Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Wishes to the teacher and children at graduation 4th grade. Original congratulations from children and parents at Graduation in elementary school

Scenario of the holiday "Teacher's Day on the field of miracles"

The janitor cleared the path to the school.

Winter morning, Tuesday, light ...

Janitor (frightened). God Almighty! The school is gone!

Old house in poor condition.

A noisy flock of primary school students run out.

Everyone wants to learn.

1st boy (regretfully). How are we now without school?

It's impossible without her!

Mom and dad at work...

Well, what about me? And what about me?

2nd boy (indignantly). The school is clean, the school is delicious,

Cabbage pies at school!

1st girl (referring to a friend). There is no school and no extension.

So you and I are homeless?

2nd girl (persistently). Let's stand here and wait!

3rd girl (crying). My feet are cold...

3rd boy. Chick, fool! Not food!

The teachers will help us.

Teachers (students) take the stage.

Teachers (in disbelief):

  • I have an essay about happiness in the ninth grade ...

  • Today I have the Pythagorean theorem again.

  • I have a vocal circle...

  • Half past two - teachers' council ...
1st boy. Look, there is no building!

Teacher (surprised). Does that mean there are no jobs?

Teachers-children freeze in bewilderment. The students lower their heads, all but one brisk boy - Vanya.

Vania. What hung their heads?

Children (in chorus). We study the situation!

Vanya (examining the hut). Instead of a school, an old house ...

Two legs, wooden.

Knock on the window - knock-knock.

Come out, since you are our friend!

Together we will decide everything

How can we get school back?

Baba Yaga. I can't hear the knock on the window!

I am deaf and...

You knock harder

Don't knock on the window, knock on the door.

Vanya knocks on the door. Baba Yaga leaves the house, yawns, stretches.

Baba Yaga. Good morning guys!

1st girl. Well, this is Grandma Yaga ...

Baba Yaga. Yes Yaga! So what?

Vania. Answer, Yaga, where is the school?!

Baba Yaga (sarcastically). School is nearby

Seven kilometers total.

Behind the river stands in the forest.

Resting… On vacation!

Vanya (resolutely). Schools don't go on vacation!

Teachers go on vacation

In the summer they go, not in a snowstorm.

Give us back school!

The girls start crying.

Baba Yaga. Don't cry, kids!

I'm bored in the wilderness.

And from this terrible boredom

I hid the temple of science.

I don't go to theaters

I don't watch TV

You cheer me up

Raise your mood.

Here is my challenge for you:

For me, a concert

You are a school building.

Do you agree?

Children (in chorus). Unanimously!

Concert, game and other performances performed by students, teachers of the school.
Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Friday. The festive edition of the Field of Miracles program is on the air!

Vedas. The whole country is celebrating a great holiday - Teacher's Day!

Vedas. The heroes of this holiday issue are those who gave their heart to you guys. These are your teachers! But also high school students will compete with teachers in this game.

Vedas. We start the game. In the first three players, we have _____________ teacher ___________________________________________________________, _________________________________ teacher _________________________ and ________________________ students ___ _____ class ____________________.

Vedas. Here is the task for the first three players.

Vedas. One of the Sufi parables tells about Molla Nasretdin, who met an Indian sage. This sage tried to achieve harmony with nature and all living beings. Mola told him about how he was once saved from death by a fish. Struck by this level of communication with nature, the sage asked Molla to tell how it happened. It turned out that the fish actually saved Molla. What threatened him with death? (HUNGER)

Vedas. The first round of our holiday program is over. The winner is _________________.

Vedas. Participants of the first three players prizes in the studio! Commercial break.

Vedas. Dear friends! On the threshold of autumn we meet this special day, called the holiday of all teachers - Teacher's Day. It is close to people of all generations. A turner and an astronaut, a doctor and a grain grower, a builder and an officer, an academician and a geologist - we all “come” from school. Only in our country there is such a holiday - Teacher's Day. The tasks of the coming century will be decided by those who sit at school desks today. The school not only reveals to you all the mysteries over which the best minds have struggled for centuries. You came to school to learn how to live actively, think, search. Already today, without waiting for the time of apprenticeship to end, learn to work. Your task is to master the knowledge accumulated by mankind. And help you in this - TEACHER! And I want to say special words to them.

Performance of students with congratulations in the form of poems (from all classes)

Dedication to teachers

Irina Iraevna our

There are many things to do at school.

Our director is on guard at the school,

He gives himself to all the work.
Our cool moms are second!

We do not have enough beautiful words,

To tell you dear words,

What looks like a scattering of flowers.
You guide us through life skillfully,

We are going to the world of beauty with you.

