Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Teaching vocabulary and grammar of Chinese as a foreign language. Chinese as a second foreign language in school Chinese as a foreign language

In the modern methodology of learning a foreign language, much attention is paid to teaching vocabulary and grammar at the initial stage. The increased interest in these aspects is due to the oral nature of the lead in teaching the Chinese language, as well as the ability and readiness of students at the initial stage to master a large number of lexical units. Teaching vocabulary is interconnected with learning grammar. At the initial stage of learning the Chinese language, it is necessary to teach children not only to pronounce words correctly and understand their meaning, but also to build these words grammatically correctly in a sentence to convey their own thoughts or the thoughts of another person.

Knowledge of grammar is the key to further successful learning. In the course of applied grammar, one should not only report what is in the language, but, where possible, explain the essence of this or that grammatical phenomenon, show its place in the language system. In each block, the main attention should be paid to one or another grammatical phenomenon. Theoretical information on the grammar of the Chinese language is of certain importance, they form the basic idea of ​​the basics of the grammar of the Chinese language, but still, in order to eliminate all errors and misunderstandings, one must mainly rely on practical grammar, which reveals, in depth and in detail, those phenomena that can present a certain difficulty for study and full understanding.

For example, do they speak Chinese? shu "book", in English they say "book". These words sound completely different. In this, they say, Chinese is different from English. This is, of course, true. However, the difference between Chinese and English is not only this. When you say "two books" in Chinese, they say ???liang ben shu, i.e. the word ?shu does not change. In English, in this case, it will be necessary to say "two books", and "books" turns out to be different from the former "book". In Chinese they say "the cover of the book", ??, in English they say "the cover of the book". Hence, it would seem that "of" in English corresponds to? de in Chinese. However, these are different things: we put the word?shu before? de, the English put "book" after "of". Imagine a language (of course, there is no such language, and this is only a conditional assumption) in which all words are exactly the same as Chinese; this would not yet mean its mandatory identity with Chinese.

For example, we say "my horse", and in this imaginary language, we might have to say ???ma wo de. Or suppose instead of ??????ni xia le wo yi tiao "you scared me a lot". In this imaginary language, we would say - ?????? - ni wo xia le yi tiao. In Chinese, the meaning of such a statement is completely incomprehensible: who, after all, scared whom? In Chinese, you need to say either ???? ni xia le wo "you scared me", or what? ? ? ? wo xia le ni "I scared you". Only in these cases will the meaning of the utterance become precisely defined. Does this mean that in Chinese, of the words denoting frightening and frightened, one must come before the word? xia "to frighten", another after it. Of course, the language allows you to place both words before the word "scare", but for this you will have to introduce some additional words into the statement. However, we cannot say that other languages ​​will not have other means of expression. These differences are grammatical differences. Grammar is the rules for constructing speech. Grammar is not interested in the meanings of individual words, except perhaps for a small number of units related to the construction of speech.

The grammatical features of the Chinese language are identical in structure and structure. It contains very few provisions and phenomena similar to the grammars of other languages. It does not have a pronounced division by time, but there are only time-indicative particles, for example, such as,?,?.

Grammar occupied a different place in linguistic traditions, and in Chinese it was not at all, except for the description of "empty words". However, in all traditions there was an idea of ​​some primary meaningful unit, placed in dictionaries and occupying a central place in the grammatical description. In Russian, the corresponding unit is called a word. As noted by P.S. Kuznetsov, of all Russian grammatical terms, only the term "word" is primordial, the rest are borrowed.

Finally, in China, the only unit of grammar and vocabulary was the same "zi", that is, a toned syllable that has a meaning (root syllable). Modern sinology usually recognizes the existence in Chinese of at least complex words consisting of several syllables (the presence of affixation in Chinese is more controversial). However, the Chinese tradition has never singled out units intermediate between a root syllable and a sentence, and the existence of compound words in the modern sense, if noticed, is only at the same level at which stable phrases (phraseological units) are fixed in linguistics. These examples do not exhaust all possible proposals, but only represent the most illustrative of them.

  • ?????? I love good (his) people (person).
  • ?????? My (I) spouse (a) is a good (th).
  • ?????? My passion is people.
  • ?????? I am someone who loves good people.
  • ?????? I am someone who loves people very much.
  • ?????? Loving good people - that's me.
  • ?????? To whom it is easy to love people - so it is to me.
  • ?????? A good spouse(s) is my spouse(s).
  • ?????? Good people are my love.
  • ?????? It's good that people love me.
  • ?????? The good thing is that I love people.
  • ?????? A good spouse (s) is me.
  • ?????? People are my hobby.

