Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Rinz - Russian Science Citation Index - Internauka Publishing House.

Science citation indices

Terms and Definitions

Citation Index- the number of references distributed over the years to the work of an individual scientist or a scientific team as a whole.
Citation index of scientific articles / Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Scientific journal citation index- the number of references distributed by years to articles from this journal.

Impact factor- the ratio of the number of references that the journal received in the current year to articles published in this journal in the previous two years, to the number of articles published in this journal in the same period. Thus, the impact factor is a measure that determines the frequency with which an average cited journal article is cited. The impact factor reflects the quality of work published in journals through an assessment of productivity and citation, i.e., the scientific popularity of the journal.
Impact factor / From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sources of data for research in the field of scientometrics in most cases are citation indices - databases containing bibliographic information about scientific publications and citations of publications. The citation index is one of the key indicators widely used throughout the world to evaluate the work of researchers and research teams.

The main polythematic international scientific citation databases are the Web of Science and Scopus SciVerse databases. The first was created in 1961 by Eugene Garfield at the US Institute for Scientific Information, and later acquired by Thomson Reuters Corporation. In 2004, the Elsevier publishing house creates the Scopus database, thereby breaking the monopoly of Web Of Science in this market. Elsevier has set itself the task of creating the largest international bibliographic database of scientific information. In eight years, Scopus was able to overtake its competitor in terms of the number of indexed scientific journals.

So, to assess the impact of a scientist or organization on world science, to determine the quality of scientific research conducted, statistical data from the Science Citation Index (SCI) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published by Thomson Reuters, make it possible. The SCI citation index (or its Internet version Web of Sciences - WoS) contains bibliographic descriptions of all articles from processed scientific journals and mainly reflects publications in fundamental areas of science in leading international and national journals.

JCR - journal citation index determines the informational significance of scientific journals. Today it is recognized that the impact factor of a journal is one of the formal criteria by which it is possible to compare the level of scientific research in related fields of knowledge. When awarding grants, nominating for scientific prizes (including the Nobel Prize), experts will certainly pay attention to whether the applicant has publications in journals covered by JCR. The impact factor of a journal is a fraction whose denominator is equal to the number of articles that this journal published during a given period (usually a period of two years), and the numerator is the number of references (made during the same period in various sources) to the above articles.

The values ​​of the impact factor calculated in this way on the basis of data for a certain period, the publishers of JCR refer, as a rule, to the year immediately following this period. For example, if the impact factor was calculated from data for the period 2007-2008, the JCR would refer to this as the 2009 impact factor. The use of the impact factor as a criterion for evaluating a journal is based on the natural assumption that a journal that publishes a significant number of articles that are actively cited by other scientists deserves special attention. This implies that the higher the value of the impact factor, the higher the scientific value, the credibility of the journal.

Despite the rapid growth of the Scopus database, Web of Science is greatly benefiting in terms of the size and depth of its archive. This is especially true for entries older than 1996 - starting from that time, bibliographic descriptions of scientific publications in Scopus contain an article list of cited literature. Archival bibliographic records before 1996 may have gaps and do not contain lists of cited literature, which is important information for bibliometric tasks.

In Web of Science, some journals have been fully indexed since 1900. It should be noted that the “oldest” records in both databases date back to the 19th century. The selection criteria for scientific journals in both databases are quite strict, and the rejection rate is quite high. In addition, journals that no longer meet the selection requirements are excluded from the indexes, acquiring the Inactive status.

The choice of one or another citation index should be dictated by the goals facing the researcher or analyst. For tasks of retrospective analysis, the Web of Science database with its rich deep archive is more suitable. If we are talking about prospective tasks, foresight and forecasting, then it is more logical to use the Elsevier product with a wider coverage of competent modern sources of scientific information.

For the purposes of comparative evaluation of scientific organizations at the national level, it is logical to use national citation indices. This is due to the fact that not all world scientific publications are included in international indices. For example, only every tenth Russian publication is included in international indexes.

The relatively small percentage of Russian journals represented in international science citation databases is explained not only by the level of these journals or the general level of development of science in Russia, but also by a number of other objective and subjective reasons, among which the following can be mentioned:

Language barrier. Thomson Reuters mainly targets English-language journals, or at least journals that provide bibliographies and abstracts of articles in English.

The selection of journals is also influenced by the quality of the journals themselves, their compliance with international standards: the regularity of publication, the availability of referenced bibliography, the period from submission of an article to its publication. Citation also depends on the availability and availability of full-text electronic versions of journals.