Even the hardest thing

We deliver on time.
You are our idols

And we want to tell you from the bottom of our hearts:

With you, creativity was discovered,

For your care, we put you "five".
Memory is better than a time machine

And takes us faster

In that green, not yet shelled,

Our only first class.
At the board there Rimma Ilyinichna,

Faina Sergeevna, Natalya Ivanovna,

Alena Pavlovna, Olga Valentinovna,

Nadezhda Sergeevna, Elena Viktorovna

Explains about ZhI and about SHI,

And beloved Elena Leonidovna

She put a piece of her soul into us.
Here Nina Nikolaevna perky,

Clockwork, which is no more.

And at Rustam Saidulloevich

Every question has an answer.
And then, as it went, it rushed off ...

A serene childhood, ay!

Fifth grade is also the beginning.

Who is waving on the beach?
look, Irina Anatolievna

She took on the position of conductor.

BUT Tatyana Pavlovna

Director of all training dreams.
And Irina Zaitovna and Faina Faritovna

Queen of all spellings.

We have mastered Russian firmly

With literature in half.
Irina Iraevna, native,

With you became family to us

Leo Tolstoy and Sophia Tolstaya,

Dostoevsky and Mandelstam.
With Oleg Vladimirovich at discos

We study acoustics

With the wrong light shining

Reaching for a distant star.
Mathematics - bright vector

In the flat plane of school days,

Lyudmila Gennadievna and I are drawing

The theorem of fate on it.
And we lead with a trembling hand,

Understanding what we draw, or not.

And Olga Fedorovna is real,

True, accurate answer.
And then running and jumping

Kilometers we wind in cross.

Leonid Alekseevich with us -

For all starts, in any frost.
and natural sciences

They organically joined the ranks.

We are in safe hands

Svetlana Grigorievna and Tatyana Pavlovna dear.
Together with Galina Irineevna

We conquer the seas and deserts.

We are all about the climate,

We study and know from now on.
Informatics unforgettable

The software left a mark in us,

And, like hackers, everything is by all means

Together we climb the Internet.
Alexander Nikolaevich remember

We remember and we will remember

Like reaction hieroglyphs

At the lessons he pushed at people.
In foreign language lessons, honestly

Let's tell you, anything happens:

We understand - easy, interesting,

We do not understand - I want to cry.
Social educator and librarian!

We absolutely cannot do without you.

Which of us has never run to you?

Your eyes smiled at us.
Thank you for school books

For attention, care and work

From girls and boys

That they "live" in our school.
Elena Viktorovna- organizer

It has energy and creativity.

The guys want to work with her,

It is an honor to communicate with her.
Let the years filter the memory

And leave us only light.

Let the school story become

A good fairy tale, a happy omen.

Vedas. Thanks to the students for the words of gratitude, and I, probably, on behalf of all the teachers, would like to say a response word.

Ah, school...

(answer from teachers)

"What is school for you?" you ask with a smile.

“My house,” I answer, “is both the first and the second.

My family - there will be no mistake here:

Everything gets mixed up sometimes."

Again the call, again my lessons,

At the break - noise and crampedness.

As usual: plans, tests, deadlines,

Magazine, abstracts, deuces, vanity ...

Ah, school, school, you and laughter and tears,

The pain of failure and the brilliance of my victories.

But I, having passed your thorns and roses,

Learned forever: learning is light.

And so after a year, a year, a circle around:

Meet in September and see off in May.

There were so many meetings and so many partings ...

I remember you, I don't forget you.

Ah, school, school, who ever connected

Personal life with your destiny

He will stay with you forever

He will forever be captivated by you.

Ah, school, school! Even your dust

It has its own unique smell.

I reveal to you the holy story:

Here only at night is quiet on soft paws.

Here is your charter, here is your call

Rushing the days alternately.

Lessons are on time

The clock is ticking steadily.

Ah, school, school! You are my Love

The first and maybe the last...

The time will come - we will part with you,

My educational average.

Vedas. Now, for all teachers, students in grade 1 will sing the song "Teach at school."
Vedas. So we continue! The second three players: _____________________ teacher _____________________________, ____________________________ teacher ______________________________ and ___________________________ students ___ _____ class. Meet!

Vedas. Task of the second round of the game.

Vedas. During the First World War, the French professor Perrin tested a gigantic loudspeaker, consisting of hundreds of small hexagonal horns. Perrin's colleagues called this device a very modern-sounding epithet. What kind of epithet? (CELL)

There is a game, the participants guess the word, talk about themselves, etc.
Vedas. The second round of our holiday program is over. The winner is _________________.

Vedas. Participants of the second three players prizes in the studio! Commercial break.
Vedas. Today we have a holiday that concerns every person, because whoever he is - a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a president, a musician, or a simple worker - he is, first of all, someone's former student.

Vedas. We would like to pay special attention to some people who worked in our team some time ago, and now are on a well-deserved rest, but forever young and youthful in spirit.

Vedas. In this hall there are teachers-anniversaries veterans. These are Rimma Georgievna, Natalya Ivanovna, Rimma Ilyinichna, Olga Fedorovna and Lyudmila Ivanovna.

Vedas. Each of these wonderful women has a lot of life experience behind them, each of them is already a grandmother, or even a great-grandmother. Each of them devoted most of her life to school, education, put her heart and soul into her students.

