Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Why do people like to drink alcohol. Eight reasons why people drink

There are many reasons why people start drinking alcohol in excess. Alcohol is the easiest way to have fun and get a dose of dopamine - the hormone of happiness, however, it is important to know when to stop. Alcohol, even in small doses, is a poison, but if you know the measure, then the poison will not cause addiction. It will be possible to get all the advantages associated with the use of alcohol, and avoid the disadvantages.

It is believed that for an adult a daily consumption of 20 ml of pure alcohol will be absolutely without a trace, which is the equivalent of 50 ml of vodka, 75 ml of liquor or 150 grams of dry wine. This amount of alcohol can easily be processed by the body without harm to itself.

These lines are not written here because this is a site about alcohol. The maximum daily dose of 20 ml of pure alcohol for a person, which is easily and completely processed, is described in the works of many narcologists.

However, this “minimum safe dose” is where the main devil lurks. The fact is that for the body the constant use of the minimum dose will become the norm, a low resistance to this dose will develop, and soon 50 ml of vodka daily will no longer have such a striking effect as before. Therefore, people pour themselves more to achieve that same euphoria and get the necessary dose of dopamine. In the end, all this develops into alcoholism, which must be treated with the help of professionals.

Reasons why people start drinking

Sometimes the reasons are obvious: the death of someone close, divorce, loss of business or a sharp loss of solvency. But in some cases, people begin to drink alcohol as if from nothing; it is not possible to find out the reason at first glance.

All the reasons why people start drinking alcohol can be divided into three large groups - these are physiological reasons, social reasons, and psychological reasons. Alcohol dependence occurs when there is a complex of all these reasons, and when alcohol becomes not only the easiest, but also the only necessary way to get the necessary dose of dopamine again.

Let's consider each of these reasons separately.

Physiological causes of alcohol consumption

Physiological reasons for drinking alcohol include the following:

Genetic Predisposition to Drinking Alcohol: If the parents are alcoholics, and if the mother who carried the child drank during pregnancy, then there is a risk of a genetic predisposition. The human body will already be arranged in such a way that for successful and successful functioning it needs the constant presence of ethanol. Such a perverted metabolism will contribute to the fact that a person will experience abnormal functioning of the whole organism without alcohol, and serious enough work of medical professionals is required to correct the situation.

In addition, the gender of a person should also be attributed to the physiological reasons for drinking alcohol. It is believed that women are more prone to alcoholism, so the reasons why women drink are more common and rich.

Brain diseases (meningitis, tumor) can cause disruptions, both at the hormonal level and at the mental level. Brain malfunction can also be caused by trauma that has damaged the brain and caused it to malfunction.

Psychological causes of alcoholism

The psychological causes of alcoholism include the following:

The inability to rest, that is, the desire to simply kill time, is one of the main causes of incipient alcoholism. Many people see alcohol as the only way to relax, unwind and relax.

Often some people start drinking alcohol because it allows them to get rid of fear and stress, when there is some kind of internal emotional or mental discomfort, and people try to get rid of it by drinking alcohol. Alcohol allows you to forget about problems and hardships for a short time; alas, for some people, alcohol remains the only way to do this.

In some cases, the main reason for binge drinking is that people are simply trying to get rid of loneliness. When a person is alone with himself for a long time, and does not know at all what to do with himself, this is expressed in the desire to drink. After a person drinks, all sorts of problems disappear, he feels, if not happy, but a little bit happier for sure.

This should also include prolonged, not acute, but chronic depression, as well as all sorts of other mental disorders. All this can lead to the beginning of alcohol consumption in too large quantities, significantly exceeding the concept of the norm.

Social causes of alcoholism

To the question "Why do people start drinking?" you can answer "For social reasons." Psychologists tend to think that social causes are among the strongest. Social causes include:

The tendency to succumb to other people's influence, to be led - in this case, a person is afraid to seem like a black sheep and will drink only because he is not reproached. Such people tend to drink even when they themselves do not feel like it, "for the company", with friends, colleagues, relatives.

