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Ontopsychology. Antonio Meneghetti

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Trying to look into the depths of the universe, we have not solved the most important riddle - who is a person?

Being a perfect project of nature, man, nevertheless, does not know himself, does not "listen" to his inner voice, underestimates his nature.

We have made good progress in the study of various aspects of nature, but we have lost sight of man. We still cannot explain the motives of his behavior, the reasons for the events taking place in his life. We do not know whether man appeared on this earth or was transferred as some form of life from other planets. We see that it is different from the rest of the world of animals and plants, but upon closer study we find that other creatures cope with their lives much better than a person who considers himself "the crown of creation of evolution."

You will find answers to these and other questions in this amazing book, the author of which provides evidence-based explanations for various aspects of human existence.

Current page: 2 (total book has 8 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 2 pages]

Chapter Four
semantic field

4.1. The concept of the semantic field: an introduction

The ontopsychological school adheres to the following fundamental principle: To know a person, you need to understand the whole person.

Judging by the results of my scientific observations, none of the areas of modern psychology takes into account all aspects of his personal and social life when studying a person. Some areas are limited to the psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams, others attach exceptional importance to body language or human behavior, and still others are engaged only in psychological testing. Ontopsychology, on the other hand, studies the whole person, the most diverse and even hidden aspects of his being, which make it possible to accurately identify the nature of a particular person.

Let's start with the first moments of human knowledge of life. If we carefully observe a newborn, we will be convinced that, even without seeing or hearing, he has the ability to know, since he lives in the reality of his whole body. As the child develops, he learns to use the senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell), but at the beginning, having them, he does not know how to use them. Still he lives with all his organic reality 10
On the perception and cognition of the child, see Meneghetti A. Ontopsychological Pedagogy. - M.: BF "Onto psychology", 2010.

Even before birth, when the child is in the mother's womb, the process of cognition is already taking place: under the influence of the dominant "I" of his mother, the child comprehends and experiences all her subconscious emotional states. He is like her organ, not using his eyes, ears, hands; nevertheless, he cognizes and perceives his mother, being already a different, but not separated entity from her.

By this I want to say that at birth a person, not yet possessing the tools of cognition, is nevertheless able to cognize. This is the basic biological knowledge that precedes all other forms of knowledge available to man.

Everyone knows how to use the eyes, ears, mouth, hands, is able to create images in the mind, but where did that spontaneous, primary knowledge go? Natural knowledge is lost, replaced by something more superficial.

Ontopsychology has rediscovered this original natural way of knowing reality.

How do we distinguish between what is good for our body and what is bad? By what criterion do we choose one food and not eat another? The fact is that the organism itself can automatically choose what is useful to it, obeying an unerring instinct, just as cells synthesize only what is identical and useful to them, and reject everything alien.

But back to the early stages of child development. It has already been said that the baby perceives all the emotions of the mother, both positive and negative. All modern psychology recognizes that the child reacts to the environment, grows and develops in accordance with how his mother influences this process. 11
By mother, I understand the adult person who raises and educates the given child, that is, the person who in its structure is the first point of affective security. Therefore, it does not necessarily mean mother in the biological sense. See Meneghetti A. On the multifactorial etiology of neurosis and schizophrenia. Clinical ontopsychology. - M.: NF "Antonio Meneghetti", 2015

A child already in the first year of life immediately perceives the emotions of not only the mother, but also any person who approaches him. However, having matured, a person can no longer correctly capture the emotions of another, because he has lost the ability to know at the organismic level. 12
See Meneghetti A. Practical application of the organismic criterion. Textbook on ontopsychology. Decree. op.

Cognition at the organismic level is the knowledge of another organism through its own. This means that I can know another person not only by his appearance, analyzing him with the help of the mind, observing all his external manifestations, but also with the help of my whole body, using it as an instrument for perceiving the emotions of another person in their entirety. This is knowledge at the physical level.

I have learned to understand people through cognition at the organismic level, in addition to all other forms of cognition. This ability exists in each of us. The very fact that we are alive determines the presence of an organismic level of perception in us, we just need to realize it and bring it to the active level of our conscious "I".

All humans have the same bodily structure. Thus, if the laws of nature apply to all organisms, then each of them is able to know the essence of the other through itself. The body is a living mirror that records all the emotional changes resulting from contact with another human being. Our body is the most accurate radar of perception, we need to rediscover it for ourselves. Once you have regained this form of knowledge, it will become natural for you to have an accurate understanding of the inner workings of human nature. You will learn the art of influencing reality, understanding the endless logical tactics of the mind that will allow you to accurately assess any situation.

I am talking now about the concept of the "semantic field", a mode of cognition that gives the ontopsychological school an advantage in the method of analysis and the way of solving a problem over any other psychological school in the world. 13
For details, see Meneghetti A. semantic field. -

Let us imagine a conversation between a psychotherapist and a client: after the formal beginning, there comes a moment when everything - the room, the time of the meeting, the client's voluntary decision to open up - becomes one. And in this unity of time, space and dialogue, what I call field unity.

The unity of the field is the interaction that occurs during the dialogue between people. During this interaction, dynamic processes develop, which is what happens between the patient and the psychotherapist. During the session, they sit in front of each other at a distance of no more than three meters. The patient speaks, and the psychotherapist listens and checks his words with the information that he receives through the semantic field.

