Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Basic rules of behavior for students at school. Lesson: "Rules of relationships with peers, with adults, culture of behavior at school and other public places: politeness guarantees a good mood for everyone." (1 class)

Typically the question is: How to teach a child to communicate with peers?, until his 3-year-old age, is not relevant, especially when it comes to the onlychildin family.
In large families, everything happens earlier ...
After all, in the first years of life, a child's communication with peers is usually limited to a visit to the playground, where children, under the supervision of adults, exchange toys and watch each other.

The desire to make friends appears in children only closer to the age of 3 - just in time for the age when the baby goes to kindergarten. And it is precisely by this time that it is necessary to teach the child to communicate with peers - so that he does not feel like a “black sheep” and does not hate kindergarten, teachers and peers combined!

So, how to teach a child to communicate with peers?

Conditions for social success

To teach a child to communicate with peers, it is necessary that he learn some rules that guarantee him success in communication. These rules are called by psychologists the conditions of social success.

The first condition for social success is personal attractiveness. Just be sure to explain to the child that personal attractiveness is not so much external beauty as well-groomedness, good manners, neatness and cleanliness, the ability to interest your interlocutor in something.

The second condition for social success is communication skills. Children get their first communication skills in the family, therefore, in order to teach a child to communicate with peers, you must, first of all, teach him to communicate with family members. To do this, talk more with your child and ask other relatives to do the same. And if you have an older child, it will be very good if the children find a common language with each other. Remember: to teach a child to communicate with peers is possible only with the help of active and long-term practice!

How to teach a timid child to communicate with peers

Very often, the reason for the inability to establish communication with peers is the shyness and timidity of the child. In this case, it is necessary to raise the self-esteem of the baby and help him to be liberated. To teach a timid child to communicate with peers, you must:

Do not explicitly express your dissatisfaction with the child himself: You can condemn his undesirable actions, but not the child as a person. For example, the same claim can be formulated in completely different ways: “Again you didn’t say thank you to the saleswoman! What kind of incomprehensible are you? You're bad, I don't love you!" (destructive form) or “Your act upset me very much ... I understand that it’s hard for you to say “thank you”, you are shy, but the saleswoman might think that you are just rude! Try to prevent your actions from now on, because I love you very much ”(constructive way).

Try not to make too many claims to the child so that the baby does not feel unwanted and does not decide that you do not accept him as he is.

At any opportunity, praise the child and show that you respect him, and his opinion is important to you. For example: “I am very proud that you were able to talk to a girl on the street today. You looked so mature and independent!

To teach your child to communicate with peers, always keep a friendly tone in communication with him. The kid must understand that no matter what he does, he is loved, appreciated and respected, and for his parents he is always the best. With such an attitude, it will be much easier for him to perceive criticism and rejection of him, which he may well encounter in the process of communication in real life.

Leave the child the right to make their own decisions and do not criticize them, even if you do not really like them. The maximum that you can afford is to gently express your opinion about some act of the baby, leaving the right of choice for him. Also, try not to interfere with his activities and not help him in cases where he can cope on his own (even if with difficulty).

If the child, in the process of communication, carried some kind of resentment in his direction, do not leave the baby alone with her. Listen to him, take pity, tell me, explain who was wrong where, so that the child gets a lesson for the future and does not repeat his mistakes. But in no case do not dismiss the child and do not tell him something like: "Your problems are stupid, and in general you yourself were to blame for everything."

In order to teach a child to communicate with peers and raise his self-esteem, you should in no case put pressure on him with your authority and strive to be always and in everything right. You can be sure: for a child, you are the ultimate truth! But sometimes it pays to give your child the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and make their own decisions. It would be very wise of you if you give the baby the opportunity to give you advice and criticize you. Only in this way will you be able to develop his self-esteem and self-respect.

So that the baby is not afraid to start a conversation with peers, go for little tricks. Sew a button on his jacket or other piece of clothing and tell him to touch it as soon as he starts to be afraid of something. At this moment, you will think about him and help him.

In order to teach a child to communicate with peers, it is necessary that he has several “blanks” “in his pocket”. For example, phrases how to start an acquaintance: “Hi, my name is Misha! And what is your name? Do you want cookies? I can feed you!"

