Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Industrial training of the profession. Regulations on the training of workers in production

The head of the training center at a manufacturing enterprise must have a large amount of information from various sources: government agencies, educational institutions and, of course, directly from the workers themselves. It is important to understand the goals and objectives of on-the-job training. Where to begin? Read the new article.

When I first came to work at a manufacturing enterprise as the head of a training center, I felt like a tourist lost in a foreign country, in an unfamiliar city. Everything was not the same as in the past experience of the head of a state educational institution, not the way I read in books, not the way I was taught at the institute and at advanced training courses. How many new words and concepts hit me: "atomic", Rostekhnadzor, NAKS, labor protection, nuclear safety, PNAEG, etc. How to figure it out?!

An experienced guide, with a smile, addresses a group of tourists in the mountains:

- Look, this is a dangerous place. Be careful, don't break. Well, if this has already happened, then, falling, be sure to look to the right - a landscape of rare beauty!

There are many recommendations on the Internet for lost tourists. I liked the memo "What to bring with you if you intend to get lost": you will definitely need a map and a flashlight. Some rules are also suitable for a novice manager who has been entrusted with setting up the training process for production personnel. I will focus on five of them. Read the rest on the Internet and adapt if you wish.

Rule number one: Don't panic!

They say that "the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves." To feel more confident in a new place, first of all, we will take control into our own hands, look around and find landmarks. Lost tourists are advised to locate on the map. The organizational structure of the enterprise will pass for a "map of the area." It shows who I report to, who my direct supervisor reports to, what place the department in which I work takes, with whom to interact and on what issues.

It's great that at the enterprise where I first got to, it was possible to find the right employee on the corporate electronic resource, look at the photos, how he looks, in whose subordination he works, what contacts to contact. The internal “map” of the processes of the department had to be put together from what the managers and colleagues told me, looking for regulations in the “Consultant Plus” that could clarify the picture.

Rule two: "Don't get more confused!"

A tourist asks a local resident:

- Can you tell me how to get to that mountain as quickly as possible?

- Wait a minute, I'll untie my dog ​​...

Four questions, like four legs on a table, helped me find support in the personnel training system in place at the enterprise:

  • What are we doing?
  • How do we do it?
  • Who is doing?
  • How much is what we do?

1. What do we do?

For example, the training of workers includes three main areas:

  1. Training and testing of knowledge in the field of industrial safety, labor protection. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 263 dated March 10, 1999 states that these are questions of the labor protection department, but sometimes they are given to the personnel directorate for testing. Here we will not argue who owes what to whom, but we will figure it out in order to feel confident and comfortable in the future.
  2. Job training.
  3. Evaluation of the qualification level of workers (otherwise - "increasing the ranks").

2. How do we do?

Worker training (even briefing) includes theoretical and practical training. The practice is organized at the workplace by the heads of workshops in the form of an internship, assigning the student to a mentor with a qualification category higher than the third, sometimes the role of a mentor is performed by a foreman or foreman.

At the exam, the commission checks theoretical knowledge and practical skills - for this, the worker performs trial (qualification) work in the workshop.

Teaching and knowledge testing technologies are used both traditional - "by word of mouth" and modern, with electronic means, simulators, etc. It depends on the level of economic development of a single enterprise and expediency.

3. Who does?

When it is not possible to conduct training with internal resources, they train in external educational centers, because there is no educational license, there are no corresponding "carriers" of knowledge - teachers, training (certification) in specialized centers is regulated by a normative act. When recruiting a large group, the provider (both a legal entity and an individual) is invited to train employees on the territory of the enterprise.

For the organization of internal training, employees of the enterprise act as teachers in agreement with their immediate supervisors.

4. How much does organized training cost?

The cost of services of external providers is negotiable or based on the official price list. The basis of the internal training budget includes the payment of teachers and mentors and consumables (notebooks, pens, replication of handouts, tests, flipchart pads).

Rule three: “Language will bring you to Kyiv!”

Employee statement:

In my opinion, this anecdote reflects the essence of the work of the training center at a manufacturing enterprise. At first, I didn’t understand why the production managers and I sometimes don’t understand each other? We seem to speak the same language. They talk about training and I'm talking about training, they're talking about staff certification and I'm talking about certification, they're talking about advanced training and I'm talking about the same. When I began to listen more carefully to what the production workers were saying, it turned out that we use the same words, but we put different meanings into them!


Human Resources Understanding

Understanding by production staff


The process of acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities

Obtaining a "crust" for admission to work

Personnel certification

Evaluation (checking) of the level of knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements for the position held

Registration of documents (protocols, certificates)


Updating and deepening the previously acquired professional knowledge, improving the business qualities of employees

Raising the qualification level/category in order to increase wages

Staff development

A set of measures for the personnel management service, including training, assessment, adaptation, career planning, etc.

abstract concept

The language will bring you to Kyiv, the main thing is to speak the same language with those who will help you get closer to the goal.

