Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Speech breathing, speech tempo and use of pauses. Speech beats and logical pauses

2. Paralinguistic and extralinguistic systems of signs. The paralinguistic system is a system of vocalization, voice quality, its range, tonality. Extralinguistic system - the inclusion of pauses, coughing, crying, laughter, speech tempo in speech. In different age groups, different means are chosen for the implementation of non-verbal communication. Children often use crying as a means of influencing adults and conveying their wishes and moods to them. All these near-speech techniques increase semantically significant information.

3. The organization of space and time of the communicative process also acts as a special sign system, carries a semantic load as a component of the communicative situation.

4. A specific sign system - eye contact, which takes place in visual communication. In socio-psychological research, the frequency of exchange of views, their duration, change in statics and dynamics of a look are studied. Eye contact is tied to the study of intimate communication, and also indicates a readiness to maintain communication or stop it, encourages a partner to continue the dialogue, helps to more fully reveal or hide one's "I".

The process of communication is the process of exchanging information, when during joint activities people exchange different ideas and interests, moods, feelings.

Volitional manifestations of a person are largely determined by those to whom a person is inclined to ascribe responsibility for the results of his own actions. The quality that characterizes the tendency of a person to attribute responsibility for the results of his activities to external forces and circumstances, or, on the contrary, to his own efforts and abilities, is called the localization of control.

There are people who tend to explain the reasons for their behavior and their actions by external factors (fate, circumstances, chance). Then one speaks of external (external) localization of control. The propensity for external localization of control is associated with such personality traits as irresponsibility. Uncertainty in their abilities, anxiety, the desire to again postpone the implementation of their intentions.

If an individual takes responsibility for his actions, explaining them on the basis of his abilities, character, there is reason to believe that internal (internal) localization of control prevails in him People who have internal localization of control are more responsible, consistent in achieving goals, tend to introspection, sociable, independent.

Internal or external localization of control of volitional action, which has both positive and social consequences, is a stable quality of a person, which is formed in the process of education and self-education.

Empathy is a special way of understanding another person. This does not mean a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but the desire to emotionally respond to his problems. Empathy is opposed to understanding in the strict sense of the word. Empathy is “affective understanding” and its emotional nature is manifested in the fact that the situation of another person, a communication partner, is not so much “thought out” as “felt”.

The mechanism of empathy is similar to the mechanism of identification: the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to look at things from his point of view. The manifestation of empathy means that a person takes into account the line of behavior of another person (he treats it sympathetically), but he can build his own in a completely different way.

Prosody - this is the general name for such rhythmic-intonational aspects of speech as pitch, loudness of the voice tone, voice timbre, stress force.

Extralinguistic component of speech - the inclusion of pauses in speech, as well as various kinds of psychophysiological manifestations of a person (crying, coughing, laughing, sighing).

With the help of prosodic and extralinguistic means, speech flows are regulated, linguistic means of communication are saved. They complement, replace and anticipate (anticipate) speech utterances, express emotional states.

Sounds in their perception can be hot, cold, narrow, growling, bad, good, etc.

Sounds add up to words, which can be euphonious or dissonant. The abundance of hissing, whistling sounds and their combination is perceived as dissonant and forms certain emotions. This must be remembered when forming abbreviations and using foreign words in their Russian transcription.

Not only individual words, but also speech as a whole can be euphonious or dissonant. The euphony of speech is influenced by the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables and the alternation of short or long words associated with this.

Speech is euphonious, if short words alternate with long ones, then there is no feeling of “chopped speech” (“You are not a decree for me, I know it myself”) or “monotonous” (“The above instructions are, of course, known to respected colleagues”) speech. Before speaking, you should always check the text in terms of its harmony.

Observations show that smooth, calm, measured manner of speech is most attractive in communication. In the process of communication, the interlocutor will listen with great pleasure to a melodious, low, velvety, warm voice than a high, nasal, shrill, sharp, creaky, trembling voice.

In speech intonation performs various functions:

1) Communicative function - defines the main communicative types of statements (narration, question, motivation): "He has come." "He came? Come on!";

2) excretory function is:

In highlighting the degree of importance of segments of the statement;

In the special allocation of any element of the statement with the help of logical stress.


1. Non-verbal means play big role in the process of communication, because through a non-verbal channel information is transmitted that cannot be transmitted verbal means.

2. ask You submit a vacation schedule by the 20th.

ask You submit a vacation schedule by the 20th.

I ask you to introduce vacation schedule by the 20th.

Please introduce schedule holidays by the 20th.

Please provide a schedule holidays by the 20th.

Please provide a vacation schedule. by the 20th.