Features of scientific development in different areas. There are whole areas of science that are developing relatively localized and, to a certain extent, closed within a country or region. This is especially evident in some areas of the social sciences and the humanities.

For an objective assessment of the scientific activity of Russian scientists, it was necessary to create a system that would take into account all the streams of publications and determine the total citation index of Russian authors and organizations based on publications in both leading Russian and foreign scientific journals. At the same time, SCI data can be used to analyze publications of Russian scientists in foreign and translated Russian journals, and for the bulk of Russian journals, such information can be obtained only by creating a similar mechanism for indexing scientific articles and referenced bibliography in Russia - the Russian Science Citation Index (Science Index) .

Citation Index (CI)- This is an indicator of the site's citation in the search engine, which establishes the prestige and significance of the resource. Citation index value is directly dependent on the number of links on other Internet resources. The IC rating is determined by search engines so that when ranking, more important resources are given out first, and then those with a low citation index.

There are several types of citation index. They appeared due to the fact that each search engine or directory defines IC differently.

The citation index is a measure that determines the number of backlinks.

  1. An index that determines the quality and quantity of links is called a weighted citation index (CCI).
  2. The indicator, the purpose of which is to determine the thematic similarity of the sites on which the link with the necessary resource is located. And, most importantly, he has the number of links when establishing the TCI.

It has already been said here that each search engine and directories has its own algorithm for determining the IC. For example, one of the most popular search engines in Russia, Yandex, uses a thematic citation index to determine the authority of a site. To increase the CI, there are some rules that are known to many webmasters. Although, in general, they do not work with cheating. With the help of TIC Yandex, we want to show you the principles of its operation in determining and show the existing methods for raising the thematic citation index.

As we already know TIC establishes the similarity of topics, therefore, it is important to choose the site to which links will be placed using this principle. The easiest option is to contact the administration of the site you need and offer them. When you offer an exchange, try to explain in detail and in an interesting way the benefits of this exchange. Try to make a few suggestions to the webmasters of those sites that are similar in topic and direction to yours. Most likely, the majority of site owners will agree with a profitable link exchange.

Related article: How to increase search traffic in a competitive niche

Another way to promote IC may be your participation in special exchange networks with a ring exchange of links. This can greatly increase the citation index and Yandex's TIC index. In addition, links located on external resources will increase the number of visits by Internet users, and this will also contribute to the overall development of the project.

IC can also be increased if you write interesting text content, and then offer it to be placed on other sites along with a link to your site. And if the written articles are interesting and informative, then many sites with topics similar to those of your site will be happy to host them. This will be very useful for you, as the Yandex TCI and, in general, the citation index will increase. In order to reduce the weight, it is necessary that on someone else's site there are as many of your links as possible. Therefore, when exchanging reciprocal links, immediately discuss the number of other links besides yours.

It is also necessary to take into account that when calculating the level of the Yandex TCI, internal links that serve to navigate from one page to another are not taken into account. But do not forget that Google considers such links and therefore for PR increase (Page Rank) it is necessary to create the link structure of the site correctly.

Checking for indexing of the site with which you will exchange links is very important, because most free sites are not indexed by Yandex and are not taken into account when calculating the TCI.

It often happens that when calculating the TCI of the search engine and the Yandex catalog, guest books, links from forums and electronic bulletin boards are not taken into account.

When distributing journals by the number of relevant (corresponding to the user's information task) publications, the method of counting the number of these publications can be used as the main indicator. Such a distribution is expedient when organizing self-information, that is, when highlighting the "core" of journals that the user himself should view. The distribution of the average volume of articles by authors, individual areas, authors and organizations (scientific or project), regions should be carried out in a tabular form through multifactorial indicators.

Thus, in the method of counting publications, the meter is the number of scientific products (books, articles, reports, etc.) combined by the general term - "publication". Although the scientometric indicator "number of scientific publications" has been developed better than others, in specific cases of its application, it is necessary to carry out a formalized procedure for "weighing" publications of different types and individual publications.

The distribution of scientists by the number of publications makes it possible to reveal not only productivity, but also the rank of a scientist, and, consequently, his significance. This helps to justify the inclusion of this researcher's work in the bibliography of his dissertation research. The distribution of publications by scientific fields for different countries provides an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the relative level of development of individual branches of science in countries, which can be used in developing a decision on the study of publications of a particular country as part of their research work.