The social causes of alcoholism include the lack of satisfaction with one's own work. People start drinking because they get bored and uninterested in what they do, and there are simply no prospects for changing the current situation. In some cases, the work can be interesting, but very exhausting. It is for this reason that workers who work on a rotational basis drink: they simply have nothing to do other than this.

In some cases, the main reason for drinking alcohol should be considered simply the lack of a personal life, moreover, we are talking about both love affairs and financial ones. A person needs to have someone who pleases him, as well as to have the opportunity to please another. Social disorder, quarrels in the family, as well as simply the absence of a family or normal relationships in them, can lead to the onset of the development of alcoholism. The lack of one's own living space, in case of its urgent need, can also lead a person to start using. Let it be a little, but start.

Why do men start drinking

It is worth noting that men and women still differ in their reasons for the onset of alcoholism. Consider the typical reasons why men start drinking.

Often a man begins to drink even when there are no visible reasons for this. However, often the absence of reasons is such only for the opposite sex, his companion; real storms can occur in a man’s soul, a war of opinions can go on, he can think about making some kind of decision, or just try to drown out some emotions in himself.

The most common causes of male binge drinking are:

The desire to simply "relax", which is superimposed simply on the genetic predisposition to drink alcohol. If another man could just take a couple of glasses of wine and forget about alcohol for another six months, then two or three glasses of wine for a man prone to alcoholism can lead him to the onset of a protracted binge.

A man may just have an environment that drinks. For example, "drinking" professions are a specialty worker, plumbers, car mechanics and electricians. When all your colleagues tend to “push on the check” every evening, it’s hard not to become a black sheep and learn to bypass such gatherings. All this can lead to the fact that a person begins to get used to such a state and image, as a result of which he begins to uncontrollably and for no reason, for no reason, to drink alcohol even in the absence of such friends who caused the onset of his alcoholism.

Lack of motivation, constant stress and setbacks, prolonged bad mood and even depression can lead to a full-fledged inferiority complex, which is associated with alcohol. A person may try to attract his attention with alcohol, begin to arouse pity for them, they say: “Look, I feel so bad that I already started drinking.”

A problem on the love front can also lead to the same, starting from simple family quarrels that have become too frequent, and ending with some kind of misunderstanding at work. There is a natural desire to get rid of these problems, or at least to abstract, and the easiest way to do this is to just drink. Then getting out of this vicious circle can be extremely difficult.

Finding out about the reason for a man’s drinking is simple: just talk to him when he is drunk. “Treating” him in the process, teaching him how to live, complaining and putting pressure on him while he is intoxicated is not worth it; this can cause rage and even aggression. To deal with a drunkard, even a beginner, you need to be sober. You can find out what is going on in a man’s soul when he drinks, and talk about this topic when he sobers up.

Why women start drinking

A distinctive feature of female alcoholism is that it develops much faster than male alcoholism. Unlike men, who can immediately start with strong drinks (albeit noble ones, such as cognac or), women start with low-alcohol drinks, including wine, cocktails, vermouth, and tequila. Sooner or later, women come to cognac, then vodka.

The most common reason why women start drinking is the banal female misfortune and loneliness. Women are more emotional than men, and they endure even the smallest troubles emotionally much more sharply. The loss of someone close, someone's death or divorce sometimes have a devastating effect on the psyche of a woman, and, as a result, on her life.

Regular stress, constant neurosis, quarrels with a beloved man and relatives, prolonged depression, unfulfilled ambitions, and unfulfilled dreams - all this can lead a lady to the onset of alcoholism.

Why teenagers start drinking: daughter or son

Some teenagers begin to drink alcohol, while the comments of adults and parents are ignored. A vicious habit is superimposed on teenage nihilism, as a result of which such a terrible tandem can produce destructive shoots.

The main reason teens start drinking is the desire to socialize with fellow teens who use it. All his friends and comrades drink, why is he worse? He simply cannot see the far-reaching consequences, because he lacks life experience. Many teenagers are extremely suspicious, they are very afraid that they will be ridiculed, they will start to make fun of and mock them, consider them “schmyrs” and “suckers”. This problem should not be leveled: the lack of socialization is a really big problem for a teenager. But in this case, it is pointless to correct a teenager - it is necessary to change his environment. It is possible to transfer him to another school, send him to another district of the city to study and rest, or to occupy him with other things.