Rule Four "Contact the guardian of order!"

"Guardians of order" for employees of the training center - regulations, including internal standards, such as:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";
  • Regulations on the licensing of educational activities;
  • The order of organization and implementation of educational activities for the main programs of vocational training;
  • The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs;
  • Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers;
  • Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees;
  • RD-3-19-2007 "Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision";
  • RD-3-20-2007 "Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of workers' organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision";
  • Standard instruction on the organization of qualification examinations during the vocational training of workers in production (the document has become invalid);
  • The order of training in labor protection;
  • Guidelines for organizing fire safety training;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the preparation of the population in the field of emergency situations protection";
  • Standard provision on continuous professional and economic training of personnel of the national economy.

To work with students:

  • Regulations on the practice of students mastering the main professional educational programs of higher education;
  • Regulations on the practice of students mastering the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education;
  • The procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training;
  • The procedure for the creation by educational organizations that implement educational programs of higher education, in scientific organizations and other organizations that carry out scientific (research) activities, departments that carry out educational activities;
Below is a table that helped me navigate the types of training and certification of personnel. Just do not be lazy and periodically update the information, as the legislation is constantly changing.

Table 1. Types of training* (requires updating in accordance with current legal requirements).

Forms of study




(at the exit)

Professional education

Job training

After completing the theoretical course, an internship (practical training) is required

Specialists (teachers, masters of industrial training) must have pedagogical training and be certified by Rostekhnadzor in the discipline taught



Programs ranging from 16 to 250 hours

Managers, professionals, workers

A license for educational activities is required


Professional retraining

Programs over 250 hours

Managers, specialists

A license for educational activities is required

Special training (technical courses)

PNAE G-7-003


Not required

PNAE G-7-010


Coordination of programs with the leading materials science organization

Not required

Nuclear safety training

Managers, specialists

Enterprise internal standard

Not required

Industrial safety training

Managers, specialists

Programs agreed with Rostekhnadzor

Not required

Occupational Safety and Health

Managers, specialists

A license for educational activities is required


Training is conducted by the immediate supervisor

Log entry

Fire-technical minimum

Managers, specialists, electric and gas welders

A license for educational activities is required

Coordination of programs with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


civil defense


A license for educational activities is required


Rule 5 "Find other tourists!"

Advice for those who do not want to "get lost" in the management of a factory training center is to find their own kind in order to communicate, exchange experiences, and learn the latest news in the professional field. Places of accumulation of "HR-tourists" are specialized conferences, seminars, refresher courses, master classes. In advanced training courses, students avidly study the experience of colleagues, talking during breaks and after lectures. At conferences, they make a virtual journey through HR landmarks, analyzing the accumulated experience and answering questions: what am I doing right, what to correct, where to strive for and what are the HR tops of the factory training center.

When hiring an employee without qualifications and specialty with subsequent training, an employment contract is concluded with him, which must contain all the conditions provided for by the Labor Code: data about the employee, basic rights and obligations, the term of the employment contract, payment procedure, etc. The validity of such an agreement may be limited to the time necessary for the employee to study and pass the qualification exam.

The agreement may also include:

  • - the duty of the employer to provide the employee with training opportunities;
  • - the obligation of the employee to undergo training and successfully pass the qualification exam;
  • - training period;
  • - the obligation of the employee, in accordance with the profession, specialty, qualification obtained, to work under an employment contract with the employer for a certain period;
  • - the possibility of terminating the contract in case of failure to pass the qualifying exam, missing classes without good reason, etc.

When specifying the labor function of an employee, the employer may have certain questions. The fact is that the trainee does not yet have the proper qualifications to perform work on a labor function, for example, a carpenter or a carver of products - he is hired with subsequent training.

In practice, employers often indicate in the contract "apprentice carpenter." This is due to the fact that, according to the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books for employees, an entry in the work book of persons who have come to work as an apprentice must be made after the issuance of the order, but no later than a week. However, this Instruction does not specify what specific entry (with or without the mention of the word "student") should be made.

It must be taken into account that the names of professions, positions, specialties in the employment contract must comply with the qualification reference books approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. The name of the worker's profession is established in strict accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide, taking into account the actual work performed in a particular production, unless otherwise provided by regulatory legal acts.

In the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 006-2009 "Professions of workers and positions of employees" there are also no names of professions containing the concept of "student". Consequently, the name of the profession is entered in the work book without indicating "student".

It seems possible the following wording of the entry in the student's employment contract:

1. The employer hires Ivan Ivanov to work by profession as a cutter of materials and products with preliminary training in this profession

On the basis of the employment contract, an order (instruction) of the employer on employment is issued, as well as an order on sending the employee to training.

The educational process in the professional training of workers consists of two stages: theoretical and industrial training.

