Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Profession frontend developer netology. The first open soft-tracker

Become a full-stack developer and build a successful career in IT. Internships and employment.

8 months training lasts

8 technologies you will learn during the course

5 projects and 100+ solved tasks in the portfolio after training

110 000 rubles average web developer salary

Employment for graduates and guaranteed internships

What does a web developer do and how to become one

Builds websites in HTML5 and CSS3

This creates a user interface that you can interact with and see the results of the application.

Designs backend in PHP and MySQL

Thanks to the backend, a working system is obtained that is not visible to the user, but ensures the operation of all functions and stores data.

Makes the interface interactive with JavaScript

JavaScript is the language of the web and all major browsers support it. Knowledge of JavaScript is key for any web developer, no matter what technology the back-end is implemented on.

How is the training


    You get only the necessary theoretical base in each direction, without unnecessary information and "water"


    Each acquired skill is fixed in practice. More than 100 mini-problems are solved during the training


    The entire learning process is accompanied by mentors who help with the implementation of practical tasks, sort out mistakes and accelerate your professional growth.


    Thesis is a real working web application project. The diploma can be used in your portfolio as proof of your skills

    Internships and employment

    All graduates of the program undergo internships and are employed in the leading partner companies of Netology

What will you get by studying in Netology?

  • All tasks and projects will become your portfolio, which can be shown to the employer
  • A clear learning path - from the basics to a deep understanding of all required technologies
  • Ongoing support and feedback from mentors and experts
  • Diploma of the established form on the completion of the training program (based on the state license No. 037356 dated April 06, 2016)
  • Career assistance, internships and employment through the Netology Career Development Center
  • Access from your personal account to all materials of the training program, online and on record
  • Discounts and special offers from Netology partners
  • Personal feedback on practical work


Block 1. HTML layout

Skills you will get

  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Using Adobe Photoshop for Web Development Tasks
  • Ensuring cross-browser compatibility
  • Full site layout
  1. Introduction to HTML
    Fundamentals of client-server interaction, basic HTML markup, familiarity with CSS, basic developer tools.
  2. HTML markup basics
    Block and inline elements, semantic markup of the document, behavior of blocks in a flow, positioning of blocks.
  3. Introduction to CSS
    CSS selectors, element styling, controlling the size and position of blocks on the page, margins and padding.
  4. Organization of work on the layout and code
    Block layout order, layout results testing, layout evaluation criteria, naming principle for variables, classes, methods, familiarity with JavaScript.
  5. Approximation of the layout result to the layout
    Adobe Photoshop for web development tasks, layers, layout units, image formats, optimization techniques, setting up useful macros.

Block 2. PHP backend development

Skills you will get

  • MySQL
  • Knowledge of templates and frameworks
  1. PHP Syntax
    Learning the basic language constructs, installing an interpreter, working with the interactive console and running php scripts. Syntax of the basic language constructs, describing the simplest algorithms, arrays of any complexity. Getting to know objects, manipulating strings, arrays and files using standard php functions.
  2. PHP on a web server
    Creating dynamic HTML pages, data from HTML forms and organizing file uploads, sending headers to PHP, storing user data, and implementing authorization on the site.

  3. Basics of OOP and features of OOP implementation in PHP. Creating classes, objects and using them in your applications. The use of inheritance for a more competent organization of the code, work with the "magic" methods of the class.
  4. MySQL
    Installing MySQL server, executing SQL queries from PHP to MySQL. Application for solving problems 4 main types of queries, table structure, combining data from several tables, aggregate functions and grouping.
  5. Framework overview
    Building applications using a templating engine, the basics of the Twig templating engine, and the main benefits of frameworks.

Block 3. JavaScript programming language

Skills you will get

  • JavaScript Basics
  • Functions and function expressions
  • Closures and Variable Scope
  • Prototypes and Inheritance
  • var and let variables and constants
  • Class Syntax
  • Iterators
  • Generators
  • Promises
  1. Syntax
    Basic features of the language. Variables, constants, control structures and loops. Data types and their transformations.
  2. Language Features
    Functions in JavaScript as a separate data type. Using the features of functions (creating a closure and calling context). Functional programming, pure functions and currying.
  3. Designer and prototype
    Creation of code using many objects of the same type, constructor and prototype.
    prototype inheritance.
    Syntax using classes for coherence and code cleanliness.
  4. Promises, generators and iterators
    Protection of the code from emergency situations. Handling exceptions and creating your own exceptions.
    Asynchronous call, use of promises to protect against failure in the callback function.