The reason may be an excess of cash that parents give out of pocket. A teenager does not know how to spend money wisely, does not know what it can be collected for, and exchanging free money (which, of course, he does not appreciate - they will give it again tomorrow) for alcohol in his case is not the worst deal. And what else can he buy, if on a can of a cocktail?

And, of course, parents and their example have a great influence. If the parents themselves are often under a degree, then in this case, even a good area and a school will not be able to drag the child from the bottom, on which his family is already.

People drink alcohol due to the influence of physiological, psychological and social factors. The first two of them form an addiction to the product. Separately distinguish female and male craving for alcohol. According to statistics, the average resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS accounts for 15 to 17.5 liters per capita per year. In addition, territorially, countries always occupy first places in the ranking of the most drinking states.

Why do people drink alcohol

The main reasons why people drink alcohol can be called social factors. A secondary reason is taste preferences. A person may like the organoleptic properties of low-alcohol drinks. But most often it is the environment that contributes to the desire to drink alcohol.

The culture of the Slavs is closely connected with strong strong drinks: moonshine, braga, mead, herbal tinctures. There were always enough raw materials for the preparation of alcohol. Hospitable hosts met and saw off guests with glasses of vodka, they diluted unfamiliar companies or boring feasts with glasses of vodka. Drinks were consumed by adults almost daily, even "for appetite" before lunch or dinner. Alcohol was never diluted; according to tradition, healing tinctures for ailments were prepared from it. Cahors was given and continues to be given to children at home “to increase hemoglobin”, forming a teenage addiction.

It was ethanol that sometimes tested the strength of a man, it was necessary to drink a few glasses on a bet. If a person refused, then this was done with reason. Sometimes, in case of refusals, respect for such a guest was lost, since it was believed that he did not want to wish the hosts health. These customs have been preserved in the regions to this day. Alcohol is a universal substance that people take in both joyful and sad events.

Causes of alcohol addiction

Alcoholics become throughout life. But the following populations are more prone to losing control and becoming addicted:

  • patients with genetic prerequisites for the development of alcoholism;
  • female individuals;
  • hedonists (people with a desire to live irresponsibly, for their own pleasure);
  • people with bowel disorders;
  • patients with a labile psyche, weak personalities.

Studies have shown that there is a gene that forms a person's predisposition to drunkenness. Its specific location has not been identified.

If a person with this gene does not abuse alcohol throughout his life, then he will not become addicted. In addition, the development of pathological cravings is influenced by intestinal bacteria that produce endogenous ethanol from glucose and fructose. If there are few of them, the tendency to alcoholism increases with the constant intake of drinks.

Features in men

Men are more likely to drink for social reasons. They are less prone to alcoholism on a physical level than women. In them, ethanol begins to be processed in the stomach, and a large amount of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase helps to eliminate the toxic substance and alleviates the hangover.

Men develop alcoholism for mental reasons. A person can feel unfulfilled, drink to forget most of the problems that lie on the male shoulders. Also, silent individuals feel more confident and relaxed in the company when they drink alcohol. Of the social reasons, the principle of “not drinking at feasts” is a sign of weakness, according to most male representatives.

Men categorically deny their addiction, but rarely hide it from strangers. The body is depleted more slowly than in women, due to the large potential of energy resources. At the physiological level, dopamine is produced, and in the initial stages of the disease, adrenaline is activated, which makes a person aggressive along with testosterone.

Then the amount of testosterone and adrenaline drops and the drinking man gets old, becomes like a weak child. Awareness of one's own weakness forms a repeated desire to drink, forms a vicious circle. Asking for help from others is more difficult for a man, it means admitting his insignificance and his mistake. Nevertheless, male alcoholism is considered a treatable pathology.

Features in women

Women sleep faster than men. This is due to hormonal changes, as well as a tendency to lead emotions. The weaker sex is more affected by stress factors, so women drink to get rid of nervous tension and the pressure of serious issues, and vice versa, from a boring and measured life. Often the cause of alcoholism is a desire to support a drinking husband or dissatisfaction with one's own partner.