The graphic image (Fig. 2) shows the following situation: a) and b) are a set of dynamics that interact within the unity of the field. At the top of the drawing is the sphere of consciousness, the zone of the conscious "I"; below - the sphere of the unconscious, where communication takes place through the semantic field.

The ontopsychologist tunes his unconscious to the perception of the semantic field emanating from the client's unconscious.

A healthy, whole person reports information about himself that corresponds to his true state; if a person is hypocritical or sick, then a contradiction appears. The therapist feels that the patient is saying things that are not true, and based on this decides how he can be helped. The client does not have to be told everything at once. Here it is very important that the psychotherapist achieves the accuracy of perception with the help of his own body.

Rice. 2. Ideogram of the semantic field

a) direct S.P.; b) S.P. mediated by a third.

"I" - the zone of real functioning of "I", or consciousness

Complex - a zone of socio-logical systems and dominant constellations of complexes

In-se - zone of pure organismic

S.P. – semantic field

E.I. – issuer-informant (hidden responsible intentional)

P.I. – recipient-executor (explicitly responsible for all consequences)

P.P. - intermediary receiver

Thus, first of all, the ontopsychologist must have a perfect body, not in the athletic or physiological sense, but in terms of perfection as an emotive proportion. This means that the entire sensory system of the body must be accurate (perception of all organs - heart, lungs, olfactory organs, epithelium, throat, legs).

It is possible to achieve this degree of perfection through ontopsychological training. I can theoretically explain how information is transmitted through the semantic field, but in order to achieve accuracy in the conduct of psychotherapy, it takes years of hard work on one's own personality.

We must begin by overcoming the first difficulty: to learn to feel oneself and the other. In other words, learn to use your body as an instrument of knowledge. Once you reach the ability to receive information at the organismic level, you simply cannot be wrong anymore.

Rice. 3. Unity of the field

Within the unity of the field (Fig. 3), there is an interaction between dynamics A - the psychotherapist, who is tuned in to passive perception of information, and dynamics B - the client, who is actively and at his own choice opens up for research. Each of the dynamics depicted in the figure has a specific meaning that determines the position of the subject. This allows the therapist to understand the real situation of the client at the moment.

Field means the space in which an interaction is established between two or more force points.

Semantic comes from the Greek shma - "sign" and an - "the dynamism of being", "endless movement". I prefer to use the term "semantic field" in accordance with linguistic affinity, but the meaning of this term has nothing to do with the concept of "semantics", which is used in linguistics and philosophy. The word "semantic" is known to those who are familiar with the direction of neopositivism in linguistics, but in ontopsychology this term has a different meaning.

The semantic field is an information transmitter that operates without energy displacement. This is about purposeful impulse. with the help of which one can learn about all (conscious and unconscious) predispositions of a given subject. Through the semantic field, the pure nature of a person, a vital action, is manifested, even if he himself is not aware of it.

4.2. Interaction of semantic fields

The whole teaching of ontopsychology is based not on logical conclusions or scientific comparisons, but on the basis of the practice of organic correspondence. The truth of a psychological theory rests on an organic criterion, since the application of a certain technique should lead to the disappearance of the disease and its symptoms. Therefore, it makes no sense to argue about the correctness of this or that psychological theory. Just enough set its functionality.

The semantic field is the transfer of information from one subject to another. This is basic information that anticipates feelings and consciousness; it is a kind of telephone through which nature speaks to us (by nature I mean the whole reality of a given person).

We live in a single cosmos in which everything is mutually coordinated: our lungs exist because the atmosphere exists, and vice versa. Where is the source of light - in the sun or in the eyes? Is taste a property of food or of the tongue? Does the smell belong to the object or organs of smell? Is erotic pleasure inherent in my partner or in myself? For now, we should accept the claim that there is a constant relationship.

The existence of each of us is organized in a web of information. Information (from lat. “in actio formo, signo”- “form within action”) means the form of action, the direction of action, the way of action 14
For an ontopsychological interpretation of the terms, see Meneghetti A. Thesaurus. – M.: NF "Antonio Meneghetti", 2015.

An action is a result that follows from the inner essence of the form. The direction of action is also given by the shape. Action is the main element of the energy charge. By itself, it has a neutral potential, but when we give this neutral potential a direction, a form, we get a certain effect: a certain action generates heat or, conversely, cold, expresses love or hate, and so on. The action has a specific physical, energetic character.

Physically, we exist insofar as we are organized by the form that determines our actions in existence. This form distributes, models energy, leading to specific results, while remaining invisible.

The semantic field is information that we can discover as soon as two realities that are in close proximity to each other define themselves; contact between them takes place apart from their will and consciousness, because mutual knowledge at this level is determined by nature itself.

Take, for example, the interaction between cells: the cell does not have sight, hearing, touch or smell, but unmistakably chooses what is related to it and rejects what does not belong to it, metabolizes what is similar to itself and rejects what is alien. This is because there is an exchange of semantic information. Such primary knowledge is inherent in every human organism. Therefore, I argue that in order to understand ontopsychology, it is first necessary to master this basic language of human nature.

From our culture and science, we have inherited a set of stereotypes, and, unfortunately, this culture is not integral, but split. Our "I" controls only a small fraction of our consciousness and our being.

Initially, the unconscious is the potential that must become "I". To the extent that a person is not aware of himself, the unconscious remains a lost space for the "I". For this reason, we are not able to bring Ying-se to the level of consciousness and understand the structures of the psyche that remain in the area of ​​the unconscious. Existing in ourselves, we know nothing about ourselves.

