Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What bad habits do you need to get rid of in order to get rich? Habit from Oprah Winfrey: the practice of gratitude

9 habits that will help you become rich with a small salary

Getting a large inheritance or a high-paying job can move you into the top 1% of rich people. However, many people who receive the same salary differ in what they have been able to acquire over a long period. Someone bought a car, someone did not, someone builds a house, and someone drowns.

For starters, look at how much you spend on communication services, how many useless services you ordered or those you can do without.
If you audit your cell phone spending, you'll see that it's easy to save at least $3 a month. A small amount, but for a year it is $36, for 10 years $360. And if you audit all your expenses, and these are dozens of areas, then in 10 years some people spend up to $ 10,000 or more on such trifles, and this is already a car.

"If you look at the average amount of money you will receive in your lifetime, most people make over a million dollars in their working lives, but very few people become millionaires," says Nancy Butler, a certified financial planner.
A lot of money is leaking pennies through your fingers every day and imperceptibly

There are some rules that should become a habit that will help you save significant amounts of money and become richer within a few years.

1. Change your mindset

Having received a salary and paid mandatory payments (for example, for an apartment), the rest of the salary seems to be very miserable.
Most people spend this balance completely for various purposes. Many do not save some money for a rainy day, because they believe that this can be done later, when the financial situation stabilizes. However, change your thinking, no matter how difficult it is for you, save some money for a rainy day, let it be only $ 10-20. Do not under any circumstances spend them - you should always have them, you will be calmer with them, and peace of mind will allow you to earn more.

2. Set Realistic 5-Year Goals

Financial experts recommend making a financial plan for five years. Determine the amount of money you want to raise over 5 years, for what purpose (for example, a down payment for the purchase of real estate), and also determine the intermediate results.
When there is a voiced and definite goal, you will potentially save and strive to earn more.

3. Set price limits

Is it possible to do without a designer bag or a $1000 fur coat. Set price limits for the things you need to buy. Jeans can be bought in a boutique, or on the market - the difference in price will be huge, with almost the same consumer quality.

Use elements of heuristics (restrictions) in your purchases. For example, do not buy a tracksuit for more than $35. This does not mean that you have to eat 2 times a week or buy things in "second hand". However, restrictions and the right choice of the place of purchase (including the Internet) will save significant amounts.

4. Live the “habits” of a rich person

For some, the image of a millionaire conjures up huge mansions and shiny Bentleys. But most millionaires do not live like that, they live modestly, and it is this quality that allows them to be actually millionaires.
Dr. Thomas J. Stanley, co-author of The Millionaire Next Door: The Unexpected Secrets of America of the Rich, has conducted surveys and personal interviews with millionaires for more than two decades. lifestyle.

Las Vegas, David Saper, who owns a successful car business, and his wife, who works as a real estate broker, have a combined income of $500,000 a year.
However, they live on only $2,500 a month, putting 90% of their income into savings and investments.

If you are 20-30 years old, retirement may seem like a distant reality, but this reality will come. Open a deposit in a large bank - replenish it.

Unfortunately, the later you start saving, the more you will have to save. But the sooner you sock money down the drain, the more time it needs to compound and grow. Deposit $100 and replenish it with $10 every month. Over 30 years, this account will have more than $ 3,600, not counting%. You can spend this money on your health - for example, for holidays in resorts.

6. Audit your bank account

7. Get out of debt

Everyone has debt at some point in their lives. But if you have bad debt—not student loans or mortgages, but credit card debt—then you pay high monthly interest rates.
Getting out of the habit of being in debt should be your number one priority.
Set a goal to get out of this debt completely in 36 months, and maybe sooner. This will allow you to use the interest for other purposes.
At the same time, emergencies happen, such as car repairs. Therefore, you need to make a calculation so that you can repay the loan debt, but you must also have cash for force majeure. When you pay off your credit card debt, make it a point to use your credit card only in emergencies.

8. Increase your income

There are two ways to increase your net worth: spend less or make more money.
One suggestion: diversify your income streams with a second part-time job, do what you can and love. It can be work on Saturdays in some other company, sorting, cleaning, washing.

9. Consider consulting with an expert

Even if you are doing your best to start making good money, contact a qualified financial planner to help you develop a strategy for your finances. However, this must be approached carefully and one-time.

It all starts with habits. It is in them that the basis of your success or constant failure lies. It may seem to you that your ordinary daily activities have absolutely no effect on your life, but this is not so.

This fact is once again proved by a recent study by Thomas Corley, as a result of which Thomas Corley published a book called Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals.