Quote-index method

The citation index method is based on the obligatory citations in scientific publications; it is based on a scientometric indicator - number of links. This method is used to measure the parameters of science and the product of the work of a scientist - a scientific publication. Prospects for the development of the citation index method are largely associated with the development of computer networks for accounting for citations.

The distribution of journals by their citation is possible in several ways. One of them is the distribution by the number of references to them, the other - by the number of references to them, divided by the number of publications placed in these journals.

There are other scientometric methods for evaluating the scientific work of individual authors, scientific schools, branches of science, and the like.

In search of evaluation criteria in Western scientometrics, a "citation index" was proposed. In fact, this is the number of references to the work of this researcher in the relevant field of scientific knowledge for a specific period.

Citation Index

Citation Index (CI) - an abstract base of scientific publications, indexes the links indicated in the article lists of these publications and provides quantitative indicators for these links.

The first citation index was associated with legal references and dates back to 1873 (Shepard's Citations). In 1960, the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), founded by Eugene Garfield, introduced the first citation index for articles published in scientific journals, marking the beginning of such an IC as " Science Citation Index)", and then including the citation indices of the social sciences ("Social Sciences Citation Index") and the arts ("Arts and Humanities Citation Index"). Since 2006, other sources of similar data have appeared, such as Google Scholar .

Citation metrics

The main indicator of citation is the cumulative citation index - the total number of references to all the works of the author for the entire time of his activity. This index characterizes a scientist as such, actively working, provided that his work has more than 100 references over the past 7 years.

Other indicators are the number of indexed works (similar to the list of scientific papers) and the citation index of one work - the average number of citations per work included in the index.

hirsch index

The h-index (h-index) is a scientometric indicator proposed in 2005. American physicist Jorge Hirsch of the University of San Diego, California. The h-index is a quantitative characteristic of a scientist's productivity in terms of the number of his publications and citations of these publications. The index is calculated based on the distribution of citations of the researcher's papers.

By Hirsch's suggestion, a scientist has an index, and if his Np articles are cited at least and once each, while the rest (Np- h) Articles are cited no more than once each. In other words, a scientist with an index also published articles, each of which was cited at least once.

So, if a researcher has 100 articles published, each of which has only one link, his h-index is 1. The same will be the h-index of a researcher who published one article that was cited 100 times. Time (a more realistic case), if a researcher has 1 paper with 9 citations, 2 papers with 8 citations, 3 papers with 7 citations..., 9 papers with 1 citation each, then his h-index is 5.

Usually the distribution of the number of publications N(q) depending on the number of citations q for a very rough approximation corresponds to a hyperbole: N(q)" const × q1. The coordinate of the point of intersection of this curve with a straight line N(q) = q and is equal to the Hirsch index.

The h-index was designed to better measure a researcher's scientific output than simple measures such as total publications/total citations.

However, this index is only relevant when comparing scientists working in the same field of research, since the traditions associated with citation differ in different fields of science (for example, in biology and medicine, the u-index is much higher than in physics). Normally, the h-index of a physicist is approximately equal to the duration of his scientific career in years, while that of an outstanding physicist is twice as high.

Hirsch believes that in physics (and in US realities) h-index 10-12 can be one of the determining factors for the decision to grant a researcher a permanent position at a large research university; researcher level with h-index, 15-20, corresponds to membership in the American Physical Society; an index of 45 and above may mean membership in the National Academy of Sciences of the CELA.

The h-index is, of course, not perfect. It is not difficult to think of a situation where the h-index gives a completely wrong assessment of the significance of the researcher. In particular, the short career of a scientist is the basis for underestimating the significance of his work. So, the h-index of the French mathematician Evariste Galois is 2 and will remain so forever. If Albert Einstein had died in early 1906, his h-index would have stopped at 4 or 5, despite the extremely high importance of the papers he published in 1905.

Today, in Western countries, the citation index is recognized as one of the most effective world systems of scientific information. The structure of the citation index provides it with a fairly wide range of functions, the main of which are:

1) information retrieval to serve individual researchers and scientific organizations;

2) the use of links between publications to identify the structure of areas of knowledge, observation and forecasting of their development;

3) assessment of the quality of publications and their authors by the scientific community. A comprehensive assessment of the citation index allows you to evaluate scientific departments according to which scientists are included in them. It is widely used to evaluate journals, scientific societies, editorial boards, etc.