Vedas. Dear our veterans-anniversaries! With all my heart, on behalf of the student and teacher teams, we congratulate you on this significant date in your life. May your life be long and happy, health for many years, happiness and love, prosperity to you, your children and grandchildren. Wish you all the best!

Vedas. Students perform for anniversary veterans 8-9 classes that will perform _ scene "Lesson". (song student class. __.

Congratulation speech.
Vedas. The third trio of players! Meet: _____________________ teacher _____________________________, ____________________________ teacher ______________________________ and ___________________________ students___ _____ of the class. Meet!

Vedas. The task of the third round of the game.

Vedas. According to a joke, if your dog, having heard a call, runs into a corner, then his breed ... (BOXER).

There is a game, the participants guess the word, talk about themselves, etc.
Vedas. The third round of our holiday program is over. The winner is _________________.

Vedas. Participants of the third three players prizes in the studio! Commercial break.
Vedas. We continue congratulations. Today in our team there are anniversaries with a little less experience of life. These are Akbarov Rustam Saidulloevich and Vlazneva Lyubov Aleksandrovna. These people marked the golden mean in their lives.

Vedas. Dear anniversaries! On behalf of the students and teachers of the school, we congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary. 50 is just the beginning, the middle of the road. The most interesting and unforgettable is still ahead. Be healthy, happy, loved. Love this world the way it is! Happy Holidays and Happy Anniversary!

Vedas. Congratulations to our students of the 2nd grade. (3 classes)

Congratulation speech.
Vedas. The final. Final task.

Vedas. Studying the mathematical models of human behavior and consciousness, American scientists Christoph Koch and Francis Crick came to the conclusion that people can live among us, outwardly indistinguishable from us in behavior, but in no way aware of their actions. What word, taken from the Kongo language, did they call such people? (ZOMBIE).

There is a game, the participants guess the word, talk about themselves, etc.

Vedas. So the final round of our holiday program has come to an end. _________ is the winner of today's game.

Vedas. Participants of the third three players prizes in the studio! And we have another commercial break.
Vedas. Anniversaries are so wonderful, festive. Today we have trainee anniversaries who have worked in education for a “round” sum of years: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. Let's start in order. 30 years in education, at school, and all of the bottom 30 years, two people worked in our Tarasov school - this is Lyudmila Gennadievna Novokreshenova, a mathematics teacher, and Valentina Pavlovna Gogoleva, a laboratory assistant at the school. (congratulations to the anniversaries).

Vedas. Speech by 7th grade students Scene "Foreign language lesson"
Vedas. 15 years in education and, also, all 15 of them in our school - worked Oleg Vladimirovich Bashkov - a teacher of physics and computer science. (congratulation).

Vedas. Congratulations from 5th grade students __________________________________________.
Vedas. Alevtina Anatolyevna Osinkina, a technology teacher, and Lyudmila Alekseevna Osinkina, a school cleaner, worked for 10 years in education and all 10 years at our school. (congratulation)

Vedas. Congratulations from 10th grade students. Scene _______________________________.
Vedas. Yury Vladimirovich Zhitnikov also worked in our school for 5 years as a school watchman. (congratulation)

The work of technical personnel, at times, is not at all easier than the work of teachers, and we must respect and honor the people of this profession, because without them there would be no order, cleanliness, comfort in the school, and hence the educational process itself.

Once again, with all our hearts, on behalf of the entire student and teacher team, we congratulate you on your anniversary! We wish you good health, iron nerves, steel patience, love, prosperity and all the best! Happy holiday to you!

Vedas. Our respected Baba Yaga looked, looked at us, and also decided to speak and congratulate us on the holiday. (song Anushik _______________________________)
Vedas. And we continue the game. Before the commercial break, we invited you to play a super game with us. Do you agree?

Player. Yes.

Vedas. So the super game and the super prizes of this game: (names)

Vedas. Spin the drum, determine your super prize.

Vedas. The super prize of today's game is ___________________. Here's the challenge for the supergame.

Vedas. Today's supergame task consists of two words. First word: The humorous newspaper "Krasnaya Burda" in its "Encyclopedia with the letter S" called THIS "trousers designed for men with thick legs." Name IT. (TROUSERS).

Vedas. Second word: Among the twenty-five most frequently reprinted authors of world literature, there are also three Russians: Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and a famous politician. Name it. (V.I. LENIN).

(names the task, the game is on) (it is allowed to open 6 letters).
Vedas. Our holiday edition of the "Field of Miracles" program has come to an end. The finalist is awarded a diploma of the winner, regardless of whether you won or lost the super game, all prizes earned by you during the game remain with you. Congratulations on your holiday! Teacher's Day!

Vedas. Students of grade 11 congratulate you with the song _____________________
Baba Yaga. Did my job -

I return the school building.