Useful tips on how to teach your child to communicate with peers

So, your child got rid of shyness, he is self-confident and ready for new exploits. At this point, we must remember the two conditions for social success: personal attractiveness and communication skills - and start shaping them! But do not forget that the best form of education for young children is the example of parents. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to yourself and by your own example show the child how to communicate.

The formation of personal attractiveness is, in fact, the formation of those character traits that, one way or another, will help the child in communication. The formation of communication skills is the combination of character traits that make up personal attractiveness with practical communication skills. How to form these character traits in a baby and teach a child to communicate with peers?

Be open, affectionate and sincere with all family members. The child, seeing such a model of communication, will learn it and use it in communication with peers. The kid must learn that a kind and open person is always surrounded by friends.

Be polite, respectful and caring towards your family members. It is possible to successfully teach a child to communicate with peers only if he knows that he needs to treat others with respect, and in special cases even show care and be able to sympathize.

Involve your child in family chores - ask him to help clean the house, cook dinner or help in the garden. The more you communicate with each other and help each other within the family, the better the child will develop communication skills.

The child needs to feel loved. Then it will be easier for him to open up and tell about his inner experiences to you and everyone around him.

If there are several children in your family, and they do not always get along - in no case, do not encourage disputes and competition between them. To teach a child to communicate with peers, you need to show him that aggression and anger are a bad ally in establishing good communication.

Teach your child to live not only in their own interests, but also to take into account the interests of the interlocutor. For example, you need to share toys if the interlocutor politely asked for it, you don’t need to shout and fight, you need to negotiate during the game, and not “pull the blanket over yourself”, etc. In a word, instill in your child the rules of good manners. And if you see that he forgets about one of them during the game, agree that you will have a conditional signal with which you will remind the baby of this rule. For example, you see a child getting into a fight. To prevent a fight, say quietly: “Remember?”, Which will mean: “Remember, we agreed that there would be no fights?”

Keep the communication child in your line of sight so that he feels like you are paying attention to him all the time. This is very important for building his inner confidence and works well as a deterrent.

To teach your child to communicate with peers, be sure to tell him that in order to take a toy from a playmate, you need to politely ask for permission, and not beg, and even more so, do not stomp your feet and do not fight. Many children sin with impatience, which then leads to resentment and tantrums.

The child must be aware of the rules of justice. For example, if the toy was not asked for, but taken away, you can defend yourself and defend your rights. And if the toy was politely asked, it would be right to lend it to a new friend. And if one of the children is the first to get into a fight or shows aggression, it is necessary to defend yourself, provided that the opponent is not weaker than your child. after all, raising a hand against those who are weaker is a very shameful thing.

Teach the child self-irony - in this case, he will not be offended and cry when he hears something unpleasant from the interlocutor, but he will be able to answer him something funny, but not humiliating him, while maintaining his dignity in front of the offender.

To teach your child to communicate with peers, explain to him that there is nothing terrible and shameful in being the first to start a conversation or ask to play. The kid can even offer friendship or a joint game to someone he likes. Unless, of course, the child does not become annoying.

The child must learn the "rules of friendship": do not tease, play fair, do not divulge trusted secrets and do not strive for superiority over others. The kid must understand that he is no worse than the others, but not better, so there should be respect for the feelings of others.

Communication exercises

You can effectively teach a child to communicate with peers by setting up problem situations for him, for which he must choose a way out:

Your friend took your toy without permission. What will you do?

Your friend ran past and deliberately pushed you, but literally after 3 steps he fell himself and hit hard. What will you do?

You are constantly laughed at and teased by a girl in our yard. What will you do the next time you see her and hear insults?

The boy you are playing with suddenly grabbed and pushed you. You hurt. What will you do?

You and your friend are playing at home, and then dad comes with your favorite ice cream. What will you do?

Your best friend has entrusted you with a secret that you can't tell anyone. But you really want to tell it to your parents. How will you do it?

When you get options for solving these problems, discuss them with the child and gently lead him to the right solutions if he answered some questions incorrectly. After some time, the child himself will learn to adequately get out of difficult life situations.

