Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Simple rules for every day. What you have now is the result of your choice.

This does not mean that you are not beautiful now, but constant development is necessary if you want to keep your motivation and peace of mind. We will talk about 16 rules that are the foundation for self-improvement. Take small steps every day towards the best version of yourself.

Enrich the mind

1. Eat a frog

Not in the literal sense, of course, although this is not excluded. Our regular readers will probably already remember this expression. "To eat a frog" means to do something unpleasant. So, do it at the beginning of the day. It's one thing, whether it's a difficult work task or a nasty phone call. Get rid of this business, and it will not be a heavy burden hanging over you for the rest of the day.

2. Start already developing or acquiring skills

There will be no better time than now, believe me. You don't have to wait for a special day to start pulling up or learn how to play the guitar. If you want to learn a language, register on a self-study service, buy an audio course or hire a tutor. Then it will definitely be difficult to retreat. Buy a guitar! Yes, these expenses are justified: this is the path to your dream.

3. Make an agreement with friends

There is no financial opportunity to enroll in courses or buy a musical instrument? Ask friends for help. Perhaps one of them has a tool gathering dust idle. In addition, its lucky owner can show you a couple of chords. Or your friend can study a foreign language with you.

By the way, in this case, the benefit will be for both parties. After all, when you explain the material to someone, you yourself begin to understand it better. Maybe it will be useful and pleasant for your friends to remember their skills.

4. Read, read and read again!

Read books of any genre, read avidly. Books expand your mind, give you experiences that you might not get in real life, they make you think. Don't know what to read? There is a Lifehacker section "" for you. And we also periodically write on interesting books that we come across.

Develop your body

1. Do some strength training every day.

At the gym, don't spend all your time on the treadmill or elliptical trainer. Do strength exercises too. With dumbbells, barbell or body weight. Start with regular squats.

2. Replace unhealthy foods with your favorite fruits and vegetables

Well, yes, it sounds boring. And again blah blah blah ... But this advice does not lose its relevance. We can harm or benefit the body with food. Instead of a bag of chips, eat whatever fruit or vegetable you like. Should there be such?

3. Try group classes

A cheerful instructor and like-minded people often motivate you to take classes very well. Invite a friend to practice with you. Perhaps you both lack the friendly kicks to get regular workouts.

4. Drink water

Still, nothing quenches thirst as perfectly as water. Do not deny yourself a drink when. Carry water with you so you don't oversell and don't be tempted by sugary sodas.

Cultivate True Happiness

1. Praise others

It's very cool to make someone happy, especially someone you care about. Plus, happiness is contagious. Express your gratitude to those around you. People need to know when they are good at something, and you get a good mood boost.

2. Smile

Seriously! Smiling brings many benefits. For example, you release endorphins that make you. Even if you forcefully smile, you will start to feel better. The next time you feel negative emotions sweeping through you, bring them under control with a smile.

3. Better yet, laugh

Remember how good you feel after you laugh heartily. It's all because of the same endorphins. Set a goal to laugh at least once a day. How? Read something funny or watch an episode of your favorite sitcom.

4. Surround yourself with people you feel good with.

Think about how you feel when interacting with people who constantly surround you. Are there among them those who exhaust you, who constantly bring negative emotions? Are there those who sabotage your efforts to improve yourself, who? You cannot be truly happy if you are surrounded by negative people. Try to spend time with those who encourage your efforts and inspire you. You deserve it.

Grow Spiritually

1. Set goals for yourself

We are not talking about career goals now, although they are also important. Start your day thinking about how to make yourself or someone else happier, what good can you do today? Set goals for spiritual growth.

2. Be grateful for what you already have.

There are always things that we want to get, but do not yet have. It is important to go towards your goals, but there is no point in worrying about the fact that you have not reached them yet. Remember: there is someone who is happy with less than you. Being grateful every day for what you have will help you appreciate your life and your choices. At the end of the day, write down what happened for which you are grateful. Focus on the positive things in your life and you will grow spiritually.

3. Try yoga

Even if you are still struggling with asanas, you will still enjoy yoga. Yoga is good for clearing the mind and awareness of the body. Even the simplest poses give this effect. Start your day with yoga and it will go well.