In teaching Chinese grammar, one of the main tasks is to destroy from the first days of schooling the school, simplified understanding of such categories as subject and predicate. The relationship between subject and predicate in a Russian sentence is a grammatical agreement of two word forms. In Chinese, due to the lack of forms, there is also no agreement, therefore, the subject (a structural element that performs this function) can consist of one word, a phrase, a sentence, and even a group of sentences.

Speaking about the fixed order of words in a Chinese sentence, it must be emphasized that this fixedness takes place only within the framework of the general rule: in a Chinese sentence, the subject comes first, then the predicate, i.e. in a Chinese sentence, there is no need to look for words or phrases expressing subject and predicate - they are always (fixed) in their places. The question is what to choose as a subject and a predicate, what words and phrases to fill with these functions and put in the appropriate positions when generating your own statement? Let's see this with an example.

W? zuóti?n jian dàole zh?ng l?osh?. Yesterday I

met teacher Zhang.

W? zuóti?n jiàn dào de shì zh?ng l?osh?.

Yesterday I met Master Zhang.

Zh?ng l?osh? shy w? zuóti?n jian dao de. I

met teacher Zhang yesterday.

In the translation of each of these sentences into Russian, the subject will be the same word - "I", and if we start from this, as often happens in practice, then all these sentences are perceived as full syntactic synonyms, the predicates in the examples are underlined, from which it follows that these structures are not synonymous and must be translated into Russian in different ways.

The lexical and grammatical units of the language are the initial and necessary building material with which speaking is carried out, therefore the language material is one of the main components of the content of teaching a foreign language. At the moment, this problem is being dealt with by many methodologists (I.L. Bim, I.A. Zimnyaya, etc.).

Lexical speech skill includes two main components: word usage and word formation. G.V. Rogov and I.N. Vereshchagin believe that the psychophysiological basis of lexical speech expressive skills is lexical automated dynamic connections as a unity of semantic auditory-verbal-motor words and phrases. The lexical correctness of foreign speech is expressed, first of all, in word usage, that is, in the combination of words of the studied foreign language according to its norms, which often differ from the rules for combining their equivalents in the native language.

Let us pay attention to the goals and objectives of teaching grammar and vocabulary, put forward by A.D. Klimentenko and A.A. Mirolyubov. The purpose of studying vocabulary, according to these authors, is the development of practical speech skills and abilities of students. The main difficulty in this case is the mastering by students of a real vocabulary, which, as a result of assimilation, should turn into the available vocabulary of each student.

Thus, the goals of teaching vocabulary in elementary school include the formation of active, passive and potential dictionaries, as well as the requirement to develop a guess about the lexical meaning of unfamiliar words. In addition, in the process of studying vocabulary, certain general educational and educational tasks should be solved, with the leading role of practical goals.

The multidirectionality of learning paths (native language: from practice to its awareness and improvement through corrections; foreign language: from the awareness of new linguistic phenomena to their intuitive implementation in speech practice) requires a clear definition of the place of grammar in teaching a foreign language.

Vocabulary as a certain system is based on the concept of a single word, which, after all, plays an equally important role in grammar, and therefore requires some clarification, because along with the sentence it is one of the most controversial concepts in linguistics. It goes without saying that the concept of a separate word is connected, first of all, with the concept of a separate object, which appears as a result of the analysis of reality under the influence of our active attitude towards it. The essence of grammar consists only in general rules, and exceptions refer to vocabulary, except for those cases when the exceptions themselves are formed in the form of a certain rule that restricts the action of another, more general one.

Project "Chinese as a second foreign language in school"

Relevance. In many schools, in addition to English, students are offered to learn a second language. Why is this necessary if English has long been recognized as the international language of communication? For a long time, no one has a question why a person needs to know foreign languages ​​at all. The importance of knowing English is beyond doubt - it is an international language in both business and politics; with English, you can study at foreign universities, make new acquaintances around the world, understand English-language films, songs, books.

What gives a second language?

Offering foreign languages ​​for study, schools usually maintain ties with the respective countries, organize exchanges, arrange international conferences and seminars, and students are given the opportunity to travel to the country of the language being studied. Features of teaching a second language is that students have already formed general educational skills, namely:

    work in different modes (individually, in pairs, in groups);

    observe, compare, compare, analyze, argue your thought;

    recognize and differentiate linguistic phenomena and words

    use a dictionary, guess by derivational features and context about the meaning of unfamiliar words, extract the necessary information.