Baba Yaga claps her hands: the hut on chicken legs “disappears”, the school “appears”. The school bell rings. All participants take the stage.

Teachers. Good for us, it's good!

Baba Yaga (in despair). I won't go anywhere!

I'll be at school for free

Clean floors with a mop.

(Viewers). All agree?

Spectators. Unanimously!

Baba Yaga. I know there will be school!

I know: the school is blooming,

When such people

In Russian schools there is!
Reader. Dear teachers!

You are love and devotion

Faith and patience.

You are the truth and the heart

Conscience and nobility.

You are the ones who pave the way

You are the artists of life.

You are the haven of childhood

And the cradle of humanity.

You are teachers from God

And the creators of beauty!

I invite you all to the stage.

The teachers take the stage.

Reader. You find time to work - this is a condition for success! You find time for reflection - this is a source of strength! You find time to play - this is the secret of youth! You find time to read - this is the basis of knowledge! You find time for friendship - this is a condition for happiness! You find time for dreams - this is the way to the stars! You find time for creativity - this is the muse of the soul!

Dear teachers! Thank you for bringing joy to us today!

Congratulations to teachers with flowers, postcards, etc. At the same time, students sing the song “We wish you happiness” (or a phonogram plays).

Vedas. See you soon, dear friends!

Scenario capital - show "Field of Miracles" for Teacher's Day

Musical number "Who in the world is kinder"

Leaders take the stage

Presenter 1 On an autumn day, when at the threshold

The cold is already breathing

The school celebrates Teacher's Day,

The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.

Lead 2 Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us.

Everything related to youth, childhood,

We owe it to teachers!

Presenter 1 You are always young at heart

Sharing work and joy with us,

Our strict, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

Lead 2 For your wisdom and patience

We want to thank you.

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give you today!

Presenter 1 Let in this hall at this hour

The fires are burning brighter!

And again we congratulate you

Your teachers!

Lead 2 From A to Z, to any discovery

The path starts with you.

Praise be to the work of the teacher,

May Teacher's Day be glorious. Your day, teachers!

Presenter 1: Today is a big, solemn holiday!

Host 2: There is not a single person who today would not remember his beloved teachers, mentors, educators!

Presenter 1: After all, each of us chooses for himself an ideal that he tries to be like, and this ideal is a beloved teacher.

Host 2: He is the most intelligent, talented, beautiful for everyone.

Presenter 1: Your day, teachers! Thank you, dear teachers, for what you are, for what you are, a deep bow to you from all your students!

Host 2: Let's give our teachers a round of applause.

Presenter 1: May joy flourish in school life, may everyone know the best teachers! The floor is given to the director of our school.

Presenter 1: Thank you teachers

For your good deeds!

Thank you all dear ones

For your young souls!

And today we have prepared a surprise.

Host 2: Especially for you! Passing from Moscow, the star of the first channel, the host of the capital show "Field of Miracles" Leonid Yakubovich, MEET!

Exit Yakubovich.

Good afternoon! Hello ladies and gentlemen! October 4, Wednesday on the air capital - the show "Field of Miracles". Today behind this drum will stand those whose llove, respect, recognition are deserved by honest work.

Your work is not easy, we do not argue with that

And from the bottom of our hearts we want to wish you

You do not grow old and do not know grief,

We always want you to keep moving forward.

LEADING The teacher must constantly change, constantly study in his own school, then he will not be a mechanical teacher. /L.N. Tolstoy/

The teacher is a sacred profession. Just as a doctor is responsible for people's health before his conscience and only before it, so a teacher is responsible before his conscience for what kind of knowledge he brings to people. / I.N. Ulyanov/

These sayings of great teachers somehow characterize the duties and rights of a teacher. And what are the rights of our dear teachers? They have every right to take part in our game, and I invite the first three players to the drum.

Music plays, participants go to the drum.

I ask you, dear ladies, take your places at the drum. The screen saver sounds everyone stand behind the counter.

Leading: Dear teachers! Let the light that you put into the hearts of your students, lights up the stars and brightly illuminates your life path, and your kindness returns to you a hundredfold and materializes in the form of success and prosperity!

The theme of our today's game is "School". Today we will talk about what is directly related to the school.

So, we come to the task of the first round, maximum attention! Spin the drum and here is the task for the first round.


The first player spins the drum, at this time the leader says the task of the first round.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, in gymnasiums, teachers called the answers of poorly studying students with a Latin word, translated as "stupidity." The high school students remade it into a slang term that we still use today. What do you think this word is? The move is effective, 50 points and I will ask you to name the letter.

Students who don't know anything but try to answer what they say?


And before us is the first finalist of the capital show "Field of Miracles".

From the capital show field of miracles gifts to the first three players in the studio.


Top three awards

Dear teachers, now is the time to accept congratulations from your students.

Children take the stage

1. Smoothly red leaves fly
In the blue squares of school frames.
Teacher's Day is celebrated today -
No time for teachers to grow old!