The semantic field is a means of communication between different organisms, it is a constant flow of information. It is about understanding what information the other person is broadcasting. There are various types of semantic fields, but we are primarily interested in the biological and mental semantic fields.

I'll give an example. If we form a living corridor of people so that each person faces another at a distance of three meters, and ask one to walk along this corridor, then we will notice strong emotive changes that arise as a result of the impact exerted on him. We will see that it tenses, then relaxes, then closes, then opens; if he listens to himself, he will feel these sensations echo in his ankles, in his calves, in his anus, in his mouth, in his hair, or in his stomach.

I have already said that the human body is a kind of radar, and each part of it receives information of a certain type from the environment. In our body, there are sensors that metabolize both the internal and external environment. The perception of the body's sensors depends on the nature of the information received, and, naturally, in order to read it, it is necessary to have an inner knowledge of ourselves.

In the life of Christ 15
OK. 8:43-48.

There was an episode when, being in a crowd of people touching him from all sides, he suddenly turned to his friends and asked them: “Who touched me?”. The friends replied: “Lord, everyone who has gathered here is touching you.” In fact, among them was one woman who suffered from constant bleeding for many years, and no one could cure her. She decided to herself: "I will be healed if I touch Christ." Making her way through the crowd, she touched him and was healed. Christ at that moment said to his friends: "Someone touched Me, for I felt the power that came from Me."

This is a fairly common phenomenon that has a variety of forms. It can bring any of us either harm or benefit. The defense against any kind of negative semantic field lies in a calm inner closeness, in an inner concentration, since our mental constitution is strong enough to resist the penetration of any external element. Psychic penetration is possible only if the subject opens from within; the key is always with us, and only having opened, we are subjected to positive or negative semantic influence from the outside.

In the field of parapsychology, this phenomenon is well known. They often talk about the infusion and conjuration of evil spirits. Millions of people believe in this and practice exorcism. I myself have witnessed this many times. Now I do not want to go into details of the religious concept of God and the devil, I simply state that the human psyche is capable of absolutely incredible manifestations.

I will cite the case of a 14-year-old girl. Her parents told me that she was possessed by the devil and that no priest had succeeded in casting him out. The evil spirit marked its presence with burns on her skin that looked like bubbles in boiling oil. Ten minutes into my first session with her, she began to develop burns on her arms. After studying the situation with the help of a semantic field, I came to the conclusion that her skin reacted to nerve stimulation at the same speed as a seizure develops in the brain of an epileptic. I told her, “I'm sorry, but I haven't seen the devil myself, and I don't believe in him, even if you do. But it's stupid of you to torture your body like that. Better get yourself a couple of wounds in the middle of the palms. Then everyone will say that you are a saint, because you have wounds in the same place as the Lord. In the meantime, you have only achieved that you are being dragged to hospitals. She was confused, but then she told me everything in order. She was an adopted daughter, and often her adoptive mother hugged her in a way that she did not like. The girl mentally wanted to somehow burn this woman, but instead she caused burns on her skin. She certainly had a special psychic energy. With children aged 9-11, paranormal phenomena often occur: glass breaks, light bulbs burn out. And the point here is not in the presence of spirits, but in a special mental activity at this age.

In psychiatry, inexplicable phenomena are also known, which are classified as paranormal, inaccessible to human understanding. 16
On the nature of paranormal phenomena, see Meneghetti A. Paranormal phenomena. Onto psychology: practice and metaphysics of psychotherapy. Decree. op.

However, with the help of the semantic field, one can obtain accurate information about the causes of these phenomena. Therefore, it is technically possible to cognize, control and modify all aspects of reality.

I remember the story of a young engineer. In his student years, he lived among other boys and girls, his lifestyle was quite free, and he led a completely normal sex life. When he came home every two or three months, then he was overcome by an irresistible desire to masturbate. He couldn't understand why. Analyzing his dreams, I discovered the reason. He was the only son of a religious elderly woman with very strict rules. There was a semantic exchange: the son's sexual behavior expressed the mother's needs. The mother was the only person for the son with whom he was open and could manifest himself spontaneously, while with his father he was more reserved and diplomatic. This openness allowed the semantic transfer of sexual need to take place.

Any information passes through the semantic field. Without knowledge of this field in practical psychology, we will have to be content with only hypotheses.

The semantic field has a sender and a receiver; sometimes there are even postmen carrying semantic information. The semantic field can be transmitted through a letter or a telephone conversation.

For example, a person reading a love letter may not be affected by the dynamics of love, but by the semantic dynamics of death. The semantic field can also be conveyed through items, such as a gift that carries certain sender semantics. I call this phenomenon the “through the third” semantic field, when the sender uses other people or objects to convey it.

With the help of the concept of a semantic field, the phenomenon of reincarnation is also explained. 17
This issue is discussed in the book by Meneghetti A. Project Man. Decree. op.

I often had the opportunity, exploring one personality, to find in it another, some kind of grandmother, aunt or distant relative. It may be that a person has passed on positive or negative semantics to another person who never knew him.

Knowledge of the semantic field opens up great opportunities for understanding the most extraordinary phenomena on our planet.

Can it be argued that ancient civilizations have disappeared? Maybe they still exist? It is possible that the ancient races themselves died out, and their mental organization is preserved. 18
This is related to the question of "psychic and metahistorical constellations". See Meneghetti A. System and personality. Decree. op.; XIV Congresso Internazionale di Ontopsicologia. - Roma: Psicologica Ed., 1995.

