Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Natural economic zones. Large natural regions of Russia

Time to complete the work 10 - 12 minutes.

2) soils are less fertile

3) winter is milder

4) summer is cooler

Subject "».

The test work was compiled on the basis of the notebook-examiner of the UMK "Spheres" in geography.

Keys to test work.

1. 1) - 1 point

2. 3) - 1 point

3. 3) - 1 point

4. B, C, A - 2 points

5. Laying at a height of several meters from the ground or underground - 1 point

6. 1) - 1 point

7. Steppes and forest-steppes, because the most favorable natural conditions - 2 points (1 point for the indicated natural areas and 1 point for the explanation)

Marking criteria: Students who score 9 points are marked "5" (excellent), if the work is done at 8 - 7 points, then the mark "4" (good) is set, for the work that scored 6 and 5 points, the mark "3" is set " (satisfactory). If the work is completed by 4 points or less, then an unsatisfactory mark (“2”) is set.

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“Test: Nature of Russia. Natural economic zones. 8th grade."

Test: Nature of Russia. Natural economic zones. 8th grade.

Time to complete the work 10 - 12 minutes.

1. The main cause of environmental problems in the tundra zone is:

1) mining 2) agricultural activities

3) logging 4) growth of big cities

2. What natural and economic zone of Russia has been most modified by man?

1) tundra 2) taiga 3) steppe 4) semi-desert

3. In the composition of the forest vegetation of the forest-steppe zone of the East European Plain, oaks predominate, and not birch and aspen, as in Western Siberia, because here:

1) the amount of solar radiation is less

2) soils are less fertile

3) winter is milder

4) summer is cooler

4. Arrange natural and economic zones in ascending order of the indicator of the degree of favorable natural conditions for the life of the population.

A) mixed forests B) tundra C) taiga

5. The routes of oil and gas pipelines laid in the tundra zone are an obstacle to the migration of reindeer, their food base is reduced, and natural pastures are being destroyed. Suggest two ways of laying pipelines to solve this problem.

6. A group of foreign tourists decided to have a rest in Russia and spend a week on the shores of the warm sea in a territory with little changed landscape. In which of the listed protected natural areas can they do this?

1) Sochi National Park

2) Far Eastern Marine Reserve

3) reserve "Wrangel Island"

7. Within what natural and economic zones is the population density in Russia the highest? Explain why.

Criteria for evaluating thematic test work for the 8th grade geography course

"Russia: nature, population, economy".

Subject "Nature of Russia. Natural economic zones».

The test work was compiled on the basis of the notebook-examiner of the UMK "Spheres" in geography.

Keys to test work.

1. 1) - 1 point

2. 3) - 1 point

3. 3) - 1 point

4. B, C, A - 2 points

5. Laying at a height of several meters from the ground or underground - 1 point

6. 1) - 1 point

7. Steppes and forest-steppes, because the most favorable natural conditions - 2 points (1 point for the indicated natural areas and 1 point for the explanation)

The maximum number of points is 9.

Marking criteria: Students who score 9 points are marked "5" (excellent), if the work is done at 8 - 7 points, then the mark "4" (good) is set, for the work that scored 6 and 5 points, the mark "3" is set " (satisfactory). If the work is completed by 4 points or less, then an unsatisfactory mark (“2”) is set.

"Natural Resources of the Russian Federation" - In Western Siberia - the world's largest artesian basin. The population of Russia is 2.4% of the population of our planet, and the territory of the Russian Federation is 10% of the earth. In terms of the volume and variety of Russia's natural resources, there are practically no equals in the world. 70% of oil reserves are concentrated in Western Siberia. More than 80% of the gas is also located in the north of Western Siberia.

"Natural conditions and resources" - Baikal. Natural resources. Inexhaustible. 3. Soil. Non-renewable. Mineral Exceptions: peat, table salt. Natural conditions and resources. Per capita figures. Oil reserves in Russia 20 billion tons Production 491 million tons (2007) Resource availability? Biological Soil. Exhaustible.

"Natural materials" - Project participants. Develop an interest in designing from natural materials. Methods and forms of project implementation. Project summary. Develop aesthetic perception, imagination, creativity. Natural material itself is a pantry for fantasy and imagination. Hypothesis. Justification of the project.