All of the above has a positive effect on the process of mastering a second language. Therefore, we offer to study Chinese in our school. The relevance of the study Chinese in schools due to a number of reasons:

1. Growth of interest in China, its economy, history, culture in connection with the rapid development of the PRC;

2. Successfully developing relations between Russia and China in recent years;

3. The development of tourism in China, the increasing "openness" of Chinese society;

4. Active migration of Chinese;

In the near future, in the most diverse sectors of the Russian economy, specialists who know the basics of the Chinese language will be required.

In addition, the study of the language and elements of regional studies serves to understand the psychology of the neighboring people, introduces the culture and customs of the Chinese nation;

In the Chinese language classes, a tolerant attitude towards people of a different race is brought up, nationalism is eradicated in the worldview of children; Purposefulness inherent in the Chinese nation, diligence, diligence, discipline should become an example for imitation;

The study of hieroglyphic writing develops visual memory, voluntary attention, and creative abilities; Mastering Chinese hieroglyphs related to visual writing directly affects the development of the right hemisphere of the brain; learning European languages,

related to alphabetic writing, develops the left hemisphere of the brain. Thus, the parallel study of two types of languages ​​at school contributes to the development and activation of the mental functions of the brain.

Chinese language teaching pursues comprehensive implementation of practical, educational and developmental goals.

Practical purpose implies the formation of schoolchildren's communicative and linguistic and cultural competence. This can be achieved through productive (speaking, writing) and receptive (listening, reading) plans.

Development goal implies the development of logical thinking, various types of memory, imagination, individual abilities, general speech and general educational skills.

General educational goal implies the expansion of the general cultural outlook of schoolchildren, the formation of an active personal position in them. Thus, teaching Chinese aims to prepare students who are communicatively competent in spoken Chinese.

The most rational way to achieve significant results in the Chinese language is to introduce it no earlier than students acquire an elementary level of communicative competence in the first foreign language, i.e. English. And therefore, we consider the following to be the most accessible and satisfying the educational needs of schoolchildren. target group: grades 5 to 11

As a result of mastering the Chinese language, students should learn:

1. Understand the teacher's speech and the language material listened to.

3. Write essays using the studied language material.

Planned project activities:

event title

Time spending


Communication with a native speaker

1 time per quarter


Visiting the country, language being studied

1 time per year


Celebration of traditional holidays

By date


Country studies projects

1 time per semester


Competition "The best expert in the language"

At the end of the school year


Learning poems, songs and dances

1 time per semester

Bookstores in the modern world are losing their primary function of selling books: online platforms and electronic publications call into question the very existence of printed products. But the stronger is the need for offline bookstores as a place to meet and discuss. The Bookworm is an iconic place in modern Beijing: an independent bookstore, library, publishing house, annual festival and networking platform for the most intellectually active part of the capital's expat community and beyond. Yulia Lobyntseva, former event manager of The Bookworm, told Magazeta about the life of the main independent bookstore in Beijing.

From teaching Chinese to art

I came to China for the second time in 2012 on a scholarship from the Confucius Institute for a master's degree in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, but quickly realized that it was not for me and decided to stop further studies in this direction. Before that, I went for one academic year on an exchange between the Volgograd Pedagogical University, where I studied, and the Tianjin Language Institute.

After leaving my studies for a master's degree, I moved to Beijing and decided that I would be a curator. With my perseverance, I got a job at a Tibetan art gallery in Beijing's 798 art district. Then I realized that I just couldn’t be a great curator, and I found an ad for a job at The Bookworm for the position of events and marketing manager (marketing manager and organizing events). I told my future boss about my love of literature, he answered me something in completely incomprehensible Irish English, and that's how I was received.

Julia from The Bookworm

The Bookworm is an independent bookstore, which means it has no financial support or influence from the Chinese government, but it survives on book sales, event tickets, and restaurant revenue. And most importantly, The Bookworm is such a cultural space where authors, journalists and various "intellectuals" like to hang out. That is, three places are combined there: a bookstore, a cultural space and a restaurant.

The Bookworm hosts almost every day various discussions, book presentations, poetry slams, etc. I was mainly involved in organizing these events. I was also involved in the promotion of the place, public relations, in general, I lived and slept there (sometimes I even poured drinks at the bar). Everyone in Beijing knows me as Julia from The Bookworm, even though I don't work there anymore.