Habits are like snowflakes. Each in itself is weightless, but together they form a powerful avalanche of success.

Thomas Corley

This study followed over 200 wealthy people over five years. The selection criterion for this category was an annual income of at least $160,000. For comparison, a second group was also recruited, which included people with very modest incomes: their annual income was less than $35,000. As a result of comparing the lifestyles of these two The groups showed significant differences in their daily habits.

Corley in his book identified a number of features that prevail in a group of rich people and are very rare among the poor. Which of them are the most powerful? Here are some examples.

Rich people always remember their goal

Successful people try to never forget their most important task and make daily efforts to achieve it. They can plan their actions for several years ahead and subordinate their lives to this plan. 62% of the rich claim that they never forget their goals, while in the second group there were only 6% of such people.

They always know what to do today

81% of wealthy people use various planning services, task lists, paper organizers and other tools for organizing their time. They write down their daily goals and focus on achieving them. Among the poor, only 19% understand the importance of planning.

Rich people don't watch TV

67% of those in the higher-affluence group watch TV for less than an hour a day. Among the poor, only 23% can boast of this. An interesting fact was revealed in the details of the programs being viewed. Among the rich, reality shows are watched by 6% versus 78% among the poor. Comments are superfluous.

They read, but not for fun

86% of the rich say they love to read, and 26% of the poor agree completely. The only question is what exactly the representatives of each group read. 88% of wealthy people read literature for self-improvement for at least 30 minutes a day. Among the poor there were only 2%.

They are completely dedicated to work.

Despite the fact that the members of the first group have already achieved a lot, they try to give their best at their workplace. 81% of them said that they are doing much more than they are required by the rules. And yet only 6% are dissatisfied with their work. Among the low-income, there were less than 17% of workers who go beyond their job responsibilities.

They don't rely too much on luck

77% of the low-income group sometimes play various lotteries and draws. And only 6% of the rich trust their fate to balloons or lucky numbers. Very revealing figures that indicate that wealthy people believe in themselves and their strengths first of all.

The rich take care of their health

In many developed countries, an athletic, slender figure is already considered one of the signs of prosperity, while bloated fat people are most often found among the poorest segments of the population. In the study, the data of which served as the basis for this article, this observation is fully confirmed. 57% of the rich people surveyed count calories on their plates, but among the poor participants in the study, only 5% are concerned about such things.

Of course, even the most complete set of good habits will not give you guaranteed wealth. But, on the other hand, they can make your path to success much easier. So do not neglect such simple rules that are available to literally everyone.

Wealth, a good income and a comfortable standard of living are not necessarily the result of a good education, useful connections and a wealthy family. There are a huge number of people who have achieved financial well-being without the above factors. And, on the contrary, there are people with diplomas from prestigious universities from non-poor families who just can’t manage to earn decent amounts so as not to deny themselves anything.

What things most often prevent getting rich, told psychologist Pavel Volzhenkov.

Without me I was taught

Every person by nature has something that he does well, to which he is drawn, in which he invests his strength and as a result receives an increase in earnings. This is an ideal case when a person is doing what he loves.

It is good when in childhood the family and the school help the child to reveal an understanding of his strengths - in this case, in the future he will work with pleasure.

Unfortunately, opposite situations, when the family chooses for the child what business he will do, are not uncommon. They form a dependence on someone else's opinion - a person prefers to listen to a third-party opinion, what to do, and does not listen to his own feelings and desires.

In this case, a contradiction arises within a person. On the one hand, there is a natural desire to realize oneself in the business to which one is drawn, on the other hand, there is a fear of disobeying the opinions of dad and mom, fear of scandals and conflicts. As a result, a person receives an education that is interesting not to him, but to his family, after which he works in a position that is not interesting to him, without motivation. The opportunity to earn a lot of money and make a career in an industry to which the soul does not lie is negligible - few managers will pay attention to an employee who does his job without a gleam in his eyes.

someone else's success

People find themselves in an unloved and uninteresting job not only due to pressure from relatives. It often happens that a person goes through many different options for what to do, focusing on the experience of an authoritative environment.

Our hero looks at the fact that next to him are people who have devoted themselves to a particular profession and have achieved success in it. His natural predisposition to a business in which he himself could achieve success is relegated to the background - a person is ready to try everything to become like his authority.

The danger of this situation lies in the fact that his "idol" may have completely different character traits and inclinations, due to which it is not difficult for him to achieve success. Our hero, in order to repeat the path of an authoritative acquaintance, needs to invest much more effort, and the result may be worse.