One can recall the experience of the great monks of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, who had knowledge of many facts that were confirmed by science. Speaking of this, I am simply reflecting on the immensity of the world of the psyche, because it is through it that the path to the immeasurable horizons of spirituality is opened to us.

If during psychotherapy there is a feeling that another person is present instead of the client, then this is objective information about the client's excessive dependence on someone, for example, on the mother. Semantic information colonized the mind of the client. In this case, it is only necessary to "cut off" this information, and the subject's body will restore its own health.

All I have done for the people I have cured is remove the distorted information from their psyche. Life, by its very nature, strives for a state of health and puts everything in its place.

In order to cut off information, it is necessary for the subject to become aware of it. It is necessary to open the client's eyes by analyzing his dreams, gradually explaining the situation; it is necessary to help him find in himself the responsibility for his destiny, to show him that he lives according to the scheme laid down in him by others.

As soon as he gets rid of dependence on another person inside himself, becomes autonomous, he will immediately feel better. It is not necessary to tell the client about the semantic field, it is difficult to talk about it even with a psychologist. The patient may think that this other person is up to something wrong with him, and then he will never be able to restore his "I". On the contrary, one should awaken his consciousness and support his "I". You can, for example, tell him: "Try to find yourself a good job, girlfriend, you have too much infantile addiction, it's time to become a real man." There is no other way, you have to be yourself.

The analysis of the semantic field in the future will lead you to unexpected discoveries in the life of society.

For example, in order to eliminate drug addiction, it is very important to change the context of the family, to place a person in an environment where the drug does not make sense. 19
For an ontological approach to the phenomenon of drug addiction, see Meneghetti, A. Residence in Moscow. - M.: NF "Antonio Meneghetti", 2014.

In fact, the public attention to AIDS contributes to the spread of negative semantics and death. Every year, a large number of people die from this disease and drug overdose, but millions also die from heart attacks, cancer, accidents, and tuberculosis. It is unethical to think of only a small number of people who want to die this way. I myself have seen overflowing leper colonies, since leprosy is also incurable.

In judicial practice, it often happens that a person who has committed a crime, but in principle innocent of it, ends up in prison. The classic example is rape: a very modest and chaste woman is almost always the victim; often the rapist himself cannot understand how it all happened. In fact, a certain type of women emanate a special semantics that prompts a person with a weak psyche to commit violence against her.

A loving mother, having suppressed her son with her love, makes him ineffective for himself. If she truly loves him, she must decide to let him go. Otherwise, it may happen that the son colonizes the elderly mother. The son turns out to be more insidious; he already knows the rules of the game and begins to exploit the mother: the characters change roles.

You have to be prepared for the tricks of the client. He can think of everything, including the need for outside help, but he himself, perhaps, is not going to change. Everything needs to be analysed. It is often best not to get involved with such cases, as such tactics depend on the power of the unconscious. A good psychotherapist can immediately understand everything, but if the energy of his unconscious is weaker, then he falls under the influence of a stronger personality. Therefore, if you meet a very difficult case, diplomatically refuse to work with him.

The biggest challenge for psychiatrists is how to treat patients without getting infected. After the patient has spoken about his problems, he should not be asked to repeat his story, otherwise you can be exposed to him.

The obvious schizophrenic can act only if he is feared. When he is in front of you, you must not retreat mentally. It is necessary to remain internally closed and not show fear. First of all, you must treat him with psychological indifference, because a schizophrenic always needs a theater to remain such. The more they fear him, the more they are interested in him, the stronger his illness. If you succumb to his tricks, you can aggravate his condition. You can, of course, give him unobtrusive advice, but you need to stop in time. For the development of schizophrenia, faith, an audience, a performance are always necessary.

A person striving for maturity grows, while a neurotic or schizophrenic, on the contrary, tends to remain in a childish state.

The way of life of a neurotic or schizophrenic is a restless fixation on childhood. While adults have learned different behavior patterns, gradually abandoning childhood and adolescent behavior patterns, the neurotic and schizophrenic remain in the infantile stage.

For example, when a woman wants to achieve something the easy way, she strives to look more beautiful, that is, she resorts to the strategy of the theater. Or she makes great use of logic, trying not to show her weaknesses. The neurotic or schizophrenic, on the other hand, tends to emphasize their weaknesses. Just as a child seeks the help of an adult by stubbornly insisting on his whim, so the neurotic or schizophrenic requires adults to fulfill their whims.

However, their disease is not a deviation from nature, but a strategy of perverted infantilism, aimed at making an adult feel sympathy and help. Mom is not around, but there is a doctor, a psychologist, society, pensions. On the other hand, they do not know how to do what adults do, they do not know how to speak like an adult, dress, work, establish relationships. They cannot build a life for their own good, because from childhood they did not want to adapt. This unwillingness was constantly strengthened, causing corresponding consequences.

So, if we want to cure such a person, we must call him to account: “You feel bad not because you were born that way, but because you guilty of betraying his life, his consciousness. Onto psychology considers illness as a tactic of behavior. The schizophrenic knows all possible tactics regarding this issue. He will say to his mother: “It was you who spoiled me! It's all your fault!" And the psychologist will answer in a different way: “You are right! I'm crazy, I'm wretched." And in all cases he will achieve the same effect, regardless of who is in front of him - a mother, a psychologist, a priest, a bride or a husband.

