in our schools a child who has shown a talent for numbers is sent to study in a math class? The education system is "improving", and the level of education of children is rapidly falling. Wouldn't it be better to return to the past merits, when in any school they developed the abilities of children in every area equally until the child himself chooses which path to follow in life? And there were talents, geniuses, and great scientists who loved their work because they themselves chose it in accordance with their aspirations and abilities.

February 26, 2014, 17:56