Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Ostrovsky dowry summary and questions.

"Dowryless" act 1 - summary

In a coffee shop in one of the Volga cities, local wealthy businessmen are talking - the elderly Knurov and the young Vozhevatov. They discuss high-profile news: the well-known young beauty Larisa Ogudalova is getting married to an insignificant and poor official Karandyshev.

Dowry. Film-performance based on the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky (1974)

Larisa is a noblewoman, but without funds, dowry. Her mother, Harita Ignatievna, trying to find the daughter of a rich groom, arranged evenings at her home, inviting wealthy people to them. But none of them ever wooed Larisa. The whole city remembers the story of her last year's passion for the handsome and daring shipowner Sergei Paratov. He frequented the Ogudalovs' house, beat off other suitors from there, but finally left without making an offer. Passionately in love, Larisa rushed after him, but her mother turned her out of the way.

Vozhevatov tells Knurov: today Paratov must come back to the city to sell one of his ships.

Larisa enters the coffee shop with her mother and Karandyshev. After Larisa agrees to marry him, Karandyshev turns up his nose, but this only causes ridicule and mockery among the townspeople. Now, in the coffee shop, Karandyshev begins to find fault with Larisa with jealous pettiness. He reminds her of the story of Paratov. Larisa in her hearts tells the groom that he cannot stand any comparison with the brave and proud Paratov.

The Ogudalovs and Karandyshev leave. Paratov appears in the coffee shop, having just arrived on his own steamer. The news of Larisa's marriage at first makes him excited and thoughtful. But he quickly pulls himself together and tells Knurov and Vozhevatov that he himself decided to marry - a rich girl. Gold mines are given as a dowry for her, and his own financial condition is greatly upset.

"Dowryless" act 2 - summary

Karandyshev is going after the wedding to go to a remote district, where it is easier to make a bureaucratic career. Larisa is not even afraid of a dull life in the wilderness among the forests. She wants to quickly leave the city, which is associated with heavy memories for her.

But Paratov suddenly drives up to the house where she lives with her mother on trotters after a year's absence. In a private conversation with Larisa, Paratov unfairly reproaches her for "forgetting him too quickly" and arrogantly mocks Karandyshev in Larisa's eyes. Larisa in response admits that she still loves Paratov ..

Enter Karandyshev. Paratov talks down to him, even yelling at him. Karandyshev is clearly a coward, endures insults, and at the insistence of Larisa and her mother invites Paratov to his place for today's pre-wedding dinner.

Paratov decides to make fun of Karandyshev there with the help of a greasy, eternally drunk joker - the actor Robinson. Paratov, Knurov and Vozhevatov are going that same evening, after dinner, to go for a walk across the Volga and hire a boat and a gypsy choir for this.

"Dowry" act 3 - summary

Inviting the city's rich to dinner, Karandyshev treats them with shameful poverty. His stingy aunt bought the cheapest products for the festive table. The guests mockingly discuss this in their circle. Robinson, trained by Paratov, at dinner tries to get Karandyshev to drink more.

After dinner, the guests ask Larisa to perform a romance. She sadly takes the guitar and, looking at Paratov, sings: “Do not tempt me unnecessarily by returning your tenderness.” Paratov listens in great agitation.

The conversation between Paratov and Larisa in private. “Why did I run from you! he exclaims. Why did you lose such a treasure! With your singing, you awakened noble feelings that have not yet completely died out in my soul. Paratov invites Larisa to go with him on a walk across the Volga: "Now or never."

Larissa hesitates. Openly leaving the groom on the eve of the wedding with other men is not an easy step. But Paratov begs with such passion that she decides to put her fate on the line. Larisa hopes that Paratov will propose to her at the picnic. “Either you rejoice, mom, or look for me in the Volga!” she says to her excited mother.

Rich guests leave without even warning the drunken Karandyshev. Upon learning of this, he almost cries from resentment. "I will take revenge!" shouts Karandyshev, grabs a pistol hanging on the wall and runs out.

"Dowryless" act 4 - summary

In the evening, the festivities return from across the Volga. Knurov and Vozhevatov enter a coffee house on the shore. Neither one nor the other believes that Paratov will marry Larisa, and now she may have to break up with the offended Karandyshev. Knurov and Vozhevatov themselves are not indifferent to Larisa. Knurov, in order to avoid rivalry, suggests throwing a coin: whoever gets lucky will “take care” of Larisa in the future, and let the other renounce claims to her. Throw - and happiness falls to Knurov.

Larisa and Paratov are walking in the distance. “You still haven’t said whether I’m your wife now or not?” she asks passionately. Paratov at first evades answering, and then says that he uttered his passionate words to Larisa before the picnic in a fleeting passion. Paratov now invites her to return to Karandyshev. “I can only hang myself or drown myself!” Larisa gasps. Paratov says that he is already engaged, shows the ring. Larisa sinks into a chair in shock.

Old Knurov comes up and offers Larisa all her fortune if she agrees to become his mistress. He cannot marry because he already has a wife. Larisa shakes her head in tears. Knurov leaves. Larisa runs up to the steep Volga cliff, but at the sight of the height she recoils in horror. "I can't kill myself! If someone else had killed me!"

Karandyshev runs up to the coffee shop where she is sitting. He attacks Larisa with reproaches and tells what he learned from Robinson: Knurov and Vozhevatov played her with a coin. Larisa is stunned: “So I’m just thing for men!"

Karandyshev calls her shameless, but promises to forgive if she returns to him. “Go away! - Larisa chases him. “I’m too expensive for you!” “So don’t get to anyone!” - shouts Karandyshev, takes out a pistol and shoots at her.

Larisa grabs her chest: “Ah! What a blessing you have done for me!" “No one is to blame,” she convinces Paratov, Knurov and Vozhevatov, who ran out of the coffee house. - It's me. Live, live everyone! You need to live, but I need to ... die ... I don’t take offense at anyone ... you are all good people ... I love you all ... I love you all.

Larisa dies to the sound of a gypsy song in the distance.

See details in a separate article

Drama in four acts

Act one


Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova, middle-aged widow; dressed elegantly, but boldly and beyond her years. Larisa Dmitrievna, her daughter, a maiden; dressed richly but modestly. Moky Parmenych Knurov, one of the big businessmen of recent times, an elderly man with a huge fortune. Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov, a very young man, one of the representatives of a wealthy trading firm; European in costume. Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev, a young man, a poor official. Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, a brilliant gentleman, from the shipowners, over 30 years old. Robinson. Gavrilo, club bartender and owner of a coffee shop on the boulevard. Ivan, a servant in a coffee shop.

The action takes place at the present time, in the big city of Bryakhimov on the Volga. City boulevard on the high bank of the Volga, with a platform in front of the coffee shop; to the right of the actors is the entrance to the coffee shop, to the left are the trees; in the depths there is a low cast-iron grate, behind it is a view of the Volga, a large expanse of forests, villages, etc.; there are tables and chairs on the landing: one table on the right side, near the coffee shop, the other on the left.

The first phenomenon

Gavrilo is standing at the door of the coffee shop, Ivan is putting the furniture in order on the site.

Ivan. There are no people on the boulevard. Gavrilo. It's always like this on holidays. We live in the old way: from late mass everything to pie and cabbage soup, and then, after bread and salt, seven hours of rest. Ivan. Already seven! Three or four hours. This is a good establishment. Gavrilo. But about vespers they wake up, drink tea until the third melancholy ... Ivan. Until longing! What is there to grieve about? Gavrilo. Sit tighter at the samovar, swallow boiling water for two hours, that's how you'll know. After the sixth sweat, she, the first melancholy, rises ... They part with tea and crawl out onto the boulevard to breathe and roam. Now the pure public is walking: there is Mokiy Parmenych Knurov prone himself. Ivan. Every morning he measures the boulevard back and forth, exactly as promised. And why is he bothering himself so much? Gavrilo. For exercise. Ivan. What is exercise for? Gavrilo. For appetite. And he needs an appetite for dinner. What dinners does he have! Can you eat such a dinner without exercise? Ivan. Why is he silent? Gavrilo. "Silence"! You are a freak. How do you want him to talk, if he has millions! Who should he talk to? There are two or three people in the city, he talks to them, but no one else; Well, he is silent. He does not live here for long from this himself; Yes, and would not live if it were not for work. And he goes to talk to Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad, where he has more space. Ivan. But Vasily Danilych is coming from under the mountain. Here is also a rich man, but talkative. Gavrilo. Vassily Danilych is still young; engages in cowardice; still little understands himself; and in summer it will enter, the same idol will be.

Knurov comes out from the left and, ignoring the bows of Gavrila and Ivan, sits down at the table, takes a French newspaper out of his pocket and reads. On the right enters Vozhevatov.

The second phenomenon

Knurov, Vozhevatov, Gavrilo, Ivan.

Vozhevatov (respectfully bowing). Moky Parmenych, I have the honor to bow! Knurov. BUT! Vasily Danilych! (Gives his hand.) Where from? Vozhevatov. From the pier. (Sits down.)

Gavrilo comes closer.

