Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What does silicon react with? Silicon and its healing properties

Education is directly related to the process of socialization and social development. But life shows that "socialization cannot be reduced to the concept of" education "neither in the narrow sense, nor in the broad sense in which it is often used. Education implies, first of all, a system of directed influences, with the help of which they seek to form certain qualities and traits in a person, thanks to which a person joins the culture and becomes a full-fledged member of society. We can name the following features of the socialization process, which make it possible to distinguish it from education:

1) the relative spontaneity of this process, which is characterized by not always predictable, purposeful influence of the environment;

2) mechanical assimilation of social norms and values, which occurs as a result of the activity and communication of the individual, its interaction with the micro- and macroenvironment;

3) growth to the extent of maturation of the independence of the individual in relation to the choice of social values ​​and guidelines, the environment of communication, which is preferred.

The child is brought up in direct contact with adults. They tell her “what is good and what is bad”, encourage those actions of the child that correspond to moral norms and rules of behavior, and punish for guilt. Over time, this external control is replaced by self-control.

Every educator should remember that education is an extremely important matter on which the fate of a person depends. No wonder the French writer A. Saint-Exupery (1900-1944) emphasized that upbringing has priority over education, since it forms a person. Therefore, the educator should influence the pets in such a way as to help them learn and realize universal, national and moral habits and values, love for work, the Fatherland, parents, oneself, and so on. Of course, the statement of K. D. Ushinsky that the most important way of human education is persuasion remains relevant, since it is the basis of the human worldview. Worldview, in turn, is one of the main regulators of a pet's behavior.

Therefore, upbringing is extremely important for the formation and development of the personality, it must correct the influence of heredity and the social environment on a person by forming her inner spiritual world. At the same time, there are extremely opposite points of view on the effectiveness of education: from achieving any results through education (especially Soviet pedagogy insisted on this) to the complete denial of its capabilities. For example, Helvetius believed that education can do everything, and Voltaire - on the contrary: "from any education, my friend, escape at full sail."

The following functions of education in the formation of personality can be distinguished:

Organizational - the organization of activities in which the personality develops and forms;

Value-oriented - determination of life values, attitudes, content for the development and self-development of the personality of the pupil;

Preventive - prevention of negative influences on the development and formation of personality;

Preventive - isolating the individual from adverse conditions for its development.

The upbringing and development of the personality are dialectically interconnected, that is, the first not only influences the second, but depends on it, because the second determines the purpose, content and methodology of the first. At the same time, education should go ahead of development and determine its main guidelines.

The learning process is also educational in nature. Pedagogical science believes that the relationship between upbringing and learning is an objective regularity, just like the relationship between learning and development. However, upbringing in the learning process is complicated by the influence of external factors (family, microenvironment, etc.), which makes upbringing a more complex process. Educational function of learning actually consists in the fact that in the process of learning moral and aesthetic ideas are formed, a system of views on the world, the ability to follow the norms of behavior in society, to comply with the laws adopted in it. In the learning process, the needs of the individual, the motives of social behavior, activities, values ​​and value orientation, worldview are also formed.

The upbringing factor of education is, first of all, the content of education, although not all subjects have an equal educational potential. In the humanities and aesthetic disciplines, it is higher: the teaching of music, literature, history, psychology, and artistic culture, due to the subject content of these areas, provides more opportunities for personality formation. However, it is impossible to assert the automaticity of education in these subjects. The content of the educational material can cause unexpected, contrary to the intention, reactions of students. It depends on the already existing level of upbringing, the socio-psychological, pedagogical situation of training, on the characteristics of the class, place and time of training, etc. on this basis of views on life and activity.

The second factor in education in the learning process, apart from the system of teaching methods, which also influences the formation of students to a certain extent, is the nature of communication between the teacher and students, the psychological climate in the classroom, the interaction of participants in the learning process, and the style of guidance by the teacher of the cognitive activity of students. Modern pedagogy believes that the optimal communication style of a teacher is a democratic style, which combines a humane, respectful attitude towards students, provides them with a certain independence, and attracts them to the organization of the learning process. On the other hand, the democratic style obliges the teacher to exercise a leadership role and activity in the learning process.

Consequently, in order to realize the educational function of teaching, it is not enough for a teacher to know about the objective nature of the connection between teaching and upbringing. In order to have a formative effect on students in learning, the teacher must, firstly, analyze and select educational material from the point of view of its educational potential, and secondly, build the learning process in such a way as to stimulate the personal perception of educational information by students, cause their active evaluative attitude to the studied, to form their interests, needs, humanistic orientation. To implement the educational function, the learning process must be specially analyzed and developed by the teacher in all its components.