The therapist must keep in mind all his strategies: “What does he want? Why does he have this disease? What goal does he want to achieve? Is this a real problem, or does he want to achieve some specific goal through this illness? And when he allows himself to be helped, then the therapist must teach him to build his life in accordance with the new norms - the norms of his nature, helping him to take responsibility for his life. And here begins the great work of the psychotherapist, who, like a good mother, steps away from her child step by step in order to teach him to walk on his own.

In essence, we are talking about the transfer of biological information from one living being to another. This information exchange takes place outside the physical fields known to modern science, and yet it is confirmed scientifically and experimentally.

In 2011, Arkady Kudryashov invented and conducted a series of experiments to study the semantic field. Its results formed the basis of the diploma work: "Features of the informational influence on the physiological parameters of a person."

Despite the impossibility of measuring the semantic field directly at the current level of technology development, it was possible to fix its manifestation indirectly by inventing a beautiful scheme of the experiment.

A group of five viewers were shown various emotional videos: excerpts from films, documentaries. The subject, who was in the same room, was isolated in such a way that he could neither see nor hear anything. However, this was the essence of the experiment, the subject changed physiological parameters, which were recorded using a polygraph or a lie detector.

The experiment was carried out in turn with several subjects. And each time, at the moments of broadcasting video clips, the level of the galvanic skin response (GSR) of the subjects significantly exceeded the level at non-plot moments.

The control experiment, conducted in the absence of a group of spectators, when only the subject was in the room, showed no reaction of the subject to the presence or absence of video.

The experiment showed that the subject receives information that evokes emotions and is reflected in physiology. And this perception is not related to vision, hearing, tactile sensations (you can read more about the experiment and the interview with its author).
And although physicists cannot yet explain the way this interaction is transmitted, the very fact of the presence of such an influence is confirmed experimentally.

“The semantic field acts constantly, every moment manifesting itself at the conscious level as a personal emotion,” writes Antonio Meneghetti. “The semantic field is information that we can detect as soon as two realities that are in close proximity to each other define themselves; contact between them happens in addition to our will and consciousness, because mutual knowledge at this level is determined by nature itself.
Take, for example, the interaction between cells: the cell does not have sight, hearing, touch or smell, but unmistakably chooses what is related to it and rejects what does not belong to it, metabolizes what is similar to itself and rejects what is alien. This is possible due to the exchange of semantic information. This form of cognition is inherent in any living organism...".

It cannot be said that no one has previously paid attention to phenomena of this kind. For example, the well-known scientist V. M. Bekhterev spoke about involuntary suggestion produced during natural communication of one person with another.
“This suggestion occurs imperceptibly for the person on whom it acts, and therefore usually does not cause any resistance on his part. True, it rarely acts immediately, more often slowly, but surely, it strengthens in the mental sphere.

To illustrate this fact with an example, I will recall here what a magical effect, for example, the appearance of one cheerful gentleman in a bored society produces on everyone. Everyone immediately involuntarily, without noticing it themselves, is infected by his gaiety, cheered up, and society from a boring, monotonous becomes very cheerful and lively "(more on this

Introduction to ontopsychology Antonio Meneghetti

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Title: Introduction to ontopsychology

About the book "Introduction to Ontopsychology" by Antonio Meneghetti

Every day we are confronted with various manifestations of the psyche. our thoughts, emotions, any fact or event are caused by a psychic cause hidden in the depths of our unconscious. A person has no right to be naive if he wants to control his own life. To become the main character, he needs knowledge that would ensure the accuracy of his decisions and show the reason for what is happening.

This book by Professor Antonio Meneghetti clearly reveals how strongly the unconscious influences our lives - that which we do not know about ourselves; gives practical advice for gaining one's own accuracy and introduces the tools of ontopsychology (dream interpretation, semantic field). Ontopsychology is a modern direction of psychology, which makes it possible to reconsider one's habitual views on life, ways of behaving and evaluating facts.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers and specialists in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, and medicine.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book "Introduction to Ontopsychology" by Antonio Meneghetti in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "Introduction to Ontopsychology" by Antonio Meneghetti

Let me remind you of the basic rules of ontopsychological psychotherapy. In order for it to be carried out at a professional level, it is necessary for the client to realize that he is in a certain state of crisis, that everything is not all right with him. He himself must choose a psychotherapist to receive qualified assistance, which must necessarily be paid.

A serious psychologist knows that his mind, his insight, his word are like a surgeon's scalpel. Hence the first rule is to learn to deeply respect your knowledge and your profession.

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Every day we are confronted with various manifestations of the psyche. our thoughts, emotions, any fact or event are caused by a psychic cause hidden in the depths of our unconscious. A person has no right to be naive if he wants to control his own life. To become the main character, he needs knowledge that would ensure the accuracy of his decisions and show the reason for what is happening. This book by Professor Antonio Meneghetti clearly reveals how strongly the unconscious influences our lives - that which we do not know about ourselves; gives practical advice for gaining one's own accuracy and introduces the tools of ontopsychology (dream interpretation, semantic field). Ontopsychology is a modern direction of psychology, which makes it possible to reconsider one's habitual views on life, ways of behaving and evaluating facts. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and specialists in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, and medicine.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Introduction to Ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti, 1992) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Chapter Four

semantic field

4.1. The concept of the semantic field: an introduction

The ontopsychological school adheres to the following fundamental principle: To know a person, you need to understand the whole person.