Knurov. Have you met anyone? Vozhevatov. Met, but not met. Yesterday I received a telegram from Sergei Sergeich Paratov. I buy a boat from him. Gavrilo. Isn't it "Swallow", Vasily Danilych? Vozhevatov. Yes, "Swallow". And what? Gavrilo. Runs briskly, a strong steamer. Vozhevatov. Yes, Sergei Sergeyevich deceived me, he did not come. Gavrilo. You were waiting for them with the "Airplane", and they, maybe, will come on their own, on the "Swallow". Ivan. Vasily Danilych, yes, there is a steamer running from above. Vozhevatov. Few of them run along the Volga. Ivan. This is Sergey Sergeyevich coming. Vozhevatov. You think? Ivan. Yes, it seems that they, sir ... The casings on the "Swallow" are painfully noticeable. Vozhevatov. You will dismantle the casings for seven miles! Ivan. For ten, you can sort it out, sir ... Yes, and it’s going well, now you can see that it’s with the owner. Vozhevatov. How far? Ivan. Out of the island. And so it lays, and so it lays. Gavrilo. Are you saying lining? Ivan. Lines. Passion! Shibche "Airplane" runs, and measures. Gavrilo. They are going. Vozhevatov (to Ivan). So you tell me how they will pester. Ivan. Listen, sir... Tea, fired from a cannon. Gavrilo. Without fail. Vozhevatov. From what gun? Gavrilo. They have their own barges at anchor in the middle of the Volga. Vozhevatov. I know. Gavrilo. So there is a gun on the barge. When they meet or see off Sergei Sergeyitch, they always fire like that. (Glancing aside behind the coffee shop.) There, and the carriage is coming after them, sir, cabbie, Chirkov, sir! Apparently, they let Chirkov know that they would come. The owner himself, Chirkov, on the goats. - It's behind them. Vozhevatov. How do you know what's behind them? Gavrilo. Four pacers in a row, have mercy, follow them. For whom will Chirkov collect such a quadruple! It's horrible to watch... like lions... all four on snaffles! And a harness, a harness! - Behind them. Ivan. And the gypsy with Chirkov is sitting on the goats, in the parade Cossack, tied with a belt so that, just look, it will break. Gavrilo. It's behind them. There is no one else to ride such a four. They With. Knurov. Paratov lives in style. Vozhevatov. Nothing else, but enough chic. Knurov. Do you buy a steamer cheaply? Vozhevatov. Cheap, Moky Parmenych. Knurov. Yes, sure; but what for the calculation to buy. Why is he selling? Vozhevatov. Know no benefits. Knurov. Of course, where is he! This is not a bar business. Here you will find a benefit, especially if you buy something cheap. Vozhevatov. By the way, we have a lot of cargo at the bottom. Knurov. Did you need money? He's motivated. Vozhevatov. His business. Our money is ready. Knurov. Yes, you can do things with money, you can. (With a smile.) Well, Vasily Danilych, who has a lot of money. Vozhevatov. Is it bad business! You yourself, Moky Parmenych, know this better than anyone. Knurov. I know, Vasily Danilych, I know. Vozhevatov. Shall we have a cold drink, Moky Parmenych? Knurov. What are you, in the morning! I haven't had breakfast yet. Vozhevatov. Nothing, sir. One Englishman - he is the director at the factory - told me that it is good to drink champagne on an empty stomach from a cold. And I caught a little cold yesterday. Knurov. How? Such warmth is worth it. Vozhevatov. Yes, all the same, and he caught a cold: it was very cold. Knurov. No, that's good; people will look, they will say: it is neither light nor dawn - they drink champagne. Vozhevatov. And so that people do not say anything bad, so we will drink tea. Knurov. Well, tea is another matter. Vozhevatov (Gavrila). Gavrilo, give us a cup of mine, do you understand?... mine! Gavrilo. I'm listening, sir. (Exits.) Knurov. Do you drink a special one? Vozhevatov. Yes, all the same champagne, only he will pour it into teapots and serve glasses with saucers. Knurov. Witty. Vozhevatov. Need will teach you everything, Moky Parmenych. Knurov. Are you going to Paris for an exhibition? Vozhevatov. Here I’ll buy a steamer and send it down for cargo and go. Knurov. And I am one of these days, they are waiting for me.

Gavrilo brings two teapots of champagne and two glasses on a tray.

Vozhevatov (pouring). Have you heard the news, Moky Parmenych? Larisa Dmitrievna is getting married. Knurov. How to get married? What do you! For whom? Vozhevatov. For Karandyshev. Knurov. What nonsense is this! Here is a fantasy! Well, what is Karandyshev! He’s not a match for her, Vasily Danilych. Vozhevatov. What a couple! But what to do, where to get suitors? After all, she's a dowry. Knurov. Dowry women find good suitors. Vozhevatov. Not that time. There used to be a lot of suitors, and there were enough for homeless women; and now there are no more suitors: how many dowries, so many suitors, there are no superfluous ones - the dowry women are lacking. Would Kharita Ignatyevna have given for Karandyshev if they had been better? Knurov. A brisk woman. Vozhevatov. She must not be Russian. Knurov. From what? Vozhevatov. Already very agile. Knurov. How did she screw it up? The Ogudalovs are still a respectable surname; and suddenly for some Karandyshev! .. Yes, with her dexterity ... the house of singles is always full! .. Vozhevatov. Everyone goes to visit her, because it's very fun: the young lady is pretty, plays various instruments, sings, circulation is free, and it pulls. Well, you need to think about getting married. Knurov. After all, she gave out two. Vozhevatov. She gave out something, but you need to ask them if it’s sweet for them to live. Some mountaineer, a Caucasian princeling, took the elder away. That was some fun! As soon as he saw it, he trembled, even began to cry - so for two weeks he stood beside her, holding on to the dagger and sparkling with his eyes so that no one would come near. He got married and left, yes, they say, he didn’t take him to the Caucasus, he stabbed him to death on the road from jealousy. The other also married some foreigner, and after that he turned out to be not a foreigner at all, but a cheater. Knurov. Ogudalova did not slander her stupidly: her fortune is small, there is nothing to give a dowry from, so she lives openly, accepts everyone. Vozhevatov. She also loves to have fun. And her means are so small that even for such a life is not enough ... Knurov. Where does she take it? Vozhevatov. Grooms pay. As someone liked the daughter, and fork out. Then he will take from the groom for a dowry, but do not ask for a dowry. Knurov. Well, I think that not only suitors are paid, but for you, for example, frequent visits to this family are not cheap. Vozhevatov. I won't go broke, Moky Parmenych. What to do! You have to pay for the pleasures, they don’t get for nothing, and visiting their house is a great pleasure. Knurov. Really fun - you're telling the truth. Vozhevatov. And you almost never do. Knurov. Yes, it's embarrassing; they have a lot of all sorts of rabble; then they meet, bow, and talk. Here, for example, Karandyshev - well, what an acquaintance for me! Vozhevatov. Yes, it looks like a market in their house. Knurov. Well, what good! He climbs to Larisa Dmitrievna with compliments, the other with tenderness, and buzz, do not give her a word to say. It's nice to see her alone more often, without interference. Vozhevatov. Need to get married. Knurov. Marry! Not everyone can, and not everyone wants to; Here I am, for example, married. Vozhevatov. So there is nothing to do. The grapes are good, but green, Moky Parmenych. Knurov. You think? Vozhevatov. Visible business. People don’t have such rules: there were few cases, but they weren’t flattered, even for Karandyshev, but married. Knurov. And it would be nice to take a ride to an exhibition with such a young lady in Paris. Vozhevatov. Yes, it will not be boring, the walk is pleasant. What are your plans, Moky Parmenych! Knurov. Didn't you also have these plans? Vozhevatov. Where to me! I'm simple for such things. I have no courage with women: you know, I received such a very moral, patriarchal upbringing. Knurov. Well, yes, explain! You have more chances than me: youth is a great thing. Yes, and you will not regret the money; you buy a steamship cheaply, so from the profits you can. But, tea, wouldn’t it be cheaper than “Swallows”? Vozhevatov. There is a price for every product, Mokiy Parmenych. Even though I’m young, I won’t go too far, I won’t pass on too much. Knurov. Don't hesitate! How long will it take to fall in love with your years; And perishing then what calculations! Vozhevatov. No, somehow I, Moky Parmenych, do not notice this at all in myself. Knurov. What? Vozhevatov. And that's what they call love. Knurov. It is commendable, you will be a good merchant. And yet you are much closer to her than others. Vozhevatov. What is my closeness? I sometimes pour an extra glass of champagne from my mother, learn a song, read novels that girls are not allowed to read. Knurov. Corrupt, then, little by little. Vozhevatov. Give me what! I don't force myself. Why should I care about her morality: I am not her guardian. Knurov. I keep wondering, did Larisa Dmitrievna, besides Karandyshev, have no suitors at all? Vozhevatov. There were, but she is simple. Knurov. How simple? That is stupid? Vozhevatov. Not stupid, but no cunning, not like a mother. That one has all cunning and flattery, and this one suddenly, for no apparent reason, will say that it is not necessary. Knurov. That is the truth? Vozhevatov. Yes, the truth; and the homeless can't do that. To whom it is located, does not hide it at all. Here Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov appeared last year, I could not get enough of him; and he traveled for two months, beat off all the suitors, and his trace caught a cold, disappeared, no one knows where. Knurov. What happened to him? Vozhevatov. Who knows; because he is smart. And how much she loved him, she almost died of grief. How sensitive! (Laughs.) I rushed to catch up with him, my mother turned back from the second station. Knurov. Were there suitors after Paratov? Vozhevatov. Two people ran in: an old man with gout and a wealthy steward of some prince, always drunk. Larisa is not up to them, but she had to be amiable, mother orders. Knurov. However, her position is unenviable. Vozhevatov. Yes, even funny. She sometimes has tears in her eyes, apparently, she decided to cry, and her mother tells her to smile. Then this cashier suddenly appeared ... So he threw money, and fell asleep Harita Ignatievna. He fought off everyone, but he did not show off for long: they arrested him in their house. The brawl is healthy! (Laughs.) It was impossible to show the Ogudalovs anywhere for a month. Here Larisa flatly announced to her mother: “Enough,” she says, “it’s a shame with us: I’ll marry the first one, who will marry, whether rich or poor, I won’t sort it out.” And Karandyshev is right there with the offer. Knurov. Where did this Karandyshev come from? Vozhevatov. He has been spinning in their house for a long time, three years. They didn’t drive, and there wasn’t much honor. When the alternation happened, none of the rich suitors was in sight, so they kept him, slightly invited, so that it was not completely empty in the house. And as it happened, some rich guy would run in, it was just a pity to look at Karandyshev: they don’t talk to him, and don’t look at him. And he, sitting in the corner, plays different roles, throws wild looks, pretends to be desperate. Once I wanted to shoot myself, but nothing happened, only made everyone laugh. And then here's some fun: they had somehow, even under Paratov, a costume party; so Karandyshev dressed himself as a robber, took an ax in his hands and cast brutal glances at everyone, especially at Sergei Sergeyich. Knurov. And what? Vozhevatov. The ax was taken away and they were ordered to change clothes; and then, they say, get out! Knurov. So, he was awarded for constancy. Glad, I think. Vozhevatov. Still as glad something, shines like an orange. What a laugh! After all, he is our weirdo. He would like to get married as soon as possible and leave for his little estate, while the conversations subside, - so the Ogudalovs wanted, - but he drags Larisa to the boulevard, walks arm in arm with her, raised his head so high that, just look, he will stumble upon someone . Yes, I put on glasses for some reason, but I never wore them. Bows - barely nods; what a tone he took: before it was not even heard, but now it’s all “I, yes I, I want, I want.” Knurov. Like a Russian peasant: there is little joy in being drunk, you have to break down so that everyone can see; breaks, they beat him twice, well, he is satisfied and goes to bed. Vozhevatov. Yes, it seems that Karandyshev cannot escape. Knurov. A poor girl! how she suffers looking at him, I think. Vozhevatov. He took it into his head to finish his apartment, - that's weird. In the office, he nailed a penny carpet to the wall, hung daggers, Tula pistols: the hunter would have been amazing, otherwise he never took a gun in his hands. Drags to itself, shows; it is necessary to praise, otherwise you will offend: a person is proud, envious. He ordered a horse from the village, some motley nag, a small coachman, and a caftan on him from a large one. And he carries Larisa Dmitrievna on this camel; he sits so proudly, as if he were riding thousands of trotters. He comes out of the boulevard, shouting to the policeman: “Order to serve my carriage!” Well, this carriage drives up with music: all the screws, all the nuts rattle in different voices, and the springs tremble, as if alive. Knurov. Pity poor Larisa Dmitrievna! It's a pity. Vozhevatov. Why are you very compassionate? Knurov. Can't you see that this woman is made for luxury? An expensive diamond is expensive and requires a setting. Vozhevatov. And a good jeweler. Knurov. You told the absolute truth. A jeweler is not a simple artisan: he must be an artist. In a beggarly situation, and even with a foolish husband, she will either die or become vulgar. Vozhevatov. And I think that she will leave him soon. Now she is still dead; but he will recover and take a closer look at her husband, what he is ... (Quietly.) Here they are, light in sight.