You can also teach your child to communicate with peers with the help of group games. For example, the game "Foreigners".

During this game, all the children participating in it must come up with a "gibberish" language and represent guests from different countries speaking different languages. First, the facilitator asks each participant to tell about themselves in gibberish, accompanying the story with gestures (about 30 seconds).

Then each child is “retrained” as a shop assistant, and the rest of the “foreigners” come to his shop and try to explain, using sounds and gestures incomprehensible to the shop assistant, what exactly they need. This continues until each child has been a "salesperson".

After the game is over, ask the children if they enjoyed it, let them tell you if it was easy for them to understand each other.

How to teach a child to communicate with peers - each parent decides for himself. But remember that the sooner you teach your baby to communicate, and the sooner he learns to overcome life's troubles and cope with minor setbacks, the better it will be for him. After all, you want to see your child happy, not gloomy and unsociable, right?

The rules of etiquette apply to all major aspects of human life. Starting with the appearance and style of clothing, it even includes the rules for using a personal computer.

So we have a lot of topics for discussion. Let's start with the culture of communication. After all, they meet, perhaps, according to clothes, but only see off according to the mind.

And a smart person is usually considered not the one who has read more books, but the one who knows how to correctly and beautifully express his thoughts, and even without offending or angering anyone.

We will tell you about the basic rules that every person should learn in order to easily find a common language with the people around him.

How to have a conversation

And let's check with you: can you communicate in the very sense that the classic meant when he said that the greatest luxury is the luxury of human communication? Why do you think people talk to each other at all? Do you know that two people exchange coherent sounds, which we call a conversation, there are many reasons.

First, through conversation, we, like animals, transmit information to each other, exchange information both from our private life and from the life of the whole society.

Secondly, there is such a kind of conversation as just a pleasant conversation. In a pleasant conversation, people, in essence, do not seek to communicate or learn any important information.

The subject of the conversation can be some insignificant facts, for example, the weather forecast. In this case, the interlocutors simply express their disposition towards each other and some interest. There is also the so-called sweet talk about nothing.

In this case, the conversation has as its goal a kind of "killing time." So, dear young lady, we advise you to ask yourself: why do you most often enter into a conversation?

In order to tell others something important and interesting, or in order to simply not be bored in a company or with someone alone? If the second option prevails, we think it would be useful for you to read this chapter.

Let's start with the most common - with your communication with girlfriends, classmates and just girls of the same age as you.

Undoubtedly, chatting and whispering with girlfriends in the classroom, at recess and in your free time from school, you, without suspecting it, use all three basic types of conversation that we have identified.

But precisely in how to switch to some neutral topic in time or, on the contrary, to feel the moment when you can easily find out some secret from a soulmate, for example, about her new acquaintance with an interesting boy, i.e., what, in essence, is called the art of conversation, some people are not very good at it.

Therefore, misunderstandings and misunderstandings happen.

How can you ensure that you are always understood correctly and that you receive the information that interests you?

First of all, you have to be very careful. After all, it’s not for nothing that you can often hear “She knows how to listen well,” and you rarely hear such a compliment as “She knows how to speak.”

You know, at all times, modesty, restraint, and silence were demanded of a girl. Of course, it’s hard for you to imagine this, because you live in the modern world, in the 21st century, when the ability to “hang out”, to be relaxed and sociable, to be able to talk about everything and at the same time about nothing is valued among young people.

No, no, we are not at all going to give you advice that our grandmothers read, it would be stupid and useless! But nevertheless, something you can be interested in and take into service.

To pass for a girl with whom it is interesting to communicate, it is not at all necessary to speak without closing your mouth and without letting the interlocutor insert a word.

Even if you are a quite literate, educated and erudite person, well versed in many issues, such as music, art, painting, sports, you still should not bring down all the information that you have on your interlocutor.

Perhaps this state of affairs will cause you some bewilderment, but everything is so unusual and complicated only at first glance.

Indeed, it is very interesting when the interlocutor reports a lot of new and useful information, but think about how you will feel with a girlfriend who talks and talks without letting you, as they say, open your mouth?

No doubt you will feel awkward, uncomfortable, and you will probably feel dumber, less interesting, and somehow worse than her.