Task: discover h-index (h-index) any author, as well as his scientometric indicators (number of publications and number of citations) in eLIBRARY.RU (RSCI), Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar.

Summary of the article (click the item for a quick jump):

1. Hirsch index according to RSCI

Russian Science Citation Index () - bibliographic database of scientific publications of Russian scientists. As of 2017, the database contains more than 24 million articles. eLIBRARY.RU and RSCI are developed and supported by the Scientific Electronic Library company.

eLIBRARY.RU is an open platform where you can watch everything for free. Author profiles and their scientometric indicators are available without registration.

So, on the main page of eLIBRARY.RU we find the block on the left " Navigator". Select the item" Author index", since it contains all the information about the authors indexed in the RSCI.

For our example, the author is important, which is in all databases. Therefore, the criterion for choosing the author was the maximum number of citations in the RSCI. On the Author Index page, we sort the authors by the number of citations, the rest of the sorting is optional. You can immediately search for a specific author by last name, city, etc.

As we can see, the main scientometric indicators are already displayed on the authors search page: the number of publications, the number of citations, and the Hirsch index. For more detailed statistics, you can click on the picture with the diagram, as shown in the figure.

Thus, the sought-after author Geim Andrey Konstantinovich. Let's give an example of searching for a specific author. In order to find a specific author, it is enough to insert his last name in the last name field (first name, patronymic - optional). Below is the result of a search by last name.

By clicking on the author's diagram icon, we will go to the "Analysis of the author's publication activity" page. The page displays the main indicators of the author and his place of work (binding by article). In order to find out if the author has an article in Scopus and Web of Science, you can Go to the right in the "Navigation" block by clicking the "Display a list of the author's publications" link.

Thus, we will have an idea whether the author has publications in Scopus and Web of Science. However, these data are rather inaccurate, since the system is such that it selects all articles of the journal that is currently included in the database, not taking into account the time factor of its inclusion, that is, some articles may not be in Scopus or Web of Science. This search can be useful if you do not know how the author transliterates his last name, often complex authors' last names, for example, Zuckerman can be spelled differently: Zuckermann , Cukierman, Zukerman , Zuckerman, Zukerman, Tsukerman, etc. The picture below shows that the searched author is always typed in the same way. Geim A.K. , the number of publications and citations in Scopus and Web of Science is also available for us, but the h-index is not available to us.

Summary of the RSCI

The RSCI is a convenient open system, however, some of the data can be classified as unreliable, since if a journal is included in the VAK list today, then all articles are automatically placed in the pool with "VAK" articles, which is wrong, since the list of journals can include only a year, and exist decades before that.

2. Hirsch index by Scopus is the world's largest unified abstract database that indexes more than 21 thousand titles of scientific, technical and medical journals from about 5 thousand international publishers.

The search results are shown below. We got 1 match.

On the left side of the page there is an interesting chart of citations and documents by year. As we can see, the author publishes about 20 publications annually, and the number of citations increases, for example, in recent years up to 20 thousand.

Scopus resume

In general, Scopus is a closed system, but the presence of open information makes it possible to assess the reliability of the information provided by the author. Scopus is clearly superior to the Russian system eLIBRARY.RU in terms of the amount of information processed.

3. Hirsch index by Web of Science

Platform web of science combines the Web of Science Core collection with regional citation indexes, patent data, specialized subject indexes, and a research dataset index, totaling more than 33,000 journals.

Search on Web of Science is not possible without registration, there is no data in the public domain. Log in with your username and password.

We select in the field indicated by the arrow "Author", then click on "Select from index". The author selection page is shown below, we type Geim in the search field and we get a list of similar names. You can choose one or two values ​​that suit. Next, click on the OK button below.

By clicking on the OK button, we again move to the search page. As you can see, the required surname and initials have been added to the search field.

Press the "Search" button. We get to the results page. To get the desired indicators of the author, click on the link indicated by the red arrow "Create a citation report".

We get a detailed citation report. As you can see, the searched author has 296 publications in total, the h-index or h-index is 96, and the number of citations is 139241 in 64313 documents.

You can also see a graph of citations by year and other information.

Web of Science resume

There is no way to go to the author's profile, the search is associated with difficulties, especially when searching for transliterated Russian surnames, the h-index indicator is calculated from the search results, the search may not be complete due to the omission of some articles. The biggest disadvantage is closed access.