Instead of investing energy in what he naturally does well, a person spends time and energy on activities that are not suitable for him. It can be said that he buries his talent in the ground.

Status Concern

Another common situation is when a person focuses exclusively on status professions, believing that they will “lift” him. Roughly speaking, there is an artificial division into professions of mental labor and professions of manual labor, representatives of the latter are sometimes called second-class people. This is a big mistake, because work in enterprises can be no less intellectual - it can be, for example, working on complex equipment.

The unwillingness of young people to work as techies has led to the fact that in some industrial sectors there is a shortage of personnel, in the "creative" sphere there has been a reverse trend - a huge number of marketers, designers, etc. provoked an increase in competition and somewhere even a decrease in wages.

A person who wants to realize himself in the profession of mental labor does not always understand that he can cope with such work worse than others. Accordingly, he does not have to count on a large salary.

Money Above Everything

If in the last section we talked about people who are guided by the status of the profession, then below we will talk about people who choose activities not by prestige, but by how much money it brings.

Our hero forgets about his hobbies and that work should bring pleasure, there is only one thought in his head: “I want to do something that will bring me a lot of money.” Most often this happens to teenagers when they just choose the area to which they will devote their lives. They leaf through job sites and pay attention not to duties and requirements, but to the amount of remuneration. In this way they suppress their natural predisposition to the work to which they are more inclined.

The result is self-deception. Firstly, not everyone can become highly paid financial analysts or power engineers, and secondly, even a high salary eventually ceases to satisfy those who are not doing their job.

Success for others

Expenses are divided into two groups: vital (food, housing and communal services, medicines, etc.) and secondary, that is, those that are not necessary to make right now, especially when the economic situation leaves much to be desired.

But there are people who, by all means, need to go on an expensive vacation or buy a new car. All this, of course, should be made public - photos with a geotag from a five-star hotel in the Maldives or a luxury convertible appear one after another in the social networks of our heroes.

In the minds of such people, the stereotype is “everyone should know that I make expensive purchases - if I don’t make them, everyone will think that I live poorly.”

The habit of throwing money away for show, regardless of the situation in the economy, can be costly for the hostages of this stereotype - it is not uncommon for such people to get into deep credit bondage, but cannot stop. The fear of condemnation from acquaintances is stronger than the fear of not returning the loan and communication with collectors.

Of course, there can be no talk of any wealth for a person with such a habit.

herd panic

From the moment when the national economy began to experience difficulties due to cheaper oil and Western sanctions, and the Central Bank sent the ruble to free float, strong fluctuations in exchange rates have ceased to be a rarity. However, many compatriots, remembering the economic upheavals of the recent past, just rush to exchange offices - did the dollar soar to 100 rubles? We urgently buy dollars. The dollar fell to 60 rubles? Urgently get rid of the euro.

Everyone starts buying dollars, everyone starts selling euros, and our hero, succumbing to the herd mentality, does the same.

After some time, the situation with exchange rates settles down, and those citizens who stormed banks and exchange offices at peak times lose money.

"I'll never save up for anything"

In our difficult economic times, not having a financial airbag is an unaffordable luxury. Money can be needed at any time and for anything, including investing in some profitable business.

However, very often people forbid themselves to save for a rainy day. “What is the point of saving 2,000 a month? Is it possible to save up for something like that? It’s a completely different matter if I could save 50 thousand rubles a month, ”our hero thinks and continues to spend money on all sorts of little things that he could put in a bank at interest.

In fact, 2 thousand a month is not such a small amount to save. This is 24 thousand rubles a year plus bank interest. If you wish, you can buy a tourist voucher or household appliances on them without getting into debt. What's more, once you realize that you're doing just fine without that $2,000 a month, you're more likely to rethink your personal finances and try to save more.

Scientists have one problem - they speak in a language that is incomprehensible to an ordinary person. But you can learn a lot of useful things from various researchers.

Moreover, serious scientists disdain populists, believing that these best-selling authors brutally and vulgarly simplify the high achievements of science. But thanks to these hacks-preachers, we, basically, get acquainted with the most advanced ideas.

For example, Thomas Corley (Thomas Corley) drew attention to the phrase "the rich have their quirks" and decided to study these very quirks. It turned out that some unusual habits help people become rich!

Habit is second nature. It is this "nature" that helps some people organize their lives in such a way that the "second people" are left far behind on the rapid path of success and wealth. This was confirmed by observations of 200 rich people, which were carried out for five years. At the same time, the results were compared with a study of the second group of people who live on modest incomes.