And what will the situation look like if you look at it from the other side? You probably have a couple of girls you know who act like this.

No, it’s not worth remembering their names now, let’s better try to figure out if you often act in the same way?

There are, of course, situations where such behavior is justified.

For example, a lecturer, a teacher, a preacher, i.e., one who, in accordance with the duty of his profession, is obliged to teach, enlighten others, can talk for hours.

But if you behave like this in a normal conversation, be sure that this is the best way to lose all your girlfriends over time. You don't want this, do you?

So, learn the first and main rule of conversation: you must be able and willing to listen to the interlocutor. After all, a conversation is a dialogue, that is, people take turns talking and then taking turns listening to each other, so that everyone has the opportunity to speak out.

The one who only listens, suppressed by the verbal flow of the interlocutor, may feel offended, unnecessary, and is unlikely to want to communicate with an overly talkative subject in the future.

What does it mean to "be able" and "to want"? To have a conversation that is interesting for both, you need to be seriously interested in the person who is standing in front of you.

After all, you are far from perceiving it as an animated tape recorder that records your experiences, or as a “container” for your feelings and emotions?

No, your interlocutor is a living person with his own joys and sorrows, and you should always remember this. “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat,” says the proverb.

And this means that each of us needs affection and attention from others.

We all love to be petted, interested in us, our life, sympathize, empathize or rejoice with us.

Therefore, before you “pour out” your problems on the interlocutor, first ask how he is doing: perhaps he is overwhelmed by worries more serious than yours, and dishonorably dump unnecessary problems on his head.

By the way, have you noticed that there are girls who always and everywhere talk only about themselves, and there are those who only listen, not daring to insert a word? So, in order to pass for a girl with whom it is pleasant to have a conversation, one must choose the golden mean between these two extremes.

Learn to subtly understand when you need to insert your word, and when it is better to be silent. Frankly talking about your experiences, going into all the details and details, you can only your closest friend, in extreme cases two.

When the number of people who know your personal secrets exceeds two, be prepared for what everyone else will find out.

And the girl is completely stupid when she tells the details of her personal life (about a quarrel with a boy, relationships with her parents) to a large circle of girlfriends at the top of her voice.

Some behave in this way, thinking that this way they look relaxed, modern, “in-house”. Often, by the way, internally very constrained girls do this, striving in this way to change their image.

Really, you shouldn’t do this, our dear reader, otherwise you may be considered too frivolous and even narrow-minded. So, are you able to sincerely and seriously become interested in the person with whom you intend to have a conversation?

Keep in mind, this is not an idle question. Many people think that they can talk, in fact, they are deceived about this.

Often such an interlocutor (or interlocutor), pretending to listen attentively, only waits out the moment when there is a pause in order to immediately break into the conversation with the exclamation "What is it, but I have ...". And the narrator, having cut off his thought in mid-sentence, will no longer be able to insert a word into the “general” conversation.

This is how people behave with a certain amount of selfishness in their character. It's not as rare as you might think.

Perhaps, when communicating with others, you are quite sure that your inner world is richer and more versatile than that of your interlocutors. But even if it's true, don't show it. Here is the second rule of the art of conversation.

In any case, when talking to a person who is far from your usual circle of interlocutors, try to bring him to a topic in which he would feel like a fish in water. Then he will be liberated and, perhaps, will report a lot of useful information, previously unknown to you.

It is possible, by the way, that after this your opinion about him will change, and quite significantly. In any case, you will part, satisfied with each other.

Rule three. Try to avoid pointless argument. The argument itself never carries a positive charge.

The fact that truth is born in a dispute, if you think about it, is very doubtful. When entering into an argument, two people have opposite opinions, and their goal is to convince the “opponent” that he is wrong.

It is like a tug of war: whoever is stronger wins. If you entered into an argument with the only

the main goal is to convince the interlocutor, know that the time spent on the conversation can be safely deleted from your life. Even if you manage to insist on your own, at best you will receive only a spoiled mood as a reward.

As for the worst... Often, the beginning of a real enmity between people was some kind of argument over a trifling matter.