4. Hirsch index by Google Scholar

As a result, we get a page with found articles. In case there is an active author profile, we can follow the link as indicated by the arrow in the picture below. There are no links, then the author is not registered.

Google Scholar in this case provides significant extended open source statistics. This author considers h-index and i10-index.

Google Scholar Resume

5. Comparison of indicators of the Hirsch index RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar

As a result, we considered data from 4 scientometric databases for one author. All data are summarized in a table for clarity.

As can be seen from the table, the indicators of Scopus and Web of Science are close, in the RSCI there is about 30% less data on publications. Google Scholar did not participate in the rating due to the lack of an author's profile, and, accordingly, reliable data. We also note that almost all databases provide open access to information about the author and his scientometric indicators.

The year 2005 can be considered the beginning of the Russian Science Citation Index project, when a Russian mechanism for evaluating and analyzing scientific publications was developed at the site of the scientific electronic library. The aim of the project was to create an objective indicator of the citation of domestic scientists. The number of publications before the start of the Russian index, falling into international ratings, was only 10 of all published.

What is RISC

The Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system is a domestic citation database for fundamental, academic and applied research.

At the moment, the database archive contains more than 12 million different publications, more than 600 thousand scientists, researchers, and teachers are actively publishing their works.

There are 11 thousand scientific organizations registered on the platform related to all branches of science. At least 3,000 new texts are added to the RSCI list every day.

The basis of the citation system is the indexing of all printed and electronic publications published in the specialized literature. Each publication of the RSCI list has an abstract index, which includes:

  • output,
  • text author,
  • meaningful words,
  • area/areas of study,
  • a short description of the article,
  • list of sources.

The RSCI system solves a number of the most important tasks of science:

  1. analyze and evaluate the citation of domestic scientists, professors, scientists;
  2. create a single complete list of scientific publications, an authoritative independent database;
  3. to form a multifunctional search system, a navigation system for articles, publications, specialized journals.

The Russian Citation Index is the main citation system in Russia today, which includes all information about various studies (monographs, manuals, conference proceedings, articles, dissertations). The RSCI database is in free public access. Official site.

Figure 1 - Main page of the RSCI website

The difference between HAC and RSCI

Some confuse the list of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and the list of the Russian index, which is fundamentally wrong. Publicism, included in the scientific database and VAK, are two separate catalogues.
The scientific database registry has been expanded to include the most authoritative periodicals in Russia.

The citation index itself is a tool that makes it possible to find out the level of periodicals, objective criteria for its importance and popularity (impact factor).

Every scientist or research organization strives for high citation rates in the RSCI as an assessment of effectiveness.

But the applicant for a scientific degree needs to publish his articles only in those journals that are approved by the Higher Attestation Commission.

The list of the attestation commission is much smaller. A journal included in the Russian citation database is not automatically included in the VAK.

Impact factor RSCI

The impact factor (IF) is a quantitative indicator of the value of a journal, its importance and significance. There are different approaches to calculating the IF: for two, three, five previous years. Many organizations define the factor in their own developed ways.

The impact factor of Russian journals is determined according to the classical method:

IF = a/b, where

a - the number of cited journal articles for the previous conditional period (2 or 5 years),
b is the number of all publications for the same conditional period.

The Russian Citation Index calculates two sets of IFs:

  • in the first factor for b, all references in all sources are considered, including texts without clear authorship;
  • in the second IF, only author's articles from domestic journals are taken to calculate b.

What is the core of the RSCI

In 2015, an agreement was concluded with Web of Science that a Russian database of cited articles would be hosted on their site. This includes the most successful domestic publications. The best journals, as well as individual articles included in the international database, form the core of the Russian citation index.
The development stage assumed that the "core" would include the TOP-1000 domestic journals. This TOP is not static, every year there is a selection of journals corresponding to a high level.

To date, the core consists of almost 700 copies of periodicals.

The difference between the domestic and foreign citation index is that the foreign index counts only “its own” publications, while all information is available to the Russian scientific citation index.
If a graduate student, young scientist or teacher needs an article not for “extras”, but for serious argumentation in the defense of a Ph.D. or deep immersion in science, then it is important to strive to publish the work in the TOP.

How to get into the RSCI

Registration in the electronic library RSCI elibrary ru is required if necessary:

  1. get access to all available materials of the electronic library;
  2. manage site navigation (save search history, customize the panel, etc.);
  3. form a personal selection of texts, publications, collections;
  4. enter the site, post the publication as its author.