Enter Karandyshev, Ogudalova, Larisa. Vozhevatov gets up and bows. Knurov takes out a newspaper.

The third phenomenon

Knurov, Vozhevatov, Karandyshev, Ogudalova; Larisa, in the back, sits down on a bench near the bars and looks through binoculars over the Volga; Gavrilo, Ivan.

Ogudalova (approaching the table). Hello gentlemen!

Karandyshev comes up to her. Vozhevatov gives his hand to Ogudalova and Karandyshev. Knurov, silently and without getting up, gives Ogudalova a hand, nods slightly to Karandyshev and plunges into reading the newspaper.

Vozhevatov. Harita Ignatievna, sit down, you are welcome! (Pulls up a chair.)

Ogudalova sits down.

Would you like a seagull?

Karandyshev sits down.

Ogudalova. Maybe I'll have a cup. Vozhevatov. Ivan, give me a cup and add boiling water!

Ivan takes the kettle and leaves.

Karandyshev. What a strange fantasy to drink tea at this time? I'm surprised. Vozhevatov. Thirst, Julius Kapitonych, but I don't know what to drink. Advise - I will be very grateful. Karandyshev (looks at watch). Now it's noon, you can drink a glass of vodka, eat a cutlet, drink a glass of good wine. This is how I always have breakfast. Vozhevatov (Ogudalova). Here is life, Harita Ignatievna, you will envy. (To Karandyshev.) I think I would live even a day in your place. Vodka and wine! We can’t do that, sir, you’ll probably lose your mind. Everything is possible for you: you won’t live on capital, because it doesn’t exist, and we were born so bitter in the world, our affairs are very great; so we can't lose our minds.

Ivan brings a teapot and a cup.

Please, Harita Ignatievna! (Pours and gives a cup.) I also drink cold tea so that people do not say that I drink hot drinks.

Ogudalova. The tea is cold, only, Vasya, you poured me a strong one. Vozhevatov. Nothing, sir. Eat, do me a favor! In the air it is not harmful. Karandyshev (to Ivan). Come serve me for dinner today! Ivan. Listen, sir, Julius Kapitonych. Karandyshev. You, brother, clean your clothes! Ivan. A well-known case is a tailcoat; we don't understand something! Karandyshev. Vasily Danilych, here's what: come and dine with me today! Vozhevatov. Thank you very much. Will you order me to wear a tailcoat too? Karandyshev. As you wish: do not be shy. However, ladies will. Vozhevatov (bowing). I'm listening, sir. I hope not to drop myself. Karandyshev (turns to Knurov). Moky Parmenych, would you like to dine with me today? Knurov (looks at him in surprise). You? Ogudalova. Moky Parmenych, it's the same as ours - this dinner is for Larisa. Knurov. Yes, so you're inviting? OK. I will come. Karandyshev. So I will hope. Knurov. I already said that I would come. (Reading newspaper.) Ogudalova. Julius Kapitonych is my future son-in-law: I marry Larisa to him. Knurov (continuing to read). It's up to you. Karandyshev. Yes, Moky Parmenych, I took a chance. In general, I have always been above prejudice.

Knurov closes with a newspaper.

Vozhevatov (Ogudalova). Moky Parmenych is strict. Karandyshev (departing from Knurov to Vozhevatov). I wish Larisa Dmitrievna to be surrounded only by selected people. Vozhevatov. Does that mean I belong to the chosen society? Thanks, I didn't expect it. (to Gavrilo.) Gavrilo, how much for my tea? Gavrilo. Two portions deigned to ask? Vozhevatov. Yes, two servings. Gavrilo. So you know, Vasily Danilych, not for the first time... Thirteen rubles, sir. Vozhevatov. Well, I thought it was cheaper. Gavrilo. Why would it be cheaper! Rates, duty, have mercy! Vozhevatov. Why, I'm not arguing with you: what are you pestering! Get money and get out! (Gives money.) Karandyshev. Why is it so expensive? I don't understand. Gavrilo. Who cares and who doesn't. You don't drink this kind of tea. Ogudalov (to Karandyshev). Stop it, don't interfere in your own business! Ivan. Vasily Danilych, "Swallow" is coming. Vozhevatov. Moky Parmenych, "Swallow" is coming; would you like to take a look? We will not go down, we will look from the mountain. Knurov. Let's go. Curious. (Rises.) Ogudalova. Vasya, I'll ride on your horse. Vozhevatov. Go, just send it quickly! (Fits to Larisa and speaks to her quietly.) Ogudalova (goes up to Knurov). Moky Parmenych, we started a wedding, so you won’t believe how much trouble. Knurov. Yes. Ogudalova. And suddenly such expenses that could not be expected in any way ... Tomorrow is the birth of Larisa, I would like to give something. Knurov. Good; I will come to you.

Ogudalova leaves.

Larisa (Vozhevatova). Goodbye, Vasya!

Vozhevatov and Knurov leave. Larisa approaches Karandyshev.

The fourth phenomenon

Karandyshev and Larisa.

