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The birth of a new European science summary. Presentation on the topic: the birth of a new European science

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THE BIRTH OF A NEW EUROPEAN SCIENCE Prepared by the teacher of history and social studies of the FGOU secondary school No. 4 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Latypova O.Sh.

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characterize the scientific achievements of the XVI-XVII centuries; to determine the main directions of scientific thought in Europe in the XVI-XVII centuries. understanding of the unlimited possibilities of the human intellect in revealing the secrets of nature and man; understanding the need for willpower, perseverance to achieve success in the goal LESSON OBJECTIVES PROBLEM

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1. New steps in comprehending the secrets of nature. 2. The universe through the eyes of N. Copernicus, D. Bruno, G. Galileo. 3. I. Newton's contribution to the creation of a new picture of the world. 4. F. Bacon and R. Descartes - the founders of science and philosophy of modern times. 5. J. Locke on the human right to life, liberty and property. LESSON PLAN:

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Features of the New Age 1) increased interest of a person in the world around him; 2) Expansion of knowledge about the boundaries of the world as a result of geographical discoveries 3) confirmation of the sphericity of the Earth; 4) the growth of cities 5) the development of manufactory production and the world market. THE BIRTH OF A NEW SCIENCE BASED ON EXPERIMENTAL KNOWLEDGE

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Copernicus N. Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world. He made a revolution in natural science, abandoning the doctrine of the central position of the Earth, accepted for many centuries. He explained the visible movements of the heavenly bodies by the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the revolution of the planets (including the Earth) around the Sun. He outlined his teaching in the essay “On the Conversions of the Heavenly Spheres” (1543), which was banned by the Catholic Church from 1616 to 1828. “He undermined the foundation of faith” NICHOLAS COPERNIK (1473-1543)

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“... The Earth is spherical, because it gravitates towards its center from all sides. Nevertheless, its perfect roundness is not immediately noticeable due to the great height of its mountains and the depth of its valleys, which, however, does not at all distort its roundness as a whole ... ”From the treatise of Nicolaus Copernicus“ On the rotation of celestial bodies ”(1543)“ He undermined the foundation of faith" NICHOLAS COPERNIK Copernicus in the observatory on the south tower of the Frombork Monastery

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"Enemy of every law, every faith." Giordano Bruno The ideas of Copernicus were continued by Giordano Bruno. He believed that the Universe is infinite and that he has no center. There are many stars, therefore, many worlds. Also, according to Bruno, faith is incompatible with reason and can only be characteristic of ignorant people. Bruno's views were considered heretical. After decades of wandering, he was captured by the Inquisition and burned at the stake. (1548-1600).

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: “... I believe that this world and worlds are both born and destroyed. And this world, that is, the globe, had a beginning and may have an end, like other luminaries, which are the same worlds as this world, perhaps better or worse; they are the same luminaries as this world. All of them are born and die like living beings, consisting of opposite principles. From the minutes of the trial of Giordano Bruno "Enemy of every law, every faith". GIORDANO BRUNO Monument to Giordano Bruno in Rome at the place of his execution set of worlds

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"A man of extraordinary will, intelligence and courage ...". GALILEO GALILEI 1564-1642 He was the first to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies and made a number of outstanding astronomical - Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician, who had a significant impact on the science of his time. discoveries. Galileo is the founder of experimental physics. With his experiments, he convincingly refuted the speculative metaphysics of Aristotle and laid the foundation for classical mechanics. During his lifetime, he was known as an active supporter of the heliocentric system of the world.

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Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury Galilei before the Inquisition. "A man of extraordinary will, intelligence and courage ...". GALILEO GALILEI “We are presented with a man of extraordinary will, intelligence and courage, capable of standing up as a representative of rational thinking against those who, relying on the ignorance of the people and the idleness of teachers in church vestments and university robes, are trying to strengthen and protect their position.” Albert Einstein

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"Completed the creation of a scientific picture of the world." ISAAC NEWTON he set forth the law of universal gravitation and three English physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", in which the law of mechanics. Isaac Newton built a mirror telescope, discovered new methods of mathematical calculations. His biggest discovery was that on the basis of the laws of mechanics developed by him, he built a new model of the interaction of celestial bodies. 1643 -1727

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“In philosophy there can be no sovereign, except for truth. We must erect monuments of gold to Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, and on each one write Plato, a friend, Aristotle, a friend, but the main friend is truth. From the notebooks of I. Newton One of the last portraits of Newton (1712) “Completed the creation of a scientific picture of the world.” ISAAC NEWTON