Theoretical training is aimed at mastering the theoretical knowledge necessary for the formation of skills in the profession, and industrial training is aimed at developing practical skills in the profession.

Industrial training can take place after theoretical training or alternate with it.

As a rule, the training is supervised by the immediate supervisor, who must have a higher or secondary specialized education in a profile corresponding to the profession being trained (for example, a foreman, shop manager, etc.). Other specialists of the organization with higher or secondary specialized education (labor protection engineer, personnel specialist, chief power engineer, etc.), as well as teachers, masters of industrial training of educational institutions, highly qualified specialists of other organizations can be involved in the process of theoretical training.

The employer should also determine who will directly train the new employee. An employee who, within the limits of his working hours, is entrusted with additional training responsibilities, is set a surcharge (however, if duties on training workers are included in his work (job) instruction, no surcharge is due).

Order Form:

IVANOV Ivan Ivanovich to work on 06/18/2012 as a cutter of materials and products in the production workshop

Order Form:


  • 1. Ivan Ivanovich IVANOV, cutter of materials and products of the production workshop, to be sent to individual training for a period of one month from 06/19/2012 in the profession "cutter of materials and products of the 1st category".
  • 2. The management of the training of Ivanov II, the cutter of materials and products of the production workshop, is entrusted to the head of the production workshop Kopeyko Petr Ivanovich.
  • 3. Industrial training Ivanova I.I. entrust the cutter of materials and products of the 4th category of the production workshop Smirnov Petr Petrovich with an additional payment of 500,000 rubles.

When hiring with preliminary training, the employer is obliged to perform all other actions provided for by labor legislation.

The training of an employee at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the standard curricula for the professions of workers and the Recommendations.

In addition, other local regulatory legal acts regulating the issues of industrial training, the terms of remuneration of training workers, instructions on organizing and conducting qualification exams during the vocational training of workers in production, etc. may be in force at the production site.

The employer is obliged to organize training properly: provide the necessary equipment and tools, production facilities, etc. The trainee masters the theoretical course, follows the instructions of the trainer during the industrial training.

In the process of preparation, the student's knowledge is checked by current certification, conducted in the form of an interview or test. The results of certification are evaluated by marks in points on a ten-point scale or marks "passed", "not passed". Positive marks are not lower than 3 (three) points and "pass".

1. General Provisions
1.1. This provision regulates various types of vocational training for workers open joint stock company XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)(hereinafter referred to as the Company) in production. The Regulation is aimed at providing the Company's personnel with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills (special, in-depth, etc.) necessary to improve the quality of products, works and services provided, master new types of activities, as well as create a reliable personnel reserve in the Company.
1.2. Training of workers in production includes the following forms of training: training of new workers, retraining (training in second and related professions), advanced training.
1.3. Responsibility for the purposefulness, regularity of the implementation of industrial training and the training of the personnel reserve rests with the personnel department of the enterprise and the head of the machine assembly shop.
1.4. Responsibility for the student's compliance with labor protection rules rests with his immediate supervisor and labor protection engineer.

2. Training new workers
2.1.Training new workers(initial vocational education at work) is the vocational training of persons who previously had no profession, in order to obtain qualifications for them in any of the areas of the Company's production and economic activities.
The training of new workers is carried out from among the persons newly hired under a student agreement (Article 199 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
2.2. Training is organized directly in the structural units by a specialist of the personnel professional development department, which provides the necessary methodological assistance, collection, control over the execution and storage of documents (Account sheet for the theoretical training of workers through individual consultations, Diary of industrial training accounting, Conclusion for a trial qualification work, Protocol meetings of the qualification commission)
The training process takes place under the guidance of a training instructor (from among the heads of workshops, sections, foremen), an industrial training mentor (from among highly qualified workers), appointed by order of the Company. Specialized specialists are involved in the training as consultants for theoretical training.
2.3. For industrial training in the structural unit, workplaces are allocated, equipped with the necessary equipment, tools and materials.
2.4. Training is carried out individually or in study groups. With individual training, the student studies the theoretical course on his own, receiving advice from the instructor and consultants of theoretical training; industrial training is organized individually at the workplace under the guidance of an industrial training mentor who is not released from the main job.
In group training: the theoretical course is studied in a study group; industrial training is organized similarly to individual training.
2.5. Theoretical and industrial training is carried out within working hours, according to the curricula and program for the relevant profession.
Training programs for specific professions are approved by the General Director on the proposal of the Human Resources Department, agreed with the heads of structural divisions.
The terms of training are established by the order of the General Director, based on the training program, the specifics of the profession, the required level of qualification, initial educational and special training, professional experience, but cannot be more than 6 months.
2.6. Upon completion of industrial training, the student must perform a qualifying trial work.
As qualifying trial works for students, works should be selected that correspond in their complexity to the qualification category provided for by the qualification characteristic, allowing to identify the extent to which the examinee has mastered the technology of the manufactured products, mastered the skills in his profession (specialty), achieved the required labor productivity (fulfillment of time standards , workings) and ensures the fulfillment of technical requirements for the production of works.
When selecting qualifying trial work, one should proceed from the fact that the duration of their implementation should be no more than one shift, and the norms of time (or production norms) must correspond to shift tasks in a given production unit.
Before performing qualifying trial work, the site foreman must take measures to provide each examinee with an appropriate workplace that meets safety requirements, the necessary materials, serviceable fixtures, tools, as well as technological documentation and drawings (if necessary).
Examinees who did not complete the trial work for reasons beyond their control, the performance of the trial work is assigned a second time.
Based on the results of the qualification trial work and determination of the qualification level, a conclusion is drawn up on the delivery of the qualification (trial) work.
2.7. At the end of the training period, after the successful completion of the qualifying trial work, the employee passes an exam by the qualification commission operating in the Company for the assignment of a working specialty (qualification category) to him. The results of the on-the-job training exam are recorded in the minutes of the qualification commission on assigning a profession or rank to a worker.
2.8. If the exam is successfully passed, based on the protocol of the qualification commission, the personnel department prepares an order for assigning a certain profession, qualification category to the employee. The qualification category is considered to be assigned from the moment the order is signed by the General Director of the Company.