Larisa. I was just looking beyond the Volga: how good it is on the other side! Let's go to the village! Karandyshev. Have you watched the Volga? And what did Vozhevatov say to you? Larisa. It's nothing, it's just rubbish. It beckons me beyond the Volga, into the forest ... (Thoughtfully.) Let's go, let's go away from here! Karandyshev. However, this is strange! What could he be talking about? Larisa. Oh, yes, no matter what he says - what do you care! Karandyshev. Call him Vasya. What familiarity with a young man! Larisa. We have known each other since childhood; even the little ones played together - well, I'm used to it. Karandyshev. You need to break old habits. What a shortness with an empty, stupid boy! You can't stand what you've had so far. Larisa (offended). We didn't have anything bad. Karandyshev. There was a gypsy camp, sir - that's what it was.

Larisa wipes her tears.

What are you offended by, have mercy!

Larisa. Well, maybe a gypsy camp; only it was at least fun. Can you give me something better than this camp? Karandyshev. Of course. Larisa. Why do you constantly reproach me with this camp? Did I enjoy this kind of life? I was ordered, so it was necessary for my mother; so, willingly or unwillingly, I had to lead such a life. To prick my eyes with gypsy life incessantly is either stupid or ruthless. If I didn’t seek silence, solitude, didn’t want to run away from people, would I go for you? So be able to understand this and do not attribute my choice to your merits, I still do not see them. I just want to love you; I am attracted by a modest family life, it seems to me some kind of paradise. You see, I am standing at a crossroads; support me, I need encouragement, sympathy; treat me gently, with kindness! Seize these minutes, do not miss them! Karandyshev. Larisa Dmitrievna, I didn’t mean to offend you at all, I said it like this ... Larisa. What does "so" mean? That is, without thinking? You do not understand that in your words there is resentment, right? Karandyshev. Of course, I didn't mean to. Larisa. So it's even worse. You have to think about what you are talking about. Talk to others if you like, but be careful when talking to me! Don't you see that my position is very serious! Every word that I myself say and that I hear, I feel. I became very sensitive and impressionable. Karandyshev. In that case, I beg your pardon. Larisa. God bless you, just be careful ahead! (Thoughtfully.) A gypsy camp ... Yes, this is perhaps true ... but in this camp there were both good and noble people. Karandyshev. Who are these noble people? Is it Sergey Sergeevich Paratov? Larisa. No, I beg you, don't talk about him! Karandyshev. Yes, why, sir? Larisa. You don't know him, but even if you knew, so ... sorry, it's not for you to judge him. Karandyshev. People are judged by their actions. Has he treated you well? Larisa. It's my business. If I am afraid and do not dare to condemn him, then I will not allow you. Karandyshev. Larisa Dmitrievna, tell me, only, I beg you, speak frankly! Larisa. What do you want? Karandyshev. Why am I worse than Paratov? Larisa. Oh no, leave it! Karandyshev. Excuse me, why? Larisa. No need! no need! What a comparison! Karandyshev. And I would love to hear from you. Larisa. Don't ask, don't! Karandyshev. Why? Larisa. Because the comparison will not be in your favor. By yourself you mean something, you are a good, honest person; but from comparison with Sergei Sergeich you lose everything. Karandyshev. After all, these are just words: proof is needed. You take us apart! Larisa. Who do you equal! Is such blindness possible? Sergey Sergeyevich... this is the ideal of a man. Do you understand what an ideal is? Perhaps I am mistaken, I am still young, I do not know people; but this opinion cannot be changed in me, it will die with me. Karandyshev. I don't understand, sir, I don't understand what's special about him; nothing, I see nothing. Some kind of courage, audacity ... Yes, anyone can do it if he wants to. Larisa. Do you know what courage is? Karandyshev. Yes, what is it, what is unusual here? You just have to let yourself go. Larisa. But what, I'll tell you one case. A Caucasian officer, an acquaintance of Sergei Sergeyich, an excellent marksman, passed by here; we had them. Sergey Sergeyevich and says: "I heard you shoot well." “Yes, not bad,” says the officer. Sergei Sergeyevich gives him a pistol, puts a glass on his head and goes into another room, about twelve steps away. “Shoot,” he says. Karandyshev. And did he shoot? Larisa. He fired and, of course, knocked down the glass, but only turned a little pale. Sergey Sergeyevich says: “You shoot very well, but you turned pale, shooting at a man and a person not close to you. Look, I will shoot the girl who is dearest to me in the world, and I will not turn pale. He lets me hold some coin, indifferently, with a smile, shoots at the same distance and knocks it out. Karandyshev. And did you listen to him? Larisa. How can you not listen to him? Karandyshev. Were you so sure of him? Larisa. What do you! Is it possible to be insecure about it? Karandyshev. There is no heart, that's why he dared. Larisa. No, and the heart is. I myself saw how he helped the poor, how he gave away all the money that was with him. Karandyshev. Well, suppose Paratov has some merit, at least in your eyes; And what is this merchant Vozhevatov, this Vasya of yours? Larisa. Are you jealous? No, leave these nonsense! It's gone, I can't stand it, I tell you in advance. Do not be afraid, I do not love and will not love anyone. Karandyshev. And if Paratov came? Larisa. Of course, if Sergei Sergeyich had come and been free, his mere glance would have been enough... Calm down, he hasn't come, and now, even if he does, it's too late... We'll probably never see each other again.

Cannon shot on the Volga.

What is it?

Karandyshev. Some tyrant merchant gets down from his barge, so they salute in his honor. Larisa. Oh, how scared I was! Karandyshev. What, have mercy? Larisa. My nerves are frayed. I was just looking down from this bench, and my head was spinning. Can you really hurt yourself here? Karandyshev. Get hurt! Here is certain death: the bottom is paved with stone. Yes, however, it is so high here that you will die before you reach the ground. Larisa. Let's go home, it's time! Karandyshev. Yes, and I need, because I have lunch. Larisa (approaching the grate). Wait a bit. (Looks down.) Hey, hey! hold me! Karandyshev (takes Larisa by the hand). Come on, what a childish thing! (They are walking.)

Gavrilo and Ivan come out of the coffee shop.

Fifth phenomenon

Gavrilo and Ivan.

Ivan. A gun! The master has arrived, the master has arrived, Sergey Sergeyevich. Gavrilo. I said he was. I already know: you can see the falcon in flight. Ivan. An empty carriage goes uphill, which means the gentlemen are walking on foot. Yes, here they are! (Runs off to the coffee shop.) Gavrilo. Welcome. You can't imagine how to treat them.

Paratov enters (a tight-fitting black single-breasted frock coat, high patent leather boots, a white cap, a travel bag over his shoulder), Robinson (in a raincoat, the right skirt is thrown over his left shoulder, a soft high hat is put on one side), Knurov, Vozhevatov; Ivan runs out of the coffee shop with a broom and rushes to sweep Paratov.

The sixth phenomenon

Paratov, Robinson, Knurov, Vozhevatov, Gavrilo and Ivan.

Paratov (to Ivan). What are you! I'm from the water, it's not dusty on the Volga. Ivan. All the same, sir, it's impossible ... order requires. You haven't been seen for a whole year, so... welcome back, sir. Paratov. Well, okay, thanks! On the! (Gives him a ruble note.) Ivan. Thank you very much, sir. (Departs.) Paratov. So you, Vasily Danilych, were waiting for me with "Airplane"? Vozhevatov. Why, I did not know that you would arrive in your "Swallow"; I thought she was coming with barges. Paratov. No, I sold the barges. I thought to come early this morning, I wanted to overtake the "Airplane"; yes coward driver. I shout to the stokers: “Shuruy!”, And he takes away firewood from them. He got out of his murya: “If you,” he says, “even throw in a log, I will throw myself overboard.” He was afraid that the boiler would not withstand, he gave me some numbers on a piece of paper, he calculated the pressure. A foreigner, he is a Dutchman, his soul is short; they have arithmetic instead of a soul. And I, gentlemen, forgot to introduce you to my friend. Moky Parmenych, Vasily Danilych! Recommended: Robinson.

Robinson bows importantly and offers his hand to Knurov and Vozhevatov.

Vozhevatov. What about their first and last name? Paratov. So, simply, Robinson, without a name and patronymic. Robinson (Paratov). Serge! Paratov. What do you want? Robinson. Noon, my friend, I suffer. Paratov. But wait, we'll arrive at the hotel. Robinson (pointing to the coffee shop). Voila! Paratov. Well, go on, to hell with you!

Robinson goes to the coffee shop.

Gavrilo, don't give this gentleman more than one glass; he is of a restless character.