2. This holiday in autumn radiance
On the painted carpets comes to us.
The path is hard, the path to the Kingdom of Knowledge is difficult
No time for teachers to grow old!

3. You give everything to children by right,
To become smart and strong
You are not looking for eternal glory,
Your thoughts are pure and modest.

4. You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one care.

5. So that the earth is famous for us.
So that we grow up honest
Thank you teachers
Thank you mothers for everything!

6. We do not always do as we were taught,
Sometimes we make you sad
We ask for forgiveness, we want to be forgiven
For petty pranks us.

7. We love you very much for everything:
For knowledge, for skill, subtle humor,
for strictness and kindness,
For your selfless burning!

8. You will always stay with us.
Because we always need.
So you'll never grow old
Never! Never! Never!

The screensaver sounds.

LEADING : And again on the air of the capital show "Field of Miracles". The second three players are invited.

After the players stood at the drum

We are celebrating Teacher's Day
Under the rustle of falling leaves.
I congratulate you today
I want blue skies.

Let it rain and sleet
Let the heat linger.
Let work bring joy
To hear more kind words!
So………, spin the drum!

Here is the task for the second round.

Ivan Fedorov, as you know, he owns the right of the first printer, but his merit to the school, to education in Russia is significant in one thing. What did he do for the school?


And before us is the second finalist of the capital show "Field of Miracles".

From the capital show field of wonders gifts to the second three players in the studio.

SCREENSAVER Awarding the second trio.

Once again, I would like to congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you creative success. And now I will ask you to take your places in the hall.

HOST: And now there is an information pause. SLIDE

"Scientific lecture on the feat of a teacher"

After many years of observation of homo sapiens of the “teachers” subspecies, scientists analyzed them and published generalized conclusions.

Turns out:

Almost all educators tear their hair out from time to time.(pulls off man's hair) ;

They work tirelessly and in the absence of results, they lower them(removes hands from the picture);

And if everything went well, they can lose their heads(removes head) ;

Coming home after work they stretch their legs(removes legs);

Many tear their backs(removes the body)

And what is left after all this?(referring to the audience) That's right - the heart! And with this heart, every day, when you come to work, you are ready again and again: stretch your legs, tear your backs, pull yourself together, style your hair and raise your head high towards a new day and every child! Happy holiday, dear teachers! This musical number sounds for you!Nedoseev

Round 3. I invite the third three players to the drum.

Presentation of the third trio of players. I ask you to take your places at the drum and here is the task for the third trio.


Under Peter 1, it happened that noble children were recruited into school by force. The military and civil service of a nobleman required initial training; without it, even WHAT was forbidden to the noble offspring. A successful move on the drum and I will ask you to name the letter.


And before us is the third finalist of the capital show "Field of Miracles".

From the capital show field of miracles gifts to the third three players in the studio.

SCREENSAVER Awarding the third trio.

Once again, I would like to congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

You teach children with love,
Find an approach to everyone.
So God bless you, good health,
Happy life without adversity.

And now I will ask you to take your seats in the hall.

Musical pause Aliyev

final game


And again, the capital is on the air - the show "Field of Miracles". The final.

LEADING : invite the fourth three players to the drum. Presentation of participants


In Uruguay, the school principal meets the students in the morning and his duties include good morning wishes and this. 50 points on the LETTER reel.


Every morning the principal of the school does this.

And before us is the finalist of the capital - the show "Field of Miracles" ... ..

Word to you…..

You have scored 2000 points. Choose a prize.SLIDE

And according to the rules of our game, I propose to play a super game. Regardless of whether you win the super game or not, all the prizes you win will remain with you.

So, with uper game with the finalist

The names of super prizes written on the sheets are laid out on the drum: rosy cheeks (beets), burning joy of life (red pepper), smart head (cabbage), strong bones (carrots), healthy stomach (radish).

The player spins the drum and chooses a super prize.

Question for the Superfinal

A logically completed section of knowledge studied within any training program within one period (semester, trimester, quarter).This is one of the oldest branches of pedagogical knowledge, which stood out within pedagogy already in the middle of the 19th century. What is this about?

Answer: academic discipline

I allow you to name any 8. (names letters) If there are any, open it. You have one minute to think.

So the minute went by.

The MINUTE screensaver sounds

While our finalist is thinking about the question, I suggest you also think a little and guess the word.(ON SLIDE)

Attention! Question In ancient Rome, teachers of linguistics were called a grammarian, reading - a writer. A slave who accompanied children to and from school was called a teacher. What was the name of the arithmetic teacher?(Calculator) .

Appeal to the finalist: A MINUTE HAS PASSED - CAN YOU SAY A WORD?Repeat task.

And we congratulate the finalist of the capital show "Field of Miracles" with a brilliant victory.


LEADING No matter what new inventions are made, no matter what discoveries are made, let everyone respect the school, its good traditions, the most simple and basic: the teacher and the student.