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"The best of all evidence is experience" FRANCIS BACON 1561 - 1626 - English philosopher, historian, politician, founder of empiricism, a major statesman, creator of the philosophy of the New Age. Bacon became widely known as an advocate-philosopher and defender of the scientific revolution. In the work of the New Organon, he proclaimed the goal of science to be nature, proposed a reform of the scientific method - referring to experience and processing it through induction, the basis of which is experiment, armed natural science with research methods, held the idea that true knowledge follows from sensory experience. increasing human power over

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“Knowledge and power of man coincide, for ignorance of the cause hinders action. Experience is the best of all proofs...” “The bee… extracts material from garden and wild flowers, but arranges and changes it according to its ability. So, a good hope should be placed on a closer and indestructible (which has not yet been) union of these abilities - experience and reason ”Francis Bacon“ The best of all evidence is experience ”FRANCIS BACON Statue of Bacon in the Trinity Chapel -college

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"I think, therefore I am." RENE DECARTES - the founder of science and philosophy of modern times, French philosopher, mathematician, mechanic, physicist and physiologist, creator of analytical geometry and modern algebraic symbolism, author of the method of radical doubt in philosophy, mechanism in physics, forerunner of reflexology 1596 -1650 Descartes' philosophy is anthropocentric: in its center is not the Divine mind, but the human mind. And Descartes proposes to study not the structure of the world, but the process of its knowledge.

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P-L Dumesnil. Debate between Descartes and Queen Christina "I think, therefore I am." RENE DECARTES "The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by great right than the disposal of his own desires." “It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well. The greatest souls contain the possibility of both the greatest vices and the greatest virtues.” Rene Descartes

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Enlightenment and liberal theorists. His influence 1632 -1704 "Intellectual leader 18 in" JOHN LOCK - British educator and philosopher, representative of empiricism and liberalism His ideas had a huge impact on the development of political philosophy recognized as one of the most influential thinkers reflected in the American Declaration of Independence. He created the theory of natural human rights: the right to life, the right to freedom, the right to property. In his works, the principle of separation of powers was first formulated, according to which it was necessary to differentiate the powers of the legislative and executive authorities.

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Slides captions:

The Birth of a New European Science Grade 7 New History Rogozina Lidia Nikolaevna

The birth of a new science The great geographical discoveries pushed the boundaries of the world, confirmed the thoughts of Europeans about the sphericity of the Earth, gave new knowledge about the people living there.

A new scientific approach In the Middle Ages, European science respected the principle of authority - the thoughts of the great scientists of antiquity were taken as truth. In the early modern era, curiosity and a critical attitude to reality make people personally observe natural phenomena.

Task: make a table "Basic scientific ideas" Scientists and thinkers, country Main ideas, discoveries

Question: What influence did the discoveries of scientists have on the formation of people's views? Answer the question at the end of the lesson.

Nicolaus Copernicus Great Polish astronomer (1473-1543). He made a revolution in science, abandoning the doctrine that existed for thousands of years about the immobility of the Earth.

Discovery of Copernicus The earth revolves around the sun and around its own axis. He decided to tell the world about his discovery by writing the book "On the rotation of celestial bodies." She left in 1543.

Giordano Bruno In 1600, Giordano Bruno was burnt on the Square of Flowers in Rome by order of the Church Fathers. (1548-1600)

Discovery of Giordano Bruno "The universe has no end, it is measureless and endless." It has no center - neither the Earth nor the Sun are the centers of the world. The universe is a countless number of stars, and each star is a distant sun, around which their planets move. The universe exists forever and cannot disappear.

Galileo Galilei Great scientist, astronomer, physicist, poet, comedy writer. (1564-1642) Observed heavenly bodies through a telescope. He discovered the moons of Jupiter, calling them the Medici Stars. Observed mountains on the Moon, spots on the Sun.

Discoveries of Galileo Galileo discovered not only new worlds - he formulated the laws of falling bodies, the motion of a pendulum and other laws of physics. His discoveries, made with a telescope, confirmed the teachings of Copernicus.

Isaac Newton 1643-1727 Based on the works of Copernicus and Galileo, he completed the creation of a new picture of the world. He discovered the law of universal gravitation, the laws of mechanical motion and the propagation of light, and new methods of mathematical calculations.

William Harvey 1578-1657. English physician and scientist, one of the most educated people of his time. Discovered the secret of blood circulation. His discoveries made it possible to learn a lot about the structure of the human body.

Francis Bacon 1561-1626. English humanist philosopher, creator of a new philosophy. He proposed a new method for studying natural phenomena - observations and experiments.

Rene Descartes “I think, therefore I exist…” In the knowledge of the world, Descartes attached great importance to mathematics, considering it a model and ideal for all sciences. He created analytical geometry, introduced the concept of a variable, algebraic notation. The main role in scientific research assigned to the mind.

John Locke All people are equal. 1632-1704 Developed the doctrine of natural, innate human rights: the right to life, liberty and property. He attached great importance to education and upbringing, which enrich the human mind.