Robinson (shrugs). Serge! (Goes into the coffee shop. Gavrilo follows him.) Paratov. This, gentlemen, is a provincial actor, Arkady Schastlivtsev. Vozhevatov. Why is he Robinson? Paratov. And here's why: he rode on some steamer, I don't know, with his friend, with the merchant's son Neputev; of course, both drunk to the last possible. They did whatever came into their heads, the public endured everything. Finally, to top off the disgrace, they came up with a dramatic performance: they undressed, cut the pillow, rolled themselves in fluff and began to portray wild ones; then the captain, at the request of the passengers, landed them on an empty island. We run past this island, I look, someone is crying out, raising their hands up. I now “stop”, I get into the boat myself and find the artist Schastlivtsev. I took him on the steamer, dressed him from head to toe in my dress, since I have a lot of excess. Gentlemen, I have a soft spot for artists... That's why he's Robinson. Vozhevatov. Did the Unlucky one stay on the island? Paratov. Yes, what is he to me; let it ventilate. Judge for yourself, gentlemen, because on the road it is mortal boredom, I am glad to any comrade. Knurov. Still, of course. Vozhevatov. This is such happiness, such happiness! Here is a golden find! Knurov. Only one thing is unpleasant, drunkenness will overcome. Paratov. No, with me, gentlemen, it is impossible: I am strict on this score. He has no money, he is not ordered to give it without my permission, but as he asks me, I put French conversations into his hands - fortunately I found them; if you please, first learn the page, without that I won’t give it. Well, he teaches, he sits. How he tries! Vozhevatov. Eco happiness to you, Sergey Sergeyevich! It seems that I would not regret anything for such a person, but no, no. Is he a good actor? Paratov. Well, no, what a good one! He went through all the roles and was in the prompters; and now he plays in operettas. Nothing, so-so, funny. Vozhevatov. So it's funny? Paratov. Funny gentleman. Vozhevatov. And you can joke with him? Paratov. Nothing, he's not offended. Take your soul, I can give it to you for two, three days. Vozhevatov. Very grateful. If it comes to your liking, it will not remain in the loser. Knurov. How is it for you, Sergey Sergeyevich, is it not a pity to sell the “Swallow”? Paratov. I don't know what "sorry" is. I, Moky Parmenych, have nothing cherished; I will find a profit, so I will sell everything, anything. And now, gentlemen, I have other things to do and other calculations. I marry a very rich girl, I take gold mines as a dowry. Vozhevatov. The dowry is good. Paratov. But I don't get it cheap: I have to say goodbye to my freedom, to my cheerful life; Therefore, we must try to spend the last days as cheerfully as possible. Vozhevatov. We will try, Sergey Sergeyevich, we will try. Paratov. The father of my fiancee is an important bureaucratic gentleman; the old man is strict: he cannot hear about gypsies, about revelry and other things; does not even like those who smoke tobacco a lot. Then put on your tailcoat and parlez français! So now I'm practicing with Robinson. Only he, for the sake of importance, I don’t know, calls me “La Serge”, and not just “Serge”. Scream!

On the porch of the coffee shop is shown Robinson, something chews, behind him Gavrilo.

The seventh phenomenon

Paratov, Knurov, Vozhevatov, Robinson, Gavrilo and Ivan.

Paratov (Robinson). Que faites-vous la? Venez! Robinson (with importance). Comment? Paratov. What a delight! What a tone, gentlemen! (To Robinson.) Abandon that nasty habit of yours of abandoning respectable society for a tavern! Vozhevatov. Yes, this is after them. Robinson. La Serge, you already had time ... It was very necessary. Paratov. Yes, sorry, I revealed your pseudonym. Vozhevatov. We, Robinson, will not extradite you, you will marry us like an Englishman. Robinson. How, immediately on "you"? We didn't drink brotherhood. Vozhevatov. It's all the same... What a ceremony! Robinson. But I do not tolerate familiarity and will not allow anyone ... Vozhevatov. Yes, I'm not everyone. Robinson. And who are you? Vozhevatov. Merchant. Robinson. Rich? Vozhevatov. Rich. Robinson. And tare? Vozhevatov. And tare. Robinson. This is my taste. (Gives his hand to Vozhevatov.) Very nice! Now I can let you treat me easily. Vozhevatov. So, friends: two bodies - one soul. Robinson. And one pocket. Name and patronymic? That is, one name, patronymic is not necessary. Vozhevatov. Vasily Danilych. Robinson. So, Vasya, for the first acquaintance, pay for me! Vozhevatov. Gavrilo, write it down! Sergey Sergeyevich, we will compose a walk across the Volga tonight. Gypsies are on one boat, we are on the other; we’ll come, sit down on the rug, cook the zhzhenochka. Gavrilo. And with me, Sergey Sergeyevich, two pineapples have been waiting for you for a long time; you have to break them for your arrival. Paratov (Gavrila). Okay, cut it! (Vozhevatov.) Do what you want with me gentlemen! Gavrilo. Yes, I, Vasily Danilych, will prepare everything that is required; I also have a silver saucepan for such occasions; I will let my people go with you. Vozhevatov. OK. To have everything ready by six o'clock; if you store something superfluous, there will be no penalty; and you will answer for the lack. Gavrilo. We understand, sir. Vozhevatov. And we’ll go back, we’ll light colorful lanterns on boats. Robinson. How long have I known him, and already fell in love, gentlemen. Here is a miracle! Paratov. The main thing is to have fun. I say goodbye to a single life, so that there is something to remember it. And to eat today, gentlemen, please come to me. Vozhevatov. What a shame! You can't, Sergei Sergeyevich. Knurov. We are called back. Paratov. Refuse, gentlemen. Vozhevatov. You can’t refuse: Larisa Dmitrievna is getting married, so we dine with the groom. Paratov. Larissa is getting married! (thinks.) Well ... God be with her! That's even better ... I'm a little guilty before her, that is, so guilty that I shouldn't even show my nose to them; well, now she is getting married, which means that the old scores are over, and I can again come to kiss the hands of her and my aunt. For brevity, I call Harita Ignatievna aunt. After all, I almost married Larisa - if only I could make people laugh! Yes, he played the fool. She's getting married... That's very nice of her; after all, my soul is a little easier ... and God bless her with health and every well-being! I'll go to them, I'll go; curious, very curious to look at her. Vozhevatov. You will probably be invited too. Paratov. Of course, how is it possible without me! Knurov. I am very glad, after all, I will have someone to say at least a word at dinner. Vozhevatov. There we’ll talk about how we can have more fun, maybe we’ll come up with something else. Paratov. Yes, gentlemen, life is short, philosophers say, so one must know how to use it. N "est ce pas, Robinson? Robinson. Wow, la Serge. Vozhevatov. Let's try; you will not be bored: we stand on that. We will take the third boat, we will plant regimental music. Paratov. Goodbye gentlemen! I'm at the hotel. March, Robinson! Is not it?

This work has entered the public domain. The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago and was published during his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since publication. It can be freely used by anyone without anyone's consent or permission and without payment of royalties.

/ "Dowry"

Chapter 1.
The storyline takes place on the banks of the great Volga River, in the small town of Bryakhimov. At the coffee house overlooking the river there is a gazebo in which two young men are talking peacefully. One of them is already aged - Knurov, who is considered a very wealthy person, and the other is a young man with the surname Vozhevatov, who has his own trading company. Between these two men there is a conversation about an attractive girl who has no dowry.

The girl's name is Larisa, and just the other day, she agreed to marry a poor official Karandyshev. Further, Vozhevatov reports that the girl had many suitors in the past, but she was not lucky to fall in love with one dishonorable person nicknamed Paratov, who beautifully looked after Larisa and, without making an offer, silently left in an unknown direction. After she was so ruthlessly abandoned, Larisa, who did not trust anyone, decided to marry the one who first asked her hand and heart. This lucky man turned out to be an insolvent civil servant who had been spinning around Larisa for a long time.

After some time, Larisa Ogudalova, her mother Harita and Larisa's newly-made fiancé, Karandyshev, approached the talking men. The groom behaves with others very importantly and invites everyone present to his place for dinner. Ms. Ogudalova clarifies that the dinner party is dedicated to Larisa.

The conversation turns to Paratov, a young gentleman of about 30, the owner of shipbuilding. Judging by the content of the conversation, one can understand that Karandyshev is hostile towards Paratov, but Larisa, on the contrary, speaks kindly of him. Karandyshev begins to recall the past love story of Larisa and Paratov with jealousy. To which Larisa harshly replies that Sergey Sergeevich is the best thing that happened in her life. Suddenly, during this lively conversation, cannon shots are heard from the direction of the river, this is shooting in honor of the return of Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov. At that very moment, Larisa and her fiancé leave the coffee shop.

A little later, the same Paratov appears in the gazebo, with an actor nicknamed Robinson. Paratov called him Robinson not by chance, but because he helped him get out of an unpleasant story on a remote island. Having learned from friends about Larisa's wedding, Sergey Sergeevich was at first saddened, but after a while, he cheerfully told Knurov and Vozhevaty that he himself would soon marry a rich girl who had a rich dowry. At the end of the chapter, on the occasion of his marriage, Paratov invites everyone to a picnic, ordering the best food from the restaurant. But Knurov and Vozhevatov were forced to refuse, because they agreed to come to the banquet to Larisa and Karandyshev.

Chapter 2
Events unfold in the estate of the Ogudalov family. In the center of the living room, the most valuable thing of the family, the piano, immediately catches the eye. There is a lively dialogue between Knurov and Kharita in the room. Knurov reproaches Ogudalova that the mother and daughter were in a hurry with this wedding, that the bride would not be happy in marriage with a poor official and would soon return home. In addition, he insists on his patronage and financial assistance to pay for the wedding dress and dowry. During the conversation, Larisa enters the room and announces her decision to leave for the provinces after the wedding. The mother tries her best to dissuade her from such a rash act. Karandyshev says that he has no plans to move to the village yet. Larisa is angry with him for such a decision. In her attitude towards the groom, it is clear that the bride does not love the official at all and does not even try to show at least a little tenderness and love to him.