And no matter what methods are discovered, no matter what equipment is brought to the classroom - even a board with chalk, even a movie camera or TV, even a teaching machine - the main, eternal and unchanged teacher remains at school.

And so there will be school!
And bloom this school!
When such people
It contains.!

Dear teachers, thank you very much for participating in the Field of Miracles capital show. Happy holiday to you!

And now I want to invite all the participants for the final song.

The song "We wish you happiness!"

How to spend a teacher's day at school? The answer is very simple. We need a beautiful script for the holiday of the teacher's day. And we offer you our new teacher's day script based on the most popular Russian game Field of Miracles. Only teachers will take part in this game and they will receive commemorative robes for their participation and their victories.

Scenario for teacher's day in the style of the TV show "Field of Miracles".

For this scenario, you will need:, and, of course, gifts and prizes. As a general gift for all participants, we offer chocolates prepared specially for the holiday dedicated to Teacher's Day and flowers, you choose the prize for the winner yourself. You also need to make a drum. You can do without the drum. Then 50 points are awarded for one correct letter. You will have to tinker a little with the drum and calculate the points so that in the super final you will open no more than half of the letters.
Rules of the game:
Everything is like in a TV show, except for the drum.
1. 50 points are awarded for one correct letter.
2. For guessing the whole word +100 points to those scored with the correct guessing of the letters.
3. The game consists of 3 semi-finals for three people, the final of the advanced semi-finalists, and the super final of the winner of the final.
4. In the final, not a word is solved, but a phrase.
5. Points are scored in order to open as many letters as possible in the super final. Here the calculation is 100 points = one open letter, but no more than half of the letters. The super finalist himself chooses which letters in the phrase to open (the phrase consists of 17 letters, you can open no more than 8 letters).
Most importantly, teachers are involved in the game!
All those participating in the game are awarded medals, the players who have reached the final are additionally awarded diplomas of the finalists, and the winner's diploma is also awarded to the participant who has reached the superfinal.

Question for the 1st semi-final:
It arose with the advent of human society and has existed throughout its history, from the very beginning performing the general function of transferring social experience from generation to generation. Some scientists (G.B. Kornetov, A.V. Dukhavneva, L.D. Stolyarenko) refer to the origin of the beginnings of this in the tribes of hominid habilis (Human being able) to the period of 2.5–1.5 million years ago. What is this about?
Answer: education

Question for the 2nd semi-final:
In Byzantium, children under the age of 7 were brought up in a family; in wealthy families, boys were supposed to have military and physical training, and literacy. Primary education was provided in private schools that taught reading, writing and numeracy. What were the names of these schools?

Answer: "propedia"

Question for the 3rd semi-final:
German pedagogical thought was represented by the name of the greatest humanist of the Renaissance, whose influence extended far beyond the borders of his homeland. He received his primary education in a monastery, then at the "school of the brothers" in Daventar, later at the University of Paris and Oxford, where he deeply mastered languages ​​and literature. He left a mark in history as a bright publicist, ridiculing the vices of contemporary society ("Praise of Stupidity"). He expounded his pedagogical views in the works "Conversations", "Ciceronians" and others.
Formulating the goal of education, he put piety and morality above all, he put forward the idea of ​​universal education. According to him, the broad masses of the population, who are inaccessible to scientific education, need religious education, but in order for everyone to be able to read the Bible, universal education is needed. State the name of this person.

Answer: Rotterdam

Final question:
Pedagogical theories and ideas of modern times were based on the best humanistic traditions and absorbed the advanced ideas of our time. He became the largest figure in the pedagogy of the New Age - a Czech teacher and philosopher, who created the first scientific theory in the history of pedagogy - didactics. Subsequently, he came to the conclusion that a person should receive a system of knowledge about the world and the learning process should be based on clear principles, which subsequently served as the core of a new universal class-lesson teaching system, which the teacher theoretically substantiated and proposed the rules for its implementation in practice. Until today, the class-lesson system remains the basis of school education, which can be considered its indisputable merit. Who are we talking about? Name this teacher.

Answer: Comenius

Question for the superfinal (phrase)

The history of pedagogy and education, as it has long been an integral part of pedagogical education, is one of the oldest branches of pedagogical knowledge, which stood out within pedagogy already in the middle of the 19th century. What is this about?

