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Eidetic techniques in the educational activities of preschoolers. Eidetics for adults

Eidetic - what is it? Eidetics for children. Development Exercises

Eidetic - what is it? Eidetics for children. Development Exercises

October 11, 2015

We live in an information society – every day each of us plunges into the flow of information. This stream pours on each of us from everywhere: from TV, the Internet, books, e-mail, newspapers, magazines, billboards, etc.

It is so great that several years ago the terms “information stress” and “information overload” appeared in psychology. It is impossible, and unnecessary, to assimilate all the “incoming” information. But learning how to work with it competently can become a very useful skill in modern realities, namely, to quickly analyze, filter out the unnecessary, and firmly assimilate the important. It is necessary for adults and, of course, especially for children.

Curricula have changed. Modern students during their schooling must acquire a volume of knowledge several times greater than students, say, 30 years ago. To successfully cope with such a load, the level of cognitive (cognitive) and creative abilities must be sufficiently high.

There are modern techniques that help children develop thinking, speech, memory, imagination. In this article we will talk about one of them - eidetics.

Translated from Greek, "eidos" means "image". eidetic is a teaching technique that develops the ability to think in images, teaches methods remembering information , promotes development of the imagination .

The terms “eidetism” and “eidetic” were introduced into science by the Serbian scientist Viktor Urbancic in 1907. The eidetic was further developed and formalized as a technique in the 1920s as a result of research by the German scientist Eric Jensch and his associates.

In Russia, domestic psychologists Pavel Petrovich Blonsky, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky and Alexander Romanovich Luria were engaged in the study and practical use of eidetics. But, due to controversy in the scientific community about some provisions, research was frozen until the present.

However, since the late 1990s, interest in the methodology has returned again - in 1989, the first school was opened in Russia eidetics for children and adults . Its founder is Matyugin Igor Yurievich. Here they learn to work with information, memorize large amounts of text using a special technique, develop memory, imaginative thinking and imagination.

And, finally, to date, eidetics has received quite official recognition - about 5,000 instructors-teachers are successfully working in the world.

Eidetics - methods

We will talk about the most effective and popular tools for practicing with children.

  1. visual drawing method. Works well when learning numbers and letters. It lies in the fact that the contour of the sign is complemented by details and, thus, it turns into some kind of object. For example, from the number 6 you can draw a padlock, from 7 - a poker, and from 8 - glasses. Drawing, the child develops memory and firmly remembers the spelling of numbers or letters, and when he meets an object in his environment, he remembers the sign “encrypted” in it.
  2. mental drawing method. It makes it easier for children to memorize texts and poems. Before memorizing lines, children need to be “immersed” in the atmosphere described in them. Let's take, for example, a well-known excerpt from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by A.S. Pushkin about the Lukomorie. Ask the children to imagine the seashore, smell the sea water, hear the sound of the surf. Then the children imagine that a huge perennial oak grows near the shore, girded with a heavy golden chain, and a cat slowly walks along the chain.
  3. A method of remembering accurate information. It includes mnemonics, memorization based on associations, chain method and acroverbal technique.

Mnemonics are techniques for memorizing complex information by changing its form. A good example of a mnemonic technique is the well-known phrase "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." In this sentence, the first letter of each word indicates the color of the spectrum in the order in which they appear in the rainbow.

Chain method - consists in building chain associative links, that is, those when one association follows from another and thereby helps to reproduce information in the correct sequence. The selection of associations can be made an entertaining game.

Acroverbal technique(“akro” in Greek means “edge”, “verbo” means a word) is based on the transformation of the material that needs to be remembered into interesting texts, poems, songs, etc. For example, irregular English verbs are easier to learn in poetic form:

Look, slingshot Balamut

In your pocket put-put-put (put)

And begin-began-begun (begin)

Hooligan bully!

The technique turns memorization into an involuntary process. Instead of tedious and boring cramming, children are busy playing a fun game.

It is desirable to use these methods not only for teachers and educators, but also for parents in the course of daily joint games and communication. Based on them, you can come up with good and interesting tasks aimed at developing memory, figurative thinking, speech, fantasy, and visual memory in children.

Eidetics for children - exercises

You can work with a child using eidetic exercises from 3-4 years old. It is important that the child himself shows interest in classes - then science will go for the future. The most important condition is the desire of the child and his joyful mood during training. Never force your child to exercise against his will.

Here are a few exercises that children will surely enjoy, and parents will be able to come up with something of their own based on them.

Tasks with cards.

Write your own story

Give the child 5-7 pictures and ask them to compose a fairy tale (story) so that the objects depicted are found in it. You can complicate the task by the fact that the fairy tale should be on a specific topic, for example, New Year, summer, adventures at sea, etc.

What's gone

Lay out the cards on the table in front of the child, carefully examine the drawings with him. Then ask the baby to turn away, and in the meantime you remove one card from the table and change the arrangement of the others. When the child turns around, he will have to find out which card has disappeared.

