Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Ways of development of professional competence of the teacher. Conceptual foundations for managing the development of professional competence of teachers in a general education institution What is the basis of the model for the development of professional competences


1.1. Theoretical foundations of the teacher's professional competence 16-33

1.2. The structure of professional competence of a teacher 34

1.3. Factors affecting the development of professional competence 46-54

1.4. Innovative educational environment as a factor 54-67 in the development of professional competence of a teacher

1.5. Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of 67-81 professional competence of a teacher

Chapter 1 Conclusions 81


2.1. Organization and methods of research of professional 84-95 competence of a teacher

2.2. The results of the study of components 95-124 of the professional competence of teachers, depending on the conditions of the educational environment

2.3. The results of the study of components 125-139 of professional competence, depending on the length of service

2.4. Development and approbation of a program of psychological and pedagogical support 139-147 for the development of professional competence of teachers

Chapter 2 Conclusions 148

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Pedagogical psychology", 19.00.07 VAK code

  • Development of professional and psychological characteristics of a teacher in the multicultural educational space of Russia 2013, Doctor of Psychology Sinyakova, Marina Gennadievna

  • Multicultural competence of Russian-speaking teachers in the Estonian educational environment 2009, candidate of psychological sciences Dzhalalova, Anna Anatolyevna

  • Psychological and acmeological support of innovative activities in the educational environment 2006, candidate of psychological sciences Plaksina, Irina Vasilievna

  • The influence of the interaction of a psychologist and teachers on the development of professional competence of a teacher 2008, candidate of psychological sciences Galstyan, Olga Alexandrovna

  • Development of socio-perceptual competence of teachers in the system of advanced training 2002, candidate of pedagogical sciences Oseeva, Elena Anatolyevna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Development of professional competence of a teacher in an innovative educational environment"

The relevance of the work. The current stage of development of Russian society is characterized by a rapid change in technology, which leads to the formation of a new education system that involves constant renewal. The success of the implementation of continuous education depends on how capable all subjects of the education system will be to maintain competitiveness, the most important conditions for which are such personality traits as activity, initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions. Therefore, one of the promising areas for the development of education in Russia is the improvement of professional skills, the dissemination of best practices, and the creation of an innovative educational environment. Today, education in Russia is focused on an active and mobile teacher who takes the initiative, is clearly aware of his professional goals, is open to everything new and is optimistic about innovation. It is such a teacher who will be able to effectively implement the key areas reflected in the National Educational Initiative “Our New School” (dated November 12, 2009), presented in the Address of the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly.

The problem of the teacher's professional competence has been studied by many philosophers, educators, and psychologists. The issues of formation and development of professional competence are considered in the works of V.A. Adolf, T.G. Brazhe, E.F. Zeera, I.A. Zimney, N.V. Kuzmina, M.I. Lukyanova, A.K. Markova, A.M. Novikova, G.S. Trofimova, G. Bernhard, V. Bloom, H. Marcus, R. Sterner, etc. But despite the fairly wide representation of the phenomenon under study in the scientific literature, there is still no unambiguity both in its operationalization and in determining its composition, and hence,. and in highlighting the ways of its development. Thus, the relevance of the topic is due to insufficient justification of the methods for developing the professional competence of teachers and the ever-increasing requirements of social practice in competent workers.

Professional competence is of particular importance due to the fact that the education system is currently characterized by significant innovative transformations. Under the current conditions, in order to be successful and in demand, a teacher must be ready for any changes, be able to quickly and effectively adapt to new conditions, show a desire to be a professional, constantly update their knowledge and skills, strive for self-development, show tolerance for uncertainty, be ready to risk, i.e. be professionally competent.

However, as social practice shows, these characteristics are not formed by all teachers. On the contrary, a significant part of them experience great difficulties in adapting to rapidly changing social, economic, professional conditions, and then the lack of professional competence can cause serious socio-psychological problems of the individual - from internal dissatisfaction to social confrontation and aggression.

The success of the development of innovative education, in turn, is largely determined by the readiness of professional personnel working in the field of education to work in an innovative mode, to flexible, prompt response in their professional activities to the ever-changing needs of society and the individual. Therefore, the development of professional competence of teachers is becoming one of the most important conditions for reforming Russian education.

In this regard, it becomes important to develop such a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the teacher, which would contribute to the development of his professional competence, which leads to an increase in the quality of education and the formation of positive relations between all participants in the educational process.

In the context of this study, the professional competence of a teacher is considered as a set of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the implementation of the content of state educational standards.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to identify a number of contradictions:

At the socio-psychological level: between the new requirements for the teacher in connection with the modernization and reform of Russian education and the discrepancy between the level of development of the teacher's professional competence to these requirements;

At the scientific and psychological level: between the need to develop the professional competence of a teacher in an innovative educational environment and the lack of development of the theoretical foundations of this process;

At the scientific and methodological level: between the need to develop a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the professional competence of a teacher and the insufficient development of its methodological foundations and technologies.

The identified contradictions led to the formulation of the research problem. In theoretical terms, this is the problem of defining, studying and developing the components of a teacher's professional competence in an innovative educational environment; in practical terms, the problem of scientific substantiation and development of a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence. This led to the choice of the topic of the dissertation research: "Development of professional competence of a teacher in an innovative educational environment."

The object is the professional competence of the teacher.

The subject is the features of the development of a teacher's professional competence in an innovative educational environment.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the development of professional competence of teachers in an innovative educational environment and to develop a program of psychological and pedagogical support for this process.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature and summarize the theoretical and methodological approaches to the consideration of the phenomenon of "professional competence".

2. Determine and operationalize at the theoretical level the component structure of the teacher's professional competence.

3. To study the components of the teacher's professional competence depending on the conditions of the innovative educational environment.

4. To study the features of the development of the components of the professional competence of the teacher, depending on the experience of teaching.

5. Develop a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence and determine its effectiveness.

The following hypotheses were put forward as a hypothesis of the study:

1. For the theory and practice of developing the professional competence of a teacher, it is correct to proceed from understanding it as a complex phenomenon, representing a set of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the implementation of the content of state educational standards and consisting of activity, personal and socio-communicative components.

2. Structural components of a teacher's professional competence may acquire more complex and integrated connections in an innovative educational environment.

3. The development of the activity, personal and socio-communicative components of a teacher's professional competence probably depends on the experience of teaching.

4. Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a teacher's professional competence will be effective if, along with traditional areas (psychological prevention, diagnostics of the formation of components of professional competence, psychological counseling, etc.), you use the possibilities of an innovative educational environment (participation in professional skill competitions, exhibitions of professional achievements and etc.).

