Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Report on educational practice TSTU. The sequence of working out learning tasks


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


on the organization of independent work of masters of the direction 551800 "Technological machines and equipment" Tambov Publishing house TSTU 2004 BBK Ch481.2ya73-5 D243 Recommended by the Editorial and Publishing Council of the University Reviewer Deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.P. Tarov

S.I. Dvoretsky E.I. Muratova S.V. Varygina D24 Scientific and pedagogical practice: Method. recommendations / Ed.-stat.: S.I. Dvoretsky, E.I. Muratova, S.V. Varygina Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech.

un-ta, 2004. 32 p.

The main goals, objectives and a list of topics of scientific and pedagogical practice for undergraduates of the direction 551800 "Technological machines and equipment" are given. Guidelines are given on the organization of independent work in the process of internship. The structure of the practice report and the list of references on didactics of higher technical education are presented.

BBK Ch481.2ya73- Dvoretsky S.I., Muratova E.I., Varygina S.V., Tambov State Technical University (TSTU), Educational edition



DVORECKY Stanislav Ivanovich MURATOVA Evgenia Ivanovna VARYGINA Svetlana Valerievna Editor T. M. Fedchenkoo Computer prototyping engineer M. N. Ryzhkov a Signed for publication 16.06. Format 60 84 / 16. Newsprint paper. Offset printing Typeface Times New Roman. Volume: 1.86 arb. oven l.; 1.82 ed. l.

Circulation 100 copies. C. Publishing and Printing Center of the Tambov State Technical University 392000, Tambov, Sovetskaya, 106, office


In accordance with the state educational standard, scientific and pedagogical practice is a mandatory form of practice for undergraduates of the second year of study in the direction of "Technological machines and equipment" and is intended for further orientation of future masters to scientific and pedagogical activities as a teacher of technical disciplines.

The peculiarity of the practice is that it involves the implementation of scientific and pedagogical components, each of which should be reflected in the content of the practice and reporting documents.

The curriculum provides for an internship in the 12th semester for four weeks.

The place of passing the scientific and pedagogical practice is general professional and graduating departments of the Technological Institute of TSTU. The methodological guidance of the practice is carried out by the person responsible for conducting the practice of undergraduates.

The main goals of scientific and pedagogical practice are:

Acquaintance of undergraduates with the specifics of the activity of a teacher of technical disciplines and the formation of skills to perform pedagogical functions;

Consolidation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the field of engineering pedagogy and the acquisition of skills in a creative approach to solving scientific and pedagogical problems.

Thus, in the course of scientific and pedagogical practice, the undergraduate should expand and deepen theoretical knowledge:

basic principles, methods and forms of organization of the pedagogical process in a technical university;

methods of control and evaluation of professionally significant qualities of trainees;

requirements for a university teacher in modern conditions.

In addition, the undergraduate must master the skills:

implementation of methodological work on the design and organization of the educational process;

speaking in front of an audience and creating a creative atmosphere in the classroom;

Analysis of difficulties arising in pedagogical activity and adoption of an action plan to resolve them;

independent conduct of psychological and pedagogical research;

self-control and self-evaluation of the process and result of pedagogical activity.

The content of the scientific and pedagogical practice of undergraduates is not limited to direct pedagogical activity (independent conduct of laboratory and practical classes, seminars, course design, reading test lectures on the proposed topic, etc.). It is assumed that the trainee will work together with the faculty of the relevant department to solve current educational and methodological issues, get acquainted with innovative educational technologies and their implementation in the educational process.

Before the start of teaching practice, an organizational meeting is held, at which undergraduates get acquainted with its goals, objectives, content and organizational forms. Undergraduates are tasked with developing an individual plan for the passage of scientific and pedagogical practice, which must be agreed with the supervisor and included in the assignment for practice (Appendix 1).

Undergraduates are offered a wide range of topics relevant to the current stage of reforming the system of higher technical education. On the chosen topic, one should study the relevant psychological and pedagogical literature, the experience of teaching technical disciplines at TSTU, develop methodological recommendations for conducting one or another type of lesson (fragment of the lesson), conduct it, evaluate the effectiveness of the developed methodology.

Undergraduates perform scientific and pedagogical research in one of the selected areas:

1) designing and conducting lectures, practical and laboratory classes using innovative educational technologies;

2) development of multimedia complexes in technical disciplines;

3) designing interdisciplinary modules for studying the most complex and professionally significant concepts;

4) technology for the development of tests, examination tasks, topics for course and diploma projects;

5) designing didactic materials on certain topics of training courses and their presentation;

6) development of scenarios for conducting business games, teleconferences and other innovative forms of employment;

7) comparative analysis of various methods for assessing the quality of educational and cognitive activity of students in the study of engineering disciplines;

8) optimization of educational and cognitive activities and improvement of the quality of engineering training;

9) conducting psychological and pedagogical research on the diagnosis of professionally and personally significant qualities of a student (teacher) and analysis of its results;

10) analysis of domestic and foreign practices of training specialists with higher technical education.

The list of topics of scientific and pedagogical practice can be supplemented by the topic proposed by the undergraduate. To approve a self-chosen topic, a master student must motivate her choice and submit an approximate plan for writing a report. When choosing a topic, one should be guided by its relevance for the department where the undergraduate is doing practice, as well as the topic of the future master's thesis.


At the first stage of practice (1–2 weeks), the undergraduate independently draws up an individual plan for the internship (Appendix 1) and approves it with the supervisor. In accordance with his individual plan, the undergraduate independently carries out: the study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of education in higher education; familiarity with the methods of preparing and conducting lectures, laboratory and practical classes, seminars, consultations, tests, exams, course and diploma design; development of innovative educational technologies; familiarity with existing computer training programs, the possibilities of technical teaching aids, etc. The result of this stage are notes, diagrams, visual aids and other didactic materials.

At the next stage (2-3 weeks), the undergraduate is present as an observer at several classes of experienced teachers. The undergraduate independently analyzes the classes in which he acted as an observer, from the point of view of the organization of the pedagogical process, the features of the interaction between the teacher and students, the form of the lesson, etc. The results of the analysis are drawn up in writing in a free form or according to the scheme proposed in Appendix. 2.

The next stage of scientific and pedagogical practice is the independent conduct of classes by the undergraduate (3 weeks). In accordance with the direction of his scientific and pedagogical research, he independently conducts:

lecture (seminar, practical lesson, laboratory work, consultation);

demonstration of developed multimedia products in technical disciplines;

presentation of produced visual aids;

psychological and pedagogical testing business games and other innovative forms of training, etc.

The undergraduate independently analyzes the results of the lesson in which he took part, drawing them up in writing. The head of the practice gives a primary assessment of the independent work of the undergraduate on the passage of scientific and pedagogical practice. Depending on the individual plan, the undergraduate may participate in the classes several times. In addition, the undergraduate visits, as an observer, classes prepared by other undergraduates, and evaluates them according to the scheme given in Appendix. 2.

At the final stage (week 4), the undergraduate takes part in a "round table" dedicated to the problem of improving the quality of engineering education, draws up and defends a report on scientific and pedagogical practice.



Reporting documents on the internship include:

1 Review of the internship, compiled by the head (Appendix 3), for writing which the data of observations of the scientific and pedagogical activities of the undergraduate are used.

3 Report on the passage of scientific and pedagogical practice, drawn up in accordance with the established requirements.

Individual plan of scientific and pedagogical practice (Appendix 1);

Introduction stating:

purpose, place, start date and duration of the practice;

a list of work and tasks performed during the practice;

Main body containing:

analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic;

description of practical tasks solved by the undergraduate in the process of internship;

description of the organization of individual work;

the results of the analysis of the conduct of classes by teachers and undergraduates;

Conclusion including:

description of the skills and abilities acquired in practice;

proposals for improving the organization of educational, methodological and educational work;

individual conclusions about the practical significance of the conducted scientific and pedagogical research.

List of used sources.


The main requirements for the preparation of a practice report:

The report should be printed on a computer with 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font, number 14 pt; margin sizes: top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm;

The report may include appendices, not more than 20 pages, which are not included in the total number of pages of the report;

the report should be illustrated with tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.

The undergraduate submits a report in a bound form, along with other reporting documents, to the teacher responsible for conducting scientific and pedagogical practice.


The scientific and pedagogical activity of undergraduates is evaluated comprehensively, taking into account the entire set of characteristics that reflect the readiness to independently perform the functions of a teacher of a technical university. The following indicators are taken into account:

1) psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge;

2) pedagogical skills (readiness to perform gnostic, design, constructive, organizational, communicative, educational functions);

3) motivation and interest in teaching technical disciplines;

4) degree of responsibility and independence;

5) the quality of scientific, pedagogical and methodological work;

6) skills of introspection and self-assessment.

The results of the practice are assessed on the defense individually on a five-point scale and are equated to grades in theoretical training. Certification is carried out by the teacher responsible for organizing the scientific and pedagogical practice of undergraduates, according to the submitted report, the recall of the direct supervisor of the practice, the review-rating, the quality of work at consultations (seminars) and the defense of the practice.




The task of improving the quality of specialist training is solved by improving the entire training system. The system of education is understood as a holistic didactic education of interrelated elements: goals, subject content, teaching methods, means and organizational forms of teaching, methods of diagnosing and monitoring the achievement of the set learning goals.

The listed elements of the training system are in a state of subordination and are shown in fig. 1. The structure shown in the figure is typical both for the educational program for training a specialist as a whole, and for individual academic disciplines, as well as various organizational forms of conducting classes.


Planning for the presentation of any information to students should begin with the design of learning objectives. As the goal of learning, we understand the expected result of learning in advance.

The description of the learning goal should contain statements that convey the desired state that the student will be able to demonstrate after studying the lecture course or laboratory session.

The following hierarchical levels of learning objectives are distinguished:

1) social goals that set the general direction of the activities of all educational institutions of the society;

2) pedagogical goals of a certain stage of professional training;

3) the objectives of the study of individual courses that are part of the subject;

4) goals of sections and topics (modules);

5) the goals of individual training sessions.

In addition to the levels of learning goals, there are categories of goals:

1) goals from the cognitive area - belong to the sphere of thinking;

2) goals from the psychomotor area - belong to the field of action;

3) goals from the affective area - belong to the sphere of feelings.

Goals should be clearly and unambiguously formulated so that any student can find out what the author of the goal, the teacher, wants to teach him. We can determine whether a student has achieved a learning goal by observing his actions after learning. Therefore, the most important feature of the description of the goal is the uniqueness of the definition of the student's action after training.

In practice, you can, for example, do the following. First, you set the guiding goal of the entire academic discipline, taking into account the qualification requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for this specialty.

Then you formulate as "rough" goals of its individual parts (a course of lectures, practical and laboratory classes, course design). Finally, you develop "fine" goals - the goals of a particular lecture, a separate laboratory work, etc. The implementation of the structures of "fine" and "coarse" goals formed in this way allows you to eventually achieve the results formulated in the guiding goal of studying this discipline. For more information on designing learning objectives, see.



The most important link in the education system is its content, which subjugates all the downstream components of the educational process. Usually the goals can be achieved with different teaching material. The better this material is selected, including from the point of view of the psychology of learning, the higher the probability of achieving the goal. The problem of selecting and structuring educational material is extremely important for the practice of teaching in connection with the so-called "information explosion", with the impossibility of presenting an ever-growing amount of information in the time allotted for teaching this discipline.

The following arguments also speak in favor of the need to select and structure educational material:

If the basic concepts and laws, their physical meaning are highlighted in the educational material, then the whole subject will be more understandable and easier to digest;

If the information is structured, then the motivation of students increases and a positive emotional background for learning is created.

In order to correctly choose rational methods of transmitting information and assimilating it, it is necessary to systematize and structure the material, to conduct its research. At the present stage of development of science, this problem is solved with the help of a system-structural analysis of educational material.

Each science consists of a certain limited number of basic teachings (elements of the system), which, in terms of their importance in the development of science, occupy approximately the same place. These teachings can be reflected in the structure in the form of modules. When selecting modules, it should be taken into account that a large number of them leads to mechanical fragmentation of the material and the disappearance of the integrity of the course being studied, and also makes it difficult to find intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections. This can give the student an idea of ​​science as randomly selected chapters and lectures that are not connected to each other. At the same time, a small number of modules can lead to the destruction of the system, the transformation of one of them into a system that has absorbed all the others. Modules should be formed on the basis of an analysis of the current state of a particular technical science, viewing textbooks, monographs, and journals. Modules can be located among themselves in respect of coordination and subordination.

When selecting educational material, preference should be given to materials that show intradisciplinary connections between modules, since such material allows a multilateral consideration of the object being studied and interdisciplinary connections that show the student the boundaries of a particular science and places of contact with related sciences. When choosing interdisciplinary material, preference should be given to information that is most related to the main modules of the course being studied and is focused on the subject environment of the specialist's activity.

In the formation of systematic scientific knowledge, an important role is played not only by a reasonably selected subject material, but also by the sequence of its study, which is determined by the following three principles: consistency, accessibility and scientific character.

The simplest way to study the material is linear, when, after completing the study of the content of one section (module), they move on to another. Many textbooks and lecture courses are built on this principle. The disadvantages of the method under consideration are the weak use of intradisciplinary connections, the formation of not a system, but disparate knowledge, students forgetting the beginning of the course material by the end of the course.

This disadvantage is to some extent weakened when using the concentric (spiral) method. With this method of introducing information into the educational process, the material is presented in stages with a periodic return to the material covered, but at a higher level. The advantage of the spiral method is the demonstration of the dialectics of the development of scientific ideas and the relativity of our knowledge. However, this method is used much less frequently, it is designed for students with a developed system of mental operations, since the change and expansion of ideas are associated with rethinking and reassessment of previously acquired knowledge. One of the disadvantages of the concentric method is that incomplete initial representations can be deposited in the memory of students more firmly than subsequent ones, and the process of supplementing and developing them is rather complicated and time-consuming.

After selecting the content and designing the structure of the technical discipline as a whole, they move on to designing individual topics and classes. The effectiveness of mastering the material will depend on the structure of its presentation.

The main structure includes the following elements: an introduction, which is a lesson plan, a summary of the content of the main sections with motivated transitions between them; the main part, which presents new information; conclusion, usually containing conclusions on the topic of the lesson or a repetition of its main theses.

The subject structure is a sequence of related elements that describe the properties of an individual object, technical object, process, etc. After a complete consideration of one subject, they move on to the consideration of another subject.

Aspect structure is based on a step-by-step comparison of individual features of various objects.

If students have little prior knowledge and the teacher needs to provide them with as much information about the subject as possible, a subject-oriented structure is preferable, as it provides only descriptive information and does not provide comparison with similar subjects. For students with a higher level of preparation, it is preferable to structure the material with a focus on aspects, since in this case, learning is conducted not only by describing objects, but also by comparing them, which contributes to a more effective assimilation of the material.

The combined structure, which has proven itself in practice, consists in the consistent formation of vertical links when studying one object or process, then horizontal links between different objects or processes, deepening and consolidating the knowledge system when conducting various forms of training sessions, current control.

The descriptive structure is a descriptive way of representing a technical object (process) according to the following scheme: existing state - predicted state - ways to solve the problem - results. A typical descriptive structure is characteristic of patent descriptions.