In Gulliver's Travels to the Land of the Lilliputians, an example is given of how two tribes of Lilliputians were at enmity with each other for many years, but no one really remembered what was the subject of the war.

To Gulliver's question, the inhabitants of the country recalled the dispute about which end to peel a boiled egg - from a blunt or sharp one, and it all started from that.

Isn't it a rather meaningless subject for a dispute? Believe me, there are not many topics that really need to be argued about, and there are not so many situations when this needs to be done.

Ultimately, both arguing in their own way are right. Thought unexpected for you, isn't it? But, nevertheless, if you are drawn into an argument, try first of all to remember this statement and repeat it mentally.

Instead of looking for weaknesses in the words of your opponent (as a person with an opposite point of view is called) and trying to refute them in your response speech, do it differently.

First of all, note what the interlocutor really does not sin against the truth, and in a conversation tell him about it. Use phrases like “Yes, of course, you are right about this and that, and I completely agree with you on this, but if you look at the issue from a different point of view ...” or: “Perhaps I am in something that's not right, maybe I'm mistaken in something ... "

Just do not think that we are suggesting that you use such an “old-fashioned” speech in your opinion. No, speak the way you are used to, use the slang accepted in your environment, the main thing is that the thought h and the friendly attitude towards the interlocutor remain essentially the same.

Now let's figure out what you win by using these simple rules of conversation. Knowing how to listen to the interlocutor, you will never pass for either a bore, or an empty talker, or a frivolous person.

People will reach out to you to tell you about their problems, and you will always be surrounded by friends.

Even those who previously might have seemed uninteresting, boring, will suddenly flash before you with a completely unexpected facet of their personality. Now let's specifically focus on the so-called girl talk.

What are the girls talking about when, gathered in a tight circle, they whisper, exclaim “What are you talking about!”, “Yes, it can’t be!” and giggle? Well, of course, they gossip about each other and discuss the opposite sex, that is, boys.

All this is quite natural. Without the so-called chatter, a woman is not a woman, even scientists now admit this. Genetic predisposition, what can you do!

Of course, gossiping a little with your beloved, devoted girlfriend about the tasteless “outfit” of the new girl is both pleasant and safe.

But if you start doing the same in a big company, this will already be the first degree of “risk” to get into trouble, i.e. in a big company there will always be the “smartest one” who will surely convey your words to those for whose ears they were not intended .

And if you discuss a teacher or, for example, a school principal, the degree of risk increases exponentially.

Well, this is what you should think about before you open your mouth for a couple of barbs in someone's address.

Often a conversation, at first glance harmless (about nature, about the weather), is intended to obtain or communicate some information, and you should not forget about it.

If your goal is to get some information from the interlocutor, then first try to lead the conversation in such a way that the interlocutor relaxes internally, that is, do not start the conversation with the question that interests you.

How to put it into practice?

For example, you are terribly interested in whether the boy you are passionate about was at a party and what he was doing there.

You don't start the conversation like this: “Tell me if N was there last night; I wonder what he was doing there? Sounds stupid, doesn't it? Reminds me of the interrogation of a witness. Each delicate conversation requires a preliminary "buildup".

For example, to begin with, take an interest in the affairs of your interlocutor, showing as much participation as possible. The more sincerity she feels, the more she will settle for you.

Then, if the girlfriend is close, you can transfer the conversation to yesterday in general, or after a preliminary chatter about mutual acquaintances, as if by chance, take an interest in yesterday's party.

When discussing those who were present, you should start with individuals who are distant from the subject of your interest, but not too distracted from the main topic for you, otherwise you will not receive the necessary information soon.

Then, when it comes directly to the object of your interest, you should not show how important this information is to you. On the contrary, the best way to “warm up” the interlocutor is to listen to him with a somewhat distracted and inattentive look.

Then he will subconsciously try to capture your attention, giving out more and more details (and you need this!).

Another good way is to play a little, pretending to be a little confused or not believing in the authenticity of what you are being told.

One has only to incredulously stretch out “Yes, really? Come on, you, probably, as always, mixed everything up (didn’t hear, didn’t consider, made a mistake) ”, and the girlfriend, offended, will begin to defend her case with fervor, citing more and more evidence.