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is: a systematic approach to the study of personality (B.G. Ananiev, A.N. Leontiev, B.F. Lomov, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.), a subject-activity approach developed in domestic psychology (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A.G. Asmolov, L.S. Vygotsky, V.I. Dolgova, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein), competence-based approach (V.I. Baidenko, A.A. Verbitsky, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, Yu.G. Tatur,

A.B. Khutorskoy, V.D. Shadrikov, S.E. Shishov, J. Raven and others), concepts of professional development of teachers (E.F. Zeer, N.S. Glukhanyuk, E.A. Klimov, A.K. Markova, N.S. Pryazhnikov, E.E. Symanyuk and etc.); theoretical approaches to understanding innovation activity and innovative educational environment (V.C. Dudchenko, V.I. Dolgova, I.A. Zimnyaya, E.V. Korotaeva, S.A. Novoselov, K.S. Pirogov,

B.A. Slastenin, A.B. Khutorskaya and others); approaches to the study of psychological and pedagogical support (I.V. Dubrovina, M.V. Ermolaeva, V.A. Malikova, R.V. Ovcharova, etc.).

Research methods and techniques. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used:

Theoretical - analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of research (generalization, systematization, comparison);

Empirical - psychological testing using the following methods: to study the activity component of a teacher's professional competence - E. Shane's career orientation diagnostic method, T. Ehlers' method for determining motivation for success, T. Ehlers' method for determining motivation to avoid failures; to study the personal component of the professional competence of a teacher - a test of meaningful life orientations D.A. Leontiev, a questionnaire for self-assessment of emotional states by G. Eysenck, a questionnaire for assessing the level of empathy A. Megrabyan; to study the socio-communicative component of a teacher's professional competence - a questionnaire for assessing socio-communicative competence;

Mathematical and statistical methods of data processing - the method of descriptive statistics, Spearman's correlation analysis to identify significant correlations between variables, the Mann-Whitney U-test to assess the reliability of differences in samples according to the level of the studied trait, the Wilcoxon T-test to establish the reliability of differences in the direction and severity of changes compared indicators. Calculations were performed using a software package (SPSS for Windows 12.0; MS Excel XP 2000).

Research stages. The study of the development of professional competence of teachers in an innovative educational environment was conducted from 2006 to 2011 and included three main stages.

At the first stage (2006-2007), the relevance and prospects of studying the professional competence of a teacher were identified, a theoretical analysis of scientific sources was carried out, on the basis of which the concept of "professional competence of a teacher" was defined, the structural components of a teacher's professional competence were identified and described, in accordance with which selected psychodiagnostic tools, collected preliminary empirical data.

At the second stage (2008-2009), a study was made of the components of the professional competence of teachers working in different educational environments (traditional and innovative schools) and with different teaching experience. Significant differences were determined using the Mann-Whitney U-test, and a correlation analysis was performed using the Spearman test.

At the third stage (2010-2011) the results of empirical research are summarized, the features of the teacher's professional competence are highlighted depending on the conditions of the educational environment and the experience of pedagogical activity. Based on the data obtained in the course of the study, a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence was developed and tested. The indicators of the components of the teacher's professional competence were measured before and after the implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical support, as well as a mathematical and statistical analysis of the significance of the changes that occurred using the Wilcoxon T-test. The materials of the dissertation research have been prepared.

Research base. The study was conducted in educational institutions of Yekaterinburg. The study involved teachers working in traditional schools: MOU Secondary School No. 164 (44 people), MOU Secondary School No. 140 (39 people), MOU Secondary School No. 93 (55 people), MOU Secondary School No. 17

57 people), as well as teachers working in innovative schools: MOU Secondary School No. 47 (53 people), MOU Secondary School No. 35 (46 people), MOU Secondary School No. 37 (49 people), MOU Secondary School No. 180 (37 pers.); only 380 people. All study participants are women aged 22 to 70 years. At the stage of implementing the program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of professional competence, 112 teachers working in traditional educational institutions took part.

The validity and reliability of the results of the study and its conclusions were ensured by the use of general methodological principles corresponding to the research problem, reliance on fundamental research, representativeness of the sample, the use of a set of methods (including methods of mathematical and statistical analysis of empirical data) and psychodiagnostic methods (valid and reliable), corresponding the subject and objectives of the study.

Scientific novelty of the research.

The component composition of the teacher's professional competence is determined, which includes the activity component (subject-activity knowledge, the desire to be a professional, the desire for freedom of choice, orientation to work with people, orientation to the integration of the efforts of others, the desire to create something new, the willingness to overcome obstacles and take responsibility for result, motivation to achieve success, willingness to take risks), a personal component (the desire to build one’s own life, to be responsible for the events taking place in it, the ability to show support, to help others, the desire for self-development, the ability to control one’s emotional states), social communicative component (flexibility in communication, tolerance for uncertainty, optimism, developed skills of self-control in communication).

It was revealed that there are differences in the severity of indicators of the components of professional competence "depending on the conditions of the educational environment. Teachers working in innovative schools strive for the integration of life spheres, for freedom, are ready for risk, are focused on achieving success in their professional activities and its official recognition are characterized by emotional balance, flexibility, tolerance for uncertainty, high empathy, optimism, developed self-control skills.Teachers working in traditional schools strive for stability in life, they have no desire to create something new, they are least focused on taking responsibility for the result of their work, they do not want to organize the space of others, they are not ready to take risks, they are prone to the manifestation of anxiety and anxiety, they are attached to already familiar and practiced actions, they are distrustful, pessimistic.

It has been established that with an increase in work experience, changes occur in the activity and personal components of a teacher's professional competence. Teachers with more than 10 years of experience working in innovative schools are concretizing vital interests, forming an idea of ​​themselves as a successful person with freedom of choice, able to build their lives in accordance with their goals. Teachers of traditional schools are characterized by an increase in anxiety and rigidity.

It was revealed that the relationship between the indicators of the components of professional competence differs in originality depending on the conditions of the educational environment: teachers working in innovative schools have the most associated activity, personal and socio-communicative components, which indicates a high consistency of indicators of professional competence, their involvement in its structure as a single integrity and allows teachers to more flexibly and mobilely master innovations; teachers working in traditional schools have activity and personal components, which indicates a lack of integration in the structure of professional competence. The lack of relationship with the indicators of the socio-communicative component makes it difficult to accept and implement innovations.

It has been substantiated that the implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence contributes to increasing tolerance for uncertainty, motivation for success, the formation of career orientations, self-image as a successful person, reducing rigidity, anxiety and resistance to innovative activity.