The dialectical structure is based on the triad known from philosophy: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

The thesis is the affirmation of a concept, the antithesis is its negation. After that, in the synthesis, the unity of opposites is achieved, in which the contradiction is eliminated. The synthesis, in turn, becomes a thesis formed at a higher level, which can again be countered by an antithesis, and so on. At the same time there is a cognitive movement forward. As an example of the thesis, we can cite the corpuscular theory of light by I. Newton (XVIII century), antithesis - the wave theory of G.Kh. Huygens (XIX century), synthesis - the quantum theory of N. Bohr and W. Heisenberg (XX century). The use of the dialectical structure gives the presented material an emotional coloring, increases the power of argumentation and persuasion.

Thus, different approaches to the selection and structuring of educational material are, as it were, sections in a single system of a scientific discipline, made at different angles. When teaching a particular technical discipline, one should choose a method that would most fully meet the learning objectives. Thus, depending on the specifics of the educational material (its subject matter, volume, etc.), as well as the goals of training, various methods of forming its structure should be used. For more information about the selection and structuring of educational material, see.

Achieving learning goals depends not only on the right subject content, but also on teaching methods. Teaching methods are a system of purposeful and orderly interactions between teachers and students that ensure the realization of pedagogical learning goals. The main criterion for choosing teaching methods is its pedagogical effectiveness, i.e. the quantity and quality of acquired knowledge, which must be assessed taking into account the efforts, funds and time spent by the teacher and students.

Since there is no universal, optimal method that could be used always and everywhere, each teacher independently chooses a teaching method and determines the specific area of ​​its application. The better the teacher knows his discipline, knows the psychological and pedagogical patterns of the learning process, the greater the likelihood of choosing the most effective teaching method.

Domestic psychology considers the process of learning as an activity, so the task of learning is to form the skills of cognitive activity. The decisive role in this is played by the orienting basis of activity, which is a system of guidelines (instructions) given to the student by the teacher or independently allocated by the student. If we arrange the learning methods in descending order of the number of given landmarks, then the following sequence is obtained: 1 - algorithmic, 2 - programmed (linear), 3 - programmed (branched), 4 - problem-programmed, 5 - problematic, 6 - problem-search, - search, 8 - research.

This sequence of teaching methods is systematized by decreasing the number of landmarks, i.e. according to the level of allowed independence and creative activity of students. At the same time, when moving from algorithmic learning to research learning, not only the number of landmarks changes, but also the scientific nature of their content. With algorithmic learning, students are given instructions to perform individual actions and operations related to narrow and particular issues of the science being studied. In research teaching, reference points are presented in the form of a system of the science under study, its teachings, intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections. For more information on teaching methods, see.


Teaching aids are material objects with the help of which the teacher and the student, using the content, methods and organizational forms of education, achieve their goals. The teaching aids include an educational book (textbook, manual), scientific and educational equipment of a laboratory workshop, demonstration models and devices, technical teaching aids (overhead projector, overhead projector, overhead projector, film projector, computer), etc.

One of the most important features of modern education is the use of technical teaching aids (TUT), designed to improve the conditions of pedagogical work, increase visibility in learning. TCO is a set of didactic materials and technical devices used for information transfer, control and training. Informational TSOs are designed to provide a direct transmission channel - teacher - student; controlling - to provide a feedback channel; training - for training with a closed control loop.

The use of TCO improves the didactic conditions of educational and cognitive activity, expands the didactic tool with which the teacher manages the learning process, enhances the information content of the material being studied.

The well-known proverb: "It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times" is not far from the truth. It has been proven that only 15% of information is remembered with auditory perception, 25% with visual perception, and 65% with simultaneous auditory and visual perception. More than 2/3 of people, especially young people, have predominantly visual memory. In psychology, there are three types of receiving and transmitting information, corresponding to three types of thinking: speech, figurative and sensory. Didactically sound application of teaching aids contributes to the development of students' thinking.

Currently, much attention is paid to the design of multimedia didactic tools for various purposes: electronic textbooks, simulators, virtual laboratory workshops, including remote access laboratories, student workstations, etc. In this regard, the teacher must know the principles of electronic didactics, be able to develop and effectively use in educational process computer training systems.

The means of teaching technical disciplines are also specialized application packages that provide various aspects of engineering activities: MathCAD, AutoCAD, Pro / ENGINEER, Pro / MECHANICA, Lab VIEW, ChemCAD, AWP Win Machine, Compass, Credo, etc. More details about modern teaching aids look at .



The choice of forms of education is based on the following principles.

1 Organizational forms of education should reflect the organization of the studied science to the maximum extent (theoretical and experimental research, discussion of results, reports at conferences, publications, design of prototypes, etc.).

2 Forms of education in a technical university must correspond to the types and forms of engineering activities (design, construction, manufacture, repair, installation, operation of technical facilities).

3 Forms of learning should correspond to the stages of the formation of mental actions: the creation of motivation - the clarification of the orienting basis of the action - the formation of the action in a materialized form, in external and internal speech, the formation of the action as mental.

The main forms of education in a technical university are lectures, practical and laboratory classes, industrial practice, course and diploma design.

Lecture is one of the main forms of training sessions in higher educational institutions, which is a systematic, consistent oral presentation of educational material by the teacher. This form of knowledge transfer originated in medieval universities. Then this word accurately reflected the nature of the teacher's activity. In the 13th-15th centuries, when book printing had not yet become widespread in Europe, the works of scientists were copied by hand and therefore existed in few copies. Of course, each student could not receive such an essay for study, and university teachers literally read their own or someone else's philosophical and religious treatises, accompanying the reading with comments. Much has changed in the centuries that have passed since then. The educational book has ceased to be a rarity and luxury; in recent decades, computer forms of storing and transmitting information have become widespread. However, the lecture has always been and still remains an integral part of the educational process, the most important form of presentation of educational material in higher education institutions around the world.

The fact is that a lecture as a way of communicating knowledge has a large number of advantages.

1 Lecture is a guide for students in further independent educational and scientific work.

It allows students to orientate themselves on the scientific problem under consideration, reveal the most significant aspects, give an analysis of various views, indicate the most significant scientific works devoted to this problem.

2 The lecture is not only a source of new scientific information, but also a means of forming scientific thinking. (Especially if the lecture is problematic and the lecturer is a well-known scientist, head of a scientific school).

3 Lecture influences all other forms of educational work at the university. In accordance with the theory of the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions, it introduces students to the upcoming cognitive activity for the assimilation of educational material, gives the student the necessary guidelines for this and is the first in the hierarchical system of other organizational forms of education at the university.

4 In some cases, the lecture serves as the main source of information (in the absence of textbooks and manuals, more often for new courses). In such situations, only a lecturer can methodically help students in mastering the academic discipline.

5 Lecture is a way of transferring not only cognitive (a set of theories and facts), but also affective knowledge (emotions). Emotional contact helps to increase students' motivation to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this subject area.

6 Implementation of the lecturer-student feedback contributes to the identification of typical errors in the perception of scientific knowledge by students (interactive computer training programs).

Basic requirements for a lecture: scientific, accessible, systematic, visual, emotional, feedback from the audience, connection with other organizational forms of education.

Disputes about the role and place of the lecturer in the educational process are continuously ongoing among teachers and methodologists. Opponents of the lecture form of education refer to the passivity of the listeners, the lack of independence, the replacement of a textbook with a lecture. On the other hand, a good lecture is a creative communication between the lecturer and the audience, and the effect of such learning in cognitive and emotional terms is much higher than when students read the relevant texts.

Therefore, a modern lecture should be not so much a way of conveying information as a way of conveying to the student the type of thinking of the teacher. For more information about preparing, conducting and evaluating the quality of lectures, see.

The purpose of laboratory classes is an in-depth study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of the academic discipline and mastering modern skills for conducting an experiment in this subject area.

In laboratory work, students are involved in the process of learning physical, chemical, electrical and other phenomena, taking direct part in the experiments. This allows you to study the operation of machines, instruments, to master the methods of studying processes and analyzing substances, and skills in working with laboratory equipment.

The topics of laboratory work are selected so that the most important material of the course is covered. For each work, appropriate methodological guidelines are developed, which set out its goals and objectives, the procedure for conducting the experiment, indicate the necessary equipment, instruments, technical means, safety rules, provide requirements for the quality of reporting and the procedure for their protection. Usually, laboratory work is carried out after lectures on the topic, which corresponds to the theory of the gradual formation of the mental actions of trainees in a materialized form.

Laboratory work is performed in frontal, cyclic and individual forms.

With the frontal form of organizing classes, all students simultaneously perform the same work, which greatly facilitates the organization and conduct, management of them, but also has disadvantages.

This is the stereotype of actions, borrowing from each other the methods of their implementation and the essence of the tasks being solved without understanding the deep meaning, etc. In the cyclic form, the work is divided into several cycles corresponding to sections of this discipline, and students perform laboratory work according to the schedule. For example, you can combine five laboratory works into a cycle with 5 identical stands and conduct a lesson with a group of students of 25 people. With an individual form of organization, each student performs laboratory work independently. All students work on various topics, the order of which is regulated by the schedule. In this case, it is possible to take into account the determined scientific interests and inclinations of individual students. The individual form of organizing laboratory classes is pedagogically the most appropriate, but it requires the teacher to clearly manage the work of students and constantly monitor its implementation.

The laboratory workshop allows for the activation and intensification of cognitive activity. Activation is understood as an increase in motivation, activity, creative independence of students, and under the intensification of learning - the transfer of a large amount of information to students with the same duration of training. This can be achieved by building a laboratory workshop as a scientific research aimed at solving complex technical, chemical, etc. tasks.

Thus, the laboratory workshop not only develops certain experimental skills in students, but also develops scientific thinking, arouses interest in science, introduces them to scientific research, and forms the ability to penetrate into the essence of the phenomena and processes being studied.

The purpose of practical classes is to consolidate knowledge by involving students in solving various kinds of educational and practical problems, developing skills in using computers and reference literature. Practical exercises should cover the most important sections of the course, providing for the formation of skills and abilities. On them, students must master the methods of calculation that they will have to face in their professional activities as designers, technologists, and designers.

The preparation of a practical lesson includes the selection of typical and non-standard tasks, assignments, questions, methodological materials, checking the readiness of audiences, technical teaching aids. The complexity of practical exercises is recommended to increase gradually, but constantly. In solving problems, students should be given complete independence, resorting to solving at the blackboard only in cases where difficulties common to the entire audience arise.

A modern engineer must master the methods and techniques of making technical and economic decisions, some of which are known to be associated with risk. Examples of various situations with the development of daring engineering problems are a good basis for practical training in special disciplines. Another methodical technique for conducting practical classes is teaching the selection of practical tasks from the background (the background is the absence or excess of information, as well as psychological barriers, i.e. the assumptions and restrictions that are introduced, which in reality do not exist).

It is known that the more tasks the student solves, the better skills he will master. In the conditions of higher education, in order to stimulate the desire of students to solve as many problems as possible, a rating system is recommended, in which the current student rating will depend on the total number of tasks solved. For more details on the preparation and conduct of laboratory and practical classes, see.

Industrial practice is a special form of organization of the educational process, which provides students with the opportunity to obtain professional knowledge, skills and abilities directly in production, while performing the duties of a worker and an engineering and technical worker of the corresponding specialty (or monitoring production activities and the functioning of production and analyzing them). Industrial practice is included in the educational programs of engineering training, since the achievement of learning goals is impossible without the future engineer obtaining professional skills. The main goal of the production practice is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students in the process of mastering production activities. During the production practice, students get acquainted with the structure of the enterprise; with the functions of various services and individual specialists; with the main technological processes; with the technical characteristics of the equipment; with regulatory and technical documentation for raw materials, semi-finished products and final products.

During the internship, the student studies modern equipment and technology, all types of resources (labor, material, financial, energy, information, etc.) get the opportunity to participate in the development of production with specific labor at the workplace and rationalization proposals.

Students studying in the specialties of mechanical engineering and technological profiles undergo educational, technological, design and technological and pre-diploma practice with a total duration of 16–20 weeks. The profiling department develops a comprehensive program of internships, including goals, structure, responsibilities of students, requirements for the content of the internship report and its design. During the production practice, students must keep a diary in which observations are recorded about the organization of the production process, materials are collected for a report, course or graduation project.

The report on industrial practice students must defend at the department in front of the commission.

Field trips have always played an important role in engineering training. In recent years, it has increased even more due to the fact that a high level of practical professional skills and abilities increases the competitiveness of a graduate in the labor market; in practice, a student can prove himself and be in demand in this production after receiving a diploma; for students studying under a contract with an enterprise, the practice allows to reduce the adaptation period.

For more information about the organization of production practices, see.

Consultations are intended to provide students with pedagogically appropriate assistance to students in independent work in each discipline of the curriculum. They help not only students, but also teachers, being a kind of feedback, with which you can find out the degree of assimilation of program material by students. Typically, consultations are associated with preparation for tests and exams, coursework and diploma design.

Consultations are carried out in accordance with the curriculum, at the request of students or the initiative of the teacher. Students should carefully prepare for consultations, study notes, scientific and technical literature in order to ask questions on the merits. Consultations should not be turned into coaching students, they should awaken the desire for independent deepening of knowledge.

The lecturer's consultation before the exam can be used to achieve the following goals: systematization of the material covered; analysis of the most complex issues; analysis of the most common errors; answers to students' questions on the course; solving examination-type problems; information of the teacher about the methodology of the exam; solving organizational issues related to the appearance of students for the exam, their behavior during the exam, etc.

At present, when the importance of independent individual work of students is increasing significantly, the role of consultations is becoming increasingly important. In the world practice of higher technical education, consultations have a greater share than in the domestic one, and are provided by a special institute of mentors-tutors.

Course and diploma design (CP, DP) is the most important component of the educational process in a technical university, completing the study of a number of general engineering and special disciplines.

During the CP, the skills of an independent approach to solving engineering problems are consolidated, the skills acquired in practical classes, during laboratory work and production practices are improved. KP is an independent work in which the student develops progressive technical solutions, according to the assignment and the initial data for design. The subject of course design follows from the tasks of modern production and the prospects for its development.

This may be the modernization of units, machines, devices, the reconstruction of the production site, the design of a new production facility or the design development and calculation of process equipment. The student must develop text and graphic technical documentation that allows you to create a design object. A completed CP student defends at the department in front of a commission of several teachers, including the head of design. It is also practiced to protect CPs made on the instructions of enterprises directly at these enterprises. When defending the CP, the student learns not only to correctly express his thoughts, but also to argue, defend the put forward solutions, design results, practical recommendations for the implementation of this technical solution in the production process. The topics of the CP performed by students for the entire period of study in each specialty are selected in such a way that, together with the DP, they form a single system of successively complicated and interconnected projects that contribute to a deeper study of a particular design object.

DP is the final stage in the training of a specialist, his professional development. When performing the DP, the student must demonstrate the ability to competently navigate the theoretical and applied sections of special and general professional disciplines, the ability to actively use the acquired knowledge, including in the field of computer technology. He must be able to work with scientific, technical and reference literature, use modern methods of technological, mechanical and feasibility calculations, be able to plan an experiment and use modern research methods, justify the proposed engineering solutions.

The topics of DP are determined by the graduating departments, as a rule, taking into account the needs of production on the orders of enterprises. The student is given the right to choose a topic. He himself can propose the topic of the DP with the necessary justification for the expediency of its development. The theme of the DP is approved by the order of the university (institute). In the assignment for the implementation of the DP, the initial data are given, as well as the design tasks, the recommended, approximate list of graphic material. The assignment for the DP is made by the teacher - project manager and approved by the head of the department.