4. Remember: Everything passes.

Troubles, problems, sad events happen in life that completely absorb. It's hard to get out and move on. Ask yourself, what will this issue mean to you in a year? And after 5 years, after 10? Not to mention the end of life.

You only have one life! Put in the effort and make it better.

To live bright to the point of trembling and full of impressions is within the power of anyone who has at least a minimum of intellectual abilities, but on the other hand, a maximum of determination to take “his own” from the world. Are you one of those? Then read the 10 harsh laws of life, which, like a red pill, will make you wake up from hibernation for the sake of really significant achievements. How to Succeed Rules

10 laws for the right motivation

1. Right now you are where you should be.

There is no wrong way, "not your" place or wasted. Everything that happens to you had to happen for you to become who you are now. Leave stupid attempts to change, predict the future, stop mourning lost opportunities. Learn to respect the experience gained, love your present.

2. The only way to get what you want is to do it.

Alas, dreams will remain dreams until you roll up your sleeves and take action. Do you want a great figure? You'll have to go on a strict diet, or even get a gym membership. Do you like a house in Tuscany? Study the supply market, weigh the rental options, go take a closer look. No other way.

3. Mistakes cannot be avoided.

It's time to stop being perceived as the biggest evil on the way to. This is just a lesson fee, life experience, the engine of your progress, after all. Mistakes harden the spirit, make the path to interesting, and even more enjoyable. Only those who do not move anywhere, and therefore do not grow, do not make mistakes.

4. Doing good things is more important than doing things well.

Before beating yourself up for slow progress, think about what is really important: doing everything by the rules or doing the right thing? The truth is that it is better to move slowly towards the chosen goal than to rush fast and with a breeze, but in the wrong direction.

5. No one really knows exactly how to succeed.

The truth is that there is no “how to become a billionaire in 12 days” algorithm. The path to glory is individual for everyone, often seasoned with hard labor for a couple with unrealistic luck. The truth lies somewhere, therefore it is better to listen to yourself more and follow the public order less.

6. Life is multifaceted and unpredictable.

Feel free to adapt to change, let go of the bar of expectations and accept all the opportunities that the world provides. Everything changes, life is dynamic, every end opens a new beginning. Just stop trying to control everything around and relax, trust the world, it will not disappoint! Even if such an outcome was not included in your ...

7. The environment in one way or another affects our personality.

Pessimists, lazybones, parasites and sissies are unlikely to affect our self-determination, rather, they will only do harm. Do you want to grow, change and change the world around you? Start by cleaning your space. Do not let people pull you to the bottom, criticize yours, limit your worldview, prove the right to privacy, it's time to grow up.

8. Challenges are an opportunity to grow.

If a person did not overcome any obstacles, did not live through crisis moments in life, he would not have made progress. In this sense, they allow you to grow, achieve new heights, better understand yourself, the world around you and your desires. This is a kind of life test to move to a new level. And this is good!

9. The energy of thought has a powerful attraction.

Rather than constantly scrolling through petty negativity in your head and chewing on discontent, it’s better to think about what it delivers, for which you are really grateful to the universe. Seriously, it has long been proven capable of amazing things! Learn to focus on positive things and say “thank you” more often.

10. What you have now is the result of your choice.

Whatever the circumstances of your life, you will always be their creator, because the final decision (to accept or not to accept the current situation) belongs to you. You choose yours, you are free to give up or go against the odds. Everything is up to you.

Whatever you choose, remember the world has everything you need to achieve your goals. The main thing is not to give up, not to look back, not to succumb to despondency or self-blame. Live, experiment, change, move forward. Only your attitude to events determines how they will affect you. Only you have the right to choose how you live your life. Good luck!

In my opinion, the optimal regimen for maintaining health consists of the daily implementation of five life-supporting rules: breathing, water - drinking regimen, movement, nutrition and psychological improvement. Of course, the best result is guaranteed by the correct implementation of each of the five rules and, no less important, their optimal combination.

I had to think about the “rule of five” already on crutches, although, at first glance, my entire previous life seemed to be fully consistent with the ideas of that time about a healthy lifestyle. At school, I went in for sports a lot - I swam and played water polo, in my student years I became interested in sambo wrestling and became a master of sports. After completing active performances on the carpet, he continued to run every day, spent his holidays at sports facilities, ate high-calorie foods, did not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, mastered autogenic training and doused himself with cold water.