"Natural emergencies" - Natural fires. Earthquakes erupting volcanoes. Hydrogeological hazards. Natural disasters. Possible causes of natural disasters. infectious diseases in humans. Low groundwater levels; high groundwater levels. Marine hydrological hazards. Geophysical hazards.

"Types of natural resources" - Abbreviation - SES. Traditional. Tourists are everywhere! Alternative energy sources. Generate over 99% of the world's energy. Solar energy (solar energy). What do we want to learn in class? What other groups can recreational resources be divided into? Mountain resources. solar energy earth heat energy wind energy tidal energy.

"Natural Resources" - Land resources of the world. Opportunities exist in 25-30 locations around the world to build these power plants. Mangrove forests. Land water resources: the problem of fresh water. More than 80% of such forests are found in only 15 states: the Russian Federation, Canada, Brazil, the USA, etc. Gold nuggets. Drinking water has already become a strategic resource.

1 hour.

1.Purpose of work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic: "Economic complex".


3 Task.

1. Answer the questions, write down the answers in a notebook.

2. What does socio-economic geography study?

3. What is an economic complex?

4. How can a person change adverse environmental conditions?

5. For what purpose does a person change the natural conditions of the territory?

4. Literature:

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. Grade 9

Independent work No. 2

Subject: « Factors of economic and geographical location».

1. The purpose of the work « Factors of economic and geographical location ».

2. Evaluation criteria: the work performed is evaluated according to a 5-point system:

3 Task.

1. Write a table in your notebook, and determine the advantages and disadvantages

geographical position of Russia.

Formulate a conclusion about the specifics of the geographical position of Russia.

3.2. Mark on the contour map:

State borders of Russia.

Neighbor countries.

4. Literature:

Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade:, .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru - Geographic portal;


Independent work No. 3

Subject: "Federation subjects».

Time to complete the work - 1 hour.

1. The purpose of the work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic: “Subjects of the Federation ».

2. Evaluation criteria: the work performed is evaluated according to a 5-point system:

3 Task.

1.Draw the scheme "Federal structure of Russia", Fig. 7 textbook

p.24, analyze and write down the names of cities

Federal value.

2. How many subjects of the Federation are in our country

(how many krays, oblasts, autonomous okrugs and autonomous

regions, republics, cities of federal significance)?

3. On what grounds are the subjects of the Federation distinguished?

4. Literature:

Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade:, .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru - Geographic portal;

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. Grade 9

Independent work No. 4

Subject: "Economic regions of Russia».

Time to complete the work - 1 hour.

1. The purpose of the work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic:

« Economic regions of Russia ».

2. Evaluation criteria: the work performed is evaluated according to a 5-point system:

3 Task.

1. What is zoning?

2. How many large natural and economic regions are allocated

on Russian territory?

3.2. Designate natural and economic regions on the contour map

4. Literature:

Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade:, .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru - Geographic portal;

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. Grade 9

Independent work No. 5

Subject: "Recreational resources».

Work execution time - 1 hour .

1. The purpose of the work: development of cognitive abilities and activity of students, deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge on the topic:

« Recreational resources ».

2. Evaluation criteria: the work performed is evaluated according to a 5-point system:

3 Task.

3.1. Answer the questions, write down the answers in a notebook.

1. What resources are called recreational?

2. Study table No. 4 Objects of the World Cultural and

natural heritage on the territory of Russia, page 47 of the textbook.

3.2.Prepare a presentation for 1-2 minutes on the Object of the World

cultural and natural heritage on the territory of Russia -

"Historic Center of St. Petersburg".

4. Literature:

Materials needed to complete the task.

Textbook Geography. Population and economy of Russia. 9th grade:, .– M.: word”, 2014

http://geographer. ru - Geographic portal;

- Atlas. Economic and social geography of Russia. Grade 9

Independent work No. 6


Nature is a complex of interconnected components that are in constant relationship with each other and depend on each other. Changes in one natural chain will necessarily lead to disturbances in related components. There is a constant exchange of resources and energy between individual members of the natural community. The presence of certain relationships is typical for each specific territory. This is how natural areas are formed. They, in turn, affect the economic activity of a person and its features.

The natural economic zone is a group of agricultural regions with similar natural, climatic and economic conditions, industrial specialization and common problems of development of the leading branches of agriculture.

An agricultural region is a group of agricultural enterprises united by a more in-depth degree of detail of natural and economic conditions, with a greater uniformity of production specialization. Agricultural subdistricts are a group of farms that stand out against the background of the region, along with general specialization, also specialization in additional industries (vegetable growing, horticulture, horse breeding, etc. - note ..