One of the promising forms of DP is the implementation of complex projects by a team of students of several specialties. Such work is organized in order to test the professional competence of future specialists, the communication skills of jointly solving complex engineering problems in conditions closest to real production activities. It allows teaching future specialists modern methods and principles of modeling collective solutions to complex scientific and technical problems based on well-coordinated interactions of various specialists. The defense of the DP allows you to evaluate not only the quality of specialist training, but also the pedagogical activity of the graduating department and the university as a whole. For more information about the organization of course and diploma design, see.

Independent work of students (SIW) is a planned cognitive, organizational and methodologically directed activity carried out without the direct assistance of a teacher in order to achieve a specific result. An integral part of the IWS is individual lessons with students. The effect of the SIW can be obtained only when it is organized and implemented in the educational process as an integral system that permeates all stages of education at the university.

The vast majority of those who entered universities are little known about the forms and methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities, including independent work. Since it is impossible to study at a university without the skills of independent work, students must learn to identify cognitive tasks, choose ways to solve them, perform operations to control the correctness of solving the task, and improve the skills of implementing theoretical knowledge. At the same time, the formation of SIW skills can occur both on a conscious and on an intuitive basis.

The student's independent work under the guidance of a teacher proceeds in the form of business interaction: the student receives the teacher's recommendations on organizing independent activities, and the teacher performs the function of management through accounting, control and correction of erroneous actions. In this case, the teacher must establish the type of SIW and determine the necessary degree of its inclusion in the discipline being studied. For more information about the organization of the SRS, see.


Assessment of knowledge is one of the essential indicators that determine the level of assimilation of educational material by students, the development of thinking. There are several methods for quantifying learning outcomes: registration, rank assessment, interval measurement, testing.

The essence of the registration method is that the studied object, which differs in some features, is assigned numbers characterizing the presence or absence of a certain feature.

If the attribute is present, the object is assigned the number "1", in the absence of its number - "0". Then the numbers are summed up. In this way, the teacher receives information about class attendance, discipline, academic performance, etc. The registration method is the most accessible and widely used assessment method by teachers. It does not allow to measure the quality of knowledge, but by the mistakes made by the student, it allows a judgment about the degree of development of a certain quality.

The ranking method consists in the fact that the objects are arranged in the order of the change in the value of any feature of the object, then the objects are assigned an ordinal number in their place in the resulting series, which is called the rank, and the operation of assigning a place is called ranking; usually, objects with a larger feature value get a higher rank. The existing scoring is also based on this method. A four-point scale - 5, 4, 3, 2 - roughly assesses the knowledge of students, a more accurate distribution by rank will be in a ten-point or hundred-point scale.

A variation of the rank method is a rating system for assessing knowledge, which consists in assessing most of the results of a student's cognitive activity - all types of control, activity in the classroom; independent extracurricular work, participation in research, etc. The student scores a certain number of points for each type of activity, then they are summed up and the students are ranked in descending order of the numbers scored. The results of the rating affect the final grade for completing the course. For example, the top ten percent of students get an excellent grade without passing an exam. The experience of using the rating system of knowledge assessment in technical universities shows that such control is effective if it is introduced from the first days of training, covers all disciplines of the curriculum, if the results are processed using information technology.

The interval measurement method is used for such objects for which measurement standards can be found. For example, the duration (in minutes) of assembly of the electrical circuit, the accuracy of determining the size of the cell, the mass of the sample, etc.

The testing method is widely known abroad. However, in our country, for various reasons, tests of different purposes and quality appeared not so long ago. The test is an objective and standardized measurement designed to establish quantitative and qualitative psychophysiological characteristics, as well as the knowledge, skills and abilities of the subject.

The most important requirements for tests are validity, reliability, relevance, objectivity, differentiation. Validity is the requirement that the content of the test correspond to the goals of learning, the feature or quality of knowledge being tested. Reliability is the requirement for the stability of indicators during repeated tests with equivalent test options. Relevance - compliance with the relationship between the content of the test and what was given in the learning process. Differentiation - the distribution of students according to the results of testing into subgroups in accordance with the level of knowledge. Objectivity - marks should be the same for all checking teachers.

The sequence of questions in tests should be determined by the logic of science and the goals of testing.

Test tasks consisting of 10-12 questions are considered optimal in terms of volume. Selective tests are the most widespread, although many teachers believe that they do not teach the ability to think logically. The learning function of control increases significantly if the questions in the task are connected in logical lines.

The attitude towards tests as a method of knowledge control in the pedological environment ranges from complete non-recognition of their capabilities to unjustified enthusiasm associated with the idea that they are easy and simple to develop. In fact, testing is a diagnostic activity of a professional teacher, requiring special training and strict adherence to all requirements and procedures.

Test and examination as a final form of control. The test is carried out either in part of the discipline, or in a separate discipline of a small volume (one semester in duration). It can be differentiated (with an assessment) or undifferentiated (credited / not credited). Tests are submitted during the test week, sometimes ahead of schedule. Students are given questions in advance for passing the test. Students who have passed all points of intermediate control well can receive a credit "automatically".

The content of examination questions and tasks should correspond to the course program. Since the exam is based on selective educational material, the number of questions should be such that it is possible to check the mastering of the main course material, i.e. Questions must be submitted for all major sections of the course. Knowledge assessment is carried out depending on the scientific speech of the respondent, on the knowledge of logical and factual material. For more information about the forms of control and assessment of students' knowledge, see.



According to Russian and foreign experts in the field of higher education, the general requirements for a higher education teacher can be formulated as follows.

1 Professional competence based on fundamental, special and interdisciplinary scientific, practical and psychological-pedagogical training.

2 General cultural humanitarian competence, including knowledge of the foundations of world and national culture and universal values.

3 Creativity, which involves the possession of innovative strategies and tactics, methods, techniques and technologies for solving creative problems, susceptibility to changes in the content and conditions of scientific and pedagogical activity.

4 Communicative competence, including well-developed literary oral and written speech, knowledge of foreign languages, modern information technologies, effective methods and techniques of interpersonal communication.

5 Socio-economic competence, which involves knowledge of the global processes of the development of civilization and the functioning of modern society, the basics of economics, sociology, management, law, ecology, etc.

An analysis of current trends in the development of engineering education shows that the quality of training of specialists depends on the completeness and effectiveness of the implementation by the teacher of his professional functions: gnostic, design, constructive, organizational, communicative and educational.

Gnostic functions are associated with the ability to formulate current and final pedagogical goals, to find productive ways and forms to achieve them; analyze the educational process for integrity and efficiency, compliance of the achieved result with the planned one; study, generalize and introduce various kinds of innovations into the educational process; create an atmosphere of productive and cognitive cooperation in the process of interaction with students.

The design pedagogical functions of a teacher are associated with the determination of the final results that must be achieved at the end of a particular stage or the entire training cycle; with modeling the content of educational material, the relationship with other disciplines and future professional activities.

The constructive functions of a teacher are due to the need to select and structure information on newly developed or updated training courses; mastering various methods of pedagogical activity, taking into account individual abilities, the specifics of the discipline and the student population.

Organizational functions include the organization of group and individual work of students, taking into account the didactic conditions of the pedagogical process; management of the socio-psychological state of the group and the mental state of individual students in the classroom.

The communicative functions of a teacher presuppose the existence of a positive and stable communicative contact between a teacher and a student on professional and other issues.

Educational functions ensure the formation and development of the personality of a highly qualified specialist with an engineering education, his worldview and civic position, general culture, breadth of outlook and ethics of behavior.

The performance of professional functions depends not only on the level of professional competence of the teacher, but also on the direction of his main interests (centration) and leadership style. Depending on what or who is dominant in the interests of the teacher, the following types of centralization are distinguished: own personal and material interests; interests of own scientific activity; interest in the process of conducting classes, associated with the desire to show their professional abilities; genuine interest of students as future professionals. There are three styles of student management: authoritarian, characterized by the dominant position of the teacher; democratic, characterized by less directive behavior of the teacher, paying attention to the emotions of students, their understanding of the material; liberal, characterized by little interference or non-interference in the educational process. To achieve the goals of higher technical education, the most acceptable is the focus on the true interests of students as future professionals and the democratic style of leadership.




1 Formulate uniquely diagnosable goals for one of the topics of any technical discipline. What way of structuring the educational material do you consider the most appropriate for technical disciplines and why?

2 Imagine that you need to teach students a set of knowledge, skills and abilities on one of the topics of a technical discipline. Make a plan for the distribution of introduced concepts and ideas for various organizational forms of education.

3 Conduct a comparative analysis of the linear and concentric methods of studying technical disciplines.

4 Justify the choice of teaching method when conducting various organizational forms of classroom training in technical disciplines.

5 Conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various means of teaching technical disciplines.

6 Highlight the main criteria for assessing the quality of the lecture and arrange the criteria in descending order of their importance. Use the highlighted criteria to evaluate the quality of the lectures you listen to.

7 A teacher can be compared to a radio transmitter, a student to a radio receiver. In order for the receiver to reproduce the transmission at the desired frequency, it must be tuned to resonance.

If we continue the analogy, then we can say that at the beginning of the lecture, the student must be "tuned to resonance." How to do it?

8 Read the story of A.P. Chekhov "A boring story", list the shortcomings of the lecturer described in the story.

9 Read "Advice to lecturers" by A.F. Koni and give examples from your experience of studying at a university that can serve as an illustration of the advice.

10 Form arguments in favor of "for" and "against" a) frontal, cyclic and individual;

b) "hard" and "free"; c) traditional and computer laboratory work.

11 Think of an example of conducting a practical lesson with elements of a detective story. Come up with examples of demonstrations in practice sessions.

12 Do you consider it expedient to form the readiness of future specialists for professional activities to reduce the amount of classroom workload and increase the amount of independent work of students?

13 Carry out a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of written and oral knowledge control.

14 Which function of monitoring learning outcomes do you consider the most important?

15 What are the advantages and disadvantages of assessing learning outcomes by registration methods, rank and interval measurement.

17 What are the main differences between tests and other methods of monitoring student achievement.

18 Propose your own methodology for conducting tests, exams, defending course projects and the rules that a teacher should follow when evaluating a student's answer.

19 What professional function of a teacher do you consider the most important and why?

20 Suggest ways to optimize educational and cognitive activities and improve the quality of training of engineers and masters.

1 Artyukh S.F., Prikhodko V.M., Yashchup T.V., Asherov A.T. Structuring the educational material of engineering disciplines. M.: MADI (GTU), Kharkov: UIPA, 2002.

2 Artyukh S.F., Prikhodko V.M., Yashchup T.V., Asherov A.T. Methodological and methodological bases for designing technology for assessing the quality of educational and cognitive activity of students in the study of engineering disciplines. M.: MADI (GTU), Kharkov: UIPA, 2002.

3 Arkhangelsky S.I. The educational process in higher education, its natural foundations and methods. M.:

High School, 1980.

4 Bashmakov M.I., Pozdnyakov S.N., Reznik N.A. Information learning environment. St. Petersburg: SVET, 1997.

5 Bespalko V.P. Pedagogy and progressive learning technologies. Moscow: Higher school, 1995.

6 Higher technical education in Russia: history, state, development problems / Ed.

V.M. Zhurakovsky. Moscow: Polygraph, 1988.

7 Gerasimov A.M., Loginov I.P. Innovative approach in the construction of training: Proc. allowance.

M.: APKiPRO, 2001.

8 Gomoyunov K.K. Improving the teaching of general scientific and technical disciplines.

St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. GU, 1993.

9 Gornev V.F. Computer-oriented teaching technologies in engineering training.

M.: NII VO, 1998. Issue. 12.

10 Dolzhenko O.V., Shatunovsky V.L. Modern methods and technologies of teaching in a technical university. Moscow: Higher school, 1990.

11 Zinovkina M.M. Engineering thinking: theory and innovative pedagogical technologies.

M.: MGIU, 1996.

12 Zinovkina M.M. The technology of the exam in the creative pedagogical system NFTIM. M.: MGIU, 2003.

13 Kagan V.I., Sychenikov I.A. Fundamentals of optimization of the learning process in higher education (Unified methodological system of the institute: theory and practice). Moscow: Higher school, 1987.

14 Kagermanyan V.S. Perspective directions and methodology for updating the content of various types of student training at the university. M.: NII VO, 1997. Issue. ten.

15 The quality of engineering education: Proceedings. report // Second All-Russian. seminar. Tambov: TSTU, 2001.

16 The concept of informatization of higher education in the Russian Federation. // Problems of informatization of higher education. 1998. No. 3.4. pp. 13–14.

17 The concept of development of higher education in the Russian Federation // Higher education in Russia. 1993. No. 2. S. 5 - 14.

18 Kudryavtsev V.T. Problem-based learning: origins, essence, perspectives. Moscow: Knowledge, 1991.

19 Course and diploma design: Method. decree. / Comp.: B.I. Gerasimov, N.P. Puchkov. Tambov: TSTU, 1994.

20 Lecture / Comp.: B.I. Gerasimov, N.P. Puchkov. Tambov: TIHM, 1990.

21 Malygin E.N., Frolova T.A., Chvanova M.S. Engineering Pedagogy: Proc. allowance. Tambov:

TSTU, 2002. Part 1.

22 Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. Moscow: Higher school, 1996.

23 Melecinek A. Engineering Pedagogy. M.: MADI (TU), 1998.

24 Muratova E.I. Preparation of specialists of a machine-building profile for innovative design activities in a higher school: Diss. … cand. ped. Sciences. Tambov: TSTU, 2002.

25 Pidkasty P.I. Psychological and didactic reference book of a teacher of higher education. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1999.

26 Popov Yu.V. Practical aspects of the implementation of a multi-level education system in technical universities: organization and learning technologies. M.: NII VO, 1999. Issue. nine.

27 Professional Pedagogy / Ed. S.Ya. Batyshev. M.: Association "Professional education", 1999.

28 Poteev M.I. Workshop on teaching methods in higher educational institutions. Moscow: Higher school, 1990.

29 Workshop on pedagogy and psychology of higher education / Ed. A.K. Erofeev. Moscow: Higher school, 1991.

30 Psychology of creativity: development of creative imagination and fantasy in the TRIZ methodology:

Proc. allowance / Ed. MM. Zinovkina. M.: MGIU, 2003.

31 Radchenko P.M. Group course design with elements of a business game. Vladivostok:

32 Ryabov L.P. Analysis of positive changes and innovative processes in the system of higher education in developed countries. M.: NII VO, 2001. Issue. 6.

33 Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Proc. allowance. M.: National education, 1998.

34 Slastenin V.A., Podymova L.S. Pedagogy: innovative activity. M.: ICHP "IzdatMagistr", 1997.

35 Smirnov S.D. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Moscow: Aspect Press, 1995.

36 Ways of managing the cognitive activity of students / Comp.: B.I. Gerasimov, N.P. Puchkov. Tambov: TSTU, 1994.

37 Stolyarenko L.D., Stolyarenko V.E. Psychology and pedagogy for technical universities. Rostov n/a:

Phoenix, 2001.

38 Fadeev V.A., Pristupa G.N. How to conduct a pedagogical experiment. Ryazan: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University, 1993.

39 Fokin Yu.G. Psychodidactics of higher education. Moscow: MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, 2000.

40 Encyclopedia of vocational education: In 3 volumes / Ed. S.Ya. Batyshev. Moscow: Russian academic education, 1998 - 1 volume, 1999 - 2, 3 volumes.