However, from a certain moment I began to notice that my health was slowly deteriorating. Those were not even symptoms, but simply a feeling that is especially acute in athletes. I tried to add or decrease the running distance, “improve” nutrition, but if there were successes, then only temporary. The situation was aggravated by the fact that all the examinations, tests and analyzes carried out in dispensaries, no doubt, testified to my complete health. When it came to appearance or physical activity, then I won for ten years against my unsportsmanlike peers. In a word, everything convinced me that my lifestyle is really healthy. The fall in the “quantity of health”, in the terminology of Academician Nikolai Amosov, is nothing more than a natural aging process.

The case forced me to reconsider my views. One day while exercising, I suddenly felt pain in my hip joint. “Okay,” I thought, “it will pass.” But the pain didn't go away. On the contrary, day by day it became stronger. I went to the doctor... Only three years later I was diagnosed with coxarthrosis, a disease of the hip joint associated with impaired blood circulation and changes in cartilage tissue in this area. Bad thing.

Of course, I was treated. But physiotherapy and medicines did not bring success. In one of the Moscow arthrocenters, I was offered injections of a rare foreign medicine. As a result, an inflammatory process began in the joint, and the initial stage of coxarthrosis (in which I continued to run, although with difficulty), turned into the last one in just six months. Now I couldn't even walk properly, turning into a bedridden patient.

Operation loomed on the horizon. Well-known specialists from CITO and from the Seppo clinic in Talin insisted on it. By that time, I had read a lot of literature about coxarthrosis and already knew that the operation was difficult, and most importantly, the guarantees for success were very insignificant.

In such cases, everyone lives in search of some kind of miracle ... So I discovered a completely official medical institution, where Professor Yu. Nikolaev treated a fairly wide range of diseases with the help of ... fasting.

“Temporary abstinence from food,” I thought then, “is better than a complex and dubious operation.” But, of course, there were also doubts. After all, as soon as I didn’t eat for half a day, my head began to hurt, weakness appeared ... But, in fact, there was no choice. I went to the clinic.

For the first time in my life, I have a lot of free time. Of course, I began to study the literature on fasting—I wanted to know what was happening to me: about clinical nutrition, yoga, Tibetan medicine ... I learned about the existence of numerous methods for maintaining and restoring health. These methods are based not only on the experience of many generations, going back thousands of years, but also on strict modern scientific provisions, rich clinical practice, as well as on the experiments of volunteers, especially those whose health is hopeless.

It was from literature that I learned five rules for myself. However, he also found a lack of unity among specialists in the interpretation and evaluation of certain provisions. Especially when it came to the place of each of the five rules in a common problem. The fact that this problem needs to be dealt with is evident from a number of facts.

In recent years, the average life expectancy in our country has fallen and reached 65 years for men and 67 for women, which is much lower than in a number of highly developed countries. Only in the last year there has been some progress, which is explained by the state's attack on such vices as alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse; 50 percent of men and 75 percent of women are overweight, and this is the forerunner of hypertension, diabetes and other diseases of the century. There are about 70 million smokers in the country.

The list of troubles can be continued. But the question is: is the evil we face inevitable? Can't fight him? That's just the point, what is possible and necessary. Indeed, in the same literature, I found data from which it follows that 100 - 120 years is a very real period of human life. I am not going to talk now about the necessary measures on a national scale. But each person, having increased the level of his knowledge, including having learned the “five rules”, can do a lot for his health.

Let me tell you about myself. Staying in the clinic of Yu. Nikolaev performed the very miracle that I feared and hoped for. I got out of it without leaning on crutches. Well, what happened next was a matter of putting the acquired knowledge into practice... After leaving the clinic and joining the “five rules”, two years passed. I completely stopped pain in my knees, because of which I had to warm up for a long time in the morning. Disappeared pain in the spine, which did not allow to sit at the desk for more than half an hour. Improved flexibility. Forgot about the headaches. More about coxarthrosis. Now I jog 3-5 km daily. I don't take any medication.

The size of a newspaper article, of course, does not make it possible to set out in full all the provisions of the five rules, but I would like to dwell on some of them in order to show the habitual delusions of a healthy person.