For business communication, you need to keep in mind that in Russian in circulation, whether it is a name or the words “mister”, “comrade”, the emphasis is usually placed on the first word:

Tatyana Petrovna, mister The president

In European languages, the emphasis is usually on the second word:

Herr Paul; Fray Schmid; mister Johnson.

3) emotional function- lies in the fact that with its help various emotional shades are transmitted to the statement.

Fast speech indicates excitement and concern about something. Slow speech reflects depression, grief, arrogance, or fatigue.

When excited, the voice becomes trembling and harsh. In a calm state, the voice is softer. With restrained discontent, “metallic” notes appear in the voice. The ideal voice timbre should be deep, "dark" and melodic.

Avoid pronounced emotional intonations associated with sharp jumps in tone, large frequency ranges;

Monitor the pace and speed of speech;

Observe the rules of euphony of speech;

Use full pronunciation style, that is, pronounce words clearly.

Very important in business communication "energy of speech": its expression and tonal variability. Listeners are impressed by such a manner of behavior when the speaker does not fuss, but speaks emotionally, without hiding his feelings and beliefs, conveying them with a variety of intonations. Often it is in intonation that the true meaning of the message lies. How we speak is, in many cases, more important than what we say.

It should also be noted a pause in business communication. the main task pauses- psychological. With its help, the speaker can attract attention and arouse interest among the interlocutors (if the speaker makes a short pause before and after an important message, then in this way he highlights it). A pause can be used between individual elements of thought: phrases, sentences.

The logic of oral speech

V.Є. Mikhailenko, V.V. Vann, S.M. Kovalev "Engineering Graphics"; Pdruchnik, Kiev, 2002, for students of the highest initial mortgages


2.Morse N.V. Fundamentals of informatics. Examination certificates: zapitanya and vіdpovіdі, Posіbnik dlya pіdgotovka іspitіv z osnovy іnformaticiki. middle lays of education, lyceums and gymnasiums of all types, m Dnipropetrovsk, “Technical book”, 2000

The logic of oral speech - develops the ability to convey a thought in sounding speech. Possession of the logic of speech makes it possible to convey the thoughts of the author contained in the text in sound, helps to organize the text in order to accurately and meaningfully influence the viewer.

The rules of logical reading of the text are based on the peculiarities of Russian intonation and grammar of the Russian language.

When pronouncing any text, we strive to ensure that it is, first of all, understood by the addressee, reached the meaning of the statement. The meaning of the statement is the primary logic of the text, embedded in the intonation. In written speech, the function of intonation is performed by punctuation marks. They allow the reader to understand the primary logic, level of meaning text. In this section, we will only talk about the primary logic of meaning, since there is still text meaning level- these are subtexts, images, hidden unmanifested thoughts of the author. Punctuation in writing in oral speech is replaced by voice intonation techniques. There are certain laws and rules of oral speech, rules of intonation of punctuation marks, which are acquired by native speakers along with the language. When we say our text, we do not think about where to pause or raise our voice. Your text is our thought, verbally voiced. The logic of this thought is clear to us, and our intonation follows this logic. It is more difficult to deal with other people's texts, the logic of which is not internally appropriated by us. The teacher in his lessons often has to use other people's texts: read excerpts from fiction, journalism, documents, etc. These introduced texts act as arguments in the speech of the teacher, and I would like their meanings to be clear to the students. Knowledge of the logical laws of oral speech will help the teacher most effectively apply the citation of author's texts, make them understandable and convincing for the student.

The meaning of any text is understood by us not from individual words, but from groups of words that are called speech beats(link, syntagma). The division of the text into speech beats is necessary for the design of thought, this is a way of organizing oral speech, in which the meaning of the statement is conveyed as much as possible. Words in a sentence are grouped around the subject, predicate, circumstance, etc., forming semantic groups. Speech measures can consist of one or more words that complement or relate to the subject, predicate, etc., they can represent a complete thought or only a part of a thought. All words in the speech tact are pronounced together, in one breath. Sometimes the speech tact is a complete thought. Much more often it is only part of the thought.

Speech beats are separated from each other logical pauses connecting and separating. Usually, punctuation marks indicate the need for a pause, but there can be many more logical pauses in a sentence than punctuation marks. Logical pauses are of great importance for the accuracy of the transmission of thought, and can be expressed as a simple stop - pause stop, but can be expressed as a change in tone of voice - intonation pauses. These changes in the pitch of the voice during the transition from one speech measure to another give an intonational variety of speech. In the logical analysis of the text, pauses in the letter are indicated by:

· / - connecting intonational pause is placed between speech measures or sentences that are closely related in meaning. Requires a voice raise.

“Greenish waves, / running up to the yellow sand, / dumped white foam on it.”