Suddenly, after a long absence, Paratov drives up to the Ogudalovs' house, Larisa, having learned about his arrival, frightened, runs away to her room. Harita invites the guest into the living room and wonders why he left her daughter and silently left. Paratov told his story that he had to leave, defending his honor, and now he plans to marry a rich girl, because his inheritance is inevitably squandered.

Then Harita calls Larisa to talk with the master. The girl went out to Paratov and during their conversation, the young man began to blame the girl for forgetting him in a very short time. Larisa admitted that she still loves him, and marriage is necessary only in order to avoid unnecessary conversations among the townspeople. Sergei Sergeevich was satisfied with this answer and decided to get acquainted with Karandyshev. However, during their acquaintance, a skirmish broke out between the rivals. It was noticeable that Paratov behaved with Karandyshev arrogantly and without due respect, constantly shouting at him. Karandyshev, on the contrary, was clearly afraid of Sergei Sergeevich. However, at the behest of Larisa, she reluctantly invites him to a banquet. Finding himself in the living room, Paratov agrees with Vozhevaty on a wonderful opportunity to have fun with the groom, after getting him drunk. For this, Paratov specially invited the actor Robinson, believing that only he would professionally cope with this task.

Chapter 3
This chapter meets readers in Karandyshev's working room, the office looks poor and clumsy. The Ogudalov family gathered to discuss dinner with Karandyshev and his miserly aunt. His own aunt reproaches him because of the abundance of chic dishes, while Kharita, on the contrary, is indignant at the fact that dinner is unusually poor. As it turned out, Karandyshev has no experience in holding receptions, so he does not know what to serve at the table. Ogudalova also claims that the guests mock Karandyshev, solder him and laugh at the cheap drinks served on the tables.

After discussing the table, the hosts returned to the guests. Men ask Larisa to sing her favorite romance, the already intoxicated groom is against it, but the bride still agrees to sing. Guests admire her singing. While Karandyshev pours another glass into himself, Paratov approaches Larisa and tenderly confesses his love to her, asks for forgiveness for his escape and invites him to go on a picnic with him. From this proposal, Larisa is confused, because before the wedding itself, running away from the groom is a difficult decision. She ultimately accepts, hoping that he will finally propose to her.

All the guests, together with Larisa, leave for a picnic to Paratov and do not even warn Karandyshev about this. Waking up in an empty living room and learning that Larisa had left with Paratov, Karandyshev got angry, grabbed a revolver and quickly ran out of the house.

Chapter 4
The plot again brings the reader to the gazebo on the river bank. The offended Robinson guessed that Paratov had deceived him and did not take him to the picnic. At this very moment, he meets the embittered Karandyshev. Undoubtedly, the jealous groom began to find out in which direction Paratov and the guests went. Robinson replied that he did not know exactly where everyone had gone, but hinted that perhaps everyone had gone to continue having fun across the Volga. After these words, the offender runs away to the pier.

At the same time, Knurov and Vozhevatov enter the coffee shop. In their conversation, they argue about the fate of Larisa. Vozhevatov believes that after meeting with Paratov, Larisa Ogudalova will still marry Karandyshev, but Knurov does not agree with him, hoping in her heart that she will change her mind about starting this wedding. He dreams of taking the girl to Paris, sincerely believing that a happy opportunity has presented itself. He explained this by the fact that Paratov could not marry Larisa, because. promised to another girl. Knurov and Vozhevatov decide to play who will get this beautiful girl.

In this game, Knurov wins.

Further events unfold at a picnic. During a long conversation between lovers, Larisa learns from Sergey Sergeevich that he is bound by fate with another girl, much richer than her. In the depths of her soul, Larisa still hopes that Paratov will come to his senses and propose to her. But the master is relentless and offers the girl to recover home, she does not agree, deciding to stay until the end of the holiday. Knur and Vozhevatov approach the girl. Larisa tries to find sympathy from Vozhevaty, but he is cold towards the girl and moves away from her. Only Knurov remains next to her. He takes the opportunity to offer Larisa a distraction from recent events by going with him to Paris. He does not hurry Larisa with an answer and asks her to think it over carefully. However, Larisa immediately refuses him in desperation and, offended by the girl’s decision, Knurov leaves. Thoughts of suicide slip through the girl's thoughts, she even runs up to the cliff, but then she realizes that she cannot kill herself.

Unexpectedly, Karandyshev comes up to Larisa and says that he found a scene where men argued at her and cast lots on who would get her. After these words, the girl completely drooped, but Karandyshev arrogantly replied that if she was considered a thing, then for him it would cost too much. Karandyshev was furious at these words and shot at the poor girl, and she gladly accepted the bullet. Everyone gathered near her, and with her last breath, the girl said that no one was to blame for her death, she loves and forgives everyone.

Larisa dies to the gypsy singing, heard somewhere in the distance.

A. N. Ostrovsky is known to us for his immortal plays. "Dowry" is one of the most significant works of the great master. This article provides a summary of the play. The action takes place in the large Volga city of Bryakhimov. This is a fictional settlement that you will not find on the map.

A. N. Ostrovsky, "Dowryless": a summary. Act one

Location: summer outdoor area near a coffee shop. The elderly rich businessman Knurov and the young novice merchant Vozhevatov are sitting at a table and discussing the news: a local beauty is marrying a poor and stupid official Karandyshev. And it happened like this. A lot of people always gathered in the house of her family, eminent suitors came and tried to woo the girl. Larisa is poor, and her marriage should fix the family. Her mother dreams of finding a profitable match for her daughter. But at the last such reception in the Ogudalovs' house, there was a scandal when the next groom was arrested right in front of the failed bride. After that, Larisa made a promise to marry the first one who wooed her. And this despite the fact that the heart of the beauty is not free. She is in love with the "brilliant gentleman" Paratov, who turned the girl's head and immediately left. Poor, but having immodest claims, Karandyshev turned up in time under the arm of Larisa and made her an offer, to which she agreed. All this was discussed by Vozhevatov and Knurov in the coffee shop. The first of them was waiting for the arrival of Paratov, who sold him his ship "Swallow". We went to meet the "brilliant gentleman" with gypsies and songs. Meanwhile, the Ogudalovs and Karandyshev appear in a coffee shop. Larisa's new fiancé puts on airs and, wanting to impress the public, invites Knurov to dinner.

A. N. Ostrovsky, "Dowryless": a summary. Action two

The main scene of action: the house of the Ogudalovs. Soon Paratov appears in the coffee shop, accompanied by a certain Robinson, a provincial actor, and announces that he is marrying a rich bride "with gold mines." In honor of this event, he organizes a men's picnic across the Volga and invites Knurov and Vozhevatov to it. But they refuse, citing the fact that they have already been invited to dinner at the Ogudalovs' house. Soon Knurov arrives at the house of the beautiful Larisa. There he has a conversation with her mother, in which he reproaches the woman for marrying her daughter to a beggar. Knurov offers himself as the patron of Larisa. He is sure that she will soon be disappointed in her worthless husband, and she will really need an “influential friend”.

After this conversation, he leaves. Larisa appears in the living room. She takes the guitar, wanting to perform her crown romance "Don't tempt me ...". But the instrument is out of tune, and the beauty calls a gypsy from the street to fix it. The latter informs the girl that a gentleman has arrived in the city, whom "they have been waiting for all year." This is Paratov. Soon the culprit of the city commotion appears in the Ogudalovs' house. Larisa's mother receives him very affectionately and asks where he left so urgently. Paratov tells the woman that he was forced to leave the city in order to save the remnants of his estate. He found a way out in marrying a rich bride. Larisa appears in the room. Young people have an explanation in private. The beauty confesses to Paratov that she still continues to love him. Soon she introduces him to her fiancé Karandyshev, who invites the master to his place for dinner. Paratov accepts the invitation only to laugh at the unlucky groom.

Ostrovsky. "Dowryless". (Summary). Act Three

Location: Karandyshev's office. All invited guests appear in the room. The office is poorly and tastelessly cleaned. The same can be said about its owner. The visitors discuss the cheap wine, the crappy lunch, and the Karandyshevs' lack of understanding of their humiliating position. Larisa notices that the guests are pouring wine into her fiancé's glass, laughing at him. He, in turn, puts on airs and does not notice mockery. The owner is sent for cognac, and at this time Larisa is persuaded to join the men's company, headed by Paratov, who is preparing to go on a picnic across the Volga. The returning groom does not find the bride. Now he realizes that he was laughed at. Grabbing his gun, he runs off to look for her.

A. N. Ostrovsky, "Dowryless": a summary. act four

Location: coffee shop again. Robinson appears on the scene, who was not taken to the picnic. Karandyshev is trying to find out where his guests and Larisa have gone. Having achieved nothing from Robinson, the failed groom runs further in search of his bride. Soon Knurov and Vozhevatov come to the coffee shop and discuss the current situation of Larisa Ogudalova. They understand that Paratov compromised the girl, but he will not marry her. Therefore, they have a chance to make the beauty their mistress. In order to decide which of them has the right to do so, the dealers toss a coin. The lot falls to Mr. Knurov. Vozhevatov promises him to leave.