Block 4. JavaScript in the browser and Web API

Skills you will get

  • Browser and Document Object Model (BOM and DOM)
  • Deep understanding of how events work and how they are handled
  • Asynchronous HTTP requests (AJAX)
  • Web sockets (WebSocket)
  1. JavaScript to Browser
    Adding browser functionality to the standard JavaScript capabilities - Web API.
    Connecting a script to an HTML document and using the possibilities to “animate” the document: adding changes, responding to user actions.
  2. Forms and asynchronous requests
    Using JavaScript code when working with forms. Real-time form validation, sending data to the server without refreshing the entire page.
  3. Web sockets and local storage
    Working with local storage. Creating a web interface on the principle of a desktop application, using the ability to remember the state and recreate it when the page is updated.
  4. Canvas
    Using the Canvas component (canvas) to draw with a script. Learning the basic functionality available in JavaScript for drawing graphs and visualizing information.
  5. Files and media resources
    Work with a script and gain access to files with user permission (when selecting a file using the file upload field), access to files in a special sandbox, access to a webcam, microphone and geolocation
  6. History and debugging of the web application
    Work with browser tools that allow you to find errors and debug code as efficiently as possible. Work both with the tool itself and with techniques that allow you to quickly find the problem. Practice on interacting with asynchronous HTTP requests and web sockets.

Block 5. Creating a full-fledged web application

  1. Graduate work
    At the end of the course, a course project awaits you. The project is carried out independently according to the terms of reference. Each student works under the guidance of an experienced mentor. The project must pass acceptance tests and a rigorous code review, meet the requirements for code design. And most importantly, he must solve the problem.

After training on the program, you will receive 100+ implemented widgets and 5 full-fledged projects in your portfolio

Key Skills a Student Gets

  • HTML markup and styling with CSS
  • Cross-browser layout based web pages
  • Imaging optimization
  • Application of the principles of client-server interaction
  • Solve problems using JavaScript
  • Create interactive web pages
  • Event Handling
  • Document structure management
  • Controlling audio and video playback on a page
  • Local storage (localStorage)
  • Web sockets
  • Drawing in Canvas
  • Working with files and media resources
  • Building Single Page Web Applications (SPAs)
  • PHP Syntax, PHP on Web Server
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Working with SQL queries
  • Templates and frameworks
  • Control of changes in the project code and collaboration on the project of several developers


The average salary of a specialist with such skills is 90,000-130,000 rubles

Web developer from scratch


1. Website layout in HTML and CSS

Within the framework of this block, we will study the semantics of HTML tags, CSS properties for decorating text on a page. Let's dive into all the intricacies of the box model and positioning. Learn how to apply cascading and inheritance in CSS. And as a result of the knowledge gained, you make up a simple page layout from scratch.

Introduction to the discipline


3. JavaScript programming language

After this block, a second programming language will appear in your arsenal. Let's learn the syntax and important features of JavaScript that distinguish it from other languages: closures, function call context, prototypes, and prototypal inheritance. As well as promises that will allow you to make asynchronous code more organized and simple.

4. JavaScript in the browser and Web API

In this block, we will learn how to make pages as interactive as possible. We will master form validation right in the browser, receiving and transmitting data to the server without reloading the entire page. We implement control of audio and video playback using our own controls. And we will also interact with the API implemented by the server part of the web application.

2. PHP backend development

We will learn how to create dynamic sites, separate data and their presentation using HTML markup. Let's start with the PHP syntax of the main language constructs. After that, we will learn how to process web form data and generate images. Let's look at how you can put data into the MySQL database, how to get it from there and how to present it on the page.

Among the most in-demand professions of today is web and front-end developer. Although there are a lot of web development specialists, the demand for them is not falling.

Is it worth studying to be a developer?

There are a lot of web developers out there. But this is not a cause for concern. There are many more users who need help creating a website or changing an existing one. Thus, more than 5,000 sites are registered every day in the .RU domain alone. All these are new domains, which means potential customers. Considering that it takes several months to develop a good site (ready-made CMS + ready-made template are not considered as such), there will be enough work for everyone.

How to become a web developer

There are different ways: right and wrong. First, the wrong ones. You can read a WordPress manual or even a Joomla book, learn how to install these CMS and use pre-made templates and consider yourself a web developer. Only for Joomla on the Web you can find several thousand, if not tens of thousands of free templates. In principle, the end result, the creation of the site, has been achieved: the site has been created and the client, maybe even satisfied.

The problem is elsewhere. Such work is simple and not quite high-quality, therefore it is paid accordingly. Look at freelance exchanges, how much they pay for installing a ready-made CMS and adapting an existing template. If you are a student, an extra penny will not hurt, and such a scenario also has the right to be. But you need to think about the future: everyone wants to earn decent money, and for this you need to be a good specialist in your field.