For example, what is the right way to drink water? It turned out that it is best to eat before meals. 30 minutes. Why? In any textbook of physiology it is written that on the 12-meter path of the gastrointestinal tract, water is absorbed only at the end of the path - by the walls of the large intestine. Moreover, water travels the entire distance quite quickly and is absorbed in 5 minutes. So, if you drink immediately after eating, then the water will simply dissolve the gastric juice. By the way, it is by no means accidental that in the resorts where mineral waters are used for medicinal purposes, they must be drunk on an empty stomach. I foresee the question: “But what about dessert, that is compote?”. No way! Nothing more than a fashion that came to Russia from France, and an elementary violation of physiological laws.

Of course, I only scratched the surface of the question of the use of water for medicinal purposes. There is a whole science here. Water is an amazing source of health. Alas, we drink from it too rarely and little, and, most importantly, clumsily.

But water has another remarkable property - the ability to quickly restore the electrical potential of the body. Academician A. Mikulin wrote in detail about the presence of such a potential in his book Active Longevity. The fact is that the legs and arms are under a negative potential in relation to the head. Moreover, the potential difference is only 1.5-2 volts. However, for many reasons (well, clothes, for example), there is a change in potentials during the day. To put it simply, our internal “power plant” is out of control. Meanwhile, under her control is the lion's share (up to 95 percent) of the metabolic processes that are constantly going on in the body. The failure of the “power plant” and suddenly leads to a sharp and seemingly unjustified deterioration in well-being. So, showering or bathing literally immediately restores potential, reducing static electricity. That is why the influence of water procedures is so beneficial.

In the five rules that I adhere to, one of the leading roles belongs, of course, to nutrition. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t eat right until that very time of fasting in the clinic. From the literature that I studied, it followed that there were only four general nutrition systems:

The so-called common table, officially - No. 15, according to which a healthy person can eat all kinds of foods in any combination. Then dietary nutrition, in which some of the products, the time of intake and the amount of food are limited. Young vegetarianism. It forbids meat and fish, but does not forbid the consumption of dairy products and eggs. Finally, the old vegetarianism, which excludes any food of animal origin.

Within these systems, one can find a significant number of empirical or scientifically developed regimes, as if offshoots from the main directions. For example, separate nutrition, nutrition with vegetable and fruit juices, a raw food diet, mono nutrition (in which only one type of food is eaten for a while), and so on. The worked out directions of nutrition in every nation are interesting for centuries. For example, Orthodox food. According to him, there are four big fasts during the year plus Wednesday and Friday weekly. In total, this gives about a six-month post. Or take five meals a day of yogis at a strictly set time: at 7 o'clock. 15 min., 9 o'clock. 30 min., 12 noon 00 min., 15 h. 15 min., 19 h. 15 minutes. Yogis, by the way, adhere to old-vegetarianism, but with the addition of milk.

The list of different types of food could be continued. But the above list is quite enough to understand how difficult it is for a mere mortal to independently choose one or another rational regime for himself. Moreover, there is still no single point of view on optimal nutrition. Vegetarians defend their positions, "meat-eaters" - theirs. However, all nutritionists at all times agree on one thing: the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food should approximately correspond to the formula 1:1:4. In addition, food should include vitamins such as C, groups B and PP, as well as vitamins A, E, K, D, and together with them 28 different microelements or their compounds.

But there are also controversial points. For example, nutritionists still argue about the amount of protein a person needs daily. According to some statements, 20 grams are enough, according to others - 120 or even more. The World Health Organization (WHO), which has specifically studied this issue, came to the conclusion that the average norm should be 40 grams.

Another contentious issue regarding protein is the need to consume the eight essential amino acids. With young vegetarians, and even more so with systems containing meat, a complete set of such amino acids is guaranteed. However, studies by adherents of old vegetarianism show that the problem of essential amino acids is solved by eating cereals and legumes in a ratio of 4:1. At the same time, all nutritionists unanimously argue that a person consumes two or even three times more food than he needs.

Having tried unsuccessfully two of the four systems, I personally settled on vegetarianism. Added on the advice of Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev weekly one-day fasting. Once a year - fortnightly. Excluded from the menu sweet, salty, spicy. Reduced the amount of food to 1.5 kg per day. Having named running, I, of course, have far from exhausted all types of physical activity. Walking, cycling, swimming, skiing are all good exercises. By the way, in the clinic I had to start with static exercises and only eventually combine them with dynamic exercises.