· // - longer connecting-separating pause stop. It also needs to raise the voice.

“Greenish waves, / running up onto the yellow sand, / dumped white foam on it, // it melted on the hot sand with a soft sound, / moistening it.”

· /// - a separating pause of a stop is placed between sentences, semantic and plot pieces. Requires tone down.

“With these words, he rolled over on one leg and ran out of the room. /// Ibrahim, left alone, hurriedly opened the letter.

· backlash (air) for air intake. With the help of a backlash, a semantic word is highlighted that they want to pay special attention to.

Mandatory logical pauses not marked with punctuation marks:

1. A logical pause is placed between the subject group and the predicate group, if the subject is not expressed by a pronoun. In simple uncommon sentences that consist of a subject and a predicate, a pause is not needed.

- "Hushed pupils / listened attentively."

- "They listened carefully."

- The students listened.

- "It's raining. / The bell is ringing. / Masha has come."

2. Between two subjects and two predicates before the connecting union "AND", "YES", the divisive union "OR", "OR".

- "Elena printed the letter / and read it."

- "Complete ruin / yes poverty reigned around."

- "They had to die / or surrender to the mercy of the winner."

3. in inverted sentences. In Russian, the usual, direct word order in a sentence is as follows: the subject before the predicate, the definition before the word being defined, the object after the word to which it refers. Violation of the direct word order is called - inversion(reverse order, permutation), and a sentence with a violation of word order - inverted.

In inverted sentences, a different arrangement of logical pauses is required than in sentences with direct word order.

Sentences with direct word order:

1 2 3 4 5

View of the town / opened behind the nearest mound.

1 2 3 4 5

Grocery convoy / arrived at the end of the week.

A logical pause is placed on the border between the subject and predicate groups. When the words were rearranged in these phrases, explanatory words with the verb were distinguished, specifying the place and time of the action (“outside the open window”), and the subject and predicate were in the same speech tact.

Inverted sentences:

4 5 3 1 2

Behind the nearest mound / a view of the town opened up.

4 5 3 1 2

At the end of the week / a food wagon arrived.

Sometimes in inverted sentences not only the place of logical pauses changes, but there is also a need for an additional pause.

Sentence with direct word order:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Our fellow traveler / took a seat at the window not by chance.

Inverted sentence:

6 1 2 3 4 5

It is no coincidence that / our fellow traveler / took a seat by the window.

4. In place of the missing word, which is implied and can easily be restored, a logical pause is required. This pause is necessary regardless of whether the text contains a dash, which usually indicates such a gap. The duration of the pause depends on the length of the missing word or words.

- "In the whole house / silence."

- “He goes to the right - / the song starts,

To the left - / tells a fairy tale.

5. On explanatory words with verbs. If there are several groups of explanatory words with the verb, specifying the place, time of action, then even in the absence of commas, each such group is separated from the next by a pause.

- "Once in the autumn / I was returning from Bakhchisaray / to Yalta / through Ai-Petri."

- "Hadji Murat / lived for a week in the fortification / in the house of Ivan Matveyevich."

6. Pauses and stress highlight a word pronounced ironically, with the opposite meaning.

- "The day turned out / extremely /" successful "".

7. A quotation or title stands out with pauses and stress.

- “On the door / there was a sign / “Office / Horns and hooves””.

intonation speech pronunciation pause

Pause (Latin pausa, from Greek pausis - “cessation, stop”) is a temporary stop of sound, during which the speech organs do not articulate and which breaks the flow of speech. But silence can also be expressive and meaningful. There is even such a science - pausology. The first US pausologist prof. O'Connor believes that pauses can say about a person no less than words, that in a conversation they take 40-50 percent of the time.

It is no coincidence that, speaking about the opening of the Moscow Art Theater, about the first performance, about how the actors played and how the audience accepted them, Nemirovich-Danchenko also writes about ... pauses: pauses are not empty, but filled with the breath of this life and this evening; pauses in which an unspoken feeling was expressed, hints of character, halftones. This means that pauses convey the mood of the speaker, his emotions, contribute to the disclosure of his character. But pauses are still not words. They are only hints, semitones. One must guess about the meaning of pauses, one must be able to understand, to catch their meaning.

A fine connoisseur of stage art, well aware of the possibilities of a living, oral word with its variety of intonations and pauses, Nemirovich-Danchenko understood that there are different pauses. He wrote: the pauses are not empty, but filled.

What did Vladimir Ivanovich mean when he contrasted empty pauses with filled ones? What pauses did he consider empty? In a letter to K.S. We read to Stanislavsky: “First of all, the role is to know how “Our Father” is, and to develop fluent speech, not streaked with pauses, fluent and easy. So that the words flow from your lips easily, without tension. This, it turns out, is the reason for the appearance of empty pauses in stage speech. This is poor knowledge of the text of the role, when the actor is constantly thinking about what to say next.