  1. Games for the development of visual perception


Look at an object with your child, such as a cup. But you need to look like researchers, that is, pronouncing as many external characteristics as possible: color, shape, material, drawing, inscriptions, damage, and so on.


Think of some object that is in your field of vision with the baby. Let the child try to guess by asking leading questions. In order for the child to better understand the rules of the game, you can change roles with him: let him first guess the subject himself, and you will ask questions.

  1. Games for the development of auditory perception

What does it sound like

Show the baby one by one the objects and musical instruments that can make sounds and hide them in the box. Then make a sound with one of the objects and ask the baby to name which object sounds like that.

Sounds all around us

Sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen with your baby to all the sounds around you for 10-15 minutes.

Who lives in the house

Take the box - it will be a house. Put animals or cards with their images in it. Ask the child to say who lives in the house. At the same time, you need to make onomatopoeic sounds of animals: meow, woof, mu-mu, and so on.

  1. Games that develop the perception of smells

Guess the flavor

Arrange smelling spices, herbs, coffee, products in matchboxes. Ask your child to guess what is in the box by smell. You can diversify the task - make 2 boxes with the same contents and give the task by smell to find boxes with the same content without opening them.

In addition, you can ask the child to describe the smell or, if the task is difficult, tell him yourself. For example, the smell of garlic is sharp and sharp, while the smell of lemon is fresh and invigorating.

  1. An exercise in all kinds of perception

Lay out three cards with objects in front of the baby. Name them with him and describe their characteristics with respect to all analyzers: visual (how it looks), auditory (what sounds it makes), tactile (what it feels like), gustatory (what it tastes like), kinesthetic (how it moves).

Thus, the baby remembers the image of the object. Turn the cards face down and ask the baby to remember what is drawn where.

    1. Memory development in children

memorize the words

Choose a series of words to remember and ask the child to compose a story from them so that the words in it are in the suggested order. The story can be illogical and fantastic: here it is important to give complete freedom to fantasy.

Remember the move

Children usually love to dance very much, so they will be happy to learn new movements and combinations with you. For better memorization, you can come up with associations to them or associate them with some stories.

Eidetics for kids can be a great foundation and great preparation for school and adulthood, think about it.

Eidetic - the ability to remember vivid images with the ability to reproduce them. To a greater extent, it is developed in children. It is they who are able to clearly imagine any object, feeling it in front of them.

But recent data have shown that thanks to the development of modern technology, most children have ceased to turn on the imagination and have lost the ability to think imaginatively. Fairy tales, which require rich imagination for perception, have been replaced by cartoons, schooling comes down to memorizing rules and formulas, making it impossible to think outside the box. But it is figurative thinking that helps the child develop harmoniously and diversified, concentrate attention and train memory.

School of eidetics has developed special techniques by which it is possible to develop figurative thinking, fantasy, memory and imagination in a child.

  • Memorization of words. Offer the baby a few words to remember, and then ask him to make an unusual story out of them. In this case, the words must necessarily follow in the order in which you offered them to him. The story can be anything, the main thing is that non-standard thinking is shown.

You can also ask the child to reproduce a list of things that he should wear for a walk. Things should follow in the order in which the baby puts them on.

Try to come up with a short and simple rhyme with your child. When pronouncing the verse, he must clearly represent the picture. It's even better if you ask your child to draw the presented picture using bright colors. It is not necessary to invent a verse on your own, especially since not everyone can do it. You can take any quatrain.

  • Memory of movements. To develop imagination, learn dances and various movements with your child. They can be associated with interesting cartoon stories. Gradually, the child himself will begin to invent similar stories and movements.
  • Memorization of images and pictures. Teach your child to turn their thoughts into a story. To do this, you will need cards with images of houses, animals, nature, household utensils, plants, etc. Let the child come up with a story for each 10 pictures on a different topic.

Eidetics will help in the future to learn letters faster, memorize syllables, add words and compose sentences. Play with the baby in association: name words or phrases, and let him name the words with which he associates them.

Associative drawing method. Children are known to remember images better than words. Therefore, use this method to memorize difficult poems and words, as well as to learn a foreign language. Looking at the poem, your child will be able to mentally imagine the poem and memorize the sequence of words.

  • Volume perception. You can try for a long time to acquaint the baby with the concept of form, showing a ball, a cube, and other geometric objects, but this lesson will seem boring and incomprehensible to him. Best of all, try to connect elements of games and fantasy to memorization. With the help of the game, you can achieve the desired results much faster.
  • Educational games. Put several items on the table, including cubes, balls, books, pens, pencils, toys, etc. Ask the child to name each thing and try to remember them. Then rearrange the items in places and cover with a scarf. The kid has to guess where the object is. To make it easier to remember, he can again compose a story.

Eidetika: books

To choose the right technique, you can resort to books that will help develop memory, thinking and imagination.

  • How to develop a good memory?