One could write a whole chapter on the rule of breathing. It is known that a person can live without food for 240 days, without water - 6, without air - only 5 minutes. In our body there is no system for the long-term accumulation of oxygen. Before the onset of urbanization, man literally lived in the fresh air. Now we spend most of our time in apartments. Meanwhile, studies show that the most harmful, low-oxygen air is not on a street clogged even with vehicles, but ... in your kitchen. That's why make it an inviolable rule to take at least an hour's walk in the fresh air every day. And, of course, it is useful to master simple breathing exercises, for example, from the system of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova (the newspaper talked about this system on October 26, 1986). For example, when I undertook to perform a few simple and time-consuming breathing exercises every day, after two months I felt their beneficial effects.

Finally, about the psychological mood. I personally mastered the basics of autogenic training while still an athlete. But the propaganda of psychological culture among the population in our country, unfortunately, is done very badly. The vast majority of people, if they have heard of auto-training, have no idea how to apply it. There are very few psychologists who could teach people how to behave in a given life situation. And I see only one way here - self-education. Mastering the simplest skills of psychotherapy, the possibilities of which are truly enormous. For example, a meaningful meal is many times more useful than swallowing it on the go or while reading a newspaper. Belief in the beneficial effects of physical exercise increases its effectiveness a hundredfold. The ability to restrain oneself sometimes prevents a catastrophe in a conflict situation. Examples here can be given ad infinitum.

So, I introduced you to the five rules of life support. Let me remind you: breathing, water-drinking regimen, nutrition, physical activity and psychological improvement. It should be noted that the use of each of the rules in a given situation may have contraindications. The art of a healthy lifestyle in this case comes down to a rather complicated problem of finding a successful mutual agreement of a set of techniques from these rules, as applied specifically to each person. In simple terms, this means: try to know yourself and look for your own concept of health by adopting the five rules.

Yuri Guscho

In the modern world it is very difficult to live without knowing the generally accepted norms of behavior.

It is easy to put yourself in an awkward position, but it is much more difficult to correct the situation later.

Therefore, it is important to know certain norms and rules that are accepted in society. They must always be remembered. After all, rude and tactless behavior can easily alienate people, form the wrong impression, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

The rules of etiquette apply to both men and women. It is based on the culture of speech, politeness, the ability to control one's emotions and actions, treating others with due attention.

There are rules of behavior at the table, rules of business communication, rules of etiquette when visiting public places and manners that are customary to observe in the presence of ladies.

Let's find out more about this.

The main rules of good manners

Today we will not talk about common truths: you need to be polite, friendly and cultured.

If you invite a girl to a restaurant and say: "I invite", then this means that you must pay for your joint dinner. When everyone pays for himself, then you need to say: "Let's go to a restaurant."

In no case should you come to visit without an invitation, unless there is a very good reason for this.

When unexpected guests come to you, you have every right to walk in sweatpants or curlers.

You need to invite a girl on a date only in person.

If you invite her to meet via SMS or write a message on a social network, she will take it as an insult and disrespect, as this is contrary to the rules of good manners when communicating with the opposite sex.

In cafes and restaurants, you can not put the phone on the table. When you lay out a smartphone, you demonstrate that the means of communication is much more important and significant for you than the interlocutor. Respect the one who kept you company, and try not to look impolite.

During a conversation, you do not need to check if you have received a message in Odnoklassniki and if there are updates in Instagram. It will also come off as ostentatious disrespect to whoever you are talking to. Be patient and check all your social contacts after the conversation.

A man should not carry a woman's handbag, and a woman should not drag heavy bags from the store. A man with a woman's handbag looks extremely stupid and ridiculous, like a woman with heavy bags.

Shoes should always be polished.

Indoors, the fair sex is allowed to keep their hats and gloves on. But this does not apply to the hat and mittens.

The girl's companion always helps her take off her outer clothing and carries her to the locker room himself.

If you are walking with a friend and he says hello to a stranger, you should also say hello. If they are talking to each other, you need to wait without interfering in the conversation.

It is impossible at this time to defiantly talk on the phone or press keys, typing a message and demonstrating that you do not have enough attention. Such behavior will first of all show your bad manners and inability to control your emotions.