The theoretical significance of the work. The content of the concepts "professional competence of a teacher" (a set of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the implementation of the content of state educational standards) and "innovative educational environment" (a set of material, spiritual, economic, pedagogical conditions and a system of organizational forms and means necessary for the development innovative educational activities); the idea of ​​the structural components of professional competence has been supplemented with new content, the determinants of its development have been identified; the theoretical foundations of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence are determined, which is the basis for the activation of innovative activity. The study posed and solved the scientific problem of the development of the teacher's professional competence, which enriches the theory of the teacher's professional development and is important for the development of pedagogical psychology.

The practical significance of the work. Based on the results of an empirical study, a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of professional competence of teachers was developed and tested, the main focus of which is on the impact on the activity and personal components, which contributes to the improvement of the teacher's activity.

The program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of professional competence of teachers is intended for the activities of school psychologists.

The materials of the conducted research are included in the training courses "Pedagogical Psychology", "Labor Psychology", "Psychology of Professional Activity"; in special courses on issues of professional development of teachers, in the programs of advanced training courses for educators, implemented at the Institute of Personnel Development and Management of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

The data obtained can become the basis for the development of a comprehensive program for the development of professional competence of teachers in the context of innovative changes in education.

The main provisions for defense:

1. The professional competence of a teacher in an innovative educational environment is a complex phenomenon consisting of an activity component (subject-activity knowledge, the desire to be a professional, the desire for freedom of choice, an orientation towards working with people, an orientation towards integrating the efforts of others, the desire to create something new, willingness to overcome obstacles and take responsibility for the result, motivation to achieve success, willingness to take risks), the personal component (the desire to build one’s own life, to be responsible for the events taking place in it, the ability to show support, help others, the desire for self-development, the ability to control their emotional states), social and communicative component (flexibility in communication, tolerance for uncertainty, optimism, developed skills of self-control in communication).

2. The structure of the teacher's professional competence is specific depending on the conditions of the educational environment. Teachers working in innovative schools are characterized by a higher degree of career orientations, as well as indicators of locus of control-I, effective empathy, tolerance for uncertainty and optimism, which indicates their desire for change, the ability to manage their own lives and the actions of others. Teachers working in traditional schools are characterized by high rates of anxiety, frustration and rigidity, which cause strong emotional resistance and unwillingness to implement innovations in their activities.

3. With an increase in work experience, there is a change in the indicators of the activity and personal component of the teacher's professional competence. Along with the concretization of the interests of life and the formation of an idea of ​​​​oneself as a successful person who is able to build his own life, attachment to performing activities in the usual ways increases, as a result of which the introduction of innovations becomes more difficult. The socio-communicative component does not show sensitivity to work experience.

4. The developed program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence helps to increase the motivation for success, the formation of career orientations, self-image as a successful person, the reduction of rigidity, anxiety and the development of tolerance for uncertainty, which ensures the inclusion of the teacher in innovative activities.

Testing and implementation of research results. The research materials were discussed at meetings of the Department of Acmeology and Management Psychology of the Institute of Personnel Development and Management, USPU (2006-2011). The main provisions and results of the dissertation research were discussed at international conferences (Yekaterinburg, 2011, Moscow, 2011), all-Russian conferences (Yekaterinburg, 2010, Moscow, 2010, Sochi, 2010, Chelyabinsk, 2011), were presented at the annual conferences of leaders and teachers of the education system Yekaterinburg (2005-2010), city open pedagogical readings (2010). Theoretical and empirical results of the study were presented in reports made in the labor collectives on the basis of which the study was conducted.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix. The work contains 6 applications. The text is illustrated by 21 tables, 3 figures. The bibliographic list includes 147 titles, 3 of which are in foreign languages.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Pedagogical psychology", Umnikova, Evgenia Leonidovna

The results of the study presented in this paper are the first step in the study of the psychological characteristics of the professional competence of teachers. Despite this, they reflect the current situation in the modern school. Thus, the ongoing and upcoming changes in the field of education are often not agreed with the pedagogical community, which leads to resistance to innovations, a decrease in motivation for activity, and the formation of a position of non-participation in the ongoing changes.

Conclusion on Chapter II

In the course of an empirical study of the features of the components of a teacher's professional competence, statistically significant results were obtained, allowing the following conclusions to be drawn:

1. The specifics of the structure of the teacher's professional competence depending on the conditions of the educational environment are revealed.

Teachers working in innovative schools are characterized by a higher degree of career orientations, as well as indicators of locus of control-I, effective empathy, tolerance for uncertainty and optimism, which indicates their desire for change, the ability to manage their own lives and the actions of others. I

Teachers working in traditional schools are characterized by high rates of anxiety, frustration and rigidity, which cause strong emotional resistance and unwillingness to implement innovations in their activities.

2. The specificity of professional competence depending on the experience of pedagogical activity was found. With an increase in work experience, there is a change in the indicators of the activity and personal component of the teacher's professional competence. Along with the concretization of the interests of life and the formation of an idea of ​​​​oneself as a successful person who is able to build his own life on his own, attachment to the performance of activities in the usual ways increases. The social and communicative component does not show sensitivity to work experience, which makes it difficult to introduce innovations.

3. Based on the results of the empirical study, a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the teacher's professional competence has been developed. An analysis of the results of an empirical test of the effectiveness of the program of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional competence of teachers showed that there were statistically significant upward changes in the indicators "motivation for success", "entrepreneurship", "autonomy" - an activity component; "locus of control - I" - a personal component; "tolerance" is a social and communicative component, and in the direction of decreasing in terms of "rigidity" and "anxiety" - a personal component, which confirms the effectiveness of the developed and tested program.


At present, a competency-based approach is being fixed in the Russian education system, as a result of which the conditions of activity are also changing (in particular, innovative educational technologies are being widely disseminated). This requires the teacher to be active, independent, initiative, able to make difficult decisions and responsible for them. In this regard, there is a need to study the features of the professional competence of the teacher.

Based on a theoretical analysis of the works of domestic (E.N. Volkova, E.F. Zeer, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markov, L.M. Mitina, E.I. Rogov and others) and foreign researchers (G. Bernhard , W. Bloom, X. Marcus J. Raven, R. Short, A. Shelten, etc.), we have defined the concept of professional competence of a teacher as a set of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the implementation of the content of state educational standards.

Among the determinants of the development of professional competence, a special role is played by the conditions of the educational environment and, in particular, its innovative nature. Currently, educational institutions are conditionally divided into two groups - traditional and developing (innovative).

The traditional school is characterized by stability, adherence to the once established order, strict adherence to the educational program and curriculum.

Innovative schools are characterized by a search mode, which is realized through the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, the formation of a new content of the educational program and its constant updating. Proceeding from this, the development of professional competence should be implemented through inclusion in active work, i.e. be developmental.