3. Retraining of workers (training for second and related professions)
3.1. Retraining of workers (training in second related professions) - this is the training of workers who already have a profession, with the aim of obtaining a new one or expanding their professional profile, preparing for work in the conditions of applying progressive forms of labor organization, as well as in combined professions. Retraining is organized for the training of workers released due to job cuts and other changes, as well as those who have expressed a desire to change their profession, taking into account the needs of production.
3.2. Curricula and programs for training workers in second and related professions, the terms of training are approved by the General Director on the proposal of the heads of structural divisions in relation to curricula and programs for training new workers in the relevant professions and categories. At the same time, it is allowed to reduce programs by excluding previously studied material, taking into account the actual level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of trainees.
Forms of retraining of workers are similar to those used in the training of new workers (see section 2).

4. Professional development
4.1.Training - vocational training aimed at the consistent improvement of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the existing profession and the assignment of a higher rank.
4.2. The following forms of advanced training of workers in production are organized: production and technical courses; targeted courses; qualification upgrade.
Industrial and technical courses are created to improve the qualifications, deepen and expand the knowledge, skills and abilities of workers in their profession to a level that meets the requirements of production.
Targeted courses are created to study new equipment, products, materials, technological processes, mechanization and automation tools used in production, the rules and requirements for their safe operation, technical documentation, scientific organization of labor, as well as issues of improving the quality of products.
Raising the qualification level - this is the training of workers in order to improve the qualification level in the relevant profession.
4.3. The program, date and place of the courses are approved by the order of the General Director on the proposal of the heads of structural divisions.
Classes on the courses are held in training groups of 10 people or more at our own production base, by specialized specialists. The recruitment of groups is carried out, as a rule, by workers of one or related professions or in accordance with the thematic focus of the courses.
In order to determine the effectiveness of training in accordance with the standard “Personnel. Training and professional development” course instructors are recommended to conduct a survey of students before and after graduation.
4.4. Curricula and programs for improving the qualification level of workers, the terms of training are approved by the order of the General Director for Personnel on the proposal of the heads of structural divisions in relation to curricula and programs for the relevant professions and categories. Forms of training are similar to those used in the training of new workers (see Section 2).

5. Payment for training workers in production.
5.1. The vocational training mentor is paid a monthly allowance in the amount of _______% of the monthly salary established in the employment contract during the entire period of training. Additionally, a one-time allowance is paid in the amount of % of the monthly salary if the student passes the qualifying exam with excellent marks. If the qualifying exam is passed with a "good" or "satisfactory" additional one-time allowance is _________% of the monthly salary.
5.2. Consultants of theoretical training are paid for the classes conducted at the rate of __________ rub./hour, according to the sheet of accounting for the theoretical training of a worker. Additionally, a one-time allowance is paid in the amount of ___________% of the monthly salary established in the employment contract, if the student passes the qualification exam for "excellent" or ___________% of the monthly salary when passing a trial work and a qualification exam for "good" or "satisfactory".
5.3. Payment for the training of workers is carried out on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit, agreed with the department for professional development of personnel. The basis for payment is the sheet of accounting for the theoretical training of the worker and the protocol of the qualification commission.

Industrial training is an integral part of the holistic process of vocational training in educational institutions of primary vocational education, highlighted in the curricula as a section "Vocational Training". The structural parts of this section are the "General Technical Cycle" of theoretical training subjects and the "Professional Cycle", which includes special subjects, as well as industrial training and industrial practice. At the same time, students develop the ability to navigate in modern production, the prospects for its development, the ability to solve specific production tasks related to the performance of work typical of the respective professions and specialties.