Judging by the results of my scientific observations, none of the areas of modern psychology takes into account all aspects of his personal and social life when studying a person. Some areas are limited to the psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams, others attach exceptional importance to body language or human behavior, and still others are engaged only in psychological testing. Ontopsychology, on the other hand, studies the whole person, the most diverse and even hidden aspects of his being, which make it possible to accurately identify the nature of a particular person.

Let's start with the first moments of human knowledge of life. If we carefully observe a newborn, we will be convinced that, even without seeing or hearing, he has the ability to know, since he lives in the reality of his whole body. As the child develops, he learns to use the senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell), but at the beginning, having them, he does not know how to use them. Nevertheless, he lives with his whole organic reality.

Even before birth, when the child is in the mother's womb, the process of cognition is already taking place: under the influence of the dominant "I" of his mother, the child comprehends and experiences all her subconscious emotional states. He is like her organ, not using his eyes, ears, hands; nevertheless, he cognizes and perceives his mother, being already a different, but not separated entity from her.

By this I want to say that at birth a person, not yet possessing the tools of cognition, is nevertheless able to cognize. This is the basic biological knowledge that precedes all other forms of knowledge available to man.

Everyone knows how to use the eyes, ears, mouth, hands, is able to create images in the mind, but where did that spontaneous, primary knowledge go? Natural knowledge is lost, replaced by something more superficial.

Ontopsychology has rediscovered this original natural way of knowing reality.

How do we distinguish between what is good for our body and what is bad? By what criterion do we choose one food and not eat another? The fact is that the organism itself can automatically choose what is useful to it, obeying an unerring instinct, just as cells synthesize only what is identical and useful to them, and reject everything alien.

But back to the early stages of child development. It has already been said that the baby perceives all the emotions of the mother, both positive and negative. All modern psychology recognizes that the child reacts to the environment, grows and develops in accordance with how his mother influences this process. A child already in the first year of life immediately perceives the emotions of not only the mother, but also any person who approaches him. However, having matured, a person can no longer correctly capture the emotions of another, because he has lost the ability to know at the organismic level.

Cognition at the organismic level is the knowledge of another organism through its own. This means that I can know another person not only by his appearance, analyzing him with the help of the mind, observing all his external manifestations, but also with the help of my whole body, using it as an instrument for perceiving the emotions of another person in their entirety. This is knowledge at the physical level.

I have learned to understand people through cognition at the organismic level, in addition to all other forms of cognition. This ability exists in each of us. The very fact that we are alive determines the presence of an organismic level of perception in us, we just need to realize it and bring it to the active level of our conscious "I".

All humans have the same bodily structure. Thus, if the laws of nature apply to all organisms, then each of them is able to know the essence of the other through itself. The body is a living mirror that records all the emotional changes resulting from contact with another human being. Our body is the most accurate radar of perception, we need to rediscover it for ourselves. Once you have regained this form of knowledge, it will become natural for you to have an accurate understanding of the inner workings of human nature. You will learn the art of influencing reality, understanding the endless logical tactics of the mind that will allow you to accurately assess any situation.

I'm talking now about the concept of the "semantic field", a way of knowing that gives the ontopsychological school an advantage in the method of analysis and way of solving a problem over any other psychological school in the world.

Let us imagine a conversation between a psychotherapist and a client: after the formal beginning, there comes a moment when everything - the room, the time of the meeting, the client's voluntary decision to open up - becomes one. And in this unity of time, space and dialogue, what I call field unity.

The unity of the field is the interaction that occurs during the dialogue between people. During this interaction, dynamic processes develop, which is what happens between the patient and the psychotherapist. During the session, they sit in front of each other at a distance of no more than three meters. The patient speaks, and the psychotherapist listens and checks his words with the information that he receives through the semantic field.

The graphic image (Fig. 2) shows the following situation: a) and b) are a set of dynamics that interact within the unity of the field. At the top of the drawing is the sphere of consciousness, the zone of the conscious "I"; below - the sphere of the unconscious, where communication takes place through the semantic field.

The ontopsychologist tunes his unconscious to the perception of the semantic field emanating from the client's unconscious.

A healthy, whole person reports information about himself that corresponds to his true state; if a person is hypocritical or sick, then a contradiction appears. The therapist feels that the patient is saying things that are not true, and based on this decides how he can be helped. The client does not have to be told everything at once. Here it is very important that the psychotherapist achieves the accuracy of perception with the help of his own body.

Rice. 2. Ideogram of the semantic field

a) direct S.P.; b) S.P. mediated by a third.

"I" - the zone of real functioning of "I", or consciousness

Complex - a zone of socio-logical systems and dominant constellations of complexes

In-se - zone of pure organismic

S.P. – semantic field

E.I. – issuer-informant (hidden responsible intentional)

P.I. – recipient-executor (explicitly responsible for all consequences)

P.P. - intermediary receiver

Thus, first of all, the ontopsychologist must have a perfect body, not in the athletic or physiological sense, but in terms of perfection as an emotive proportion. This means that the entire sensory system of the body must be accurate (perception of all organs - heart, lungs, olfactory organs, epithelium, throat, legs).

It is possible to achieve this degree of perfection through ontopsychological training. I can theoretically explain how information is transmitted through the semantic field, but in order to achieve accuracy in the conduct of psychotherapy, it takes years of hard work on one's own personality.

We must begin by overcoming the first difficulty: to learn to feel oneself and the other. In other words, learn to use your body as an instrument of knowledge. Once you reach the ability to receive information at the organismic level, you simply cannot be wrong anymore.