Empty pauses are found not only on the stage, but also in everyday life. The student did not learn the lesson, but he was called to answer. He stands at the board and toils. He will say a few words and,., pause, waiting for clues. There are other situations as well. There are people who are very limited, their intellect is poorly developed, they read almost nothing, they know little. When they enter into a conversation, their speech is “dotted” with pauses that mean nothing, do not carry any information. Such pauses do not create comfort during communication, they drag out the conversation, and even annoy some interlocutors.

Someone may object: “But a person, when he speaks, must think about what and how to say. This takes time, so he pauses. Is it bad?"

Of course not! Hesitation pauses, i.e., pauses of reflection, reflection, should not be confused with an empty pause generated by the absence of thought. problem, they are looking for a solution to the issue, thinking it out loud. Pauses help speakers to formulate their thoughts into sentences, to find the best, most accurate and clear form of presentation. Pauses of reflection occur anywhere in the utterance and reflect fluctuations in the choice of possible speech means. They can be replaced by combinations of words: perhaps, to be more precise, it is better to formulate it like this, it would be more correct ..., no, it should not be said that way. After these reservations, a new formulation of the thought is given. Hesitation pauses are appropriate and necessary.

However, of greater interest to speakers and researchers of sounding speech are the pauses that accompany emotional speech.

A pause can also be called expressive-emotional - a reaction to the performance of a work of art. It can be a performance, singing, artistic reading, ballet, an orchestra playing, a musician's performance. Such a pause expresses the emotion of not one person, but many spectators and listeners and testifies to the highest degree of their enthusiasm. Such a pause is the highest reward for performers, masters of the stage.

There are other types of pauses. In order for speech to be clear and understandable, it is necessary to put the words in order before memorizing the test or saying it out loud, correctly combine them into groups, that is, into speech beats. Then it will be clear which word refers to which, how they are combined, from which segments phrases are made up.

Speech breathing is different from normal, so you need to use pauses and separately train speech to maintain even breathing.

Speech, if you do not take into account the whisper, is formed in the exhalation phase. For the continuous pronunciation of whole semantic segments, which facilitates the perception of coherent speech, an elongated exhalation is necessary. Inhalation during speech breathing, on the contrary, should be as short as possible in order to reduce the pauses caused by it between segments of speech.

In order to ensure a long exhalation, a larger supply of air is needed than with normal breathing. The volume of exhaled air reaches 1-1.5 liters during speech breathing instead of 0.5 liters during normal breathing. The increase in the volume of air used in speech is achieved by taking a deeper breath, as well as by expending part of the reserve air. The need for a quick and deep breath determines such a feature of speech breathing as inhalation, including through the mouth, and not only through the nose, as in normal breathing, since the narrowness of the nasal passages prevents a quick and deep breath through the nose.

Another feature of speech breathing is that exhalation during speech is carried out with the active participation of the muscles, primarily the abdominals. This is necessary in order, firstly, to ensure a deeper exhalation and, secondly, to form sufficient air jet pressure, without which sonorous speech is impossible.

Speech breathing: pauses.

A fast pace of speech is good, provided that all words are clearly pronounced. But people who speak very fast often don't pause to support normal breathing. A pause is also needed in order to breathe in the air, as if to "recharge" before continuing the speech, and to enable your brain to prepare what will be said, and the listener to realize what has already been said. Pauses give rest to both the brain and the body. Pauses give more meaning to information.

Pausing in speech is considered a sign of good manners. They give the impression that the interlocutor is given the opportunity to insert a remark, if, of course, he so desires. In addition, pauses make it possible to monitor the interlocutor's reaction to what was said. Many of us speak quickly due to nervousness, and shallow breathing helps to reinforce the high rate of speech. Sometimes people try to speak faster so that attention moves to others. Often we are afraid that we are talking boring, that the subject of the statement is not worthy of attention, so we try to express our thoughts quickly. But this makes speech even more boring and useless. Some of us, not trusting ourselves, hesitate to just pause and try to fill in the gaps between words with all sorts of "mmm", "uh", "you understand", and speech takes on a tone of indecision.

If the pauses are too long, the statements sound arrogant, as if we are forcing the interlocutor to be near while we think aloud.

People see that you pause to think, and this gives you additional authority.

If you find it helpful to learn how to pause while speaking, try paying attention to the regularity of your breathing as you speak. You should not frantically swallow the air, no matter how quickly you want to speak out. Remember that pauses also relieve general tension in the body. Also, keep an eye on how people you are interested in use and fill in the gaps.