Such an approach to determining the content of vocational education makes it possible to train qualified workers and specialists in vocational schools that meet the requirements of modern scientific and technological progress, when the narrow limits of the old professional division of labor are overcome, and there is a radical change in the vocational qualification structure and content of workers' labor. Such qualities of a qualified specialist as the ability to plan, organize and control their work, find optimal solutions, the ability to be creative, independently replenish their knowledge and skills, apply them in changing conditions, become the most important indicators of his successful work activity. The content of the profession of a worker, a specialist serving modern production, began to cover not a separate "conveyor" operation, but a complex of such operations, a complete part of the technological process. The profession of a worker, a specialist outgrows the traditional framework, acquires wide profile.
In the work of a skilled worker of a wide profile, settlement and analytical, control and adjustment functions, characterized by a combination of mental and physical labor in a single labor process, are becoming increasingly important. These functions require workers to have significantly greater engineering and technical knowledge, deep and versatile skills and abilities. Such a worker, a specialist in the conditions of constant changes in equipment and production technology, has high professional flexibility and mobility, has the ability to quickly adapt to possible changes in production conditions, and perform a wide range of technology-related types of work. It is prepared not only for modern, but also for future production conditions.

The breadth of the profile of skilled workers and specialists is of particular relevance in the modern conditions of the country's transition to a market economy, when a person acts as an active subject in the labor market, freely disposes of his main capital - his professional training, qualifications.
The specificity of mastering the content of professions of a wide profile in a market economy requires students to possess versatile skills in educational activities, knowledge and skills of effective self-determination in a variety of labor market conditions. In this regard, in a number of vocational educational institutions, primarily in vocational lyceums, as well as in "advanced" vocational schools that provide successive training of skilled workers and technicians, the educational process includes subjects that together make up the course "Psychology of formation and self-development of the individual." The course consists of three independent subjects: "Psychology of cognitive activity", in which students study the mental characteristics of perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, master the technology of productive learning activities, develop the skills of effective listening, rational work with text, note-taking, public speaking ; "Psychology of Personality", the study of which includes an idea of ​​the personality, its structure and characteristics, the problems of interpersonal relations; "Career design", the purpose of studying which is to obtain basic knowledge and practical skills in building and implementing strategies and tactics for professional development and the phased implementation of the planned.

The breadth of the profile of a skilled worker, specialist is ensured not only by the inclusion in the structure of vocational training of subjects of general technical and vocational cycles, but also by the content of their industrial training.
The basis for determining the content of industrial training is the analysis of the content of the labor activity of a skilled worker, a specialist in the relevant profession (specialty) and the level of qualification, the identification of typical elements in it - “educational units” that make up the subject of study and training.
Profession- a kind of human labor activity, covering a wide area of ​​application of knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular industry (for example, a turner, a locksmith).
Speciality- constantly performed labor activity of a person, singled out in the profession due to the internal division of labor within the profession (for example, a carousel turner; a turret turner; a repairman; a mechanical assembly worker, etc.).
Qualification- degree, level of mastery of a profession, specialty. The level of qualification is characterized by rank, class, category.
In the State Standard for Vocational Education, qualification is characterized by five levels. The first stage involves basic general education combined with accelerated vocational training in various forms; the second - basic general education and vocational education received in institutions of primary vocational education in one- and two-year departments; the third - is characterized by a combination of secondary (complete) general education and vocational education received at two-, three-year departments of educational institutions of primary vocational education; the fourth - involves secondary (complete) general education and vocational education, obtained mainly in "advanced" educational institutions: professional lyceums, institutions of secondary vocational education (basic and advanced levels), colleges; the fifth one corresponds to different levels of higher and postgraduate professional education.
Labor activity of a worker, specialist- this is a set of labor actions (physical and mental), with the help of which he acts on the objects of labor and controls the work of the means of labor: equipment, tools, equipment, devices, automated tools, measuring devices, etc., i.e., carries out the labor production process .
The analysis of labor activity in order to determine the content of industrial training is carried out from three points of view: functional, structural, and pedagogical.
From the point of view of functional analysis, labor activity (production process) in most professions (specialties) includes the following typical functions: planning and training - auxiliary functions; implementation, control and maintenance are the main functions.

Let's briefly review the content of these functions.
Workflow planning- familiarization with the task; determination and selection of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, blanks, tools, devices, fixtures, other technological equipment, etc.; determination of the technological sequence of the labor (production) process; performing the necessary calculations, developing control programs, algorithms, schemes, routes, etc.
Workflow preparation- verification, adjustment, readjustment of equipment and tooling for the performance of robots; preparation for work of materials, working and control and measuring means; preparation of documentation, etc.
Implementation of the labor (production) process– performing manual operations; operating equipment management; regulation of the technological process occurring in devices and installations operating in an automated mode; adjustment and adjustment of equipment in the course of work, etc.
Control of the labor (production) process- current and final check and evaluation of the progress of the technological process; identification of deviations and malfunctions in the course of work and their elimination; verification and evaluation of own activities, equipment operation; current and final inspection and assessment of the quality of work performed, etc.
Service of the labor process- maintenance of equipment; troubleshooting; workplace organization.