41 Esaulov A.F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students. Moscow: Higher school, 1982.

42 Yurin V.N. Computer engineering and engineering education. M.: Editorial URSS, 2002.

In addition to the literature listed in the list of literature, in the process of passing scientific and pedagogical practice, undergraduates are recommended to use the following periodicals: "Higher Education in Russia", "Higher Education Today", "Issues of Psychology", "Alma Mater", "Informatics and Education", "Information technologies", "Vestnik TSTU", "Education News", etc.


Completed by the undergraduate of the group № Formulation of the task Content of the practice:

2 Practically carry out:

3 Read:

III Additional task:

IV Organizational and methodical instructions:

Task given by: _ Task received by: _


1 Completeness and correctness of the disclosure of the topic 2 Logical and consistent presentation of the topic 3 The nature of the presentation of the material 4 Style and persuasiveness of the presentation 5 Ability to keep within the allotted time 6 The pace of speech 7 Use of specially prepared illustrative materials 8 Confidence and calmness of the speaker 9 Literacy, expressiveness of speech, diction 10 Gesture 11 Mistakes and reservations during the speech 12 General demeanor of the speaker 13 Own attitude to the problem presented 14 Level of feedback 15 Reviewer's overall assessment Reviewer:


supervisor on the passage of the scientific and pedagogical practice of the undergraduate _ Term of the internship from "_" 200 to "" _ Degree of disclosure of the topic _ 3 Independence and initiative _ _ 4 Skills acquired during the practice _ _ _ Feedback on the attitude of the undergraduate to work _ _ Grade for practice: _ Supervisor: _

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« institutions of higher professional education St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S. M. Kirov (SLI) Department of Accounting, Analysis, Audit and Taxation TAX PLANNING Educational and methodological complex in the discipline for students in the specialty 080109 Accounting, analysis and audit.. ."

«for the preparation of a graduate in the direction 656300 Technology of procurement and woodworking industries specialty 250403 Technology of woodworking SYKTYVKAR 2007 FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION SYKTYVKAR FOREST INSTITUTE - BRANCH OF STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL...»

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"MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ROSTOV STATE CONSTRUCTION UNIVERSITY O.K. Mazurova, N.V. Kuznetsov, A.N. Butenko Autonomous heat supply Rostov-on-Don 2011 2 UDC 621.1 Reviewer: Assoc. tech. Sciences V.N. Malozemov (RGUPS) O.K. Mazurova, N.V. Kuznetsov, A.N. Butenko Autonomous heating: Study guide - Rostov-on-Don: Rost. state builds. un-t,...»

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All educational institutions "LPK" Lysva Polytechnic College ******* Not known AAK (Apastovsky Agrarian College) AAEP A.S. Pushkin AGAU AGIMS AGKNT AGNI, KSEU, KHTI AGTU ASU ASU im. Zhubanov AISI Academy of Budget and Treasury Academy of State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia ACADEMY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL RELATIONS Alapayevsk Industrial College Almaty University of Energy and Communications ALTAI ACADEMY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW Altai State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshina ALTAI STATE PEDAGOGICAL ACADEMY Altai State Agrarian University ALTAI STATE COLLEGE Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunova ALTAI STATE UNIVERSITY Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova Altai Institute of Financial Management Altai Medical Institute Altai Pedagogical University ANO VO Automotive Transport Institute APT Achinsk Artemovsky College of Precision Instrumentation (AKTP) Arkhangelsk State. Technical University Arkhangelsk College of Telecommunications ASK GU VPO BRU Astrakhan State Technical University Baltic State. Technical University named after D.F.Ustinov BarSU Barnaul cooperative technical school of the Altai Krai consumer union V.R. Filippov BSTU BSTU im. V.G. Shukhov BSU BGUIR (Institute of Informatics and Radioelectronics) BGEU BelGUT BITTiU BNTU BPT BRGU Brest (BrGTU) BRU BTI BYuI Option 13 VGASU VGAU named after Peter I VGIPU VGMHA VGSKhA VGTA VGTU VGUIT VSUES VZFEI VZFEI Barnual VI SRGTU (NPI) Vitebsk state. Technological University Vinnytsia College NUHT, Ukraine EKSTU. Serikbaeva Vladimir State University VNAU VNTU VNU named after Dal Technical University Voronezh State University Voronezh State Technical University VPI VPT ESSTU VTZ LMZ VTUZ Higher School of Economics Vyatka State Agricultural Academy Vyatka State University GAPOU "Ufa Fuel and Energy College" ON. Sukhoi GIEI State Technical University named after Bauman GUAP Gusev Polytechnic College GPT GUU Far Eastern State Agrarian University Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev) Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University Far Eastern State Transport University (FGUPS) Far Eastern State Transport University DSTU Sovereign supreme primary pledge "Zaporizky National University" Olesya Gonchara DNU TO SIBGUTI TO SUBGUTI DonGTU Donetsk National University DonNASA DonNTU DonNTU(DPI) Yekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology EMT Gumilyov ENU Izhevsk State Technical University INiG INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND COMMUNICATIONS Institute of Oil and Gas SibFU Krasnoyarsk INEKA IPEK Ivanteevsky College of Industry and Economics technical university them. A.N. Tupolev KAZAN INNOVATIVE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER V.G. TIMIRYAMOV (IEUP) KAZAN INNOVATIVE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER V.G. TIMIRYAMOVA (IEUP) KazATK Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev Kazakhstan Innovation University KAZGASA KazGAU KazNTU KAI KamSU named after. V. Bering KampI Kama Engineering and Technical College Kamchatka GTU Karaganda state. Industrial University Karaganda GTU KATT KGASA KSUAE KGAU KGAU KGSHA KGIU KSPU KGSHA KGTA KSTU KSTU Krasnoyarsk KSTU im. Tupolev KSU KSU (Kurgan) KSU im. A. Baitursynova KSFEI KGEU KemGPPC KemTIPP KZhT UrGUPS Kiev Technical School of Electronic Appliances KIMGO KInEU KIPU, Ukraine KKHT NMetAU KMT KNAGTU KNEU KNITU-KAI KNTU KNU KNU im. M. Ostrogradsky (Ukraine) KNUBA College of Informatics GOU VPO SibGUTI KPI KrasGAU KTI SibGUTI KTU KTU Ukraine Kuban State. Polytechnic University KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER I.T. TRUBILINA KubGAU KubGTU KuzGTU KURGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Kurgan Industrial College KurskGTU KF MSTU im. N.E. Bauman KF OSU KFU LGTU Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin Lipetsk State Technical University LMSK LNAU Magnitogorsk State Technical University MADI (GTU) MADI (STU) Volga branch of MADI Bronnitsky branch of MAI MAMI MarSU MSTU "STANKIN" MSTU (Murmansk) MSTU GA MSTU im. Bauman MSTU im. G.I. Nosov MGTUGA Moscow State University N. Ogareva MGUIE MGUL MGUP MGUPI MGUPS MGUS MGUTU Razumovsky Tver Melitopol Industrial and Economic College MIVLGU MIIT MIC MICT MICHIS MIL Minsk State Automotive College Minsk State Higher Aviation College (HEI) MIREA MISiS MEPhI Maritime State Academy named after Ushakov Moscow State Law Academy Moscow School of Business Moscow State. University of Engineering Ecology Moscow State Industrial University MOSCOW STATE REGIONAL UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ECONOMY MANAGEMENT AND LAW Moscow State Construction University Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman Moscow State University of Moscow State University of Design and Technology Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography Moscow State University of Natural Resources Moscow State University of Railways (MIIT) Moscow Humanitarian and Economic University Moscow Institute of Energy Security and Energy Savings Moscow Institute for Psychoanalysis Moscow Technological Institute of Moscow Technological Institute of Moscow University of Moscow . S.Yu. Witte Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University) MOSU MOSU MIA RF MPSI MPU MPET MIT MTI MFPU "Synergy" MFYuA MPEI MESI NAU National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University National Transport University, Kyiv National Pedagogical University named after M. P Drahomanova National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Kozma Minin NSPU them. Kozma Minina (Minin University) Alekseev NSU (Novosibirsk State University) NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft NGUEM Nevsky Engineering College Neftekamsk Oil College NIEV Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University Pavlovsk branch of NINKh NCI named after Admiral Makarov NKTI NMetAU NNGASU UNN named after Lobachevsky Novgorod State Institution Novopolotsk PSU NOVOSIBIRSK AVIATION TECHNICAL COLLEGE Novosibirsk Motor Transport College Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Novosibirsk State Technical University NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIVERSITY - AND ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY "NINH" Novosibirsk Industrial and Energy College Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute NPI NTK named after. AI Pokryshkin NTU KhPI NTUU "KPI", Ukraine, Kyiv NTUU KPI NUBIP Ukraine NUVGP NUVGP - Exactly NUVGP (Rivne) NUK im. Admiral Makarov NUFT, Kyiv NUHT NFI KemGU NKhTI OGASA, Ukraine OGPU OGPU OGTI OGTU OSU Odessa National Maritime University Oi MGUA named after Kutafin STOLYPIN Omsk State Institute of Railways Omsk State Technical University ONPU OrelGTU Orenburg State Pedagogical University Orenburg State University Oryol State Technical University Orsha State College OTI MEPhI OU VO "SOUTH URAL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS" OHMC Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrova PGK PSPI PGSHA PSTA PSTU PSTU Perm PSU PGUAS PGUPS PGUTI Penza State University Perm State Agricultural Academy Perm State Technical University Perm Institute of Economics and Finance Perm Branch of the Russian State Technical University St. State University PRIDNESTROVIAN STATE UNIVERSITY IM. T.G. SHEVCHENKO Primorsky Institute of Railway Transport RANHGS. Altai branch of RANHIGS RAP RGATA them. P.A. Solovyov RSATU RGEEU RGKR RGOTUPS RGPPU RGRTU RSU RSU RGU of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkina RSGUGN RGUTIS RGEU RI (f) MGOU RII ROMAT ROSNOU Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Russian Academy of National Economy and Presidential Service of the President of the Russian Federation Russian State University of Justice RFEI RFET RKhTU Plekhanov Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy St.Petersburg Polytechnic University Samara State University Samara State Technical University SamGUPS St. Petersburg Institute of Mechanical Engineering St. Petersburg State Technical University St. Petersburg Law Academy St. Petersburg State University of Economics St. Petersburg State Architectural and Civil Engineering University St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University St. Petersburg State Electrote Technical University LETI ST. PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. SATT NArFU SGA SGASU SGAU SGPA SGSKhA SGTU SSU SGUGIT SGUPS SevKavGTU SevNTU SZGZTU SibAGS (Siberian Academy of Public Administration) SibADI SibGAU SibGIU SibGTU SibGUTI SibINDO Siberian Academy of Law of Economics and Management Siberian State Geodetic Academy of Business Siberian State University Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Business Information Technologies SIBERIAN UNIVERSITY OF CONSUMER COOPERATION Siberian Federal University SIBIT SibUPK SIK SING NKSU SLI Modern Humanitarian Academy SPB GAU SPb GUMRF SPbGASU SPbGIEU SPbGLTA Kirova SPbGMTU SPbGPU SPbSTU "LETI" SPbGTURP SPbUGU ITMO SPbGUVK SPbGUSE SPbGUSE SPbGGET "LETI" SPbi (TU) LNGGI SPT SPT STES STMIT Sumy Sumykhovo Tambovsky Tambovsky Siberian Fed Technical University of TarSU named after M.Kh. University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) Tomsk Polytechnic University TPK TPU TTZhT TTI Southern Federal University TTU TUIT TulSU Tula State University TUSUR TCTK TEGU TyumenGASU Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Tyumen State University Tyumens State Oil and Gas University TYUMEN STATE UNIVERSITY Tyumen Industrial University UAVIAK UGATU UGATU UGGU UGLTU UGNTU UGSKHA UGTU UGTU-UPI UGKhTU UGEU UDGU UlGTU UlGU Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy Ulyanovsk State Technical University UO BGSHA UPI Ural State Technical University Ural State University named after A. Gorky University of Economics Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. FSEI VPO "MGSU" OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "SIBERIAN STATE UNIVERSITY" Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Research" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University" Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation KhAI Khakass State University N.F. Katanov Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute KhGAEP KhSU KhIIK GOU VPO SibGUTI KHNADU KhNTU KhNU KhTI ChGAU ChGMA ChGPU ChGSHA ChGTU ChGU ChDTU Chelyabinsk State University Chelyabinsk Vocational Pedagogical College Chit State University Chita Forestry College ChMK CMT CPI MGOU CPT CTI IzhGTU EPI MISiS YUGU South Kazakhstan State University South Ural State University South Ural Institute of Management and Economics SUSU Kursk UI ISU SURGTU SURGTU (NPI) SURGTK SUSU YAGTU

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation



Department of "Hydraulics and Heat Engineering"


on industrial practice in the branch of JSC "TKS" "Tambovteploservis" in the boiler room on the street. Penza

Specialty 140106 Energy supply of enterprises

Designation of the TSTU report. 140106.001

Tambov 2012


Practice timetable

History of enterprise development

Structural diagram of enterprise management

General information about the boiler house on the street. Penza

Operation of thermal power plants

1 General rules for the organization of operation

2 Maintenance, repair and conservation

3 Ensuring safe operation

4 Fire safety

5 Environmental Compliance

First aid


List of sources used


Passage of industrial practice in accordance with the direction is planned in the branch of JSC "TKS" "Tambovteploservis" at the boiler house on the street. Penza.

Purpose of practice:

Consolidation of knowledge gained in the learning process based on a deep study of the work of an industrial enterprise.

Practice objectives:

Acquisition of production skills for the installation, repair and operation of heat engineering equipment, control devices and automation of thermal processes;

Studying the organization and gaining experience in commissioning;

Studying the current regulatory materials governing the choice of equipment, technology features and the basics of equipment operation at a given enterprise;

Acquaintance with the production structure of the enterprise.

Practice timetable


General safety briefing.

Travel to the place of practice. Safety briefing at the boiler room.

General tour of the boiler house on the street. Penza.

Study of marking of power equipment.

Work with literature on boiler installations.

Day off.

Day off.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

Study of the gas supply of the boiler house on the street. Penza.

Work with the literature on gas supply.

Work with literature on water treatment.

Day off.

Day off.

The study of the pumping equipment of the boiler house on the street. Penza.

Work with literature on the selection of pumps, their start-up and regulation.

Study of the thermal energy metering unit.

Work with literature on the installation of UUTE.

Consolidation of the acquired knowledge on the economy of the boiler room.

Day off.

Day off.

Excursion to the boiler room on the street. Working.

Excursion to the boiler room on the street. Volodarsky.

Excursion to the boiler room on the street. Art. Razin.

Collection of documentation for the report.

Drawing up a report on production practice.

Day off.

Day off.

2. History of enterprise development

thermal power plant thermotechnical repair

The branch of JSC TCS "Tambovteploservis" during its existence has undergone various changes, both in the name of the enterprise and in its structure.

The primary name of the organization is the "Enterprise of the United Boiler Houses and Thermal Networks" (hereinafter referred to as POK and TS). POK and TS was organized in 1965, combining several boiler houses of the city, operating not only on gas fuel, but also on coal. Subsequently, these coal-fired boilers were closed, and consumers of heat from them were connected to other more powerful boilers. The company has grown and developed. Departmental boiler houses were transferred to the balance sheet of POK and TS. Already in 1970, the number of boiler houses of the enterprise was 117 pieces. For their operation, it became necessary to have their own production and technical base. Services such as emergency dispatch, gas, electrical, automation and control, chemical water control, mechanical repair and motor transport shops and others are being created.