Having studied the components of a teacher's professional competence depending on the conditions of the educational environment and the experience of pedagogical activity, we found that the activity and personal components show the greatest sensitivity.

Teachers working in schools that implement innovative educational technologies show openness to changes, the ability to control their actions, understand others and be tolerant of all transformations. Teachers working in traditional schools are characterized by high values ​​in terms of "anxiety", "frustration" and "rigidity". Perhaps this can explain the fact that all innovative processes in these institutions are practically not implemented and cause strong resistance.

Young teachers are characterized by a pronounced desire for service, which is manifested in the desire to work with people, to make the world a better place. With an increase in work experience, there is an increase in the concretization of interests in life, an idea is formed of oneself as a strong personality with freedom of choice, able to build a life in accordance with one’s goals and ideas about the meaning, as well as an increase in the difficulty in restructuring habitual ways of activity.

After 25 years of work, the desire to integrate the efforts of other people, to take responsibility for the final result, to create something new, to overcome obstacles is reduced. It should be noted that in connection with the main promising directions for the development of educational institutions (in particular, in the direction of the transition to an autonomous nature of functioning), these features can be a significant obstacle to the introduction of innovations.

In terms of the socio-communicative component, no significant differences were found in any of the comparison groups, which may indicate that this component is not sensitive to work experience.

The development of the program of psychological and pedagogical support is based on the idea of ​​the features of the innovative educational environment and the data of the empirical study. In this regard, the program involves the use of developing technologies (developing diagnostics, participation in grant competitions, professional skill competitions, project-based learning, etc.).

The study allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The theoretical analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to specify the definition of professional competence as a set of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the implementation of the content of state educational standards.

2. The composition of the teacher's professional competence has been determined and empirically verified. It includes activity (subject-activity knowledge, the desire to be a professional, the desire for freedom of choice, orientation to work with people, orientation to the integration of the efforts of others, the desire to create something new, willingness to overcome obstacles and take responsibility for the result, motivation to achieve success, willingness to to risk), personal (the desire to build one’s own life, be responsible for the events taking place in it, the ability to show support, help others, the desire for self-development, the ability to control one’s emotional states) and social and communicative (flexibility in communication, tolerance for uncertainty , optimism, developed skills of self-control in communication) components.

3. The specifics of the professional competence of a teacher depending on the conditions of the educational environment are revealed: high severity in career orientations - management, challenge, entrepreneurship, as well as in terms of locus-control-I, empathy, effective empathy, tolerance for uncertainty and optimism is typical for teachers, working in innovative schools; high rates of anxiety, frustration and rigidity are characteristic of teachers working in traditional schools.

4. With an increase in the length of service in a group of teachers working in innovative schools, vital interests are concretized, an idea of ​​oneself as a successful person is formed, the emotional richness of life increases, and the desire for self-development in the profession and independence is actualized. In the group of teachers working in traditional schools, there is a decrease in the orientation towards the integration of the efforts of other people, an increase in the desire to work in stable conditions, rigidity and anxiety. In terms of the socio-communicative component, no significant differences were found in any of the comparison groups.

5. The developed program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a teacher's professional competence is aimed at increasing motivation for success, forming career orientations and self-image as a successful person, reducing rigidity, anxiety and developing tolerance, which ensures the inclusion of a teacher in innovative activities.

This study does not exhaust the problem of the development of the teacher's professional competence and can be continued in the direction of studying its features depending on the type of educational institution and the subject taught (humanitarian or technical orientation), and subsequently - in the direction of adjusting the proposed program to support the development of the teacher's professional competence, taking into account the identified features.

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The structure can be revealed through his pedagogical skills. The model of a teacher's professional competence acts as a unity of his theoretical and practical readiness.



Municipal budgetary educational institution "Dym-Tamakskaya basic comprehensive school" Yutazinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Report on the topic:

"Development of teacher's professional competence as a factor in improving the quality of education in the context of the transition to new educational standards"

Gumerova I.I.

mathematic teacher

first qualifying

In modern conditions, the main principle of building the educational process at school is a focus on the development of the student's personality, arming him with ways of action that allow him to study productively, realize his educational needs, cognitive interests and future professional needs. Therefore, the task of organizing an educational environment conducive to the development of the student's personal essence is put forward as the main task of the school.

The solution of this problem directly depends on the professional competence of teaching staff. As stated in the "Professional standard of the teacher": "The teacher is a key figure in the reform of education. In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Therefore, an important condition for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a general education school is the preparation of a teacher, the formation of his philosophical and pedagogical position, methodological, didactic, communicative, methodological and other competencies. Working according to the standards of the second generation, the teacher must make the transition from traditional technologies to technologies of developing, student-centered learning, use the technologies of level differentiation, learning based on a competency-based approach, "learning situations", project and research activities, information and communication technologies, interactive methods and active forms of learning.

An integral part of the professionalism and pedagogical skill of a teacher is considered to be hisprofessional competence.

Under professional competenceis understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity.

Therefore, the concept professional competence of a teacherexpresses the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activity and characterizes his professionalism.

Structure teacher's professional competencecan be revealed through his pedagogical skills. The model of a teacher's professional competence acts as a unity of his theoretical and practical readiness. Pedagogical skills here are grouped into four groups.

1. The ability to "translate" the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: the study of the individual and the team to determine the level of their preparedness for the active mastery of new knowledge and designing on this basis the development of the team and individual students; allocation of a complex of educational, upbringing and developing tasks, their concretization and determination of the dominant task.

2. Ability to build and set in motion a logically completed pedagogical system: integrated planning of educational tasks; reasonable selection of the content of the educational process; optimal choice of forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. The ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action:

creation of necessary conditions (material, moral-psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); activation of the student's personality, the development of his activity, which turns him from an object into a subject of education; organization and development of joint activities; ensuring the connection of the school with the environment, regulation of external non-programmed influences.

4. Skills for accounting and evaluating the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogical tasks.

professionally competentone can name a teacher who, at a sufficiently high level, carries out pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication, achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students.

- this is the development of a creative individuality, the formation of susceptibility to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. The socio-economic and spiritual development of society directly depends on the professional level of the teacher. The changes taking place in the modern education system make it necessary to improve the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, i.e., his professional competence. The main goal of modern education is to meet the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state, to prepare a diversified personality of a citizen of his country, capable of social adaptation in society, starting work, self-education and self-improvement. And a free-thinking, predicting the results of his activities and modeling the educational process, the teacher is the guarantor of achieving the goals. That is why, at present, the demand for a qualified, creatively thinking, competitive personality of a teacher, capable of educating a personality in a modern, dynamically changing world, has sharply increased.