However, it must be remembered that the education of students is carried out not only at school and does not end there. Therefore, it is not recommended to completely subordinate the learning process to the goals of education. It is necessary to create conditions for the favorable formation of schoolchildren, leaving them the right, freedom and independence in the analysis of reality and the choice of a system of views. It is no coincidence that some trends in pedagogy (for example, existentialism) believe that the school should not form the views of students, but only provide information for their free choice. It seems that this is a utopia: as already mentioned, any system of education directly or indirectly forms the student's personality.

It should also be borne in mind that not only upbringing depends on learning, but vice versa: without a certain level of upbringing, the student’s desire to learn, the availability of elementary behavioral and communication skills, and the students’ acceptance of the ethical norms of society, learning is impossible. This is confirmed by the elimination of pedagogically neglected students from school.

a) creation of conditions for the purposeful development of members of society and their satisfaction of a number of needs

b) preparation of the "human capital" necessary for the development of society, sufficiently adequate to the social culture;

in) ensuring the stability of public life through the transmission of culture;

G) regulation of the actions of members of society within the framework of social relations, taking into account the interests of gender, age and socio-professional groups.

3. Features of the educational process

1. Education is long process It starts long before children enter school and continues after school. Helvetius (representative of French materialism): "All life is, in fact, only one long education." A person is educated or re-educated even in his mature years. He continues to accumulate and improve his labor, moral experience, expanding and deepening his knowledge, mastering aesthetic values.

2. The process of education - bilateral and active process. The pupil is not only an object, but also a subject of education. The task of the teacher is to instill in the student the need for introspection, self-esteem, self-education. It is necessary to awaken their inner activity, to develop their independence to the maximum.

3. The results of the upbringing process are hardly noticeable to external perception. It is quite difficult to check and evaluate the work of an educator. She sees at a temporary distance.

4. Education is future-oriented activities. Educational work should take into account not only the needs of today, but also the prospects for technical progress and social development. The teacher must be a good forecaster.

21 parenting method- a set of specific methods and techniques of educational work that are used in the process of forming personal qualities for the development of the need-motivational sphere and the consciousness of the educated, for the development of skills and habits of behavior, as well as for its correction and improvement.

22 general methods of education:· methods of formation of personality consciousness (story, conversation, lecture, dispute, example method)· methods of organizing activities and shaping the experience of public personality behavior ( learning, method of creating educational situations, pedagogical requirement, instruction, illustrations and demonstrations) · methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of the individual (competition, cognitive game, discussion, emotional impact)· methods of control, self-control, and self-esteem in education. 3. Methods for the formation of personality consciousness.Story - this is a consistent presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. Conversation as a method of education has been used since ancient times. In the Middle Ages the so-called catechetical conversation was widely used as a reproduction of questions and answers according to the textbook or the teacher's formulations. In today's school, conversation in this form is practically not used.

Educational methods includediscussions and disputes , although with no less reason they can be considered as methods of stimulating the cognitive and, in general, social activity of pupils. The structure of the holistic pedagogical process uses the methodexample . The emerging consciousness of a schoolchild is constantly looking for support in real-life, living, concrete samples that embody the ideas and ideals they assimilate.

23 First of all, it is important that the doctor remains an exceptionally sincere person, so that the feeling of kindness, cordiality, responsiveness does not become dull in him, in spite of any circumstances, does not turn out to be an external gloss, “duty” politeness, but would be a character trait, an internal need. As life shows, it is not easy and not for everyone to cultivate these qualities. A doctor as a person should have a high emotional sensitivity, indifference to the health and fate of people. Not only a higher medical education brings authority to a doctor. We need broad general development, a high cultural level, and intelligence. This will help the doctor more easily establish friendly relations based on mutual respect with patients, quickly understand the complex issues of pathologies and differential diagnosis, and get the best effect from the use of medications. The authority of the doctor enhances their action. In order to comprehend the inner life of the patient and treat accordingly, the doctor himself needs to be a person, combine an inquisitive mind, always striving for the beautiful, with a kind, courageous heart and an incorruptible civic conscience; one must strive to serve the patient not only with knowledge, but with his whole way of life. The doctor must be imbued with the consciousness that his position in society is special, that among non-physicians he should be the first, because the lot of his profession is to care not about the creation of human hands, but about Man himself. This will multiply his efforts in protecting people's health, strengthen the sense of belonging to the treatment carried out by his colleagues, personal responsibility for every life. Only guided by the ideals of high morality, the doctor will be able to fulfill his professional and civic duty to the end, to act in the way that the interests of the person, the people, the Motherland require it.

24 The modern domestic system of education is guided by the following principles:

    public orientation of education;

    connection of education with life, work;

    reliance on positive in education;

    humanization of education;

    personal approach;

    unity of educational influences;

    love for nature, animals, etc.