At the same time, it must be emphasized that the patterns of development of scientific and technological progress, complex mechanization and automation of production inevitably lead to an increase in the structure of the labor activity of a skilled worker, a specialist in the "share" of auxiliary functions of planning and preparing the production process. The worker has less and less direct influence on the object of labor. First, it is excluded from the production process as a source of necessary energy, then, successively, the auxiliary functions of the worker are transferred to the machine, apparatus, installation, and at the stage of production automation, an increasing part of the functions of direct control of the production process is assigned to the machine. The main content of the work of a worker, a specialist is the control of automatically operating equipment, its adjustment, work planning. The leading place in their work is occupied by intellectual skills, the ability to quickly comprehend the situation, make informed decisions. Therefore, a worker, a specialist must have broad and versatile general educational, general technical and special professional knowledge.
No less important for determining the content of industrial training, highlighting "training units", i.e. elementary components, in it is a structural analysis of the labor activity of a skilled worker, specialist, which consists in dividing it into relatively complete structural elements - labor processes, operations and techniques .
The largest structural element of labor activity is the labor process, which covers all the actions of an employee related to the performance of a certain type of work, functions, job duties, typical for a given profession or group of professions. For a turner, for example, the content of the labor process is the processing of a part, for a locksmith it is the manufacture of a product, the repair of a machine, for an adjuster it is setting up a machine for processing a certain type of part.

For most professions of skilled workers and specialists, the labor process characteristic of them and the type of work associated with it are of a complex (complex) nature. It involves the use of various technological processes specific to certain jobs, the use of tools and means of production that differ in the nature of their use. In this regard, a holistic labor process cannot be taken immediately as a basis for determining the content of industrial training.
For this purpose, labor processes are usually divided into labor operations, each of which is characterized by the constancy of the object of labor, tools of labor and the invariability of the complex of components and elements used. Thus, labor processes for the manufacture of parts on lathes include such operations as turning outer cylindrical surfaces, cutting ends and ledges, turning grooves, cutting off, etc.
Labor operations as components of a holistic labor process in most professions are enlarged and rather complex elements of the labor process and, therefore, cannot always be the initial “educational units” of the content of industrial training. Therefore, labor operations, as a rule, are divided into labor methods, which are a set of completed labor actions performed without interruption and having a private purpose. Labor methods and their various combinations, varieties and variations - ways of performing labor activity are the main "educational units" of the content of industrial training in most professions (specialties). The content of various labor processes and operations is naturally characterized by specific labor techniques and methods. At the same time, by the nature of the content, certain types of labor methods can be distinguished that are characteristic of any labor operation: planning methods, methods for monitoring the progress and results of work, methods for organizing the workplace and caring for it.
For example, a turning operation - turning outer cylindrical surfaces - includes the following working techniques: installing a part in a chuck, installing a part in centers, installing and fixing a cutter, setting the machine for part processing modes, etc. Many techniques are included in various operations, as often the same operations are included in different labor processes. Along with this, there are techniques that are inherent in only one operation, and operations that are characteristic of only one labor process.

Thus, the main content of the process of industrial training from the standpoint of a functional and structural analysis of the labor activity of a worker, specialist is the formation of a set of skills and abilities for students to perform the labor process, including labor operations, techniques and methods related to its planning, preparation, implementation, control and service . For various professions (groups of professions), the ratio of the "specific weight" of these elements of the labor process is different, but their presence is mandatory. The results of a structural and functional analysis of the content of the labor activity of a skilled worker, a specialist professional of a certain profession (specialty) and the level of qualification in a certain worked out form are reflected in the curriculum of industrial training - an exemplary and working one, developed in an educational institution, which represents a project of the content of the industrial training process.

As noted above, the basis of industrial training is the productive work of students. Thus, the process of industrial training is a training and production process. In this regard, it is important to determine the content and structure of industrial training is the question of the mutual adaptability of educational and production processes, i.e. pedagogical analysis labor activity.
The degree of mutual adaptation of each of these two processes is not always the same, it depends on the characteristics of the content of labor activity and the conditions of training. In a number of cases, it is so difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to use the production process as such for the purposes of training, that it is necessary to adapt the educational process mainly to the production process. This is typical for training in professions related to the maintenance of automated processes, especially chemical and energy. In such cases, it is necessary to model certain aspects of process management - to create simulators, training facilities, training grounds, training cabins, etc., i.e., it is no longer the labor process itself that must be adapted to training, but its model.