Based on the modern requirements for a teacher, the school determines the main ways of developing his professional competence:

  • Advanced training system.
  • Certification of teaching staff for compliance with the position and qualification category.
  • Self-education of teachers.
  • Active participation in the work of methodological associations, teachers' councils, seminars, conferences, master classes. Demanded forms of methodological work are theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, gatherings, congresses of teachers.
  • Possession of modern educational technologies, teaching methods, pedagogical tools and their continuous improvement.
  • Mastering information and communication technologies.
  • Participation in various competitions, research works.
  • Generalization and distribution of own pedagogical experience, creation of publications.

Let's dwell on some points in more detail.

Teachers are actively trained in advanced training courses every five years and professional retraining on topical issues of teacher education and priority areas determined by the educational institution and the municipal education system. The seminar remains the most important form of advanced training, which ensures the professional growth of a teacher in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Expected Resultadvanced training- professional readiness of educators for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • ensuring optimal entry of educators into the value system of modern education;
  • adoption of the ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education;
  • development of a new system of requirements for the structure of the main educational program, the results of its development and the conditions for implementation, as well as a system for assessing the results of educational activities of students;
  • mastering the educational and methodological and information and methodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard.

One of the means of implementing new directions iscertification of teaching staff, whose task is to stimulate the growth of professionalism and productivity of pedagogical work. Certification is only the tip of the iceberg, the underwater part of which is the inter-certification period. This is where the field of activity for improving the level of pedagogical competence.

The process of self-education of teachersbecame especially relevant at the stage of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards due to the fact that the main idea of ​​the standards is the formation of universal educational activities in the child. Only the teacher who himself improves all his life can teach to learn.

Self-education is carried out through the following activities:

  • systematic professional development;
  • study of modern psychological and pedagogical methods;
  • participation in seminars, master classes, conferences, attending lessons of colleagues;
  • watching TV, reading the press.
  • acquaintance with pedagogical and methodical literature.
  • use of Internet resources;
  • demonstration of own pedagogical experience;
  • attention to your own health.

A special role in the process of professional self-improvement of the teacher is played by hisinnovative activity.In this regard, the formation of the teacher's readiness for it is the most important condition for his professional development.

If it is enough for a teacher working in the traditional system to master the pedagogical technique, i.e. a system of teaching skills that allow him to carry out educational activities at a professional level and achieve more or less successful learning, then the teacher’s readiness for innovation is decisive for the transition to an innovative mode.

The innovative activity of teachers at the school is represented by the following areas: approbation of new generation textbooks, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the development of modern pedagogical technologies, social design, the creation of individual pedagogical projects.

One of the ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher is his participation inprofessional skill competitions:

It is believed that the activity of participation of teachers in competitions is not high due to the lack of internal motivation, workload of teachers.

One of the leading forms of increasing the level of professional skills is the study of the experience of colleagues, the transmission of one's own experience.

School teachers actively participate in various conferences, seminars, congresses, etc., they not only disseminate their pedagogical experience at different levels, but also participate in the creation of an innovative space that unites teachers on similar pedagogical problems to accumulate ideas and combine opportunities.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. Hence the need for motivation and the creation of favorable conditions for pedagogical growth. It is necessary to create the conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of their own professional qualities. The analysis of one's own pedagogical experience activates the professional self-development of the teacher, as a result of which the skills of research activity are developed, which are then integrated into pedagogical activity.

Development of professional competenceis a dynamic process of assimilation and modernization of professional experience, leading to the development of individual professional qualities, the accumulation of professional experience, involving continuous development and self-improvement.

Formation of professional competence- the process is cyclic, because in the process of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to constantly improve professionalism, and each time the listed stages are repeated, but in a new capacity. In general, the process of self-development is biologically determined and is associated with the socialization and individualization of a person who consciously organizes his own life, and hence his own development. The process of formation of professional competence also strongly depends on the environment, so it is the environment that should stimulate professional self-development.

Thus, we see that the goal of methodological work at school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure the professional readiness of teachers for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through the creation of a system of continuous professional development for each teacher.

It is clear that the solution of the main tasks of general education primarily depends on the professional competence of teachers - the main executors of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. One thing is clear, that only teachers with high professionalism can educate a person with modern thinking, who is able to successfully fulfill himself in life. At the same time, the concept of "professionalism" includes not only the professional, communicative, informational and legal components of the competence of educators, but also the personal potential of the teacher, the system of his professional values, his beliefs, attitudes, in integrity, giving high-quality educational results.

In modern conditions, the requirements for the professional competence of a teacher are imposed not only by the new educational standard, but also by the TIME in which we live. And each teacher is faced with a difficult, but solvable task - "to be in time." For this to happen, everyone who has chosen the profession of a teacher must periodically recall the very important and correct words of the Russian teacher, the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, on which I will end my speech: “In the matter of education and upbringing, in all school affairs, nothing cannot be improved without the teacher's head. The teacher lives as long as he learns. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.”

The main ways of professional development

teacher competence



    Self-education of teachers.

    Active participation in the work of methodological associations, teachers' councils, seminars, conferences, master classes.

    Possession of modern educational technologies.

    Mastering information and communication technologies.

    Participation in competitions, research works.

    Generalization and dissemination of their own pedagogical experience.

The lesson is the main indicator of the professionalism of the teacher. In order to improve the methodological competence of the teacher, open lessons are held at the school, mutual attendance of lessons, which demonstrate the experience of the teacher. Analysis and introspection of the lesson helps the teacher to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their lessons, allows you to achieve an improvement in the quality of the lesson. Therefore, the school has created a bank of analysis of the lessons attended.


    ensuring optimal entry of teachers into the value system of modern equipment,

    adoption of the ideology of the SES of general education,

    mastering the educational and methodological and information and methodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the SES.

The quality of the educational process depends on professionalism, a creative approach to their activities. The objectives of management activities to improve the professional skills of teachers are:

    collection of information;

    analysis of the received information;


    regulation of the management of the development of the teacher's professional competence.

With the introduction of the SES, new pedagogical norms are being tested, the teacher should be a researcher who studies the effectiveness of the use of the pedagogical and methodological competence of the teacher and his professional skills, which determine the development and formation of the student's personality. Methodological work is a set of activities carried out by the administration, methodological associations, teachers in order to master the methods and techniques of educational work, their creative application in educational, optional classes, in extracurricular activities.

In creating a system of methodological work, an important role is played bydiagnostics . (Appendix 1).

The next important point in methodological work is the organization of methodological study. The purpose of which is informational and methodological support

    Issue of methodical bulletins.

    School of the young teacher.

    School of Pedagogics.