Rudeness should never be answered with rudeness. Moreover, it is indecent to raise your voice. Keep your composure and in case of a conflict situation smile at an ill-mannered interlocutor. This will disarm him and make him look stupid, and you will get a few points in your favor in the eyes of others. Try to always behave courteously and benevolently, without sinking to rudeness in response.

A man should always walk down the street to the left of a lady. On the right, only military personnel are allowed to walk, who must be ready at any time to salute with their right hand.

When walking up the stairs, a man goes 1-2 steps below the lady in order to be able to support her in case she stumbles.

But the man should be the first to enter and exit the elevator.

Also, a man first enters the restaurant, showing that he is the initiator of this visit, and he will pay for the visit.

If the waiter opens the door, let the lady go ahead. After that, the man helps her undress and find a free table.

The arrangement of objects on the table must also comply with generally accepted standards. In order not to get into a mess, you can use the picture below (click on the picture to enlarge):

In the process of eating, you can signal to the serving staff and the restaurant manager by correctly placing the knife and fork on the plate to indicate a pause, approval or end of the meal:

If the lady sits down at the table or gets up from the table, the man should help her move the chair.

You should also open the door for the lady when she gets into or out of the car.

Smoking in the presence of a lady is possible only after she has given her consent to this.

If you suddenly quarreled about something, after which you asked for forgiveness and received it, you should not return to the incident again in a conversation.

Making your way in the theater to your seats, you should always go only with your face turned to those sitting.

Being in a public place you can not talk loudly, laugh, blow your nose, speak loudly on the phone and generally behave noisily, showing your bad manners.

And do not forget that you should never flaunt the following things:

  • Wealth;
  • Age;
  • Honor;
  • Gifts;
  • dishonor;
  • unsettled;
  • Disease;
  • Love connection.

Try to follow the above tips and you will always look worthy in the eyes of the people around you.

Decide to be happy: hug, share, watch the sunset, plant trees and flowers, listen to music, read books, exercise. It is DECIDE - it is your conscious decision that is needed for your happiness. NO ONE can make you happy but yourself. The most important principle. So what else would you like to remember?

  • The 80/20 Rule (Pareto's Law)
    80% of all your results and income are brought to you by only 20% of your activities. A lot of what you do isn't really necessary. Optimize your time. Think about it: 80% of almost useless work! So who doesn't have time for their favorite hobby there?
  • Parkinson's Law
    You can do what you want, much faster. The more time you allocate to the task, the more you will spend. And if you tend to put off things until the last minute, then regardless of whether you have allocated yourself a week or a month, the work will still be done in the last 2 days.
  • First give, then receive
    In that order, and not vice versa. Over time, you will get more than you give. Rejoice for the world. Wishes come true every second on earth. Tomorrow may be yours too. No person who has done a worthy deed has ever been rewarded with less than he gave.
  • Mistakes and failures are good
    They allow you to gain invaluable experience, learn a lot of interesting things and become successful, since success in life often comes only if you do not succumb to failures and mistakes. He comes only to the persistent.
  • Meet and chat easily
    Treat every meeting as if your best friends were there. If you start with this mindset, you will be more confident, more open, and win over new people. Not to mention how important a first positive impression is.
  • Your attitude changes reality
    Pessimism can hide behind a mask of realism. That is why you are always "right". On the other hand, it may be better not to always be like that, because over time we learn to find only what we are looking for ...
  • Gratitude is an easy way to feel happy
    This is a wonderful tool to maintain a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality and focus on the right goals. Also, make others happy. Which in turn will make you even happier – emotions are contagious.
  • Don't compare yourself to others
    If you compare yourself to others, you are letting the outside world control you. Mood swings guaranteed. It is much more productive to compare yourself with yourself. To see how far you have progressed and how you have grown above yourself.
  • Fear has big eyes
    80-90% of what you fear will never actually happen. They exist only in the head. And even if something happens, it's not as bad as you imagined. Worry is just a waste of time and energy.
  • Don't take everything too seriously
    Most of today's problems you are unlikely to remember in a couple of years. If you take yourself, your thoughts and emotions too seriously, it will only lead to a breakdown. Relax and your mood will change miraculously.