The main highlight of the book is the memorization of fairy tales, poems with the help of a pictogram. The publication contains funny stories about animals and cartoon characters. This book will tell parents how to properly develop children's imagination and memory. Teachers will be able to find a plan to align classes with the curriculum. Psychological games will relieve the tense situation.

  • "How to develop attention?"

The advantage of the book is simple advice and accessibility. It is written in a playful manner and is a system of exercises aimed at developing memory and attention. The tips in this book will help not only children, but also adults. You will learn to memorize only what you need.

  • "How to memorize words?"

The book provides tips to help you remember the correct spelling of words. The authors of the publication offer interesting tricks based on fantasy and imagination that allow you to quickly memorize words. Methods will allow you to learn more than 120 vocabulary words and quickly learn to write correctly. There is a crossword puzzle at the end of the book.

  • How to memorize English words?

The book gives simple tips for memorizing English words. With its help, you and your children can easily learn a foreign language. In addition to original memorization methods, the book contains many English words with associations matched to them.

In the 21st century, the flow of information is so great that only a person with extraordinary abilities can process and remember it. In this regard, one of the most striking current problems of modern education is the impact of information stress on children's health.

One of its solutions may be to teach children the ability to process information competently. And here you can not do without the development of memory.

Memory is one of the most basic processes of the human psyche, the basis on which the brain creates is the capabilities of a person, his thinking.

Memory is a reflection of a person's experience by remembering, preserving, recognizing, reproducing.

In most educational institutions, the methods of teaching children are mainly based on logical thinking and mechanical memory. In the lower grades of the school: the multiplication table, rules, etc. In the middle and upper grades, dates, formulas, diagrams, words and phrases of a foreign language and a large amount of information that need to be memorized and retell are added to this. The question arises: How to remember all this?

We studied various methods of memorizing and processing information and became seriously interested in the school of eidetics.

Eidetic system - memory without borders. "Eidos" in Greek means "image". Eidetism is the ability to very vividly imagine an object that is not in our field of perception. Most people know how to do it. When they remember an object, they seem to see it, feel it, sometimes even sensing a color or smell. The ability to think in images was originally inherent in man, and only with the development of civilization did he accustom himself to memorize not only a picture, an image, but also an abstract symbol in the form of a word or number.

A little history of this direction

Eidetic - was developed during the 20-40s. 20th century in Germany, in the Marburg psychological school by E. Jensch and his like-minded people (W. Jensch, O. Kro, A. Rickel, G. Fischer and others), the theory, the subject of which was eidetism - a special type of human figurative memory.
In our country, for about ten years, from the mid-20s to the mid-30s, domestic scientists (psychologists, pedologists, psychiatrists) studied the eidetic ideas of the Marburg psychological school with great interest and attention, critically comprehending them, subjecting them to empirical and experimental verification. The most prominent experts in eidetics were P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria. However, later, due to a number of circumstances (the degeneration of eidetics in Germany into a racist, unscientific theory, the prohibition of pedology in the USSR in 1936, the Great Patriotic War), eidetic research in our country was completely curtailed.
At present, eidetics can be of scientific interest, as well as have practical significance in describing and explaining the development and functioning of eideticism as a specific type of memory, cognitive ability and personality traits.

The teaching methods offered by eidetics are based on the imaginative thinking of the child, they comply with the laws of nature. Eidetic, contributing to the harmonious development of both hemispheres, makes the child himself more harmonious. He becomes more efficient, learns better, his memory and ability to concentrate increase. The perception of the world and others in the child becomes more positive, and the psyche is more stable. The child's relationship with others improves.

Another important benefit of eidetic learning is that the child learns joyfully. The joy of learning, just like the joy of work, makes the child healthier. This is explained by the fact that when a person is in a state of joyful, positive tension, a natural stimulant endorphin is produced in his body, which helps to increase immunity and efficiency.

Thus, we took the system of eidetics and the main mnemonic techniques as the basis of the memory development program: the chain method, the acroverbal method and the method of places.

Let's consider them in more detail.

The chain method is based on chain associative links. Associations play a vital role in any learning process. One thing leads to another, so that associations help various images to order all the elements of incoming information. By consciously inventing some associations and looking for them in predetermined cases, we thereby strengthen control over the recording of information in memory, which increases the chances of remembering. An ordered network of associations helps to keep material firmly in memory. The search for associations quickly turns into an exciting game.

Acro-verbal method (“acro” - edge, “verbo” - word). Coming up with rhymes, comic phrases in which any information is encrypted.

The place method is based on visual associations: one must clearly imagine the object that is supposed to be remembered, and combine its image with the image of a certain place, which is easily retrieved from memory. This method requires the abandonment of the search for logical associations - after all, the memorization system itself is based on associations dictated by the sequence of objects and places.

This program is aimed at different ages, it will seem interesting and will be effective, both for children of primary school age and for high school students. Only organizational moments will be different.