In 1976, a service was organized to repair heating networks, which at any time of the day can eliminate any emergency, make high-quality repairs.

Over the following years, the name of the enterprise and the number of boiler houses changed. Many unprofitable boiler houses were closed, new modern boiler houses were built, some consumers switched from boiler houses to the networks of the Tambov CHPP.

As a result of the expansion of the enterprise and an increase in the number of service personnel, it became impossible to place it in the old building attached to the boiler house of Gogol, 4. Therefore, in 1981, a new building, workshops and garages were built for the enterprise at Moskovskaya, 19V. Now the company is located at the same address.

In 2003 the enterprise changes its name and becomes the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the United Boilers. It includes 85 boiler houses with a total capacity of 388.5 Gcal/h. Steam and hot water boilers are installed in the boiler rooms, which are equipped with modern means of automatic protection and regulation. The installed capacity of the boilers is from 0.5 to 20 Gcal/h. The fuel for the operation of the boilers is natural gas, the calorific value of which is 8000 - 8020 kcal/m3. Depending on the power characteristics, the efficiency of boilers ranges from 77 to 90%.

Annually, the enterprise manufactures and installs steel water-heating boilers with a capacity of 1.5 Gcal/h in its own boiler houses to replace those that have been decommissioned.

For transportation and distribution of heat, heating networks were installed in 2-pipe and 4-pipe versions with a total length of 102.7 km.

At the beginning of 2004, the enterprise was reorganized and became a branch of OJSC Tambov Communal Systems and services the work of boiler houses in Tambov. Now there are 49 of them and 3 boiler houses in the district settlement. Inzhavino. The installed capacity of boiler houses is 335 Gcal/h. Heat consumers are: residential buildings - 61%, social and cultural facilities - 19% and industrial enterprises - 20%.

The company employs 700 people, including 70 management and engineering workers.

The boiler houses of the branch of OAO TCS Tambovteploservis are scattered throughout the city, i.e. are located in all districts of Tambov. Therefore, in order to organize the operation of boiler houses, they were combined into production sites for the administrative districts of the city - these are the boiler houses of the Soviet district, Oktyabrsky and Leninsky districts, as well as boiler rooms of the steam section, or as they are called at the enterprise - steam boiler houses. They are equipped with steam boilers that heat water with steam and high-performance hot water boilers. Heated water is supplied through heating networks to the heating system of residential buildings and enterprises. These boilers are the most powerful. It is enough to list such boiler houses, which are located along Pionerskaya street, 16, Sovetskaya, 43, International 6, Ostrovityanova, 1, Gogol, 4, Astrakhanskaya, 191 Tambov-4 and others, their installed capacity is in the range from 15 to 40 Gcal / h .

Table 1 - The dynamics of the growth of the enterprise.


Number of boilers

Installed capacity

Length of t/networks

Amount of sold thermal energy

Gas consumption

Structural diagram of enterprise management

The management of the branch of JSC TCS "Tambovteploservis" is carried out by the director of the enterprise.

The technical side of the enterprise's activities is managed by the chief engineer of the branch. He carries out his production activities through departments and services directly subordinate to him: the chief mechanic service, the electrical service, the production automation and control service, the gas service, the emergency dispatch service, the chemical washing service, the regime adjustment service, the regime-construction service, the chemical water treatment laboratory , the production and technical department, the department for the prospective development of production, the safety department, the thermal inspection department, the heating network repair shop and the production sites of the enterprise.

The operational management of the enterprise's activities in the field is carried out by technical workers - heads of districts and foremen of boiler houses. They directly manage the operation of heat and power equipment, organize and control overhaul and current repairs, carry out activities to modernize and implement measures to improve the efficiency and reliability of the equipment. The company has organized annual technical training of personnel with knowledge testing.

General information about the boiler house on the street. Penza

Type of boiler room: free-standing, year-round.

Type of boilers: TVG-0.6 1 unit; TVG-1.5 3 units (heating surface 75m2, heat output of one boiler 1.5 Gcal/h (1.74 MW). Purpose: heat supply and hot water supply.

Boiler water regime: admissible water hardness up to 700 mg/eq.l.

Ventilation is provided by louvres.

Natural gas is used as fuel according to GOST 5542-87.

The source of water supply for the boiler house is the existing water supply network owned by OJSC Tambovvodokanal

Heat transfer parameters:

a) network water for heating: 95-70 °С

b) hot water with a temperature of 70 °C.

For heating networks, network water pipelines made of steel electric-welded pipes according to GOST 10704-91 and hot water supply pipelines made of steel pipes according to GOST 3262-75 are accepted.

The boiler network is fed with chemically treated water through a direct-acting pressure regulator.

CWT consists of two Na-cationite filters, two pumps: salt and make-up, wet storage salt tank.

A heat energy metering unit is installed at the boiler house

Figure 1 - Scheme of heat networks from the boiler house on the street. Penza.

Figure 2 - Axonometric diagram of the pipelines of the boiler house on the street. Penza.

5. Operation of thermal power plants

5.1 General rules for the organization of operation

The operation of the organization's thermal power plants is carried out by trained heat and power personnel.

Depending on the volume and complexity of work on the operation of thermal power plants, an energy service is created in the organization, staffed with appropriately qualified heat and power personnel. It is allowed to operate thermal power plants by a specialized organization.

The person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and his deputy are appointed by the administrative document of the head of the organization from among the management personnel and specialists of the organization.

The administrative document of the head of the organization establishes the boundaries of responsibility of production units for the operation of thermal power plants. The head determines the responsibility of officials of structural divisions and services, based on the structure of production, transportation, distribution and consumption of thermal energy and heat carrier, providing for the specified responsibility by the official duties of employees and assigning it by order or order.

In case of non-observance of these rules, which caused violations in the operation of a thermal power plant or heating network, a fire or an accident, the following bear personal responsibility:

employees directly servicing and repairing thermal power plants - for each violation that occurred through their fault, as well as for wrong actions when eliminating violations in the operation of thermal power plants in the area they serve;

operational and operational-repair personnel, dispatchers - for violations committed by them or by personnel directly subordinate to them, performing work on their instructions (order);

management personnel and specialists of workshops and departments of the organization, heating boiler houses and repair enterprises; chiefs, their deputies, foremen and engineers of local production services, sites and mechanical repair services; chiefs, their deputies, foremen and engineers of district heating networks - for unsatisfactory organization of work and violations committed by them or their subordinates;

heads of the organization operating thermal power plants and their deputies - for violations that occurred at the enterprises they manage, as well as as a result of unsatisfactory organization of repairs and failure to comply with organizational and technical preventive measures;

managers, as well as specialists of design, engineering, repair, commissioning, research and installation organizations that performed work on thermal power plants - for violations committed by them or their subordinate personnel.

The delimitation of responsibility for the operation of thermal power plants between the organization - the consumer of thermal energy and the energy supply organization is determined by the energy supply agreement concluded between them.

2 Maintenance, repair and conservation

During the operation of thermal power plants, it is necessary to ensure their maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction. The terms of scheduled preventive maintenance of thermal power plants are set in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers or are developed by a design organization. The list of equipment of thermal power plants subject to preventive maintenance is developed by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and approved by the head of the organization.

The scope of maintenance and repair is determined by the need to maintain a serviceable, operable condition and periodic restoration of thermal power plants, taking into account their actual technical condition.

The maintenance and repair system is of a preventive nature. For all types of thermal power plants, it is necessary to draw up annual (seasonal and monthly) repair plans (schedules). Annual repair plans are approved by the head of the organization.

When planning maintenance and repair, the labor intensity of the repair, its duration (downtime in repair), the need for personnel, as well as for materials, components and spare parts are calculated.

The organization draws up a list of emergency stock of consumables and spare parts, approved by the technical manager of the organization, keeps an accurate record of the availability of spare parts and spare equipment and materials, which is replenished as they are spent during repairs.

The personnel responsible for the above periodically checks the storage conditions, replenishment, accounting and issuance of spare parts, materials, components, standby equipment, etc., as well as the protective equipment used under the general control of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of power plants.

Maintenance and repair of thermal power plant controls are carried out during the repair of the main equipment.

When storing spare parts and spare equipment, their consumer properties must be preserved. Thermal insulation and other materials that lose their qualities when moistened are stored in closed warehouses or under a canopy.

During maintenance, control operations should be carried out (inspection, monitoring compliance with operating instructions, testing and evaluation of the technical condition) and some technological operations of a restorative nature (regulation and adjustment, cleaning, lubrication, replacement of failed parts without significant disassembly, elimination of minor defects ).

The main types of repairs of thermal power plants and heating networks are capital and current.

The maintenance and repair system includes:

preparation of maintenance and repairs;

withdrawal of equipment for repair;

assessment of the technical condition of thermal power plants and drawing up a defective statement;

maintenance and repair;

acceptance of equipment from repair;

conservation of thermal power plants;

control and reporting on the performance of maintenance, repair and conservation of thermal power plants.

The frequency and duration of all types of repairs are established by regulatory and technical documents for the repair of this type of thermal power plants.

Organization of repair production, development of repair documentation, planning and preparation for repair, putting into repair and repair, as well as acceptance and assessment of the quality of repair of thermal power plants are carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.

Acceptance of thermal power plants from overhaul is carried out by a working commission appointed by the administrative document for the organization.

Acceptance from the current repair is carried out by persons responsible for the repair, good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants.

Upon acceptance of equipment from repair, an assessment of the quality of the repair is carried out, which includes an assessment of:

the quality of the repaired equipment;

the quality of the repairs carried out.

Quality ratings are set:

preliminary - upon completion of testing of individual elements of a thermal power plant and as a whole;

finally - based on the results of a monthly controlled operation, during which the equipment should be tested in all modes, tests and adjustment of all systems should be carried out.

Works performed during the overhaul of thermal power plants are accepted according to the act. The acceptance certificate is accompanied by all technical documentation for the repair performed (sketches, intermediate acceptance certificates for individual units and intermediate test reports, as-built documentation, etc.).

The acts of acceptance of thermal power plants from repair with all documents are stored together with the technical passports of the plants.

All changes identified and made during the repair are entered into the technical passports of thermal power plants, diagrams and drawings.

The conservation of thermal power plants in order to prevent metal corrosion is carried out both during operational shutdowns (putting into reserve for a certain and indefinite period, putting into current and major repairs, emergency shutdown), and during shutdowns into a long-term standby or repair (reconstruction) for a period of at least six months.

In each organization, on the basis of the current regulatory and technical documents, a technical solution and a technological scheme for the conservation of specific equipment of thermal power plants are developed and approved, which determine the conservation methods for various types of shutdowns and downtime.

In accordance with the adopted technical decision, an instruction for equipment conservation is drawn up and approved with instructions on preparatory operations, conservation and de-preservation technology, as well as safety measures during conservation.

3 Ensuring safe operation.

Work during the operation of thermal power plants should be aimed at creating a system of organizational and technical measures in the organization to prevent exposure of workers to dangerous and harmful production factors.

Protective equipment, devices and tools used in the maintenance of thermal power plants are subject to inspection and testing in accordance with regulatory documents and must ensure the safety of operation of thermal power plants.

During the operation of thermal power plants, instructions for safe operation are developed and approved. The instructions indicate general safety requirements, safety requirements before starting work, during work, in emergency situations and after work.

Each employee servicing thermal power plants must know and comply with the labor safety requirements related to the equipment being serviced and the organization of work at the workplace.

The personnel operating thermal power plants are trained in first aid, as well as methods of providing assistance to victims directly at the scene.

When implementing a system for the safe production of work at thermal power plants, the functional duties of persons from operational, operational-repair and other personnel, their relationship and responsibility by position are determined. The head of the organization and the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants are responsible for creating safe working conditions and organizational and technical work to prevent accidents.

The head of the organization and heads of structural divisions, heads of contractors ensure safe and healthy working conditions at workplaces, in industrial premises and on the territory of thermal power plants, monitor their compliance with current safety and industrial hygiene requirements, exercise control, and also organize staff briefings in a timely manner, his training and knowledge testing.

Based on the materials of the investigation of accidents, an analysis of the causes of their occurrence is carried out and measures are developed to prevent them. These causes and measures are studied with all employees of organizations where accidents have occurred.

4 Fire safety.

The heads of organizations are responsible for the fire safety of premises and equipment of thermal power plants, as well as for the availability and good condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

The device, operation and repair of thermal power plants and heating networks must comply with the requirements of fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. Organizations must be equipped with fire water supply networks, fire detection and extinguishing installations in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents.

Personnel must comply with the requirements of fire safety instructions and the fire regime of thermal power plants established in the organization, not personally allow and stop the actions of other persons that can lead to fire or ignition.

Personnel servicing thermal power plants undergo fire-fighting briefing, fire-technical minimum classes, and participate in fire-fighting drills.

A fire-fighting regime is established in the organization and fire-fighting measures are taken based on the characteristics of the operation of thermal power plants, and an operational plan for extinguishing a fire is being developed.

Welding and other hot work, incl. carried out by repair, installation and other contractors are carried out in accordance with the requirements of fire safety rules in the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of fire danger at thermal power plants.

The organization develops and approves an instruction on fire safety measures and a plan (scheme) for evacuating people in the event of a fire at thermal power plants, by order of the head, persons responsible for the fire safety of certain territories, buildings, structures, premises, sections are appointed, a fire and technical commission is created , voluntary fire brigades and a fire warning system for people.

For each fire or ignition that occurred at a thermal power plant, an investigation is carried out by a commission created by the head of the enterprise or a higher organization. The results of the investigation are documented in an act. During the investigation, the cause and perpetrators of the fire (burning) are established, and fire prevention measures are developed based on the results of the investigation.

5 Environmental Compliance

During the operation of thermal power plants, measures should be taken to prevent or limit the harmful effects on the environment of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and discharges into water bodies, noise, vibration and other harmful physical effects, as well as to reduce irretrievable losses and volumes of water consumption.

The amount of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from thermal power plants should not exceed the established norms of maximum permissible emissions (limits), the number of discharges of pollutants into water bodies - the established norms of maximum permissible or temporarily agreed discharges. Noise exposure should not exceed the established norms for the sound power of the equipment.

An organization operating thermal power plants develops an action plan to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere when particularly unfavorable meteorological conditions are announced, agreed with regional environmental authorities, which provides for measures to prevent accidental and other burst emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment.

Organizations operating thermal power plants monitor and record emissions and discharges of pollutants, volumes of water withdrawn and discharged into water sources.

To control the emissions of pollutants into the environment, the volumes of water taken in and discharged, each enterprise operating a thermal power plant must be equipped with permanent automatic devices, and in their absence or impossibility of use, direct periodic measurements and calculation methods must be used.

First aid

General provisions.

First aid is a set of measures aimed at restoring or preserving the life or health of the victim. It should be provided by someone who is close to the victim.

The life of the victim and, as a rule, the success of subsequent treatment depends on how skillfully and quickly first aid is provided.

First aid for electric shock.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary to turn off the current in the installation or remove the victim from live parts using dry clothes, a board or other insulator. The victim is laid down, unbuttoned clothes, providing fresh air. If he breathes intermittently, then he is given artificial respiration "from mouth to mouth", for which they put him on his back, tilt his head back (at the same time, the airway is restored), a roller of folded clothes is placed under the shoulder blades. The caregiver takes two or three deep breaths through gauze or a handkerchief into the mouth or nose of the victim (while the nose or mouth should be closed to facilitate the flow of blown air into the lungs). After each blowing of air, rhythmically, four to six times, they press with their palms on the lower third of the chest, thereby performing a heart massage. The frequency of artificial respiration is 10 ... 12 times per minute.