25 Self-education is a conscious and systematic work on oneself, aimed at the formation of such properties and qualities that meet the requirements of society and a personal development program.

  • 26Capabilities -- these are individual personality traits that are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain kind of activity.

There are three main features of the concept of ability:

1. individually - psychological, distinguishing one person from another;

2. not any individual characteristics, but only those that are related to the success of any activity or many activities;

3. abilities that are not reduced to the knowledge, skills, habits or abilities already developed by a given person.

28 In each family, a certain system of education is objectively formed, which is by no means always conscious of it. 4 tactics of upbringing in the family can be distinguished and 4 types of family relationships that correspond to them, which are both a prerequisite and the result of their occurrence: dictate, guardianship, "non-intervention" and cooperation.

Dictatorship in the family is manifested in the systematic behavior of some members of the family (mainly adults) of the initiative and self-esteem of its other members.

Guardianship in the family is a system of relations in which parents, by ensuring the satisfaction of all the needs of the child with their work, protect him from any worries, efforts and difficulties, taking them upon themselves. The system of interpersonal relations in the family, based on the recognition of the possibility and even expediency of the independent existence of adults from children, can be generated by the tactics of "non-intervention". This assumes that two worlds can coexist: adults and children, and neither one nor the other should cross the line thus outlined. Most often, this type of relationship is based on the passivity of parents as educators.

Cooperation as a type of relationship in the family implies the mediation of interpersonal relations in the family by common goals and objectives of joint activity, its organization and high moral values. It is in this situation that the egoistic individualism of the child is overcome. The family, where the leading type of relationship is cooperation, acquires a special quality, becomes a group of a high level of development - a team.

Of great importance in the formation of self-esteem is the style of family education, the values ​​accepted in the family.

3 styles of family education: - democratic - authoritarian - permissive

With a democratic style, the interests of the child are taken into account first of all. Consent style.

In the permissive style, the child is left to himself.

29 Principles of humane pedagogy:

humanize the environment around the child;

exercise creative patience;

accept any child as he is (do not break his will);

build a relationship of cooperation with the child (I am also a student, and he is a teacher);

be filled with optimism about the child;

show devotion and sincerity towards the child (the only protector of childhood is the teacher).

30 Pedagogical communication is a specific form of communication that has its own characteristics and at the same time obeys the general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, including communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

Pedagogical communication - a set of means and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training and determine the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students.

31 pedagogical culture is a component of the general culture of a person, which reflects the experience accumulated by previous generations and continuously enriched by the experience of raising children in the family.

The pedagogical culture of parents serves as the basis for the educational activities of parents. The success and effectiveness of home education of children depends on the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

Pedagogical culture includes several components: understanding and awareness of responsibility for raising children; knowledge about the development, upbringing, education of children; practical skills in organizing the life and activities of children in the family, the implementation of educational activities; productive communication with other educational institutions (preschool, school).

    35 Effective medical and professional training of a future specialist - a doctor of the 21st century requires a detailed analysis of the modern system of higher medical education, identification and definition of its problems, as well as contradictions in the context of a system-value approach.

    The professional and personal culture of a doctor should permeate all aspects of his professional activity. In this regard, the system-value approach is relevant in shaping the content of education for students of medical universities.

36 I. Preconventional level. At this level, the child reacts already to the cultural rules and scales of "good" and "bad", "fair" and "unfair"; Stage 1: Orientation to punishment and obedience. Stage 2: Instrumental-relativistic orientation. Right activity is action that satisfies one's own needs and sometimes the needs of others as a means (instrumentally). II. conventional level. At this level, the end in itself is the fulfillment of the expectations of one's own family, group, or nation, without regard to immediate or obvious consequences.

Stage 3: interpersonal adjustment or goodboy-nicegirl orientation. Good behavior is that which pleases, helps, and is approved by others. Stage 4: Orientation to "law and order". III. post-conventional level. This level is dominated by an obvious effort to define moral values ​​and principles that matter and apply independently of the authority of the groups and individuals that represent these principles, and regardless of the individual's identification with these groups. Stage 5: Legalist orientation towards the social contract. Right conduct is defined in terms of universal individual rights and in terms of dimensions that are critically tested and accepted by the whole society.

Stage 6: Orientation to the universal ethical principle.

19 Education- a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and students, their joint activities, during which education, upbringing and development are carried out.

Learning is divided into teaching and learning.

teaching- the ordered activity of the teacher, aimed at realizing the goal of learning, providing information, awareness and practical application of knowledge.

Doctrine- the process of the student's activity in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities (experience, creativity and emotional-value relations), during which new forms of behavior and activity arise, previously acquired knowledge and skills are applied.