Answer: academic discipline

Key tags:

Field of Dreams.
Yakubovich: Good afternoon, dear viewers! Today is Friday and the program "Field of Miracles" is on the air again. And its leader is Leonid Yakubovich. The clothes for the presenter were kindly provided by the Pletnevsky clothing house. A charming girl Valentina helps me. Teachers celebrate their professional holiday today. And let's talk about school. Graduates of the Shuben school, and now people of different professions, take part in our program.
The first three players in the studio. First I want to introduce you, dear lady. Our guest today is Nadezhda Alekseevna Kolyvanova, a graduate of the Shubenskaya school, a milkmaid at the Niva agricultural firm.
The second participant in our TV show also once studied at the Shuben school. In the past, he was an advanced tractor driver, and now he is just a collective farm watchman - Alexander Pashkov.
And this charming girl is the village teacher Lyudmila Veniaminovna Kutepova.
- Turn the drum, Nadezhda Alekseevna. Let me ask you, what influenced the choice of profession?
Nadezhda Alekseevna:
- Yes, what did she influence there. I studied poorly, for deuces, but for triples. Ivan Fedorovich told me: "Study, study, otherwise you will go to the company." Here his words came true. How many years have I been working there.
- Nadia, let's go back to your school years. What was the attitude towards teachers back then?
Nadezhda Alekseevna:
— What, what? I actually thought they were gods. Don't sleep, don't eat, gods, that's all. They walked down the street, and people bowed to them.
— Hello, hello. That's the attitude.
- All clear. Sorry, you are bankrupt. Alexander, spin the drum. You are a tractor driver in the past, and now you are a watchman. Why did you decide to change your profession?
Why did you decide. So after all, in a tractor, you shake, you shake all day long, both in the heat and in the cold. You will come to the office and receive nothing. And it's warm in here.
- And what are you guarding, if not a secret, of course?
- Yes, what a secret. I guard cars, tractors, well, there are seeders, peelers. Vodnik bought new ones. I protect them.
And let's go back to school. San, probably, smoked in school years?
- What kind of smoked there. I wanted to try once, so my father tore me for three weeks in a row, like a Sidorov's goat. I haven't smoked since.
Thanks for the candid answers. And you, Alexander, are bankrupt.
“May I ask you, dear creature, a few questions?” Spin the drum. How many years have you been working at the school?
- Means …. Once you celebrate your professional holiday. Who congratulates you on this day?
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
- Who congratulates?
- Who congratulated you today?
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
- I don't remember right now. Three students, one parent, colleagues.
— One feels deep respect for the teachers in your village.
- Lyudmila, sorry for the indiscreet question: how much do you earn?
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
— 4. 000
— Euro?
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
— 4. 000
— Dollars?
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
— 4,000 rubles
“Well, they scared me. I already thought, in Shubenka there are not teachers, but some kind of millionaires.
Nadezhda Alekseevna:
— Leonid Arkadyevich, I have gifts for you. Here is a milkshake and a half. Still warm, take it.
— Thank you, thank you very much.
Nadezhda Alekseevna:
— Leonid Arkadyevich, may I say hello?
- Yes, for God's sake, pass it on.
Nadezhda Alekseevna:
- I send my regards to Vovka Vyalov. He is the boss: if he wants, he executes, but if he wants, he has mercy.
“Baba, I say hello to you. And you guys. (Go not drunk yet).
- Say hello to my daughter. She studies in the city. Education is expensive right now.
- Hello to my husband. Well, perhaps that's all.
— Oh, I forgot! Big hello mom.
- Well, since they have already begun to give gifts, then I will give them. Leonid, I give you the most precious ..., a gun. Maybe you'll scare something or something. You decide there.
— Oh, I almost forgot. If Che, I can dance a bit of gasoline.
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
- We consulted with the teachers and decided to give you a valuable gift - crayons. Do not think, not just white, but colored.
— Gifts to the museum.
- And Lyudmila Veniaminovna goes to the final of our program. Today I will not beat around the bush, but I will immediately ask: Do you agree to the super game?
Lyudmila Veniaminovna:
- Agree.
“Then listen to the questions.
1) In what year was the parochial school established in Shubenka?
2) Who was the first director of the Shuben school?
3) How many medalists left the school?
- So, the winner of our program is Lyudmila Veniaminovna Kutepova. The first three players - prizes in the studio. The sponsor of our program is Regional Credit Bank

Holiday script for Teacher's Day

Equipment: a game drum (you can do this: install a circle of fiberboard or plywood on a rotating chair and fix it), a scoreboard for words (the letters of the word are hung on the scoreboard and closed from above), a black box for the "Prize" sector

Sectors per drum:

blue circle - effective move;

Red circle - skipping a move;

Sector "plus" - allows you to open any letter;

Sector "Chance" - entitles the participant to ask for advice from someone in the hall or seek help by phone.

Sector "Prize" - an opportunity to take a prize.

Sector "Bankrupt" - implies a number from the players

Event progress

Leading: There is no higher word than "teacher"

The world did not know a more beautiful word

And in honor of the teacher, make

Flowers in our sweet school hall

Presenter: Dear, dear teachers and guests! We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Teacher's Day!

Host: We wish everyone without exception

Good health, joy, kindness,

More optimism and patience,

May tomorrow be better than yesterday.

Host: Your work is not easy, we do not argue with that

And from the bottom of our hearts we want to wish you

You do not grow old and do not know grief,

We always want you to keep moving forward.

(video about teachers accompanied by potpourri)

LEADING: The teacher must constantly change, constantly study in his own school, then he will not be a real teacher.