Rice. 3. Unity of the field

Within the unity of the field (Fig. 3), there is an interaction between dynamics A - the psychotherapist, who is tuned in to passive perception of information, and dynamics B - the client, who is actively and at his own choice opens up for research. Each of the dynamics depicted in the figure has a specific meaning that determines the position of the subject. This allows the therapist to understand the real situation of the client at the moment.

Field means the space in which an interaction is established between two or more force points.

Semantic comes from the Greek shma - "sign" and an - "the dynamism of being", "endless movement". I prefer to use the term "semantic field" in accordance with linguistic affinity, but the meaning of this term has nothing to do with the concept of "semantics", which is used in linguistics and philosophy. The word "semantic" is known to those who are familiar with the direction of neopositivism in linguistics, but in ontopsychology this term has a different meaning.

The semantic field is an information transmitter that operates without energy displacement. This is about purposeful impulse. with the help of which one can learn about all (conscious and unconscious) predispositions of a given subject. Through the semantic field, the pure nature of a person, a vital action, is manifested, even if he himself is not aware of it.

4.2. Interaction of semantic fields

The whole teaching of ontopsychology is based not on logical conclusions or scientific comparisons, but on the basis of the practice of organic correspondence. The truth of a psychological theory rests on an organic criterion, since the application of a certain technique should lead to the disappearance of the disease and its symptoms. Therefore, it makes no sense to argue about the correctness of this or that psychological theory. Just enough set its functionality.

The semantic field is the transfer of information from one subject to another. This is basic information that anticipates feelings and consciousness; it is a kind of telephone through which nature speaks to us (by nature I mean the whole reality of a given person).

We live in a single cosmos in which everything is mutually coordinated: our lungs exist because the atmosphere exists, and vice versa. Where is the source of light - in the sun or in the eyes? Is taste a property of food or of the tongue? Does the smell belong to the object or organs of smell? Is erotic pleasure inherent in my partner or in myself? For now, we should accept the claim that there is a constant relationship.

The existence of each of us is organized in a web of information. Information (from lat. “in actio formo, signo”- “form within action”) means the form of action, the direction of action, the way of action. An action is a result that follows from the inner essence of the form. The direction of action is also given by the shape. Action is the main element of the energy charge. By itself, it has a neutral potential, but when we give this neutral potential a direction, a form, we get a certain effect: a certain action generates heat or, conversely, cold, expresses love or hate, and so on. The action has a specific physical, energetic character.

Physically, we exist insofar as we are organized by the form that determines our actions in existence. This form distributes, models energy, leading to specific results, while remaining invisible.

The semantic field is information that we can discover as soon as two realities that are in close proximity to each other define themselves; contact between them takes place apart from their will and consciousness, because mutual knowledge at this level is determined by nature itself.

Take, for example, the interaction between cells: the cell does not have sight, hearing, touch or smell, but unmistakably chooses what is related to it and rejects what does not belong to it, metabolizes what is similar to itself and rejects what is alien. This is because there is an exchange of semantic information. Such primary knowledge is inherent in every human organism. Therefore, I argue that in order to understand ontopsychology, it is first necessary to master this basic language of human nature.

From our culture and science, we have inherited a set of stereotypes, and, unfortunately, this culture is not integral, but split. Our "I" controls only a small fraction of our consciousness and our being.

Initially, the unconscious is the potential that must become "I". To the extent that a person is not aware of himself, the unconscious remains a lost space for the "I". For this reason, we are not able to bring Ying-se to the level of consciousness and understand the structures of the psyche that remain in the area of ​​the unconscious. Existing in ourselves, we know nothing about ourselves.

The semantic field is a means of communication between different organisms, it is a constant flow of information. It is about understanding what information the other person is broadcasting. There are various types of semantic fields, but we are primarily interested in the biological and mental semantic fields.

I'll give an example. If we form a living corridor of people so that each person faces another at a distance of three meters, and ask one to walk along this corridor, then we will notice strong emotive changes that arise as a result of the impact exerted on him. We will see that it tenses, then relaxes, then closes, then opens; if he listens to himself, he will feel these sensations echo in his ankles, in his calves, in his anus, in his mouth, in his hair, or in his stomach.

I have already said that the human body is a kind of radar, and each part of it receives information of a certain type from the environment. In our body, there are sensors that metabolize both the internal and external environment. The perception of the body's sensors depends on the nature of the information received, and, naturally, in order to read it, it is necessary to have an inner knowledge of ourselves.

There was an episode in the life of Christ when, being in a crowd of people touching him from all sides, he suddenly turned to his friends and asked them: “Who touched me?”. The friends replied: “Lord, everyone who has gathered here is touching you.” In fact, among them was one woman who suffered from constant bleeding for many years, and no one could cure her. She decided to herself: "I will be healed if I touch Christ." Making her way through the crowd, she touched him and was healed. Christ at that moment said to his friends: "Someone touched Me, for I felt the power that came from Me."

This is a fairly common phenomenon that has a variety of forms. It can bring any of us either harm or benefit. The defense against any kind of negative semantic field lies in a calm inner closeness, in an inner concentration, since our mental constitution is strong enough to resist the penetration of any external element. Psychic penetration is possible only if the subject opens from within; the key is always with us, and only having opened, we are subjected to positive or negative semantic influence from the outside.