Classes can be held both “in a circle” and at desks. The main basis of the classes is empathy, confidential communication between students and a psychologist, because they will have to tell their associations, share their secrets.

Program goal: development of figurative memory (an image is an ideal reflection of the material world in the human mind).


  1. To form the ability to memorize multi-digit numbers, names, phone numbers, dates, texts in paragraphs.
  2. Learn basic mnemonic techniques (chain method, acroverbal method, place method).
  3. Development of imagination, emotional sphere.

The main topics of the program for the development of memory with elements of eidetics:

1. “Basic mnemonic techniques”

2. “Chain method”

3. “Acroverbal method”

4. “Method of places”

5. “Memorizing Phones”

6. “Remembering historical dates”

7. “Remembering surnames and names”

8. “Memorizing digital information”

9. “Memorizing text information”

10. “Technique for memorizing poems, literary texts”

I will give an example of a lesson with elements of eidetics, which reveals the essence of the chain method.

Purpose: to teach memorize textual information

  • learn to memorize text information,
  • learn to take into account individual characteristics.
  • Equipment: relaxation music, leaflets, a poster with images of words.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I am very glad to come to your class, when I see your eyes, I am sure that our lesson will be interesting!

2. Relaxation pause “Display”.

(Music.) Stand in pairs, and we will move to the smooth music, turn to face each other, the first option is the leader, the second repeats, and now vice versa!

3. New knowledge.

Can you easily memorize words in order?

Let's check!

I dictate 10 words, you memorize them:

tangerine, light bulb, chair, snow, poplar, yacht, sand, jellyfish, algae, carpet.

And now, put the number 1 and write these words in order.

Look (on the board) for these 10 words and memorize them:

siren, fireplace, horizontal bar, bottle, genie, tree, tape recorder, raft, heating, smile.

Put the number 2 and write down how much you remember. Count how many words under the number 1, and under the number 2, in which case there are more words? If there is one under the number, then you have a leading auditory analyzer, i.e. your ears remember better than your eyes, so get my memo, it will help you remember better! And if there are more words under the number 2, then you have a leading visual analyzer, i.e. your eyes are better at remembering than your ears, so get my memo, it will help you remember better!

So, let's read your memo:

If you have a well-developed visual memory:

1. Remember that it is better for you to always have before your eyes the material with which you are working. The more often you see him, the faster and better you will remember.

2. When solving a problem, always have the text of the problem or a brief condition in front of your eyes.

3. When memorizing poems and various texts, read the material yourself and as many times as you need, and do not ask anyone to do it.

4. When memorizing the rules, make reference tables for the rule, which could be used at home and in the classroom.

If you have a well-developed auditory memory:

1. When memorizing various rules, poems and other texts, it will be easier for you to remember if someone begins to read aloud, and you listen carefully.

3. After reading, you can try to repeat what you read aloud.

4. Relaxation “I am the best!”.

Let's do the exercise "I'm the best!".

So, say in a whisper “I'm the best!”, and now louder, even louder!

Well done, you really are the best!

5. New knowledge.

Now, are you wondering how to memorize words in order with the help of imagination?

So let's memorize the first 10 words in order!

(Music plays.) Listen to my story and try to see it as a cartoon, visualize it! Call on your imagination!

So close your eyes, imagine mandarin- orange, round, sweet, rough, we start to clean it and inside it turns out bulb, we look at it and instead of filaments we see chair, falls on him snow, we pick up snowflakes, admire them, toss them up ... and poplar fluff falls on our heads, we raise our heads and see a big, powerful poplar, which grows up and turns into a mast yachts, the yacht sails on the blue beautiful sea and crashes into sand, ran aground, hear the scraping of the yacht on the sand! Lies on the sand jellyfish, basking in the sun, wrapped around her neck like a scarf seaweed, suddenly the amount of algae increases, they fill the whole space and weave into a fancy carpet...

So, I read the words, and you remember my story.

6. Verification.

Write down these words...

7. Homework.

Ask your parents to dictate 10 words to you at home, and you will surprise them by remembering everything in our secret way!

8. Summing up.

What will you remember from today's lesson? Will you use these tricks!

Put on your left hand what you got today from the lesson, and on your right hand what you put into it and applaud yourself!!!


Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N. Dominant of 2000. - Minsk: Universitetskaya, 1997.

2. Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N. Attention training. - Minsk: Universitetskaya, 1997.