/L.N. Tolstoy/

LEADING: Teacher is a holy profession. As a doctor is responsible for the health of people before his conscience and only before it, so the teacher is responsible before his conscience for what kind of knowledge he brings to children.

/ I.N. Ulyanov/

(PERFORMANCE OF THE SONG "Childhood" Sultan Grade 8)

(DANCE grade 2)

HOST: All these sayings of great teachers somehow characterize the duties of a teacher. And what are the rights of our dear mentors?

HOST: They have every right to take part in our game

HOST: The theme of our today's game is "Great Teachers". This is not as difficult as it seems, and we think that any teacher who is in a certain period of time, in a particular area, among children taken separately and gathered together at school, can become great.

HOST: What a chaotic play on words!

HOST: I hope the general word guessing game will be more familiar and understandable to our teachers.

(SONG ABOUT grandma grade 0)

HOST: So, we have come close to the specific task of the first round, maximum attention!

1 round.

HOST: Presentation of the first three players. And we invite the first three players to the drum

(veterans of pedagogical work)

/introduction of the participants…………/ to the music “…………”


LEADING: Task 1 round

    A fashionable pedagogical curse, invented to pass off a well-forgotten old for something stunningly new. (INNOVATION)

Innovation is an introduced innovation that provides a qualitative pedagogical growth in the effectiveness of pedagogical processes. It is the end result of the intellectual activity of a person of his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions.

LEADING: And now we have an information break. (A scene about grandmothers grade 2)


1. The one you can't find with fire during the day. SPONSOR

2. The only, often lost means of communication between the class teacher and parents. DIARY

3. A means of educating Sidorov Sr. for Sidorov Jr., after which he becomes like Sidorov's goat. BELT

4. Occupational disease of a student - a loser. SIMULATION

5. The fact that students like to “poke” in order to search for a long time later. MAGAZINE

6. "Ringing infection." ALARM

7Kind of a public catering establishment, where you can go in with a teacher's salary and just smell it. RESTAURANT

8. What is instantly lost at the first request of the teacher to put on the table. DIARY

9. “It seems that the mobile phone seems to be silent, but the population of the school is running somewhere.” CALL

10. Hanging on the wall, talking about the time and place of his release. TIMETABLE

11Code Exam, about which you can say that "the meeting place cannot be changed" UNT

12. A place where you can both answer and receive (including on the neck, though later from the parents). BOARD

13. Something for which every decent student has a thousand and one reasons. TRIP or LATE

2 round.

LEADING“I would especially like to congratulate those of our colleagues for whom this year is an anniversary. (Zhunusov Baurzhan Nabievich - 30 years old, Taranyuk Irina Vycheslavovna - 10 years old, Goncharova Alexandra Yurievna - 10 years old, Zakotyrina Olga Alexandrovna - 20 years old, Lukina Lyudmila Nikolaevna - 5 years old, Firsov Oleg Sergeevich - 5 years old)


LEADING: The second three players are invited (Goncharova Alexandra Yurievna, Lukina Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Firsov Oleg Sergeevich)

Leading: Love, respect, recognition
Deserved by honest work.
Do you remember about school before
About personal amenities - then.
You are known as a true friend,
Ready to come help.
Are you ready to sacrifice a lot,
To just take away the trouble.
For courage, for intelligence, for patience
Honor to you, and honor, and praise!

LEADING: Task of the 2nd round

    You start dreaming about it from the very first day you get out of it. (VACATION)

Vacation is a temporary release from work on weekdays for a certain period of time to buy shorts, panama hats, and not new wallpaper and laminate.

HOST: And again an informational pause.


3 round.

LEADING: Well, I invite the third three players to the drum.

Meet!!! Our young teachers

Krivonogova Alena Evgenievna, Kuzmenko Tatiana Valerievna, Kiseleva Olga Sergeevna)


Ages will not repent of their choice
And they don't want another job
Every day they smile at children,

And, imagine, they do not smolder - they burn!
Cataclysms endure any,
What they don’t put on their shoulders, they carry,
And any questions,
I breathe in school and live in school

3rd round task

    The long-awaited day, once again reminding you that "actually, I'm doing here" (SALARY)

The salary

Teachers in Kazakhstan will raise salaries from January 1, 2016, i.е. a year earlier than planned, said Deputy Prime Minister of the country Berdybek Saparbayev

LEADING. Well, now gifts from students (CLASS NUMBER)

And so there will be school!
And bloom this school!
When such people
It contains.!

Host: Dear friends! And in conclusion, we wish our guests, all students, teachers of earthly blessings - always be happy, we wish you good luck and good

(performing the song of leaders and younger students “Thank you, teachers!”

Tell us about yourself?

Spin the drum. Name the word. Oh, unfortunately there is no such word.


Dear (th) ______________________________________!

We really want you to take part in the game "Field of Miracles".

You will tell a little about yourself by answering a few questions (such are the rules of this game).

Who is your favorite writer?

What do you like to do in your free time?

Do you like music, if so, what kind?