In the field of parapsychology, this phenomenon is well known. They often talk about the infusion and conjuration of evil spirits. Millions of people believe in this and practice exorcism. I myself have witnessed this many times. Now I do not want to go into details of the religious concept of God and the devil, I simply state that the human psyche is capable of absolutely incredible manifestations.

I will cite the case of a 14-year-old girl. Her parents told me that she was possessed by the devil and that no priest had succeeded in casting him out. The evil spirit marked its presence with burns on her skin that looked like bubbles in boiling oil. Ten minutes into my first session with her, she began to develop burns on her arms. After studying the situation with the help of a semantic field, I came to the conclusion that her skin reacted to nerve stimulation at the same speed as a seizure develops in the brain of an epileptic. I told her, “I'm sorry, but I haven't seen the devil myself, and I don't believe in him, even if you do. But it's stupid of you to torture your body like that. Better get yourself a couple of wounds in the middle of the palms. Then everyone will say that you are a saint, because you have wounds in the same place as the Lord. In the meantime, you have only achieved that you are being dragged to hospitals. She was confused, but then she told me everything in order. She was an adopted daughter, and often her adoptive mother hugged her in a way that she did not like. The girl mentally wanted to somehow burn this woman, but instead she caused burns on her skin. She certainly had a special psychic energy. With children aged 9-11, paranormal phenomena often occur: glass breaks, light bulbs burn out. And the point here is not in the presence of spirits, but in a special mental activity at this age.

In psychiatry, inexplicable phenomena are also known, which are classified as paranormal, inaccessible to human understanding. However, with the help of the semantic field, one can obtain accurate information about the causes of these phenomena. Therefore, it is technically possible to cognize, control and modify all aspects of reality.

I remember the story of a young engineer. In his student years, he lived among other boys and girls, his lifestyle was quite free, and he led a completely normal sex life. When he came home every two or three months, then he was overcome by an irresistible desire to masturbate. He couldn't understand why. Analyzing his dreams, I discovered the reason. He was the only son of a religious elderly woman with very strict rules. There was a semantic exchange: the son's sexual behavior expressed the mother's needs. The mother was the only person for the son with whom he was open and could manifest himself spontaneously, while with his father he was more reserved and diplomatic. This openness allowed the semantic transfer of sexual need to take place.

Any information passes through the semantic field. Without knowledge of this field in practical psychology, we will have to be content with only hypotheses.

The semantic field has a sender and a receiver; sometimes there are even postmen carrying semantic information. The semantic field can be transmitted through a letter or a telephone conversation.

For example, a person reading a love letter may not be affected by the dynamics of love, but by the semantic dynamics of death. The semantic field can also be conveyed through items, such as a gift that carries certain sender semantics. I call this phenomenon the “through the third” semantic field, when the sender uses other people or objects to convey it.

The concept of the semantic field also explains the phenomenon of reincarnation. I often had the opportunity, exploring one personality, to find in it another, some kind of grandmother, aunt or distant relative. It may be that a person has passed on positive or negative semantics to another person who never knew him.

Knowledge of the semantic field opens up great opportunities for understanding the most extraordinary phenomena on our planet.

Can it be argued that ancient civilizations have disappeared? Maybe they still exist? It is possible that the ancient races themselves died out, and their mental organization is preserved. One can recall the experience of the great monks of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, who had knowledge of many facts that were confirmed by science. Speaking of this, I am simply reflecting on the immensity of the world of the psyche, because it is through it that the path to the immeasurable horizons of spirituality is opened to us.

If during psychotherapy there is a feeling that another person is present instead of the client, then this is objective information about the client's excessive dependence on someone, for example, on the mother. Semantic information colonized the mind of the client. In this case, it is only necessary to "cut off" this information, and the subject's body will restore its own health.

All I have done for the people I have cured is remove the distorted information from their psyche. Life, by its very nature, strives for a state of health and puts everything in its place.

In order to cut off information, it is necessary for the subject to become aware of it. It is necessary to open the client's eyes by analyzing his dreams, gradually explaining the situation; it is necessary to help him find in himself the responsibility for his destiny, to show him that he lives according to the scheme laid down in him by others.

As soon as he gets rid of dependence on another person inside himself, becomes autonomous, he will immediately feel better. It is not necessary to tell the client about the semantic field, it is difficult to talk about it even with a psychologist. The patient may think that this other person is up to something wrong with him, and then he will never be able to restore his "I". On the contrary, one should awaken his consciousness and support his "I". You can, for example, tell him: "Try to find yourself a good job, girlfriend, you have too much infantile addiction, it's time to become a real man." There is no other way, you have to be yourself.

The analysis of the semantic field in the future will lead you to unexpected discoveries in the life of society.

For example, in order to eliminate drug addiction, it is very important to change the context of the family, to place a person in an environment where the drug does not make sense. In fact, the public attention to AIDS contributes to the spread of negative semantics and death. Every year, a large number of people die from this disease and drug overdose, but millions also die from heart attacks, cancer, accidents, and tuberculosis. It is unethical to think of only a small number of people who want to die this way. I myself have seen overflowing leper colonies, since leprosy is also incurable.

In judicial practice, it often happens that a person who has committed a crime, but in principle innocent of it, ends up in prison. The classic example is rape: a very modest and chaste woman is almost always the victim; often the rapist himself cannot understand how it all happened. In fact, a certain type of women emanate a special semantics that prompts a person with a weak psyche to commit violence against her.

End of introductory segment.