Having received the necessary information, you should cover your tracks (in case the girlfriend is not sincere).

You should ask with the same interest and listen to the details of the party that are not interesting to you (without making a bored face and internally without moving away from the interlocutor).

It would also be nice to put the girlfriend on the wrong track, showing genuine interest in another moment of the party or in the details of other relationships.

You can also "be interested" in a completely different boy and ask about him everything in such detail, as if you really needed it badly.

All these tricks are not really needed in a conversation with a close, beloved friend, but in a different version, these recommendations should be taken into account.

So, let's repeat the lesson and remember the rules of polite communication.

1. It is necessary not only to be able to speak beautifully, it is important to learn how to listen carefully to the interlocutor - thereby you let the person understand that he is really unimpressive to you.

2. Try to be seriously interested in the interlocutor - this will make communication pleasant and interesting for both of you.

3. Know how to use words and phrases appropriately. If you are not an expert in the issue under discussion and your remark may put you in an awkward position, it is better to remain silent.

4. In communication, do not first of all try to show yourself in something better than your interlocutor. You will most likely offend him and alienate a good person from you.

5. It is better to start a conversation with a topic that is interesting to each of the interlocutors. This will liberate your conversation partners, and by cleverly changing topics for communication, you can learn a lot of new and useful things for you personally. Just do not jump from topic to topic without smooth transitions - you risk confusing your interlocutor and appearing inconsistent.

Olga Chusovitina
Conversation "Rules of etiquette"

Rules of etiquette

People know from childhood

"What - etiquette» .

Etiquette is magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these regulations, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, relatives and people completely unfamiliar to you. Easily learn how say hello properly, give and receive gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more ...

So, are you ready to learn? Then get to work!

Greeting rules

rules greetings are a very important step in learning etiquette rules. After all, the first thing we do when meeting a familiar person is to greet him.

It is very important to know that a well-mannered person never waits to be greeted. Do not let yourself get ahead of yourself - do it yourself, especially if you meet a friend older than yourself in age.

It is indecent to wave your hands and shout "in all crow's throat" if the people you would like to say hello to are far away from you. It will be enough, having met their eyes, just to nod affably to them.

Loud, surprised exclamations: "ba - who do I see", "finally", "where have you been".

Do not be afraid to say hello to a person once again if you met him more than once during the day. Greet him with a smile, or a nod of your head, or a slight wave of your hand.

Rules of conduct at the table

Don't put your elbows on the table: they can interfere with a neighbor, and they take up a lot of space. It is very indecent to sway in a chair.

Do not talk with a full mouth - chew and swallow, then speak, do not champ - try to eat silently.

To make it easier to chew - do not bite off too large pieces.

Put as much food on your plate as you can eat.

Meat served in a large piece is usually eaten with a fork and knife: fork - in the left hand, knife - in right. Cut the meat into small pieces, set the knife aside, take the fork in right hand and eat! This manner of eating shows good manners. (plate looks neater).

Don't eat with a spoon what you can eat with a fork, and don't use a knife if you can get by with the same fork. For example, they don’t cut fish, a cutlet, aspic with a knife - they break off small pieces with a fork.

Garnish (potatoes, vegetables, pasta) type on a fork with bread, not with your fingers.

Wipe your hands and lips with napkins, in no case with your hands, tablecloth, or clothes.

If you want to try some dish that is far from you, do not reach for it across the table, but ask it to be politely passed.

From the common dishes, serve food not with your spoon or fork, but with those that are on the common dish.

Sweets such as cakes and pastries are not eaten from the hand, but are broken off with a spoon in a plate.

And the most important thing: you must definitely thank the one who cooked and served you dishes, say magic "Thank you"!

rules table manners are very important in today's world. A festive table, a trip to a cafe or a restaurant, a romantic or friendly dinner cannot do without elementary etiquette rules.

rules courtesy when speaking

It's so nice to be listened to! But did you know that you also need to be able to listen!

If someone addresses you, and you are busy with something at that time, put aside your affairs for a while and look at interlocutor, show him your willingness to participate in the conversation.

Never interrupt! Listen carefully to the end. Your comments and tips interlocutor during his conversation - inappropriate.