3. Buzan T. Supermemory - Per. from English; Hood. region M. V. Drako. - 2nd ed. - Mn.: Potpourri LLC, 2001.

4. Buzan T. Speed ​​memory. - Per. from English, 1998.

5. Hancock J. Self-instruction manual for the development of memory. // M.: EKSMO-Press, 2002.

6. Matyugin I.Yu. Chekaberia E.I. Memorization of numbers, telephones, historical data.-M.: Eidos, 1995.

7. Matyugin I.Yu. Chekaberia E.I. Remembering faces and names. -M.: Eidos, 1994.

“Eidetic,” as L.S. Vygotsky, - psychologists call a new direction of the doctrine of subjective visual images observed in children and adolescents in a certain phase of their development, and also sometimes preserved, mostly as an exception, in adults. Eidetic memory is a special type of memory. Eidetic, or visual, memory images are the result of the aftereffect of excitation of the sense organs by external stimuli. They are similar to representation in that they arise in the absence of an object, but they are characterized by a visualization that is inaccessible to ordinary representation. According to the figurative expression of W. James, with eidetic memory, “the brain perceives like wax, but retains it like marble.” The essence of the eidetic phenomenon lies in the fact that a person has the ability to see in the literal sense of the word on an empty screen an absent picture or object that was previously in front of his eyes. Eidetic images occupy, as it were, an intermediate position between after-images and representations, approaching one or the other in individuals.

The scientific study of a person's ability to experience vivid images began quite recently - at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1907, the Viennese doctor V. Urbancic drew attention to the ability of hard of hearing people to retain images of objects in their memory for several days. The next day, they described the contents of the pictures presented to them in such detail, as if they continued to see the pictures in front of them. V. Urbanchich did not connect it with the reserve capabilities of memory, but considered it a pathology, since he observed this phenomenon in sick children. He called this phenomenon "the subjective-optical image". However, this discovery did not interest psychologists. In 1911, the German professor Eric Jensch (1883 - 1940) took up the study of this phenomenon. He created a group of like-minded people at the Marburg Psychological Institute, which included his brother Walter Jensch, Oswald Koro, H. Freiling and others. E.

Jensch introduced his own name for the phenomenon discovered by V. Urbanchich - eidetism, and for the owner of this ability - eidetic (from the Greek word "eidos" - image).

At present, eidetism is considered as a kind of figurative memory, expressed in the preservation of vivid, visual images of objects after the termination of their interaction with the senses. As E. Jensch has shown, eidetic images have a polymodal nature. He described visual, auditory and tactile eidetism. Olfactory eidetism was already mentioned by G. Hesse, and gustatory eidetism is well known to gourmets.

In order to better imagine the position of eidetism among other psychological and psychophysiological phenomena, E. Jensch proposed an analogy with various shades of orange, which form a continuous series between red and yellow. Like this eidetic image occupies an intermediate position between sensation and representation.

According to a number of researchers, all people have eidetic ability to varying degrees. Moreover, some scientists believe that eidetism is a natural stage in the development of a child, the peak of eidetism falls on 11-16 years. It is believed that in adults it is less pronounced and only a few have this ability for life. Eidetic abilities were noted by some learned artists and writers: I.V. Goethe, D. London, V. Uundt, E. Mach, as well as A. Bely, V. Pilnyak, A. Tolstoy, K. Fedin, O. Forsh and others. Yes, K.

Fedin says: “First of all, I hear what I am writing,” and A. Tolstoy says about the images: “I physically saw them.” A. Einstein could figuratively “see” the strength of current, voltage and other abstract physical quantities. When asked how he came to discover the theory of relativity, he said that he imagined himself racing at the speed of light, observing how the earth and everything that happens to it looks in this state.

L.S. showed great interest in the works of the Marburg School. Vygotsky, who highly valued E. Jensch as a researcher-experimenter. In his opinion, "E. Jensch's study of memory can serve as a model ... of experimental psychology penetrating into psychological research."

In a chapter specially devoted to eidetism, in the work “Basic Currents in Modern Psychology”, L.S. Vygotsky defines the essence of this phenomenon as follows: it is the ability to “see, in the literal sense of the word, on an empty screen an absent picture or object…”. L.S. Vygotsky shares O. Kro's opinion that for the children of Central Europe the proportion of clearly expressed eidetics is about 40%, and if children with latent eidetics are included in the number of eidetic children, i.e. hidden eidetic form, the proportion of eidetics will be almost 100%.

In "Pedology of a teenager" L.S. Vygotsky goes much further and considers eidetism as a natural stage of normal child development. He believes that "... visual eidetic images are characteristic of childhood, in particular, there is reason to believe that they are most characteristic of the earliest childhood"; “in eidetic images, according to L.S. Vygotsky, in an undivided form, the beginnings of three future independent functions are contained: memory, imagination and thinking, - and ... it is impossible to draw a precise line between the three processes. L.S. Vygotsky agrees with E. Jensch that “figurative representations are… like a transitional stage from perception to representations.