In women suffering from cravings for alcohol, an awareness of the shamefulness of the actions taken immediately appears. Therefore, such individuals begin to behave secretly, masking the traces of ethanol use. This is reflected in behavior in an increase in silence, secrecy, sometimes swagger and a sense of impunity.

At the physiological level, the release of dopamine is accompanied by the destruction of neural connections in the brain faster than in men. The weaker sex has a more fragile blood-brain barrier, acetaldehyde penetrates the central nervous system faster. The structure of the liver also suffers faster, the cells transform into fibrous or cirrhotic ones due to the weakness of the enzyme systems. Decreased production of sex hormones. The only quick way to increase dopamine levels, and therefore mood, is to drink alcohol.

False reasons

The social causes of alcoholism do not form dependence on alcohol. Drinking people are often justified by arguments according to which they cannot refuse company to their comrades:

  • the need to keep up the conversation;
  • to move up the career ladder;
  • to improve friendships;
  • to keep the tradition and the future success of the business.

Traditions can be sacrificed for health. Behind these pseudo-reasons lie lack of independence, infantilism. And the respect of colleagues and friends is not formed by the amount of alcohol consumed in the company. These are problems and fears that are solved at the appointment with a narcologist or psychologist.

In addition, alcoholics can hide behind physiological needs and use "for clarity of thought", "well-functioning body", "stress relief and relaxation." This is self-deception, since the stage of euphoria or relaxation occurs 10-15 minutes after the first serving. The amount of alcohol does not exceed 1 ppm in the blood. And then the body receives only harm, the ability to think is lost, memory deteriorates, stress and fear roll over again. Severe intoxication develops.

Often people confuse cause and effect, saying, "I don't have friends, a job, a loved one, so I drink alcohol." But in fact it's the other way around. It is correct to consider: "I drink alcohol, so I have no friends, work and soulmate." As soon as a person realizes that most of the problems in his life were formed precisely because of the addiction that needs to be got rid of, from that moment specialists are already able to help him.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

There are many problems associated with alcohol, and the most important of them is alcoholism. But not all drinkers are alcoholics. If you know the measure and do not drink often, then an ordinary person who occasionally drinks a glass of vodka or a glass of wine for a holiday is not threatened by the formation of a persistent dependence on alcohol. But if we compare an ordinary healthy person, sometimes drinking intoxicating drink, and an alcoholic, then each of them has his own reasons to start drinking. Understanding these reasons helps to understand what makes some people start drinking more and more and become an alcoholic, while others know when to stop and never cross this line. Moreover, understanding the causes of cravings for alcohol allows you to get rid of alcohol addiction. Psychological rehabilitation in the treatment of alcoholism is one of the important components of successfully overcoming addiction. The main task of such rehabilitation is to identify and eliminate the cause.

Stages of drinking

Usually the answer to the question why people drink is more of a concern for women who suffer next to an alcoholic husband. However, some of the fair sex also have a craving for alcohol. And their search for the cause, on the contrary, is not interested.

In surveys and studies conducted to find out why people start drinking, five main stages in the formation of cravings for alcohol have been identified:

  1. Often a person drinks his first glass for company or out of interest. Most people drink alcohol for the first time during adolescence. But it is too early to talk about the development of dependence on alcohol. Usually, such an early use of intoxicating drinks is associated with a teenager getting into a drinking company or with an interest that arose against the background of stories from more “experienced” comrades about the state of fun and euphoria after drinking alcohol.
  2. Subsequently, a person begins to drink in order to once again feel a feeling of intoxication and relaxation. This usually happens in the same company where the teenager got his first experience. At the same time, a feeling of looseness, fun and euphoria again visits a person, and the positive experience from drinking alcohol is repeated. At this stage, people drink alcohol because they enjoy it. This is the beginning stage of addiction formation.
  3. Formation of psychological dependence on alcohol. At this stage, a person likes to drink on holidays, but over time, he tries to find more and more reasons to drink. So, the interval between taking alcohol is reduced. The consumed alcoholic drink improves mood, and without it, a person has a depressed state, bad mood, irritability and aggressiveness.