That is why it is time to move on to considering the correct method of teaching. The right method is to turn to professionals who offer well-packed and filtered content, thanks to which you turn into a junior specialist in just six months.

Of course, you can buy books on HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript and do self-study. But, like self-medication, it has side effects. Firstly, efficiency depends on the right literature, and only a pro can choose it correctly, which you are not yet. Second, you won't have a mentor to ask if something doesn't work out, to point out mistakes and show you how to do it right. Self-learning can take much longer, if only because of the lack of any control. I'll read a book tomorrow, I don't have time today. Familiar? And it’s not a fact that self-study will help in finding a job - there’s no crust!

Meet the professionals

Professionals who can help you turn into a fairly qualified junior developer in just six months can be found at Netology University.

"Netology" is a university for the training and additional education of specialists in the field of Internet marketing, project management, design, interface design and web development.

It is in "Netology" that you can master the professions of a front-end and web developer. It may seem to self-taught and just beginners that these are one and the same, but they are not.

The editor of Netology, Svetlana Shapovalova, understands who a front-end developer is, what he should be able to (or should not), and for which he is paid an excellent salary (or not).

Who is a frontend developer

According to the annual StackOverflow study, the most popular profession among users of the service in 2017 is the Web developer. This category includes all front-end developers.

StackOverflow Data

If you go to the first job search site you come across, for example,, you will get the impression that this is a chameleon specialist.

It all starts with a confusion in the names of vacancies: you can meet “front-end developer”, and “front end developer”, and “front-end developer”, and “front-end developer”, and “web developer”, and “front-end developer”. Sometimes you can even see some “web designer” with requirements for a full-stack developer. There is only one reaction to this: WTF?!

The trouble is that some employers do not distinguish (or do not want to distinguish) a layout designer from a front-end developer - this is understandable from the job descriptions. Let's figure out what skills separate a front-end developer from a "workbench" (makeup artists, don't be offended, you're good too).

Typesetter - a fighter of a narrow front. Its task is to lay out the layout received from the designer using HTML+CSS. He may know a little about JavaScript, but is more often limited to the ability to screw some jQuery plugin.

A front-end developer doesn't just make layouts. He knows JavaScript well, understands frameworks and libraries (and actively uses some of them), understands what is “under the hood” on the server side. He is not afraid of LESS, SASS, GRUNT, GULP preprocessors and assemblers, he knows how to work with DOM, API, SVG objects, AJAX and CORS, he can write SQL queries and delve into data. It turns out a hodgepodge of skills, to which is added an understanding of the principles of UI / UX design, adaptive and responsive layout, cross-browser and cross-platform, and sometimes mobile development skills.

A front-end developer must be able to work with version control (Git, GitHub, CVS, etc.), use graphic editors, “play” with templates of various CMS.

It is also highly desirable to know English so as not to translate the specification in Google translator, to be able to work in a team, sometimes multilingual, to understand web fonts, and to understand the testers and the testing process itself.

So, what technologies should a front-end developer master:

  • HTML and CSS (including grids and CSS frameworks, W3C and WHATWG specifications, HTML5/CSS3 Polyfills)
  • CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less, Stylus, etc.)
  • JavaScript
  • Popular frameworks and libraries: jQuery, Angular.JS, React.JS, Backbone.js, etc.)
  • ECMAScript 6
  • Popular CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.)
  • Understand and understand server-side technologies (Node.js, PHP, Ruby, .NET, etc.)
  • Debugging tools (Chrome Dev Tools, Firebug and others)
  • JavaScript transpilers (Babel)
  • Version control tools (Git, GitHub, CVS, etc.)
  • Databases and query languages ​​(SQL, MySql, NoSQL, MongoDB, etc.)
  • Graphic editors (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)
What should you understand:
  • cross-browser and cross-platform development;
  • progressive enhancement and graceful degradation;
  • mobile development;
  • adaptive and responsive layout;
  • web fonts;
  • principles of SEO optimization.
Of course, this is all ideal. You can always choose a stack of skills to your liking and develop in a narrower direction.

What the statistics say

What technologies and tools are most often used by front-end developers? First, it's hard to imagine a front-end developer who doesn't know JavaScript. Polls confirm this:
  • According to StackOverflow, JavaScript leads the list of front-end tools by a huge margin (90.5%)
  • A study by O'Reilly among European programmers at the end of 2016 also puts JavaScript in first place.
Next come various frameworks and libraries, the most popular of which are: Angular, Node.js, React. In addition to the mandatory JavaScript, front-end developers also use other languages, although not as often. Java and C# are in the lead. And, of course, a front-end developer cannot do without CMS skills. The most popular choice is WordPress.