In the absence of a heartbeat, it is necessary to perform an indirect heart massage simultaneously with artificial respiration. To do this, the palm of the outstretched hand is superimposed on the lower part of the chest, and the other palm is placed on the first to increase pressure. After three to four pressures (with a frequency of 1 second), air is breathed in (two to three seconds), after which the massage is repeated.

First aid for gas poisoning.

In case of gas poisoning (heaviness in the head, tinnitus, general weakness, increased heart rate, dizziness, nausea, etc.), it is necessary to move in the fresh air to free the blood from carbon monoxide. If the victim is unconscious, then it is necessary to unfasten the clothes, give a sniff of ammonia, if this does not help, then perform artificial respiration.

First aid for burns.

In case of burns, it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of burnt clothing, cutting it in parts with scissors, but without removing the parts of clothing adhering to the body. Wrap with a wet sheet, cover and send to the hospital. For light burns, it is necessary to bandage the burned area with a sterile bandage. In case of an acid burn, it is necessary to wash the wound with water and send the victim to the first-aid post.


The internship in accordance with the direction took place in the branch of JSC "TKS" "Tambovteploservis" at the boiler house on the street. Penza.

During the internship, I studied the structure of the enterprise, the current regulatory materials governing the choice of equipment, the features of the technology and the basics of equipment operation at this enterprise. He got acquainted with the heat energy metering unit, gasification of the boiler house, commissioning, installation, repair and operation of heat engineering equipment.

As a result of the internship, I consolidated the knowledge gained in the learning process. Acquired practical knowledge of housekeeping in the boiler room.

List of used literature

1. Borshov D.Ya. Device and operation of heating boilers of low power. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1982.

Fokin V.M. Boiler heat generators. M .: "Publishing house Mashinostroenie-1", 2005. - 160 p.

Deev L.V., Balakhnichev N.A. Boiler installations and their maintenance. A practical guide for vocational schools. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - 239 p.

Zykov A. K. steam and hot water boilers: a reference guide. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987. - 128 p.

Kiselev N. A. Boiler plants: Proc. Preparation aid. workers on the pr-ve. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher. school, 1979. - 270 p.

Sokolov B. A. Boiler plants and their operation: a textbook for the beginning. prof. Education / B. A. Sokolov. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 432 p.

Kuzmin, S.N. A comprehensive program of internship for students of the specialty 140106 "Energy supply of enterprises" full-time education / Tamb. state tech. un-t; Comp. S.N. Kuzmin, A.S. Chekh. Tambov: Publishing House, 2005. - 28s.

"PUBLISHING HOUSE TSTU Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tambov State Technical University FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS..."

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Tambov State Technical University





Tambov Publishing House TSTU UDC 321.7(075.5) LBC L92 7r85 P32 Reviewer Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor V.P. Tarov

Compiled by:

O.O. Ivanov, O.V. Zyuzina, E.I. Muratova, V.A. Pronin, A.A. Romanov, E.V. Khabarova P32 Food biotechnology: practical training programs / Comp.: О.О. Ivanov, O.V. Zyuzina, E.I. Muratova,

V.A. Pronin, A.A. Romanov, E.V. Khabarova. Tambov:

Publishing House Tamb. state tech. un-ta, 2004. 28 p.

The main goals and objectives for all types of practices provided for by the curriculum for the training of a graduate in the direction 655500 "Biotechnology" are outlined. The procedure for organizing and passing all types of practices, their content, requirements for the implementation of the practice program, instructions for compiling reports are given.

The program is intended for students of 2-5 courses of the specialty "Food Biotechnology".

UDC 321.7(075.5) LBC L92 i 7r85 © Tambov State Technical University, 2004 Educational edition





Compiled by:

IVANOV Oleg Olegovich, ZYUZINA Olga Vladimirovna, MURATOVA Evgenia Ivanovna, PRONIN Vasily Alexandrovich, ROMANOV Alexander Andreevich, KHABAROVA Elena Vladimirovna Editor V.N. Mitrofanova Computer prototyping engineer T.A. S n o v a Signed for publication 06/15/2004 Format 60 84 / 16. Offset paper. Offset printing Typeface Times New Roman.

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The current state of the labor market and the ever-increasing requirements for a process engineer make it necessary to pay more and more attention to each stage of specialist training, including such a responsible one as industrial practice. It is no secret that the difficult economic state of most industrial enterprises forced their leaders to abandon the previously developed system of interaction "university - industrial enterprise". In this regard, it is necessary to revise the traditional forms of organization of students' work experience. This program is designed to help the student rationally organize the internship at industrial enterprises and includes general sections related to all types of internship (organization, guidelines for conducting, forms and methods of control, summing up).

Industrial practice of students of a technical university is one of the components of the training of a specialist in the program of higher professional education.

The scope of internships is determined by the relevant state educational standards (GOS No. 321 tech \ ds in the direction 655500 "Biotechnology") and are regulated by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (letter No. 14-55-484 in / 15 dated August 3, 2000). In accordance with these documents, the main types of practice for students are educational, industrial and pre-diploma. The main goal of organizing practices at all stages of education is to ensure the continuity and consistency of mastering by students a set of knowledge and skills according to the type of professional activity.

The terms of the practice are established by the educational and methodological department of the university in accordance with the curriculum.

1.2 Organization of practice

The organization of the internship is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the university and the relevant organizations (for example, an industrial enterprise or a design organization), where students will be sent for internships. In addition, educational practice can also be carried out in the structural divisions of the university, for example, at the graduating department "Technological equipment and food technologies".

According to the agreement between the university and the organization (enterprise), each student is assigned two heads of practice: from the enterprise and from the university. Practice leaders from the enterprise assist students in collecting materials for their individual assignments. Responsibility for the observance by students of the safety regulations in force at this enterprise lies with the head of practice from the enterprise. As a rule, teachers of the graduating department are appointed as the heads of practices from the university. The leaders from the university develop the topics of individual tasks for students. Then (if necessary) the subjects are coordinated with the heads of practice from the enterprise. The duties of the internship manager from the university include monitoring compliance with the terms of the internship and evaluating the results of the internship program implementation by the interns.

If a student, by the time the internship begins, has a contract for employment with an employer - an organization, then he is invited to undergo industrial or pre-diploma practice in this organization at a specific workplace. If there are vacancies in enterprises, students can be enrolled in them for the period of internship if the work is performed in accordance with the internship program.

Before sending students to practice, the graduating department holds an organizational meeting of students, to which consultants from other departments are invited. At the meeting, the goals and objectives of the practice, the place and procedure for its passage, the timing, leaders from the university, consultants, etc. are reported.

Before arriving at the practice base, the student must:

be sure to attend the organizational meeting at the department;

if necessary, undergo a medical examination (upon arrival at the enterprise, present a medical book);

get a referral to the enterprise and receive an individual assignment for practice from the head of practice from the university;

undergo a safety briefing at the department.

During the internship, the student must:

fully fulfill the tasks for the practice program issued by the department;

obey the current rules of the internal labor regulations of the enterprise;

study and strictly observe the rules of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;

actively participate in the work and social life of the enterprise team, attend planning meetings and production meetings, show an example of discipline, organization and responsible attitude to the internship;

comply with the deadlines for the internship and not leave the internship base without good reason;

daily process the collected material and keep a diary of practice;

draw up a report on the practice, which must be signed by the head of the practice from the enterprise, if necessary - by section consultants and certified with a seal, and also, if possible, receive a reference with an assessment of the work.

Within three days from the end of the internship, the student must submit to the department head a completed report and a description from the enterprise.

Otherwise, or upon receipt of an unsatisfactory grade, the student is not allowed to the educational process.

The head of practice from the enterprise is obliged:

ensure the briefing on labor protection and safety (the supervisor is responsible for accidents with students during the internship);

monitor students' compliance with production discipline and inform the head of practice from the university about all cases of violation by students of the internal regulations and disciplinary sanctions imposed on him;

check the report and evaluate the student's work, reflecting this in the characteristic.

He organizes student tours of the workshops, advises on the internship program, provides materials for writing a report and completing a course or diploma project, introduces the student to the place of his future work and the staff of the unit, explains official rights and duties.

The head of the internship from the enterprise has the right to remove from the internship a student who has violated the internal work schedule of the enterprise. In agreement with the head of practice from the university, he can adjust the topic of an individual assignment for practice.

The head of practice from the university, appointed by order of the rector, is obliged to:

talk about the features of a particular enterprise;

give the topic of an individual task (outlining recommendations for its implementation);

draw up an approximate plan for the distribution of the student's working time;

check the progress of the practice schedule;

provide the necessary methodological and organizational assistance;

advise students on all issues of practice;

regularly monitor the conditions for internships by students at this enterprise.

If violations are detected during the internship, the head of the university has the right not to allow the student to the educational process.

Students who do not complete the internship program for a good reason are sent to internship and complete it in their free time. Students who do not complete an internship program without a valid reason or receive a negative grade may be expelled from the university as having academic debt. The form and type of students' reporting on the internship is determined by the graduating department, taking into account the requirements of the State Educational Standard. Research students have an internship according to an individual plan drawn up by the head of the practice from the university in accordance with the subject of the research work. According to this plan, students partially or completely undergo internship at the graduating department, while the composition and volume of the report is determined individually (see section 4).

1.3 Individual task for practice and reporting form Before passing any type of industrial practice, the student receives an individual task from the head of practice from the university, the content and volume of which are specified in the relevant sections of this manual. The materials of the individual task can be further used by the student in course and diploma design.

Based on the results of each type of practice, students draw up a report that answers all the questions of the practice program. The report is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST and the enterprise standard STP TSTU "General requirements for text documents".

GOST 2.104–68.

ESKD. Basic inscriptions.

GOST 2.304–81.

ESKD. Drawing fonts.

GOST 2.105–95.

GOST 7.1–84.

GOST 7.32–2001.

SIBID. Research report.

GOST 8.417–81.

The volume of the report depends on the topic of the individual task and should not exceed 30 - 50 pages.

The necessary drawings and diagrams can be done in pencil. If the report or its separate parts are prepared using a personal computer, it is recommended to attach files containing its electronic version to the report. These files should be stored in the electronic database of the department "Technological equipment and food technologies" for course and diploma design. As already noted, the report is signed by the student, the head of practice from the enterprise and is certified by the seal of the enterprise. The report on undergraduate practice is additionally signed by consultants for each of its sections.

When collecting materials and compiling a report, special attention should be paid to specialized literary sources (regulations, technological instructions, specifications, passports for equipment, etc.) available in the enterprise library, since these materials are intended to be used in the future in course and diploma design.

Much attention should be paid to the economic issues of the organization of production, since at present the profitability and profitability of production is of paramount importance.

If possible, you should familiarize yourself with all the documentation of the economic plan (calculation of the cost of the product, calculation of economic efficiency, determination of the level of profitability, marketing research data, etc.). If these documents constitute a commercial secret of the enterprise, then the issue of the economic component of a particular type of practice is decided on an individual basis together with the head of the practice from the university.

The duration of various types of practice is presented in Table. 1, which was compiled on the basis of the curriculum for the specialty 271500 and the requirements of the State Educational Standard No. 321 tech \ ds in the direction 655500 "Biotechnology".

1 The duration of the types of practice for students of the specialty "Food Biotechnology"

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The programs of individual types of practices and the approximate content of the reports are given in the relevant sections.


The purpose of the practice is to provide students with a general idea of ​​the work of the enterprise, the range of products and the principles of organizing production processes at industrial enterprises of the direction 271500 "Food Biotechnology", as well as the designs and characteristics of the main technological equipment.

The objectives of the practice are to familiarize with the main and auxiliary industries of the industry, to consolidate the theoretical material of the discipline "Trends in the development of food production." After a general acquaintance with the enterprise, students get acquainted with the work of energy and auxiliary workshops, and then, after passing the safety knowledge test, they study the main production.

2nd year students after the end of the summer examination session (4th semester) have an internship for four weeks (see Table 1).

The bases of practice can be industrial enterprises of the food and processing profile, equipped with modern technological equipment and testing devices, developing and implementing advanced technologies, as well as design organizations and specialized departments of TSTU.

At industrial enterprises, students get acquainted with the history of development, the range of products, the structure of the plant and its divisions, as well as the structure of the production management system.

In design and engineering organizations, during the internship, students get acquainted with the area of ​​their activity and structure, with the main tasks of the departments, with the material and technical base.

Educational practice at the university is aimed at familiarizing students with the material and technical support of the laboratories of the major departments of the university, software and equipment for computer classes, etc.

During the training practice, regardless of the place of its passage, students should pay special attention to issues related to life safety, labor protection and industrial sanitation. To do this, it is necessary to consider the principles of state and public control over compliance with labor laws, the organization of the life safety service and its tasks.

An individual task is given to the student at the university by the head of the practice before the start of the practice. It should be associated with the technology of obtaining one of the types of food products.

The main goal of an individual task is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students, to expand their technical horizons.

When performing an individual task, a student learns from literary sources about the technology for obtaining a food product and provides a description of this technology in a practice report.

Approximate structure of the report on educational practice Brief historical information about the industrial enterprise, possible development prospects.

The structure of the enterprise, indicating the purpose of departments, workshops, laboratories, services.

Nomenclature and a brief description of the manufactured products.

Life safety, labor protection and industrial sanitation.

4 Individual task.

Conclusions on the materials of educational practice.

In agreement with the internship supervisor from the university and depending on the place of internship, the structure of the report may change.

After the expiration of the practice period and the preparation of the practice report in accordance with the requirements, the student submits his report for defense to the head of the university. Based on the results of the defense, a grade is given (excellent, good, satisfactory).


The main objectives of the production practice are:

- consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge in special disciplines and disciplines of specialization through the practical study of modern technological processes and equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production, organization of advanced work methods, issues of life safety and environmental protection;

– acquisition of practical skills for performing technological operations and maintenance of equipment of enterprises by duplicating the workers of the main technological specialties, studying the rights and obligations of the foreman of the workshop, section;

– familiarization with the structure of enterprises, studying the issues of supplying them with raw materials, materials, energy and water supply;

– study of issues of organization and planning of production, forms and methods of marketing products.

Place of practice: industrial enterprises equipped with modern technological equipment and testing devices According to the curriculum for the training of an engineer in the specialty "Food Biotechnology", students are expected to undergo two types of production practices. These are general work practice (6 semester, 4 weeks) and specialized work practice (8 semester, 4 weeks) (see Table 1).

3.1 General industrial practice

This type of industrial practice is aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge in the following disciplines of the curriculum: general chemical technology, processes and apparatus of chemical technology, general biology and microbiology, biochemistry, surface phenomena and disperse systems. In addition, it is planned to collect materials for course design in the disciplines "Biotechnological processes and apparatus for the production of combined food products", "Food biotechnology".

The practice is carried out at the enterprises of the food and processing industry in Tambov and the region. The student in advance independently (until March 15) chooses an internship base for himself and coordinates his choice with the head of the internship from the university, then submits a letter of guarantee from the management of the enterprise about consent to the student's internship.

The enterprise is invited to get acquainted with the functions of the main and auxiliary workshops, departments and services, especially with specialized laboratories (for example, microbiological control laboratories or the like). When familiarizing yourself with the laboratories, make a list of the available specialized laboratory equipment with a brief description of it, familiarize yourself with the methods of research and analysis used in the laboratories of the enterprise.