  1. Further causes of drunkenness are no longer associated with a state of joy and pleasure, but with “treatment”, because an alcoholic needs to fight a hangover, and a new dose of alcohol can simply and quickly improve your well-being in the morning. Moreover, this stage of dependence on alcohol is formed in people who like to drink almost every day. In this case, the answer to the question of why people drink lies in the physical dependence on ethanol. This substance is firmly integrated into the metabolic processes of the body, which cannot work without alcohol. Moreover, it is very difficult to start quitting drinking at this stage, because the craving is so strong that a person cannot control his desires. If he starts taking vodka in the morning for a hangover, he quickly enters into a state of binge drinking.
  2. At the very last stage of alcoholism, the patient cannot imagine his life without alcohol. And as soon as he tries to get out of the binge, his condition deteriorates sharply and the alcoholic has to drink again and again to feel normal. In this case, alcohol will not be a pleasure for him, but a vital substance that slowly kills a person.

As you can see, at each stage of drinking alcohol there are reasons that push a person to drink. Therefore, in order to answer the question of why people drink, you need to understand at what stage of acquaintance with alcohol a person is. The psychology is such that a teenager who has not tried alcohol cannot drink to get drunk, and the desire not to stand out from the company cannot become the cause of alcoholism at the last stage.

Psychological reasons

To understand why people drink alcohol, it's worth going beyond the five stages of addiction formation we've covered above. There are a number of reasons that are not so obvious and visible, but from this they do not become less significant and serious. So, to understand why people drink, you need to study the psychological aspects.

Important: as a rule, if a person is doing well in life: there is a friendly family, beloved children, an interesting, well-paid job, a variety of leisure activities, non-drinking or moderately drinking friends, everyone is healthy and happy, then there are reasons to drink alcohol regularly, there is no person.

Among the psychological reasons why people start drinking are the following:

  1. Loneliness is the cause of the development of alcohol dependence. When there is no one to talk to about life, its problems and sorrows, when there is no supportive and understanding person nearby, then the taken alcohol makes the world less hostile for a while and the feeling of loneliness dulls for a while.
  2. A person may not love himself, his shortcomings, or experience self-doubt. All this he tries to smooth out with the help of alcohol. Some people with obvious defects in appearance or speech feel constrained in society and embarrassed of themselves, so they try to drown out this feeling with alcohol.
  3. A person may start drinking to numb the intense mental pain that is associated with the loss of a loved one or a serious illness.
  4. A fairly common psychological reason sounds like this: for courage. To drown out fears, anxieties and concerns, a person can drink alcohol and become more confident and relaxed, if he does not overdo it with the dosage.
  5. Sometimes the answer to the question of why they drink lies in the nervous and psychological tension that many of us experience after a hard day's work. In this state, it is difficult to relax and fall asleep. To get rid of the psychological burden after work, not only some men drink beer, but the fair sex also relieves nervous tension in this way. At first it helps, but then a person experiences psychological, and later physical dependence.
  6. Some men, in response to the question why they drink alcohol, namely beer, say that they like the taste of this foamy drink and so they quench their thirst.

Social causes

In addition to psychological aspects, our desire to drink can also be driven by social reasons. Among them are the following:

  • dissatisfaction with one's life (work, family), financial and domestic problems;
  • psychological pressure of colleagues, family members, superiors;
  • lack of self-realization in family life, work, career, children, etc.;
  • low social status;
  • a drinking company that does not miss a single holiday or celebration;
  • traditions to drink on all holidays;
  • teenagers try to attract attention with the help of alcohol.

Attention: do not forget about hereditary predisposition to alcohol dependence. If someone in your family suffered from alcoholism, then it is likely that when certain causes or a combination of them appear, the person will start drinking.

False reasons

To find the answer to the question of why alcoholics drink, it is worth looking at the stages of drinking described above. The answer is obvious, they suffer from psychological and physical dependence. These are the two main causes of drunkenness. But many of the addicted people try to justify their addiction with quite reasonable (in their opinion) reasons:

  1. Drinking is uplifting. The catch lies in the fact that an improvement in mood occurs only at the beginning, if a person continues to drink, then euphoria and joy are quickly replaced by irritability, aggressiveness, or, on the contrary, a depressed mood. To understand how unreasonable this reason is, it is worth remembering what a chronic alcoholic looks like. He definitely does not resemble a person in a good mood and mood.