    Self-education (study of methodological literature, Internet resources).

Agree that this collective portrait of a professional teacher fully complies with the requirements that not only the new educational standard imposes on the teacher, but also TIME. And each teacher is faced with a difficult, but solvable task - "to be in time." For this to happen, everyone who has chosen the profession of a teacher must periodically recall the very important and correct words of the Russian teacher, the founder of scientific pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky: “In the matter of training and education, in the whole school business, nothing can be improved without the head of the teacher. The teacher lives as long as he learns. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.”

The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it

M. Barber

Traditionally, the education system has focused on knowledge as the goal of learning. According to the amount of knowledge gained by graduates, the work of the teaching staff of the school was evaluated. The transformations of Russian society in general and the school in particular led to a change in the requirements for the student. The "knowledgeable graduate" has ceased to meet the demands of society. There was a demand for a “skillful, creative graduate”, who has appropriate value orientations, a graduate who can take responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, can benefit from experience, is critical of the phenomena of nature and society.

Therefore, we consider the main direction of work at the school to be the development of the professional competence of a teacher who is able to skillfully organize the activities of students, to transfer to students a certain amount of knowledge to master their abilities for active action.

Let's pay attention to the approaches to the definition of professional competence. In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, competence is defined as a characteristic of a knowledgeable, knowledgeable, authoritative specialist in any field. According to V.N. Vvedensky, the professional competence of a teacher is not limited to a set of knowledge and skills, but determines the need and effectiveness of their application in real educational practice. The understanding of professional competence as "the unity of theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activity" can be found in the works of Boris Semenovich Gershunsky.

Despite the ambiguity of the presented approaches, a professionally competent teacher can be called, who at a sufficiently high level carries out pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication, achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students.

The development of professional competence is the development of a creative individuality, the formation of susceptibility to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment.

The national educational initiative "Our New School" names a number of priority areas, one of which is the improvement of the teaching staff. A new school needs a new teacher today. It becomes necessary for a modern teacher to constantly improve the level of their professional competencies: subject, methodological, communicative, informational, general cultural, legal.

Based on the modern requirements for a teacher, the school determines the main ways of developing his professional competence:

  • Work in methodological associations, creative or problem groups (school and municipal levels).
  • Innovative activity of the teacher.
  • Participation in professional skill competitions, master classes, forums, festivals, etc.
  • Generalization and dissemination of their own pedagogical experience.
  • Certification of teachers, advanced training
  • Development of professional competence through active forms of work with teachers.

These areas are implemented by the methodological service of the school, which includes: the pedagogical council, the methodological council, school methodological associations, problem groups, the information support service of the school, and the socio-psychological service.

The legal framework that ensures the work of the school methodological service is the internal local acts of the school.

The methodological council of the school is a collective public body that coordinates the activities of various services and departments of the school, school methodological associations, problem groups, aimed at developing and improving the educational space at school. The functions that the methodological council performs are:

  • Analytical (consists in the study of the professional culture of the teacher, his ability to work with the class, individual students, his command of the professional language, the methodology for organizing and conducting the lesson, diagnosing the results of the teacher's activities)
  • Advisory (consists in providing analytical, practical, advisory and other assistance to structural units in the development and implementation of innovative forms of work; in summarizing the work experience of school teachers)
  • Organizational (consists in organizing and conducting methodological, subject weeks, in organizing the work of creative and problem groups of teachers, in organizing work with young teachers)

Among the priority areas of activity of the methodological service, we single out:

Organization of the work of the teaching staff on a single methodological topic.

Since 2009, the school has been working on a methodological theme: "Modeling a modern lesson." The methodological theme of the school and the themes arising from it in the work of school methodological associations correspond to the main tasks of the functioning and development of the school. The purpose of the work on a single methodological theme is to improve the professional competence of a teacher in the framework of modeling a modern lesson.

Each subject methodological association also builds its work in accordance with a single methodological theme of the school. The school has created 5 subject MO, priority areas, the work of which are:

- improving the methodological and professional skills of teachers, developing their creative potential;
- creation of a learning system that meets the needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and abilities;
- organization of mutual assistance to ensure modern requirements for the education and upbringing of students;
– development of modern teaching methods and technologies.

Recently, school methodological associations have paid great attention to the consideration of issues related to the formation of students' skills in creative research activities.

They allow to improve the quality of the modern lesson and such forms of work with teachers as:

  • thematic pedagogical councils:"Lesson and child's health", "Motivation of students' activity in the lesson and creation of conditions for its implementation", "System of pedagogical design of the lesson in the conditions of different educational technologies"
  • instructive and methodological meetings on a methodological topic: "Alternative lessons in the practice of the teacher's work", "Development of subject competencies of students in the lesson", "Integrated lesson. Types of integration”, “Main stages of research search”, “How to make a presentation for the lesson” and others.

Open lessons at the municipal and institutional levels:

  • in the framework of city seminars for deputy directors: "Comprehensive use of health-saving technologies in the educational process", "Organization of the work of the profile seasonal camp" Planet of Knowledge ", for teachers of history and social studies: "Civil law education through a modern lesson", for teachers of the Russian language and Literature: "The development of critical thinking through reading and writing"
  • as part of the implementation of the municipal project "Lessons as a gift"
  • within the framework of the institutional "Panorama of Open Lessons".

The management of a modern educational institution today is impossible without obtaining systematic, operational, reliable information as a means of feedback. Pedagogical diagnostics as a technique by which the nature and essence of the process under study can be determined can serve as a means of obtaining such information.

To carry out high-quality work on a methodological topic, a survey was conducted with school teachers: “Studying the degree of difficulties in preparing for a lesson”, “Difficulties in organizing a school lesson”, which makes it possible to identify teachers' difficulties in designing individual stages of lessons, developing students' communicative skills, using active forms conducting lessons. The identified difficulties of teachers helped to qualitatively plan and implement corrections in the work of teachers on the structure of the modern lesson.

Visiting lessons by the administration, leaders of the School of Education, mutual visits, analysis of diagnostic questionnaires show that the recommendations of the pedagogical councils and IMS are used by teachers in their work. At the same time, there are still problems with the organization of the stages of goal-setting and reflection, the rational distribution of students' work time in the lesson. The proportion of young professionals attending classes with their colleagues is low.

self-education- the main and most accessible source of knowledge. Until recently, teachers developed a plan of work on the topic of self-education. The choice of topic was based on the assessment of the teacher's activity, the vision of each of his personal and professional problems, the ability to correctly formulate goals and consistently solve them, the ability to design and control their activities. But the plan reflected only one side of the teacher's work. There was a need to develop an individual plan for the professional development of a teacher, which has a broader structure.