When several people are involved in a conversation, you should not react to a speech that is not addressed to you.

When companion in your presence begins to behave tactlessly, speak sharply and irritably, try to end the conversation, but gently and without challenge.

If you hear that in your presence they begin to discuss and call others names, try to turn the conversation to another topic.

Always remember that a long conversation is very tiring for interlocutor. Don't be overly chatty.

Believe that your listener has something to say, so give him the opportunity to enter into the conversation.

Be kind and considerate to who you are talking to. Manage to end the conversation in time if you see that your the interlocutor is in a hurry before he tells you about it himself. Try to change the topic of conversation if you notice that it is unpleasant for a person, or uninteresting.

In order not to put your listener in an awkward position, do not use words in a conversation whose meaning he may not know, as well as those whose meaning is not entirely clear to you.

In order not to be reputed gossip ("gossip girl" Do not criticize or discuss other people. Only good things are said about those who are absent, or nothing at all is better.

It's not nice to wave your arms while talking. (gesticulate). Express yourself precisely and clearly and this will be enough to companion understood you easily.

Conversation rules

Conversation rules will help you correctly start and carry on a conversation. You will learn how to interest interlocutor and not bother him in the process conversations. Besides, these regulations will make you even more educated and cultured than before.

Do not brag. Don't humiliate interlocutor, trying to pin him down or rise at his expense.

If you are asked questions, be sure to answer them.

In a company it is impolite to whisper with someone alone. Others may think that you are talking nasty things about them, or they may assume that you are neglecting them.

Don't interfere with conversation between two when they talk in private. At this point, it is best to gently withdraw.

Don't get in the habit of complaining. The image of a constant whiner repels people.

Try to remember what you talked about last time, so that when you meet again, show interlocutor how interested you were.

Do not litter your speech with swear words, jargon and rude words.

Try not to speak too loudly, especially in a public place. Believe me, they listen not to the one who screams louder, but to the one who can speak interestingly and intelligently.

Now you know conversation rules, which means now you can support any conversation, being sure that your companion only good things will remain about you.

Friendship Rules

Who do you spend most of your time with? Of course, with friends. Do you know about friendship rules?

If not, then be sure to check out them:

Always help your friend: if you know how to do something, teach him this too; if a comrade is in trouble, help him in any way you can.

tell a friend the truth"in the eyes": if he is not in something right - tell him about it or praise when he did a good deed. Stop a friend if he does something bad.

Try not to quarrel with friends, do not argue over trifles. Don't be conceited if you're better at something than they are. Do not envy your comrades - you need to be able to rejoice in their successes. If you did something wrong, don't be shy to admit it and mend.

Learn to accept help, advice and comments from other guys

Friendship Rules

rules friendship will help you make many friends who will be happy to be friends with you and spend their free time.

There is a proverb - “Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends!”

If you really want to have many friends, listen to a few advice:

Never be rude to your comrades, do not raise your voice to them. Do not call them offensive words, do not ridicule their failures. Do not give them nicknames, do not humiliate them - it's insulting.

Do not try to hit or push someone to take a comfortable place for you.

Don't forget to say hello to all your friends. Even with those of them who are very small. You can and should be friends with kids, and with big guys, and with boys, and with girls.

If you are offended by your friend for something, try to forgive him your offense as soon as possible and make peace. Do not get mad!

If your friend asked you for something - never be greedy, give it to him! Always share with your friends what you have.

Be a must! If you yourself took a book or a toy from a friend, handle these things carefully and do not forget to return them on time. (when your friend asked or when you yourself promised).

Do not talk about trifles, but you still need to tell adults about serious tricks.

rules Friendship should be known to every student - after all, they help to find friends not only for the time of study, but for life.

Rules of etiquette- How to behave with adults

Do you know how to behave with adults? Do you always follow these regulations? If you know well and carry out these regulations, then you will always be considered a well-mannered, cultured and intelligent child.

First of all, it is customary to address adults with “you”. Greetings that you use in communication with peers and relatives: “hello” and “bye” in relation to strangers to adults are inappropriate. Use these instead as: "hello" and "goodbye".

The younger ones should always say hello first, however, as with any acquaintances, without waiting until they greet you first.