What are the main habits of rich people noted by the researcher, we read below. Please note that all this "works" in the complex. One habit is good, but to be successful, you need to acquire most of them, ideally all at once.

Set a goal and go for it

Rich people don't spend time aimlessly, no matter how it may seem from the outside. They never forget why they woke up this morning and what they have to do before evening. Successful people always plan their future for several years.

Not a moment of idleness

From the previous habit comes the habit at any time to know what needs to be done now, and what - in five minutes. The rich write down their daily plans and carefully monitor their implementation. And most importantly - it is not at all difficult if it has become a habit.

Meaningless Graph

TV is for losers

Exactly! The rich don't watch TV, especially the reality shows so beloved by the "plebs". They create their own reality while others watch the virtual successes of the TV show characters.

Only useful books

Childhood is over and the time for adult books has begun. And by adults, successful people understand those who bring benefits, and not illusory pleasure. Most rich people read self-improvement books every day. And among the poor fellow citizens who, it would seem, need such books more, such book lovers turned out to be ... only 2 percent!

Immersion in work

Successful people never do things casually (sorry for the pun). They are completely devoted to work. What goes around comes around.

Fools are lucky

And smart people are not fools, so they do not hope for luck. The rich do not pay attention to "lucky numbers", "fate" and the like, they see only objective numbers and indicators.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Most rich people are concerned about their health. Among the poor, only a few take care of their health. What can be comments!

These are just a few important habits. Planning, control, analysis, error correction - these are four universal actions that are applicable in any kind of human activity.

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Proper goal setting and the habit of seeing things through to the end are essential qualities of rich people.

Scientists from the United States conducted a study of the habits of millionaires, which allowed them to draw interesting conclusions. It turned out that almost every rich person attributed their success in life to a few habits acquired in the family, or skills learned from a mentor. The average wealth of 230 of these respondents is $4.1 million.

1. Multiple sources of income

Diversification of income helps to "stay afloat" in crisis situations, as well as reduce the sensitivity of the business to external circumstances. Trouble does not bring as much discomfort to rich people as it does to poor people; low-income people, as a rule, dip their “fishing pole into one lake”, while risking to find themselves in negative financial conditions if the source of money temporarily dries up or ceases to generate income at all.

The rich, on the contrary, have several sources of income, which allows them to receive a stable income. . As a rule, this is the main activity, and additional sources of income.

Sources of additional income are:

  • renting out real estate;
  • mortgage investment trust;
  • investment in shares;
  • partial ownership of companies;
  • investment financing;
  • patents.

2. Dream - Goal - Realization

To achieve a goal, you need to dream about it, and only then realize it with the help of the right goal setting. A clear understanding of the goals and vision of their ideas is very important for someone who wants to become successful.

64% of the millionaires surveyed in the study said that they go all their lives towards one dream.

55% of respondents set goals that correspond to their dreams and desires.

When setting goals, you should consider several items from the wish list. To set the right goal, answer yourself two questions:

What should I be involved in to make my dream come true? What specific actions do I need to take?

Will I be able to do what I have in mind? Are there enough skills and competencies for this?

If the answer to the second question was yes, the chosen activity will match your desires.

3. Millionaires are always smart with their time.

Most people associate financial investments with risks. At the same time, contributions can vary greatly - from financing a new enterprise to lending a certain amount of money. At the same time, for the rich, financial risks are not a key point, because money can always be earned.

However, most millionaires fear a much more serious loss - wasting time. They understand that once faced with it, nothing can change. Time cannot be turned back, and wasted hours are a big step back.

Very often we do not value time, it seems that there is so much of it ahead. Therefore, we spend a lot of it on useless habits: watching TV, the Internet, social networks, lying on the couch, etc.

68% of the wealthy spend less than 40 minutes watching TV every day. At the same time, 61% spend no more than an hour online per day.

4. A millionaire has at least one successful mentor.

92% of millionaires attribute their success and well-being to the presence and role of a mentor in their life; 65% agree that the advice received was a fundamental factor on the way to achieving the goal.

Mentors bring much more value than just a positive contribution to life. They contribute to success with advice, talk about their mistakes, share life experience. This helps a novice businessman avoid failures and painful lessons.

5. Successful people go all the way.

The rich and successful are distinguished by the constancy of their goals. They do not give up ideas and desires, which eventually become the meaning of life. They know what they're doing their best for and they won't let themselves give up.

28% of millionaires experienced a crushing failure at least once in their lives, but found the strength to move on. Success is perseverance in achieving a goal.