The structure of writing a plan for the professional development of a teacher includes the following areas:

  • The study of psychological and pedagogical literature
  • Development of software and methodological support for the educational process
  • Work on the topic of self-education
  • Participation in the system of school methodological work
  • Education in courses in the system of advanced training outside the school
  • Leading the professional development of other teachers
  • Work in the governing bodies of the school (Indicate the bodies in which the teacher works (trade union committee, Governing Council, PMPK, ShSP), as well as his functional duties)

Writing a plan is a creative work, and how much it becomes in practice depends largely on the leadership of the school. It is important that the procedure for developing an individual plan itself does not become formal. Therefore, the entire teaching staff took part in the development of the structure of the professional development plan; when writing plans, the methodological service of the school provided advice to individual teachers on the rational use of this or that material to acquire and improve the necessary competencies, the capabilities of the methodological work system of the school and the municipal methodological service.

A special role in the process of professional self-improvement of the teacher plays its innovative activity. In this regard, the formation of the teacher's readiness for it is the most important condition for his professional development.

If it is enough for a teacher working in the traditional system to master the pedagogical technique, i.e. a system of teaching skills that allow him to carry out educational activities at a professional level and achieve more or less successful learning, then the teacher’s readiness for innovation is decisive for the transition to an innovative mode.

In November 2010, a survey was conducted to determine the level of readiness of the team for innovative activities. This issue is relevant, because. The team has begun to develop a new Development Program, the main directions of which will be implemented through projects. The purpose of the survey was to determine the level of readiness of teachers to learn new things, the desire to master certain innovations, and the survey allowed the management team to correctly build a series of methodological studies, workshops, teachers' councils that would help teachers improve their professional skills. In general, it should be noted that the school staff quite adequately perceives the need to introduce innovative processes, does not follow them blindly, weighs the pros and cons of introducing a new one. This is fully facilitated by the stability of the teaching staff, the high level of staff qualifications, effective managerial support for innovative processes in the school, sufficient theoretical and practical training of school teachers on innovative activities. However, today the management team must successfully solve the following tasks:

– create a system of motivation and stimulation of participants in innovation processes;
- to provide effective methodological support for the activities of teachers implementing innovations.

The innovative activity of teachers at the school is represented by the following areas: approbation of new generation textbooks, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the development of modern pedagogical technologies, social design, the creation of individual pedagogical projects.

One of the ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher is to participation in professional skill competitions:

Over the past two years, 23 teachers (46%) took part in professional skill competitions at All-Russian, regional, municipal competitions. We have 11 prizes.

We believe that the activity of participation of teachers in competitions is not high due to the lack of internal motivation, the workload of teachers, and the high cost of competitions.

One of the leading forms of professional development is studying the experience of colleagues, broadcasting your own experience. Over the past two years, 21 teachers of the school (39%) broadcast their experience at pedagogical conferences of various levels. , regional conference "Problems and prospects of teacher training in the context of the introduction of new educational standards and others)

An indicator of the creative activity of teachers, a mechanism for improving the quality management of education is certification of teaching staff. Teachers undergo an attestation procedure according to a long-term plan. In connection with the change in the certification procedure, a series of instructive and methodological meetings were held to familiarize school teachers with the legal framework governing the new certification procedure for the first and highest qualification categories;
individual and group consultations on filling out the teacher's electronic portfolio. In the 2010-2011 academic year, all declared teachers successfully passed the certification procedure for 17 teachers (32.7%), and the number of certified teachers increased by 12% compared to the 2009-2010 academic year.

Actively passing teacher training in advanced training courses in priority areas, determined by the educational institution and the municipal education system: the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the preparation of students for the GIA and the Unified State Examination, the modeling of the issues of the modern lesson, the organization of work with gifted children. Every year, up to 30% of teachers take part in advanced training courses, participate in scientific and practical seminars and conferences.

The results of the effectiveness of the course preparation are tracked through the plans for the professional development of teachers and the final diagnostic cards.

Such cards are annually filled in by teachers on the basis of the Regulations on the rating assessment of the level of methodological work of a teacher. On the basis of maps and introspection of the teacher's activity, the administration has the opportunity to track the level of the teacher's methodological activity and the growth of his professional skills. Self-analysis helps the teacher plan the work to develop his professional competence in a new quality and at a higher level.

Managing the development of the teacher's professional competence, we do not stop only at traditional forms of work. New forms of work with teachers include:

  • active forms when conducting instructive and methodological meetings, pedagogical councils: methodical ring, brainstorming, organized dialogue, problem situation, work in small creative groups;
  • method week, including holding a panorama of open lessons, pedagogical readings on the topic of self-education of teachers, thematic pedagogical council;
  • school competitions of professional skills which give the teacher the opportunity to disseminate innovative experience among colleagues, contribute to the professional self-determination of young teachers.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, school competitions of professional skills were held for the first time: “Your name is the Teacher!”, dedicated to the year of the teacher, “Computer presentation for the lesson”. 48% of teachers took part in the competitions.

For the quality of the competitions, Regulations were developed, organizing committees for the organization and conduct of competitions were created, and the composition of the jury for evaluating the competitive works, which included representatives of the administration and teachers, was determined.

It should be noted that none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. There are two ways to implement the professional development of a teacher:

– through self-education, i.e. own desire, goal setting, tasks, consistent approach to this goal through certain actions;
- due to the conscious, necessarily voluntary participation of the teacher in the events organized by the school, i.e. the factor of the influence of the surrounding professional environment on the motivation of the teacher and his desire to professionally develop and grow.

Hence the need to motivate teachers and create favorable conditions for their pedagogical growth.

The diagnostics carried out by the head of the school as part of the study of the issue of motivation for the professional development of teachers made it possible to determine the techniques and methods that contribute to increasing the motivation for professional development for various categories of teachers in our educational institution, as well as to build a model for managing the motivation for the professional development of teachers. This model will be implemented subject to the creation of a certain environment that provides an atmosphere of inspiration and a desire to work productively. The following can be identified as priority areas for creating a motivational environment:

- the formation of sustainable motivation for professional development (emphasis on the value-motivational aspects of professional activity and the need for teacher self-development);
– psychological support for the professional development of teachers;
– renewal and development of the system of advanced training of teachers and their training in an educational institution;
- strengthening of individual and differentiated work with the teacher, planning his professional career.

The quality of student learning depends on the quality of the teacher's work. Analysis of the results of educational activities is directly determined by the level of professionalism of teachers.

The students of the school have been showing stable results of their educational activities for many years. This is evidenced by monitoring maps.
In the 2010-2011 academic year, the percentage of students' progress in the I and II levels of education increased, in the whole school it increased by 0.5%, the quality of knowledge in the I and II levels increased, and in the whole school by 3.6%. The targets set by the school have been met.