Important: the stage of alcoholic euphoria is available only to people at an early stage of addiction.

  1. If alcohol is taken to normalize relations between people, to make new connections and acquaintances, then it is worth noting that ethanol destroys brain cells, which leads to dementia, and this, in turn, certainly does not make the people around you like you. Moreover, in a state of extreme intoxication, only the same alcoholic can understand a person with unrelated speech and a slurred tongue, but not his wife, relatives, children or work colleagues and superiors.
  2. Another myth is that alcohol makes a person bolder. Here it is more correct to say not bolder, but deprives him of a sense of self-preservation, therefore, in a state of intoxication, serious accidents, crimes and suicides so often happen. Moreover, a person under the influence of alcohol inadequately perceives the world around him and cannot assess the real threat to his life.

  1. Alcohol treatment of a morning hangover is also not the right way out of the situation, as it contributes to binge drinking. It is better to improve the condition of the body with the help of medicines and folk remedies than to poison the liver and brain again with ethanol.

As you can see, all the reasons that force a person to drink are related to getting pleasure, imaginary self-confidence, the ability to drown out problems, improve mood, or get a dose of courage. But in any case, alcohol gives only a temporary effect, after which not only a severe hangover occurs, but also addiction gradually develops, which in no way contributes to improving your life, solving problems and raising your mood.

Many regard alcohol as an affordable and quick way to relax, improve mood and relieve nervous tension. The systematic use of alcohol leads to the formation of dependence, and the fleeting euphoria that alcohol gives is replaced by depression and depression. We all remember the first acquaintance with alcohol: the taste is terrible, the sensations are not the most pleasant, a hangover is guaranteed. So why does a person drink, and what is so attractive about alcohol?

Causes of addiction to alcohol

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol abuse, and still not a single feast can do without alcohol. An alcoholic drink after a hard day's work is the norm for many, although there is no need to talk about the health benefits of alcohol-containing products. Where the best antidepressant is sports, but drinking a bottle of beer or a glass of vodka is much easier, and the result will not be long in coming. Only this is not always the result that the drinker initially expects.

Our relationship with alcohol has evolved over the years. In reality, every person's need for alcohol is minimal, but traditions force us to drink alcohol even when we do not need it.

We are talking about holidays, feasts and picnics, which may well be held without alcohol, but due to tradition, they are always accompanied by toasts and drunken fumes. A hangover after such events is always guaranteed to a person, but this does not stop him at all. It's not so bad when people drink alcohol on holidays, it's worse if they start drinking daily, so to speak, "to relieve stress." According to doctors, there are several reasons for this:

  • psycho-emotional instability - people who are unable to solve problems or are having a hard time experiencing stressful situations calm themselves with alcohol. This usually leads to the formation of psychological dependence;
  • character traits - a modest and reserved person, not very sociable in everyday life, reveals himself under the influence of ethanol and becomes the soul of the company. Alcoholic drinks help him to relax and get in touch with other people;
  • physical dependence - occurs in those who abuse alcohol seriously. If a person drinks constantly, then without the next portion of alcohol he develops, which not everyone can survive.

Still, it is not clear why people should start getting acquainted with alcohol-containing products at all, and why do people drink alcohol if they do not initially need it?

Usually the first experiments with when the collective spirit is strong and the opinion of others is important to a teenager. Starting to take on the chest for company, a person is drawn in and loyalty to alcohol arises.

In a drinking company, it is difficult to notice that alcohol has become the norm. If the passion for alcohol crosses a dangerous border, then daily drinking of alcohol is a necessity: it helps to remove and get rid of the depression that inevitably falls on those who fall into drunkenness. Ethanol promotes vasodilation, improves mood, gives a short-term feeling of euphoria. These are perhaps the only advantages of alcoholic beverages, which immediately turn into disadvantages when the relaxation effect wears off. To keep yourself constantly in high spirits, you need to increase the dosage, and this always leads to alcoholism.