Natural zones are natural laboratories in which scientists study the nature of a given territory, explore the possibilities of developing each zone, and predict the possible consequences of human activity on it. Therefore, biosphere reserves and protected areas have been created in each natural zone.

The division of the territory into zones affects human activities. Numerous natural and economic zones of Russia also determine its extensive activities in the economic sphere.
Each zone is subdivided into smaller types. There are also transitional zones, which are characterized by the climatic features of each adjacent region. Therefore, each natural area is inextricably linked with the neighboring one. Violations occurring in a certain region of the country lead to changes not only in climate, but also in the world of animals and plants in another zone.
The characteristic of the natural zones of Russia implies the features of each of them, but they do not have clear boundaries and the division is conditional. In addition, human activities can affect the nature and climate of the environment.

Within Russia, natural zonality is well expressed, manifested in differences in soil cover, vegetation and wildlife. The boundaries of natural zones are mainly elongated along the parallels. On the vast territory of the country, the following natural zones are sequentially presented from north to south: arctic desert, tundra, forest-tundra, forest, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert zone. Altitude zonation is clearly expressed in mountainous regions. However, both the modern appearance and many properties of natural zones differ from the original ones, which is associated with active human economic activity. So, for example, in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, the original vegetation was almost not preserved due to the agricultural activities of people. Therefore, natural zones have essentially turned into natural and economic ones.

According to the development of population density and settlement and the prevailing typology of settlements, the economic development of the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into two main zones - northern and main. In the course of historical development, the lands of the state were developed in the direction from west to east. This is the reason that the level of economic development in the country is decreasing in the same direction.

The northern borders of the main economic zone pass through the following cities: Petrozavodsk, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, the border in the south - Krasnoyarsk - Astrakhan. This zone is characterized by favorable weather conditions and rich natural resources, which have a beneficial effect on the development of the economy. It should be noted that most of the largest cities of the Federation are located in the main economic zone.

In the north of the state is the northern economic zone, which is characterized by harsh climatic conditions. The number of settlements here, as well as the population, is small. The lands of the northern zone are rich in their resources, no less than the lands of the main zone.

However, the harsh climate makes human economic activity difficult, and in some regions makes it completely impossible. The settlement of the northern zone began in the 18th century, but still these lands did not manage to concentrate a large number of people. This zone covers the lands of Eastern Siberia, the northern territories located above Petrozavodsk, as well as the Far East.


    What are the features of the EGP of Russia?

    What is the administrative-territorial division of the state?

    How many subjects of the Federation are in our country?

    What is zoning?

    Area specialization-


    Russia has a maritime border with a) Moldova b) USA c) India d) Mongolia

    Russia has a long land border with a) Belarus b) Kazakhstan c) Ukraine d) China

    Indicate the number of states that have land borders with Russia. A) 11 b) 9 c) 16 d) 18

    What seas are washed by the territory of the Far East?

5. Arrange the natural and economic regions in the order they follow from west to east when moving along 60 0 NL a) Eastern Siberia b) Far East c) Central Russia d) Western Siberia e) European North f) Urals g) European North-West.

Control work "Russia on the world map"

1. EGP-

5. What is zoning?

6. Specialization of the area -

7. Test

a) Japan and Kara b) Barents and Kara c) Bering and Okhotsk d) Laptev and Okhotsk


Control work "Russia on the world map"

1. EGP-

2. What are the features of the EGP of Russia?

3. What is the administrative-territorial division of the state?

4. How many subjects of the Federation are in our country?

5. What is zoning?

6. Specialization of the area -

7. Test

1. Russia has a maritime border with a) Moldova b) the United States c) India d) Mongolia

2. Russia has a long land border with a) Belarus b) Kazakhstan c) Ukraine d) China

3. Indicate the number of states that have land borders with Russia. A) 11 b) 9 c) 16 d) 18

4. What seas are washed by the territory of the Far East?

a) Japan and Kara b) Barents and Kara c) Bering and Okhotsk d) Laptev and Okhotsk

5. Arrange the natural and economic regions in the order they follow from west to east when moving along 60 0 N.L. a) Eastern Siberia b) Far East c) Central Russia d) Western Siberia e) European North f) Urals g) European North-West.