Graduates of the 9th grade have maintained a stable quality of knowledge in elective subjects compared to last year, which ranges from 50% to 100%, despite the fact that the number of graduates who have chosen federal-level exams has increased from 19 to 43 people ( more by 24 graduates). The problem remains the low quality of the results of 9th grade students in mathematics. The problem is solved through the organization of a systematic, systematically built work to prepare students for passing the GIA in the current academic year.

The proportion of students who have become prize-winners and winners of various competitions, olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences has also grown significantly.

(In city subject Olympiads - an increase of 46%, in city creative competitions, festivals, NPC - by 17%, in regional, all-Russian, international Olympiads, competitions, festivals, NPC - by 60%).

Thanks to purposeful, systematically built work to develop the professional competence of teachers, the school takes 2nd place in the rating of general educational institutions of the city.

In modern conditions, only an active life position, improving professional skills helps the teacher to ensure one of the most important rights of students - the right to quality education.

Development of professional competencies of a young teacher in accordance with the requirements of a professional standard.

Just as no one can give to another what he himself does not have, so he cannot develop, educate and educate others who is not himself developed, educated and educated. He is only able to actually educate and educate as long as he himself works on his own upbringing.

A. Diesterweg.

In modern society, there are rapid updates in all areas of professional activity; new, higher requirements are imposed on the professional development of young specialists. The Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education focuses on the fact that a developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising young people who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, who are capable of cooperation, are characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, are ready for intercultural interaction, have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, for its socio-economic prosperity. The school should have not just a subject teacher, but a creative organizer, a creatively developed person who is able not only to educate and educate a child, but also to develop him as a person.

The definition of the professional competence of a teacher in our education has appeared relatively recently. Now the issue of forming the professional competence of a teacher is more relevant than ever in the pedagogical community.

In the pedagogical dictionary, professional competence is defined as "a teacher's possession of the necessary amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the formation of his pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication and the teacher's personality as a carrier of certain values, ideals and pedagogical consciousness."

Thus, the responsibility for acquiring practical work experience rests with the educational institution and the mentor, who is usually "attached" to the young specialist. The quality depends on the level of the mentor and the teaching staff in which the young specialist enters. The main ways of forming professional competence at this stage are the Young Teacher School and mentoring. Whether professional competencies are being formed in a young teacher, which are undoubtedly very important for further pedagogical work, is unclear if one does not know the work plans of the administration of a particular school for working with young specialists.

On the way to improve and develop professional competence, a young teacher will have to go through the following stages:

1. Work in methodical associations, creative groups

2.Research activity

3. Innovative activity, development of new pedagogical technologies

4. Active participation in pedagogical competitions, scientific and practical conferences

5. Transmission of own experience

However, none of these stages will be effective if the teacher does not feel the need to improve their own professional competence. It follows from this that it is necessary to ensure the creation of favorable conditions for pedagogical growth and stimulate the internal motivation of young teachers. The problem of managerial assistance to young teachers is quite relevant today.

Starting a professional activity in an educational institution, a young teacher must be fluent in pedagogical technologies of this type, such as diagnostics, goal-setting, forecasting, master the methods and means of pedagogical influence, the skills of organizing various types of student activities, the ability to connect personal, differentiated and individual approaches in educational and upbringing process, as well as to overcome difficulties in communication with students, parents, colleagues and administration.

Everything is new: a social role, new relationships with people. A new personal situation - responsibility for the quality of their work, the result expected by teachers, students, parents.

The lesson is the most important condition for the formation of universal learning activities.

Primary school is the foundation of every person's education. Today's junior schoolchildren, of course, do not look like their peers in the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century. The new generation is Russian citizens with new thinking, motivated to innovative behavior. Therefore, it is important to form in a younger student such a key competence as “the ability to learn”.

In this regard, other requirements began to be imposed on the Russian education system. So, in primary education, the most important task is the formation of universal educational activities - the ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills. A special place in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is given to the formation of universal educational activities (UUD).

Universal learning activities were developed by a group of psychologists under the guidance of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of Moscow State University A.G. Asmolov. The methodological and theoretical basis of UUD is the system-activity approach of L.V. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonina, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydov. The authors of the second generation of standards consider UUD as providing the student with the opportunity to act independently in obtaining education.

Universal learning activities (UCA) are divided into 4 groups: regulatory, personal, communicative and cognitive.

The task of the teacher is to create conditions for the formation of UUD at each stage of the lesson and determine which of the methods are the most effective, to understand what is the role of the teacher and student at each stage of the lesson, to think over a system of questions and tasks that contribute to the formation of UUD.

Stages of the lesson that contribute to the formation of the above UUD:

Stage 1 - updating of basic knowledge

Stage 2 - formulation of the educational problem

Stage 3 - problem formulation, planning;

Stage 4 - the discovery of new knowledge;

Stage 5 - application of new knowledge

Stage 6 - reflection

When designing any lesson, the teacher must plan the formation of UUD: he must teach children to set goals and look for ways to achieve them; show the child's achievements in comparison with his early achievements; to involve students in the discovery of new knowledge; teach how to work in groups; teach self-examination; introduce different sources of information used to search for knowledge; learn to choose criteria for evaluation; learn to defend one's own opinion and respect the opinions of others; to teach cooperation between students and teacher. The teacher must remember that learning, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, should be built as a process of “discovery” by each student of specific knowledge. The student does not accept it in finished form, and the activity in the lesson should be organized in such a way as to require effort, reflection, search from him.

So, the student must be the master of his activity: set goals, solve problems, be responsible for the results. In order to cope with any task, the student masters universal learning activities.

The new Standard is result-oriented. Now not only knowledge, skills and abilities in subjects will be taken into account, but also interdisciplinary and personal results, that is, the development of a particular student, taking into account individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics, the student becomes an active participant in the educational process and does not just listen to the teacher who tells a new material, but learns to acquire knowledge himself.

If change is not managed, it will still happen, whether we like it or not. That's just not at all the fact that they will be exactly the way we want. Management is intended precisely to transfer the system to the desired state for us. To work in conditions that suit us. To do what we like. To get satisfaction from their work, and not exhausting fatigue and irritation.


1. Koreshkova M. N., Ryzhevskaya M. A. Formation of professional competence of young teachers [Text] / M. N. Koreshkova // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 24. — S. 466-469.

2. Ignatieva L. V. Pedagogical support for the formation of young professionals in educational institutions of the SPO [Text] / L. V. Ignatieva // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2016. - T. 19. - S. 108-111.