39 The goals of education are specifically historical in nature. They are always specific not only for a certain era, but also for specific social systems or state institutions. Education always pursues certain goals, which currently come down to:

1. the formation of a person’s relationship to the world and himself, which involves such an upbringing of a person in which he clearly imagines the nature of his relations with the outside world, society or other people, correctly realizes his individual, emotional-volitional communicative-behavioral characteristics, takes his rightful place in society;

2. the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality, i.e. education of a person who combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, who rationally manifests his moral and psychological qualities, who is able to solve any and overcome various difficulties encountered on his way;

3. education of a socially competent person, which is a person who not only correctly understands and adequately evaluates his connections and the nature of interaction with other people, but also knows how to build good-neighborly and conflict-free relationships with them, to prevent manifestations of misunderstanding tension in society;

4. introducing a person to culture, i.e. the formation of his aesthetically and spiritually perfect, the development of his creative individuality;

Education in pedagogy is considered in several aspects:

In a social sense, it is the transfer of the accumulated experience of older generations to younger ones. Experience is understood as the spiritual heritage of mankind, which was created in the process of its historical development, namely: knowledge, skills, ways of thinking known to people, legal, moral norms, etc.

In the pedagogical sense, it is a special activity, a process of purposeful formation of a personality, involving a system of organized means of influencing the student.

Education must meet the requirements of society. If a society is building a legal democratic state, then a person must be educated in the spirit of citizenship, respect for the laws and norms of behavior. It is important to form universal human values, while taking into account that the social environment acts both spontaneously and purposefully.

Modern upbringing is humanistic, it reflects the socio-cultural (choice and implementation of a way of life and behavior), individual (self-development of the personality) and complicity (choice of values) directions in the development of the personality. Such education is technologically advanced (based on the laws of human perception and mental development), emotionality (forms emotional experience), dialogic (creates one’s own experience, and not its transfer), situational (the main tool is an educational situation), perspective (aimed at a developing personality) .

So, upbringing - this is a process of purposeful formation of a personality in the conditions of a specially organized system that ensures the interaction of the educator and the educated in the process of realizing common goals.

Consider the constituent components of this definition. "The process of purposeful formation of personality" means that the process can only be called education when it has a goal.

Speaking about the formation of personality, they mean the process of formation as the management of education, the creation of conditions for its implementation, the organization of educational activities, but not coercion or influence.

Formation involves two interrelated processes: pedagogical action and response activity of the pupil.

"Specially organized educational system". Why are we talking about the system? Because it is impossible to use any one method, method or technique in the process of practical activity. An effective result can only be obtained if they are implemented in conjunction, complementing and improving each other.

"Interaction between the educator and the pupils" - the process of education implies mandatory feedback, otherwise it is impossible to talk about the results of the teacher's activities.

The process of education is identified with the educational process. What happens during education? When interacting, the pupil acquires a certain experience, the transfer of which must be organized. Accordingly, the main task of the educator is to find a way to include the educated person in an activity where he can repeat what he saw, internalize it and reproduce it as his own activity. Thus, education is the process of organizing various activities. This approach in the theory of education is called personal activity. Its essence is that a person chooses from all social experience that which is closer to him by nature, more interesting.

Communication as the basis of diverse interpersonal relationships;

Management of personality development in the process of activity;

Development and socialization of personality.

In humanistic pedagogy, education is a process of effective cooperation between educators and pupils, which should lead to a given goal.

Target - it is an ideal anticipation of the result to which human activity is directed. The goal is specified in the tasks.

When determining the ideals of education, they rely on the ideal of a person adapted to new realities, a new society. Everything obeys the goals: content, forms, methods of education. Understanding the purpose of education makes it possible to select technologies for its implementation. The goal - the education of a comprehensively harmoniously developed personality - is enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", it:

Determines the content of the educational process;

Determines the educational result;

Serves as a criterion for the activity of the teacher;

Completely defines the system of education.

Allocate general goals of education (aimed at all people) and individual (for an individual).

In the process of goal setting, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics plays an important role not only as a separate activity, but also as a component of the educational process. It is necessary to know the various methods of studying the personality and be able to construct programs for studying the personality and the team from them.

The goal of education is always the same within one educational system, and there can be many tasks defined by the goal (general and specific). The goals of education are determined by the needs of the development of society and depend on the pace of social and technological progress, the capabilities of society, adults and children. What are the actual goals, the achievement of which can be seen as a result of educational activities? This is the development of the individuality of each person and his socialization, which is determined by the tasks of mental, moral, aesthetic, civil, labor and physical education.

Solving educational problems allows you to form the foundations of a person's culture.