Meanwhile, a conversation takes place between Paratov and Larisa, where the master thanks the girl for her love. The beauty longs to hear that now her beloved will marry her. But he says that this is impossible, since he already has a fiancee. Realizing that her position is hopeless, Larisa approaches the fence of the deck of the steamer with the intention of throwing herself into the water. At this time, Karandyshev appears and says that he will forgive the bride for everything. But she insults him and drives him away. The enraged groom shoots Larisa and kills her. She gratefully accepts this death.

Ostrovsky's drama "Dowry" was filmed in 1984 by director E. Ryazanov. This is the most popular artistic interpretation of the play. The film is called "Cruel Romance". This tape is almost thirty years old, and we still watch it with awe and interest.

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Alexander Ostrovsky's play "Dowry", created by the author in 1874 - 1878, is a vivid narrative concerning the problem of the "little man". Its characters are mainly people for whom earthly wealth is above all, and only Ogudalova's daughter Larisa tries to oppose generally accepted norms of behavior and thinks differently. After getting acquainted with the main characters and describing the summary, you can better understand what the author wanted to say in his work.

The main characters of the play

Larisa- the main character, a girl from a poor family who wants to get married. Betrayed by the wealthy master Paratov, she agrees to marry Karandyshev, a jealous and stupid man, although she does not love him at all. This eventually leads to tragedy.

Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova- a widow, mother of Larisa, a domineering woman, whom the girl used to obey from childhood.

Julius Kapitonovich Karandyshev- Larisa's fiancé, a selfish, jealous and vengeful person. To defend his innocence, he grabs a weapon. Makes a very bad impression.

Sergei Sergeevich Paratov- a rich gentleman, a former lover of Larisa. He preferred a bride with a large fortune to her.

Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov- Larisa's childhood friend, a rich young man.

Moky Parmenych Knurov- an elderly man, in whose hands - a huge fortune. Gives advice to Larisa's mother about her daughter's marriage to Karandyshev.

Act one: Karandyshev - Larisa's fiancé

The big city of Bryakhimov, on the Volga. On one side of the entrance to the coffee shop there is a boulevard, on the other - trees, in the depths - a low iron grate, behind which a view of the Volga opens.

The first phenomenon
On the site in front of the coffee shop, Gavrilo, the bartender, and Ivan, the servant, are having a dialogue. They talk about life, about the peculiar behavior of the rich, in particular Mokiy Parmenych Knurov, an aged man with a huge fortune, and Vasily Danilovich Vozhevatov, a young man, a representative of a wealthy trading company.

The second phenomenon
Vozhevatov and Knurov enter the coffee shop and talk to each other; Gavrilo and Ivan sometimes join the conversation. First, they are talking about buying a steamer, then, going to drink champagne and tea, they talk about these drinks and gradually move on to the topic of the marriage of Larisa Dmitrievna, daughter of Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova. Everyone present in the coffee shop believes that the groom - Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev - is absolutely not a couple for a girl.

Of course, there were those who wooed her before, but none of them could resist. For example, the girl was very discouraged when, last year, Sergey Sergeevich Piratov “traveled for two months, beat off all the suitors, and his trace caught a cold, disappeared, no one knows where.”

And Karandyshev, according to Vozhevatov and Knurov, behaves strangely.

The third phenomenon
Ogudalova Harita Ignatievna and her daughter Larisa appear among those present. The girl's mother agrees to have a cup of tea. Karandyshev invites Vasily Danilovich and Mokiy Parmenych to dinner, but the latter agrees only when he finds out that the proposal actually comes from Ogudalova, and dinner is arranged for Larisa.

Suddenly, Ivan says that a ship called the Swallow is coming, but neither Knurov nor Vozhevatov want to go down to the pier. Ogudalova, approaching Knurov, informs him that, firstly, the wedding requires many expenses, and secondly, her Larisa has a birthday tomorrow, and she does not know what to give. Moky Parmenych understands the hint and promises to drop by. Finally, Harita Ignatievna, Knurov and Vozhevatov leave the stage.

The fourth phenomenon
Larisa admires the view of the Volga and suddenly turns to Karandyshev with a request to leave for the village. However, jealousy surged up in the groom, and he asks the question: what did she talk about with Vozhevatov, and even called him simply by his first name - Vasya. Karandyshev is not interested in Larisa's excuses that she has known Vasily Danilych since childhood, that they had nothing bad. But Julius Kapitonovich declares that old habits must be abandoned. And he reproaches the bride with the past, saying that they had a "gypsy camp" in their house. The girl objects that this did not happen of her own free will, it was so necessary for her mother. She struggles to love her fiancé, and openly admits this to him, wanting support. Karandyshev suddenly realizes that he offended his beloved girl and says in embarrassment: “... I said this ...” Larisa asks him to be careful in words, because she is very impressionable and vulnerable. The girl is afraid to condemn even Sergei Sergeyevich, although everything shows that this man did not do well to her in the past - and she is trying to stop the questions that Karandyshev asks about this. But the groom is not appeased. Then Larisa openly admits: Sergey Sergeevich is better than him. And he cites as an example the story of how once he and a Caucasian officer fired pistols - first the officer shot at a glass, which Sergei Sergeyevich kept on his head. And knocked him out, but turned pale. “I will shoot the girl who is dearest to me - and I will not turn pale,” Paratov said. And knocked out the coin put into Larisa's hand.

Karandyshev reluctantly agrees to recognize some of the merits of Sergei Sergeevich, because, in addition to everything, Larisa said that he helped the poor, but continues to be jealous of the bride. However, she honestly says that she does not love and will never love Yuli Kapitonych, and she continues to have feelings only for Sergei Sergeyevich. A shot is heard from a cannon in honor of Paratov. Nervous, Larisa is going home.

Fifth phenomenon
Ivan and Gavrilo rejoice at the arrival of the master - Sergei Sergeevich. Gentlemen - Paratov with Robinson, his friend, Vozhevatov and Knurov - enter the coffee shop. Ivan tries in every possible way to please Sergei Sergeyevich.

The sixth phenomenon
For his helpfulness, the servant receives a ruble from Paratov. Sergey Sergeevich reports that he sold the barges, then introduces his friend, actor Arkady Schastlivtsev, to Knurov and Vozhevatov, whom he calls Robinson, and not without reason. It turns out that he was generously picked up on the island, where he found himself with his friend, a merchant's son: they were dropped off for indecent behavior. Now the artist is in full submission to Paratov.

The seventh phenomenon
Robinson is unhappy that Vozhevatov addresses him as "you", but when he learns that he is rich, he resigns himself and says: "That's my taste." And then he offers friendship to Vasily Danilych.

Sergei Sergeevich invites friends to dinner, but both Vozhevatov and Knurov are forced to refuse, because they were invited to the house of Larisa, who is getting married. Upon learning this news, Paratov loses heart, but pretends to be sincerely happy for his former lover. As for the dinner, the interlocutors are sure that Sergei Sergeevich will be invited to it.

Act two: the attitude of others to the girl's marriage

The first phenomenon

The action takes place in Ogudalova's house. Larisa's mother is in a well-furnished room with furniture and a piano on which lies a guitar. She holds a box in her hands and calls her daughter to show a gift from Vasya. Larisa changes clothes, so she says: "I'll look later." Suddenly, Knurov enters the room.

The second phenomenon
Ogudalova is very pleased with the unexpected visit of Knurov, does not know where to put him. They begin to talk, and the main topic of conversation is Larisa's marriage. Moky Parmenych is convinced that Larisa's mother is fundamentally wrong in passing off her daughter as a poor man. Larisa, according to Knurov, was created for brilliance, and Karandyshev is not able to provide a decent existence. He advises in this case to lean on the strong shoulder of a rich man.

Then Mokiy Parmenych asks Ogudalova a question about the box she is holding in her hands.

“I wanted to give my daughter a present,” Larisa’s mother answers. Knurov advises to provide the girl, first of all, with a good wardrobe and promises to pay for all purchases. After that, he leaves.

The third phenomenon
Larisa appears, who does not seem to share her mother's enthusiasm for Vasily's gift. Ogudalova offers to thank both Vozhevatov and Knurov, although Larisa has no idea what Moky Parmenych wants to do for her. The main desire of Larisa, about which she tells her mother, is to escape from the city to the village, walk through the forest, picking berries and mushrooms before the summer has passed ... “Is he up to the village?” - Ogudalova objects, knowing the character of Karandyshev.

The fourth phenomenon
Ilya the Gypsy enters. Larisa asks him to fix the guitar. Ilya regrets that they have many basses in the gypsy choir, but only one tenor, Anton, but he is now ill. Suddenly they report that the master has arrived, and the delighted gypsy hastily leaves.

Fifth, sixth event
Larisa is tired of being humiliated, and she tells her mother about it. When Karandyshev comes in, Ogudalova tells him that Larisa really wants to leave the city. However, the groom is absolutely not clear where she is in a hurry and why. Julius Kapitonovich assures that they will definitely live in the village, but only after they become husband and wife.

Larisa, who wants the wedding to be modest and hears objections from both her mother and Karandyshev, laments, saying that everyone plays with her like with a doll.

Julius Kapitonovich condemns the morals of the townspeople. It is incomprehensible to him that all people rejoice at the arrival of the master - Sergei Sergeyevich. Frightened Larisa, having learned that this is none other than Paratov, and now he is approaching their house, again begins to persuade Yuli Kapitonovich to leave for the village. She wants to disappear, hide from her ex-fiance.