However, even when teaching a profession, where the adaptability of the production process to the educational one is objectively not limited, in some cases, for purely organizational reasons (lack of training and production facilities, tools, appropriate equipment, etc.), they are forced to resort to purely educational objects.
The main factors that determine the "relationship" of the educational and production sides within the process of industrial training are the following:
1) the possibility of highlighting in the production (labor) process in order to train its individual structural elements: labor operations, labor techniques and methods. In one group of labor processes (and, accordingly, professions), operations and techniques are easily distinguished, which creates very favorable conditions for learning. This group includes the labor processes of metalworking, woodworking, clothing production, etc. In another group of labor processes, on the contrary; it is difficult, and often impossible, to isolate individual operations (labor processes in chemical production and some others). There are labor processes that occupy an intermediate position: some parts (operations) can be isolated in a production environment for learning purposes, while others cannot. Such an intermediate group includes labor processes during finishing construction work, maintenance of textile machines, etc.;
2) the ability to group varieties of labor operations and techniques, i.e., to single out their complexes, arrange (variate) the operations and their constituent techniques in a sequence convenient for studying, taking into account technological and didactic feasibility, the ability to devote as much time to each part of the work as necessary for its development;
3) the repeatability of the main labor operations and techniques in the labor process. If an operation in the production process is repeated, for example, only once during the working day or less often, then the training of this operation is fraught with certain difficulties. In some cases, it is artificially possible to make such an operation more frequent, moreover, so that students will be trained in normal production conditions. For example, the operations of scraping and grinding are much less common in the practice of a locksmith than filing or threading. Nevertheless, it is possible to choose the objects of work in such a way as to keep the student busy with scraping and grinding for a time sufficient for the initial training in these operations. In other cases - in the training of apparatchiks, operators, metallurgists or in training in the adjustment and repair of equipment under production conditions, as a rule, it is impossible to artificially increase the frequency of operations.

The specified characteristics of labor processes (the possibility of isolating, increasing and varying in production conditions, repeatability) can ultimately be combined into one decisive factor - the possibility of turning one or another part of the labor process into a more or less independent part of the learning process. This factor is the basis of the educational classification of labor processes given in Table. one.

I bring to your attention an article:


Mirakin Mikhail Viktorovich master of industrial training


production training is part of the educational process and includes the activity of the master - instructing and the activity of students - teaching. Instruction and teaching are closely related and influence each other. Teaching as a systematic, conscious and purposeful educational work of students in the assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities has an external and internal side.

The external side of learning in the process of industrial training of students is manifested in their labor educational activities - the implementation of techniques, operations, the manufacture of products, the adjustment, adjustment of mechanisms, and similar production activities. Internal activity includes the perception and comprehension of the instructive instructions of the master, reflection and planning of the forthcoming work, methods of control and self-control, the mental process of finding the most rational ways of doing work, making assumptions, checking them, etc. As a result of the unity of the external and internal aspects of educational activity, students develop knowledge, skills and abilities.

Guidance, adjustment, management of external and internal educational activities of students constitute the essence of instruction - the activity of the master, which includes the following main elements:

    the creation in students of an indicative concept of activity, i.e., a complete and detailed idea of ​​the tasks of the forthcoming labor process, conditions, means, methods and features of the implementation and control of actions;

    management of the activities of students in the performance of their labor activities;

    control and analysis of students' educational progress, verification and evaluation of their knowledge, skills and abilities.

The content of the activities of the master of leadershipindustrial training of students depends on the specific content (profession, topic) and the period of study, the preparedness of students, and the conditions of study.

Processindustrial training carried out in various forms and by various methods. Underforms learning understand the ways of building the educational process, which determine the nature of the educational and production activities of students, the management of this activity and the structure of classes. It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of organization of the educational process and the forms of organization of educational and production activities of students.

The main form of organization of industrial training for students in training workshops and in the training and production areas of enterprises is the lesson. ( With a lesson form of organizationlearning , which "is characterized primarily by the leading role of the master, all students of the group simultaneously study the same or the same type of educational material, perform the same type of training and production tasks. The lesson of industrial training is characterized by clarity of purpose and content, as well as organizational structure - introductory briefing, exercises ( independent work) of students and current briefing, final briefing.

Atlearning students in production conditions (at enterprises, construction sites, farms, etc.), the main forms of organizing the educational process are:

    education students in student teams;

    training as part of teams of skilled workers;

    individual attachment of students to skilled workers.

    excursions and homework of students.

The forms of educational and production activity of students used in various forms of organization of the learning process are frontal-group, brigade and individual. The lesson form of education and the frontal-group form of organization of educational and production activities of students should not be confused. The frontal-group form of student activity is realized mainly during industrial training lessons and excursions. At the same time, brigade, individual forms of educational and production activities of students are also widely used in the classroom. Thus, the forms of organization of learning and the forms of activity of students must be applied in unity.