They usually disappear with the end of childhood, but they do not disappear without a trace, but turning, on the one hand, into a visual basis for representations, and on the other, entering into perception as constituent elements. “Memory passes from eidetic images to forms of logical memory, ... it is characteristic for eidetic images that they do not disappear at all from the sphere of intellectual activity of a teenager, but move, as it were, to another sector of the same sphere. Ceased to be the main form of memory processes, they become at the service of imagination and fantasy, thus changing their basic psychological function. Eidetic manifestations reach their maximum by 11-12 years. With the onset of adolescence at the age of 15-16, visual images begin to disappear. In this L.S. Vygotsky saw the influence of the development of speech when concepts begin to take the place of former images. (L. Vygotsky, S. Gellerstein, B. Fingert, M. Shirvind "Basic Theories of Modern Psychology" 1930)

Method of "Visual drawing"

The "Visual drawing" method is a method of visually connecting a symbol with a real image or object that is visible at the moment. Seeing this real object or image again, a person can reproduce the memorized symbol. By the concept of "visual connection" we mean the mental drawing of the contour of a symbol on any surface. This method is usually used to memorize numbers and simple symbols. Let's take the following example. Look at this picture and find in it elements similar to the number “7”. Moreover, the figure can be not only in the usual position, but also lie on its side, hang upside down, be small or large, clearly visible or poorly. All this does not matter. The main thing is to find it. So let's take a closer look. That's great, found it. And now let's complicate the task, now find in the picture three numbers “4”, “2” and “9”, located either from top to bottom or from right to left. There is a certain tension, but after a while everything will work out. This method was first proposed by I.Yu. Matyugin in the book "How to develop a good memory."

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Slides captions:

This is "Eidetics as a method of developing the figurative memory of schoolchildren"

"Memory is the pantry of the mind, in which there are many partitions, and therefore it is necessary to put everything where and how it should be." A. Suvorov

Level of figurative memory development level I don’t see 0 Barely noticeable features that quickly disappear 1 A clear black-and-white image, but unstable 2 A stable black-and-white image 3 A stable color image 4 You can see a stable color image with open eyes 5 You can change its color, shape and etc. 6

German scientist Eidetism Translated from Greek, the word "eidos" - "image" E. Jensch

Eidetika I. Yu. Matyugin

phonetic associations. B irch tree B y o r e v illage I n g e r e o n Children Dog W omen P a lite Street

Another word is hidden in the word. Felt boots Sparkles Suddenly Burn Fox Cloud Nightingale Dinner

graphic associations. P UG VITSA IN THE Descent To Peika Dandelion

Compilation of puzzles. Eight - in 7 Hare - C Ya

0 2 2 x 0 = 0 1 2 x 1 = 2

S poon Shoe Shore Cock Carrot

π We Give Juicy Lemons, Enough for Vall Ix. (~3.14159265358…) M (1000), D (500), C (100), L (50), X (10), V (5), I (1)

I can't bear to get married. The gypsy on tiptoe yelled at the chicken: "Shush." The girl has someone else's brocade slipper - not good. Saves peppered stew for the night. I put on clothes, I put on - Hope. Not wonderful, not wonderful, but terrible and dangerous to write the letter “T” in vain in the words “tasty, interesting”

We All Know: Julia's Mom Sat On Pills In The Morning Starting from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (Pluto is a dwarf planet since 2006).

Every child is special, talented, gifted. Each child has his own potential of opportunities and a field of activity in which he can become a leader. And the sooner he realizes and feels his abilities and talents, the more chances he has to achieve success.

Methods for solving creative problems


(1 slide) Master-class of Belova Larisa Alexandrovna, teacher of secondary school No. 31 in Kartaly.

(2 slide) Topic: "Eidetics as a method of developing the figurative memory of schoolchildren"

  1. Introduction to the topic

Our memory is a big storeroom. When we go in there and see a huge pile of different things, what do we pull out? The most colorful and eye-catching things. Russian commander A. Suvorov noticed that

(3 slide) " Memory is the pantry of the mind, in which there are many partitions, and therefore it is necessary to quickly put everything where and as it should." How we'll talk about it now.

(4 slide) I decided to start with test . Close your eyes and imagine any flower. You can, for example, a rose.


I do not see

Barely visible features that quickly disappear

Clear black and white image, but unstable

Sustainable black and white image

Stable color image

You see a stable color image with your eyes open

You can change its color, shape, etc.

If you have managed to clearly imagine the image of a flower, then you have an important condition for the formation of the experience of over-remembering information, if you failed, then you have to learn. In adults, images are more difficult.

(5 slide) It is worth recalling that there is the following asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres: the right hemisphere is emotional, imaginative, the left hemisphere is logical. Our task is to teach both hemispheres to work simultaneously in order to learn to perceive the world with all the senses.

"Image" in Greek "eidos".

(6 slide) Eidetism - a kind of figurative memory - is a natural and convenient, and simply a necessary ability to very vividly imagine an object that is not in our field of perception. The term "eidetism" was introduced by the German psychologist Erich Jensch.

  1. The eidetic method is a way of developing figurative memory.

What is the principle, the essence of the methodology? The eidetic method is based on the principle of figurative associations, thanks to which a child can memorize material faster, better, save it and easily reproduce it.