In the workshops of the enterprise, it is necessary to practically study the technological processes of production and the main technological equipment used in the implementation of technologies. It is also recommended that you familiarize yourself with the regulations, standards or specifications according to which the production of certain products is carried out and critically evaluate the ways in which the compliance of the technological process with regulatory documentation is controlled.

When studying technological equipment, one should pay attention to its design and principle of operation, as well as to note the availability of means of mechanization and automation of production. In the absence of these funds, outline a plan for their implementation in the technological process.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the organization of the safe functioning of production, the principles of environmental protection and labor protection of personnel.

Each student receives an individual task, the topic of which is related to the work of the workshop where he undergoes an internship. As a rule, the topic of an individual task includes the technological process of obtaining a product. When performing an individual task, the student must consider the entire production cycle, from raw materials to finished products, and draw up a technological scheme of the production process in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Approximate structure of the report on general production practice 1 General information about the enterprise and possible prospects for its development.

2 The structure of the enterprise and its individual divisions (with the characteristics of workshops and specialized laboratories).

3 Nomenclature of manufactured products and their characteristics. Regulatory documents for manufactured products.

4 Individual task. Technological regulations for the production of one of the types of products (requirements for raw materials and finished products, recipes, methods of technological and chemical control, description of the main technological stages of production and methods of waste disposal).

5 Conclusion.

6 Applications (flow diagram drawing, copies of passports for equipment, copies of regulatory documentation, economic information).

In agreement with the head of practice from the university and depending on the place of passing this type of practice, the structure of the report or its individual parts may change.

After completing the practice and completing the report in accordance with the requirements, the student submits his report for defense to the head of the university. Based on the results of the defense, a grade is given (excellent, good, satisfactory).

3.2 Specialized field trip

This type of production practice is aimed at deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge and practical skills in such areas of the professional activity of a technologist as the biological safety of food products, the basic principles of processing raw materials of plant, animal, microbiological origin and fish, the technology of combined food systems, analogues and therapeutic and prophylactic food products based on the bioconversion of plant and animal raw materials, process control systems, etc.

Like the previous type of internship, specialized internship is carried out at one of the enterprises of the food and processing industry in Tambov and the region, pre-selected by the student and agreed with the head of practice from the university (ideally, at the same enterprise where the general internship was carried out) . The main difference of this type of practice is a more in-depth, detailed consideration of specific issues related to the production technology of a particular product.

In this regard, one of the main tasks of this type of practice is the selection, accumulation and systematization of material intended for the implementation of the course project in the discipline "Technology of combined food systems, analogues and therapeutic and prophylactic foods based on the bioconversion of plant and animal raw materials", which is part of the final qualifying work (thesis project).

Therefore, all the above components of general production practice remain the same for specialized production practice, taking into account their deeper and more detailed consideration.

Sample structure for a field trip report

1. Introduction. Prospects for the development of the enterprise and directions for improving production.

2 Technology and its detailed description by stages. Physico-chemical (biotechnological) processes used in production. Normative documents.

3 Characteristics of raw materials and finished products. Regulations.

4 Hardware design of production. Means of automation and mechanization.

5 Life safety. Occupational safety and industrial sanitation.

6 Economic part. Organization and planning of production.

7 Conclusion.

8 Applications (drawing of the technological scheme, copies of passports for equipment, copies of regulatory documentation, economic information).

As in all the types of practices discussed above, after completing the practice and completing the report in accordance with the requirements, the student submits his report for defense to the head of the university. Based on the results of the defense, a grade is given (excellent, good, satisfactory).


The purpose of undergraduate practice are:

– development in practical conditions of the principles of organization and management of production, analysis of economic indicators of production, increasing the competitiveness of products;

- consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge in the field of development of new technological processes, design of new equipment, buildings and structures of the enterprise, carrying out independent research work;

– application of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during the period of study at the university to assess and improve the technological processes of production in the industry;

- preparation of materials for the final qualification work.

Tasks of undergraduate practice:

1 Analysis of the technological processes of the main industries studied at the university, in comparison with modern technologies and equipment. The study of scientific and technical developments of the enterprise is the basis of practice.

2 Analysis of the organization of production processes and layout solutions for production, control, as well as the acquisition of experience in the formulation of research work, in conducting experiments.

3 Analysis of the economic activity of enterprises in a market economy.

4 Analysis of the state of production accounting and control over the movement of raw materials and materials at all stages of the technological process.

5 Analysis of the work of the management and marketing service, in particular international relations.

6 Collection, study and synthesis of materials for the graduation project.

Based on the material collected during the practice, the student completes a graduation project, consolidating the theoretical knowledge gained at the university and gaining experience in applying them to solve practical problems.

The place of practice can be industrial enterprises, research organizations and institutions where it is possible to accumulate and study materials related to the topic of the final qualification work.

The structure of the report on undergraduate practice is determined by the requirements for the final qualification work (thesis project) and the list of its main sections. Therefore, the report on undergraduate practice is compiled in accordance with the recommendations of specially appointed consultants for the main sections of the thesis. Such sections are the technological part, the design part, the section on life safety, the economic part.

The report on undergraduate practice in the general case should contain:

a full range and volume of products, a brief description of the areas of supply of raw materials;

organization of supplies and characteristics of raw materials, the impact of the quality of incoming raw materials on finished products (yield, compliance with the requirements of the standard);

information about new types of products developed at the enterprise, types and methods of using bacterial and other cultures, technology features;

a brief description of the technological scheme for a certain type of product;

a list of technological equipment installed in the workshops, its technical characteristics and the level of its compliance with modern production requirements, suggestions and comments on the placement of technological equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces;

description of the organization of the production flow (methods of transportation of raw materials and finished products, the level of organization of transport operations, analysis of "bottlenecks" in production);

information on the integrated use of all raw materials, the volume of secondary raw materials obtained, the environmental safety of production;

metrological support and quality control systems, technical and chemical control, documentation for finished products (certificates, quality certificates, specifications, etc.);

measures aimed at increasing production efficiency, reducing material costs, reducing labor intensity, and increasing labor productivity.

It should be noted that a significant part of the data on a specific production is almost impossible to find in the specialized literature, therefore, it is necessary to find out all the basic information on the production technology and equipment from the material available at the enterprise. Let us consider in more detail the possible content of the sections of the report.

The technological part of the report is the basis for the graduation project. Therefore, in the report on undergraduate practice, this section should be given maximum attention. It is necessary to consider in detail the technology for obtaining the selected product, to critically consider the existing options for its implementation. Each stage of the technological cycle must be studied, technological equipment considered, the principle of its operation and design features presented. It is proposed to familiarize yourself with the regulatory documentation for raw materials, auxiliary materials, finished products, as well as instructions for product quality control. Draw up a flow diagram for all sections of the production line and collect materials to perform product calculation.

The design part includes the materials necessary for the design of technological stages or equipment, as well as those related to automation and mechanization of the technological process. For the construction part of the diploma project, it is necessary to get acquainted with the structure of the building (roof, foundation, floor walls, etc.), as well as with the placement of the main technological equipment according to elevations and in plan (equipment layout).

To ensure the normal operation of the equipment, it is necessary to provide for the adjustment and control of the main technological parameters, therefore it is important to familiarize yourself with the instrumentation and automation tools used in this production, to find out which process parameters are controlled, regulated and in what ranges.

Students should familiarize themselves with the organization of the life safety service and the activities carried out during the preparation and transfer of the enterprise's workshops to a special mode of operation, the protection of equipment and the working shift at the enterprise. During the internship, students should get acquainted with fire fighting measures: characteristics of potentially hazardous substances and materials used in the technological cycle (for gases and vapors - lower and upper concentration limits of ignition, for liquids - flash point, autoignition, for solids - temperature ignition and self-ignition, tendency to spontaneous combustion, for dispersed materials - additionally the lower limit of ignition of the air suspension); category of production according to building codes, class of premises or outdoor installation according to the rules for the installation of electrical installations, types of electricity used in technological machines (voltage, type of current, frequency); execution and type of electrical equipment; lightning protection category (for outdoor installations), toxicity of the most hazardous substances processed by the machine, their maximum permissible concentrations. Learn personal protective equipment; classification of production according to sanitary standards. If necessary, develop a possible constructive solution for equipment that ensures safe operation (sealing of fixed and movable joints, thermal insulation, general and local ventilation, neutralization and removal of static electricity charges, general and local lighting, design and type of luminaires).

It is also advisable to consider design solutions that ensure the safety of working on the machine in emergency mode (hydraulic lock, safety valve, brake, etc.) and blocking the local ventilation of the machine with its electric drive, drawings and a description of the operation of safety devices.

When studying the economy and organization of production, it is necessary to get acquainted with the following materials: a shop management scheme; indicators of the intensity of equipment use (calendar time fund, operating mode, equipment downtime for repairs, technological shutdown time, nominal time consumption, effective time fund); capital costs for buildings and structures, equipment, instrumentation, vehicles, production and household equipment; shift schedule; attendance number of employees; staffing of engineering personnel, employees and maintenance personnel of this production; wage funds of employees by category; product costing; annual demand for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, technological fuel and energy; planned procurement prices for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel; prices for electricity, steam, water, compressed air, cold; the cost of maintaining and operating equipment, workshop costs.

For example, to complete a graduation project on reconstruction, you must have the following materials:


general plan of the enterprise (M 1: 500);

floor plans (M 1: 100): workshops, warehouses of raw materials, auxiliary materials, preparatory departments;

cuts (longitudinal M 1: 100, transverse M 1: 50), if necessary.


technological schemes of production;

assortment, formulations of new types of products produced in the workshop;

norms for the production (maintenance) of equipment units at all technological operations;

characterization of modern technologies and equipment based on the study of literature.


the planned number of working days of the enterprise in a year with a breakdown of non-working days;

consumption rates, wholesale prices and the amount of overhead costs for the main and auxiliary raw materials;

consumption rates, wholesale prices and tariffs for containers, auxiliary materials, fuel, electricity;

wholesale prices for new types of products manufactured at the enterprise;

transportation and procurement costs for raw materials, auxiliary materials, fuel, electricity;

the number of main and auxiliary workers, indicating their professions, wage categories;

their total annual payroll;

the number and salaries of executives, engineers, employees;

costing of 1 ton of products produced in the workshop;

prices for technological equipment and its total cost;

depreciation rates for equipment and buildings;

deduction rates and the value of economic incentive funds.

All collected material is recorded in a report on undergraduate practice, which, after preparation in accordance with the requirements of the graduating department "Technological Equipment and Food Technologies" and coordination with consultants in sections, is presented for defense.

The materials of the report on pre-diploma practice together with the materials of course projects and papers in the disciplines of specialization and special disciplines are the main materials in the implementation of the graduation project.


A graduate in the direction of training a certified specialist "Biotechnology" (specialty 271500 "Food Biotechnology"), depending on the type of professional activity, must be prepared to solve professional problems in the field of production and technological activities, design activities, research activities, organizational and managerial activities.

The scope of research activities includes the solution of the following tasks:

development of new or improvement of existing biotechnological processes;

biosynthesis, isolation, identification and analysis of products of biosynthesis and biotransformation, obtaining new strains-producers of biological preparations, creation of composite forms and optimal methods for the use of biological preparations;

search and development of new, more efficient ways to obtain known substances and preparations, development of biological methods for the disposal of industrial waste and hazardous substances, the creation of closed technologies, the development of methods and the conduct of biomonitoring and the solution of other problems related to environmental protection;

study of biochemical and biological patterns of biosynthesis processes, micro- and macrostoichiometry, micro- and macrokinetics of growth of populations of microorganisms and cell cultures, interaction of microorganisms, viruses with cells, metabolic pathways and features of substrate utilization and synthesis of metabolic products;

creation of theoretical models that allow predicting the nature of changes in the properties of raw materials in the process of its biotransformation and obtaining products with specified quality characteristics;

research and development of requirements for the preparation of raw materials (including the issues of its pre-treatment), biostimulants and other elements for optimizing the processes of microbiological synthesis;

experimental study of biological and physico-chemical kinetics at all stages of the technological process and their mathematical description;

theory development, modeling and optimization of processes and apparatuses of microbiological synthesis, development of the main stages of the technological scheme, research of the process on pilot and pilot plants, mathematical modeling and optimization of the main equipment and units of the technological scheme;

compiling a literature review and conducting a patent search.

To prepare a future specialist for solving professional problems related to research activities, in the educational process, some types of practices for individual students (students-researchers) are carried out in the form of research practice.

The subject of research practice, as a rule, is closely related to the areas of scientific research conducted at the Department of Technological Equipment and Food Technologies.

The management of this practice is carried out by the most qualified teachers of the department.

A student researcher must understand that the materials received by him in the course of research practice can be the basis for continuing research work.

Despite the variety of research topics in the field of food biotechnology, they all have the same basic stages of scientific research.

At the beginning of any research, it is necessary to determine the goal and choose the subject of research. The choice of the purpose and subject of research should correspond to the implementation of state plans, scientific and technical programs, plans of enterprises, etc.

Having determined the purpose and subject of the study, the researcher must thoroughly study the materials accumulated before him on the issue under study and analyze them critically. This step is commonly referred to as "performing a literature review and conducting a patent search". At this stage, erroneous assumptions and repeated labor costs to achieve results already obtained by other researchers should be excluded.

Drawing up a working hypothesis of the study (assumptions about the likely development of the phenomenon). At the stage, random solutions are eliminated, the direction of the study and its boundaries are determined.

Development of methodology and research plan. At this stage, the methods of materialistic dialectics are used. In this case, the intuition of the researcher is of great importance - the intellectual ability for an extremely accelerated process of logical thinking. Often an intuitively found solution seems instant, sudden, not only to an outsider, but also to the researcher himself.

At the next stage, the preparation and conduct of experimental studies are carried out.

In this case, it is extremely important to take into account all the circumstances of obtaining measurement information, which can significantly affect the measurement result. It is obvious that an adequate account of these circumstances becomes possible with a sufficiently high theoretical training of the experimenter and his erudition.

This is followed by the stage of processing and analysis of experimental data, based on the results of which conclusions are drawn and, if necessary, the working hypothesis is refined. Refinement of the hypothesis may be the reason for adjusting the previously developed research plan and re-conducting the experiment.

Research milestones are correlated with the relevant sections of the research practice report. Consider the typical structure of a report on research practice.


In the introduction, the current state of the research problem is considered, and their relevance is emphasized. The proposed methods for solving research problems are briefly described. The section "Introduction" ends with the formulation of research objectives.

1) Theoretical part.

This section provides all the necessary theoretical materials, including materials of a literature review on the research topic.

2) Experimental studies.

In the section "Experimental studies" one should state the methods used in experimental studies, describe the experimental setups, present the results of experimental studies and their statistical processing. It is advisable to present the results of experimental studies in the form of dependency graphs or in tabular form for ease of further use and greater clarity.

3) Analysis of experimental studies and their further processing.

In this section, on the basis of the obtained experimental data, further research is carried out, such as the construction of mathematical models, checking their adequacy, comparing calculated data with experimental data, obtaining qualitatively new results, etc.

Conclusions on the materials of practice.

List of used literature.

Annexes (contain that part of the information that for some reason was not included in the main content of the report).

When compiling and preparing a report on research practice, it is recommended to use the following regulatory documents:

GOST 2.105–95.

ESKD. General requirements for text documents.

GOST 7.32–2001.

SIBID. Research report.

GOST 7.1–84.

SIBID. GSI. Bibliographic description of the document: general requirements and compilation rules.

GOST 8.417–81.