Methods industrial training - these are ways of joint activity of the master and students, with the help of which students acquire practical knowledge, skills and abilities, the foundations of their professional skills, communist views, beliefs, attitude to work are formed, mental and physical strength, creative abilities are developed.

In order to choose the right teaching methods, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​their classification and scope. In the process of industrial training, methods are mainly used that are classified in pedagogical literature according to sources of knowledge and skills into verbal (explanation, conversation, written instruction, etc.), visual (showing work techniques, demonstrating visual aids, student observations, etc.) .) and practical (exercises, laboratory and practical work, independent work of students, solving production and technical problems).

Verbal methods are used, as a rule, during introductory instruction, as well as during the current instruction of students in the process of work. Visual methods are also most typical for introductory instruction to students. Among these teaching methods, one should single out the demonstration of labor techniques, using which the master forms in the minds of students an image (sample) of the labor actions that they must master.

specific form of organizationindustrial training students' work experience should be considered. . The most important for industrial training are practical methods. These are the main methods of forming the skills and abilities of students. Therefore, for the successful management of industrial training, a foreman needs to deeply know the didactic possibilities of these methods and confidently master the methods of their application.

In recent years, the attention of practitioners of vocational educational institutions has been attracted by teaching methods, the classification of which is based on the nature of the cognitive activity of students: reproductive (explanatory-illustrative and reproductive) and problem-search (problem presentation, partially search, research).

When applying reproductive methods, students acquire knowledge in a finished form, perform mental and practical actions according to the model given by the teacher or master; with problem-search - consistently and purposefully included in the solution of cognitive tasks of varying complexity, actively acquire new knowledge and skills. Problem-search methods make it possible to successfully develop the skills of creative educational, cognitive and labor activity of students, contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastery of knowledge and skills.

In pedagogical theory and practice, the issues of using reproductive and problem-search methods have been developed mainly in relation to theoretical education. However, there is no doubt that these methods can and should find application in the process of industrial training. Reproductive methods are most typical for the initial period of industrial training, when students learn the basic techniques, operations, types of work, labor functions that are typical for their profession. In this periodeducation is mainly conducted according to samples and instructions offered to students in the form of explanations, showing labor techniques, instruction cards, simple algorithmic instructions, etc. At later stages of education, when students have accumulated sufficient experience for independent cognitive and labor activity, it is possible to apply problem-search methods.

Many masters of schools are actively looking for ways to apply problem-search methods inindustrial training students. They make extensive use of heuristic conversation, instruction is carried out in such a way that students do not receive ready-made instructions and recommendations, but, together with the master, discuss and resolve issues related to the organization and technology of completing educational tasks. At the same time, students independently determine the operating modes of the equipment, make technical calculations, find reference data in technical literature, instructions and other sources.

The formation of students' skills and abilities is based on the development of the ability to consciously apply knowledge in general technical and special subjects for rational planning, implementation, control and regulation of labor activity. The development of cognitive activity and independence of students is greatly facilitated by the formulation of “productive” questions in the process of introductory and ongoing instruction that stimulate active mental actions of students, make them reason, compare, choose, justify, express their opinion.

Many masters of industrial training give students special tasks of a creative nature, which they perform independently or under the guidance of a master, depending on the complexity: development or improvement of the design of a device that increases labor productivity; calculation of processing modes using a new tool; drawing up a technological map for the manufacture of a new product, etc. In industrial training, craftsmen widely use interdisciplinary homework, the fulfillment of which also contributes to the development of students' search activity.

However, the general methodology cannot be the only methodological guide for the master, since it does not take into account the specifics of the content of training in relation to a particular profession and does not reflect the organization and methodology of the educational process associated with it.

The organization and methodology of industrial training for specific professions are reflected in the so-called private methods. They reveal the issues of organization and methodology of the entire course of industrial training in the complex in relation to a particular profession or group of related professions. For non-mass professions, methodological manuals of a private nature are developed directly in schools in the form of methodological developments on individual topics or sections of curricula. Since more than 1,000 professions are trained in the vocational education system, most of which are not mass-produced, the issue of high-quality preparation of methodological developments for industrial training is very relevant.

Methodological developments, on the one hand, are methodological aids for beginners and inexperienced masters, and, on the other hand, are an important and effective means of disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. According to the nature of methodological developments can be of two types:

    highlighting the issues of organization and methods of studying individual topics or sections of curricula;

    covering certain issues of the educational work of the master with students, for example: the use of simulators in the lessons of productionlearning; the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the lessons of industrial training; etc.

Used Books:

1. Skakun V. A. Methodological developments in industrial training. - M.: Higher. school, 1980

2. Organization and methods of industrial training. M., 1978;

3. Fundamentals of professional pedagogy / Ed. S. Ya-Batyshev and S. A. Shaporinsky. M 1977;

4. Problems of didacticsindustrial training . M., 1978, etc.