All my colleagues were Chinese, all the restaurant staff were also Chinese, that is, without knowledge of Chinese they would not have accepted me - they need to work with them somehow, the waiters should develop the concept that the customer is always right (in China it is difficult to service), constantly watch that they do their job, etc. I often explained to the guys from the book section how important it is for the buyer to advise something, ask him what he is interested in, what he does, etc.

My boss was Irish, a former journalist who worked for The Telegraph. I almost always worked alone, except for the time when we were preparing for the Literary Festival, then a team of guys from the USA, Belgium, Iran and Britain was already hired. And in the end, with a guy from the USA, we worked together for another two years.

Gradually, The Bookworm moved from being just an expat-focused place to doing Chinese events and translating all ads on all the marketing platforms we used from English to Chinese.

Book as a cultural space

The activities were completely different; there were, of course, a lot of those oriented towards China and Chinese culture. The most popular events are "Where is China heading next?" (What's next for China?), "What's the future of Hong Kong?" (What is the future of Hong Kong?), "Tech in China" (Technology in China) or "I was a foreign kid when Tiananmen happened" (I was a foreign kid during the events in Tiananmen). And the most popular is something about relations between the US and China.

There were really cool book presentations with famous authors, journalists, and even Art Spiegelman came. But there were still a lot of requests from foreign guys to present their book about how they seduced Chinese girls or learned Confucianism. The world no longer needs such books and events, so I tried to disown such things.

Since 2014, more and more Chinese have come. In general, I divided all visitors into categories, I singled out five from the Chinese public: 1) a Harvard graduate who will out-argue any speaker and ask 6 questions, although there was permission for only one; 2) the defender of the Chinese party, who is sure to start a discussion about what foreigners should think about themselves before discussing China; 3) very smart guys who are friends with and are always familiar with some lawyer exiled to Australia; 4) an underground party that makes films about the LGBT community; and 5) guys who are just interested, fans of the speaker, etc. There are even more categories of foreign visitors.

We did almost all the activities. When there were controversial events, uniformed police sometimes came to watch and listen. But there were never any obvious conflicts.

There was a need learn Chinese? First, consider whether you need knowledge of Chinese?

1. Is it necessary Chinese for career advancement, for writing business letters, or for reading Chinese literature in the original? Or maybe just to broaden your horizons? It is important to see and understand the specific goal learning Chinese. Find the one that suits your needs , for example - go to a trial lesson if you are interested in the process learning Chinese, teacher of Chinese, a group that studies in , learners and the general feeling of the process - start walking and acquire the long-awaited knowledge of the Chinese language. It is important that at the end in this Center they issued a certificate, it will be an advantage. To learning Chinese was effective, do the exercises daily to tightly absorb what has already been learned on Chinese language courses in Moscow.

2. Learn to speak Chinese and write correctly, repeat the rules, do thoughtfully the homework given by the teacher at the Chinese language courses in Moscow, get copybooks for studying hieroglyphs. You can purchase additional language audio and video courses to listen to Chinese speech and its features, to learn words and at the same time learn to speak Chinese yourself - speak after the announcer or the characters of the training video. Parse the songs Chinese, turn on Chinese channels (mainly news) or movies (especially those that you are interested in; it's good if there are subtitles). Sign up for meetings where they communicate with the Chinese, you can speak Chinese with friends who are just like you studying Chinese- communicate.

3. It would be very good to travel to an area where people speak Chinese. There are many companies in Moscow that offer learning Chinese in China, for example, the possibility of obtaining higher education through our company Kitaeast . When you have enough knowledge, you will be able to read Chinese media. It may seem hard to you, but then the vocabulary will increase, learn the language turns and you will understand everything that is written in the Chinese press. Then try to switch to Chinese literature - take the one that is not difficult for a start.

4. Write Chinese correctly - learn Chinese characters, grammar, pay attention to the order of writing Chinese characters. It is important to remember in what situation and what expressions in Chinese can be spoken, and when it is not recommended. Write texts on Chinese, do your homework to remember the rules of grammar and hieroglyphics. If a is required in order to be able to start working with it, focus on the specific Chinese vocabulary used by experts in various fields. If a learning Chinese You need for everyday life, you need to learn slang expressions and those words that are common in simple conversations.

5. Try to study Chinese culture. At learning Chinese the main rule is hard study and the desire to write, read and speak Chinese It's an opportunity to broaden your horizons. Perhaps the acquired skill will be a definite plus in the list of your skills for a future employer. Additionally study in China will also increase your chances in the job market.