If a person has been drinking for a long time, then he needs a complex detoxification of the body. In parallel, anti-alcohol treatment is carried out with the use of drugs that form resistance to alcohol. Such funds can be bought on the Internet anonymously and without a doctor's prescription. True, such formulations usually help to cope with physical dependence, and psychological addiction to alcohol is difficult to overcome. Here you will need the help of a qualified psychologist and the perseverance of the relatives of the alcoholic himself.

The danger of drinking alcohol

We all drink without thinking about the consequences, and the retribution for a frivolous attitude to our own health comes quickly enough. If alcohol appears in the diet at least once a week, then you should be wary, if more often, then we are definitely talking about addiction. Do not console yourself with the thought that alcohol helps relieve tension and relaxes. This is a powerful depressant that causes irreparable harm to health. A person who has been drinking for a long time cannot always return to the point of health that was at the beginning of addiction to alcohol.

Cocktails, harmless at first glance, elite cognacs, freshly brewed beer - it does not matter at all which drink this or that person prefers. Any alcoholic product contains ethanol, which acts on everyone in the same way: it poisons the liver, destroys blood vessels. If a person is anxious or under the influence of stress factors, then sedative drugs selected by a doctor will be of great benefit to him, and not alcohol. If there are not enough emotions and new experiences, then you should think about sports and active leisure activities. If there are difficulties in communicating with others, then you should contact a psychoanalyst. Alcohol does not solve all the above problems, but creates new ones, not only for the drinker, but also for his relatives.

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“Alcohol does more harm to humanity than war, famine
and the plague combined.” (Charles Darwin)

Stupid features, irritability, insecurity, an extinct look, a sense of guilt and shame ... All this can be read on the face of a drinking person.

Why do people drink alcohol if it brings so much trouble and grief that even war does not bring? Murder, robbery, fight, betrayal, accident, broken family, loss of job - these are just a fraction of what comes along with alcohol.

There are 4 main reasons that explain why people drink alcohol:

1. The subconscious alcohol program is a set of beliefs and beliefs that drinking is normal and even necessary;
2. The habit of celebrating any occasion and drinking on weekends, holidays, at meetings, after work;
3. The need for alcohol;
4. Dependence on alcohol.

Let's look at them in more detail.

1. People drink alcohol because there is an alcohol program.

This program of the subconscious is formed from childhood. The child sees how close people drink alcohol on holidays, rejoice, sing songs, dance. They are good and fun. The kid notices that if dad drank, he becomes kinder, buys toys and laughs more often.

Children sit at a common festive table, listen to toasts and clink glasses with adults. Yes, there is juice in a children's glass, but the belief is already being laid in the head that you can only celebrate with alcohol.

"Ratatouille" (cartoon for children)

There were cases when kids came to the kindergarten after the New Year holidays and played on a holiday: they sat at the table and clinked glasses with their toy cups.

The alcohol program is also laid down through television, magazines, films, songs, sayings. Think of any movie or series - everywhere people drink. “Enjoy Your Bath”, “Old New Year”, “Diamond Hand”, “Kitchen”, “Interns”, “Univer” ...

Everywhere people go through various life tests, adventures, events and drink alcohol. This forms deep-seated beliefs in the viewer's subconscious that drinking alcohol is not only possible, but also necessary.

"Diamond Hand" (cult Soviet film for the whole family)

The same is true for songs and sayings. “Wine is given to us for joy”, “Whoever does not smoke and does not drink will die healthy”, “The drunken sea is knee-deep”, “I got drunk drunk ...”, “I drink to the bottom for those who are in the sea”. There are hundreds and thousands of examples. And each time, listening and singing along, a person strengthens his subconscious alcohol program.

2. People drink alcohol because they have a habit.

Culture and traditions shape the drinking program that creates drinking habits. If we meet with friends, then we definitely drink. If we celebrate a holiday, then we drink. We go fishing, go to a sauna, go to nature, go to a disco - we drink.

When a person begins to drink regularly: on holidays, weekends, after work, he develops a habit of drinking. And the question no longer arises: to drink or not to drink, but the question arises: what to drink? Beer or wine, vodka or whiskey. That is, the question already falls into another plane, where any choice is false.