GSI. Units of physical quantities.

The structure and approximate content of the report on research practice discussed above can be used in the case when the student is engaged only in scientific research, and, as a result, during the semester he will complete research course work (course project).

In the event that the standard form of a term paper (project) is chosen as the basis, the research part can be drawn up as one of the sections of the report on the corresponding type of practice, and then the research can be given in the explanatory note of the term paper (project).

Obviously, due to the specific nature of research practice, it is very difficult to formulate and structure all the requirements for the content and structure of the report within one section.


For an engineer with a degree in 271500 "Food Biotechnology", the State Educational Standard imposes very high and versatile qualification requirements, such as knowledge of:

the main regularities of chemical, physico-chemical, enzyme-microbiological and biochemical processes and their influence on the quality characteristics of raw materials and food products;

main industrial producers of biologically active substances, methods of their cultivation principles of isolation;

the main ways to control the processes of biotransformation of food raw materials using microorganisms and enzymes;

biotechnological potential of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin and methods of its directed regulation in order to obtain products with specified quality characteristics;

functional and technological properties of protein preparations, biologically active substances and food additives;

the main methods for assessing the qualitative characteristics of food raw materials, protein preparations, biologically active substances, food additives, and finished products, including transgenic ones;

statistical methods for processing experimental data for the analysis of technological processes;

economic and mathematical methods and computers in the performance of engineering and economic calculations and in the process of management, etc.

It is obvious that it is very difficult to formulate a unified approach to the organization of all types of practices in order to develop such versatile knowledge and skills among graduates. In addition, the organization of practices depends on the type of production, its technical level, development strategy and many other factors. Therefore, the main provisions and requirements set out in the proposed programs of industrial practices are an indicator in which direction to take this or that type of practice, how to be creative in choosing materials and writing a report.


1 Antipova L.V., Glotova I.A., Zharikov A.I. Applied Biotechnology. Voronezh, 2000.

2 Antipova L.V., Glotova I.A., Zharinov A.I. Applied biotechnology: UIRS for the specialty 270900: Proc. allowance for universities. Voronezh: Voronezh. state technol. acad., 2000.

3 Antipov S.T., Kretov I.T., Ostrikov A.N. etc. Machinery and apparatus for food production:

Textbook for high schools. In 2 books. / Ed.

V.A. Panfilov. M.: Higher School, 2001. Book. one.

4 Arkadyeva Z.A., Bezborodov A.M., Blokhina I.N. and others. Industrial microbiology: Proc. manual for universities / Ed. N.S. Egorova. Moscow: Higher school, 1989.

5 Atanazevich V.I. Drying food: A reference guide. M.: DeLi, 2000.

6 Auerman L.Ya. Technology of bakery production. M.: Light and food industry, 1984.

7 Balashov V.E. and other reference book on the production of non-alcoholic beverages. Moscow: Food industry, 1979.

8 Bezborodov A.M. Biotechnology of microbial synthesis products: Enzymatic catalysis as an alternative to organic synthesis. Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1991.

9 Beker M.E., Liepynysh G.K., Raipulis E.P. Biotechnology. Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1990.

10 Biotechnology: Proc. allowance for universities. In 8 books. / Ed.

N.S. Egorova. V.D. Samuilova. Moscow: Higher school, 1997.

11 Biotechnology: Principles and application: Per. from English. / G. Beach, D. Best, K. Brierley, and others; Ed. I. Higgins et al. M.: Mir, 1988.

12 Biochemical technology and equipment / Per. from English. Sh. Aiba,

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Russian Federation

Technical University"

The program of educational practice for students of the 2nd year of the specialty 280102 Tambov Publishing house TSTU 2010 UDC 371.388 LBC Zh.n6-2r P784 Karpushkin Compiler V.Ya. Borschev P784 Safety of technological processes and industries: a program of educational practice / comp. V.Ya. Borshchev. - Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2010. - 16 p. - 50 copies.

The purpose and objectives of the internship, the timing and place of its passage, the content, the procedure for organizing and conducting the internship, the content and design of the report, summing up the practice are outlined.

Designed for 2nd year students of the specialty "Safety of technological processes and industries".

UDC 371. LBC Zh.n6-2r © GOU VPO Tambov State Technical University (TSTU), Educational edition


Program of educational practice Compiled by BORSCHEV Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Editor Z.G. Chernova Computer prototyping engineer T.Yu. Zotova Signed for publication on 05.03. Format 60 84/8. 0.93 arb. oven l. Circulation 50 copies. Order No. Publishing and Printing Center of the Tambov State Technical University 392000, Tambov, st. Sovetskaya, 106, k. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS In accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training graduates 280100 "Safety of life", in the specialty "Safety of technological processes and production", educational practice is provided.

Educational practice, which is one of the forms of practical training of students, allows you to get acquainted with the specialty in the process of performing specific professional activities.

The practice is carried out at the enterprises of Tambov. The distribution of students by places of practice is carried out in such a way that during the training they have the opportunity to get acquainted with technological processes and industries, their safety, and the labor protection management system at several different enterprises. Before the practice, students are given individual tasks.

During the internship, the student-trainee is obliged to keep a diary of the trainee (Appendix 1).

Practice materials are drawn up in the form of a report, provided within the established time limits for protection. The report must contain all sections of the practice program, signed and evaluated by the practice leader from the enterprise. The signature of the head of the practice from the enterprise is certified by a seal. The information collected at the enterprise is protected by the student and evaluated by the teacher of the department. The defense of the practice report is carried out within two weeks from the beginning of the training sessions in the autumn semester to the head of practice from the university.

The report is accompanied by a review from the place of internship, signed by the head of practice from the enterprise and certified by a seal. The review should contain a brief description and assessment of the student's work in practice and his professional skills.

During the period of internship, the student must comply with the internal regulations in force at the enterprise.


Purpose of practice:

Familiarization of students with industrial production, technological processes and equipment;

Acquisition of skills in the use of personal protective equipment and primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Practice objectives:

To get acquainted with the main technological processes of the enterprise, devices, machines and mechanisms;

To study the composition of the processed or obtained raw materials, the types of services provided, the materials and products produced;

To study dangerous and harmful production factors for the workplace;

Get acquainted with the measures to ensure the safe operation of process equipment;

Get acquainted with personal protective equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment, and acquire skills in their use;

To master the skills of providing first aid;

To get acquainted with devices for monitoring the level of hazardous and harmful production factors.


The timing of the internship is determined by the curriculum of the specialty 280102 "Safety of technological processes and industries."

The practice is carried out after the end of the examination session in the fourth (spring) semester of the 2nd year. The duration of the practice is 4 weeks.

The practice bases are formed in accordance with the future specialty of the graduate from among industrial enterprises, labor protection supervision and control bodies, labor protection certification, educational and production units and laboratories of the city of Tambov.

The content of the practice includes:

Acquaintance of the student with the history of the enterprise;

Study of the main technological processes, machines and devices;

Study of the main sources of harmful substances and harmful effects;

Studying the nature of the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors on the body of workers;

Studying the state of the air environment in industrial premises (temperature, humidity, dust content, the presence of harmful substances), methods of control and protection against harmful substances;

Study of the main sources of vibration and noise, means and methods of protection against them;

Acquaintance with the main documentation on labor protection at the enterprise;

Studying the specifics of the work of an occupational safety engineer;

Acquisition of skills in providing first aid to victims at work;

Study of reporting on the investigation, registration and accounting of accidents related to production.


Training practice is organized directly through the first head of the enterprise, with whom the practice department of educational and methodological management (UMU) of the Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) concludes an appropriate contract. According to the regulation on the practice of students, 10 days before the practice, the person responsible for practice from the department sends a presentation to the educational department with the distribution of students according to the bases of practice and the appointment of the head of practice of the graduating department.

A week before the internship, TSTU (internship department of UMU) provides lists of students to the first heads of enterprises, who, by order (instruction) for the enterprise, distribute students to workplaces.

Head of practice from the department:

Registers students for internships;

Establishes communication with the head of the practice from the organization, enterprise and acquaints him with the program of practices;

Gives students individual assignments;

Takes part in the distribution of students by workplace;

Carries out control over compliance with the terms of the practice and the implementation of its content;

Provides methodological assistance to students in their individual assignments;

Evaluates the results of the trainees' implementation of the practice program.

Practice leader from the organization:

Conduct appropriate briefings on labor protection with students;

Introduces the Internal Regulations at the enterprise;

Provides students with access to scientific, technical, legal and legislative literature and documentation;

Introduces students to technological processes, machines, devices and mechanisms, manufactured products; the services provided;

Conducts company tours;

Provides methodological assistance to the student in preparing a report on practice;

Writes a review about a student-trainee.

The writing and execution of the report is carried out by the student during the entire period of internship. In this regard, each student is obliged to keep a workbook and enter into it the information received about the enterprise, schemes of technological processes, sketches of equipment, devices, devices for protection against harmful effects, etc. The report on the practice should include 10 - 15 pages of text typed on a computer, 14 point size with one and a half intervals.

The practice report consists of the following sections:

Introduction (the profile of the enterprise is described, the type of products manufactured, the services provided, the workshop, department, site where the practice was carried out is indicated, the goal and task for the practice are formed);

Organization of labor protection management at the enterprise;

Equipment specification, list of work performed (see Table 2).

Description of the identified hazardous and harmful production factors, indicating the equipment or operations that are the source of hazardous and harmful production factors, and methods of protection against them (see Table 3).

Description of the impact of a dangerous and harmful production factor on the body of a worker;

Measures to improve the degree of comfort and safety at work;

Means of individual and collective protection at the enterprise;

Measures to ensure fire safety at the enterprise;

List of normative-legal and legislative literature with which the student got acquainted.


The report must be formatted accurately, in accordance with the requirements.

The practice report must begin with a title page (Appendix 3).

The next sheet is a task for the student during the internship (Appendix 4).

All sections are numbered consecutively.

Page numbers are written in Arabic numerals at the bottom center of the page without other additional characters. There is no page number on the title page.

The pages are bound in a folder. Copies of documents, tables, diagrams are attached according to the test in the "Appendix" section.

The text of the report is written on one side of A4 white writing paper and printed on a computer.

The text of the report should be distinguished by: the clarity of the construction of material on the issues of the program, the logical sequence of the presentation of questions, the brevity and accuracy of thoughts, the specificity of the presentation of the work done, the validity of conclusions and proposals.

The test does not allow abbreviations of words, except for generally accepted words and phrases.

The list of references contains bibliographic data of all sources of information.

Sources of information are listed in the list of references in alphabetical order or as they are mentioned in the text of the report and are numbered with Arabic numerals.


Within the prescribed period, the student submits to the head of the practice from the department a report on the practice along with a description (review) of the student's work at the enterprise, signed by the direct head of the practice from the enterprise and certified by a seal.

The student receives a credit with a differentiated assessment.

Students who have not completed the internship program for a good reason are sent to internship a second time, in their free time.

Students who do not complete the internship program without a valid reason or receive a negative assessment are expelled from the university as having an academic debt.


1. Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" No. 181-FZ dated July 17, 1999.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 399 dated May 23, 2000 “On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection”.

3. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 73 of October 24, 2002 “On approval of the forms of documents necessary for the investigation and registration of industrial accidents, and the provisions on the specifics of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations.”

4. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14 dated February 8, 2000 “On approval of recommendations for organizing the work of the labor protection service in an organization”.

5. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ.

6. GOST R 12.0.006–2002 SSBT. General requirements for the management of labor protection in the organization.

7. GOST 12.0.003–74 SSBT. Dangerous and harmful production factors. Classification.

8. GOST 12.0.004–90 SSBT. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions.

9. GOST 12.1.002–2002 SSBT. Equipment safety.

10. GOST 12.4.026–2001 SSBT. Safety signs.

11. GN–98. Maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area.






FULL NAME. student Coursegroup Specialty 280102 "Safety of technological processes and production"

Place of practice Supervisor from the enterprise_ Supervisor from the university Sample diary page Date executed about the work done by the supervisor






Head of practice Head of practice The report is protected Rating_ 1. Familiarization with the technological process, machines, devices and mechanisms.

2. The study of hazardous and harmful production factors for the production site, workplace.

3. Acquisition of skills in the use of personal protective equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment.

4. Acquisition of skills in working with devices for monitoring the level of hazardous and harmful production factors.

5. Acquaintance with the legal and legislative literature on labor protection.

1. General provisions ……………………………………………………... 2. Purpose and objectives of the practice ……………………………………………… ….. 3. Terms and bases of practice …………………………………………………... 4. Content of practice …………………………………………… ………. 5. Recommendations for internships ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… 8. Requirements for the preparation of the report ……………………………………. 9. Summing up the results of the practice ……………………………………………. List of regulatory documents recommended for review and study …………………………………………………. Applications ………………………………………………………………...


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«PROGRAM OF CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FEDERAL STATE AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION NORTHERN (ARCTIC) FEDERAL UNIVERSITY for 2010 - 2020 Developed with the support of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo (with changes made by the Federal Agency for Education, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the spring and summer of 2010) Approved by the Academic Council of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Arkhangelsk State ... "

«SUMMARIES OF DISCIPLINES DISCIPLINE TRAINING 45.04.01 PHILOLOGY MASTER'S PROGRAM RUSSIAN LANGUAGE BASIC PART PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY OF SCIENCE Objectives of mastering the discipline: Familiarization of undergraduates with general information about scientific activity and methods of scientific creativity: theoretical, methodological and methodological knowledge, technology and practical skills of research activities; with modern philosophical and theoretical problems of the methodology of sciences and creativity; to give..."

«Business plan Business plan - Organization of the veterinary service [Enter an abstract of the document. An annotation is usually a brief overview of the content of a document. Enter an annotation for the document. The abstract is usually a brief overview of the contents of the document.] 2012 Contents List of tables List of figures Summary Introduction 1. Project concept 2. Product (service) description 3. Production program 4. Marketing plan 4.1 Service market description 4.2 SWOT analysis 4.3 Marketing strategy 4.4 ..."

"MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev Department of Psychology and Pedagogy APPROVED by the Head of the Department for the Implementation of the PEP _ E. Yu. Brel _ 2012 Work program of the discipline Psychology 271101.65 - Construction of unique buildings and structures specialization Construction of high-rise and large-span buildings and...»

“THE FIRST HIGHER TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF RUSSIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NATIONAL MINERAL AND RAW MATERIAL UNIVERSITY OF MINING Agreed Approved Head of PEP direction 120700, dean of the Federation Council prof. head Department of IG prof. A.G. Protosenya August 31, 2012 M.G. Mustafin August 31, 2012 THE PROGRAM OF THE FINAL STATE EXAM Direction of preparation: ... "

“The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus of Education Brest State Technical University Department of Water supply, sanitation and protection of water resources I approve the rector of the University of P.S. Potuta .. 2012. Program for entrance examinations in the discipline of the sanitary and technical equipment of the Brest buildings, the program is considered and recommended for approval at a meeting of the Department of Water Supply, Sanitation and Protection of Water Resources Minutes No. 05 of 13.01. Manager...»

"Ministry of Education and Sciences and the Russian Federation Foundation for the Promotion of the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of the Volga State Technological University III All-Russian Festival of Science Youth Scientific and Practical Conference Intellectual Property and Modern Equipment and Technologies for the Development of the Economy PROGRAM OF THE COMPETITION Participant of the youth scientific and innovation competition (U.M.N.I.K.) Venue: FGBOU VPO PSTU, Yoshkar-Ola, square .... "