The seventh phenomenon
Paratov enters the house and gives Ogudalova a pen. They hug and kiss. Harita Ignatievna pretends to be incredibly happy about the visit of Sergei Sergeyevich. The master says that he intends to marry profitably, but does not want to say who his chosen one is. Then he wants to see Larisa Dmitrievna. Ogudalova is calling her daughter.

The eighth phenomenon
Larisa and Sergei Sergeevich are left alone. A dialogue takes place between them, in which Larisa reproaches Paratov that she had been waiting for him before, but was already tired. Sergei Sergeevich, in turn, also makes claims to the girl, saying that she has lost a lot in his eyes. The main character objects that she is not getting married of her own free will. Paratov guesses that Larisa still loves him, but this is how the circumstances developed. In addition, the girl claims that Karandyshev has sincere feelings for her.

The ninth phenomenon
Ogudalova introduces Karandyshev and Paratov. Both of them seem to speak politely to each other, but poorly concealed jealousy comes through in the speech. The atmosphere is gradually heating up. Ogudalova is trying to reconcile the gentlemen, each of whom has a dislike for the other. Following the rules of etiquette, Karandyshev, on the advice of Kharita Ignatievna, invites Paratov to dinner. He says in a cold tone that he agrees.

The tenth phenomenon
Vozhevatov suddenly enters the room, asking permission from Larisa and Ogudalova to let Robinson in. Vasily commands Arkady strongly, and this immediately catches the eye. Karandyshev invites his friend Vasily to dinner.

The eleventh phenomenon
Vozhevatov asks Paratov if he liked Larisa's fiancé and receives a negative answer: "who can like him." Sergei Sergeevich comes up with a plan to make fun of Karandyshev.

Act three: Larisa runs away with Paratov, a former lover

The first phenomenon
The action takes place in Karandyshev's room, furnished without taste. Carpet on one wall, weapons on the other. Another character appears - Aunt Karandysheva, Evrosinya Potapovna, a domineering and greedy woman. Ivan asks her for lemons for tea, she shows displeasure and gives cranberry juice instead.

The second phenomenon
During lunch at Karandyshev's, Larisa burns with shame. But Julius Kapitonovich does not seem to notice anything, in addition, they try to solder him on purpose in order to laugh. The girl is painfully experiencing such a shame.

The third phenomenon
Evdokia Potapovna comes in, asking if dinner is over. She reproaches that in vain they transfer purchased expensive products. Larisa keenly feels the suffocating atmosphere of what is happening around and wants to run again. Efrosinya Potapovna leaves to count the silver.

The fourth phenomenon
Knurov is going to go to the club to eat, because after the so-called lunch at Karandyshev's he was left hungry. This is the first time this has happened, he said. Those present conclude that Julius Kapitonovich is a fool. But Paratov reveals the plan: Karandyshev was specially drunk to see what would come of it. But Robinson, who was also well treated to wine, seems to be all over the place.

Fifth phenomenon
Robinson becomes ill after such a violent libation. He says that he was poisoned by some strange wine. Paratov promises to cure him.

The sixth phenomenon
Robinson examines Karandyshev's room and asks about the weapons hanging on the wall. It appears to be Turkish. Julius Kapitonovich takes a pistol off the wall, but Paratov says that he still won't shoot, even if he uses it now. Karandyshev objects. Then it comes to high-quality and low-quality cigars.

The seventh phenomenon
Ogudalova reproaches Karandyshev for being drunk, but he does not consider himself drunk at all. Paratov offers Yuliya Kapitonych a drink with him for brotherhood. He agrees and tells Ivan to bring cognac. Robinson perks up when he hears that the owner of the house has a drink that he knows how to handle.

The eighth phenomenon
Robinson declares that they finished off Karandyshev by drinking: he started, and Sergey Sergeevich will finish.

The ninth phenomenon
Ilya the gypsy who appeared offers to go with them, everyone is ready and waiting on the boulevard. Paratov, Knurov and Vozhevatov agree, but they do not want to take Robinson for a walk. Vozhevatov comes up with a way to get rid of an obsessive fellow traveler.

The tenth phenomenon
Vozhevatov, in order to get rid of Robinson, pretends that he is going to Paris and takes Arkady with him, only on the way he offers to go to his house so that he can rest before the road. The cunning plan succeeds.

The eleventh phenomenon
Larissa appears. She was unwell - this is how she explains the reason why she was not with the guests. Paratov tells the girl that he and Karandyshev drank brotherhood. Sergei Sergeevich calls Ilya into their society, explaining that he is his friend. Larisa is asked to sing something, but at first she refuses, and then agrees - resisting Karandyshev, who is trying to forbid his future, as he believes, wife. Together with Ilya and Robinson, who joined in the second verse, they sing "Don't Tempt Me". Paratov and Vozhevatov are delighted with Larisa's voice.

Karandyshev now asks for champagne, but Efrosinya Potapovna flatly refuses to serve the drink. Finally, everyone disperses. Larisa stays with Sergei Sergeevich.

The twelfth phenomenon
Paratov reproaches himself for having lost such a treasure as Larisa in the past. He invites the girl to go with him to the Volga to ride boats - and receives consent.

The thirteenth phenomenon
Everyone is happy that Larisa will be in their company. Praises are sung in her address, Karandyshev declares that he is proud of his bride. Finally, they are going to go. The girl says goodbye to her mother.

The fourteenth phenomenon
Karandyshev is very upset by the flight of the bride. He did not suspect that Larisa would leave for the Volga without warning and demanded that Ogudalova report where her daughter was. Receiving no answer, in a fit of fierce anger, Yuliy Kapitonych grabs a pistol and runs away. Harita Ignatievna tells Ivan to stop him.

Act four: Karandyshev shoots the bride

The first phenomenon
Robinson invites Ivan to play with him, however, he has no money. The servant does not agree to such conditions. Arkady learns that Karandyshev was very indignant when the guests left with Larisa and chased them with a pistol. He wonders if the eccentric Julius Kapitonich wanted to kill him.

The second phenomenon
Karandyshev, who appeared, demands from Robinson an answer to the question where are all the “comrades”. Arkady invites him to wait for everyone at the pier. Enraged, Julius Kapitonovich leaves.

The third and fourth phenomenon
Gavrilo and Ivan are talking among themselves, assuming that everyone has already arrived. Ilya comes in with the gypsies. Gavrilo offers them tea.

Fifth phenomenon
Knurov and Vozhevatov argue that Larisa has an unenviable position. The poor girl again believed the man who had already deceived her once. And he is engaged to a very rich bride, and they are unlikely to succeed.

The sixth phenomenon
Robinson and Vozhevatov are talking among themselves. It turns out that when Vasily offered Arkady a trip to Paris, it was not about the capital of France, but a tavern on the square. Knurov comes up, who wants to tell Vasily Danilych something. He offers Vozhevatov to save Larisa from the arbitrariness of Karandyshev and take her to Paris (the real one).

The seventh phenomenon
Paratov asks Robinson if he is going to Paris soon. Arkady replies that he no longer trusts the merchants, but he would go on such a journey with him. Larisa asks Paratov if he has serious intentions about getting married, but Sergei Sergeevich suggests that she first go home. The girl is very afraid and prefers not to appear in her native land at all, saying that Karandyshev is finished as a groom. The only one she wants to marry is Sergey Sergeevich. However, Paratov again betrays her, saying that he uttered the careless phrase “I am yours” just in a fit of surging feelings.

The eighth phenomenon
Robinson informs Paratov that Karandyshev was walking near the coffee shop with a gun, but Sergey Sergeevich strictly orders him to harness the carriage and take Larisa Dmitrievna home. Vozhevatov also betrays the desperate girl, who tearfully asks her childhood friend to take pity on her, to teach her what to do in such a situation. Knurov invites her to go to Paris, but upset Larisa is silent.

The ninth phenomenon
Larisa's head is spinning. She thinks about throwing herself into the Volga, but then leaves these thoughts because she is afraid. However, the girl betrayed by all wants to die - even from the fact that she gets sick.

The tenth phenomenon
Karandyshev is looking for Larisa. He wants, firstly, to take revenge on her offenders, and secondly, if necessary, to punish the bride for fleeing. "Here she is!" Robinson exclaims when he sees the girl. Julius Kapitonovich orders to leave them alone.

The eleventh phenomenon
Larisa frankly admits that Karandyshev is disgusting to her. But he wants at all costs to avenge the insult inflicted on the girl, noticing that rich gentlemen are playing with her, as if with a thing. “If I am a thing, then it is very expensive,” the girl says and asks to call Knurov. Larisa begs Yuli Kapitonovich to leave, but he does not want to back down for anything, he even agrees to immediately leave the city with her. However, the girl is adamant! In no case does she want to belong to Yuli Kapitonych. The desperate "groom" with the words "so don't get you to anyone" shoots Larisa with a pistol.

The twelfth phenomenon
Larissa is dying. A gypsy choir sings offstage. The girl, it seems, is even glad of such an outcome. She says she loves and forgives everyone. Her voice is gradually weakening.

“Dowry” - a play by A.N. Ostrovsky. Summary.

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