To get into the search engine, you must first register as a user. This will enable entry and access to the entire RSCI database.

The Russian Science Citation Index can be used as an assessment tool, having passed the secondary registration, already as an author.

It will be possible to enter the database to use new services (publish or index your own article, calculate the index) no earlier than in a week (the process of checking the questionnaire and confirming registration takes so long).

Scientific journals RSCI

The electronic scientific library of the RSCI includes almost 7,000 titles. Of these, on the elibrary site:

  • 5600 publications are presented in full,
  • open free access have 4800 journals.

The RSCI list is regularly updated and expanded.
There is an index on the site - "search for magazines". Various parameters allow you to quickly find the edition you are looking for (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Catalog of logs included in the database

The RSCI list includes a variety of periodicals, which include (Fig. 3):

  1. highly specialized (from astronomy to linguistics),
  2. multidisciplinary journals (technical, humanitarian or in all areas of science).

Figure 3 - Thematic list of journals

RSCI conference

Since 2011, scientific conferences of the RSCI have been held, at which various aspects of scientific activity are studied. On the official website you can find information about both past events and upcoming ones.

Some universities hold similar events, as a result of which the most relevant materials, outstanding speeches, and conclusions are summarized in a common collection. The publishers of such collections strive to index them in the scientific citation base, but the publication does not always pass a rigorous check.

The publication in the RSCI of the results of a conference of a university is a criterion of high quality

Publication in the RSCI collection allows young scientists to increase their citation index. That is why not only professionals and narrow specialists, but also university professors and graduate students who are fond of science, strive to get into them.

E-library for authors

  • through the usual user registration, after which fill out an additional questionnaire (personal profile);
  • through the publishing house or organization where the author works or teaches (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Registration in the RSCI

  1. Enter "manually" a full abstract description of the published manuscript.
  2. Use a template with a link to an article already published on another site (if information about it is already in the database).
  3. Add an article using the DOI code (if the journal uses this method of identification). The article search procedure, in this case, is automatic.

How to find out the author's citation index

Determining the number of cited articles is an important factor for a scientist. The RSCI citation index is calculated automatically by the electronic library server. How to find out the RSCI index:

  • through the search "My citations" in the personal profile,
  • through the "Author's index", after filling in the full name column.

To find out your Hirsch index or your colleague's Hirsch index, follow the link to find the author. Enter the last name or other known search parameters. At the output, you can immediately see information about the citation of the author.

Next to the citation of publications is a colored icon, by clicking on it you can get detailed detailed information.


In 2011, the analytical part was “built on” over the common database - the SCIENCE INDEX system for organizations and publishers. The institution concludes an agreement, after which it can:

  1. add not only a new publication, but also monographs, results and conclusions of their own conferences, announcements of upcoming events on the basis of their institution;
  2. manage the entire set of tools necessary for the analysis and evaluation of publications (both at the level of an organization and department, and at the level of an individual scientist);
  3. carry out the most detailed analysis and calculation of scientometric indicators (individual and complex);
  4. independent control over publication activity.

The RSCI system requires additional registration, which is possible only after a thorough check. If the publications of the author or edition are approved by the Higher Attestation Commission, they can do this without difficulty. A separate heading in the personal user section is the paragraph “register in the system as the author of publications” (Fig. 5).

When concluding an agreement, a scientific organization prescribes in the agreement which of its employees will coordinate the work with the citation index.

Author ID and Author SPIN

  • Author ID
  • SPIN code

An individual AuthorID is assigned to each registered author. This personal number allows you to identify a person in the database, take part in scientific events, apply for grants, and publish in specialized periodicals.

ID search:

  1. entry to the author's personal page,
  2. the ID pointer will be under the full name.

With the introduction of the SCIENCE INDEX system, it became possible to independently analyze publication activity (refine lists, check publication, calculate the index).

This system requires additional registration, after which the author is assigned a SPIN code.

The definition of the SPIN code can also be found in the personal profile, which reflects its publishing activity

The RSCI covers an impressive volume of scientific publications by Russian authors. All forecasts indicate that in the near future the RSCI database of the Russian Science Citation Index will only increase. An important difference from international systems is that on the domestic platform you can register for free and have access to almost the entire citation database. The main functions of the Russian parameter are the analysis and evaluation of publications by Russian scientists, as well as the source and search engine of all specialized periodicals.