Remember how easy it was for us to remember jokey type definitions:(7 slide) "The bisector is such a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half." And we remember all the colors of the rainbow all our lives according to a simple joke “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting”?Every designer wants to know where to download photoshop.The thing is that, pronouncing these verses, we clearly imagine a rat running into a corner, and a “rainbow” pheasant. An image accessible to the imagination + positive emotions - as a result, a bright “file” with the necessary information is stored in the memory for a long time. It is noteworthy that this is how the memory of a preschool child works. Such a mental feature must be used in training.(8 slide) There have been Schools of Eidetics since 1989 - author Igor Yuryevich Matyugin.

3. Exercises, games that allow you to better develop the figurative memory of children for learning, developing their personality, improving mood.

All people have eidetic ability to varying degrees, but it is children who are able to find eidetic images faster and more vividly - a feature of age. This mental feature of primary school teachers is used in the classroom. For memorizing letters, numbers, multiplication tables, spelling of dictionary and other words that are difficult to write, etc. The value of this method is that the children themselves, faster than us, they have a need for this, select associations. Techniques and methods for memorizing vocabulary words can be divided into several groups. Here are some of them:

(9 slide) 1. Phonetic associations (according to the similarity of sound).The bottom line is the successful selection of consonant associations to the memorized word. May be accompanied by a bright pattern that reinforces the image.Warm-up training for "rusted" gray cells. Patch a "hole in the head"

Birch - white birch

Ticket - the bus signals: " BBC, buy bi years!”

Village - de d in the village

Iron - well, I can barely cut

Guys - reb yata decide reb us

The dog lived co baka, she loved to sleep, she was nicknamed So nya

Woman cooks cabbage soup

Plate - tar tree is tar a

Street - on the faces I meet friends persons a

(10 slide) 2. Another word is hidden in the word.

Felt boots - felt boots at Lenka's

Sparkles - in a new dress with Verka em Verka

In friend - friend-friend

To burn - woe is woe!

Fox - Brother Fox

Cloud - on cloud e varnish

Swimmer - a swimmer swims in a swim

Nightingale - nightingale wei sings solo

Dinner - supper for dinner n?

Room - Nata lives

(11 slide) 3. Graphic associations /by image similarity/

(12 slide) 4. Drawing up puzzles.

Eight - in 7

Hare - Yats (behind the letter i the letter c)

(Katya and Kolya are neat)

We create with children in the classroom, forgetting about the seriousness of what is happening. And memorizing vocabulary words turns into an exciting game. The result of suchsystematic(it is necessary to start such work from the very first word) The work is the memorization of dictionary words, which gives teaching without coercion. And this is what every teacher strives for.

Math lesson.(13 slide)

What do you think zero looks like?

On the ball, on the hoop, on the bagel, on the wheel, ... - the child answers.

Yes! Well done! And zero looks like a huge hat. Where zero hid in it.

What about two?

If you cover a goose with a hat, then the hat will remain, i.e. 2 x 0 = 0.

Rule: When multiplying any number by zero, it will be zero.

If the goose looks in the mirror, he will see himself, i.e. 2 x 1 = 2.

Rule: When multiplying any number by one, the number itself will be.

You will say: the elementary school teachers are lucky! The development of figurative memory occurs up to 11-16 years.

(14 slide) Eidetics helps in learning anything: mathematics, history, literature, chemistry, physics, foreign languages! Reception of mnemonics.

For example, it is difficult for a child to remember the word "spoon" in English - spoon. But for this it is enough just to imagine something extraordinary, fun. For example, a person who likes to sleep - SPUN - sleeps curled up in a spoon.

Ship - a ship. A ship with such spikes is very prickly.

Shoe - boot, shoes. The shoes were noisy.

Shore - coast. The whole beach was just strewn with shorts.

Cock - rooster. Our rooster works as a cook (cook) on the ship.

Carrot - carrots. The mole gnaws fresh carrots with a great appetite.

(15 slide) Chemistry.

Mendeleev's table of chemical elements came in a dream not by chance. He must have been running images of Hydrogen and some evil Beryllium in his head for a long time.

To facilitate memorization, a story is invented in which the elements of the periodic table become, as it were, heroes, or are used for practical purposes, for example:

“Native water (Hydrogen) was mixed with Gel (Helium) to Pouring (Lithium). Yes, take and lei (Beryllium) to Pine Forest (Bor), where Asian (Nitrogen) peeps out from under the Corner of the native (Carbon), and with such a Sour face (Oxygen) that Secondary (Fluorine) did not want to look. But We didn’t need him (Neon), so we walked three (Sodium) meters and ended up in Magnolia (Magnesium), where Alya in a mini (Aluminum) skirt was smeared with Cream (Silicon) containing Phosphorus (Phosphorus) so that she would stop to be Sulfur (Sera). After that, Alya took Chlorine (Chlorine) and washed the ship of the Argonauts (Argon).