Question: What influence did the discoveries of scientists have on the formation of people's views?

Homework Paragraph 10, answer questions 1-6.

Questions at the beginning of a paragraph

Question. What ideas about the world existed among Europeans in the Middle Ages? What are the processes and events in the development of European society in the XV-XVI centuries. influenced the change in old ideas about the world? What role did the invention of printing play in the development of scientific knowledge?

In the Middle Ages, Europeans imagined the world as flat, with the city of Jerusalem at the center of the world. Europeans had a poor idea of ​​the lands outside of Europe. India and China seemed to be semi-mythical countries. The world was also represented as an earthly city and a city of God. In the earthly city there was a struggle between God and the devil for human souls.

These ideas about the world changed under the influence of the Great Geographical Discoveries, the spread of the ideas of humanism, which called into question the previous church idea of ​​the world.

Typography has played a key role in the development of scientific knowledge, as accelerated the process and increased the scale of dissemination of knowledge. In the Middle Ages, books were available only in the libraries of large monasteries, where not everyone was allowed in and not all books were copied by the monks. With the advent of printing, these restrictions were removed.

Questions at the end of the paragraph

Question 1. Why do you think that at the beginning of the New Age, a person's interest in the world around him increased sharply?

Because the discoveries made at the end of the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the New Age cast doubt on the traditional picture of the world, which was formed on the basis of the Bible.

Question 2. Fill in the notebook table "The main scientific ideas that contributed to the development of new views on the world and society." Table columns: “Scientists and thinkers”, “Country”, “Main ideas”, “Discoveries”, “What new views did they influence on the formation”.

Question 3. Tell us about the structure of the Universe based on the teachings of N. Copernicus, J. Bruno and G. Galileo.

N. Copernicus. J. Bruno and G. Galileo laid down the modern idea of ​​the universe as an infinite space in which, according to certain laws, the movement of stars, planets and other bodies takes place. If earlier the Earth was in the center of the universe, around which the Sun moved, then scientists proved the heleocentric model of the universe. At the same time, if Copernicus believed that the Sun was motionless and located in the center of the universe, then Bruno, and then Galileo, proved that there are many stars in the universe around which the planets revolve.

Question 4. Explain the title of the part of the paragraph, which tells about the scientific discoveries of I. Newton.

This name was given because It was I. Newton who completed the creation of a new picture of the world, having discovered the law of universal gravitation, the laws of classical mechanics and the laws of motion, thereby moving from describing the universe to studying the laws of its motion. Newton's work showed that nature operates according to certain laws that can be studied.

Tasks for the paragraph

Question 1. What are the main difficulties in the activities of scientists in the early modern period.

The main difficulties in the activities of early modern scientists were: lack of knowledge, lack of equipment, the authority of the church, which could not be questioned, the persecution of the Inquisition.

Question 2. Compare the methods of cognition of the world proposed by F. Bacon and R. Descartes. Why are Bacon and Descartes considered the founders of modern philosophy?

F. Bacon, as the main method of knowing the world, proposed the method of reasoning from the particular to the general, based on experimental data. After all, only with the help of experience, based on experiment, it is possible to verify the reliability of knowledge. Bacon believed that true knowledge can only be obtained by combining theory with practice. R. Descartes believed that the basis of knowledge is the human mind. As the main method, he considered the method of doubting the correctness of scientific assumptions, as a result of this process, true knowledge is born. Thus, two scientists laid the foundation of modern philosophy: experiment and doubt.

Question 3. Explain how the new picture of the world, created by European science in the 16th-17th centuries, differed from the medieval picture of the world.

The new picture of the world created by European science differed from the medieval one in that it established not the divine essence of all things, but the exact laws by which development occurs, and also proposed new scientific methods for studying nature through observation and experiment, in contrast to medieval scholasticism, which was speculative and relied only on the Bible as a source of true knowledge.

Question 4. Discuss in class: what is independence of thought? Should a scientist have independent thinking? Support your opinion with facts from the life of early modern scientists.

The independence of thought lies in the fact that no one can impose a point of view that cannot be doubted. Any scientist must have independent thinking, doubt his own and other people's conclusions, only in this way science will move forward. For example, F. Bacon believed that any theory must be proven through experiment in order to be considered true. R. Descartes also considered, calling to doubt and look for arguments and evidence to confirm his views.

Questions for the document

Question. Read the documents and find in them the arguments used by Copernicus and Bruno to prove that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth, the Universe is infinite.

Copernicus: The earth does not revolve around the sun, because the immeasurable will not revolve around nothingness

Bruno: the universe is infinite, because it is unworthy to consider that God, possessing the ability to create, besides this world, another and other infinite worlds, created a finite world.