StackOverflow Data

If we group the most popular instruments into stacks, we get the following situation:

StackOverflow Data

And the set of the most popular frameworks and libraries of all developers is as follows (see illustration). It's nice to see front-end tools among this list:

StackOverflow Data

Career path and salary of a front-end developer

The career path of a front-end developer usually starts with a coder - this is the most logical and generally accepted option. First, the bundle is studied, then knowledge, libraries and frameworks are “layered” on it. The future specialist also learns the key concepts of building a server part, adds here the tools necessary for the chosen specialization. Then all this is polished by the ability to work with version control, graphic editors and an understanding of the principles of .

There are other options. If a novice programmer initially knows in which area he plans to develop, nothing prevents him from studying the key technology stack at once, and not in parts. It all depends on the goals and time that the future front-end developer has. Any option is acceptable, as long as the output is an intelligent specialist.

As a ready-made front-end developer, in general, there are three main development options:

  • horizontal (improve yourself as a specialist, thereby constantly increasing your value in the labor market);
  • vertical (grow up the career ladder);
  • diversification (development of related specialties, transformation into a full stack and retraining).
The PayScale service clearly illustrated all the possible career paths for a front-end developer:

Which one to choose depends only on the specialist himself and his wishes / skills.

Regarding the salaries of front-end developers: here, as in the entire IT industry, there is no single payment standard. It all depends on the skills and ability to present yourself. Well, luck sometimes :)

Average salary of a front-end specialist in Russia, rubles/month

Average salary of a front-end specialist in Moscow, rubles/month

According to My Circle

Traditionally, the annual salary of front-end developers in the US is slightly higher than in Russia. However, if you work in a branch of a foreign company, such a gap, most likely, is not terrible for you.

According to PayScale

How to become a front-end developer

First, take off your rose-colored glasses. Learning is work and self-discipline. Most beginner IT specialists are eliminated at the stage “I want to become a programmer and get paid in dollars, but I didn’t think that I would have to study so much.” The uniqueness of programming and, in general, of any IT specialty is in constant self-learning. This is both the complexity and the charm of the IT-sphere. If that doesn't scare you, great! You have every chance to become an excellent specialist.

The main rule of the future specialist is to set realistic goals in the learning process. Planning will help with this. Make a list of the tools you plan to learn and keep it in front of you.

Those who start from scratch should start with and master them at the level of the ideal layout of PSD layouts. At this stage, you also need to learn how to work with text and graphic editors and know the basic principles of design (as a plus). Then take on JavaScript: syntax, architecture, and language features. Master popular frameworks and libraries, at the same time fall in love with version control systems and one of the popular taskrunners. Add preprocessors and CSS frameworks, understand server technologies. And then you can drink smoothies in Bali and polish your knowledge to infinity.

Approximate path of a novice front-end developer.
You will have yours.

You can go through this path both alone and with mentors (universities, courses). Here are the most popular developer training formats according to StackOverflow:

StackOverflow Data

In the first place are online courses, voted for by 64.7% of the surveyed developers, followed by: self-learning from books, offline courses, open source development and programming camps. Interestingly, higher education (Master's degree) is almost in last place.


is a universal soldier. He will lay out the layout, and build the web application, and master the server part, if necessary. You need to know a lot: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JS libraries and frameworks, CSS preprocessors and frameworks, version control systems and taskrunners, backend technologies, unit testing and much more.

In addition, soft skills will be useful: interaction with people and teamwork, the ability to establish an effective workflow and solve tasks in the most optimal way. You can not do without confident knowledge of the English language.

The salary of a front-end specialist is quite decent, and the more skills, the higher the chances of getting a "fat" salary.

Anyone who does not give up on self-study can become a front-end developer: as we found out, it is difficult to rely on a university education. The ideal option is various online and offline courses + literature on the topic, practice and the great Google.

"Netology" launches a full-fledged training program for front-end specialists -. This is a 6-month course covering basic front-end development technologies: HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Web API, AJAX, web sockets, React library.

At the end of the course, students will create their own single-page web application. Training is conducted by 10 practicing front-end specialists - this allows you to get a comprehensive understanding of the tools and tasks of front-end development. During the entire training, students will receive at least 100 practical tasks, as close as possible to "combat" ones, and implement 3 medium-sized projects and 1 full-fledged project as a thesis.

All students who successfully complete the course receive a certificate of professional development of the established sample and a corporate diploma of "Netology".

P.S. In your opinion, what knowledge is vital for a front-end developer, and what can be mastered as needed?