Mixing acid and water. In cases of preparing solutions of strong acids, according to safety regulations, the acid must be poured into water, but in no case vice versa. To memorize this laboratory technique, there are several mnemonic rules:

Pour acid over water

And then not long before trouble!

To memorize the valency of some chemical elements, the following mnemonic poem exists:

Iron, aluminum, chromium - their valency is three.

Sodium, potassium, silver - monovalent good.

Sodium, potassium and argentum are forever monovalent.

(16 slide) Mathematics. The median is a monkey that says hello to everyone and divides the opposite side of the triangle into two equal parts.

What is the numerical expression for the magnitude of the numberπ (~3.14159265358…). Memorization is easier if you use its poetic form.

"So that we don't make mistakes,

Gotta read it right

Three, fourteen, fifteen

Ninety-two and six"

To fix in memory the alphabetic designations of Roman numerals in descending order, you can use, for example, the following phrase: We Give Juicy Lemons, Enough for all Ix. Accordingly M (1000), D (500), C (100), L (50), X (10), V (5), I (1)

Russian language (17 slide)

Already married unbearable - a mnemonic phrase for memorizing adverbs without b

The gypsy tiptoed to the chicken: “Syts” is a mnemonic phrase for memorizing the words with sy after ts.

The girl has a stranger's brocade of a shoe k is not good. coast yo vku - mnemonic phrases to facilitate memorization, in which cases O and Yo are written under stress after hissing.

I put on clothes, I put on - Nadezhda - to remember the use of "dress" and "put on".

Not wonderful, not wonderful, but terrible and dangerous write the letter "T" in vain in the words tasty, interesting"- This phrase contains 7 words where "T" is not written between "C and H".


Newton's three laws:

1) do not kick - will not fly

2) as you kick, so it will fly

3) as you kick, so you get

Astronomy. The name and order of the planets of the solar system, starting from the Sun:









(Pluto has been a dwarf planet since 2006).

(18 slide) We All Know: Yulia's Mom Sat On Pills In The Morning

Geography. Major islands of Japan.

Dear Hokkaido! I love you Khonshu. For your Shikoku, I give you Kyushu - to remember the four main islands of Japan.

Hooray, associations! Such associations are easily remembered by a child. Children will enjoy attending your lessons.

In life, we also use this method and techniques of mnemonics.

Traffic Laws

The order of transferring the clock hands to summer / winter time is determined by the rule of the first letters:(19 slide) “BB - forward in the spring, OO - back in the fall” (abbreviated: “BB OO”).

4. Conclusions

This technique increases the motivation of learning, as it leads to cooperation and joint creativity of the student and teacher. Try this technique, you have no idea how interesting and exciting it is! How many different emotions children splash out in such a creative search, which is very important in independent or joint! The strength of the method is in its simplicity!

(20 slide)

Every child is special, talented, gifted.
Every child has their own potential
and the area of ​​activity in which he can become a leader.
And the sooner he realizes and feels his abilities
and talents, the more likely he is to succeed.

(21 slide) Literature.

Put on your left hand what you received, and on your right hand what you invested and applaud yourself!!!

Memory menu:

When we think, feel, or remember, the brain uses up energy. And to get this energy, nerve cells burn sugar molecules. If the brain is regularly supplied with carbohydrates, for example, from bread, potatoes or pasta, it remains active - the ability to concentrate functions flawlessly. If in the morning you sit down at your desk after drinking only a cup of coffee, the nerve cells do not have fuel, so the thought control center does not work at full capacity.

Your brain needs proper nutrition as much as your stomach. Memory and the duration of intellectual life depend on good nutrition. Especially necessary for brain cells to maintain a good memory:

unsaturated fatty acids.They make up a third of the brain. If they are not enough, brain cells, neurons, do not work well and can even completely erase memories. Thanks to these acids, blood circulates better, which means that more nutrients enter the cells. Suppliers"good" fats - fish oil and some vegetable oils:sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, olive, as well as nuts and seeds. Fatty meat, margarine, on the contrary, supply "forgetful" fat.

Carbohydrates. They provide glucose - the "fuel" of neurons.

Proteins (proteins).They contain essential amino acids for the nerves and brain. Recommended fish, cereals and legumes: brown rice, lentils, red beans.

Vitamins. B vitamins are leaders in nourishing the brain and nervous system. They play a major role in the process of memorization, they are constantly needed. Moreover, they are necessary for the proper metabolism of proteins.
Vitamin E is necessary for energy supply and (together with vitamin A) protection of cells, including the brain, for fat metabolism. It can even, for example, slow down memory loss in Alzheimer's disease.

Macro- and microelements.The most important for memory are iron, magnesium, necessary for emotional balance and concentration of attention, zinc.

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences found that the lack of zinc, iron, iodine, vitamins B1, B2, B9, A, E is one of the most important violations of the nutritional status of Russians (up to 80% of people do not get them in the right amount).
(22 slide) Thank you all!!!