By man's rules(boys) at a meeting with each other served right handshake. If you have gloves on your hands, do not forget to take off the one you are greeting before greeting.

Kissing and hugging when meeting is very personal. You can afford such a greeting only with close and well-known people, with mutual consent.

You can not interfere in the conversation of adults and comment on what they say to each other. And if you want to say something or ask a question, you need to ask permission.

Having met someone again during the day, do not forget about such magical words of greeting, as: "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening" or "good to see you/you again". Even a simple nod of the head and a good-natured smile will be enough in this situation.

Well, now you know how to behave with adults. Treat adults and the elderly with respect - this is a sign of a good upbringing!

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People know from childhood
What is etiquette...

And do you know what it is? Rules of etiquette for children are magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these rules, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, relatives and people completely unfamiliar to you. You can easily learn how to say hello, give and receive gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more ...

So, are you ready to learn? Then get to work!

Greeting rules

Rules of conduct with adults - For educated children

Friendship Rules - For Kids and Teens

It is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, cinema and at a concert not only for children, but also for adults. Since in our time there are also adults who behave not quite culturally at such events.

When going to a theater or a concert hall, you must remember a very strict rule established by etiquette regarding clothing in which you can visit such institutions. Take it seriously, so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, and even more so in a tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as usual, come in evening dresses.

You need to come to the theater or to a concert early so that there is enough time to put yourself in order, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, and just take a walk in the lobby.

If your seat is in the middle of the row, try to get it in advance so as not to disturb those who are sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation has already happened, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask for forgiveness for the trouble.

During the performance it is bad form to eat and drink something

It is better not to go to the theater with a cold. With your cough, you will interfere with both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.

At a concert, do not sing along to the performer, understand, because people did not come here to listen to you sing.

At musical concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know the piece of music very well, because a pause in the performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

In the cinema, the rules are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dumping ground for popcorn, candy papers and cans of drinks. Behave yourself.

In the cinema, you usually do not take off your outerwear. However, you must always remember about the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to. Not only boys should do this, but also girls.

If the person in front did it for you, be sure to thank him.

It's a sign of bad manners to predict what's going to happen in a movie. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and attitude towards the characters in the course of viewing. It disturbs others. And if someone thinks otherwise, there can be an argument or a noisy discussion, which does not belong in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the movie, not to listen to comments and arguments.

Visiting the theater has recently become more and more popular, both among young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of behavior in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves provocatively in the theater, it will certainly attract condemning glances at his parents. In order not to blush and not feel awkward, you need to teach the child these simple rules in a timely manner.

How to give gifts

Not everyone knows how to give gifts correctly. But this event also has its own special rules of etiquette that should be learned and remembered.

The holiday is coming ... and we, as always, are at a loss ... But what ... to whom ... and how ... can we give?

So let's get started. How to give gifts according to the rules:

- When preparing a gift for your relatives, you can draw something, embroider something, do something with your own hands. For the birthday of your mother or father, you can learn a poem or learn a song.

If you are buying a gift for a friend in a store, ask an adult to help you choose it.

- It is indecent to give money to a friend and advise at the same time "to buy yourself whatever you want." If you really care about the recipient, then you should work hard and come up with the right gift for him that will bring joy.

- First of all, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of the recipient. Remember what this person loves and what he is fond of!

- It is best to pack a gift - unwrapping it is very nice!

- You can attach a card with a wish to the gift.

Don't forget to remove the price tag from the gift.

- You can not give animals, if it is not discussed in advance! Your friend will most likely be very happy, but his parents may be against it.

— New Year is a magical holiday, when everyone is waiting for miracles and surprises! Therefore, gifts should be made to all relatives and friends, and inexpensive but pleasant little things can become gifts. When preparing New Year's gifts, try to show a sense of humor - this will greatly please and amuse your friends and family.

- Remember, a person will use a well-chosen and sincere gift, and will remember you well. No one will use a gift that is boring or made for a mere formality, such a gift will be given to someone, or even simply thrown away.

Now you know how to give gifts, which means you can safely wait for the next holidays to congratulate your loved ones according to all the rules of etiquette!