There was a time when every evening after work I took a commuter train and went home from Moscow. I bought beer to relax and distract myself on the road. At first it was one bottle, then two, three ... And I no longer imagined that I could go home from work and not drink. It has become a daily habit.

3. People drink alcohol because they need it.

This happens when a person can no longer refuse alcohol. He drinks regularly, once a week or more.

Yes, he can regularly go to work, raise children, drive a car, manage people, that is, be a normal worker, husband, father. But without alcohol, this person can no longer rest, relax, he always lacks something. He is already looking for an excuse to drink. Finds and drinks.

I was just at this stage when I realized what a trap I was being pulled into.

4. People drink alcohol because they are addicted.

The need turns into addiction. A person can no longer control himself, he is controlled by alcohol. At first, he is ashamed of his addiction and drinks on the sly. Then he no longer hides and drinks in front of everyone.

Alcohol becomes the meaning of his life. Relations with loved ones collapse, he loses his job. Now he is surrounded by alcoholic drinking companions. They gather in the morning somewhere on the "patch" near the store or in the yard on a bench and figure out how to buy something to drink. They ask passers-by for money, they take out everything that can be sold from the house ...

And it all started so beautifully: a glass of champagne, cold beer with fish ... Moderate "cultural" drinking creates alcohol habits that lead to need and addiction.

In order to get rid of alcohol habits, needs and addictions, it is important to start with changing the alcohol program that is embedded in the subconscious. It is this program - a set of false beliefs and beliefs - that is the root of all problems with alcohol.

To change these beliefs and change the program of the subconscious, you just need to find out the truth about alcohol.

What is alcohol and how does it work?

Alcohol, or wine alcohol, is an ethanol drug with the formula C2H5OH. Doctors around the world have long recognized its effects as toxic and narcotic.

Alcohol is also a huge serious business that earns billions. The cost of a bottle of vodka is about 20 rubles. The cost in the store is from 200 rubles and more. More profitable - only trade in drugs and weapons. Alcohol tycoons are investing fabulous amounts of money in promoting the so-called "cultural" drinking.

But in society, alcohol is perceived as a food product that is served for the holiday. He amuses, fools, with him a person experiences various adventures. And most importantly, he justifies the stupidity that a person commits when drunk: "Well, I was drunk, what to take from me."

There is not a single organ in the human body that does not suffer from alcohol. But the brain suffers the most.

Let me explain how it happens.

There are capillaries in the human body - the thinnest vessels through which oxygen and nutrients enter all organs. Red blood cells move through the capillaries, which carry oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body. Red blood cells are covered with a lipid layer - a lubricant that allows them to easily slide through the capillaries.

Alcohol removes the lipid layer from red blood cells, and they begin to stick together. And they are already going through the capillaries not one at a time, but in lumps, in the form of a bunch of grapes.

There are areas in the brain tissue in the head where the capillaries are so thin that erythrocytes (blood cells) can only pass through them one at a time. And when a lump of red blood cells that stick together under the influence of alcohol enters this capillary, a blood clot forms there. Like a traffic jam or a plug in a pipe.

The next morning, dead cells leave the body with water. Why is it so thirsty in the morning with a hangover? Because the body needs water to wash the corpses of decaying cells out of the head. They literally come off the brain tissue, which is why a hangover gives me such a headache. Dead cells are excreted in the urine. Any conscious doctor will confirm this to you - a drunkard urinates with his brains in the morning.

And it doesn't depend on the dose. Any dose of alcohol - a glass of champagne, a bottle of beer, a can of cocktail or a glass of vodka - destroys the brain. It's just that the more a person drank, the more destruction.

Look at the face of the drinking person - everything is written on it. From such a face, you want to quickly look away. Why do you think? Because it, like in a mirror, reflects what you do not want to accept in yourself. Any dose of alcohol brings you closer to such a face. And this process is irreversible, brain cells are not restored.

Think about it the next time you pick up a bottle of beer or a glass of wine. Remember the face of the drinking man, his gloomy life, his terrible appearance, his depression and helplessness.

Do you want to be the same?